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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 40 KB, 953x872, Krita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4809638 No.4809638 [Reply] [Original]

Nobody here seems to draw with Krita.

What software is better for drawing for beginners?

>> No.4809640

it literally doesn’t matter

>> No.4809642

Also what brushes should I use for sketching and lineart in Krita?

>> No.4809645

Hard Round Brush

>> No.4809653 [DELETED] 

Its said here 100's of times. Is it a meme?

But hard round and small still make sense and help focus on the proportions, gesture and the drawing

>> No.4809654


>> No.4809658

Very basic brush but it helps to focus on drawing the form

>> No.4809663


>> No.4809669

Loads of people here use krita. And its pretty good. Wont make you better though.

>> No.4809671
File: 478 KB, 1000x750, peace___by_tysontan-d760n42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4809673

fuck off fag

>> No.4809685

its great, and it's free. I used to draw with it, but now I prefer CSP

>> No.4809687
File: 595 KB, 714x1000, 1572989291123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Krita is good enough for probably anything you'll need it for. It does everything. Pic related was made with Krita.

That being said, it's a major headache to use and unless you're on Linux, it performs like ass. The UI is obtuse, and it's bloated with tons of niche features that you'll probably never use.

But it's fine if you're desperate and don't have Photoshop or CSP.

>> No.4809690

Krita was all I needed for the first ~6 months I was doing digital art. I've since moved up to CSP but krita's got everything you'd need to start with and more.

>> No.4809691

>krita performs like ass and is bloated with unnecessary features
>better use this single core no gpu shitshow made for tracing built in 3d model posers

>> No.4809711

krita is a bug mess, just look at their bug report page and god forbid you decide to use gmic filters

>> No.4809722

**Taps microphone*******
Yeah it's pretty good
*180 moonwalks away

>> No.4809726

Works well for me. Time to update?

>> No.4809731

Krita is the best free software you could use for digital art, I use it exclusively and it can pretty much do anything you want it to do, and unlike GIMP its interface is actually pretty solid.
I personally use pencil-like brush presets (you can find default ones under Sketch)
I use pen-like brush presets (you can find default ones under Ink)

>> No.4809733

>holds up spork

>> No.4809740

Just use paint tool SAI retards

>> No.4809752

But Kiki is a girl
it's not gay to ...

>> No.4810141

>Nobody here seems to draw with Krita.
I do, Krita is fine.I really like the workflow, it combines good srawing experience like SAI or CSP and powerful editing features almost as good as PS. You can lasso cut or liquify the entire group layer without merging, that rocks.

Plus the default brushes are good.

>> No.4810154

Sai? More like SUCK
Sai is shit.

>> No.4810175

the people i see who use krita are the ones who dont want to pay for photoshop(or pirate it)and who are "too cool" to use paint tool sai because everyone else is using it or because its "bad".

>> No.4810218

Krita's crashed on me a few times...

>> No.4810219

Krita has its own strengths over both of those, it's not a matter of "it's paid therefore it must be objectively better" anymore

>> No.4810449

True, I am ICE COLD.

>> No.4810453

>unless you're on Linux
Not OP but the only reason I use Krita is because Linux doesn't have photoshop anyways.

>> No.4810515
File: 857 KB, 1573x1517, stack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know what's not gonna crash?
the most reliable software out-there?

pencil and paper

>> No.4811265

Krita's brush engines alone are more powerful than what Photoshop and Sai have

>> No.4811383

What's so good about it?

>> No.4811386

they give /beg/s 80 different gimmick brushes so they think they can paint without fundies

>> No.4811417

I'm /beg/ and draw with Krita, is good and I don't have problems with it, although I may have to pirate photoshop at some point when my art gets better and requires some more detailed edition features, also it doesn't seem to be many downloadable krita brushes out there

>> No.4811549

I only use it for animation, which its pretty good at if not a little confusing

>> No.4811560
File: 141 KB, 885x466, preset_editor2_impl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else looking forward to Krita's new MyPaint brush engine that's going to be released in the next version?

>> No.4811566

Literally the first time I attempted to use it, it bugged out half the ui was missing. Not a great first impression

>> No.4811569

I follow Krita development quite a bit and just an FYI, the next version (4.4) that will come next month won't include the MyPaint brush engine, rather it will add a bunch of new Fill Layer features

>> No.4811695

>Is Krita good?


>> No.4811718

I thought the next version out would be 5.0 but it's going to take forever. That's going to be the big release with the new brush engine, resource manager, scratchpad, UI improvements, etc

>> No.4811725

At the moment it's the best android app so I'm quite happy with it on my s6 Lite

>> No.4811728

>I thought the next version out would be 5.0
Not according to the recent mailing lists and comments on the gitlab, there could be a 4.4.1 or they could go straight into 5.0 after 4.4
Here's some spoilers if you want (obviously this page is a WIP)

>> No.4811769

I still wish Samsung would fund development of the Krita Android version. The UI is the biggest issue. CSP seems to run good on android but after the free 6 month trial ends you have to pay $4 a month to use it. Procreate is just a one time cost. It's good android finally has art software to compete with iPad

Thanks for the link. The screentone fill layer looks like something that will be useful

>> No.4811827

you can't custom your brushes in krita

>> No.4811834

No, it has weird unique shortcuts that are different from Photoshop, CPS, Painter and SAI.

>> No.4811860

Just change them retard...unlike in Photoshop you're actually allowed to change them to whatever you want

>> No.4811864

>Nobody here seems to draw with Krita.

How do you know, degenerate?

>> No.4812804

You can though

>> No.4812999


Krita actually comes with the photoshop and paint tool sai shortcut schemes you can switch to if you don't want to learn Krita's

>> No.4813733

Here's some photoshop: https://mega.nz/folder/DeAUEArY#975BsPsSxeIshUi8DAXqsQ

>> No.4813743

Kritas existence was one reason I felt I could move over to Linux

>> No.4813745

sorry kritabros, I'm a photoshopchad now

>> No.4813750

>Photoshop CC
Use CS5 or 6 instead. Fuck that bloated mess just for a stabilizer.

>> No.4813772

Thanks for helping some third worlders stay fed in this rough economy by installing Bitcoin miners on your PC.

>> No.4813800

>Nobody here seems to draw with Krita.

wrong and fuck you.

>> No.4813804

>paying for photoshop

>> No.4813825

How is Sai compared to CSP?

>> No.4813848

Underpowered. CSP does everything SAI does but better, faster, and it can do more. No contest. SAI BTFO.

>> No.4813870

Nah it's alright

>> No.4814004

I'll be waiting for your collection of traditionally drawn animations, anon.

>> No.4814007

SAI has better brush engine, very lightweight can run on any potato device and never crash

>> No.4814019

beginners aren't experienced enough for it to matter and the pros can be chads on anything

>> No.4814027

Will photoshop cs4 run smoothly on modern pcs i just cant stand photoshop cc i hate it why does everything that updates gets even worse

>> No.4814233

You might as well just use cs6 the last version before Photoshop cc

>> No.4814237


>> No.4814299

Superficially is good, but it has something that isn't okay or feels wrong, and can't point to what is it. A lot of people start using it, but latter ditch it in favor of csp, ps etc, even if krita has almost the same capabilities.

>> No.4814702
File: 19 KB, 645x729, 1598081240159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont listen to this retard >>4813848

Sai runs far more smoothly with more powerful selection capabilities and blending tools. Selection borders in CSP dont block the blending brush engine from picking up colour, so when you blend within a selection youll get bleeding from outside.

CSP has the perfect mix of being overloaded with features while only using a single core, so performance will always tank as soon as you try to transform or use a brush over a basic size with decent stamp spacing. Sure, the brushes may be more advanced, but you cant use them at any high res without it lagging.

I would recommend Sai 2 over Sai though, since its 64 bit and has a bunch of new stuff.

>> No.4814730


>> No.4814738

I moved back to Krita from Photoshop because for digital painting, you dont need 95% of photoshops features which are for photo editing. Krita also allows full customization, unlike PS. The only annoying thing is that virtually all resources are for PS, so while you can import the brush tips, you have to manually create the tool yourself.
Sai 1 is great for basic cartoon work, but for anything touching painting youd need sai 2 or krita/ps

>> No.4814834

there's no big difference between SAI 1 and SAI 2 you retard. You're just a krita shill pulling stuff out of your ass to make SAI look bad.

>> No.4814838

No problem.

>> No.4814839

The video that killed Crap Studio Paint shills

>> No.4814859

You have no idea what you're talking about. You obviously dont use either. For the real basics, Sai 2 is 64 bit, so you wont get fucked by large resolution editing with layer effects or by having many layers unlike in the 32 bit Sai. That alone is a reason to upgrade, but there are more. Sai 2 has an upgraded brush system with a scatterbrush that allows you to (mostly) recreate the stamp brushes in PS/Krita by using textures. It has added text features and symmetrical guideline grid options. Better UI with compartmentalization of tools. There is absolutely no reason to use Sai instead of Sai 2.