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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4806480 No.4806480 [Reply] [Original]

I’ve been studying art for some time now but due to the inconsistent, mostly sporadic nature of it it’s hard for me to see real results, which is of course disappointing. Since I can see that my current approach is flawed, I want to make some big and necessary changes if I want to succeed. Art is not something you should approach with half-measures because you will be in the state of perpetuated disappointment.

For that reason I want to commit to a project, sort of an experiment of how much I can improve with consistent, scheduled studying. I believe 6 months is not enough, one year sounds much better I think. Within that time span I will be trying to improve every aspect, be it figure drawing, painting, landscapes, all that.

>feedback, studying together

I don’t want to study alone and get no feedback whatsoever, that makes everything much harder and less enjoyable. A discord server has been made (not a big fan of discord but there’s no better platform to do stuff together atm), where I will be hosting study sessions for other people to join and draw/paint things together. More details in the google doc below. There are also things to draw on a daily basis there, monthly challenges, I will try to reach out to more experienced people (that I personally know) who can give classes exclusively on the server. For me building the environment that I want to participate in is crucial for well rounded improvement.

I will be posting my work every single day and I will post everything I do, no matter how bad it is. My skill level is somewhere around the “advanced beginner”.

If you want to follow my experiment (accounts made specifically for this):

If you are interested in studying together with me, join the server and read the google doc.



If you want to get better with other people, now's the time.

>> No.4806481

Our first study session is today (!) at 8 PM PST.

And yes, the whole thing is a nod to Crimson Daggers.

>> No.4806816

thank you anon. as a /beg/, this is perfect

>> No.4806841
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Here's my work from today's animal sketching session

>> No.4806842
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>> No.4806857

this is really nice work anon.

>> No.4806862

Thank you, I definitely struggle with short time limites a lot, so that's something I have to work on a lot. That's what those study sessions are for, to identify our shortcomings and work on them more!

>> No.4806901

What lessons are you following anon?

>> No.4806914

What do you mean?

>> No.4806915

Hi anon

Will the attached Google doc be representative of every week?

Will sessions be recorded? What happens someone misses one? What about International participants who can't meet the times?

At the moment this seems similar to DAD, perhaps you could merge and use their platform but still have your discord seperate as well.

>> No.4806922

Are you just drawing random pictures Or following a drawing course?

>> No.4806935

>Will the attached Google doc be representative of every week?

Yes, it's designed to be consistent so you can build mileage from work even if you know what to expect.

>Will sessions be recorded? What happens someone misses one? What about International participants who can't meet the times?

Sessions are not linear, we are not following a specific course or anything like that, it's just me finding good reference pictures to draw or paint and doing that together. If you miss one, then you can join the next one. As for international participants who can't meet the times, I am hoping that someone from America (I am from Europe) can host a session at the time when I am unavailable. Currently it starts at 6 AM where I live and I want to spend the rest of the day on doing personal work or working on a project related to the server. If anyone is willing to do the same stuff as me at different time, it would be really great to have hosts working on a rotation but at the same time it's commitment, I am fully committed so I will do my part.

I just find good looking references that are not too hard but also are hard enough to be a challenge for a vast majority of people, so you can improve after each session. Again, if there are people, who want to host their own study sessions and want to do this on this server, I am completely open to it.

>> No.4806986

Sadlawn! You had me until I read discord. IRC or die bitch.

>> No.4806988

Can you stream on irc?

>> No.4807028

just join dad

>> No.4807073

Since there are a lot of Europeans on this server for some reason and I am from Europe as well, I changed the whole schedule's time zone to GMT +2, everything is in the morning in EU. There are a lot of Americans on /ic/ so I understand if that is an issue for you, I'll try to accommodate for everyone in the near future.

>> No.4807194

Tbh there’s really not much appeal in joining a study group run by a beginner

>> No.4807223

You are right but at the same time I have to start somewhere and there's a lot of value in belonging to a community that cares about the same things as you do. I hope my personal skill level won't be an obstacle in that regard.

>> No.4807264

I dont understand how this is different from DAD?

>> No.4807385
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it goes against our nature and instincts to learn while bored. if you feel like you need to study or practice to get better, then maybe making art isn't something you enjoy. rather, it sounds like you want to learn because you see other people doing it and feel envy. less cynical version: you have the urge to create, but haven't been shown how the creative process works so you have misconceptions about what you need to do to achieve your goals. not hating, btw. i just have a desire to help.

here's how my man beksinksi does a draw-a-box exercise. i guarantee you this dude went into his studio one morning, saw an empty box sitting on a table, and decided to position it in different ways to get the angles and then draw it at different scales to make it visually interesting. why? probably just felt like something to do and didn't have any good ideas at the moment. the urge to paint something, anything at all, was greater than all the other urges he felt that day.

because, hey, i want to do some painting today, i don't have a large visual library or technical skills (both things he's admitted to), but this seems well within my abilities so let's give it a shot. maybe it's all i need to make something interesting (and it was).

the idea probably wasn't "i want to create a creepy hellscape that looks like corpses emerging from coffins". that's just where his experiment led him.

the lighting at first might seem complicated, but overcast scenes with diffused lighting are among the easiest to paint. he kept is very simple to stay within his abilities.

the characters? well, i know for a fact he'd been doodling those off and on for decades. he probably completely accidentally stumbled upon it one day while scribbling to pass the time, thought it looked neat, developed the idea a little more, and hey, now i've got a character i can incorporate into my weird art.

>> No.4807568

I think you underestimate the hard work people put in to their craft

>> No.4808079

perhaps, but i think that's the mindset of someone who has failed
>this requires hard work and that's why i can't achieve my goals
it's defensive to think that way
art is built up to be this big mystery that only a few can excel at, and i'm saying that kind of thinking is the main obstacle to overcome
once you just start making things that you like and want to see is when you can truly ascend

>> No.4808243

My two cents is that study groups with super specific guidelines like the ones you have “draw this in this amount of time on this day” always fail.

The most productive ones, like even Crimson daggers are the communities where people study whatever fundies they want, whenever they want and provides feedback and discussion.

>> No.4808289

It's mostly for people who want to get better in general, for example if a group of people paints the same thing, you can compare results and get solid feedback. If you want to do your own thing, that's fine too, you still can ask for critique and still get something useful from that

>> No.4809833

Looks like an actual gmi server, count me in

>> No.4810475

Nature is stupid and we can do what ever it can better

>> No.4810759

I like the barn owl the most, I feel like the more time you had the more you got caught up in details and contour rather than establishing a really strong shape.

>> No.4810770

good shit man, I wish you the best with your experiment