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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 194 KB, 589x608, BsF4LWUhG8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4787998 No.4787998 [Reply] [Original]

h- he made it?

>> No.4788145

One day i will be like him

>> No.4788175

Too generic to want to be like him. He's just a copy cat.
Good business practices though, that's for sure.

>> No.4788190

>Imagine being this generic

>> No.4788193

is he western?

>> No.4788195
File: 89 KB, 800x542, 1511992405038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don't get 150k followers in less than a year by being generic copycat no matter how you approach it

>> No.4788206

Exactly, except for the fact that it is the fastest way to gain followers

>> No.4788218

What he did looks nothing like others, what are you on about?

>> No.4788224

Holy fuck those first 2 are some of the hottest pics I've ever seen, that rendering style is so warm and fuzzy

>> No.4788293

what are these good business practices

>> No.4788299

One day I will be like him in terms of popularity and numbers

>> No.4788326

Sakimichan has a lot of clones, CSR also has clones, who's the original that he copies from?

>> No.4788327
File: 146 KB, 620x531, 1595903238960.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

coom artist is popular
more at 5

>> No.4788329


>> No.4788334

Doesnt mean he draws any better. He just got lucky. Coom art ur luck increases by like 200% because its mlre forgiving. Non coom shit now thats fucking difficult to get lucky with.

>> No.4788335

the only reason I pursued art is to become a freelance entrepreneur

>> No.4788344

listen to any pro artists
go to that proko video where he talks to artists
they talk about how 80 percent of their time is now answering emails and making connections. like ppl were saying ops artist coom art looks like at least a hundred different coom artists it reallt depends what u do with the coomie talents

>> No.4788347

You don't get Pixiv top 1 ranking by luck idiot. All the nips and chinks that draw hentai are in it, that makes Pixiv super competitive compare to other art sites.

>> No.4788352

how do you get pixiv top 1, the 2nd drawing looks better than his and the 3rd one doesnt even look good

>> No.4788353

ya nips and japs has FINEr tastes of cooming than the west and not just or even worse coomer brain retards

>> No.4788423

You actually do. You just need to draw fanart, have a good turnaround and network a lot.

>> No.4788427

how do you start networking without a network

>> No.4788428

Who made it?

>> No.4788435

if it's like that, then all the coomfags must have 150k+ followers already, right?

>> No.4788448

me : )

>> No.4788451

no he once said he's Asian

>> No.4788455


>> No.4788460



>> No.4788469

if you were a social person you would always be already networked to a certain extent, and since you aren't you're unlikely to be able to keep it up over any extended period of time. your best bet is being better at what you do than most of your peers, so after you've actively spent some time getting to know them they'll compete over the chance to talk with you. If they don't think you're a useful person to associate with you'll be left behind. I'm sorry, that's just how it is. Being social has nothing to do with any ideal of friendship or niceness, especially on the internet.

>> No.4788562

it's easy if you know the lore. the top 1 is a fanart of a character from a chink gacha game that is rapidly rising in popularity in Nipland.

>> No.4788609

Nope, most artist are bad at marketing themselves. Azto is not a very good artist, but he's good with the business side.
If you have a good artist, that is also good at promotion, then that's truly something to aspire for.

>> No.4788627

Who's the good coom artist then? Kyle? Firez?

>> No.4788661

Optionaltypo, Incase, Calm, Sabudenego, Tarakanovich, BBCChan, Lerapi,...

>> No.4788681

Do you masturbate to images? I can only masturbate to my imagination

>> No.4788707

Except Optionaltypo's recent stuffs, all of them draw ugly Western shits, no wonder why you hate OP, you just hate anime in general.

>> No.4788718

Anime is generic, western shit is unique, yeah I get it.

>> No.4788725

the highest form of art is graffiti art that is so good the building owners rather keep it there
its got the highest of view counts and can even become an attraction in itself

>> No.4788865

what is the point of making it if that will make you empty inside

>> No.4789200

made what exactly?

>> No.4789614

Congrats to him. He started at 27, worked hard for 7 years, and is now making it.

>> No.4789657

It's possible by being a sellout, not in a bad way but you know the type that force his way hard. like drawing only FOTM, posting your work on reddit dedicated subs/twitter/pixiv and whatnot, trying to get others big artist to rt you etc.
there's no way he's that old

>> No.4789709

I want to be like him so bad but I can't figure out how to draw cute non-anime faces

>> No.4789784

He is, he posted in a progress thread this past week and I asked him. Showed us his earlier works and stuff. Cutesexyrobutts started at 27 as well. That's why it's stupid seeing people post "Am I too old to start"? Especially when it's a fucking 20 year old

>> No.4789848

Congratulations to him then, I didn't like his way of hard copying but if he is old I don't mind

>> No.4789918
File: 432 KB, 1437x1800, EbsXUfFUcAAbhUE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what happen when this faggot doesn't trace btw

>> No.4789932

Every day I'm closer to just go fuck it and do coomer fanart pinups.

>> No.4790178

Stay strong

>> No.4790181


>> No.4790187
File: 80 KB, 512x512, 1567114613414.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4790197

Oh yes, the crabs here are seething so hard.
Love it.
How does it feels knowing that the method taught here is so shit that someone that made it is not following it?

>> No.4790200


>> No.4790202
File: 26 KB, 112x112, 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Azto pls

>> No.4790252

why do gaijin invade pixiv?

>> No.4790285
File: 19 KB, 353x281, you feel it too, don't you?.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it didn't have to be like this

>> No.4790300

So this the power of low standards?

>> No.4790555

So he's 34? Damn, there's hope

>> No.4790576

What progress pic did he post?

>> No.4790657


It seems he learns fundies like everyone

>> No.4790667

Nah, I enjoy anime art. I was simply mentioning artists that are better than Azto purely skill wise.

>> No.4790683

Well he must have forgotten them lol

>> No.4790708
File: 181 KB, 900x1200, Df1VNkoVMAAkYux.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. ic, judge people's career by one bad work that they ever did.
Even masters can make mistake, and he's far from master level.

>> No.4790977

bad apple's gonna bad apples

>> No.4792785

Asian people can be western

>> No.4792843


>> No.4792920

Any idea which one he traced for the #1 spot?

>> No.4792954


Imma sound the same-face alarm

>> No.4793099

Can anyone explain to me what makes this look bad?

>> No.4793114

What am I looking at... Besides hentai?

>> No.4794212


>> No.4794223

composition, lack of contrast, weak forms, stiff posture, emotionless even for coom art standard, weak foreshortening, hands and feet

>> No.4794375

Because you actually receive attention over there unlike Instagram and its stupid algorithm that makes it a bitch and a half to gain traction and build a good fanbase unless you are a super popular artist.

>> No.4794377

i like number 2 more

>> No.4794501
File: 168 KB, 713x895, 7891296b884e6c56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
