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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 257 KB, 828x1280, c8dee0d0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4781026 No.4781026 [Reply] [Original]

the image that defeated /ic/

>> No.4781033

I don't mind any of the bottom panel except for the trannoid

>> No.4781040

Remember when bearded ladies were a side-show attraction?

>> No.4781042

i don't get it. is he saying that poos, niggers and trannies are too ugly/warped to have basic fundamentals applied to them?

>> No.4781044
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>> No.4781048

Yes, anon that was definitely the point being made. There was no other point. Just that. Eat your tendies like a good boy now.

>> No.4781050
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Like "residential schools" where Native American children were forced to get European haircuts, wear European clothes, and adopt British mannerisms. This guy feels like he's being forced to comply with the White Devil.

>> No.4781054

I thought that was a canadian thing, americans just genocided them

>> No.4781055
File: 280 KB, 1600x1200, 5.13.10LunaBrothersByLuigiNovi1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>asian men
>systematic emasculation, desexualization, erasure
yeah, tell that to the rabid kpop fans.

they literally just need to lift and dress better or get that money but luna's bug mind can't wrap around the thought that he isn't entitled to positive attention. pic related, he's probably mad that he don't got that chang money.

also the whole "fetishization, hypersexualization, etc" thing for women is so bogus. women fucking LOVE sexual attention. they literally hover over make up and fashion and the shallowest shit. they do this to themselves. asians are THE most shallow and vain people, especially in their homelands because they know looks matter. the idea of being fetishized and whatever is a trashy western asian mindset because they fell for the muh victimization meme.

>> No.4781056

tbqh drawing a single race exclusively is boring af

>> No.4781059
File: 50 KB, 625x625, 1595655213964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugh, I remember this insufferable faggot hack.
If he as too retarded to take the fundamentals he learned from "dead white guys" (the fact that this unironically racist jackass refers to them as that pisses me off to no end) to draw other races of people that's his own fault.

>> No.4781063
File: 75 KB, 780x585, residential school - missing children.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably both

>> No.4781079
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>> No.4781080

He's succeeding of a white man's artstyle so who really won in the end?

>> No.4781098

the point is that he was learning white supremacy or something similarly ludicrous.
>whoa dude, did you notice that most of our super heroes are white cis men? isn't that, like, so emblematic of how oppressive our society is to minority identity groups?
it isn't. write a comic dealing with minority issues and featuring minority characters. if your writing and craftsmanship is good it'll be pushed right to the top because people WANT you to succeed. that's the opposite of oppression.

>> No.4781112
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>the point is that he was learning white supremacy or something similarly ludicrous.
i know

>> No.4781118

Why is anyone giving this mentally ill flip nigger any attention at all? Practically all his works consist of “le white man bad” “poc culture oppressed by huwhite supremacists”
It’s all so tiresome.

>> No.4781318

He should have read the white dead man called Loomis, he explained in Fun with a Pencil how to draw people from various ethnicities.

>> No.4781326

Please don't use hurtful words.

>> No.4781342

Who is this jap and why should I care?

>> No.4781522

>Free education is bad now

>> No.4781547

It’s only bad because it’s “white” education. If it was African education about how fucking a newborn infant will cure you of AIDS then it’s a-ok!

>> No.4781552

wtf, I love de-colonizing medicine now

>> No.4781583

reminder to all that niggers made human aids a thing in the first place, bunch of monkey fuckers

>> No.4781601 [DELETED] 

what is the problem with that? they land was already over, they got free education and a chance to get out of their shithole community

>> No.4781607
File: 41 KB, 400x428, 289389438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And yet all that stunning bravery can't even save the fucking American comic industry from impending doom

>> No.4781624

>when your communist fad is so natural you need an international cabal of corporations and billions of cash to push it

>> No.4781656
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>> No.4781674
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If he hates western culture so much then why does he draw in a western art style? Also Asian
Americans are one of the most successful group of americans..

>> No.4781687

Josh Luna secretly hates himself like every other westernized pinoy.

>> No.4781690

>t-that's the myth of the model minority! you're not allowed to make that argument you racist!!!!!!!!

>> No.4781695

I think what it’s trying to argue is that most of the fundies we learn off of, dont include any guides on how to draw other races. What’s a shame is that this is an actual problem but the artist can’t even conveythe message clearly.

>> No.4781700

cool. one of those threads im supposed to be outraged by. cool. good discussion, see you tomorrow.

>> No.4781701


>> No.4781746

he recently made some tl;dr posts bitching about having to maintain his brother and being too much of a pussy to stand up to him about it.

these are the people who want to control you.

these threads are perfect grounds for collecting twitter tourist tears

>> No.4781749
File: 32 KB, 274x266, 1547291960892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Demands greater diversity in art.
>Draws in the most basic white-boy mainstream comic book style.
>Even most white kids from the suburb abandoned this stiff and stilted style over 20 years ago.

It always makes me laugh.

>> No.4781751


>> No.4781752

>these are the people who want to control you.
the fact that they can't stand up for themselves is the reason they feel the need to control others through underhanded means.

>> No.4781764
File: 152 KB, 1364x702, over 60 percent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit right here. Tired of this bull shit.

>> No.4781796

>basic human decency? yep, must be (((twitter tourists)))

nazis are cringe anon . don't fall for the nazi meme T.T

>> No.4781801

what do you mean basic human decency? is making fun of people for parroting retarded political talking points too "mean" or something? the guy can keep making these comics if he wants, and I'm not going to defend anyone who tries to censor him.

>> No.4781810

>best selling comics: white white white
well yeah because whites are the only ones that buy comics...

>> No.4781827
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>> No.4781833
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Aside from the cringy off topic politic, at the end of the day, he is better than 99% of /ic/ and is making money with his art. So he technically "won" over this shithole, not that it has any meaning to it.

>> No.4781846

Does this guy do anything outside of saying the comic industry is shit? I mean, he's speaking the truth, but complaining doesn't change anything.

>> No.4781849
File: 212 KB, 776x1200, CmNUMSuXEAAbDqj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does this guy do anything outside of saying the comic industry is shit?

>> No.4781852
File: 2.06 MB, 960x2756, ic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the comic that defeated /ic/

>> No.4781867

I don't have to say the following 4 words ,do i?

>> No.4781875

Tbf I'd like to have an art school where dead white guys are not the only artists worshiped. What about hokusai? What about stylization of confucionist era? What about middle eastern art?

>> No.4781877
File: 24 KB, 600x623, g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4781920

So he also bitches about microaggressions, nice.

This guy needs to dry his wet blanket.

>> No.4781927

lol they don't teach art in school like this.

>> No.4781934


And as he should see here, whites are actually coolest about his background and accept him for who he is.

>> No.4781938

Ok mate draw some comics for the middle eastern market and see how that goes kek

>> No.4781940


I will guess since Im a newfag and just been here since 2011..

1) How 2) New 3) Are 4) You?

Do I pass SENSEI

>> No.4781948

i can see he’s a good artist but he needs to keep his retarded politics to himself, it already aged his art and divided his audience.

never understood why artists and entertainers think they should express their politics in their art like they are some expert unless they were paid to. you aren’t politicians and you probably didn’t study politics beyond the headlines you’ve read once and reacted emotionally to.

artists and entertainers’ jobs are to help escape this reality and entertain. not spread propaganda and poorly researched opinionated bullshit.

>> No.4781977

Also that people care about the industry. If you’re a comic book artist, don’t make comics about making comics. If you’re a filmmaker, don’t make movies about making movies or the movie industry, etc. your audience just doesn’t care.

Yes, there are a couple examples like Stephen king or tarantino that have acclaimed examples, but these were good at their craft and highly hyped in the first place

I don’t want to hear you whining about your industry, if it’s so shit do something else, don’t ask me to read your joyless whining about an industry I have nothing to do with

>> No.4782000
File: 38 KB, 523x399, 241728BD-921E-4983-9928-46928BF6832D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why I only draw japanese pornstars. You’re not gonna colonize my art, white man!

>> No.4782275
File: 366 KB, 450x725, 1586298824552.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Asian Americans are one of the most successful group of americans
Not Filipinos, incidentally he bitches about other Asians and Filipinos almost as much if not more than he does about whites. He even has a comic where a Filipina/Asian girl tells him that filipinos aren't asian they're Pacific Islanders

>> No.4782281

i love how his self insert looks like a chinkoid but he's really a poo skin filipino in real life.

the self hate is so real.

>> No.4782290

>i love how his self insert looks like a chinkoid but he's really a poo skin filipino in real life.
He isn't even that ugly, especially by Filipino standards. If he lifted and got over his inferiority complex he would have the capability to be fairly successful in life

>> No.4782304

>words words words words

>> No.4782338

Asian Americans are more successful, but that's oppression in the same way that African American scholarships and acceptance rates are racist. Minorities being more supported or successful than white people draws attention to the fact that more white people are accepted to and finish college (not by percentage, but by raw numbers, what with them being the majority population.) This is misconstrued as being a white man's world, where minorities are oppressed, despite their disproportionate representation as diversity tokens in businesses and colleges around the nation. Honestly it is a bit racist, preferential treatment of minorities and all that.

What this guy is complaining about is "why does a capitalist nation comprised primarily of european decent sell white people more than asian people in media?" Calling out the white man as a whole for racism because of the novel concept of racial preference being utilized by companies to sell goods and services.

I guess it just makes him particularly insecure since he brought this up himself in the second comic of his posted in this thread. Could very well be that he can't get a girl, sees asian american girls going after white guys, goes racist incel mode. Who's to say, that could just be reaching for the usual internet stereotypes, but whatever it is, the guy is fucked in the head by some sort of influence.

>> No.4782405

I broke containment from /pol/. I thought, "oh dear god this place will be as zogged as /co/". Then i see this thread. I've found my second home on the chans. Thanks anons!

>> No.4782412

i haven't been on /co/ for years. is it really sjw-fied over there? thought the whole "snowflake and safespace" comic thing would put them in stitches and start a good old fashion roast

>> No.4782455


why do all these foreign people who deliberately move to our country then do nothing but complain about our presence here? If you don't like being surrounded by white people, it's not like you don't have a place of your own to live in. But noooo; your people turned your place into a shithole, so now you want to live among us but also complain about us constantly. very rude.

>> No.4782465

Their love for the push of lgbtqwerty into comics and cartoons is complete.

>> No.4782469

Here's a summary:
>I can't get a GF and it's the Jews' fault

>> No.4782474

Found the hebrew

>> No.4782481

>artists and entertainers’ jobs are to help escape this reality and entertain. not spread propaganda and poorly researched opinionated bullshit.

Sometimes their jobs are just it, spreading propaganda. Look at the soviet realism and constructivist movements. The difference is that at least that stuff was cool to look at and wasn't retarded as twitter is nowadays.

>> No.4782494

The problem isnt the ethnicity or sex of the characters at all...Its the massively obvious choice of agenda over storytelling thats killing the comic industry.
Even Earlier Star Treks (which always had political commentary in their series) put story first before the politics.

>> No.4782513

Dude there’s no reason to blame a class of people for something theyre not realistically responsible for. It’s not something logical people do. It’s a weird flex. Can understand if you’re trolling, but you haven’t presented any evidence to support your tinfoil hat conspiracy theory.

>> No.4782520

This guy is the embodiment of COPE and SEETHE

>> No.4782576

nah, artists using their skills to deal with problems that matter to them personally is fine, this guy just needs to stop obsessing over his racial insecurities 24/7 and find a broader, more balanced perspective on his life.

>> No.4782589

Wouldn't have to unlearn it if he didn't chose classic capeshit as inspiration. And live models being caucasian is most retarded part. If he wanted to draw asian people so much, he should have moved back to Philippines.
Secretly? I just skimmed through some of his strips and alot of them are just open self hate.

>> No.4782601

He's saying that he's a hack that couldn't apply the VERY BASIC fundamentals he learned in anything other than what his narrow creativity allowed, and that he doesn't blame himself, but his instruction
He is, however, a talentless hack, because with fundamentals you can draw literally anything you want, you just have to, you know, actually seek it
You're retarded, you learn guidelines, and you use guidelines and your own observational skills to draw EVERY kind of person. If you actually study and practice and you still can't draw anything other than a white man that's not a problem with the fundies, it's a problem with you.

>> No.4782604

nahh bruh, japs have entire wall in their houses for their manga collections, and thats just the norm, manga is still a graphic novel btw

>> No.4782605

>women fucking LOVE sexual attention. they literally hover over make up and fashion and the shallowest shit. they do this to themselves.

If you know so much about what women want, why are you still an incel?

>> No.4782606

nah, comparative anatomy classes should absolutely be a thing for artists. the differences in facial structure between races is quite mindblowing.

>> No.4782613

So... is this guy schizophrenic or something?

>> No.4782658

Lol they all have white features. What a hack

>> No.4782707

Oh hey, it's that Asian artist with no other characteristics than hyper fixating on being Asian.

>> No.4782797

Artists should be able to figure out these differences by observation. Illustration isn't math, you need to actually look and analyze what you want to draw.

>> No.4782801

Last I checked even Twitter hated this artist. If he were Black this wouldn't have happened.

>> No.4782837
File: 1.26 MB, 3140x1240, Luna x Keely.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This motherfucker is still seething lmao

>> No.4782841
File: 2.68 MB, 3140x4331, jonathan-formerly-luna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4782852

he sounds like a woman accusing someone falsely of rape after having one night stand instead of a full blown relationship like she hoped with her merry go round pussy.

>> No.4782857

Best selling comics and their iconic style was actually pushed by Jews; max Gaines, Schuster, Stan Lee, will eisner. Schuster and siegel conceived superman and the idea of the übermensch protagonist became the norm

>> No.4782862

Throwing your own brother under the bus in twitter tantrum

>> No.4782947
File: 39 KB, 326x294, bruh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I later learned our "shared" contacts were only his

The complete lack of any self-awareness is incredible.

>> No.4782948

sjw's are the jehova witnesses of the internet

>> No.4782969

>american flipino
you will never be a flip

>> No.4783776

why do asian girls like white guys so much?
stop stealing our girls guys :(

>> No.4783779

That’s a myth just like bmwf

>> No.4784149


>> No.4784171

That page is just pathetic.I have a feeling this guy is in hardcore delusion but i'm still going to ask american-anons around here. What's with those minorities complaining so much about your country? Is it really that bad or they just can't reach a standard and they begin to bitch about it? Please reply , especially if white as well. I hear all sort of messed up things on the internet about white americans.What's the deal anons?

>> No.4784278

> Complains about le evil Boogeywhiteman
> Gets screwed by his own brother

Tragedy gold.

>> No.4784335

There are over 2 billion asian women. Pull your head out of your yellow ass.

>> No.4784619

It still is for the sane majority

>> No.4784706

I'm not sure. I feel that america treats minorities the fairest, owing to the huge diversity in america overall. In fact, asians are actually more successful than the average white american. Yet they still feel like they are at some disadvantage. Jews do the same thing, they are pretty damn successful in america but still act like they are oppressed.

There are tons of real conflicts with actual lives at stake that stem from race. Israel/Palestine. India/Pakistan. Uyghurs/China. I think the overall prosperity of america, and the world in general, has caused people to take media too seriously. Look at people with life goals like watching every movie, reading every book, playing every game. I think they are divorced from what real racism and conflict look like. They see media representation as very important when it really doesn't matter at all. Black people in america watch black movies. Indians watch indian movies. Whites probably watch the most movies from other cultures ironically.

>> No.4784741

Manga and webtoons will save comic

>> No.4784749

America is too divided as a people, so many people of different ideologies that are proving to troublesome especially our attitudes and politics

>> No.4784797

its in their schools. i have cousins over there and one of em who is a sperg got together with an insane bitch who talked him into becoming a tranny.

>> No.4785550

Yep, multiculturalism just isn't working.

>> No.4785557

Fucking this. It would be like me (a white male) moving to Japan and then complaining about how their system is made to benefit the people of that country. Its so fucking retarded. "All whites are evil racists, but im still going to move to their countries and then complain about it".

>> No.4785563
File: 694 KB, 856x639, dog in a funny coat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stating an observable fact is tantamount to being an incel
Not that anon, but here's a (You)

>> No.4785572

Your not exercising basic human decency anon. Stop trying to play some white knight hero that drops in to tell everyone how their terrible then runs away. Anons are calling you a twitter refugee because that's the text book play by play that dickheads from twitter always do.

>> No.4785584

/co/ is a tumblr refugee zone now. Nothing but gay threads or people bitching about the gay. No real discussion on series, very little story times anymore.

>> No.4785648

good meme /pol/, but most of Americas ""cultural diversity"" problem exists along ideological lines, not across races. it's a matter of the intelligensia pushing a dysfunctional intercultural dialogue where people are supposed to identify primarily with what makes them different and fight a zero-sum game over who's the most oppressed and should be given more power to balance out their situation, rather than who has the best ideas and should be given power because they'll make everyones lives better.

>> No.4785662

Let's be real most of the time when SJWs draw women with beards it's not women with polycystic ovary syndrome. It's transwomen.