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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4807210 No.4807210[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Where my furriebros at?
>for how long have you been doing furry art?
>what kind of commissions do you do, and how much do you make?
>what are your opinions on the actual state of the community?

>> No.4807235

>Where my furriebros at?
burning in hell hopefully

>> No.4807239

>le yiff in hell meme
Is it 2011?

>> No.4807242
File: 120 KB, 800x1200, Twitter (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let's post inspo/reference to draw. Draw this

>> No.4807243
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>> No.4807244
File: 154 KB, 1200x900, Noru ノル on Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4807247

Are you new or just stupid? This thread will just get deleted you retard.

>> No.4807248

I'd participate, but i gotta work in some commissions now lol.

>> No.4807252

And why exactly?

>> No.4807283

For off-top
It's board for drawing
Furry Porn board is >>>trash

>> No.4807289

Go away zoomer

>> No.4807291

No one's talking about furry porn here. Besides, there are NSFW threads here and i don't see why this one would get deleted.

>> No.4807295

Lurk before making a thread faggot

>> No.4807329


>> No.4807370
File: 78 KB, 640x635, 2512325055538ebaa59ebcd59970ab13-imagejpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, the impeding apocalypse upon you is an in eternal pursuit

>> No.4807377


>> No.4807390
File: 20 KB, 550x550, 1580081934744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I know the jannies are probably going to remove this thread, but can anyone give me a valid reason why we're not allowed to have a furry general? I mean we have a "Sexual Alternative" general for christ sake, so why not a furry one? It's just as much of an art style as anime is, and I know for certain at least 10% of /ic/ are furfags. It's actually frustrating since i've been drawing furry art for a year or so now, and I'd like to post it on /ic/ but I can't because of the rules.

>> No.4807392

I agree. This thread should be valid because it's mainly about drawing. No one even mentioned porn.

>> No.4807394

I feel you bro. Been a furry artist for 5 years, i have no artist friends in the fandom and i'm not very social on Twitter. I'd like to be able to talk and share stuff about furry art with other artists.

>> No.4807395

Pursuit, or fursuit?

>> No.4807397

Grrr stop sperging and just draw.

>> No.4807399

You can have a furry general as long you don’t post furry porn you dumb fucks. Read the fucking rules

>> No.4807403

Good, no one's posting porn. This thread is oriented on discussion and improvement tips.

>> No.4807405

I'm a sfw artist actually, but it is kinda weird to me that furry porn is banned since /ic/ is a red board?
Also i've seen sfw furry threads be deleted by mods in the past which is weird, if they hate us fine, I can understand why people hate furries. But if they allow us our own general then we will keep to ourselves and not spread our furshit into other threads.

I bet it will still get deleted anyway.

>> No.4807407

I'll be keeping the generals alive, posting them from time to time. If nothing, it is a containment thread and we're doing /ic/ a favor.

>> No.4807415
File: 396 KB, 1448x2048, EaFjvwZVAAA2Wjp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Favorite artists? For me, it's Aruurara.

>> No.4807421


it’s basically an ancient site wide rule that’s been grandfathered in. before there was /soc/ or /jp/ or /vg/ or /vp/ or especially /mlp/ there was furries that would shit up the website circa 2003-2006. in fact they spammed the various boards that existed at the time so much that moot perma banned them from everywhere outside /b/. as mentioned above these days when you have a group of autistic retards who spam the boards enough the mods just give them their own board. but furries pre-date that custom by several years. the only exception is that when /trash/ was added a few years back furries were obviously allowed to post on there as well, but that’s it. otherwise the site wide ban remains in place from whenever it was enacted (late 2005 early 2006 iirc).

>> No.4807422
File: 30 KB, 940x814, 1528213022181.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based OP defying the faggy no fur outside /b/ and making a general anyways, you have my support.

>> No.4807430

Thanks man, help me keep the generals alive, they'll be popping here from time to time.

>> No.4807434

bubblewolf, reykat or Kunaru probably, but isn't the point of these threads to post our own art and get critiques rather than posting other peoples art?

>> No.4807436
File: 408 KB, 383x322, 1595039741346.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got it!

>> No.4807437

Just making some small talk to keep the thread going, feel free to share.
My art is pretty shit and i know it, have been studying towards it. I'll be posting my stuff here once i'm actually satisfied with what i'm doing.

>> No.4807447

Islam should be brought to the west at all cost, starting with America, isshallah brother

>> No.4807448

What is the best way to be relevant on Twitter? I've been told that i should do a lot of fanart and do gifts for other popular furries, but i don't know.

>> No.4807452

I'm with you. I do get it, I know why furry is banned from boards when they're spamming porn and shit but i really think it deserves a thread on /ic/. It makes up a sizeable portion of artists. I don't draw exclusively furry art but I do from time to time. Don't even have to call it furry its just animal people, its been part of our culture since pre-history

>> No.4807453

What are some artists that are good at drawing female kemono?

>> No.4807454

Just draw whatevers currently trending on "furry twitter" Belladonna, that chick from ratchet and clank, Bna, beastars, ect. You can find whats currently trending by following a ton of furry artists and see what their posting, chances are, when a character is trending they'll be drawing them.

The most recent one is "bna" I think and don't forget to use #'s

>> No.4807471
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this place is going downhill faster than us with corona

>> No.4807475

why do animal people offend you? did you not watch any shows as a kid with animal characters or were you a puritan about furries even back then?

>> No.4807476
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>> No.4807478

Liki, rykanokk, JellyEnvy, Fish7163 and rikose mostly draw female.

>> No.4807480

furries are manchild then, ok. just grow up fucking degenerates

>> No.4807482

Normal animal characters and furries have nothing to do with each other.

>> No.4807487

If you don't like it, don't get in the thread. I don't get people that voluntarily post in a thread about a subject they don't like just to shitpost.

>> No.4807495
File: 14 KB, 112x112, 1597705995418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try and stop us

>> No.4807496

Now that you fags have your own general there’s no excuse for posting furry in the other generals.

>> No.4807498

Pink wojaks are not shitposting, it's a genuine expression of my feelings, you bigot have no right to trample on them.

>> No.4807499

furry cope

>> No.4807501

>Furry art general = F.A.G

>> No.4807505
File: 557 KB, 1109x1305, So this is the power of FAG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, I'd put more effort into this, but I dunno how longer the thread will last.

>> No.4807507

>not wanting to fuck goofy is cope
furry detected

>> No.4807511

why are kemos so thicc bros?

>> No.4807520

very cute, well done.