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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4766808 No.4766808 [Reply] [Original]

how do you make it when billion dollar comic brands dont even pay theit artists enough to survive?

>> No.4766819

don't they get like 500-1500 per page

>> No.4766826

covers are like 1-3k, pages are like 100-200 per page.

>> No.4766858

It seems like it's more work created comic pages. Especially with Western comics that requires you to color it in

>> No.4766919
File: 251 KB, 680x385, US comic book creators.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how do you make it
Get a decent following then launch a comic Indiegogo fundraiser to sell books with expensive merch.
Or keep pumping out comics behind a paywall hoping people will fund your Patreon/similar service.

>billion dollar comic brands
The IP is worth a billion mostly due to the movie studios but the comics sell like shit so they are not worth much.
>dont even pay their artists enough to survive?
Their shit doesn't sell enough to justify it.

The Western Comics industry keeps dying year over year but they always pad the numbers by increasing prices, flooding the market and counting Manga sales stateside towards US comic sales.

>> No.4766921

You only usually do one part of the page though. Either sketching, inking or coloring. People that draw the pages usually don't color them.

>> No.4766963

A lot of artists do ink and pencils.
I feel like half of this post is Dave trying to make sure his followers don't cannibalize his clients. I would do comic covers for free, just because it's a dream of mine to draw one.

>> No.4766998

They pay their artists shit, yet the CEO is like handing off money to political campaigns.

>> No.4767030

why do you think comics hire so many diversity/women quotas nowadays? They work for incredibly cheap just so they can write "artist at marvel" in their twitter bio.

>> No.4767036

Right now there is a big dust up in the Western Comics pro community over how little Marvel and other industry places pays people, it all started with some dumb article bitching about them only have 3 notable black hires despite preaching diversity all the time.
Now every jackass who did work for Marvel or some small indie is crying about how little they got paid even though their books sold like ass.

>> No.4767045

don’t work for any big two commie infested corpo faggotry. look at the cringe boomers at comicsgate they make a shitton of cash and the quality is barely above average. Independent is the way to go.

>> No.4767051

>quality is barely above average.
Cyberfrog is the only one with good art.
The rest are mediocre to shit.

>> No.4767176

this is why capeshit is full of so much bottom of the barrel talent. they treat artists like total shit so only tumblr hacks with an ego and autists who are way too invested in spiderman will stay in that industry without washing out in like 2 years.
there is basically no reason to work for marvel or dc anymore except maybe building prestige to go off and do your own webcomic. say what you will about liefield but he is one of the few people who actually tried to make things better for artists.

>> No.4767186
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>I would do comic covers for free, just because it's a dream of mine to draw one.
and this is why artists are poor

>> No.4767208

>i only put up with it because im in love with tight spandex wearing muscel men

>> No.4767211

comicsgate is cringe tho.

>> No.4767216

U don’t have to be comicsgate to go independent.

>> No.4767222

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ that's not the point. go independent, build an audience, make dosh.
excelent repetition of what i just said in that post, anon.

>> No.4767225
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>pic related
Kek, I thought this shit was good and “deep writing” when I was 15, makes me cringe viciously in hindsight

>> No.4767230

SONY coming in with the hottest new deep writing.

>> No.4767235

>twitter screencap thread
hidden and saged

>> No.4767245

i was fine until being aware of this

>> No.4767248

Announcing a sage is against the rules :)

>> No.4767272
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>> No.4767274
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S o y b o y bugman consoomer memes make me happy

>> No.4767280

Imagine trying to make a living doing comics. This isn’t the era where your grandparents lived where $50/month can support a family of 4.

>> No.4767285

>it's a twitter screencap thread

>> No.4767356

And? What are you gonna do about it bitch?

>> No.4767363

Hello? Based department?

>> No.4767365

This also isn't the era where you have kids

>> No.4767681

>pad the numbers
This. You can go to /co/, they'll show you how Marvel sends products that shops don't ask for, and then mark off as sold units. It's all running at a loss for brand recognition and money laundering.

>> No.4767692

dave is making a living doing his skeleton garfield comic for 9gag posters though
>it's a conceptart.org screencap thread
>it's a muddycolors screencap thread
>it's a respected professional saying something about the industry on a website full of respected professionals thread
some people in the thread are saying like 400 for a marvel cover which is insane

>> No.4767703

this game is multiplat retard and was probably done by some xbox indie studio in cali

>> No.4767995

It goes from 400 to 900 judging from some surveys.

>> No.4768072

Is it anymore cringe than the industry itself?

>> No.4768204

at this point, should I just go straight as a graphic designer in an IT company?

>> No.4768205
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>> No.4769260

For covers? Shit that’s super low. Is that for pencils and inks only? I saw an interview with David Nakayama on artstation the other month and he gets by on doing several covers a month. He lives in Hawaii where the cost of living is super high, I don’t think $400 each would cut it for even a single person living there, much less a family.

>> No.4769316
File: 1.37 MB, 1125x1699, 1C7F4D97-CD51-4DA5-89D8-CD1B5DCC242C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pay $400 a cover
>get this

I guess you get what you pay for

>> No.4769319
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>meanwhile, the art chads at DC

>> No.4770028
File: 54 KB, 640x785, 1346436743754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can people work in the comics industry with the knowledge that porn artists are making 10x more money with much less stress and effort?

>> No.4770037

every artist should do this and make their dream projects on the side. Get practical jobs especially if you are smart go for engineering or some shit and if you are actually interested or competent in what you love to do, you'll find time to do it. You see dads with decent paying jobs building their own houses and making their own cars on their spare times. Im sure drawing is 100% easier and more accessible than that.

>> No.4770071

they are billion dollar industries because they dont pay their artists enough to survive

>> No.4770086

it's literally autism. they're just stunted people who can't think of any higher calling than drawing the disposable entertainment from their childhood. in that thread dave even says the only reason he does it is because of the nostalgia value he has for those characters.
the ONLY way i can possibly think people could get by on that rate is if they're just getting fuck tons of resale value selling prints to capeshit fanboys
just like my japanese animes
why limit yourself to any one thing? if you can draw, you can draw so just follow the money instead of struggling to find enough fantasy scifi illustration gigs to cover a year's worth of rent.

>> No.4770092

dont you have a wife to punch and threathen. what are you doing here.

>> No.4770118

it's just fan art by an asian

>> No.4770191

Getting paid for cover work at DC and Marvel, you actually have to be in demand.
Nobody is demanding Dave Rapoza covers a literally who in the comics world, but they do demand J. Scott Campbell.

>> No.4770304


>> No.4770796

He does a lot of fan art, but it’s a variant cover, I picked up a copy just for his art. The book itself is hot garbage. Story-wise that is, Capullo is consistently good.

>> No.4770848

Isn't this the story behind the entire Manga and anime industry? Studios raking in tons of money and all the toy tie-in cash they want while paying the animators marginally above what an assistant manager at a convenient store makes. And manga artists live like animals in single room apartments making the equivalent to a waiter while working 15 hour days just to make deadlines.

Comic and cartoon work is a passion project, not a well paying career path.

>> No.4770851

>I would do comic covers for free, just because it's a dream of mine to draw one.

don't worry, with your posting pics on social media and art sites that anyone can take at their leisure, it is already happening. I can churn out a few dozen shirts of any pic I see on twitter right now and make a profit.

>> No.4770877
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Fucking this

I post anything that is more than a doodle on twitter and some asshole will slap it on a shirt and make money off it. Meanwhile I still work a shitty dayjob.

>> No.4770881

I actually don’t mind that. I’ve gotten a c&d before for my art so I do everything for free. I make a lot of money from other things and dealing with legal shit is more trouble than any profit I would make is worth.

>> No.4770925

not me, I want to be paid for drawing. I like drawing and want hat to be my job and not some shitty retail while drawing for free and then someone else gets paid for it.

>> No.4770930

>How can people work with the knowledge that porn artists are making 10x more money with much less stress and effort?
I have stopped posted years ago. I want people to have porn, fanart, anime girls, and nothing more. I want the stuff to get into ads, children's cartoons, everywhere. I want people to open Twitter or TV and see that. I cheer for vandalism of good art. And I wouldn't want to waste bandwidth, or insert some ill fitting "content" in people's media stream. They might get a booboo on their finger from scrolling that much from one fanart with a huge bloated ass with greasy highlights to the next because of my thing taking up precious screen estate. Why would I ever want to be there when I could make room for more precious fanart porn of anime girls?
I know it won't happen because that would be way too optimistic, but in my hopeless naivete I enjoy the idea that this army of desperate addicted monkeys with a sore dick will one day beg for something, anything different, and I'll just laugh while I burn a lifetime of drawings that nobody will ever see.
I want everyone to enjoy their fanart, porn and other stupid corporate shit. I genuinely love it when this filth gets a hundred times more acknowledgement than anything with merit or heart. I hate artists who still try for deluding people that this kind of work is still breathing and alive, I'm glad when I see them quit. Imagine being this cucked, imagine celebrating your 1000 oh-so-grateful "followers" in 4 years when a pornfaggot next to you with half your skill and no ideas and no integrity got 100'000 with the same drawing in a different costume. How do you sleep at night, being such a simp?
I swear to God my greatest fear is that one day someone will find my shit and put it in a museum. He was misunderstood in his time! No, no party if I'm not in it. You gave me nothing now, you will have nothing from me, ever. Even if it's one cent of a dollar, one second of pleasure or a thank you.
Fuck you.

>> No.4770938

Do you feel like you’d start to hate art if it were your job? I have a great job, it pays well, I like my coworkers, I can take off whenever I want, there’s little to no stress, the work feels meaningful, but I still would rather stay home some days. I feel I would stop loving art so much if it was a career. I turn down commissions because they’re cringe a lot of the time, and even if it’s something I wouldn’t mind drawing, I would rather draw something for my sake. I cant imagine being obligated to draw something I don’t want to because I won’t be able to eat otherwise.

>> No.4770956

Women do get a lot of shit in the art community. They need to write "marvel artist" on the curriculum so people look at them seriously.

>> No.4771154

Relying on a company is not going to cut it in this day and age. The trick is to use big publishers to get your name out there and then focus on creator-owned properties.

If you're your own boss, the money all goes to you, rather than being a replaceable cog in a machine.

>> No.4771190

How much do you think KJG and Karl Kopinski and other artists make off selling books?

>> No.4771196

you work for brands that respect the creatives

Big Brands coast on paying shit wages because everyone wants their stupid name in their portfolio

>>Clients I've worked with

fucking garbage

>> No.4771198
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>t. Jew

>> No.4771542

Wow we went from punk rock to hallucinating the unattainable
Really makes you think