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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 116 KB, 324x324, _0Cdl5NS_400x400 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4796802 No.4796802 [Reply] [Original]

tell me your experiences

>> No.4796807

Draw her favourite BL ship instead

>> No.4796817


yeah in my experience it raises your odds most of the time

>> No.4796823

that’s like asking if flirting raises your chance of getting a girl
if the girl is receptive, yeah doing something is better than doing nothing obviously, but if she isn’t, you’re not going get in her pants by drawing her like a retard
getting into drawing for sex is even more retarded than doing it for money

>> No.4796827
File: 1000 KB, 500x202, 57A13B8A-6496-4EA0-9891-21A863FC86A3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, but what if you’re an otherwise hot guy? Would the gimmick help raise your appeal and seal the deal?

>> No.4796828

some girls might find that weird and obsessive, draw her oc or favorite character instead

>> No.4796831

are you fucking 12?
being into scat will “raise your appeal” with some women, it doesn’t mean it will with others.
doesn’t matter how hot you are if the girl cringes at you drawing her like an autist

>> No.4796879

Ok, so what you're saying is, I need to diversify my knowledge as much as possible to pass off as "in the know" for many things bitches might like, then keep faking till I secure the snatch?

Not that it really matters, like I already said, I'm a hottie with plenty of whores available to me

>> No.4796883

oh you're that retard.
you should go back to grinding fundies because your skills are garbage, instead of thinking about how to get laid by drawing.

>> No.4796891

>Not that it really matters, like I already said, I'm a hottie with plenty of whores available to me
Sure, that's why you're asking for sex advice on an imageboard that is dedicated to art and drawings.

>> No.4796900
File: 36 KB, 601x508, BAAE1672-3ECC-4BE3-BCDF-3304D173BE84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The amount of seethe held by this board. If I were a standard crab, I’d say pyw but I’m sure if it’s not garbage, then (You) as a person are. Nonetheless, I hope (You) get over yourself, become a good person and find some sort of success
It’s never harmful to learn something new, so if being more ‘artificial’ can score points with the lesser gender, I’m open to doing it. I don’t need advice on picking up bitches, all the standard crap people say is stuff I’ve already been doing, the only thing that docks points from me is I genuinely hate being around most other people. Such is the duality of man.

>> No.4796928
File: 280 KB, 1800x1700, Алёна-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drew portraits 3 times: the first two times it were simple sketches without color and detail, the 3rd one was a full fledged portrait. All of the girls were really happy, the first two girls at first reciprocated to me but later for unrelated reasons they run away. The picrelated was the first one and it's 2 years old, the girl dumped me later without an explanation. The fun thing is that 2 years later I met her on Tinder without understanding at first it was she, we had a talk on a messenger but I turned her down because I was still bitter about how she left me without a word.

The 3rd girl received a full fledged colored portrait because I was already in relationship with her and I wanted to make something special for her birthday. She was euphoric, I often used the fact that I draw as a bite for girls in my romantic pursuits, while flirting I often implied or suggested to girls that I might draw their portraits and it seems they often were flattered. Sometimes they themselves suggested I should draw their portraits. Don't be afraid to brag about being an artist, real life is not /ic/ and you won't meet a single girl that would insult your drawings, let insult you for drawing a bad portrait. Don't listen to d/ic/kheads whom you can't satisfy unless you are one of the top-10% the mere willingness to draw a portrait, even bad portrait, is a sweet gesture that most women would appreciate no matter how young they are

>> No.4796933
File: 183 KB, 456x585, 1512515.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

went from zero matches on tinder to 20 within a day after linking my instagram to it, but my bio was just super basic with one picture

I'd say that I'm pretty beg tier

>> No.4796935

It didn't work for me. Maybe I came off as a bit of a creep or autistic.

>> No.4796938
File: 625 KB, 832x1024, 0F401F29-F8D6-4D5E-B1F5-030CD780A3C5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I >>4796900
was referring to. It’s a good hook that could help me further in my charm and skill in seduction. Not that it matters, since if I really wanted, I’d just take what I want by force

>> No.4796949

>I’d just take what I want by force
Haha, sure, tough guy.

>> No.4796994
File: 232 KB, 524x541, AA600E5D-3F08-468C-A023-7A13C0A44DF4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see you’re poking fun at me. This’ll be the last post on my end for today, so I’ll keep it short.

Firstly, an attack on a woman by any man, let alone me, is a battle of wits, not strength. The wit to get away with the crime as cleanly as possible.

Next, I am a tough guy, but not because I said something edgy on the Internet. The things I aspire to, the amount of tragedy that’s befallen me, and my unshakeable resolve to reach that long held dream, to attain the greatness I so childishly decided to pursue, that regal throne at the very top, and my unwillingness to relent until it’s mine, as it should be. That’s what makes me tough.

Third. I’m confident in my capacity to defeat most men in a clash of violence, not even factoring in women. However, that’s not to say I’d be willing to play fair. In the instance I was originally referring to, I most certainly wouldn’t play fair since my life would be on the line, and I would take every advantage possible to get what what I want, and get it safely.

Last, I hate that phrase itself. Derision followed by “tough guy”. There was this lanky faggot at my old workplace that used it, and I honestly wanted to smash his face in, but I kept my cool and endured. One day, men like him will be punished, by me. So don’t be like him, unless you’re a masochist. Later, I’m gonna draw and then read mango (but kissanime and kiss mango is down, (((Japan))) is getting greedy it seems).

>> No.4797011

pretty based desu.

>> No.4797018

The thing that pissed me off the most out of this whole thing is seeing someone that still used fucking kissanime in 2020.

>> No.4797019

No. Your career choice isn't suppose to define your identity, just your intrinsic interest and the way you learn stuff. Don't talk about anything related to your shit just like she probably won't. Drop you insta on dating apps but like don't talk about it unless someone ask. This ain't bakuman, this is about being passionate while paying your bill.

>> No.4797029

>getting into drawing for sex is even more retarded than doing it for money
You are way more likely to get laid with art than you are to get paid with art.

>> No.4797033

not gonna lie, I didn’t read any of that, but I could fuck your gf and sister so hard they’d both be rimming me at the same time while humming the happy birthday song in your kitchen while I was wearing your favorite pair of socks within a day of meeting them
not bragging, just stating facts

>> No.4797038

Have not you seen lots of self-proclaimed female "artists" that have awful skills at singing/drawing/graphic design, etc? It's prestigious to be an artist and many people strive to acquire a title of one, females appreciate it when you are creative and you can even check out the ideal partners thread in /soc/ where most of the girls want their ideal boyfriend to be passionate about ANYTHING, creative is a very popular trait there as well.

>> No.4797041

Anything but games and animes, I mean. But having a goal to strive for and a prestigious hobby, like sport or drawing, does improve your image in the eyes of each gender

>> No.4797058
File: 25 KB, 220x159, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this moron is back at it again
Everyone point and laugh at the laughing stock of the board

>> No.4797062
File: 128 KB, 1280x1280, 9AEF59F6-38C7-4A28-95EF-030119D62C34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

graaaaahhhh, I couldn’t help myself, I needed to take the bait. You disturbed my drawing for this, so be grateful I don’t know you irl.

I don’t have a gf or sister, so you logistically can’t. Second, if this did happen, I’d get pissed off and people would be hurt. Watch your eyes/neck/back/balls. Third, you had me up until the part with the birthday song and socks.

>> No.4797066

Yeah if you're int or pro tier and willing to draw anything they request for free. You'll get mad art hoe pussy dog but they all have crazy people problems and made of gender bullshit. It's like navigating a minefield trying to get that poon without offending them

>> No.4797092

Considering I've never gotten laid but I make money from my art, this is a lie.

>> No.4797106

Cringe highschooler kill yourself

>> No.4797145

And I've never gotten paid, but have gotten laid with my art.

>> No.4797198

Can we trade?

>> No.4797200

I'll suck some dick for some quality art

>> No.4797418
File: 191 KB, 1114x1280, girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From my experience, no.
They're conceited enough as it is, at best they'll thank you and post the drawing on their instagram story, maybe plug your page if you have one, but that's it.
If you start doing it more often they might get annoyed or find it creepy (happened to me too).
I tried this shit with 4 different girls, only one seemed slightly more interested in me after I drew her, but that's probably because she was also an artist so maybe she felt validated, I don't fucking know.

>> No.4797432

>developing a rapport with her personality and hobbies and deciding you belong for each other
>drawing her, getting in her pants one night while drunk, losing interest and dumping her

>> No.4797490

i do coomer art, so it will only increase my chances to be charged with harrassment

>> No.4797502

I would be offended if a man drew me like this. Don’t offer to draw people unless you’re actually good, otherwise you’re just embarrassing yourself and they’re just being nice

>> No.4797507
File: 53 KB, 736x1000, la-pompadour-matisse-drawing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4797511

If you actually think those are comparable... You’re also comparing an established artist to a nobody trying to get girls with his shitty drawings.

>> No.4797513

uh huh. look at those goalposts flying away into the sunset...

>> No.4797522


Gonna sound like some kind of "pickup artist guru" retard, but this is completely legitimate advice: Pls do not do this.

Only draw a girl if you're drawing it for yourself and she just gets to be flattered that you found her "worthy" of drawing. If you draw her *for her* you instantly devalue your skill and effort to a nifty trick you can do to earn her affection and flatter her ego. And it's arguably rule number one of relationships to never pump a girl's ego at the expense of your own. You instantly become a wimpy simp, and will surely slip into the role of "sweet artist friend".

>> No.4797529

everyone knows that female artists get gud early and age out at thirty so wgaf

>> No.4797531


>> No.4797549

Fuck if you guys think giving a girl a drawing that you could have easily done in less than 5 minutes is something worth being wooed over, you’re completely retarded. What’s more romantic? I drew a random picture of you off your IG and it took me 3 minutes vs. I spent 2 whole nights painting you because I thought you were so beautiful. The woman you love muse trope has been done so many times, yet here I am explaining it to you incels.

Learn to draw, then learn how to be a romantic. You guys are so dumb it’s hilarious.

>> No.4797551

I’ll “dilate” my actual vagina™ once you get laid. We both know that’s not happening.

>> No.4797554

Depends, if you’re handsome and draw her, then you’re good to go

>> No.4797558

t. virgin
They’ll thank you and then show it maybe to chad who laughs at it

>> No.4797560
File: 550 KB, 1310x1770, image26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4797584
File: 424 KB, 1600x776, 50_DM_Serie2_Vorderseite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. virgin
t. ngmi

>> No.4797588

Nah, i used to go out with this girl, she liked me a lot, or at least liked to have sex with me a lot, and i drew a portrait of her, possibly one of my best ones.
She still went back to her ex lol

>> No.4797598
File: 192 KB, 870x1249, Rough Sketch Senpai - Chapter 1 _ Why Does It Have To Be Me_ - 19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk. But having a muse who loves you dearly must be something incredible.

>> No.4797599

Nobody telling you the truth so i'm gonna.
They just want you to folllow them on instagram...

>> No.4797608
File: 585 KB, 1520x997, Bild003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you a "whimsy and goofy" kind of artist that draws fantasy and cartoons (pic related), or you are a crafty, intellectual and serious, "i draw realistic portraits that i honed my skill at"?

>> No.4797623

I have genuinely no idea what that has to do with my post or even this thread, my guy.

>> No.4797634

I shouldn't visit /ic/, but don't know where else to go. I wish there were professional art forums nowadays.

>> No.4797655

but youre also saying if we're famous and earned thousands with each drawing youd drop your pants immediately.

>> No.4797660

Do girls like guys with girly styles?

>> No.4797727

Please show me where I said that. Established =\= rich. You cannot compare a nobodies art to something similar that an established artist did. Their name/image has power behind it, yours does not. A sketch of say Calvin and Hobbs by Bill Watterson might take him 5 minutes to do, but it’s a simple enough style that a 12 year old who is decent at drawing can replicate it. Which one do you think is gonna be sought after?

The person who drew that bald chick with a towel draped over her head has no redeeming qualities if they are resorting to shoddy drawings to get attention from girls. So if you’re gonna go that route, at least be GOOD at drawing and put actual effort in. Why tf should someone that you’re pursuing give you any attention if you couldn’t even give them more than 5 minutes of your time?

>> No.4797733

Are you into pegging?

>> No.4797735

As like a gay friend thing yea

>> No.4797752
File: 26 KB, 400x400, yQ21pTwo_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can't be fucked to read the thread, but hopefully someone has already given OP the correct answer.

It depends on how well you capture her in the drawing. If you're drawing is 10/10 and you don't look or act like the cheddar goblin, then yea it'll help.

>> No.4797755

Do girls like good loli artists like tim lochner or range murata?

>> No.4797757

How girly are we talking?

>> No.4797759

wait, were we not talking about lolis the whole thread?

>> No.4797761

Women don't give a shit about your hobbies, they give a shit about your face and height. She might think it's cool in addition to those things, but if you're ugly/a manlet and hoping to compensate through talent then you will be severely disappointed.

>> No.4797769


>> No.4797899

Ok beta virgin.

>> No.4797904

Cope. That's literally what would happen, you'd just look like a weirdo autist even if you were good.

>> No.4797916

You dropped your incel forums subscription, sir.

>> No.4797966

awful tumblr/twitter shit

>> No.4797979

Doing anything that requires effort is the very essence of being a simp, no one would ever fall for that shit. Your oneitis is probably annoyed by such simps like you and then goes with chad for lunch. How is this concept so foreign to you virgins? Not everything revolves around fucking

>> No.4798090


i enjoy making pretty girls laugh and make em happy like petting a dog and you won't stop me.

>> No.4798093

>your face and height.
funny way of spelling wallet.

>> No.4798105 [DELETED] 

I would be offended if a double digit IQ retarded like you was giving me advices on how to pick up women and told me that my tricks, which never backfired for me, are a bad idea. Women are not a hive mind and the ordinary people, surprise, have lower standards than artists. Don't give advices, period, otherwise you’re embarrassing yourself and the people are just being nice.

>> No.4798107

I would be offended if a double digit IQ retard like you was giving me advices on how to pick up women and told me that my tricks, which never backfired for me, are a bad idea. Women are not a hive mind and the ordinary people, surprise, have lower standards than artists. Don't give advices, period, otherwise you’re embarrassing yourself and the people are just being nice.

>> No.4798123

Dunno but the girls I drew for were pretty happy about it and would show off the drawings to their other friends and hang them up in their rooms. I also sketched a girl I liked once for fun but never showed it to her because I didn't ask her for permission and didn't want to creep her out. Don't think I had a chance with her since I'm a girl

>> No.4798126

As long as you don’t get to touchy and their boyfriends are alright with that. But you are basically a simp
Have sex

>> No.4798127

Only virgins still think 'virgin' is an insult. Stop putting sex on a pedestal.

>> No.4798132

My wife loves Tim Loechner. I don't think I've shown her Range, but we've watched Last Exile I guess.

>> No.4798140

>male nagatoro
This is what i have been looking for, thanks anon

>> No.4798143
File: 183 KB, 492x522, pic rel1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drew the portrait of my oneitis a long time ago then out of nowhere she messaged me. Like a mutt i reminded her that i drew her and i think she liked it. Then i drew her again one last time and told her goodbye then simultaneously deleting my post. She thought i was commiting sudoku but i clarified her that that wasn't what i meant when saying goodbye. I merely wished to move on with my life and hers but the feelings and the emotions is still haunting me to this day. But yeah i think drawing her will increase the odds of her liking you.
>Pic related one of the few sketches i sent her.

>> No.4798150

girls like guys who do dangeours things and get buff. not the thoughtful artist type. its bioligical




>> No.4798153

It isn't going to be cool and quirky like you think it is. Unless the chick is already into you 100%, it's going to come off as some weird obsessive gesture that she'll laugh about with her friends. Women do not like shit like this and they find it highly effeminate.

>> No.4798163

is your wife a loli? and do you often read loli doujins together?

>> No.4798212

If that’s your art they ignored you because it looks ugly

>> No.4798220
File: 597 KB, 782x786, 8D0BB8A2-81A5-4BB0-93DE-946487E0E970.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But what if both?
Cope I’m already chad, plus my superior charm and dashing good looks along with my low inhibition enable me to get away with virtually anything

>> No.4798248

>But what if both?

low chance. get buff and do sports if you want women. you'll be too tired to do both.

get real

>> No.4798257

Weren't you saying how the only girls who are attracted to you are fat and ugly some time ago? And you were coping about it by pretending you're too good for women? That was hilarious, you're like the court jester of /ic/

>> No.4798279

i hate women
i hate popular artists
i hate 4chan
i hate ic
i hate people

i love art. as an expression of my idealist utopia and self-expression

>> No.4798295
File: 107 KB, 326x313, 3B4E9002-6039-42BA-8B5C-209654665E52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4798296
File: 39 KB, 228x221, 1594584538509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drew her while she was sleeping and she called me a creep

>> No.4798305
File: 10 KB, 229x220, 117ABF3B-2F63-4750-AA0A-42C39B692494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4798313

When do you start recruiting people to your righteous cause, M'lord?

>> No.4798318
File: 13 KB, 700x800, 092940D9-6649-4263-90CD-46AE4A1B569E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to see myself as more of a one man army, however, any aid is appreciated and will one day be rewarded with unlimited access to the highest class of whores in my harem, as well as having your name show in the history books. Beneath me of course, but it’s an honor to show up at all in the same books as my name

>> No.4798325

I was basically a creep doing it, unless it's 10/10 or you don't live in the US. Pls don't bait zoomers into trying this, in average this advice works for some people, most others they might accidently get memed on.

>> No.4798332

Hey I felt the same way trying it, thinking it was chadly, but the girl was just making fun it. Even showed up drunk being a bitch during one of my with shifts at the time. I went on a psychedelic binge to check my ego and actually start dropping the basedboy mental gymnastics.

>> No.4798340

Post floating loomis heads you beginner pseud

>> No.4798342

t. virgin in denial

>> No.4798343
File: 2.04 MB, 2285x2448, A4CD4449-90C0-4047-AB7D-5A5FEC0A2BC6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my god lmao, I mean first of all have a listen to
And next, I can’t believe everyone here is this autistic. I mean, I don’t know, I might be biased since I’m already pretty hot, but it amazes me how incompetent other people are. Good on you for getting past it, but pyschedelics are gay, I mean ego death, really? Who would want that? Anyway, here’s a tiger I started drawing to keep it on topic

>> No.4798345

Great, plenty of autistics and zoomers complaining, and now a narcissist schizophrenic.

>> No.4798384

>to keep it on topic
you like cougars?

>> No.4798406

Hey anon I like the way you write about yourself, kinda turns me on... Couldn't explain how but, yep =(. (I'm a girl btw)
So, would you be willing to post your face or self portrait?
Do you have a blog? :)

>> No.4798421

Ok this is about to get really epic. Based anon

>> No.4798451


>> No.4798465
File: 55 KB, 625x415, 587833DF-6B51-4EB7-A330-AF0B02FA8485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao, I told you guys I’m a slayer. But I’ll refuse this request on 3 counts.

1. I’ve no means of verifying you’re of the lesser gender, or even a tranny. Plus I have plenty of bitches available to me anyway.

2. I’d rather not have my face plastered onto the Internet just yet, I still have many lofty goals to attain

3. You could just as easily be trying to lure me in so that you could dox me or humiliate me publicly. I also don’t have a blog as of yet. Also I look terrible today, my hairs a mess and so is my skin

I never actually did a self portrait, but I’m prettier than that Ryan Gosling fucker, probably a point or two below brad Pitt. I think I look most similar to pic related, but my eyes aren’t nearly as hideous and I think my nose is better, making for a sexy package overall. Similar skin tone and jaw. Also I’m pretty sure I’m bigger than pic related, because I’m such a Chad.

>> No.4798474

>something is petty enough to write that

>> No.4798475


>> No.4798479

I’m just stating the facts dammit, this is who I am, a talented, beautiful, BEAST of a man!!!

>> No.4798481
File: 627 KB, 857x884, lets fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i drewz you. let us fuck now

>> No.4798483

Has a grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements)

Regularly shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes

Has a very strong sense of entitlement, e.g., unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with his or her expectations

Is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love

>> No.4798488
File: 180 KB, 1371x1281, 59BB1D84-9A88-48ED-997C-52A6F4A78FF3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao you’re full of it. There was a short quiz on the page you linked but I think it’s inaccurate and full of crap, I only spoke the truth, plus if it benefits me and helps me attain that long held dream of mine, what’s so wrong with it?

>> No.4798494

Okay, that's fair. I'd still want to see at least a self portrait of yours, you should consider it.
Based on your description, your looks are not exactly my type, but I'm still into your personality :)
In previous posts you wrote about having to go through a lot of suffering in your life. What's that about? I'd like to read some of those experiences.

>> No.4798518
File: 1013 KB, 500x213, 666840C4-DBC4-4A27-B2AA-646877E06015.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re in luck, I plan on writing a memoir of my life and struggles, since I’m the only one fit to be my own biographer. My skills haven’t reached their full potential yet, so I don’t currently feel up to capturing my majestic form on the canvas, but rest assured I will. Once I decide I’ve enough muscle, stop being lazy, cut down and get leaner, I’ll maybe even post my nudes onto here for people to reference as what Steve Huston would call “the heroic male”. Rejoice in seeing my defined midsection and the striations between muscles when that day comes.

>> No.4798545

Dude have sex

>> No.4798569

Mind to share any small story for me and other interested anons? I understand you want to keep the mystery about you, but overdo it and people and myself will start to lose interest :(.
Now is your chance to cautivate us. I'm eager to know more about you.

>> No.4798577

>I spent 2 whole nights painting you because I thought you were so beautiful.
No woman will find this romantic and if you think otherwise you're a permavirgin.
She'd thank you out of courtesy and think you're a servile wimp.

>> No.4798584

Narcissists score 20 and over huh. Do you think you are like Christian Bale from American Psycho? Would someone showing you a slightly more aesthetic business card than your own trigger a sociopathic homicide?

>> No.4798590

>I spent 2 whole nights painting you because I thought you were so beautiful.
Hi apu

>> No.4798594

It’s just a movie dude, grow up

>> No.4798595
File: 31 KB, 640x480, 0BAD941A-ABD0-47D7-9104-CD479D9E54BB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, here goes.

There was a day, I felt like an animal. It wasn’t the only day, but I remembered that primal fear of being ‘prey’.

It was at my cousin’s wedding. A small gathering had taken place amongst various guests and people who were relatives of the bride and groom. I was just 10 years old at the time.

I went off into this room and played with some kids my age, and other people came in as well. This went on for a little while, but eventually they started to clear out, and as it happened, I was left alone in that room with 3 other people, grown men who appeared to be in their 20s.

I joked around since I was a very rambunctious kid, even to the annoyance of some people, but that was just how I chose to present myself in a world where I didn’t fit in.

I don’t know what exactly set those guys off, maybe they’d been drinking, although I can’t imagine what could piss someone off so much that they’d react the way they did, but one guy said “Ok this kid’s being really annoying, I think we need to teach him a lesson.”

I struggled for a sec but they were 3 grown men and I was one young, thin boy. I fought viciously, but two of them grabbed me by the arms and the third one grabbed both my legs and spread them apart. They had me suspended in the air.

The guy holding my legs pressed his foot down HARD onto my crotch. I felt a heavy pain set in as I felt my balls getting crushed by his foot. I kept myself from crying but the pain was so sharp I was in shock. I felt like a helpless baby deer, trapped within the claws of a pack of wolves. I felt that helplessness of someone stepping on you, rubbing your face in the dirt, completely DOMINATING you. The realization that I was powerless was almost more painful than what was happening between my legs.

The guy asked me if I’d had enough, if I was sorry. I grit my teeth and apologized. He held his foot there for a second and made me beg once more to show mercy. I cried out for lenience.

>> No.4798604
File: 42 KB, 428x371, DEF77D7F-4E86-4F45-8925-795BE5D28E9D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They let me go and I collapsed on the ground, clutching my crotch, and my wounded pride. I felt helplessness that day, and that feeling HURT.

Since then, I’ve become much stronger. If I ever find those bastards, I’ll bust their fucking skulls in! I don’t care if my legs cry every time I walk up the stairs, if my shoulders ache when I lift my arms above my head, but I’ll keep improving so I can get JUSTICE!

>> No.4798615

I think it depends on the girl and your relation with her

Related question: what about anonymously gifting her a drawing of her? Assuming she doesn't recognize it was you because she doesn't know your style or that you draw at all. Seeing her reaction on social media or real life circles would give off a good idea about how she'd react if you gifted it directly.

>> No.4798620

How she reacts depends entirely on how physically attractive you are.

>> No.4798623

We will destroy them one day, M'lord.

>> No.4798631

>draw picture of a girl you like
>give it to her
>"wow! that looks so good anon! cant wait to show my boyfriend this!"

>> No.4798657
File: 165 KB, 422x422, 291921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>One day, men like him will be punished, by me.

>> No.4798678

Do you like Gmod?

>> No.4798847

Have sex

>> No.4799677

I am a woman you dumb fuck. It was an example, and the point is you spent actual time on it. How fucking stupid are you idiots that I have to explain every little caveat of what I say? If you’re an ugly incel creep, then anything you say will be creepy. That’s on you and not my problem.

Genuinely horrible.

If your drawing is THAT shitty, your “tricks” aren’t working. They are just being nice to you. There’s genuinely no attempt in that example, therefore it’s not sincere. Are you giving these girls the drawing face to face? I doubt it. The only person embarrassing themselves is you every time you give one of your shitty scribbles to a girl. Imagine giving a “bouquet” of like 5 wilted flowers to someone. That’s essentially what you’re doing. THAT would be less insulting.

>> No.4799685

surely you could do better than her

>> No.4799692

>Genuinely horrible.
it reflects you perfectly then.

>> No.4799698

It's a flattering drawing, considering how horrid you probably look.

>> No.4799700

Oh wow that hurt my feelings so much!!!

>> No.4799857

feel the sting of my anonymous stranger words.