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4770644 No.4770644 [Reply] [Original]

Picked up sketching after a year of quitting. Now I can’t draw shit.

Will it ever come back bros?

>> No.4770654
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>> No.4770705

Sauce on pic? For me, I took several years off, can’t really say how much I dropped off when picking it back up again but I threw away my old notions and got better than I was before in a way shorter amount of time. I was more serious about it though. I still take long breaks for weeks at a time but don’t notice any drop off for those hiatuses.

>> No.4770734

Fuck. So you can forget everything you learned if you abstain long enough? Does the same apply for professionals?

>> No.4770747

The same applies for literally anything anyone does. why would your brain waste space storing such a specific and unnatural skill

>> No.4770755

Use it or lose it anon, use it or lose it. Some people are luckier in that they retain it a little longer or were doing something that utilized similar pathways in the brain or movements in their limbs but if you didn't really do much of it then you need to grind again.

>> No.4770762

Little more backstory

>be me
>great at drawing from imagination, best in school growing up
>Internet happens, discover big world of digital painting, realize how terrible I am
>can’t get into it, get pretty frustrated
>draw less and less until I go around 3 years without drawing anything aside from doodles in my notes
>get into urban sketching, working from life
>rediscover my love for drawing, I start loving the process instead of being frustrated by it
>learn to do studies and apply studies to my works from imagination
>grew more in one year than my entire life before, where I was coddled being told I was great
>learn to recognize signs of burn out and take breaks when needed

It wasn’t so much as a drop off in skill, but a change of direction altogether that makes it difficult to see how much the break hurt me

>> No.4770767

just draw brah

>> No.4770774

Move to a different country and stop using English and use their language exclusively and your English will get worse and worse and you'll forget how to say and write alot of things

>> No.4770776

>So you can forget everything you learned if you abstain long enough?
No, this isn't the case. I am not sure where the other anons are getting the idea from, but what you're thinking of is procedural memory, which isn't something you can just "forget" after having practiced for years.

>> No.4771144

I took close to a decade off and picked it back up a year ago, lost some skill, now I'm better than I was back then. So keep grinding.

>> No.4772914


>> No.4773444

that only applies to basic shit like riding a bike, not highly coordinated activities like playing a sport or drawing. your brain retains much of the general structure you built up, though, so reacquiring half-forgotten skills comes easier at least.

>> No.4774012
File: 351 KB, 596x2212, 96A59602-29A3-4015-B1E0-6552E17BEFE0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guys... I’m... I’m gonna COOOOOOM

>> No.4774094

This. I'm German but I speak English much more throughout the day due to work. After a few years I always naturally want to slip english words into a German sentence as their meaning describes much better what I want to say. Sometimes I even can't remember the German word but do remember the English one.

>> No.4774165

This isn't true at all. A master artist isn't going to forget how to draw in 50 years of time. Visual motor and cognitive abilities are scientifically proven to be kept through procedural memory.
>not highly coordinated activities like playing a sport
Why do you even prepetuate this message? Sports are quite literally primary examples when bringing up procedural memory, besides language and writing skills.
The difference between someone who just "forgets" and someone who will never unlearn is that the former hasn't yet practiced to a degree where he can keep it as an implicit memory and thus draw unconsciously.

>> No.4774169

You can forget stuff but relearning it will be 100x quicker. Usually just takes a few days or weeks to shake off the rust.

>> No.4774315

well, feel free to continue deceiving yourself, but ask any top-level athlete, writer, programmer, chess grandmaster and they'll tell you what I'm telling you: if they were to stop practicing for just a couple of months they'd lose the edge that makes them exceptional and it would be a bitch to get it back.

>> No.4774319
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>> No.4774323

I bet you thought this would be a laugh riot when you were making it.

>> No.4774410

I dunno about you or the creator, but I think it's a laughing riot.

>> No.4774451

I quit before for 2 years and when I came back I was rusty af but everything came back after 1 week so it's not like u are starting from scratch
that is if you actually learned shit and u were not mindlessly copying

>> No.4774567

Are Reddit memes popular with ESLs?