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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 173 KB, 1500x1177, gdinushibe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4773801 No.4773801 [Reply] [Original]

The thread where you dump what you like, dislike, hate, or what makes you sad about art, etc

>> No.4773811

I hate animefags

>> No.4773812

hate stuck up begs

>> No.4773814

I hate realismfags

>> No.4773821
File: 311 KB, 2329x3146, 115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hate myself

>> No.4773834


>> No.4773840

are you a cockroach, by chance

>> No.4773855


>> No.4773860

I hate how directionless the advice here is.
Stop telling me that where the fault is at (e.g. rendering is wrong) but not telling me how to improve/fix it.
Fuck this place.

>> No.4773866

I dislike social media in general. Feels like you have to churn out "good" pieces constantly. I just want to take a break and do more practice pieces

>> No.4773882

I think I’m becoming mildly lactose intolerant. GODDAMNIT.

>> No.4773895

I can't find a good in between semi realism and anime for faces.

>> No.4773896

It annoys me that women can utilize their sexuality to promote themselves more easily than men. Everyone “wants” women, even other women. If theres an artist who occasionally posts pics of herself and they’re cute, that shit attracts followers on their own.
Not to say that there aren’t a lot of talented hot or at least decent-looking artists like littlethunder or the one who does snotgirl. Teagan White is cute too.

>> No.4773909

Be a cute and cool looking guy, then. In general, people like looking at good looking people hence why charisma is a thing

Plenty of ugly or mediocre looking women exist as well who can't utilize their sex appeal, go outside and you'll see some.

>> No.4773912
File: 91 KB, 240x262, gzfy1bez4t311.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 30 years old and all of my other art friends from highschool except 1 has stop drawing, had kids, both, art hads regressing, or stop progressing post high school dispite having the most potential to be great had they not slept on their skill. Now here I am putting in 5-8 days busting my ass get good in the 5 next years. I don't want be like them. Life without art will kill me. I'm finally ready to put this shit all on the line and commit heart and soul to be a great artist. I'm going to fucking do it. I have to fucking do it.

>> No.4773915

Even ugly women can get away with just using their voice and digitizing themselves as a VR anime girl or facerig character.

>> No.4773918

Do it fren. I quit gaming at 29 and just drew for a year straight. I don’t regret it one bit.

>> No.4773920

Guys stream themselves with that retarded shit as well
You weebs are pretty stupid

>> No.4773925

No one owes you shit faggot

>> No.4773927
File: 506 KB, 776x1119, 89DDAEF9-00F6-491A-AE57-E94B8E1BCEEE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hate how directionless the advice here is.Stop telling me that where the fault is at

>> No.4773929

I'm a wageslave and come home too tired to practice, let alone do big projects. I'm jealous of the people who upload lots of things every day. I wish I had started doing art in college when competition wasnt as fierce either

>> No.4773932

Is brush economy not a thing anymore? Every tutorial/timelapse I see is line drawing -> flats -> change brush to a super small size and do a million little brush strokes.

Is this how I'm supposed to be painting digitally? It's so tedious but the results seem ok :/

>> No.4773937

Whats your schedule?

>> No.4773940

9 to 5

>> No.4773941


>> No.4773955

Wake up at 5 and do at least 2 hours worth of studies. Your mind will be in a foggy, empty state which is great for absorbing new material. Work will let it seep into unconcious knowledge. After you come home, spend another one or two hours doodling or making copies with focus in mind. Spend weekends for big projects, one hour minimum. Hide the phone in your drawer and do your absolute best not to stand up or go on social media.

The first two weeks will be absolute hell, but your mind and body will adapt quickly afterward as long as you can get at least 6 hours sleep. Use some music to dull the pain and frustration.

>> No.4773960
File: 243 KB, 812x810, 1569913466405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i hate girls that use their looks to garner interest in their works and get simp followers when they post pictures of themselves
>but that girls cute, that other one and that other one as well
Not even comedy writers can come up with this

>> No.4773970

im assuming you want to make a living off you art? then grit your teeth, set on a pot of coffee and start studying after work. You have plenty of time, you're just lazy.

>> No.4773972

Seethe and cope.

>> No.4773978

Every fucking thing I draw is lopsided

>> No.4774021

I quit my job so that I could have tons of free time to practice art but I feel as if I’m not improving fast enough. I have no worries on needing money as I have saved up quite a bit, but I feel as if I am still in /beg/ with no way out. I will keep practicing as I have been everyday but the constant small worry of never improving keeps at me regardless.

>> No.4774062

It takes years to get good. Do some courses in fundamentals like Vilppu and get good mentoring/classes with feedback, good teaching will make the process of learning more efficient

>> No.4774083

In order to make money with my art I need to draw stuff I don't like

>> No.4774198

>Draw everyday
>Be absolute dogshit
>Make a finished piece
>Its terrible due to a number of reasons
>Pick one aspect to practice for a week exclusively
>Get actually worse on the very thing I was practicing
>Get worse on all the other things I wasn't practicing
>Get even worse
I don't even plateau anymore. I haven't made one single bit of impovement this whole fucking year and me at the end of 2019 was actually much better. Im so fucking anti talented its trascending common sense and human nature. The more I practice the worse I get somehow.

>> No.4774284

Enjoy not being able to eat ice cream

>> No.4774285

Guys can too if they put in some effort to look handsome

>> No.4774289

/Ic/ isn't for actual art advise, it's for shit posting, use discord or something for actual art advise

>> No.4774296

We can't guide your hips through every step of the art making process, at some point you are going to have to put some effort into figuring this shit out through drawing.

>> No.4774622

I'm a 37years old wageslave too. I work 9 to 5, but if you include commute time, meals and other basic stuff like showering, I get up at 7 and my free time starts at 8pm.
I still manage to get a couple hours of drawing everyday. Sure, I'm tired as hell and not at top capacity when I draw, but I'm still making decent progress despite starting very late.
Being an adult is also being able to know how to mange your time and energy and have the dedication to keep with a schedule properly, unlike an unruly kid.

>> No.4774626

I said in the previous vent thread that my pixiv follower count was stuck at 199. And it was frustrating not seeing rounded up at 200, especialy since it had been sitting there for a few days.
I took /ic/'s advice and drew a piece of fanart. Lo and behold, I immediatly gained TWO followers.
I didn't get to see the 200 mark...
Joke aside I'm glad I got over that hurdle. thanks /ic/

>> No.4774698

I love to draw but I just think it's sometimes overwhelming cause you need to know a lot of stuff about different aspects of it (values, anatomy, construction, color, gesture, etc...) and I feel pressured to know all of this quick so I can get better aaaaahhhhhhhh

>> No.4774713

i feel like nothing i learn sticks and if i do get something it just doesnt click and let me actually put what ive learnt into practice

>> No.4774731

hello me

>> No.4774783
File: 47 KB, 768x999, 1470695029849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>find drawing i did when i was 14
>it's more ambitious than the stuff i do now
I wish i had a good friend during high school, one that would have encouraged me to keep drawing. Everyone i meet in high school only wanted something out of me and only made me more depressed.

>> No.4774797

I'll be your friend anon

>> No.4774799

I enjoy drawing a lot but I worry too much about followers and shit. I deleted my socials awhile ago, so I had to start over and it sucks. I want to make art other people enjoy too

>> No.4774800

feel like i’ve hit a wall all of a sudden. i just feel like i lack the ability to think of interesting compositions, scenes etc. and coloring is a whole other challenge i’ve yet to even really study.

>> No.4774949

>my nsfw gets less likes than sfw
Kill me

>> No.4775049

Gonna cry? Piss your pants, maybe? Or should I guide you for this task?

>> No.4775052

Your fetish is either dog shit or your nsfw lacks taste.

>> No.4775186
File: 937 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20200806-125258.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmfao instagram has been pushing this shit on my feed everyday. It is the ugliest fucking thing I've ever seen. Why is it so hideous? christ!

>> No.4775334

I should just accept that I hate drawing realism. I should just draw depressed anime girls.

>> No.4775343


>> No.4775600

I'm noticing now I'm getting ads targeted for girls due to google thinking im a girl now from the things I'm posting here

>> No.4775604

time to become a trannie

>> No.4775637

The bigger problem is that you're still getting advertisements in the year of 2020.

>> No.4775639

The fact that nobody even care about making this place better is why this place will only ever fill with crabs.
Fuck this place.

>> No.4775649

Also, good job to blame that this place is not for advice but shitposting.
Nice excuse,
but you can just admit that you are crabs that don't possess any skills or knowledge to teach someone.
Hell, you can't even redline any drawings at all.

>> No.4775650

This thread is nice at least

>> No.4775653

This >>4775343 is nice??
Nah, fuck this place.
It's like a mental asylum for the mentally ills.
Whoever that can stand staying here to shitpost everyday really do need to see the doctor.

>> No.4775654

ah, i see you're a man of culture as well.

>> No.4775656

I wish I had the discipline to start and finish literally any of the perspective courses I've downloaded. I 've watched and studied from Proko's Anatomy and Figure Drawing courses several times already, so it's not like I am incapable of finishing the things I start normally. But perspective is so boring to learn! Erik Olson, I will conquer you someday... maybe. But probably not anytime soon.

>> No.4775662

no good art discords exist

>> No.4775663

They do they're just private and friends only

>> No.4775676

Are you tagging your stuff correctly? If its not fanart make sure to use the original tag + original checkbox. I've only been posting art on there for about 2 months and I've got 2 followers now.

>> No.4775682

typo, 2k not 2 lol

>> No.4775902

Pyw please.
I want to see what standard I needed to be to reach 2k followers.
Just post one of your worst and one of your best this year.

>> No.4775958
File: 76 KB, 381x400, 42F3F492-8B32-4E6E-ABF0-3AE4F0607FE3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4775969

Download a add blocker or use brave

>> No.4775974
File: 62 KB, 1459x486, ebay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I caught myself looking for things to crossdress in and I came to my senses...I need to stop drinking aspartame or foods that contain onions before it's too late

>> No.4775982

This was on a work computer so I don't really mess with extensions.

>> No.4775990

>sniffing armpits isn’t nice

You are a gay

>> No.4776164

>Not having a programmer socks and artist wig

>> No.4776211

I wish I could pull the plug on commissions and focus on personal projects, stories, and products.

>> No.4776400

I wasn't that much into tagging, heck my profile wasn't even fully filled, since I used the place as an art dump at first.
I know I'm not good enough to reach crazy amounts of followers (yet).
It's just, you know, 199... it was triggering my OCD that it was not 200.

Also second the request to see your work (or profile), to have a reference

>> No.4776404

it's fine anon just get some lactaid tablets (the vanilla ones go best with sweets) and eat them with your ice cream, i'm lactose intolerant and it's saved me since I was a kid.

>> No.4776423
File: 412 KB, 1600x1908, 2020-0806-icsketch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a ~1 hour sketch. Usually after this part I'd adjust a lot things like proportions, fix facial features, play around with composition/etc. Then I'd redo all the lines in another layer on top. Generally I'd work on this for another 10-30 hours depending on how complex the overall piece is. Also this pose would be way too boring for me to continue refining I'd scrap it and try to do something more interesting. Just look at what's the top ranked pieces on Pixiv to get an idea of the kind of pieces you should be doing (unless you're R-18 then look at what's trending for that)

As for tags looking at my analytics 80% of the tag search sources come from usually the main tag, then another 10% from the character name. So for example if you're doing Helltaker the #helltaker tag will get you the most search results. However depending on the series you'd want to use the japanese tag like for Arknights you'd want to use 明日方舟 and アークナイツ

>> No.4776426

Is that vajra

>> No.4776429

No just a generic short haired girl and added some cat ears.

>> No.4776430

thanks for the example. That's definetly a more solid sketch that what I usually produce, I can see the appeal.

Also, 10-30 hours? Man, I wish could focus that long on a single piece... since I draw only in the evening after work, my pieces are 2-3 hours at best...
alright, now I'm motivated, I'll try spending the whole weekend on a single piece to see how it turns out. I got nothing better to do anyway

>> No.4776435

>1 hour sketch
>Coomer art
Yep, my level is not there yet.
Guess I won't go whore myself for the followers yet...
Guess I'm not gonna get that 2000

>> No.4776439

Well, I mean this sketch I doubt I'd work on it for more than 3-4 hours more since its not a very complex piece. I normally do more complex pieces with a lot more parts, clothing, objects, effects, etc, and those are a bitch to render in color.

I was working on on a new piece yesterday. The inking took around 3 hours and laying down the flats took another 2 hours.

If you only want to do COOM pieces you can get away with only focusing on the figure which would reduce the amount of time you need to spend on a piece a by lot tho.

>> No.4776449

While it is true that I want to do COOM stuff, focusing only on the figure is a big no for me. I don't want to be one of those guys who draw the same thing over and over again just changing the hairstyle to match flavor-of-the-month girl. That's why I do my best to draw costumes (I love detailled outfits) and backgrounds too.

>tfw you got better praise for a background you spent 10 minutes just blocking out to not have your character sit in a big empty void, than for the character itself that you spent 3 hours rendering.

>> No.4776450
File: 224 KB, 1100x1200, 1447374846901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't really need to spend more time per piece. Being able to do solid short pieces would work too. Like this guy from /ic/ way back in the day, lolibro I think? Not sure what happened to him but his lines are super appealing without any rendering. If you can get to this level you can just post this and get a huge following on pixiv/twitter with the right tags.

If your fundamentals aren't solid yet this would be a good goal to grind towards when you do your studies/sketches.

>> No.4776456

sounds like a nice goal to strive for, indeed.
I suppose grinding figure drawing is the best way to go to get there, right?

>> No.4776470

Close em bro or raise prices

>> No.4776514
File: 1.06 MB, 500x358, 1532731847485.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm super fucking impatient when drawing and I can't control it

>> No.4776534
File: 166 KB, 503x485, At_My_Limit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cant learn to understand form, its so frustrating. Every single time it feels like ive just gotten the intuition for it, i manage drawing with form intuitively and "feeling" it out vilppu style for a while before i either take a short few-day break, try to challenge myself with something more complex, or just get hit by bum fucking awful luck out of nowhere that suddenly makes me lose the focus, almost like randomly being made conscious of some bullshit like feeling your tongue in your mouth or walking or breathing or the game.
Picking it back up seems fucking beyond me until it randomly returns on its own again a while later, and all this effort, for what? For god damned fucking nothing, it doesn't matter that I challenged myself to draw at a weirder angle or perspective or with a strange pose or object or with more specifically unique forms or anything, i gain zero knowledge, skill, or anything else from it. Even shit that should ostensibly be basic as fuck, like drawing subtractively sculpted-out forms, is damn impossible. I know perspective rules, too, I've watched Vandruff and read Norling I know plenty of things ive extrapolated on my own from just observation beyond that, so why the hell does this shit not just fucking click for good? Why do my forms need to degrade into flat gestural scribbles at the end of it all over and over? Im so fucking tired im gonna flip the fuck out and lose my shit one of these days

>> No.4776582

You completely could utilize your sexuality too if you were a hot man

>> No.4776602

you have to be at least a very solid 8/10 to use your looks as a man.
A woman can do the same being a low 7.
No hate, that's just how biology works when it comes to looks

>> No.4776636

Me too, god. I feel really burnt out because I let a bunch of my commissions accumulate and so now I’ve been trying to knock them out for weeks, but there’s just so many that I get really stressed out and have no time for anything else. Not being able to study or work on personal ideas makes me want to quit art altogether, even though I know I just want to stop the commission shit.

>> No.4776663

This is retarded, both genders can cache in if people find them hot. If you’re a guy who is about a 5-7, try and find a niche style for yourself and girls will flock (guys might too if they think you’re cool), girls go crazy over guys like jacksepticeye who aren’t really amazing looking but have crazy colored hair and “eboy aesthetics.” Also, the rating scale is subjective. Someone’s 8 will be another’s 4, it’s the same with girls. Me and one of my friends never rate people the same way and would even wonder why we found certain people attractive at all.

>> No.4776782

I don't want to wake up anymore when everyday is feeling longer than the day before

>> No.4776809

>Someone’s 8 will be another’s 4,
that's litterally impossible if you're not biased. You have to be judging on very personal criterias to reach such different results. For example, let's take the lolibro's sketch here >>4776450
I'm not into loli. Does that mean that it's automaticaly below 5 because I don't find it attractive? no, I rate it at a solid 7 because even if it's not my thing, I recognise the skill and proficiency of the artist. If I was into loli, maybe I'd put it at 8, but we would be at a 7-8 disparity, not at 4-8.
I'm not gay at all, but I can rate a man's looks at 9, without getting an once of attraction for him. You can totally recognize attractiveness without being attracted, if not you're just too biased

>> No.4776826

I'm approaching 30 years old. I got into art initially when I was around 18, and for 3 years it was all I did every day, and then I just quit due to depression. In those 3 years I made so much progress, and it makes me feel bad that for the past 10 years I could have improved so much more, I could be making a living off of my art and enjoying life. Instead I have been working dead end jobs, slaving away my time and living a miserable life. I have recently decided to get back into art, but it's difficult to keep myself motivated when most of my time is spent working a job I hate, all I want to do during my free time is relax to alleviate the exhaustion, I cant spend 4+ hours each day drawing like I used to, and whenever I do sit at my desk to draw I just become overwhelmed by inhibitions.

>> No.4776836

I literally just uploaded a Bremerton (from azur lane) fan art a couple months ago and had more than 200 followers in like in one week, shit was crazy.
Just draw the newest characters from mobile games anon.

>> No.4776848

I suppose your Bremerton was better than what I can post myself.
Can you post it, for curiosity's sake?

>> No.4776855

try drawing outside anon

>> No.4776858

Been sub 40 followers for about a year now. The thing is though I get really good engagement with them. Lots of replies/comments, retweets, likes, etc ... Makes me not mind my follower account but it's also kind of weird to me.

The accounts that retweet/reply to me don't have huge followings but still you think Id gain some extra followers from it. It's like I'm in a bubble

>> No.4776859 [DELETED] 

sure, might delete the post later tho

>> No.4776860

You ignored all of my other points though. But most people tend to be biased. Take Belle Delphine for example. She’s incredibly polarizing. There’s some people, like you, that you say she’s quite attractive even if she’s not their personal cup of tea. There’s some people who adore her and claim her as their personal 10. There’s some that are attracted to her, but admit she’s not their image of perfection and say she’s about a 7 or 8 for them. Then there’s people who absolutely hate her and will rate her anywhere from 1 to 5. People’s attraction and subjective opinions on things, including other people’s attractiveness, is influenced by their biases and tastes. There are incredibly intolerant people who WILL rate people that don’t fit into their tastes incredibly low even if that person is “objectively” hot. There’s girls that will say skinny, average eboys and ugly actors like Benedict cumberbatch (or whoever is the new internet flavor of the week) are much much hotter than Henry Cavill. Also, girls don’t really use a rating system. If they think you’re hot, they think you’re hot. And a lot more goes into a mans attractiveness than objective chadness. Which is why I mentioned someone like jacksepticeye, his personality and style elevate his attractiveness to a female audience.

>> No.4776862

don't care about whatever argument you're in rn but just chiming in to agree jacksepticeye is a blight on humanity. Guys a 3 max but still I can't escape shitty
horror inducing deviantart tier porn of him

>> No.4776869

Twitter doesn't actually show your tweets to all your followers, they pick a subset of your followers and show it to them, and then if it has good engagement it'll show it to more, and then expose it to non-followers. If you only have 40 followers its likely any new post is only getting seen by < 10 and they might not even see it due to everything else in their feed. If other people with low follower count retweets it its probably not getting shown to more than a couple of their followers either.

That's why the whole drawing OCs of big accounts actually works, because when a 100k follower account retweets you probably at least 1k people will see your tweet just based on pure numbers.

>> No.4776871

Completely agree, he’s incredibly unattractive but so many girls are absolutely in love with him.

>> No.4776877

girls on twitter are always fighting over whether timothee chalamet is hot or not lol, they make a new thread every week saying x white boy or kpop boy that girls are obsessed with are ugly as shit, those threads get 20k likes, and then you have a bunch of girls in the replies arguing and simping and those replies have 10k likes each. there’s no such thing as objective hotness

>> No.4776883

a lot of those streamers and video game you tubers wouldn’t have the fame they do if they weren’t hot to girls just like most girls online wouldn’t be famous if they weren’t hot to guys. people just like attractive people

>> No.4776889

Not to mention all the girls that think Post Malone is sexy kek.

>> No.4776891

and you ignored the initial argument: we were talking looks, and looks -alone-.
Cumberbatch is a 5 or 6 on looks alone, but he makes up for it in charisma and actor talent. Cavill is more like a solid 8. Jackscepticeye is like, 6, but you're right in that he stuck himself in a niche that artificialy rise him up to a good 7.

Belle Delphine is a photoshopped and filtered 8. probably an average 7 without any artificial image manipulation. You can hate her all you want, it doesn't make the fact that she looks good disappear. You can't objectively say that she's below average in terms of looks.

>> No.4776893

I feel like I constantly have a mental fog or block whenever I try to understand how things look 3 dimensionally and how things break down into shapes.
It feels like I'm expending so much brain power on something so basic.

>> No.4776901

Have you done any 3D modelling? I did a class in college where we learned to use 3D studio max and afterward I felt like I could picture objects in 3D in my head a lot easier, as well as rotate them.

>> No.4776926

Why does that matter realisticly, why do you need to split it up and look at only a still body alone, your personality and charisma will always be with you when you post and say things and act will contribute to your overall attractiveness, same for women, and it takes minimal effort for a guy to groom and have a good style

>> No.4776936

Yeah I've seen tutorials by artists like Sinix and Reiq that encourage getting into sculpting in some fashion so you better understand how those objects look in a 3D space
I'm going to try painting in such a way that exemplifies those planes and just grind it out.

>> No.4776939
File: 42 KB, 400x295, tumblr_ptzf29AlOb1xirkmbo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4776947

Instead of wanting to enrich our culture it feels like most aspiring artists just want 100k online buttsniffers. Most art on social media, even though technically skilled, just looks like homogeneous noise. And its hard to even discern any individual voice.

>> No.4776948

feel like this but with instawhores
I can tell when they've photoshopped their waist now and it's driving me insane

>> No.4776956

Cavill is an 8? You’re joking right? Anyway, it’s not like the girls who use their looks to market their art are Instagram tier models. They’re cute girls, but cute helps sell themselves as honest, humble art girls instead of mega hot insta thots. The same thing can benefit a cute guy, especially if they show their personality too.

>> No.4776963

what culture anon? a bunch of endlessly recycled characters and ideas from 30 years ago? a heritage and history that have been so thoroughly disseminated and dismantled that no one has an identity beyond who they fuck and what's hanging between their legs? there are no national ideals anymore, no great stories that bind us together, we have a culture of capital for the sake or capital where the only value of art is how many eyeballs it gets, so it shouldn't be surprising that no one aspires to be anything beyond the biggest possible attention whore.

>> No.4776969

Thanks, anon. I’ll buy a pack of those since I love my ice cream.

>> No.4776970

Capitalism does this

>> No.4776975

corporatism does this

>> No.4776979

What, seriously? Is that only if people see "Top Tweets" or even for "Latest Tweets?" I've seen a lot of art accounts complain again about algorithm and whatever, so I wonder if this is a new or old thing

>> No.4776984

twitter prioritizes posts with 'engagement' i.e flame wars with tons of comments & qrts over pretty much everything else. it's not a coincidence that it's pretty much the most hostile and miserable experience you can have on the internet

>> No.4777005

This. The stagnation of art is a symptom of the problem. The question is if there even is a demand for binding stories anymore.

>> No.4777030

i don't know what is more naive, thinking that masters of old gave two shits about "enriching the culture" instead of finishing another commission for church or finding next rich patron, or that history of art wasn't full of bland shitty artists 99.99% of which were forgotten

>> No.4777049
File: 47 KB, 932x582, DXISZ7ISUKXPI6BNOOHYEO7LT4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cavill: tall enough, muscular enough, well defined jawline, good hair, no obvious physical flaws.
He's at the very least a good seven even with harsh standards

>> No.4777054

I think he looks attractive in the Witcher when he's all grimy. Otherwise he looks okay but not really my type. He's kinda uncanny to me I guess, looks fake

>> No.4777058

>good hair
lmao show a picture of him recently hes nearly lost it all

>> No.4777060

>anecdotal evidence stream-of-consciousness word vomit
jesus christ, stop thinking like the literal stereotype of a woman. you can measure how attracted people are to persons of various proportions and features. you can measure how much divergence in judgement there is on an individual level and based on what ethnic group the people judging belong to. and the result of such experiment is that, bracketing ethnicity for the moment, everyone basically finds the same things attractive in a potential mate, (symmetry, a good build and posture, physical signifiers of intelligence,) and that women set the bar higher than men do, which isn't all that surprising given our evolutionary history.

>> No.4777068

>women set the bar higher than men do, which isn't all that surprising given our evolutionary history.
namely, women who didn't set the bar high enough and had children with a low-status, unreliable or unfaithful mate were evolutionary dead ends, whereas men had every evolutionary incentive to father as many children as they could insofar as it didn't cause them to get murdered by their competition.
modern humans can have other values and objectives, obviously, but when nothing else intervenes the brain falls back on its default biological patterns... and it's pretty clear that a lot of people decide who to follow on social media based on what their dicks and vaginas tell them, and dicks and vaginas think differently.

>> No.4777079


>> No.4777083

I wish I took out $200 from my pay every week since I started working 2 years ago. I would have $20K saved right now. Instead I was stupid with my money. God damn I wish I can turn back time.

>> No.4777198

i think my only friends irl hate me now because i strongly disagreed with their politics. now i only have drawing left to entertain myself with. im so fucking lonely

>> No.4777200

What were your politics anon? How badly did you spill the spaghetti?

>> No.4777211

i made posts on my private account about how ridiculous i thought blm was at the time while they shared posts about how if you didnt agree with it youre a racist etc etc. they stopped talking to me and i feel scared to initiate conversations now, i dont hate them

>> No.4777223

Awh I'm sorry anon. Although I guess from here out you only have two choices
1) find new friends with shared ideologies
2) apologize and see if they take you back

Honestly though I'm of the mindset people with strongly different ideologies cannot be "close" friends. Especially when one party believes the other is being outright amoral. (BLM & Abortion are normally the strongest culprits).

Either way I hope it works out for you anon

>> No.4777226

KYS realismfaggot.

>> No.4777231

thanks anon! i feel the same way about how we cant be friends anymore. with covid going on its hard to get out and find new people plus im very socially awkward. hope things can change haha

>> No.4777269

>The typical unemployed American was receiving about $930 a week from late March to late July.
>$3720/month x 4 ~ $14,880 in 4 months to sit on your ass and do nothing
How does this make any sense. I hate this world and this country.

>> No.4777272

I don't think that's likely to work out in the art world. all the artists I know are lefties, and even the more moderate ones won't side with people who contradict the shared beliefs of the group because they don't want to be ostracized along with them.

>> No.4777273

Not only that but they're debating RIGHT NOW to extend it meanwhile people like me are earning less and less as the months go by.

>> No.4777283

I don't feel comfortable drawing porn but it seems like the only way to make a living drawing, even in art a job will steal my soul

>> No.4777286

I've somehow managed to gain a following and I'm past 20k followers on Twitter and I had to mass tweet delete so that I wouldn't get cancelled by 12 year olds. I hate this I don't want people to shame me for stuff I like but I'm weak as fuck mentally so I can't just ignore them either. I wish I never gained more followers, Twitter was way more comfortable when I only had like 100 people looking at my stuff.

>> No.4777287

I wish everyone would leave me alone for a week or two so I could just quietly draw and regain my bearings.
I love people and I’m extroverted but it’s just been too much lately

>> No.4777290

Those people are fucked now. My brother was getting it and he’s been permanently laid off, now he thinks he’s going to have to sell his house

>> No.4777294

Those are twitch streamers, anon.

>> No.4777302

>20k followers on Twitter
How? coomer art?

>> No.4777303
File: 19 KB, 300x300, EYuHEFYVcAAciew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, based department?

>> No.4777305

No just sfw anime art. I do a lot of fanart of the same shit and never do OC stuff so that probably helps.

>> No.4777313

I feel like the best advice is vague advice. Advice is supposed to nudge you towards the right direction. Nobody can tell you how to improve the right way. Only you can. You have to look into yourself for the answer. Only you can find what direction the advice has.

>> No.4777317

That's great anon. Sounds a little monotonous to me, and sad you can't post OC stuff, but that's nice numbers

>> No.4777346

Ic is mostly not good artists, good artists don't come back to post on ic usually, so it's a case of someone who doesn't know how to cook tasting food, they can say it tastes bad but can't tell you how you would make it not taste bad

>> No.4777432
File: 22 KB, 335x342, MM-12IN-MM-CU.fullbody1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just finished drawing something real nice and decided to close up.
>would you like to save?
Huh, i'm pretty sure i just did a second ago
>click no
>i didn't save

>> No.4777433

I meant that I would consider him a 10, not an 8.

>> No.4777520

>have a dream about my oneitis
>her dad is in it
>they have an incestuous relationship

Wtf subconscious

>> No.4777795

the difference between 9 and 10 is pretty much only personal taste.
I ranked him at a solid 8 because I find him very good-looking, but not amazingly so.
If I had to give a 10, it would go to Chris Evans

>> No.4777805

that's why you should have done borderline nsfw art. That's what I did and most of my followers and mutuals are coomers, so I don't have to worry about sjws. Someone replied to to one of my pics and said one of my characters was 'potentially' underage and like 5 people told them to GTFO immediately.

>> No.4777825

>borderline nsfw
Swimsuits or more?

>> No.4777894

you mean chris hemsworth

>> No.4777900

you mean buff chris pratt

>> No.4777959

>Everywhere I see I see people who made it
>And then I see my shitty art
>And my lack of improvement
>Scared to death of being perma NGMI

>> No.4777988

You can actually push it pretty far before you get reported on twitter for 18+
As long as you don't show nipple/pussy/anus/penis you can get away with not having to flag your account 'sensitive'.

I do a lot of basically full or partial naked pieces with just those bits blocked off by half taken off clothing/hair/doodads in teasing poses and nobody has reported me yet despite having pieces go 10k+ likes.

>> No.4778192

what they were referring to is a scale of personal taste not objective beauty so it kind of debunks your whole autistic fit

>> No.4778220

what irritates me is the lack of visibility, which hinders the chances of getting a commission, while shitty drawings, poorly made chibi that look like drawn by an 8 year old child have engagement and more visibility simply because they were made by a girl

>> No.4778229

You can become a girl, anon. Just take the pill!

>> No.4778241
File: 7 KB, 250x242, 1567892772365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck am i doing man

>> No.4778243

Okay, men are the ugliest, most oppressed group of people ever and that’s why no one wants to see your ugly ass faces sell your ugly ass art. Only women can utilize their appearance to their advantage and no one else except the top pest tier of chads. If you don’t look like David Gandy, you might as well castrate yourself and then shoot your brains out, you worthless disgusting mongoloid. Is this what you wanted to hear, anon?

>> No.4778245
File: 84 KB, 802x603, 1584633299296.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4778250

You mean Chris Pine in his Chris prime

>> No.4778443

What kind of friends are those if you can't have different opinions and argue about them

>> No.4778474
File: 49 KB, 1078x576, it is over.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>person has a neutral expression
>lips at the end are curving slightly up
>add that curve
>it now looks like the person has a smirk
Holy fuck sometimes I even see pros doing this shit, how do I stop it

>> No.4778488

>Do sketch
>Ends up being shit
>Take a quick break
>First post on my feed is "Is not okay to beat yourself over bad artwork, I used to do this and it was bad"
>Check profile and to no one is surprise its a good artist

>> No.4778516
File: 279 KB, 720x435, 1589650269977.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been wanting to start a blog for sometime now and maybe capitalize a little bit off animay tiddies but what keeps holding back is how you'll eventually have to interact with others. The interaction on social media is detestable, it feels completely illegitimate and forced as if you have to pretend to laugh at a fucking joke as to not come off as being rude in public or some horeshit like that - and there's so much angst involved if you're a candid person because you're automatically going to be the asshole since you tell things they way they are.

Not having an online presence has been an issue on the back of the head since you keep asking yourself what is the point of putting all that effort, time and labor if the piece will never see the light of day? It is extremely demoralizing knowing that once you're done with a piece it's not going to be posted anywhere anyway. How do you get over that?

>> No.4778532

dumb animefag

>> No.4778542

>wants to git gud at drawing animu grills
>grind fundies
>Do hampton, vilppu, marshall, etc
>Construction, Perspective and Anatomy drastically improves
>Draws animu head
>Looks like shit
>Tell myself to do more fundies
>Draw anime head again
>still looks like shit
>Too scared to draw anime
>Only grind fundies

How do I escape this.

>> No.4778611

>/beg/tard makes dumb criticism/complaint
>200 food analogies instead of posting their work

>> No.4778618 [DELETED] 

If you’re like me and only good at drawing from reference go to Vilppu. I only watched a few lessons and just started his book on the gesture part but he’s already improved my technique exponentially. I can’t believe I spent years without reading anything from this man. Hope I can improve now

>> No.4778667

The "shitty" chibi drawings probably have more soul and character and life than yours, also draw popular stuff or get connections

>> No.4778668
File: 125 KB, 736x1102, da0a3b536ca26ba6e8d89d857ab35b66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I go back to enjoying art and drawing for myself?
I just want to have fun again

>> No.4778670

Just draw, it's good to do some finished pieces to test your skills and get feedback in between grinding

>> No.4778687
File: 14 KB, 300x300, c3ae3a33-2546-401c-b5b9-9e61fcc149c8-profile_image-300x300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really a vent but I'm genuinely curious how this actual 12 year old managed to gain such a massive following through subpar art, and completely dodged getting canceled for being literally underage drawing pedo shit and bragging about being groomed by 30 year olds. Not only that but he never shuts the fuck up and posts the most inane literal nothing ego trip 20 posts long threads about himself.

>> No.4778696

I hate that porn and lewd art are much more popular than anything else on the market.

>> No.4778699

draw a better version yourself and email it to them. take the job if you are really better.

>> No.4778701

>Not really a vent but I'm genuinely curious how this actual 12 year old managed to gain such a massive following through
>proceeds to list why he's popular
People love drama and the fact that he's 12 makes him stands out. the fact that he draws is just the cherry on top.

>> No.4778744

started painting over those painted BDJ dolls people customize in photoshop and began uploading portraits to instagram. instantly a shit ton of followers

you really do have to be a ngmi to be a gmi

>> No.4778760
File: 18 KB, 222x260, 1596150176720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only one who saw Goatse on OP's pic?

>> No.4778813

No I thought that to for a bit.

>> No.4778922

>spend 2 hours on a drawing only to realize I already did that pose

>> No.4779133
File: 471 KB, 1542x2300, Ed8DtDYUEAAEq-n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't fucking know how to digital painting. It looks simple, "just use hard round, airbrush, maybe smudge and watch some ctrl+paint videos", but my attempts looks like shit. I learn different approaches and overall concepts of painting, but can't put them into practice. I'm kinda exhausted and have no hope that I will become any good or someone spoonfeed me about how to do thing properly.

>> No.4779145

desu part of learning to paint is learning that your paintings will initially look like shit with certain methods.
>spoonfeed me
read graphic la
do at least 1 painting from life every day
work in greyscale w/ only 3 values to establish your value ranges and then develop the intermediate values within those ranges. work with a hard brush and no opacity, only worry about soft brushes and 'rendering' later.
try experimenting around with a style of art you haven't done before, maybe try sculpting or comics or animation, whatever it is that you always thought looked really cool but never tried because you were too busy working/grinding.
i've been dicking around with effects animation just as a morning warmup and now drawing feels exciting again

>> No.4779236
File: 1.47 MB, 1170x1560, 1588973715407.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

being unable to draw makes me so depressed. not being able to communicate the things i want to communicate gets me so depressed. and i'm so scared that even if i do practice and grind i'll still be shit.

and i've got this weird concern that because i'm twenty one, and have very little previous experience, there's just no point to me even trying to learn because i won't be able to compete with those that have been doing it since childhood.

i mean, even as someone that's been doing it since childhood (though i haven't drawn for three+ years due to depression) i'm just so...worried.

but at the same time i know i'll never truly be happy if i can't draw. more than programming, more than math, this is the peak of what i want to do.

i want to die.

>> No.4779293
File: 46 KB, 720x419, 1573212927998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

End of the trip for me.
Do you guys know any job where I could have little to no interaction with other people? I mean, I can keep a professional relationship but I don't want things to go further. I don't have the strength to grow friendships anymore.

>> No.4779295

POD if youre talking about creative stuff

>> No.4779303

>what's the is-ought gap
also, seethe

>> No.4779306

Sorry but what does POD mean, please? English isn't my first language so I am bit lost there.
>if youre talking about creative stuff
Not exclusively.

>> No.4779321

>he probably doesn't even have a /fit/-approved kegel plug that sends jolts of creativity whenever you clench your urinary tract
>he doesn't wear girly clothes and hair to appreciate the volumes of respective entities, allowing him to draw more detailed structures

>> No.4779334

“Print on demand” websites can net you a pretty decent income as long as you dont mind doing things other people like. Like redbubble or teepublic. You upload your artwork affix it on shirts mugs stickers buttons etc and people buy. You get a cut of the profits as the website does most of the other work for you. You dont need to deal with people or anything like that. Right now I’m only making $700 a month, but sales have been slowly increasing

>> No.4779380


>> No.4779448

Okay thanks. I completely forgot about that. I will look into it.
But, did it take you a lot of time to get that much money? My time is limited (I don't have any income at the moment but I still have, as you can imagine, things to pay). Also, if you don't mind do you have any tips to start on these websites? I remember there were interesting threads about Redbubble here on /ic/ one or two years ago but I don't know if it's still available through the archives.

>> No.4779459
File: 178 KB, 391x306, 1590039301999.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started getting serious about drawing this January like I always wanted and it has been quite the rough year, I can't draw without a reference at all and no matter how hard I try, it feels like I'm not getting closer to getting my art to look like Doppel's or Parkgee's, they have been drawing for at least a decade and I absolutely adore their art, however I can't get my shit to look like anything like they do and it's driving me nuts, I've been dedicating this entire month into studying their style, how they draw bodies/faces and while it has been difficult I thought I finally made it yesterday, I was wrong, I can't get their artstyle right just yet, it feels like I am trying to build a skyscrapper with a few bricks and a hammer, I don't think I can match Doppel's shading without at least a year of study but I do want to at least captivate their style of muscles, faces, etc...which so far has wielded mixed results, I can only hope that all this work that I'm putting on right now will pay off in a year.

>> No.4779475


>Want to be good at drawing and painting from life
>Want to be good at drawing faces and characters
>Want to be good at drawing mechs and vehicules
>Want to be good at drawing creatures and animals
>Want to be decent at drawing environnements
>Try to be gud at digital art
Also me:
>Draw for one hour,get tired
>Try digital art,give up by lack of motivation

Nah I hate myself more actually.

>> No.4779478

> I can't draw without a reference at all
Wait... how? Are you doing stylized without learning fundies or basic anatomy?

>> No.4779490

Not at all, I know fundies and basic anatomy, I spent the beginning of the year on loomis and I only got some reasonable progress on april, I've been drawing for about 5 hours everyday as well, when I say "I can't draw without a reference" is that whatever I draw from imagination, even after several lawyers of drawing over and over, will not be of the same quality that if I drew it referenced, my biggest frustration is that I cannot translate what's referenced or whatever is in my imagination to Parkgee's or Doppel's artstyle that well.

>> No.4779595

draw your anime to find the style you like with it

>> No.4779630

But what if it looks like shit.

>> No.4779635

Retards that think drawing anime eyes is attractive. Especially if they make her look like a genetic mutation.

>> No.4779647

>everyone’s art starts out looking awesome

>> No.4779976

>read graphic la

>> No.4779993

robh rupple's book. he lays out probably the most straightforward way to approach painting. should be in the artbook thread

>> No.4780277

No one commented on my waifu generator art and I feel sad. I began to work on that other "roll and draw" thread, but I thought "why bother" and fucked off to work on something else

>> No.4780279

Draw for fun

>> No.4780346

doesn't look like anyone really gets comments in that thread, who cares?

>> No.4780353

Nobody commented on mine either.
That just means mine is not good enough yet.
Just gotta keep improving.

>> No.4780356

this is also me and i work in the industry, except instead of painting big cool original stuff, i'm mostly fixing a bunch of art to be optimized for our dated coding. it's so brainless and boring. i can't even post it because the game hasn't even released publicly yet.

by the time work is over (it's usually over-time too) i'm tired and i don't even want to touch my tablet because my hand is already cramping. i'm convinced the people on instagram and other social medias they are busy updating are unemployed or between a dry freelance period.

>> No.4780375

The ink I was using stained part of my hands and the underneath part of my nails, so I guess now I know I should wear gloves. I've been scrubbing and even tried acetone to get this thing off, but I guess I'm going to be a dalmatian for the next few days.

>> No.4780715

>make small mistake
>try to fix it
>ruin the whole thing
if there's a compelling reason to make the switch to digital it's this one

>> No.4780727

21is younger than alot of people starting, I started drawing at 21

>> No.4780880

No one here knows what the fuck they're talking about.

>> No.4781178

I hate myself so much

>> No.4781209

Anyone else getting anxiety attacks whenever they look at sketches and see that someone effortlessly draws anatomic features (elbow dimples, armpits, knees) that you still haven't fully understood after a year of anatomy studies?

>> No.4781245

>Im bad at
>Drawing what I see
>Drawing from imagination
>Figure drawing
>Line quality
>On top of that Im slow as hell
It pains me how fucking bad I am at every single thing despite regular practice meanwhile everyone with just 2 years becomes promising or good

>> No.4781249


>> No.4781913
File: 11 KB, 185x189, 215321532626436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just watched one of my favorite artists slowly descent into madness and now he is a tranny who's not posting art. Fuck this shit man.

>> No.4782017

Yep. That's one of the prices you pay for getting better. I had the same experience when I installed a game with nice 2D designs that I wanted to see again. The designs are still really nice but now my eyes were immediately drawn to all the mistakes made in character drawings.

>> No.4782378
File: 119 KB, 1800x1400, unrelated.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw when trying to "undersell" commissions (pic unrelated) around 1$-15$max for one character, but I guess it isn't even worth that one dollar cause it's mediocre and useless just like me. *Guess I'll die?*

>> No.4782392
File: 34 KB, 495x432, 1568258107867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dog has cancer and I feel like shit (vet said she has 2 months left). Either I tire my arms out caring for her daily needs or I'm too mentally exhausted to continue drawing. Part of me starts hating the whole thing but then I feel really shitty for feeling this way.

>> No.4782401


>> No.4782410


>> No.4782413
File: 47 KB, 680x680, _ (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do all the men I draw look like ugly trans women and vice versa?

>> No.4782490

I hate when people draw characters wearing Covid masks for no reason. It’s so stupid. We have to wear them everywhere and look at them on every single person we see every day. We can’t even not have them in our art?
I don’t know why this bothers me. It feels so creepy and it’s completely pointless too. What do they think their furry OCs are gonna catch coronavirus too?
I don’t like it.

>> No.4782504
File: 1 KB, 74x60, like.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk i thought i improved a little inbetween this and my last drawing, and i drew something pretty popular/ in the zeitgeist but i got no response other than from a few friends, my other drawings get more than 10 likes at least

>> No.4782505

compile them and post on social media, more chance for comments and likes

>> No.4782515

You’re in the wrong anonymous message board if you were doing it for attention. Still that thread is kinda lame anyway since it’s basically just people posting their generated wives without even drawing them, let alone commenting on others art

>> No.4782531

Its not a healthy decision to bring this to a place like 4chan. I’m so sorry for you and your dog. Maybe you should take a break from things for a little bit. I’m not a psychiatrist, but it feels like you’re experiencing grief.

I see what you’re saying though, I think. You want to devote yourself to your dog, but you also feel bad about breaking away from the goals you set for yourself. Take some time to reflect. If you can find a way to respectively put everything aside to continue with your goals, you shouldn’t feel guilty. You don't seem to like feeling like you’re being held back, but that’s not the same thing as love. And you don’t want to feel like you’re being held back by your dog’s diagnosis. I would take some time to reflect. As a goal oriented person who empathizes with his dog, if you’re asking, I would suggest you take some time to devise the best way to pursue your goals while respecting what your dog is going through. If that includes something like painting your dog’s portrait, that’s certainly a way to equalize your goals.

All the best to you and your senpai.

>> No.4782535

I don't think I can teach myself, I just can't fucking build discipline and force myself to do anything if it isn't interesting to me in that moment. Often this just manifests in me putting off drawing until like two hours before bedtime. I've been told it's a chore because I make it a chore, and I know it's a hobby and I should treat it like one but shit it isn't always enjoyable but I feel like I shouldn't just not do it just cause I'm not feeling it at the time.

>> No.4782541

Do you actually enjoy drawing? If you do, fuck it, who gives a shit if you suck? I love my xylophone. I fucking suck at the xylophone, but I like it anyway. I think art is a weird hobby because there's so much pressure to be AMAZING at it, but no one is going to shit on the guy who loves soccer but can't make a goal to save his life. Don't stress yourself out. Have fun, learn when you can, but don't sacrifice the love of your hobby in the name of being good at it.

>> No.4782543

Thanks for the advice anon, I really appreciate it.

>> No.4782563

I've seen this happen to more than one creator, it's like their libido just goes into their new sexual identity-centered persona and there's no more artistic drive left in them. bonus point if they ghost everyone they knew in their "past life" and delete most if not all of their content to start over.

F desu

>> No.4782575

The problem for me is some hobbies or activities are only fun or only have a payoff if you're good at them, and I've taken to treating drawing like that. I can visualize in my head that if I were on the level of the artists that I admire and if I were actually good enough to draw the things I want to then yes, I would enjoy drawing. But it'll be years before I get there and the road is rough.

It's like fitness, I hardly imagine anybody in their right mind actually enjoys spending two hours a day lugging weights and running on treadmills but you do it for the result, not for the process. You do it because you want that healthy body. I just have a hard time building up discipline without somebody else forcing accountability on me like a teacher.

>> No.4782979
File: 27 KB, 347x340, disbitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't stop hating my work for being so shit and I can't stop hating myself for producing shit and being unable to improve. I need help on how to overcome this as it apparently developed itself into some kind of autoinmune condition due to "stress"

>> No.4782983
File: 904 KB, 3024x4032, abox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just draw!
I don't know how to. I don't mean that it turns out terribly, I mean I literally don't know how to put down what I'm thinking. I don't know how to put bodies and heads together, I don't understand perspective. I can't even do boxes right.
>pic related

>> No.4782993

>realizing you made something like the arm too short
>after rendering the entire character
No body said anything about the drawing when I posted it so I assumed it was fine to go

>> No.4782998

Use a ruler at first to draw boxes.
Work on line precision before the box's precision

>> No.4783006

Thanks. Any tips for the visualization thing?

>> No.4783230

mileage, how much time have you spend drawing bodies

>> No.4783267

When was the last time you posted? What time did you post? If you have < 100 followers its very likely most of them didn't even see your post. Check your analytics on impressions and engagements to see if your followers actually saw it

>> No.4783333


>> No.4783371
File: 12 KB, 400x400, IzgfJbGS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this artist pic related has over 10,000 followers.

i think this proves that realism means shit. construction, proportion, convincing 3d, perspective, anatomy, shadows, background etc. kind of mean nothing.

You can't compete with kawaii japanese girls.

If you want to be popular on instagram anyway, the only things that matter are cuteness and rainbow colors.

what good are all your advanced skills? what good are all your figure drawing and rendering studies?

>> No.4783375

oh and she has only been on there for a little over a year. 240 posts. doesn't even post everyday.

>> No.4783382

i post a finished pic about every 2 weeks, posted afternoon euro time, and i have 300+ followers and it has 160 views not sure how i can get more people to see it, used the tag too

>> No.4783387

None of us speak Japanese, so we don't know the broader reason as to how she has come to be so successful. That aside, "underrated artists" don't really exist as much as you might think. Drawing is a type of work where you can succeed just by putting more hours in it than your average artist and your work WILL stand out.

>> No.4783411

If you measure your art by instagram followers then fundies mean nothing.
Find your motivation for art and if it is internet fame then only post cute things and 4 panel comics where the punchline is always "muh depression"

>> No.4783430

i do speak japanese.

>> No.4783741
File: 103 KB, 1280x720, 1501542720027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm stuck in the military doing military shit for the next two weeks
The people here don't give a shit about Corona, there's no way I'm not catching it.
I got asthma from work, being exposed to epoxy paints and solvents without proper PPE, because the boss thought the surgical masks were "enough"
I'm gonna fucking die.

>> No.4783765

>draw something for a mutual for art fight
>they just RT/like, don't even reply with a thanks or anything
>think that maybe they're just busy since they have a lot going on
>they're replying to all kinds of shitpost stuff on other posts
kinda stung a bit

>> No.4783780

one less animefag is nothing to fret over.

>> No.4783781

maybe it was so good you made them feel insecure.
it shouldn't sting you either way, their the ones being petty not you.

>> No.4783910
File: 152 KB, 600x729, 0BC36121-3FF9-4D36-AE70-536B85AABEE3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m not angry right now, this is what’s called “righteous indignation”, which is one’s internal sense of anger at injustice. There is nothing wrong with me being enraged and furious at the cunts who wronged me, especially since I’ll one day get revenge on them, I am not a bad, violent man, it’s the rest of the world that forced me to be this way.

>> No.4784191

I hate art. I hate cubes. I hate spheres. I hate perspective lines. I hate anatomy. I hate art.
It looked so fun on the surface. I thought I could bullshit my way through on intuition alone. As a result wasted 2 years of life and still draw like a stupid child. I'm not even creative.
At no point in 2 years did art feel like a "passion". At no point was it a truly enjoyable, energizing activity. I just stuck with it because I was told that I have "talent" and was desperate for recognition
>I like your art, anon!
>and I'm saying this /not just to be polite/
Should've seen right through the bullshit, I'm such a brainlet.
I have no idea what to do with my life anymore but I know GrInDiNg FunDiEs and struggling with my tablet for the rest of my life is not it

>> No.4784209


>> No.4784210
File: 175 KB, 749x370, suffering.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think i'm starting to lose my interest in drawing. Maybe i'm just lacking motivation or am too distracted by school and video games to care anymore. I don't want to give up on it but I just can't find the same fire to just draw for the past month. It makes me sad to think I might just never get to the level I want with how I draw and don't have the proper discipline to get any better at it through tutorials. What makes it even more disheartening is I remember being a few years younger thinking I had the guts to make something from my "skill" and had so many people thinking I'd be great and gave me so much advice only to end up going to college for a STEM degree and feeling like I've let them all down and that their hopes for me were all for nothing. Maybe I should just move on and focus on other hobbies or maybe I'm just not trying hard enough to keep that part of myself alive. Typing all this out might've helped a bit though...

>> No.4784216

>quit art because I hate it
No shit, Sherlock

>> No.4784235

>be me
>improve at art
>start drawing fanart for my crush’s favorite IPs
>she likes some of it but STILL hasn’t asked me out

I guess I gotta grind more Loomis :(

>> No.4784243

>doing anything at all for a disgusting axe wound instead of forcefully taking what should be yours to begin with
Ngmi and unironically a simp

>> No.4784268

Wow. Cool it with the misogynistic remarks.

>> No.4784275
File: 16 KB, 640x286, CAFDC8DE-3117-4677-904E-B9BB0475C20F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No I don’t hate women, I just know they’re beneath us and there’s really nothing wrong with just taking what you want from them by force and I wouldn’t feel bad at all about doing it.

>> No.4784283


>> No.4784567

I'm starting to submit designs t-shirt daily sites (and making ones for my redbubble/threadless shop) and im nervous

>> No.4784576

I got a c&d from Capcom on my Redbubble for fanart, but I see other people doing similar and even posting official capcom artwork on their shit. Why me?

>> No.4784582

I remember seeing a list of what places take down fan shirts and stuff like that somewhere on /ic/. idk how people are surviving on there with official art. Might just be temporary ones that get taken down and put back up?

>> No.4784586

Both of you are faggots

>> No.4784590

Wow. Cool it with the homophobic remarks.

>> No.4784608
File: 34 KB, 399x399, IMG_20200610_014416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

twitter is so terrible for posting art. i hate noticing i made a tiny mistake but it's too late because i've already reaped in the likes and rts

>> No.4784628

>first world twitter problems

>> No.4784710

This is me. Post your work

>> No.4784718

Going through Loomis' figure drawing again and I genuinely did better my first time through. My wrist fucking burns and I've been drawing for three hours and I am not fucking stopping until I collapse tonight.

>> No.4784752

>Just draw!
Just draw what? If I draw what I want I'll never get better because I don't know how to improve.

>> No.4784761

Just draw is the /ic/ version of install gentoo. They're telling you to fuck off and get back to work and don't have to go into detail about how. Take it with a grain of salt along with LOOMIS and ngmi.

>> No.4784767

You should know your weaknesses better than anyone. Focus on those.

>> No.4784781

The problem is that I suck at basically everything. I can't get a line across a page properly, don't even understand one point perspective.

>> No.4784786

What do you suck at? Try that.

>> No.4784805

Then I would start with mastering simple forms: box, sphere, pipe. Learn these from all angles and how to manipulate and bend them. Work on shading them. Learn to construct things from them. You can begin picking up perspective after feeling comfortable with the simple forms, you don’t have to have them perfectly lit and shaded, but being able to identify what simple form best represents and object or piece of an object helps.

>> No.4784836

Nah, anon. focus on your strengths only. Min max.

>> No.4784856

Curious to see the work of artists that did this

>> No.4784868
File: 621 KB, 913x885, tumblr_n5h8y74SnL1r65585o1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you draw from reference and analyze what youre drawing closely you will get better

>> No.4784928

>Just draw
>Hard round brush
>Feel the form
Just feel the hard round Loomis bro. Install gentoo on top of ss + gomad.

>> No.4784935
File: 21 KB, 720x319, 59910993_2245584225489475_236808111401205760_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4785055

Are you a heterosexual with a cis female? If so, good luck man. I hope you get good enough to win the girl.

>> No.4785071
File: 74 KB, 818x864, 1595995457622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have so much money that i want to spend on an art gf but there is no art gf for me to spend money on

>> No.4785075

i did this and now i cant draw hands or the lower half of the body, working on it though
do not be like me

>> No.4785079

1. Are you that girl that only draws faces?
2. Will you be my gf?

>> No.4785212

God I wish I could help a sick girl

>> No.4785226

i want to draw, i have a idea for a comic series that i want to put down to paper.
but i cant draw, ive tried sketching mannequins for hours and never came up with anything workable, i never improve during this process.i just cant seem to even start the process of learning

>> No.4785255

Spend it on me anon, I've been stuck drawing on construction paper for the last four months :(

>> No.4785276

>practice drawing ovals
>they look like eggs
>practice drawing eggs
>they look like ovals
This shit is killing me!

>> No.4785284

Just start the project senpai. You can start by writing down the script. The more you work on it, the more you’ll want to practice for it. That helped me at least.

>> No.4785290

1. no, i usually draw from the waist up, but i am a girl
2. only if you can draw better than me

>> No.4785304

I try really hard to make art, but I feel like my drawings will never progress through the "basic" stage. I can't draw anything without references. If I try to draw something from my imagination it looks like shit. I look at other people's art all the time and I wish I could be even a tiny bit more creative but it seems like I can't. And most likely never will :/

>> No.4785332

I hate studying,I just want to draw.
I'm more happy when I'm just drawing, but after study, I'm scared of picking up the pen again and it's making me feel bad.

>> No.4785370
File: 517 KB, 1606x972, bird.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suppose I've got nothing left to lose. Here's bird skulls I did last year.
Yeah, it's boring, but out of everything I drew this makes me cringe the least. I don't have anything from current year worth posting because I've already quit at that point

>> No.4785389

Why is this image funny

>> No.4785425

That is better than most people already.
You're probably in the top 20th percent of the people that can draw that well.
This is why people are easily impressed.
But the world is cruel and the industry is a super competitive place where you need to be the best or be forgotten.
I'm gonna say you're making the right choice since you're not drawing it for fun but to make it a career.

>> No.4785466

Actually people enjoy lifting stuff. It's quite cathartic plus it's one of the few things in life that's clear cut. Lift this much for today. Achievement complete. Having a nice body is also a goal but I consider myself an athlete that goes to the gym not an out of shape guy that has to to get broad chest. So maybe start thinking yourself as an artist and reinforce that identity? Bad artist yes, but still an artist.

>> No.4785585

he really enjoyed it

but just moving your pen around and getting absorbed in making cool stuff with your lines is fun, its not as fun as like playing a video game you like or something but even if your not master level you can have fun

>> No.4785587

>Study full time for 4 years
>Get 1k followers followers on artstation
>Get some freelance work offers
>Think I made it
>Every client complain about my work
>''Quality is very far from what we expect''
>Try my hardest, do numerous unplanned extra revisions
>Barely get paid full price
>No one want to work with me again

I thought I finally made it but I feel so worthless again.

>> No.4785659

There's not enough hours in the day ;(
I wanna get good but I don't wanna give up games and get into other hobbies and skills, but I feel guilty doing it.

>> No.4785680
File: 49 KB, 200x210, 1596210197573.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im not sure where to post this on this board but I have some newly acquired dirt on the artist Keppok if any ones interested.

>> No.4785705
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>> No.4785872

someone make the new thread

>> No.4785888
File: 15 KB, 383x197, 45895135884.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll take that as a yes since this thread has hit bump limit and is going to 404 anyways and I know /ic/ used to be obsessed with Keppok. Basically some one got in contact with her previous bf before Brekkist and their conversation got leaked and now a bunch of artists are scrambling in their discord tranny groups to try and stop it from spreading. The reason why other artists are shitting themselves right now is because Keppok used to tell her previous bf all about these other artists and how they would brag to her about grooming 12 year olds cause I guess she had a kink for it. She also cheated on her ex with some homeless men and on Brekkist. Dude also confirms none of Keppok's art was her own; she would leech off her ex's art claiming it as her own and did the same to Brekkist before she got deleted.

>> No.4785896
File: 31 KB, 570x546, 45895135885.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Confirms the artist Noill was a pedo grooming children, also her real name being Shelby

>> No.4785917
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>> No.4785922
File: 18 KB, 543x314, 45895135887.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4785993

corona is a bunch of bullshit. how the fuck do people really trust the media? have you read the NEJM article that says that masks don't do anything and that you can't catch the virus unless you are less than 6 feet away from someone with symptoms for more than 10 minutes? And don't you know they are WAY over reporting the numbers because hospitals get federal funding for corona cases? People dying in motorcycle accidents and with lukemia get reported as corona. If you look at the numbers for real, I saw a great video recently where they said, if you break down the numbers, of all the corona deaths, if you get rid of people who were older than their life expectancy, people over 78 i think it is, and people who had no preexisting conditions, the number of deaths is like 9000. The survival rate is higher than 99.9%. and what's more when they talk about positive tests, corona virus isn't a new thing. The flu is a corona virus. There are many corona viruses. The tests they give you don't test for covid 19. that would be impossible. they test to see if you have a corona virus, which could literally mean that you had a cold.

I really can't understand how anyone thinks that there is anything to worry about other than the media getting people hysterical over nothing.

this is the video i was referencing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6RDffMCAujg&list=LLG-ThE-qQHmP8H81tWmEKsQ&index=13&t=0s

fucking relax anon.you'll be fine.

>> No.4786056

Just reply to it with the fix and get even more. Thats better then noticing a mistake and being able to delete it a week later to fix it because it has 1 like

>> No.4787770

Why are you in the military if you have asthma faggot. They wouldn’t even let me in the Air Force because I was using an inhaler for a month a year prior to trying out. Is the military dropping it’s standards now for weak shaking little leaves like you now?

>> No.4787775

Not him but I can draw better than you. How do you feel about older men?

>> No.4788056

I'm want to make my first purchase on a display-tablet but I've been agonizing over what to buy for the last 2 weeks because there's so many available in my budget of 200-500 dollars

>> No.4788072

>i'm want
jesus im tired
also been looking for a decent desk I can get shipped in the us

>> No.4788076

Xp pen.