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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 538 KB, 640x1000, Eff4n3FXYAEmCs9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4796972 No.4796972[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

well of course

>> No.4796974

didnt even bother to paint over the bg lol

>> No.4796980

never does, not like it matters

>> No.4796981

This background makes it so fucking creepy.

>> No.4796982

I hate this pandering bitch so fucking much why does she piss me off so much you fuckers know exactly what you're doing by creating these threads.

>> No.4796984

she stopped giving even one fuck. I wouldn't be surprised if she outsources her shitty art.

>> No.4796985
File: 1.46 MB, 684x1000, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Queen of /ic/

>> No.4796995

Another great piece of art by Sakimichan. She really is the Botticelli of our times.

>> No.4796996

I fucking hate this cunt. She's just a drone riding the hype after hype after hype. I hope patreon flops, and people won't bother to go anywhere else for her shit.

>> No.4797001

I wish i could make people seethe as good as sakimisenpai does

>> No.4797009

Become neonazi or communist. Not edgy enough? Welcome to nazbols

>> No.4797012

Haha based sakimi making shitters sperg out

>> No.4797013

You just did you obnoxious little retard, fuck off back to /b

>> No.4797026

Why does Sakimichan cause so much rage?

>> No.4797031

Because she's a successful woman.

>> No.4797036

This but unironically

>> No.4797039

based, sakimi knows which side was superior.

>> No.4797051

This, based sakimi.

>> No.4797054

has nothing to do with it, she’s successful, that’s it
people here rage at men, women and literal children because they get attention for their art

>> No.4797057

She makes more money than you and your entire family make in a year altogether, cry more

>> No.4797060

how can someone be so based?

>> No.4797069

Seethe some more bitch, you should have done the same thing she did, kek.

>> No.4797074

Why are you guys so fucking hostile against sexuality?
You act like a bunch of filthy SERFs who got raped and never got over it.

>> No.4797079

wow, this is dogshit

>> No.4797083

Congrats you have shit taste. Millions of people like her art, but only a few jealous crabs hate it.

>> No.4797088

In every Sakimichan thread there's more people bitching about the fact that is "coom art" rather than the fact that the artist is a woman.
Hell, I bet most people here actually believe she's secretly a man who's pretending to be a woman for extra attention.

>> No.4797091


>> No.4797095

Ok /beg/

>> No.4797099

The hand is a classic

>> No.4797105

it's a rendered, unsettling plastic doll with a photograph off a search engine pasted in the background. Looking back at her older work, there was life to her characters, and a willingness to.challenge herself. Now she's terrified of hands and constantly crops her figures just above or below her knees. There is no sense of movement or genuine expression in much of her recent works.

It's like a sex doll staring at you.

>> No.4797110

It took me a sec. massive kek, but based for making people seethe

>> No.4797111

shhh be quiet
how else are they gonna bitch about the incel boogeyman like they do in every thread?

>> No.4797120

d/ic/k heads mad about successful artists thread #7835

>> No.4797136

>Hell, I bet most people here actually believe she's secretly a man who's pretending to be a woman for extra attention.
No one thinks this, stay mad a woman is more successful than you and makes more than you in a year than you do in 20

>> No.4797143

Just you

>> No.4797146


Sure thing, kid.

>> No.4797148

Try not to kill yourself in 10 years when you're still crying about a woman more successful than you as you wageslave away

>> No.4797152

sakimi should start selling those panties irl

>> No.4797166

sakimi should start selling her own panties

>> No.4797171

Exactly. No one ever complains about Zumidraws and he’s a sakimi clone.

>> No.4797178

This honestly, you fuckers don’t shit on the clones like you do with sakimi chan.

>> No.4797184

She keeps making the tits out of perspective. She's regressing. The root on her left, our right should be closer to us because of how she is turned but she draws them on the same plane depth wise so it looks like the tour on the right is normal but the one on the left sticks out bizarrely

>> No.4797188


>> No.4797192

so much this!

>> No.4797194
File: 13 KB, 235x215, B4862562-3786-4179-80F3-21727E7B1810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4797217


>> No.4797220

I legit would buy them just to piss off the crabs even more.

>> No.4797221

Even ever it's no the face the skin on her bodies look murky and dirty....or dead

>> No.4797228

She doesn't, i own a gym. And i make great art in my free time instead of selling my soul to autistic coomers

>> No.4797229


>> No.4797236

How much money does your gym brings in every year?

>> No.4797242
File: 521 KB, 554x775, 1591781539138.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for openly being a bitter bitches about sakimichan success instead of hiding behind """""""criticism""""""" and pretending that you actually give a fuck about her stagnation as an artist.

>> No.4797243

no, for once this isn't a crab. look closely at the image. Rendering is great but anatomy is completely fucked. look at her hand

>> No.4797256
File: 185 KB, 667x1000, 18EA7882-4ED7-4C4E-AD0F-ED2C3CFA55C0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought this one was pretty good

>> No.4797257
File: 193 KB, 1280x960, 1595457561663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Male artist doesn't get singled out for making bankrolls off of """""""bad""""'" art nearly as much around here, and you know it.

>> No.4797265

i like the face. her faces are on point 90% times

>> No.4797269

/ic/ has been seething about kuvshinov ilya for half a decade

>> No.4797274
File: 14 KB, 225x225, 0D9312F3-5377-4290-9A67-7037DA4310E3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4797277
File: 24 KB, 217x258, F2324478-CD84-4BB4-96C0-0B3061542A9A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Six fingers? Is that intentional?

>> No.4797279

>who is jazza
seriously, thinking its only about their gender is some weird victim culture shizniz. no, /ic/ is not out to get you because you are not a penis-haver

>> No.4797284

Sakimi-dono is an inspiration in a way. Cuts corners and spends less than 3 hours on a piece while raking mad cash and spending the rest of her time doing the things she really enjoys.

>> No.4797291


>> No.4797292

Yeah fucking right. This entire board is overrun with perverted degenerate incels. You hate her because she’s a successful woman

>> No.4797294

photo on background quickie

>> No.4797306

And every thread like this has some mentally ill dude spouting strawmans

>> No.4797322

You make 30k-40k per month anon?

>> No.4797324

>tfw the clone has superior art

>> No.4797327

the boobs and butt both facing forward is.. confusing.

also kek at the cumspot unblended light on her ass

>> No.4797367

Some gym owner won’t make much money considering how many people cancel their membership every few months and covid too, kek.

>> No.4797371

Clearly we're all just a buncha fun hating PROODS! It's not like her followers have too much cum in their brains to notice what a pandering hack she is!

>> No.4797375

>"i-it's not sexist or pandering because a FEEMALE drew it!"
The jokes write themselves...

>> No.4797402

I'm from a 3rd world shithole but I'm making like 60k selling random shits on the internet

>> No.4797404

>making only 6k usd
Ok 3rd world shitter

>> No.4797419
File: 242 KB, 954x2678, Uzaki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sakimichan drew Hana's head is too small.

>> No.4797423
File: 57 KB, 473x587, 1596039269114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. /ic/tards are mad because they have to put in days worth of work is a piece and still can't get a single dollar.

>> No.4797424

Fuck you man. Im tired of dumb americans making fun of the third world and seething about not making a shitton of money so they can like in their hypermansions on the california coast. BE GRATEFUL YOU BITCH FOR YOUR STRONG CURRENCY AND SUCCESS

>> No.4797426

she doesn't make anything in a different style nowadays: it's always fat cowtits with little heads

>> No.4797455

Did she put "older" in the title?

>> No.4797472

I mean she does look like a child with cow tits stapled on her chest in the original
But "older X flavor of the week" has always been her thing. It's to let people know she's totally not a pedophile guise!!

>> No.4797482 [DELETED] 

looks like punjabi mobage art

>> No.4797492

People are more likely to seethe over female artists in general here.
Also black people, neither is a surprising fact considering there are actual /pol/ posters here that constantly shit up this board

>> No.4797517

Who else would bring up black people but an anti-pol guy

>> No.4797537

Isn't Zumi a girl?

>> No.4797541

can you post one of her best works in comparison

>> No.4797612

How the fuck does she's able to pull over 10 finished drawings per week.

>> No.4797622

Sleep is for the weak

>> No.4797627

She has assistants.

>> No.4797726

Does she draw soulful art that she actually likes or just the coom trash? I'm sure that's not how she envisioned her artistic career when she was in the beginning of her path.

>> No.4797731

3 drawings per day is normal tempo .

>> No.4797738


>> No.4797765
File: 511 KB, 638x1000, fxd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4797770

Why did you make one eye significantly bigger?

>> No.4797771

ofc it matters, it's a literal photo

>> No.4797773

So you can give me a (you)

>> No.4797774

>implying actual japanese care about uzaki, or rather what westerner weebs are pushing as "uzaki" on twitter


>> No.4797780
File: 21 KB, 480x360, rt644554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shitty fixes are always the best parts of these threads.

>> No.4797786

post yours

>> No.4797789
File: 947 KB, 685x1337, 1597345636510.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4797827
File: 501 KB, 640x1002, paintover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4797832

Ah yes futa legal loli

>> No.4797834

Should've kept the tiddies

>> No.4797946

Where’s your work anon?

>> No.4797959

Thats a boy anon

>> No.4797963


>> No.4797965

there's two sakimichan threads up.

>> No.4798012

fucked up anatomy aside, i really can't understand how anyone can like this soulless, boring render style. However this character makes roasties and trannies on twitter seethe so it's based this time

>> No.4798118
File: 109 KB, 667x1024, 1571331528756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's because of the semi realistic render with the anime elementts.
Because, normies think
>if art more realistic=good
And even then, most pay for the novelty of having trendgirl drawn.
Many "collect art" Many are just porn addicts.

Put yourself in the mind of a normie and you understand why things are how they are.

>> No.4798144

Imagine stanning Sakimichan

>> No.4798149

>Because, normies think
>>if art more realistic=good
So does this board

>> No.4798152

>If art more realistic = good
You're wrong.
It's the technical side that attract normies.
Something so hard to do that you can't even imagine the steps required to do.
That's what attract normies.
That's why those black & white photo realistic drawings are so popular even though it's been done so many time.
This is why those doodle walls art impress normie every single time.
Because they can't imagine doing that, so that impress them.

>> No.4798154

still not enough, I'll have to make another

>> No.4798177

Cute and homopilled.

>> No.4798179
File: 146 KB, 815x738, 1583478115161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4798205

>make fun of woman
>you just hate women :^)
>make fun of black person
>you just hate poc's :^)
>make fun of gay person
>you just hate lgbt :^)
>make fun of white cis man
>lmao, so true!!!!!
take your meds twitter, /ic/ crabs on everyone regardless of race, color or creed

>> No.4798244

wow that thigh gap

>> No.4798273
File: 25 KB, 321x322, 1597251415654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh. you're right. i totally forgot about that.
It's the same as when an artist idolizes another one but then as he gets better, he doesn't like the same art anymore. Yes, yes.

>> No.4798287


>> No.4798308

Yea, it seems like people publicly value art that "impresses" them (because they can't imagine being able to create something similar) more highly than art that's meaningful to them. Is it because admitting that something resonated with you is more personal, and there's a fear that gushing about it could make you seem ridiculous?

>> No.4798324

People seethe at those specifically all the time here. Or simp (in the case of a woman).
I've seen threads detail because of retard coomers or /pol/fags trip themselves over a woman

>> No.4798333

you're pattern-matching way too hard. sure /pol/fags and /pol/-bait threads exist, but automatically reading misogyny into every mean thing said about a woman until there's strong evidence to the contrary is schizo af.