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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4797546 No.4797546 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>4793198

Do Art Daily:
>Link: https://dad.gallery
>Discord: You must have a DAD streak of at least 14 to join. Ask Vastian#0988 for an invite.
>Found an issue with the site? Lost your streak and want to appeal? Please message the contact link at the bottom of the site, not the thread.

>Draw every day (or your preferred frequency)
>Submit your work by 23:59:59 GMT
>Spend at least 30 minutes on each submission
>No loli or shota porn
>Miss a day and you'll be alright, just keep going
>Have fun

Please comment on each other's artwork; dads love attention!


What is the goal?
>To become better.

me is beginner and not know draw, can me join?
>Yes x100. Stop asking and start submitting art, chum. You can't be the worst, like literally.

A brief history:
>Last Artist Standing (LAS): The original site, created by Lava (presumed dead, rest in peace). It has changed and ruined the lives of many lassies. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=epg08FlksTc
>Draw Every Day (DED): A short-lived site between LAS and DAD, run and abruptly cancelled by w.
>Do Art Daily (DAD): The current site, by the admin and developer banana.

Here's a folder of ShrineyCrow's header images from previous threads:

Community links:
>DADcast: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfCw_buGoBDPQC1bbcukmnQ
>DADcast latest episode (Ep. 2 - Valley): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B9QWuRuEkJ0
>LAS discord (not to be confused with the official DAD discord): Invitations are open for 48 hours on the 1st and 15th of every month. Invitations are currently open. https://discord.gg/rbbevNM

>> No.4797553

Let these threads die.

>> No.4797557

Beg question here, will drawing thousands of heads from all angles help me skip loomis? I can't draw with loomis' technique and what I'm able to do looks horrible and not at all what I intended.
So will it? if everytime I draw one I pay as much attention as possible to the angle where the lines start where they cross etc?

>> No.4797565

Fuck this circle jerk and their discord

>> No.4797570

*pets fox*

Please don't. Threads are important to me

Generally speaking, you will probably get better at observation, but struggle without reference. So it depends what your goal is.

>> No.4797574

I'm already ok with reference, so if I want to improve without reference do I NEED to study loomis?

>> No.4797606

Seriously fuck you guys who want to move DAD to discord only.
LAS and DAD started here and will always be here. Stop abandoning the threads because you’re afraid of one or two shitposting retards, you fucking pussies.

>> No.4797618

If you want more people to like the threads make them better. Talk about dads you like, give crit, or make a tierlist or something.

>> No.4797619

tierlists yes

>> No.4797621

>Can't be on a tierlist because no active streak
I need to haiaku to submit so that I can be F rank again

>> No.4797632

There needs to be more than one idiot (me) trying to feverishly start an on topic discussion for these threads to actually flourish. We need all those things and off topic banter, anything.
If these threads die or get abandoned like what happened to the last thread, DAD dies. The fact people WANT that to happen is pretty shocking to me honestly, irregardless of certain shitposters.

>> No.4797636

>The fact people WANT that to happen is pretty shocking to me honestly,
well one idiot whined to the mods several times and genuinely wanted the threads to get banned. It's not that surprising. Certain autistic individuals are that vindictive.

>> No.4797716

there are other abstractions besides loomis, like riley or asaro, but I don't know if you'll find them any easier. If you have an abstraction to start with then it makes other things like perspective and likeness easier.

You could always make your own, but it depends how realistic you want your style I guess.

>> No.4797722
File: 797 KB, 2727x1292, day6(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im trying different things to experiment and see what sticks. Im trying to just do headshots right now.

>> No.4797776

I think you would really benefit from drawing from reference; keys to drawing is excellent starting book for that.

>> No.4797778
File: 4 KB, 93x86, wwwwe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4797784


>> No.4797796
File: 250 KB, 698x1000, 1507005231211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What';s your goal, daddies?

Asking because I've been kind of aimless and hearing what you guys have planned might spark some ideas.

>> No.4797798
File: 798 KB, 1920x1284, xiaoyu-wang-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be able to paint like this.

>> No.4797799
File: 140 KB, 400x551, __original_drawn_by_hirasawa_minami__bc83406ddb3c203d58f6660fb4961596.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lately I wanted to try painting and also animation thanks to the dad challenge

>> No.4797802

I want to do good cartoon backgrounds, fun animation and good character illustrations.

>> No.4797806

I only enter challenges with a pretty badge.

>> No.4797811

>streak: 2
Good riddance

>> No.4797813
File: 91 KB, 584x484, egegege.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keeping the dark thoughts away and get good. I just wanna get good.

>> No.4797815

it got reset by banana and I guess he didnt want to post after that anymore. noticed how harder it is to upload stolen shit

>> No.4797818

>only 15 left for Worldbuilding Month

>> No.4797829

>Seriously fuck you guys who want to move DAD to discord only.
There are no such people. It's just that when this thread is shitty, then it's not fun to hang out here.

>> No.4797837 [DELETED] 
File: 143 KB, 1100x1100, fcd89995a4a1891ff315c3eba1983dc5a4f17bb2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stop abandoning the threads because you’re afraid of one or two shitposting retards

I'll tell you what really what went on last thread. I make the thread with a cute/funny OP and didn't post. Then I have an anon or two deliberately detracting from the point of the thread telling me to kill myself. I don't have a problem with that, it's 4chan. But I noticed this sort of behavior increased up as soon as (you know who you are) made a new account on the 13th. Near the end of the thread before that this particular shitposting started happening again. I had good faith it wasn't him but I watched and watched and it was the same behavior every time since 6 months ago.

And persisted in the next thread. Majority of the shitflinging came from this person, not me. When I take a week or so off to get over something he comes right back in the thread to reopen the wound with things that only HE knows. He's just an emotional vampire and an asshole. He would do stuff on social media just to mess with me and me specifically. And all he cares about are followers and "oooh big Japanese guy followed me I must be super talented!!". As soon as you get any clout on social media you just cast me aside or you do something knowing it'll have a reaction. Then you have the nerve to say you'll make me pay for what you did to you when you're the one who did the action first.

Towards the end of the thread I was "harassing" (it's fair to call it that, fine) kringle not because I felt like it or being malicious but it was because of him the more I look back at why. All you are is a shithead who zaps any semblance of someones good vibes. You're a manipulator. You'd say things in the thread that I moved past just to get a rise out of me and congratulations you did.

You can keep using my name as an ant bait whoever you want to shit on someone off the site. Go on right ahead to fill your inflated ego and sense of self worth.

>> No.4797838

god did it in 7 days faggot

>> No.4797839

Lately I did some commissions (some over 100$) and even got some clients in my queue. I know it's crazy, but I quit my day job few days ago and now I want to spend at least 8 hours a day on drawing. So my goal is to become someone who's treating his art like his profession - it doesn't have to be fun (jobs rarely are), but I have to put in time even if I don't feel like it and earn money with it.

>> No.4797840

well we got a month

>> No.4797843

ok I lold

>> No.4797848
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Wow congratulations anon!

>> No.4797850

I want to join VC talk with all the cool dads but I can't relate to all the jojo talk. ;_;

>> No.4797852

I want to drawpile with you dads

>> No.4797855

Find something else to talk about then.

>> No.4797857

same goal. I'm literally earning 100$ every 15 days on my day job and If I could earn the same amount every 5-10 days, I'll ditch my current job

>> No.4797858


>> No.4797859

congrats anon you're on your way to making it

>> No.4797872

>jojo talk.
For real? kek

>> No.4797875

for real, can I skip the rest of the jojo parts and go straight to the frenchie part

>> No.4797877

what frenchie part

>> No.4797879

uhhh I meant the italian part sorry

>> No.4797881

Yes. You can skip anything before it. The italian part got nothing important related to the others so you would understand it just fine

>> No.4797882
File: 19 KB, 500x522, crowofjudgement.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm interested in x franchise
>what parts can I skip

>> No.4797884

Of course. Part 4 is great too, but if part 5 is something you're interested in go for it. Maybe read a summary for the previous parts though.

>> No.4797885

there's too many episodes and chapters..

>> No.4797897

I just like to draw, it makes me happy

>> No.4797903

you're going to read jojo? if you mention that in vc you'll become an instant coolkid favourite

>> No.4797910

>tfw read jojo but not a coolkid because idk what more to say about it

>> No.4797912

You can say you dad works at jojo inc.

>> No.4797913

based thanks anon I will try that next time

>> No.4797914

I just wanna draw the blonde twink he's cute

>> No.4797917


to get good before october of next year

>> No.4797920

Any reason for October specifically?

godspeed anon

>> No.4797929

There’s no point. It just takes one person to namedrop a Jojo character out of the blue and any non associated discussion immediately flies off the rails. I understand that autistic people tend to hyper fixate on a subject but the level of obsession is insane

>> No.4797962


I made this stupid deadline of killing myself around ten years ago if things don't get any better and it's due in October of next year. Found art a few years ago and I made a deal with myself that I wont go through it if I can make it in time.

sounds pretty stupid but hey, I'm an autistic retard anyway

>> No.4797968

yes that is pretty stupid, especially since in art you will probably not get good around october. it takes years of practice and mileage. maybe cancel your suicide for now and just draw more

>> No.4797969

But Anon, first parts were the best. For me JoJo ended with 3rd part.

>> No.4797971

Pyw and Ill try my best to help you if I can.

>> No.4797978

Bro just cancel the suicide, and double take the art pill, why kys when you can have a life long journey of building and sharpening your skills and maybe be the .1% at something you love.
Unless you have clinical depression, then my advice is meaningless.

>> No.4797993

what do you considere good?

>> No.4797996

I thought you hated nanners why are you pulling a nana

>> No.4798015
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>> No.4798052

>can I skip to when it gets bad?

>> No.4798068

ok ok! I will watch all parts

>> No.4798072

No! Don't force yourself to. If you want to skip then skip. You can always go back and watch the previous parts at a later time.

>> No.4798078
File: 23 KB, 436x326, 1596377783772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yall will listen to my jojo report by the end of the month

>> No.4798159

so many cuties doing self portraits

>> No.4798191

What's my chances of getting doxed if I join dad and post the art I do daily for coms?

>> No.4798194

you can post a cropped portion of your nda comms or just post a study you did for the day

>> No.4798224

0 nobody cares

>> No.4798253
File: 929 KB, 1920x1080, 9F6DC0ED-4194-4EC6-85B9-40158AD70ED3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

skip to part 7 if you’re a chad :)

>> No.4798259

>didn’t get to drawpile because it was only posted about in voice chat
Cool... cool.

>> No.4798303

Don't ruin the best part with stupid memes about skipping all the diving context and exposition up to that point.

>> No.4798520


>> No.4798528

If you just run whatever direction you are will become your direction.
YOU GOT THIS DAD JUST GO FOR IT even if you dont know at a conscious level !!!!!!


>> No.4798533

to get a streak of 2 weeks so I rewire my brain to make drawing part of my daily routine so I don't have to struggle to get started at it so I can try to enjoy it

>> No.4798541
File: 565 KB, 954x710, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

testing some brushes on cps

>> No.4798544
File: 165 KB, 408x511, f62841b023b0dc58d35ece9e35da1108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ty kind anon

>> No.4798571

It doesn't work like that, sadly. I lost my streak after 2 months, there are plenty of dads that were drawing longer and still haven't made a habit of daily drawing.

>> No.4798576

ok but you can lose an arbitrary daily streak and still make enough neural pathways through repetition to get used to drawing more often and put it off less

>> No.4798611
File: 66 KB, 472x442, 0E84E7E4-3DBB-4D94-A3E9-55D5E24EB3B4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry anon I have to keep shilling my cause

>> No.4798646

Don't forget the Homestuck stuff too. I'll never let them convert me.

>> No.4798824

they're talking about homestuck now too?

>> No.4798826

sounds BASED

>> No.4798830

>that many elims
are people srsly too busy to draw on Sunday

>> No.4798861

So busy drawing they forget to submit

>> No.4798922

as if.

>> No.4798951

>he has never forgotten to submit because he is too focused on drawing

>> No.4798958

the deadline is at 2am for me. I finish drawing at midnight

>> No.4798962

It's almost midnight eurobro, hope you're drawing and having fun.

>> No.4798968

yesss, already drew for 4 hours today and gonna try to color an illustration some more. I hope you are having fun drawing too!

>> No.4798972
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>> No.4798974

are the dadcasts kill

>> No.4798978

trollsona challenge got created, now it's hell

>> No.4798979


>> No.4798980

What are your guesses Wolf is going to talk about on his podcast?
I have a feeling he's going to shill the discord and shit on the threads.

>> No.4798983

i dont think they will even release it at this point

>> No.4798992

why not, did something happen?

>> No.4798994


>> No.4798995


>> No.4799031

depressing neetdom

>> No.4799103

If I submit right at the deadline and I don't get approved until after the deadline do i get eliminated

>> No.4799105


>> No.4799112
File: 22 KB, 463x499, Rendering.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rendering as we speak anon. It just took a bit to get to it. Much stuff going on. I couldn't work on it as fast as I would've liked to.
It'll be up soon. The others just need to check the video and approve ti first.
He actually doesn't. I think there was just a mention of the discord. It's more about...other things.

>> No.4799115

Im gonna do a sudoku if im not mentioned

>> No.4799116
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I bet its about the cum spiders

>> No.4799118

a list of mentioned daddies should be mandatory timestamps in every dadcast

>> No.4799125

best way to get Vusta's soul?

>> No.4799135
File: 250 KB, 539x444, 51512512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


become his masculine toy for a week

>> No.4799137

Are there going to be any guests that actually have more experience with art, have gone to art school or so, have a more interesting art backstory?

>> No.4799143

Don't put peanut butter on the dog's nose.

>> No.4799145


>> No.4799146

why? your tits already sag

>> No.4799148


>> No.4799149
File: 13 KB, 329x417, 1595283893714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw went to prestigious art school but am C tier and completely unworthy of being interviewed
my life is a joke

>> No.4799152


>> No.4799156

I would listen to you anon

>> No.4799157


The rusty nail stood erect, angled at a 45-degree angle, just waiting for the perfect barefoot to come along.

>> No.4799163

interview the suicide anon

>> No.4799174

How does it take two hours to render some audio and a slideshow? Can't you just pop everything into windows movie maker or something

>> No.4799178
File: 26 KB, 485x702, 30 minutes of naranbaatar ganbold tutorial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4799209

>he hasn't spent 30 minutes erasing and redoing lines for something retarded before

>> No.4799214

>he has spent 30 minutes erasing and redoing lines for something retarded before

>> No.4799224

>I have a feeling he's going to shill the discord and shit on the threads.
why would i do that, daddy?

>> No.4799229

why do we have a female jason now

>> No.4799231

Glad someone else was on the same page.

>> No.4799234


>> No.4799242 [DELETED] 

If I change , will my post frequency from daily to every other day it won't have any effect on my current streak count right?

>> No.4799248

If I change my post frequency from daily to every other day it won't have any effect on my current streak number, right?

>> No.4799251

There's no more penalty so no.

>> No.4799257
File: 153 KB, 333x254, 1439146948296.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4799261

>thunder outside
>submit a few minutes before deadline
>my internet cuts out
actually fucking terrifiying

>> No.4799263

I hope so. Consider that the guests are mainly the people who agree to be on the podcast. So, as long as you can convince a dad to be on, they likely will.
Right now we have around 2 or 3 confirmed guests. But after that, I'm not sure. But if there's any particular dads which you'd like to see on the podcast, feel welcome to ask them if they'd like to.
Anon, why are you not messaging me right now to postulate yourself for the pod cast? We can always sue more guests.
Because someone had to bring balance to the server.

>> No.4799266

but it'll affect my impression of you

>> No.4799286

yeah yeah from the final quality i can tell there was some real forethought and planning gone into the finished product

>> No.4799291

>Anon, why are you not messaging me right now to postulate yourself for the pod cast? We can always sue more guests.
I don't feel like speaking with anyone other than my therapist about my failure as an artist lol.

>> No.4799299

DADS, I have a confession to make. I think you all are very nice people. That is all. Thank you

>> No.4799304

Your honesty and bravery for making such a comment is admirable.

>> No.4799306

Dadcast when

>> No.4799311

I love creating art. I want to never have to sleep so I can draw and animate more. Aaaaaaaaaa

>> No.4799313

Fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you

>> No.4799321


>> No.4799324
File: 534 KB, 2037x3056, 1595826593568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to be able to draw like Kubo

>> No.4799327

how do I give my art soul like this

>> No.4799329

Why do you call it failure, anon? It's not like you're 72 with a terminal illness.
Keep your head up. You will make it.

>> No.4799341

I like you too. Let's keep drawing together

>> No.4799405

I have the same thing to say. Cheers to all of you, good drawing madlads. May your sketching be fruitful.

>> No.4799413

Cheers dudes!

>> No.4799438
File: 108 KB, 800x800, lkkvq6s8n9h51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why normies always ask how long it took you to draw the drawing you are showing to them? I just got the same question four times in a row. Like am i supposed to say some ungodly amount of time? I don't get it.

>> No.4799456

But you still care, don't you? You're still trying, aren't you? You're not a failure. You just haven't succeeded yet. There's a difference.

>> No.4799458

I think its supposed to be a compliment implying you must have worked hard on it cause its good

>> No.4799460

It's just a polite way of expressing that they think your pic took alot of effort to produce.

They are complimenting your hard work

>> No.4799467

They have little knowledge of the drawing process, so they only have a small supply of questions to ask:
>"How long did it take you to draw this?"
>"Do you know how to draw ___?"
>"How did you get so good?"
>"Oh, I could never draw as well as you do. All I know how to make are crappy stick figures! *laughs"

The conversations are pretty stale but its social protocol. Normal people ask about other's interests and hobbies to create small talk so it can maybe lead into a more interesting conversation for them. Its rare to find a non-artistic individual who is truly curious about your art.

>> No.4799468

>female jason
not that cool yet

>> No.4799474

I get triggered the second anyone says 'stick figures'

>> No.4799476

I'm going to get into the dadcord and then never draw again

>> No.4799483

>hey anon it's really been a while since you last posted on /dad/..

>> No.4799497

>I could say the same to you

>> No.4799512

>only have a small supply of questions to ask:
>can you draw me?

>> No.4799531


>> No.4799548

>Can I see your other drawings?

>> No.4799618
File: 25 KB, 485x485, 1592065016615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who is truly curious about your art
How is one supposed to be curios about "your" art.
It's either one likes the art or not.
There is only so much you can ask about one's work.
And you either get a
>wow that looks good
or no responses whatsoever.
Do you really think anyone on this godforsaken planet will ask you
>what was your thought process?
>what is the meaning of this?
>what does it comment on?
When most art that is drawn is pure shallow consumer product?
Anon, pls

>> No.4799628
File: 74 KB, 398x520, BOX_PEOPLE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I loathe when I'm asked to show my sketchbook to people who don't do art themselves. They either laugh at the weird subject matters or at the nude life drawings.

How the fuck do you respiond to this

>"Ok, I'll give you ten minutes"


>"Why not?! Artists are suppose to draw everything they see. That is the only way you will get better."

No one asks an accountant they just met tax questions. Same with every other profession. So why do people feel either entitled or pretentious when they meet artists and musicians?

>> No.4799639

>No one asks an accountant they just met tax question
lmao, I'm an accountant and this is among the very first questions new faces ask right on my face

>> No.4799643

what kind of tax question can you even ask

>> No.4799651

> They either laugh at the weird subject matters or at the nude life drawings.
holy fuck this
especially the fucking cretins who start getting on about life drawing sessions like they're fucking children in sex ed
they're few an far in-between, but god what dipshits

> wait so you guys are in a room just staring at some naked guy? are you gay or something
> dude i'd totally draw if i got to stare at naked chicks all day
> haha you drew a penis
like literal children

>> No.4799660

When I say curious, I mean having a genuine interest in your work as opposed to just wanting to see it because they got nothing better to do. Its like how some acquaintances asks "how was your day?" but don't actually give a shit, they just want human stimuli in a moment of dullness.

You're right most drawings are shallow, but that doesn't disqualify asking about it. You can answer those thoughtful questions by saying that it was technical exercise or you were mindless churning ideas. Plus only a small minority fit into the category of your sarcastic exaggerated porn art.

Huh, then I stand corrected.

>> No.4799663

haha you drew a penis u gay

>> No.4799664

>nude model questions
I always get "Would you ever do nude modeling too?"
I always respond that it's too hard for me to hold a pose that long so no.

>> No.4799674

Too accurate.
Just the other day, my brother laughed like a retard when he saw me drawing a breast for an anatomy exercise. I think its because they are uncomfortable and insecure with nudity so they respond with humor to deflect the embarrassment. I'm assuming this is an American thing as Europeans are more comfortable with nudity.

>> No.4799675

Yeah, but you also need to put out work that IS interesting. And you also have to have people that aren't braindead retards.
Don't get me wrong, anon, i get what you say, but that's just wishful thinking and a smidge of insecurity on your part.
>Its like how some acquaintances asks "how was your day?" but don't actually give a shit, they just want human stimuli in a moment of dullness
People are just being nice for the sake of it.
Already distrusting a "how was your day" is a shitty attitude.

>> No.4799686

questions like how to not pay taxes without doing tax evasion

>> No.4799694

> I'm assuming this is an American thing as Europeans are more comfortable with nudity.
its entirely an american thing

>> No.4799711

>be american
>freshmen in high school
>make a powerpoint presentation about cupid and psyche featuring a ton of beautiful Baroque painting (obviously full of nudity)
>was very proud of the way it looked
>all the class did was laugh at the dicks and boobs the whole time i was trying to present
> the teacher didn't do shit to stop them
Felt really bad

>> No.4799725

I get your point. I'm always conscious of not sounding like an unaware autist who doesn't shut up about their niche hobbies, so I probably end up on the other extreme by under-sharing. Everyone is by default only caring about themselves so its uncommon to find someone who is genuinely intrigued of yourself.

That's depressing, creating something you're passionate about only to be mocked by your peers.

>> No.4799727

good lord i want to make art friends but talking to people is terrifying

>> No.4799739

elaborating on >>4799727 how do you go from talking in a public channel with a dad to regularly chatting in dms with a dad

>> No.4799743

I'm somewhat fine with publicly chatting someone but private dms terrify me

>> No.4799747

just DM about a mutual interest or something

>> No.4799748

i'll be your friend anon
i want to make more art friends too

>> No.4799750

Fuck, I'm like this too but irl. I have so many friendly acquaintances but I rarely get their phone numbers and hang out with them.

>> No.4799800

same 1 on 1 dms always feel a bit awkward

>> No.4799832

saucys tutorial is very good and i wish he would talk about drawing theory/meta more often

>> No.4799867

Same here. What could you possibly want to say to me that you can't say in front of the whole group? It can't be anything good. Don't DM me.

>> No.4799874

I want to make art friends but people are faggots so i won't.

>> No.4799879

personally not terrified of either, but feels like i don't have to hide my autism levels on DM as much so i usually prefer DMs

>> No.4799882

Should I join DAD? The people in this thread seem like colossal faggots, but I like to draw everyday

>> No.4799883

Try it and find out

>> No.4799886

>The people in this thread seem like colossal faggots
That is an understatement. The people in the Discord are even worse.

>> No.4799887

>wants to make art acquaintances
>doesn't like talking to people
i can't overcome this

>> No.4799888

How do I use this website, where do I see all the streaks and leaders

>> No.4799891

Go to the DAD challenge page

>> No.4799892

Join the team challenges. I’ve made two good friends this way

>> No.4799895

Ehhh says I need to login to view streak

>> No.4799897

>where do I see all the streaks and leaders

>> No.4799898
File: 428 KB, 1232x1107, day6-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 6. Tried a bit more painting than anything. Decided to follow an anons advice and go more for a reference strict image. Went with Ryan from supermega. Perhaps couldve added a bit more color differences to help blend the more contrasting areas.

>> No.4799900


>> No.4799904
File: 67 KB, 620x620, Mattwatsonfan53_28157185_149915439021375_8779576390463782912_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4799909


>> No.4799910

Thanks, I’ll think about it

>> No.4799991
File: 258 KB, 513x503, 1415151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


same haha

my dad discord experience so far has been lurking, writing stupid jokes and reacting to posts out of the blue

>> No.4800036
File: 33 KB, 543x510, 1591477858245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry, I won't be here for too long. I think I'll leave around November-ish (or at least when I finish the challenges I'm currently in) because my reason for joining was to get back into the groove of drawing. Also to get more comfortable with doing digital.

>> No.4800052
File: 1.18 MB, 1800x1233, mushroom fellas 8_16 dad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gonna spend one more day on this one i think

>> No.4800085

I want to fuck banana.

>> No.4800088

I want art friends.

>> No.4800130

I wish my printer hadn't break so I could scan the drawings and post there.

Is it okay if I just take pictures with my phone?

>> No.4800135

>Is it okay if I just take pictures with my phone?
yes, but if you have them on your computer why would you need to print them out and then scan them? why not just upload what you already have?

>> No.4800137

I draw on paper, anon.

>> No.4800156

oh your scanner broke, that makes sense

>> No.4800216

Try the notebloc app or any scanner app.

>> No.4800387

So the user “my cat” is dare right?

>> No.4800501


>> No.4800594
File: 12 KB, 545x388, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4800598

I wonder why..........

>> No.4800607

Time to spend the next 3 and a half hours preparing a weeks worth of submissions for my dad vacation and you'll never know who I am

>> No.4800615

If you aren't three months ahead what are you even doing

>> No.4800633

This guy page 1s

>> No.4800635

>inb4 nana makes a file checker that reads date created

>> No.4800644

What are you guys listening to? I need some fresh playlists for drawing.

>> No.4800648

>he hasn't been backlogging for 365 days

>> No.4800654


>> No.4800657

I should restart my streak

>> No.4800662

everyone else is doing the same

>> No.4800674
File: 42 KB, 640x480, 1591035638725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>near top of page 1 and have honestly never posted backlogged work

>> No.4800677

did the gallery just break?

>> No.4800686

looks fine to me

>> No.4800688 [DELETED] 
File: 71 KB, 1024x958, 1597239716910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to test if a break will make me more productive.

>> No.4800689

final entry for education central should be personal work in which you have applied the studies you did

>> No.4800692

The wakeup call will be too much

>> No.4800707


>> No.4800716

Ignorance is bliss

>> No.4800753

Eyes are too low, you didn't finish the hair above his left eye so now it looks like a tumor, the painting colors was acceptable, but the outline on the face itself is horrible. The eyes look like you didn't even try.
Give up now, you're never going to make it. You've been drawing for 6 days now and all youve produced is trash after garbage

>> No.4800755

I want to print a pastel version of this and put it in my desk.

>> No.4800758

crab it out your ass

>> No.4800761

Watch everything, part 1 is semi boring imo but at least it's short. Part 2 and next ones are amazing tho.

>> No.4800766

>shitty artist gets mad when faced with real criticism
NGMI you fucking loser. You can't draw worth shit, and your ability to handle feedback is on par with newgrounds animators. Give up and dont look back you fucking dumbass

>> No.4800771
File: 106 KB, 782x682, 1588860805859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4800787

Still no dadcast

>> No.4800809

If I submit something and ask for crit will you crit me

>> No.4800899

Are any daddies willing to mentor?

>> No.4801044


>> No.4801049

Where is the dadcast

>> No.4801081

Not even trying to be rude but why does it take so long, is Vastian's internet a potato or something?

>> No.4801084

why not spend that time drawing instead of waiting?

>> No.4801087

I just drew for an hour and taking a break.

>> No.4801117
File: 87 KB, 1005x610, wtff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like this for me and idk why

>> No.4801119

help me daddy

>> No.4801162

Something wrong on your end I think

>> No.4801196

is it worth it to join the discord as a new daddy?

>> No.4801205

Wondering this myself. I like the site but the community seems...questionable from what I've seen in the threads. I'm also not really interested in making friends. I just want art people to talk to, not digital happy hour.

>> No.4801210

Only join the dad discord if you like jojo and voice chat.
Otherwise just join las discord that gets posted ITT every 1st and 15th.

>> No.4801211

Check both las and dadcord and see for yourself. Personally I like the weekly study session from both servers. People are generally chill.

>> No.4801218

ime the vc/vc chat channel are the most active part of the server, the environment of those 2 channels entirely depend on whos there
theres dedicated art discussion channels that are a bit slower but its dedicated art talk
also a new atelier channel that just started a few weeks back, little group study sessions that are probably a good mix of everything

>> No.4801219
File: 95 KB, 850x574, __kawashiro_nitori_and_thanos_touhou_and_1_more_drawn_by_onikobe_rin__sample-6afc6f675ecbd143707147518615a90b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/dad/ is a ghetto separated from the rest of /ic/ pretty much

>> No.4801235

So if I don't want to vc, the place is kind of dead?

>> No.4801243


>> No.4801264

if that's the case then i could just find another art discord that's more active.
Seems like everything is dying lately

>> No.4801273

dying implies theirs a decline
like /ic/ to something like /a/,/b/, etc
not really dying just slow

>> No.4801282

No scratch that. Even though i'm a new DAD i can't imagine not hanging out with other daddies. But then again the discord is dead damn it.

>> No.4801291

Oh i see. I just jumped haste too quickly. I hope the dads are gentle lmao

>> No.4801314

it is the same on my phone
idk how to fix this wtf

>> No.4801321

ok. see you on discord

>> No.4801519


It is pretty bad to be honest, but man, people don't git good in 6 days. Be patient, focused, and gains will come.

>> No.4801545

trace a face then compare it to this

>> No.4801582

Drawing is so tiring
I'm always so sleepy afterward

>> No.4801583

This is my favorite OP picture ever. I love that dog

>> No.4801588

personally I find it terrifiying, stare into those eyes for a moment and tell me it aint so

>> No.4801618

My Wife-To-Be Potaters leveled up today!

>> No.4801628

Ok bob

>> No.4801700

do you see yourselves having kids

>> No.4801706

I would love to have mixed race children with my beautiful Asian future wife!

>> No.4801752

Hi dad's, can someone help a new dad out? If I'm in a challenge that is safe level, does that mean I can't submit an explicit to it? Thx

>> No.4801770

Fuck no. I worked too hard in life just to have a baby come in and fuck everything up for me.

>> No.4801791

>finish challenge post
>ready to post
>was eliminated despite not hitting the deadline
Is this a timezone thing?

>> No.4801817

You're supposed to submit before 00:00 GMT my new guy

>> No.4801853

it tells you right on the site how much time you have left to save your streak

>> No.4801882

Man I just want someone to tell me I'm doing a good job

>> No.4801887

You're doing a good job

>> No.4801891

i wish i wasn't so approval seeking.

>> No.4801892

Don't give up luv I believe in you

>> No.4801894

I don't know, ask in discord.

>> No.4801929

work harder

>> No.4801971
File: 434 KB, 2063x1368, fanboy-day7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, one week down and I feel better. Tried a different couple things, but I still think I've improved (if not in practice but in technical). Easier to point out certain things like simple shapes, able to think a smidge more in terms of shade, and able to focus more on a concept. Surprisingly, every single night ive wanted to draw, never felt like i had to or forced myself to.

>> No.4801978

I just want dads to point out my mistakes so i feel pushed to do better.

>> No.4801981

post it here and ask

>> No.4801983

I just want anyone to acknowledge my work period because no matter where I post or what I ask about nobody gives a single shit

>> No.4802011

You can post all this on the site you know.

>> No.4802091

A couple of revisions were requested. I also had a small problem where the podcast backdrop got desynched leaving a lot of black frames. And I didn't get to fix the ones at the very start before I rendered everything.
Tomorrow everyone will be checking the revisions and if god wills it, it'll be uploaded by then. Sorry for the wait anon. The last couple weeks have been quite taxing and it got in the way of the editing. I'll try to do best for Kringle's episode.
I think this one is worth the wait though.
See the above mentioned. Again, sorry for the long wait.

>> No.4802094

Thanks anon, apologies, I'm still a bit new to /dad/, didn't know there was a whole website. Appreciate it!

>> No.4802097

I don't want to talk much about it right now. But there's actually a couple of ideas I have in mind to hopefully remedy this.
I don't want to pinch people's noses and mess with their fun. But I'm sure everyone can agree that the main reason they're on DAD is to draw and get better. So I think livening up art activities and encouraging art discussion and such should be a priority. Right?
What do you think dads? I'm interested in hearing your opinion. As sometimes I wonder if this might be the reason why there's so many people who remain very quiet.

>> No.4802131

In the submit options you can use your camera. It's what I usually do.

>> No.4802139

i love you baby daddy

>> No.4802149

I appreciate that anon. I hope I can make something one day you'll appreciate

>> No.4802163

I would love that. I usually don't chat much bc shy and awkward as fuck but joining atelier made me comfy to talk with other dads

>> No.4802196

I’m all for more art talk and less Jojo

>> No.4802211

Why isn't this the default topic of discussion? Any non-art related subjects should stay on a off-topic channel.

>> No.4802249

Nah, it's fine - post as much porn as you want, even for safe challenges. Just be sure to set your submission as explicit

>> No.4802264

Art talk get old real quick.

>> No.4802290

i love you dad!

>> No.4802343

The wind has blown me in a different direction, so I'll be quitting DAD dev for now. I might come back to it some day, but only time will tell. This is a purely personal decision, so ignore any drama-bait.
That also means that the forums project is on hold until banana or nsix take over or I come back to dev, but I think they have other priorities right now.
Finally, this isn't a goodbye from me to DAD in general, but this alias is probably going to be used strictly for code from now on (or maybe I'll go weekly with it if I come back to dev), because I'm not comfortable posting a lot of the stuff I want to draw on an account associated with my main.
Love you guys. See ya later.

>> No.4802388

dont do it to us puma

>> No.4802404


>> No.4802407


>> No.4802414

see you around puma

>> No.4802463

dad forums never

>> No.4802503

Is this bait

>> No.4802596


>> No.4802703

>A couple of revisions were requested.
Was it the part where he shit talks the thread because some anon predicted it? kek

>> No.4802725
File: 122 KB, 227x296, 29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah tiki wanted to include bwusagi pics or something in the video because i was talking bout rika

>> No.4802917

Dad 2.0

>> No.4802920

Houses ETA

>> No.4802924

>dad forums cancelled
>dad 2.0 cancelled
>dad houses cancelled

>> No.4802969

How do I get approves on the site? It says I need a moderators approval

>> No.4802971

You'll get approved when the mods wake up. They're all in the same timezone lol

>> No.4802973

No, this was my sixth day drawing

>> No.4802974

How do you change your brush to get a rougher more pencil-on-paper look without just making it blurry and messy

>> No.4803024

That's good to know! Thank you for the input anon. (:
Good to know. But also, to clarify for >>4802264, this wouldn't mean that the current activity in the server would be try to be stopped or penalized in an active way. I'm just trying to come up with ideas to hopefully make the server more in tune with the overall goals of the community and to give a space for those more art focused or shy people to participate.

That is as things are. The problem is not off topic discussion in the inappropriate channels. But rather that the art focused channels are a bit quiet and slow.
Matters like these are why I'm asking for opinions. Particularly those of the dads who are more quiet or don't participate as much. For those of you, what changes would prompt you to participate more? What would encourage you to be more active? And, what improvements do you think the server could have?

Your input is thoroughly appreciated.
Nah, it's what Wolf said. They wanted to add a couple things. Plus the error that crept into the render at the start, which I needed to fix (the black frames because of the missing backdrop)
I'm rendering it again right now. So in a little over an hour I'll be sending it to the others so they can check it. We'll see if it can be uploaded today.

>> No.4803027

Hope you're doing well Puma. Catch you later. Good luck!

>> No.4803051

the use of art jargon coupled with beginner work reads like bait to me as well- but if you're only 6 days in then you're doing great anon. Keep it up my friend- and join the dad website.

>> No.4803098
File: 211 KB, 2048x1536, zpzu03xpdmc51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4803108

cath please calm down..

>> No.4803135

>dadcast cancelled

>> No.4803218

Thanks for the support anon. I just submitted last night, im just waiting to get approved by an admin

>> No.4803223

god forbid such a thing called Dadhouse

>> No.4803322

Trying to encourage people to post work and critique more would make it a lot livelier. I feel apprehensive to post my work because not many do often, but if i saw more activity I would be less afraid to post.

>> No.4803341

Noted. Thanks for the input anon. I will try to address this the best I can. I'll think of more ways to help it though. Not gonna lie I haven't been sharing in the server too much of the work I've been doing. Mostly out of forgetting.

>> No.4803348
File: 407 KB, 528x478, 1231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the moment I open discord someone is talking about inhaling piss fumes

>> No.4803350


>> No.4803363

sorry but all the pro artists do it, you're getting left behind at this rate..

>> No.4803368
File: 162 KB, 618x360, 6236236237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


alright, let me get some more water into me first

>> No.4803398

come back we can talk out our differences

>> No.4803411
File: 138 KB, 476x479, 1597507556214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'll keep a safe lurking distance, thank you very much

>> No.4803419

I don't p my w in the server because I upload to the site and if anyone actually wanted to see my work they would look at it there, so posting additionally on discord feels like asking for unnecessary attention. But I'm a shy person anyway so could just be me.

>> No.4803444
File: 17 KB, 520x579, image0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, same here, I really don't know how to interact with art friends as I have never shared my art with anyone outside dad and I feel kind of out of place

I could use a lot of critique, but I'm not really brave enough to find out how that would turn out

>> No.4803453
File: 48 KB, 526x701, 1566202885581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4803490

Similarly I rarely request critique because most of the time my shortcomings in art are problems that I can identify, examine, and begin to solve on my own on a low level (which frankly is the only thing that most active dadcord users are qualified to properly critique). If I think "I'm having trouble with figures" --> I need to do more gestures, figure drawing, read a book, follow a course, whatever. "I don't know how to light this" --> look at reference photos or check in a book or a 3d model or any of the hundreds of resources available out there. Requesting critique implies that discord users can offer something better that I can't get anywhere else, which is mostly untrue. An upside is how quick or personalized the feedback you *might* receive is, but this also depends on the right user being active at the right time as well as being willing to take the time to give you thorough critique, and to ask for someone to voluntarily give you so much is to be a burden, to go back to the shyness point. At least that's my personal attitude toward one-off crits, I'm sure there are others with different experiences, but throwing my hat into the ring to see if anyone relates.

>> No.4803568

>have to draw
>suddenly my head hurts and I'm desperate for sleep

should I just stop
There hasn't been a point in literal years where I've actually wanted to draw and didn't have to spend 10 minutes forcing myself to pick up the stylus

>> No.4803581

jesus anon why did you even start

>> No.4803588

are you at least good? if you are beg just stop

>> No.4803590

I was 'the art kid' and never developed any self identity beyond that

>> No.4803594

I'm too int to get advice like a beg and too beg to be appealing

>> No.4803599

do you have any other hobbies

>> No.4803604

Getting angry at video games and waiting for the day to end by watching Youtube

>> No.4803613
File: 18 KB, 720x463, 1587413507994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4803616

I prescribe you one complete digital detox for a month. good luck anon.

>> No.4803620

uh are there any stories you want to tell with your art?

>> No.4803621

if you haven't achieved /int/ in 3 months, there is probably no hope for you.
pick a different hobby.

>> No.4803624


I thought this too, but as of late I have changed my view on this.

I just think that art relies so heavily on abstraction and how clearly those abstractions read that you have to get critique regardless of the skill level of people involved. Even if you get objectively incorrect critique you should think what might have made them think that as it was somebody's first impression. Or if you get something that you already know, well then you can place it higher in the priority, especially if there were other shortcomings in the piece you posted you were aware of but somebody else missed.

you can quite easily get lost in the woods and develop a style that many would consider ugly or unappealing, that's a shitfield I'm still stuck in.

>> No.4803664

don't tell me what to do

>> No.4803672


>> No.4803675

draw what you want to draw
but the hard part is figuring out what that is
being addicted to the internet and expedient pleasure isn't helping
have your bedtime youtube session, and tomorrow, go for a long walk, with something to take notes on, and write any ideas of anything you want to create. don't focus on art. try again another time if nothing comes up. but don't keep complaining when deep down you know you're just putting off really thinking about why you got into art in the first place and what you want to bring to life.

>t. anon on the same boat projecting

>> No.4803676

>>4803419 >>4803444 >>4803453
Disregard this anons. I know you might look at your activity a lot, but trust me when I say that others don't. (unless someone is very invested in your work or...somewhat obsessive). I myself have a lot of trouble keeping up with what's posted to the site because there's so many posters now.
Just drop your drawing in pyw. Worse thing that can happen is nobody commenting on it. Most people might just think "oh, cool" and move on.
I don't mean this as to say that your work is not interesting. But rather than people will just look and move on most of the time. So don't burden yourself too much wondering what people might think and whatnot.

As for crits, I'm more like >>4803490 anon. At least, most of the time I don't seek crits. but it can be good to do so for some particular thing. Or just to hear out what other people think. That's more on you though. Just be mindful of what can help you improve better. Also, you can always feel free to use the crit channel to tag someone and leave a comment on their work.

But again, I'd recommend not minding much some idea that you might be trying to get attention. It's a space to post work, you do that. Nobody will care in a negative manner about it. Besides, as I said, the site ow has enough users than seeing what one user posts every time is not that easy unless you're daily and post at a certain time or something like that.

>> No.4803679


>> No.4803680

I already know what I want to draw though

>> No.4803683

uhhh... so i have no artists to copy from for the study challenge, any recommendations?

>> No.4803686

tell us anon, what do you want to draw?
do you understand that if you draw it, and it's not 'perfect', you can always redraw it later? what is holding you back?

>> No.4803697

hard to suggest anything when theres no info about you, your tier, style nor your short-term/long-term goal.

>> No.4803700

What's the /int/ baseline/cutoff? Give names if possible.

>> No.4803703
File: 9 KB, 300x222, 1596071338924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

motherfucker who bought the last refurb cintiq pro I will find you and I will end you I was just making sure I had the money on the right account you fucking buffoon swear to god

>> No.4803706


>> No.4803707

*leaves a reaction on the pieces above and below yw*

>> No.4803712

>page 7
I don't want to say goodbye to doggie

>> No.4803713

this is /ic/ page 7 to 10 is literally a day

>> No.4803716

tell that to ramewneko

>> No.4803719

what does that mean? page for what? their last submission?

>> No.4803720

I wish more people did the Worldbuilding Month

>> No.4803727

and the FBI challenge

>> No.4803729

I wish I did all those challenges I signed up for

>> No.4803731

I wish to not do a single challenge

>> No.4803734

Blame the shithead in this thread a week ago

>> No.4803737


>> No.4803738

I wish people would respond more often after I comment on their artwork

>> No.4803739

this desu

>> No.4803741

I neverk now what to respond with other than variations of "thanks"

>> No.4803742

why leave a comment if your purpose wasn't to critique/compliment but to start an interaction? not everyone wants to start a convo
maybe we need a pm system

>> No.4803745

daddies sending private pms #socute

>> No.4803764

I actually made something for the fbi but now im glad i didnt post it

>> No.4803776


>> No.4803777

What happened a week ago? Sperglord posted a cumtribute, again?

>> No.4803784

I would but I'm not the one who does that. ): Don't worry though. Seben's working on uploading it right now. Expect a link within the upcoming hour.

>> No.4803793


>> No.4803794

What are you talking about? The kringle/kaz situation?

>> No.4803799

can you read?

>> No.4803802

He doesn't know about that tribute episode...

>> No.4803806

I don't remember anything like that happening, and I've been checking /dad/ pretty frequently. Cum tribute to who?

>> No.4803811

to you silly

>> No.4803834

get some sleep anon. Don't fuck your sleep schedule like I did.

>> No.4803835

that cumtribute thing was from like a year ago. More recently some sperg went on a very vague tirade about how ugly everyone on dad is with the intent of sabotaging the fbi challenge and apparently it worked.

>> No.4803841

who's your favorite artist? any artists that influence your work?

>> No.4803842
File: 61 KB, 1096x714, 8F24AFEC-A3AB-40BC-A80C-ECCEEB0C0138.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4803844


what motivates a person to do this

>> No.4803845


>> No.4803846

I'll submit my portrait anyway. Idgaf about some rando sperg if he nitpicks my face

>> No.4803849


>> No.4803850

anon it takes me a whole day to come up with a reply.. That's how awkward I am

>> No.4803851


>> No.4803853

Update this

>> No.4803856

not really a cumtribute someone in the previous thread sperging about the femanons in dad

>> No.4803859

Guys I drew something and it made me happy

>> No.4803860

I'm proud of you son

>> No.4803861


sounds like a troubled individual

>> No.4803864

yo how do I know my current streak?

>> No.4803867

check your blue bar

>> No.4803876

am I guaranteed to never get comments if I submit right before the deadline

>> No.4803879

rip konsui on worldbuilding

>> No.4803880

>page 8
Doggie will be gone when I wake up

>> No.4803890
File: 560 KB, 2359x1334, Zone-Tan (Day 8) (1)-1-1-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think im finally improving. I'm glad I decided to get into DAD, I thought about quitting but stuck through. 8 days in and I feel more confident. Started going more reference instead of just imagination and it's done me good. Tried drawing zone about 5 days ago and it was ass, so I decided to try again. Huge fan of ZONE-Sama, so here's to them.
Also, thanks to the anons who told me to upload to the site. Just started yesterday and have seen some pretty cool stuff.

>> No.4803891

Just 8 days and you already thought of giving up? Just lol

>> No.4803893

Well it was mostly because I felt I wasn't doing any better, but that's because I wasn't putting my full effort into it. Now that I am, I see differently

>> No.4803908

This Jade bitch is annoying
Been downhill since they introduced her

>> No.4803922
File: 2.91 MB, 1920x1080, Ep. 3 Backdrop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, at last! The latest episode o the dadcast is here dads. Please check it out whenever you can. It's a lengthy one and I think you will enjoy it.
Here's the link: https://youtu.be/zkZnRdLRJs8

Sorry for the delays in production. If it's more reassuring to you, I'll provide more updates of the process in the future.
Let us know what you think of the episode.

>> No.4803923

There's far far more annoying children

>> No.4803924

where is the podcast you third worlders

>> No.4803928

Cute. Cute!!!

>> No.4803931

I like how 3 of the 5 people that have been on this show have sexy deep voices and then the other 2 have super beta voices

>> No.4803967

>tfw I'm a voicelet

>> No.4803979

Not gonna listen till you get a girl guest

>> No.4803987

fr , no cap, straight fax, they bugging if they is thinking we wachin that.

>> No.4803994


>> No.4803995

Stop bitching Yolk. Already told you. Next episode will have Kringle.
You can join any of the voice channels whenever you feel like anon. No hurry.

>> No.4804029

Which dads do you think are capable of actually progressing

>> No.4804030

red and nsix

>> No.4804036
File: 997 KB, 736x938, inspiration 16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you don't even make it into the list.

>> No.4804041

>comfort zoning
Joke's on you, tier lister. I'm never comfortable when I draw.

>> No.4804044


>> No.4804077

I don't know how to study

>> No.4804219
File: 81 KB, 564x846, 1594078490940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New thread.

>> No.4804261
File: 23 KB, 262x291, 1482847216316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>need more finished work
This is very embarrassing and true, but I'm working on it right now, I promise.

>> No.4804559

At least you're not skipped ;_;