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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 455 KB, 923x877, BKG_FTROP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4785189 No.4785189 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>4780032

Do Art Daily:
>Link: https://dad.gallery
>Discord: You must have a DAD streak of at least 14 to join. Ask Vastian#0988 for an invite.
>Found an issue with the site? Lost your streak and want to appeal? Please message the contact link at the bottom of the site, not the thread.

>Draw every day (or your preferred frequency)
>Submit your work by 23:59:59 GMT
>Spend at least 30 minutes on each submission
>No loli or shota porn
>Miss a day and you'll be alright, just keep going
>Have fun

Please comment on each other's artwork; dads love attention!


What is the goal?
>To keep a habit of drawing.

me is beginner and not know draw, can me join?
>Yes x100. Stop asking and start submitting art, chum. You can't be the worst, like literally.

A brief history:
>Last Artist Standing (LAS): The original site, created by Lava (presumed dead, rest in peace). It has changed and ruined the lives of many lassies. [YouTube] Meet the Last Artist Standing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=epg08FlksTc
>Draw Every Day (DED): A short-lived site between LAS and DAD, run and abruptly cancelled by w.
>Do Art Daily (DAD): The current site, by the dadmin and developer banana.

Here's a folder of ShrineyCrow's header images from previous threads:

Community links:
>DADcast: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfCw_buGoBDPQC1bbcukmnQ
>DADcast latest episode (Ep. 2 - Valley): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B9QWuRuEkJ0&feature=youtu.be
>LAS discord (not to be confused with the official DAD discord): Invitations are open for 48 hours on the 1st and 15th of every month. Invitations are not currently open.

>> No.4785196
File: 722 KB, 1918x1914, neeko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay strong neko!

>> No.4785200
File: 36 KB, 491x704, surge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4785201

that cat looks dead

>> No.4785203

fag thread

>> No.4785207

glad you found where you belong

>> No.4785209

Good cat

>> No.4785211

Shibe is dead

>> No.4785415

first for lilramewne

>> No.4785419

shibe, make the thread snd ignore this obvious bullshit


>> No.4785661

I’ll admit that’s one good looking

>> No.4785665


>> No.4785683


Just look at his physique

>> No.4785686

Hi, I'm Cath

>> No.4785693

There he is! The sexy man himself!

>> No.4785704

Do you want a comment on your drawing sexy man?

>> No.4785740

comment to me with your finesse Cath

>> No.4785758

If you're gonna do this at least do it right. Name of artist on the file name, name of piece if one available on the title, try to avoid repetition of artists. Maybe less weird cat roleplaying.

>> No.4785760

The name of the artist is in the filename

>> No.4785777

you silly silly man

>> No.4785805

what did he mean by this

>> No.4785810

Y me aguito me salgo beber

>> No.4785812

Por qui si familia

>> No.4785817

dicen tus jefes que a mi no me quiren, que onions boraccho y loco tambien

>> No.4785825

Tu jefa te ama mantén la barbilla levantada

>> No.4785827

Do people actually post art in these threads or is it just a circlejerk?

>> No.4785830

it's a circlejerk join in

>> No.4785842

it's a combination between 24/7 crabtime and circlejerk, you won't see much art aside from the op and people sometimes posting for critique. The art is all on the dedicated website.

>> No.4785847

this is just a free advertisement thread to redirect you to another site

users post to this thread to bump the thread up the catelog (for free btw) to bypass your adblock

>> No.4786072

dead thread

>> No.4786073

Thanks for the bump

>> No.4786097

no problemo

>> No.4786168

Daddies are sleeping

>> No.4786187
File: 223 KB, 1440x1442, OWO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which NAMES would you write?

>> No.4786190

>looking at me
but what happens if you write a furries name in the furry note? do they just gain power?

>> No.4786191

If I write my dogs name would she become even more fluffable?

>> No.4786250

It's my goal to reach a 365 streak without getting a single comment on any of my submissions

>> No.4786270

then turn off comments

>> No.4786293

it cancels out

>> No.4786322

Wouldnt be a challenge then

>> No.4786422

if creature is your DAD crush, now's your chance to confess

>> No.4786425

Mine is notosh, sorry.

>> No.4786428

I think neko is ramune

>> No.4786433


>> No.4786434

rats, too late. i'll confess later.

>> No.4786436

just draw ugly beg shit nobody cares about that

>> No.4786456

What if cath decides to comment on everyone
Or vastian comes with a quick question

>> No.4786468

My goal is even more foolproof
I'll draw semi-appealing /int/ shit nobody cares about, so no one will even be able to give token compliments or worthwhile criticism

>> No.4786491

My goal is to not stand out for 365 days then reveal my true form.

>> No.4786496

>325 streak over

>> No.4786507

His Name is Rhomphy Paulson
His Name is Rhomphy Paulson
His Name is Rhomphy Paulson

>> No.4786524

It's all ugly beg shit who cares

>> No.4786534


>> No.4786542

Fr fr why these peeps be talking about this dude like something of value was lost

>> No.4786546

>t. ugly beg shit poster

>> No.4786550
File: 3.42 MB, 1626x1347, like this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine clocking in 325 days and you still draw like this

>> No.4786556

pyw. I bet you can't even draw half as good as that.

>> No.4786557
File: 1.99 MB, 3200x1425, frazetta_challenge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine earning a badge for carpel tunnel while it still didn't improve the overall quality of your work

>> No.4786559

This is why I don't do >>4786436

>> No.4786567

>still haven't posted your work

>> No.4786568

ever since neko took over these threads have been very uncomfy

>> No.4786571

the op has nothing to do with the contents of the thread

>> No.4786572

You're just jelly because you pussied out on it. Have you completed any challenge at all? Don't bully the guy

>> No.4786573

>Drawing for one day or a year is guaranteed improvement.
Let’s see your improvement the year then.

>> No.4786583

>it's ok to not improve even if you draw for years
Lol. This is why so many of you stagnate this much.

>> No.4786585

Tsk, you're right, no fun bullying a man who is down.

>> No.4786586


>> No.4786595

>still haven’t posted your improvement so I can see how it’s done

>> No.4786602

I would and easily prove you wrong but I'm not the guy that made the original claim

>> No.4786623

anyone wanna play rich dad poor dad with me?

>> No.4786625

>Have you completed any challenge at all?
The restriction of how challenges are made is offputting. No paid content prevents a lot of action from the community. And no challenge that "requires people to get something with money" is also dumb. You're not required to join all challenges so if you can't get the materials/software then don't join. This is what pissed me off on the idea of "challenges".

>> No.4786626

Another thing that annoys me about site challenges is many of the user created challenges aren't really challenges but topic hell extended.

>> No.4786628

it is easy to get paid content online anyway meh

>> No.4786632

That's what I'm saying. But because it's ""paid"" content (and we all know what that means) the site for some reason doesn't want to be affiliated with piracy by sharing links when we all know where to look.

>> No.4786633

we could share links here sooo uh nobody would know who shares it, just dont advertise on the site itself
oh well too bad

>> No.4786660

Wilbes latest submission is cursed as fuck

>> No.4786661

tf does that even mean

>> No.4786694

Only true Gs know what I mean

>> No.4786732
File: 61 KB, 1096x714, 1595211891997 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4786737

What is this rng garbage

>> No.4786738

can't believe that after months of avoiding any sort of tierlist, I was stupid enough to not realize this would be a tierlist too

>> No.4786743

What is this?

>> No.4786744

why are you posting this again

>> No.4786747

This is old

>> No.4786750

You can tell from the filename

>> No.4786751

Aight, whose dick do I need to suck to get out of low /int/.

>> No.4786755

make your own tierlist and put yourself in adv

>> No.4786757

one day I'll be on tier lists
just you wait

>> No.4786760

How do I get senpais to notice me if your profile only shows up on levels and losing streaks

>> No.4786761

comment on their art when you like it
join dadcord and talk to them
make good art

>> No.4786762

which dad's style will you be studyin and stealin next week?

>> No.4786763

>goblin is once again too powerful to be measured by human minds

>> No.4786766

>no description provided
>no description provided
>no description provided
>no description provided

>> No.4786775

guys it is time to abandon these threads once and for all

>> No.4786786

just like how I abandoned your mom

>> No.4786789

no description could be provided

>> No.4786813

ok so anybody want to admit they had a dad crush on me before its over??

>> No.4786819

Fuck you I just got here

>> No.4786822

which dad would cry the most if they were bullied

>> No.4786827


>> No.4786840


>> No.4786852


I masturbated to kringle once

>> No.4786855

to her voice on vc?

>> No.4786857

what the fuck...............

>> No.4786869

Wait, people struggle to draw everyday?

>> No.4786870

shes so ugly tho lmao looks like a fucking potato

>> No.4786874

yes. I am glad I joined, on to 30+ days now this site helped a lot

>> No.4786876


>> No.4786877

i bet you look like a fucking potato too

>> No.4786880


>> No.4786884

guess again

>> No.4786888

i have a good face just need to work on overall physique so no, not a potato ;).

>> No.4786894

confirmed for fatass

>> No.4786900

i masturbated to you once

>> No.4786903

I fucking hate people who are actually like this (not anon) because I'm the opposite and have a great body without trying but my face is a mess and it's stupidly harder and more expensive to fix a face than a body

>> No.4786905

her stream

>> No.4786909

I did for someone else but uhh that's gay so I won't say

>> No.4786910

didn't know she streamed

>> No.4786911

post body

>> No.4786913

no im average you dingus, BMI is 21-22

>> No.4786918

whatever makes you sleep fatty

>> No.4786922

my sleep is great, i dream about my story and how it progress, playing a movie every night in my head.

>> No.4786935


>> No.4786973

How do you make a background that communicates something specific when the figure intentionally takes up practically the entirety of the frame without the background distracting from the figure?
Just make it less defined and painty instead of liney?

>> No.4787003

>Try to draw a monster
>draw a waifu
what have I become

>> No.4787015

>Try to draw a waifu
>draw a monster
what have I become

>> No.4787018


>> No.4787058

monster waifu
waifu monster

>> No.4787080
File: 269 KB, 379x379, 1569546369940.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Time Spent: unspecified

>> No.4787124 [DELETED] 


I would use the time specified feature if it, you know, accumulated all my time on my profile page


>> No.4787126

Is it true that banana laid an egg the other day?

>> No.4787146

I suck at timing myself. When I did commissions, I had a high but flat rate price just to avoid timing myself.

>> No.4787170

I think that is Nsix's plan

>> No.4787173

Fuck off, I made that idea first. Niggas always stealing from other niggas.

>> No.4787179 [DELETED] 

ok i hit my 14 streak how do i join the dadcord?
I'm talking with vastian and he's not answering.

>> No.4787183
File: 331 KB, 1439x768, 20200811_164812846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4787184

Tsk, you know what I'm never talking about site improvements ever again in this thread until I make my own site down the road. Let this be the last time.

>> No.4787205

banana is an egg

>> No.4787211

How am I supposed to gather clout if my submission gets buried under all the ones submitted while it's getting approved

>> No.4787244

Post on social media if you want numbers.

>> No.4787263

Does anyone have Pera's picture, I need to fap.

>> No.4787265

where is the submission hide/delete feature

>> No.4787266

goodnight ramune

>> No.4787274

Good night ^_______^

>> No.4787282

Yeah he lived streamed everything.
It was about the size of a cantaloupe, very impressive, who knew nana had such a loose asshole?

>> No.4787309

I wanna be the very best
Like no DAD ever was
*guitar riff*
To post daily is my real test
To make it is my cause
*another guitar riff*

>> No.4787324

*kicks your guitar*
What now big boy? Gonna cry?

>> No.4787331


>> No.4787363

I've been aware of Potaters for 4 minutes and I want to smash so hard her legs are permanently disabled and I'm forced into a life debt of being her caring husband and tending to her wheelchair needs

>> No.4787370

you know its a guy right

>> No.4787374

good one anon

>> No.4787377

im serious

>> No.4787385

i want to protect echo

>> No.4787387

hes a dumb lil nigga

>> No.4787391

fuck you bitch

>> No.4787394

Nobody who types those kinds of descriptions is a guy

>> No.4787396

not my fault he takes the threads srs? no mentality just another sheep

>> No.4787401

yeah its not like faggots exist right?

>> No.4787416

talk shit about my husband irl and see what happens

>> No.4787424

I mean you're being one right now trying to keep my future wife all to yourself so

>> No.4787439

my wife wufa is the prettiest of them all, not a fairer maiden in this whole realm

>> No.4787447

There are no girl dads

>> No.4787464

It's pretty obvious that Bees and Kringe use voice changers. Ahi sounds like a real woman but that in and of itself is a red flag

>> No.4787467

When you draw /beg/ on purpose you can't disappoint anyone from high expectations.

>> No.4787482

Kringle is a real girl oh God please go on a date with me

>> No.4787485

Where are the girl dads calling at and why am i not there

>> No.4787488

I read it the first time, Dad, I'm trying my best!!!

>> No.4787512


say more man i'm 100% they're real girls

>> No.4787522

Have you even seen their bearded faces?

>> No.4787528

Or what? You gonna suck my dick? Sorry premarital sex is for losers.

>> No.4787530
File: 951 KB, 1086x1080, 826.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who in high /int/ will become /adv/ first? Place your bets now!

>> No.4787533 [DELETED] 


>> No.4787536

How is coin high int when his paintings are so unappealing?

>> No.4787539

wait until you see her ugly potato face, someone should post a pic.

>> No.4787549

not my fault my voice sounds fake to you :) tell me why i would pretend to be a girl for DAD??

>> No.4787559

Shut up mentally ill tranny

>> No.4787560 [DELETED] 
File: 1.80 MB, 1130x1302, slelfportraut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm more attracted to her voice but she doesn't look that bad

>> No.4787567


>> No.4787570

Damn boi

>> No.4787572
File: 1.37 MB, 1500x1910, selfport.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is kazoo. So between the two, who looks cuter?

>> No.4787576


>> No.4787581

god all dad girls are fucking ugly

>> No.4787582


sad but true

>> No.4787585

as opposed to dad guys who are all 10/10 supermodels

>> No.4787586

Kazoo looks comparatively better. I also like his art better than kringles

>> No.4787590

Tierlisters are easily distracted by anything painterly. Plus he only does illustrations making his work look superficially more impressive than people who do studies or smaller drawings

>> No.4787594

I-I really wanted to join, but with all this bullying I'm not really sure... both kazoo and kringle are cuties and they're both gmi

>> No.4787602
File: 1.36 MB, 1510x1608, selfportraitday.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

+ Better artist
+ More attractive visually
+ Dadmom
- not as cute voice as Pringle
-already has a boyfriend
+ Cute voice
+Doesn't die every day like Kazoo
+ Although weaker artist, experiments more
- not as attractive as kazoo

>> No.4787617

Draw 14 days and join DADcord. You may choose yo come to 4chan threads to shitpost and circle jerk anonymously after

>> No.4787623

Kringele has a very squeaky voice. I wonder what will happen if she inhales chlorine

>> No.4787632

cool looks like im not doing that self portrait challenge now

>> No.4787636

SAME i do not want to be mocked in the thread for uhh *checks notes* having the audacity to be a woman

>> No.4787639

i'm old enough to remember femdads doing the same thing to the guydads

>> No.4787641

I think they’re both cute and based off previous portrait challenges that dads typically above average

>> No.4787645
File: 964 KB, 2362x3739, 1595652490615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's okay to be mocked every once in a while, lassies. Don't take it personally and get some grit

>> No.4787647

anon bullying isn't worth shit
do what you want.

>> No.4787651

>didn't get bullied
why live

>> No.4787654

smell > voice > looks

>> No.4787662

fuckin this so much, god the fucking smell holy shit, i want that.

>> No.4787668

I won't join dadcord so my voice stays a mystery

>> No.4787670

u r bad

>> No.4787674

which dad do u want to smell

>> No.4787676

I was talking about the challenge. so much hate

>> No.4787679


>> No.4787681


>> No.4787701

I bet apples to bapples that I have more fun drawing what I want instead of worrying over tier lists and popularity.

>> No.4787708


>> No.4787727

Join the dadcord. Banned niggas don't know what's happening inside the server anyway so they take all their hate simping in the thread.
>inb4 ok tang auto kaz kringle

>> No.4787730 [DELETED] 

cant bully me

>> No.4787733

remember working your first job at a fast food place and having to clean the women's restroom during a closing shift and wondering why the fuck it smelt so good despite being a restroom? that was when I awoke

>> No.4787735

can't bully me if I draw myself as an anime

>> No.4787738

why the fuck do men's bathroom smells so much piss. Do you not flush at all.

>> No.4787739
File: 305 KB, 184x219, 1590776614722.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4787740


>> No.4787743

dezuka stop farting

>> No.4787748

ok tang auto kaz kringle

>> No.4787751
File: 639 KB, 566x642, EKCGEMxX0AEvmMm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to huff wolfen's cigarette smell

>> No.4787752

it's common for men to challenge other men on how hard they can pee into a urinal, the resulting smell from the piss splash back landing everywhere is simply a byproduct

>> No.4787753
File: 181 KB, 407x275, smelloscope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one-week-unwashed european-heat-wave-cooked neet

>> No.4787755

I pee in the sink.

>> No.4787756


>> No.4787758

make sense carry on

>> No.4787759

ok tang

>> No.4787771

But anon, girls would never insult anyone

>> No.4787776

girls are more toxic than boys, just look at streamers like invadervie.

>> No.4787777

debating on whether to post my DAD smell wish list

>> No.4787781

Quadchad please do. But don't skip anyone please

>> No.4787784

>this gets quads

>> No.4787787

>those quads
You gotta do it now anon.

>> No.4787791

Invadervie is based, and her take was true, if you spend so much time watching someone's stream and you still can't pay $5 for the entertainment then you should probably be working or doing something productive with your life.

>> No.4787792

>girls are more toxic
>every major shitter in dad has been a man

>> No.4787795

the 70k subs she lost in a single day would say otherwise.

>> No.4787798

From a capitalism standpoint her words are true enough. But as someone that entertains to earn an income that's very unprofessional behaviour. Guess she herself admits that it's not her dialogue that brings donations, it's her body. Which is fine, if not a little bit envious.

>> No.4787799

girls are snakes that only spew venom in dms to appear harmless on the outside

>> No.4787800

You'll meet an actual nice femoid someday

>> No.4787801

you forgot to mention her latest statement was that it was all a ruse, she did't mean it. the -70k subs really hurt her lmao.

>> No.4787802

As opposed to men, who let all their venom out in public

>> No.4787804

her smug attitude triggers me but she's got nice legs

>> No.4787806

Everyone regardless of gender spews shit on anon here.
Moot point really.

>> No.4787808
File: 1 KB, 206x89, x8Ee6S5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean the 70k bots ? this isn't natural growth someone botted her and then made the bots unfollow. You shouldn't believe everything your incel/braindead youtubers like the quartering says.

>> No.4787809

shes just an idiot then. Gotcha

>> No.4787811

Braindead >>4787808

>> No.4787812

She's an idiot, that doesn't make what she said untrue, she should have doubled down since her statements were true.

>> No.4787813

Let's not get into gender sterotype. That a on probably just had bad expriences with women. It is an objective fact that females are getting harder and harder to please as the years go by though.

>> No.4787814

alright these are the users I want to smell and what I expect them to smell like

Nirest (nice flowers)
Valley (peanut butter)
Auto (eggnog)
Sugarbeetle (dandelions/freshly cut grass)
Steve_owo (stack of wood pallets)
Nyroc (ramen powder packets)
Nemori (hot summer day)
Echo (campfire smoke)

>> No.4787817


>> No.4787821

Doubt it

>> No.4787822

One day once my account gets approved people will want to smell me
You'll all want to smell me

>> No.4787824

if they were just bots then why would she go back on her word you stupid retard

>> No.4787827

New dad's smel bad

>> No.4787829

please explain to a mega autist the art of socializing and acquiring art friends
i possess 0 social skill

>> No.4787836
File: 11 KB, 573x230, a07gnLA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because she was getting harassed? does this look like normal growth you dumbfuck? nvm don't answer and you should probably kys and stop trying to make art, you'll never make it with so much lack of critical thinking.

>> No.4787837

There's 3 routes

1-have social skill. This is not recommended, because of route 2
2-Realize nobody else does either and they're just as autistic as you are
3-Be really good and let people come to you

>> No.4787838

>Let's not get into gender sterotype.
>It is an objective fact that females are getting harder and harder to please

>> No.4787841

Don't, you don't need them and most of the people in here are forever begs.

>> No.4787842

skipped yet AGAIN

>> No.4787843

just be nice and act how someone kind would act in front of you

>> No.4787846

I have never been so relieved to see I was skipped.

>> No.4787848

rank the others >>4787777
do it

>> No.4787850

That's not a sterotype though, it's a generalization at best you dumb broad. Do you even know the meaning of the word?

>> No.4787853

don't worry I'm taking a page from nicnac's playbook and will be letting more of my smell list trickle out throughout the week

>> No.4787865

Sure dude, whatever word for it you want to use. So it's bad to make generalizations about men but not about women, makes perfect sense.

>> No.4787870

>spikes are not normal growth!
okay retard, go take some economics class.

>> No.4787876

If you have the statistics to back it up, make as many generalizations as you want. Stats don't affect stereotypes. I won't shame you for not knowing words

>> No.4787878

>nicnac’s playbook
So, never following through with what you’re promising. Gotcha.

>> No.4787879

>Have been working on a jokey drawing for the FBI challenge
>Everyone else took it seriously

>> No.4787885

If I post my flaccid hairy cock, can you guess which dad I am?

>> No.4787892


>> No.4787902

nigga u gay

>> No.4787905

>okay retard, go take some economics class.
Seems like you need to grow a brain gaining 70k followers in a day and losing the same number 1 month later in a single day are the signs of obvious bots you fucking braindead moron, not only that but at the time she had around 130k followers and then gained the bots that's around 50% growth in a single day and then lost that in a single day 1 month later.
Please pyw so I can laugh at the failure of a human you are, not only are you retarded but you also probably have no skill.

>> No.4787909
File: 42 KB, 550x545, mp,550x550,gloss,ffffff,t.u5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesnt even know

>> No.4787956
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>beg on the internet for free money
Why doesn't she get a job if she wants money that bad?

>> No.4787999

this thread is disgusting
why are men so nasty

>> No.4788003

are wood pallets good or bad

>> No.4788038

dont let the bait get to you anon

>> No.4788044
File: 34 KB, 128x128, 1590554840671.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these threads really are something

>> No.4788060

Is the text telling you not to give surface level comments new or has it always been there?

>> No.4788073

Draw for a week with your non-dominant hand challenge when

>> No.4788095
File: 240 KB, 550x550, 1592145836182.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm ambidextrous so basically a free badge

>> No.4788104

take your own advice fampai

>> No.4788133

You probably cant draw with either though

>> No.4788166
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>> No.4788177

It was there as long as I can remember.

>> No.4788228

hope you have a wonderful day

>> No.4788235
File: 291 KB, 1280x1024, Новый холст323234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4788251

Alright. This is it. Time to buckle down and draw again. Gonna clean my house, tidy everything up, redownload Photoshop and get back on track. Wish me luck, dad.

>> No.4788255

Goodluck champ

>> No.4788256
File: 95 KB, 900x406, gains.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mhmm yup

>> No.4788260 [DELETED] 

don't "okay tang" when I'm not around, tang.

>> No.4788264

Site idea
Timed feature where a submission is only visible for 24h and then hidden, like snapchat. You will also get a notification if anyone dares save or screencap it

>> No.4788270

no thats fucking retarded, the whole point is to see improvement, not to be a little bitch about it.

>> No.4788274

No the point is to be a habit tracker. It shows you drew.

>> No.4788277

That second sentence of the idea isn't even viable. Browsers are sandboxed so checking whether someone screencapped it isn't just very difficult but outright impossible.

>> No.4788278

Why? So I can't bull your ass anymore?

>> No.4788285

ok tang

>> No.4788286

I see that's fine.

>> No.4788288

You can bully me on the day OF the drawing, helps with the "I hate censored drawings" issue. Might even be a loophole for NDA stuff.

>> No.4788302

Just blur your drawings if you're embarrassed. It's allowed by the rules.

>the point is to be a habit tracker.
If you're more interested in having a habit tracker then why not go to habitica instead? Or just print out a calendar and mark days when you drew something?

Dad isn't just a habit tracker, it's also a whole community of artists and it should be treated as such.

>> No.4788308

Wanting to be on DAD but without actually interacting with anyone is so weird. What's the point?

>> No.4788322 [DELETED] 


>> No.4788345

>If you're more interested in having a habit tracker then why not go to habitica instead?

Dad is only useful for the rivalry and competition in a more closed space
>but we focus on improvement!
humans are wired to be competitive and the industry we're aiming to be in is, by nature, competitive

If people here weren't competitive then tierlists wouldn't cause such a commotion
>You can bully me on the day OF the drawing, helps with the "I hate censored drawings" issue
This removes the interactivity of the community. For example, the whole point of forums back in the day was for anyone to go to a sketchbook and see visual improvement. And your sketchbook inspired others to start theirs and the community grows. If you hide away yourself then that aura doesn't get shared.

It just turns into another "snapchat" as someone pointed out that's what they want.

>> No.4788367

I see this all the time with some users where they don't interact at all. It's kind of offputting

>> No.4788371

>submits art
>no title
>no description
>no comments
>no challenges
>no discord
>no thread mentions
The Ghostchad

>> No.4788374

>tfw joined DAD wanting to join an art community but too scared to comment or join the dadcord or participate outside of submitting at all

I'll get there eventually, please wait for me daddies

>> No.4788389
File: 278 KB, 800x600, 1586862895186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll wait for you bro

>> No.4788392
File: 607 KB, 1920x1440, 20200812_0503_Mushroom_fellas_driving_a_centipede.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started this before watching comets for two hours then finished it up.

>> No.4788396
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>> No.4788400

p cool anon

>> No.4788416
File: 748 KB, 1920x1080, 1562104104681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been in that exact position.
I'll be waiting for you, anon.

>> No.4788418

I interact with the community through the threads. I refuse to use discord.

>> No.4788425

She’s not fat enough

>> No.4788479

I was like this, but recently I'm starting to like discords more and more. Having my name attached to my posts forces me to form better arguments and to think my posts through just to avoid making a fool out of myself. It's good for my social skills. And shitposts like this >>4788322 simply don't happen there.

Sadly 4chan is still superior when I'm looking for critique. People on discord try to play nice and that means they won't call your art a disgusting, loomis-needin, color-theory-lackin, artless piece of shit.

>> No.4788487

clearly you're asking for crits from the wrong people

>> No.4788493 [DELETED] 


>> No.4788496

What do you mean? When looking for crits I post it in relevant discord channels and 4chan threads and hope to get some. I just noticed that 4chan crits tend to be more nitpicky which is great.
Am I going about this the wrong way? Who do you ask for your critiques, Anon?

>> No.4788503 [DELETED] 


>> No.4788511

Discords just feel fake because your name is attached. I tend to hold back what I say in real-time chat by backspacing a lot.

Anonymous chat is where my thoughts flow much easier.

>> No.4788541

I think you should just say that you want people to nitpick when you ask for critique, on discord you don't know know how the person will react to feedback and you're kind of stuck with it if someone takes it the wrong way

>> No.4788544

Huh, I didn't consider that. Thanks!

>> No.4788575

Exactly. This is why discord is better. People with shit personalities like you don't come near it.

>> No.4788584

Yeah if you're a shyposter you're pretty much dead to me

especially the cat posting one, like who the fuck just lurks on a discord channel and whines about it in the threads

>> No.4788592

Who told you to get your pants off, faggot.

>> No.4788594


>> No.4788597

Also me!

>> No.4788673

Creepy. I had my pants off earlier.

>> No.4788679

Are you me?

>> No.4788687


>> No.4788697

it's fucking hot outside ok? either that or it's fucking thunder

>> No.4788702

Oh. I do this. I reply to comments and that’s it. Then I read through this thread and realize I’d rather interact with people elsewhere. You guys are funny but only from a distance.

>> No.4788703

>You guys are funny but only from a distance.

>> No.4788711


>> No.4788715

This. Sometimes they get so cancerous it's not even funny.

>> No.4788729

Im not talking about you

>> No.4788733 [DELETED] 
File: 258 KB, 513x503, 1415151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

understandable, I'll stop with the whiny cat vent posts then

>> No.4788741

stupid catposter

>> No.4788770

Ok, but why would you post on dad in the first place?

>> No.4788773

For myself. I like to see my own progress over time. Some of us just draw for ourselves.

>> No.4788789
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>> No.4788805

Why not just post to your social media and use a calendar if you want to track progress over time?

>> No.4788807

Why does that bother you, do you think it's mandatory to communicate with the community? What's wrong with someone just wanting to mind their own business and not bother anyone? Leave others be.

>> No.4788816

>do you think it's mandatory to communicate with the community?


>> No.4788817

>not using the site for rivalry and competition

>> No.4788819

>seeing daddies in drawthreads you browse
uh oh

>> No.4788831

NTA, I don't think my art is good enough for social media so I use dad for practicing
Why would I use a calendar when dad kinda has that already, among other good features that encourages improvement

>> No.4788836

>among other good features that encourages improvement

Dad has features? Where? Again, the community aspect of the site fosters competition. Deep down that's why you're using it.

>> No.4788855

I meant challenges and streaks.
I don't feel like I want to compete with anyone here, seems silly and immature and I don't care, I know what my goal is and I'm not concerned if others are better or worse than me. However yes I'll admit the people make an impact on me only because they see my art. That alone motivates me to go forward, like they know I exist and matter somewhat, and that staves off depression. Basically I use dad for accountability.

>> No.4788860

The longer I work on a drawing the closer I get to vomiting

>> No.4788862

as time flows the likelyhood of you vomiting approaches 1, no matter what you do

>> No.4788886

That used to happen to me, after working on something most of the day I would finish sometime late at night feeling horribly ill. Although I never actually was sick from it, and I think it's because I wouldn't take breaks to move around or eat/drink properly while drawing.

>> No.4788894

>only because they see my art
most people don't look at your work though

>> No.4788914

Dunno, apparently enough have since I was rated high /int/ in the previous tier list and no one disagreed.

>> No.4788922

wait wtf

>> No.4788945

>I don't feel like I want to compete with anyone here, seems silly and immature and I don't care
>B-but I was /int/ on some randos list haha

Ladies and gentilemen. Boooooys and little girls. May I present to you--a hypocrite.

>> No.4788960

is putting your DAD profile on your twitter bio a power move

>> No.4788964

I still stand by what I said, I only mentioned the tier list because it seemed that anon wanted to take a jab at me.

>> No.4788965

that's more like a retard move desu

>> No.4788967

maybe? i put my dad on my FA just in case people want to see random wips

>> No.4788969

I was ranked anywhere from e tier garbage to a tier, in non shitpost tierlists even, the chance of somebody thinking "this specific poster is actually better/worse/" and posting that in the thread is incredibly low, unless it's something like placing a super /beg/ in s tier and a s tier in e tier.

>> No.4788976
File: 204 KB, 382x380, 1597115806984.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's your game jam going DAD?

>> No.4788980

I don’t really bother with social media. I have a few non-art related hobby accounts but I don’t really care to make an art account. Sometimes I’ll post a drawing but mostly I just keep it to myself. Your life will move on without me, I swear.

>> No.4788982

junip's tierlist doesn't count dude

>> No.4788984

I like you anon

>> No.4788985

how do you know junip isn't actually behind ALL tierlists?

>> No.4788989

Who the fuck is junip?

>> No.4788992

why did you delete this post? don't listen to that shithead, dear cat poster

>> No.4788996
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>> No.4789004


>> No.4789041

No ones tierlists count

>> No.4789043

except from me

>> No.4789045

Underrated dads rise up

>> No.4789058

>recently saw a daddie in an art thread on a semi-obscure forum
double uh oh

>> No.4789065


>> No.4789088

such a fucking retard

>> No.4789095

Beginner retards that spam studies rise up

>> No.4789112

cancel dad forums i like it here

>> No.4789117


I'd just shit up the forums just the same way. idgaff

>> No.4789122

based ily

>> No.4789124


>> No.4789152

the threads are part of the community

>> No.4789218

*blocks you* nuthin personell shitposter kun

>> No.4789238

*lets you pass* the vip section is right this way goshujin sama

>> No.4789326

my art deadline is like 7pm I hate it

>> No.4789350

Time zone buddy! I don't know what I'm going to do when I start working again. I guess my lunch break will just be my art break.

>> No.4789417
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don't forget your worldbuilding

>> No.4789425
File: 39 KB, 696x337, 1589946783738-a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What to do when you just feel dead inside? Like you don't find anything fun anymore and you just constantly sleep?

>> No.4789439

just draw

>> No.4789443


>> No.4789455
File: 17 KB, 520x579, image0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


scrape by until your parents don't have to see their kid die, that's my plan at least

>> No.4789475

I fell back into eating disorder habits. Gives you something different to focus on, but I certainly wouldn't recommend it

>> No.4789480

If u feel sleepy then go to sleep. Duh.

>> No.4789495

what's your dad password?

>> No.4789496

Take vitamins, exercise, eat healthy, have a good sleeping pattern, find a job or learn something, preferably with other people, classes or whatnot if possible.

>> No.4789501

Thats pretty gay bro

>> No.4789503

pls dont hack me

>> No.4789510

thanks banana i won't tell anyone

>> No.4789511

Good plan since by that time you will be better I promise

>> No.4789543

Add a rating system to DAD, so we can make an accurate tierlist for every day people post

>> No.4789549


Make it optional but don't complain when you get
on tierlists

>> No.4789555

I mean, I suppose it could happen, but the plan has been in motion for the past ten years

>> No.4789576

what about that is gay?

>> No.4789577

If you're depressed then maybe you're surrounded by assholes.

>> No.4789594

I joined dad

>> No.4789639

I'd be depressed too if I joined this garbage site

>> No.4789667

how come so many are all of a sudden doing portrait drawings?

>> No.4789692

>1104 users
>171 streaks

>> No.4789770

those 3 things

>> No.4789825


>> No.4789833

Nevermind I'm dumb but Nessie is ded which is easily just as bad

>> No.4789835


>> No.4789836

FBI challenge coming up

>> No.4789841

she wrote in her last submission that she needs a break from art

>> No.4789923

Heh... one step closer to the top

>> No.4789951

rip nessie, you were one of my favorite dads

>> No.4789953

>killing top tier fem dads to climb a ladder

>> No.4789958

wish i had a quarantine mommy

>> No.4789960
File: 773 KB, 1100x734, birthday_celebration.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nessie dead

>> No.4789975

bro page 1's are dropping like flies..

>> No.4790006

Hope they're all doing fine and this is just a little break. I know things are kind of hard for a lot of people right now. Don't feel guilty about taking a break if that's what helps you destress.

>> No.4790180

>I'm a higher level than Nessie
>I'll be a higher level than Nessie forever

>> No.4790193

All will fall before me... Eventually...

>> No.4790243
File: 10 KB, 256x256, kdmn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shibe, you can take over again. I promise not to hi-jack the threads for a while. Me--*cough*mew.

>> No.4790247

i love u lilramewne

>> No.4790306
File: 9 KB, 292x305, 1329575361331.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Page 1 bros... I don't feel so good.

>> No.4790345


>> No.4790350



>> No.4790351

Good night friend

>> No.4790456

stfu bitch

>> No.4790469

told you all I thought neko was ramune

>> No.4790482

Weakest op yet

>> No.4790528

next thread