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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.38 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20200802_063210242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4766267 No.4766267 [Reply] [Original]

Some days I can draw a face. Some days I can draw a body. Some days my planning goes well. And somewhere along the line, some part of my drawing will give me so much fucking trouble.
Throws the whole thing off. In this case, the head and face just kept turning out stupid. Nothing fit. Even arms and the legs this time.

I dont even know if I'm improving or not. Shit stresses me out. I guess I've come to the point where I know enough to know I know nothing at all.

How do you get over this lump?

>> No.4766280

Post some of your work, anon, and I’m sure someone here will give you sound advice. As for getting over these types of lumps I take a few days off and focus on work. My brain sorts out the difficulties I have in the back burner and when I start drawing again my problems are gone.

>> No.4766285
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>> No.4766286
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>> No.4766289
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>> No.4766291
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>> No.4766292
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>> No.4766294
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>> No.4766297
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>> No.4766299

I like that body

If it helps, try drawing bigger, and use very faint, thin lines, building over what looks good, but light enough you can erase it once you nail it

No shame in doing scribbles, studies and attempts right next to your drawing, then copying the face to where it should be

Remember no rules, just tools. As long as you know what's wrong, you'll eventually fix it so it looks great.

>> No.4766301

These are all from about a month or so ago. To be honest I kind of took a break for about three weeks so coming back to it is frustrating to say the least. I feel like I learn all of these things but have great difficult in putting it all together.
Fuck, I'm even kind of scared to ever try adding color to anything because I really haven't been grinding anything like that seriously.

>> No.4766303
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Do you have any inspiration and story to tell? Find it first. Learn digital crafting skill. That's the first thing you have to do.

Nobody wants perfection from you. And don't hate your self

For the face there's fomula in book
Read a drawing right side of brain, that book saved me

>> No.4766311

Face looks fine to me. Like most girls I know. Too much makeup.

>> No.4766322

if it makes you feel better i wanna lick her belly

>> No.4766326

congratulations and welcome to the conscious incompetence tier, you know you suck at something, time to fix it.

Take part of your inflated ego and throw it away, start working on subjects you can see you suck at, focus at them, observe, analyze, then draw and repeat that again and again forever

>> No.4766326,1 [INTERNAL] 

the lines start and end somewhere you maggot
go find out you weeb

>> No.4766360 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4766366

unironically drop the exaggerated anime shit while you're studying and try to draw what you see instead of what you think you see. actually observing how things work instead of using what you consider appealing shapes and lines will train your eye and your mind to actually understand how the human body works. eventually you'll be able to draw the figure and the head consistently instead of relying on flukes and easier poses

>> No.4766374

Because you're drawing random ass lines instead of constructing, and hoping that they will fit into an acceptable margin of error. You get lucky sometimes and sometimes you don't. Your art will never be consistent and you'll just be a xerox at best if all you do is draw arbitrary lines. Learn construction.

>> No.4766445
File: 673 KB, 1116x1280, Andrew-Loomis-Book-Fun-With-A-Pencil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read loomis fun with a pencil

>> No.4766447

I did construction, but it wasn't very good. My other posts also have construction. But I do see what you mean. Getting the correct line is hard from what my structure is, but there is probably a problem in my execution in that as well that I need work on. Thanks for the time.
I have done figure and gesture studies, it's much easier to get things correct when I have a reference, most of the drawings, including the OP are purely imaginative. Values are pretty difficult for me. But you're right, grinding more actual figures would help with this a lot. You have a good resource for dynamic references?
It does, thanks.
Shamefully, the end game is coom. I have seen the book mentioned a few times but haven't yet put an effort to download the thing. Wholesome looking girl there by the way, thank you.
I always feel dishonest doing things like that. I know it's not, but I don't know. I don't wanna be cheap. I hear that a lot of H-artists traced to get a feel for line weight and proportion. Apparently they have a completely different additude when it comes to the practice. Thanks for being nice. I'll be less harsh on myself.

I will come back better.

>> No.4766450

read loomis cunt

>> No.4766455

they all look bad OP, you can't draw anything

>> No.4766465

Read a book OP

>> No.4766467

lotta crabs in this bread. keep trying op you're on the right track

>> No.4766480

How long have you been drawing?

Sometimes you see your mistakes the second day and it takes several times to consistently remember the forms. Your lines look ok and you are getting things right when you get them, just keep going!

>> No.4766498

I always doodled, but decided to work on actual drawing for about 3 months now. includes perspective, gesture, figures, values and forms. Thanks by the way.

>> No.4766506
File: 496 KB, 800x619, f7b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read loomis "fun with a pencil"

>> No.4766518

In order for humans to grow and apply what we learned we need to play with the ideas test them try to use them. This allows us to process and integrate the knowledge in a usable way. doodling should be a time when you think too hard you should just play with the tools you have experiment with what you can do with the knowledge. It may turn out bad for a while but your sub conscious is working the background in order make the knowledge you have applicable in use. Ideally doodling should happen within the hour after you have studied something. For example if you have study 50 hours but only doodle for 20 your doodles will not reflect your studies because your brain is still processing that 30 hours of knowledge.

>> No.4766541

This has far more wrong with it than just the face.
1. On her right side, her trapezius has a weird lump in it.
2. Her neck starts thick at the body and gets thinner up at the base of the skull, which is wrong.
3. Just look at her left arm for a second. Does that look right to you? Too short, way too thin, and where on Earth is it attached?
3. Why does her left latissimus dorsi curve out like that? Why is it so far out from the rib cage?
4. Look at how high her left hip is compared to her right. Hips are determined by the pelvis, so try to draw a pelvis to fit what you've drawn here and see how it looks.
5. Her thighs taper off much too drastically and much too early.

On top of all that, I think your wording in this post revealed what part of your problem is: you think of the head as the 'face', ie. as a symbol rather than a structure.
You need far more practice with construction, proportion, and anatomy. The only thing adding a face did was force you to try to see what you drew as a human, which made you immediately notice that something was wrong, which you would have noticed earlier if you had more knowledge of the aforementioned.

>> No.4766563

Drawing isn’t like school, it’s more like sports. You could read a textbook on how to tackle a lineman but you won’t really know how to do it until you’ve practiced it many times in real life. Here’s my advice. Treat your career as an artist like a science experiment. You won’t know what works until you’ve tried it, so don’t be afraid to color. Watch/read a tutorial and try it. If it doesn’t look right, read some different tutorials. Go back to old tutorials you’ve looked at and see if you catch something new when you read it again. Art is a great deal of trial and error (mostly error) and the only way you can expedite your practice is to look at the teachings of others.

Another good way to practice is to copy drawings from artists you like. It’s less effort mentally, and you can identify the problems in your own drawings much faster, since there is a direct comparison. Try to copy a drawing that looks slightly above your own skill level, but is still achievable for you.

>> No.4766571
File: 561 KB, 3600x2625, D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking at your art, it seems you are familiar with anatomy, but there's a lot that is missing. I recommend getting bammes' anatomy book(there's one in english) and slowly studying that. Also Vilppu is wonderful and will surely help your construction of the figure.

I forget who, but someone roughly said "pros are just using fundamentals, but more advanced." If you wish to improve, your fundamentals are essential because they inform everything you do. You can't escape or run away from fundies if you plan to improve.

Want to draw a convincing head?
> Anatomy - need to know the skull because the skull affects the outer appearance of the head
> Perspective - need to know shift, rotate, foreshorten, and overlap features in space according to the angle of the head
> Construction - need to have a solid foundation to place the features, or the head will fall apart
> Lighting - Need to know the direction of the planes of the head to light it correctly in any lighting direction

When learning from any book/instructor, think of it like school. The lesson is a lecture.
You still need to study after the lesson, because you are at a stage where you can look and recognize it, but you can't reproduce it. When a book only shows 1 or 2 angles of a subject you're studying, look for more reference, so you can fill in the blanks. If they give you a front, side, and top/bottom view, then follow krenz' tutorial on how to rotate objects in space. You can reconstruct any shape in any perspective using those 3 views.

Remember 20% of your time should be spent on learning theory from reading or watching vidoes.
80% of your time should be spent actively practicing. Meaning, you're drawing from imagination, then comparing it to your reference, making note of where you messed up, putting the reference away, drawing again from memory, and repeating the process. Don't autopilot and copy things. You need to know why the decisions you made are wrong or right.

>> No.4766599

You've made everyone mad. Congrats, your an artist now.

>> No.4766626

Don't draw a face, draw a head and everything will fall into place.

>> No.4766632
