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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 411 KB, 1000x1365, 11233214214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4764782 No.4764782 [Reply] [Original]

IF YOU ARE A /BEG/INNER IN ART, use this thread to post pieces for critique or ask for advice.

Feel free to post even the smallest exercise you have done. Anything is okay.

previous thread >>4761946

READ THE STICKY for some guidance:

RESIZE YOUR IMAGES - preferably ~1000px, <1.1mb

BE ACTIVE AND PROVIDE FEEDBACK TO OTHERS - all it takes is a little feedback to give someone a lot of motivation.

Leave no submission un-replied!!

>> No.4764788
File: 225 KB, 947x903, f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4764789

Begchads, lend me your gains, I’ll kneel for it.

>> No.4764791
File: 224 KB, 955x837, f2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did i fix the eye or is it still fucked?

>> No.4764804

It’s kind of hard to tell what you’re going for here. Both the colors and lines were haphazardly applied. I can’t tell if you’re pushing for realism or stylization.

There’s no significant change between the two images.

>> No.4764811

Is there any order in which I should watch the New Masters Academy courses?

>> No.4764814

stylised, just a simple face, i mean look at the eyes, its just a quick sketch

>> No.4764831

Quick sketches are fine. But I suggest you commit to either line only or form only if that’s the case.

>> No.4764849 [DELETED] 
File: 170 KB, 800x600, 1595370014954.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Leave no submission un-replied!!
except mine huh

>> No.4764850
File: 357 KB, 806x767, draw6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

free draw over 6

>> No.4764851

you just drew over in your own style lol you didnt actually correct anything

>> No.4764853

what software do you use?

>> No.4764857

i changed the anatomy from insect to human.

>> No.4764862

literally nothing is different apart from the face is a bit shorter and nose a tad thicker

>> No.4764863
File: 370 KB, 723x1217, critperspective.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted to get opinions on the perspective / foreshortening here.

>> No.4764869

super ngmi

>> No.4764875

>except mine huh
maybe if you wasn't such big faggot, you would get some replies.

>> No.4764889
File: 78 KB, 750x741, C97837D2-2C51-496F-8B0A-EAD14B98D0D4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4764890

he corrected eveything.

>> No.4764894

the problem is there isn't much overlap. to get these kind of extreme perspective, we wouldn't be able to see her entire body like this definitely her neck would be hidden by her head, most of her body would probably hidden by her boobs. and are those buildings? you drew her feet tiny but they are about shoulder width yet almost as wide as the tip of that building. i think you should do a few thumbnails where you use vanishing points and construction and actually measure things, or use a reference.

>> No.4764900
File: 404 KB, 840x854, evt0fkdttss31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4764901

pretty great stuff

just some nitpicks:
mouth is in front view perspective
her left eye is more deep than the right
she is a little bit strabic

>> No.4764905

Thanks for the reply! She's actually supposed to be standing on very tall pillars, or columns of some kind, not buildings. They're meant to be just large enough for her to stand on, basically. I see your point about the neck and body, though I'm not sure if I want to push the perspective that far... I'll keep playing around with it, and try to do some practice as well.

>> No.4764908

Whats that brush? Is it for CSP?

>> No.4764914
File: 402 KB, 1197x801, mutie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it is really sloppy looking, but am I still okay on my proportions? I attempted to make a "dynamic" pose but either it feels stiff to me or something else I'm not noticing

>> No.4764919

It looks nice, it is a bit stiff so you could loosen it up a lot, but the overall design and execution is pretty nice, I’d say the proportions are mostly right, maybe check the legs and feet a little more

>> No.4764921

the composition is nice, not sure if the red guys legs are of the same length tho


>> No.4764925

based and rad-pilled

>> No.4764940

Big guy's left leg and side tangents too much with the small guy.

>> No.4764955
File: 239 KB, 864x1152, rsz_img_20200801_143732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4764960

is this some kind of curled up animal?

>> No.4764968 [DELETED] 
File: 16 KB, 256x256, 1593364896182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Four in the mornin', and I'm zonin'
They say I'm possessed, it's an omen
I keep it 300, like the Romans
300 bitches, where the Trojans?
Baby, we livin' in the moment
I've been a menace for the longest
But I ain't finished, I'm devoted
And you know it, and you know it

>> No.4764976
File: 92 KB, 523x410, 1535821664520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh hey im back again, my 20th try

>> No.4764977

nice hatchwork anon

>> No.4764983
File: 283 KB, 1458x1938, 1572171281689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to improve my lines, I ended up fixing the eye, lower sharper angle

>> No.4764988
File: 161 KB, 934x419, Screenshot_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time drawing on a tablet and holy fuck my head hurt at the beginning. Also will post the paper drawing of the right

>> No.4764992
File: 103 KB, 300x286, Screenshot_4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4764993
File: 1.82 MB, 3000x1976, 1560509115310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rap is the worst afterbirth abomination that ever fell from the vag of language and splatted on the concrete. Anyone claiming their down-syndrome slop of random words that happen to rhyme occasionally is anything more than dirtying up a blank page should be pressed through a wood-chipper.

>> No.4764995

It's a fox.

>> No.4765004
File: 477 KB, 1329x831, faceb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tried to redraw it with your help it still looks bad but i think better thanks for the help anon :) and sorry for late reply

>> No.4765016

serious question, how are these eyes not just symbol drawing?

>> No.4765030

Somehow you managed to make an even cringier post than PulseDemon, especially with that fucking pic lmao
piss off kid

>> No.4765031 [DELETED] 
File: 67 KB, 565x750, 1574454856502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wouldn't get it, it's not about the genre but about the honesty behind music, let's dance
Let's dance put on your red shoes and dance the blues
Let's dance to the song they're playing on the radio

>> No.4765039

Red man has huge calves and tiny stumpy thighs.
Also he's holding his gun sideways, and not even aiming at the supermutant. I guess he rolled a critical failure.

>> No.4765048

>gargles a shit slurpie because people told them it was "good"
>you wouldn't get it

>> No.4765066

This is not /mu/

>> No.4765068

stop trying to turn this into an argument, nobody fucking cares about your opinion

>> No.4765072

Now I could let these dream killers kill my self-esteem

Or use my arrogance as the steam to power my dreams

I use it as my gas, so they say that I'm gassed

But without it I'd be last, so I ought to laugh


>> No.4765074

How the fuck do people outline a face? I keep looking at examples but I always feel like if the face is turned just a little in any direction, I can't follow it.

>> No.4765076


>> No.4765081

>I use my arrogance as my gas, so dream killers say that I'm gassed
so deep and totally makes sense

>> No.4765082

that shadow on her forehead implies that there is a sharp corner on the forehead

>> No.4765090

ok autismo.
keep getting triggered

>> No.4765093

full on projecting lmao
even just the album Madvillainy completely shits on whatever useless garbage you listen to

>> No.4765098

they hated you because you told them the truth

>> No.4765100

uh oh, the normies are mad i made fun of their grocery store music

>> No.4765101

>gets triggered by a harmless post and starts going on his autistic rambling
>a-assblasted!! h-haha

>> No.4765106


>> No.4765108
File: 3 KB, 344x99, yikes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4765109

dont bother, these people that hate rap are the social outcasts that think its cool to hate mainstream stuff and think rap is just HURR DURR BITCHES AND MONEY cause they just hear radio shit and what chad thundercock listens to on his speakers at school that shove their head down the toilet in lunch break

>> No.4765116
File: 1.27 MB, 1152x1401, IMG_0110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lined paper anon here, yes it's shittier than usual and there's issues with perspective but at least i had fun, no i do not intend to transform into an animeposter don't worry.

>> No.4765123

>dont bother, these people that like rap are the social normies that think its cool to like mainstream stuff and think rap is just HURR DURR DEEP AND REAL SHIT cause they just hear spotify shit and what chad thundercock listens to on his speakers at school that shove their head down the toilet in lunch break

i can project too but also

ok zoomer

>> No.4765126

>arguing about music in an art thread

>> No.4765132
File: 829 KB, 1599x1080, Anatomy-Tracing-5_r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried the anatomy tracing thing from Proko. I don't get it.

>> No.4765133

my hand tickles from drawing too much, rest for some hours?

>> No.4765136

just use your other hand

>> No.4765137

pyw faggot
(it's not an actual request, i already know it's garbage with no value)

>> No.4765141
File: 628 KB, 1230x1658, resize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok your turn

>> No.4765143

The point of this exercise is just so you learn where the muscles are. So ween you draw from reference or imagination you will more or less remember where to place them.

Do streches but if its too painfull rest

>> No.4765144

Is there a way to have my lineart act as a border for my coloring instead of having to use the lasso or pen tool to create a mask layer?

>> No.4765147

yeah my point stands still
why spend your time doing meaningless shit like this when you could just take a photo with a camera

>> No.4765151


>> No.4765152


Make a separate line layer where you just have the different selections isolated like a map. Then you can just later pick those regions out and draw in them separately.

>> No.4765154

>that hatching that screams /beg/
>that number
Oh hello there >>4765116

>> No.4765160

how many hours? it might be just bad posture.

>> No.4765161

2 hours 3 min I think, I don't know maybe a bit more

>> No.4765162

if you a non anti aliased brush

>> No.4765163 [DELETED] 

huh, im >>4765116
are you saying im that guy or some shit lol?

>> No.4765164
File: 98 KB, 833x1449, resize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why do something fun when you can just do something else
i dont think i can really answer that but heres something else then
also feel free to post some of your work anon

>> No.4765166

whenever I use pen brushes, the line art sucks compare to use paint or potato brushes on Clip studio,am I being filter, how do I get better so my line art isn't worse than the sketch

>> No.4765167 [DELETED] 
File: 118 KB, 1200x1148, 1585970398846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4765172
File: 5 KB, 392x113, schizo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you appear to be quite schizoid my friend, it would be best to take your meds

>> No.4765173

kritachads whats brush do you use for sketching?

>> No.4765196


>> No.4765199

well wtf do you mean by outline a face? post an example

>> No.4765200


>> No.4765228
File: 291 KB, 754x713, 1220976.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drew someones oc on artfight. im struggling a lot with making things simplified but still looking nice.

>> No.4765243 [DELETED] 
File: 324 KB, 999x881, 40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very very rough one for 40

>> No.4765250
File: 34 KB, 280x130, OnlyTwoYous.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am here to apologize for repeatedly posting the image, and I by no means meant to spam my drawing sir. However, notice that each image posted is slightly altered, as I was making corrections. Be assured I was trying to improve, but eventually the paper went too soft to withstand another erase.
I am sorry if my behavior annoyed you, not my intention and I will never repeat it.
Also, picture related I guess.

>> No.4765251

Why are >>4765147 and >>4765154 being so cruel? I think this is great (not much consolation coming from a /beg/.)

>> No.4765253


>> No.4765254

Forgot a bracket on the link. My apologies.

>> No.4765255

everyone forgot about it, we all know it's you

>> No.4765257

Crabs. There's a reason that shit is meme'd here so much. Leave this place and never return, you expect harsh no shit criticism coming in but realize it's just people shitting on each other non-stop.

>> No.4765261
File: 603 KB, 2500x3000, magegirl redux.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pwease help, I cant into legs feet or perspective. Any criticism is appreciated, been trying to get better at unstiffening poses for too long with too little improvement

>> No.4765263
File: 356 KB, 1067x845, 40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4765264
File: 5 KB, 345x96, weNeedPostID.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the same person.

>> No.4765269

i wouldnt exactly say they were being cruel to me since neither of them posted their works. it was more like being barked at by scared little doggies.

>> No.4765270

can you imagine still wanting the spotlight and talking with yourself, begging, screaming for attention?

>> No.4765273
File: 129 KB, 843x812, F41D1585-EEB4-48B1-B94E-B12425A1BE52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously i would love if someone could help me with fundamentals, im starting again to draw thanks to quarantine but i feel like my proportions on drawing are terrible, anyone got a book or a drawing course to learn? Or even a good youtube guide

Thanks in advance!

>> No.4765278

Hey anon! I see youre new to 4chan so let me offer some basic advice, if you read the sticky on the board that has a lot of information, and heres a little secret just between you and me so keep it on the downlow ok, if you look at the first post (this is called OP on 4chan) then you will get all the information you need :) good luck anon!!! <3 XX

>> No.4765281

Thank you sorry i didnt noticed before gonna read now

>> No.4765287
File: 21 KB, 910x412, Brush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I change the brush shape(circle) to triangle/square brush in CSP?

>> No.4765291
File: 3.61 MB, 4032x3024, kyaaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how the hell did my foot bottoms turn out shittier than the side profiles. Anybody got any cool mech artists to share?

>> No.4765293

woops forgot to resize my b, enjoy my hd desk eraser poop and other assorted filths

>> No.4765295

do you hot glue?

>> No.4765299

my plan is to get good at realistic mech fucking, none of this my life as a teenage robot shit

>> No.4765304

you didnt answer my question anon

>> No.4765310


>> No.4765311


>> No.4765312
File: 276 KB, 883x815, draw7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

free draw over 7. you are improving anon.

>> No.4765313

fuck i guess i hotglue now if this guy says so

>> No.4765315

crazy chickenscratch aside this one shows the most best head ive seen from you yet

>> No.4765316

very nice anon thank you, i dont get many replies so i appreciate it, bucci is helping a lot

>> No.4765317
File: 33 KB, 1000x332, 200731bodiesinmotion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried to do another one of these but this one was much harder.

>> No.4765318

it does have soul tho

>> No.4765322

thank you! studying construction is helping

>> No.4765324

>pwease help, I cant into legs feet or perspective

I recommend Erik Olson's perspective lectures.

>> No.4765338

don't know if that is enough to cause some discomfort, even if you drawing without any breaks.

try to be more mindful on how you are holding your pencil(?). you might be holding in a harmful way.

also try taking more breaks.

>> No.4765342
File: 16 KB, 280x397, UlyseesPrime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dnd Villian. Any pointers?

>> No.4765346

is it better to practice to a point where you can get spheres and elipses down in one shot. Currently I keep going over them until i get the right one. but it just looks kinda chicken scratch afterwards.

tired of shit being lopsided though when i draw it. Speaking of, I have a habit of leaning my head on my shoulder when i draw some times. Is that also a bad habit i should work to get rid of. I just do it without thinking.

Lastly, any other head drawing methods or tutorials aside from the Loomis stuff? I want to see how i feel with alternative ways of constructing heads. Or at least get to the point where I can actually put the features on without it being uneven.

>> No.4765348
File: 2.96 MB, 350x349, 1533765301062.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon, this dude is a deep dive when it comes to perspective

>> No.4765350

Reilly method is a popular one.

But anon, please understand that any construction method only exists in order to translate your knowledge of the subject.

Studying skulls and facial anatomy will help you produce better heads more than any construction technique.

>> No.4765351

>eventually the paper went too soft to withstand another erase.
my worst nightmare

>> No.4765353


>> No.4765354

no problem. Please ignore anyone that says Olson's course is "too much" or "nobody ever does that" in regards to all the perspective techniques.

If they've ever watched one of his lectures, they would have known that Olson himself says it almost everytime that he doesn't use them all and doesn't expect anyone to, all the information and diagrams he does is in service of making perspective intuitive, so that you don't do all the precise measurements and stuff.

It's also my issue with pretty much any other perspective book/course. Skips over so much stuff that's integral to really understanding 3d space.

>> No.4765374
File: 140 KB, 815x1297, 7cf70186baae9fccf0f06a98b4b9ebb4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there much use in practicing drawing pure muscle?

>> No.4765376
File: 7 KB, 274x409, pressure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can someone give me some decent pen settings for clip studio paint please? I have a pencil that i like sketching with but as soon as i move onto lines i have to deal with this shit. its got to be a problem with the pressure curves or something, but i dont know how to tweak them to make it not look shitty. having this massive tail down to nothing at the end of all my strokes looks terrible

>> No.4765378


pretty bland, looks like a background character from naruto. try adding more personality to his clothes.

I suggest KNKL show, he talks a lot about character design. at least this video and the one about motifs

also the 100 Ways to Create Fantsy Figures it is shallow but it is wide to compensate.

>> No.4765380

Try using one of the markers instead of pens if you don't want a tail.

>> No.4765388
File: 1.46 MB, 1280x782, sh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>an 'at there... that's 'at hu-whistle notch we mentioned earlier

>> No.4765392

they were upset, their brains weren't working right

>> No.4765394

they never post their work and shit on everything
it's gotten really bad lately
even earlier this year these threads were tolerable
now every once in a while a trip fag now comes by and spams the thread with his grandiose thoughts

>> No.4765400

give him a weapon besides a stick

>> No.4765407

not much without knowledge of the bones. Actually muscle is a lot easier to study when you understand the origin and insertion points of the bone.

>> No.4765408

some value I am sure that it has, but my problem is that you run the risk to get so used to draw it that you bring all those details to the normal figures, also I don't know if those types of reference are very useful for artists, because the concern of the artist is more about the looks than it is about the function. and those books seems to be all about function.

>> No.4765415
File: 454 KB, 1600x1200, Breaking bad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I beging 1 weak, and say my name.

>> No.4765431


>> No.4765435
File: 2.42 MB, 480x402, b4b2886e327d2c4701f91e6b41ae4c9116ee79eb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4765447

this.. is NOT math...

>> No.4765454
File: 49 KB, 720x480, C8ED165C-4B5D-4798-BE28-B27542F4FABD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So pic related from Scott Robertson or some other nigga isn’t a meme? I’m asking because there’s a vocal bunch of d/ic/ks that say Robertson and all that perspective junk is a meme, and to “just draw bro”, but I also hear that KJG also studied these techniques. I only recently started doing that shit, along with following along with moderndayjames tutorials like this one where he just parrots the other teachers. https://youtu.be/O1tv-6JURJ4
So I’m not just a tryhard brainlet for doing this, and it’ll help my overall progress a lot, right?

>> No.4765473
File: 29 KB, 960x663, SUprise.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4765482
File: 409 KB, 1000x763, krita080120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drawing sitting up is harder. I'm used to being high and lying down.

>> No.4765485


>> No.4765487

I've heard good things a out Scott Robertson's DVDs. I'm not a fan of his book.

Erik Olson's course is the only perspective instruction I can whole heatedly recommend.

Imo perspective is the most important fundamental.

>> No.4765495
File: 21 KB, 458x481, BA13AEAE-0CFD-47AF-B648-C0CD97C04BF8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ll definitely look into Olson, I don’t like roberston’s robotic ass teaching but it does seem to have some merit to it, I need modern day James to spoon feed me since I’m too low iq to automatically get Robertson
Based slime poster, I think you’ve improved a bit in appeal, your style reminds me of Disney so you might benefit from studying that a little

Pic related is a random doodle of a head I ended up coloring

>> No.4765499

>it’ll help my overall progress a lot, right?
you need perspective to draw on the paper (2d) something 3D.
perspective helps you with your perception/dexterity too.
try to build a car, it will help you understand more complex structures.
If you want to become a gi, you need to become a master of perspective.

>> No.4765500

overhand grip, now my arm jumps

>> No.4765503

>And that there is neat- although I guess I'm dating myself by saying that
No you fucking boomer your receding hairline and wrinkled forehead don't give that away at all.

>> No.4765505
File: 83 KB, 203x209, E315ADBE-1180-43B2-B5F1-6FCB2BAD1061.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grazi anonazi, I’ve recently begun to take it more seriously including doing some of the autistic shit everyone makes fun of, like I said, it’s surprisingly less terrible than everyone says, plus I feel like it’ll help a lot with vehicle/environment design which I might need if I ever actually moivate myself enough to start making comics

>> No.4765511
File: 77 KB, 1000x750, hhhblgpgptlglglglglgl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh Lord, save this, your humble /beg/, from the symbol devil.

>> No.4765517

marco bucci head course

>> No.4765522

the only people that make fun of it are begs, any artists that is actually good will always tell you to learn fundamentals, perspective being a big part of that

>> No.4765563

Now that I think about it how the hell does Huston have a slight southern twang if he was born in Alaska and studied at Pasadena.

>> No.4765601
File: 1.04 MB, 1318x523, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>try to build a car, it will help you understand more complex structures.
Does a bike count?

>> No.4765620


>> No.4765630

vilppu or huston?

>> No.4765648

Vilppu, never tried Huston though

>> No.4765654

huston for /beg/, vlippu for int, actually getting to see a nude reference irl for advanced

>> No.4765667

>and then there's this guy called andrew loomis... does heroic drawings and stuff

>> No.4765681

Is it cheating if I use a 3d modeling program for the base of my pose? I don't trace it per se, but I do use it as a guide for anatomy etc

>> No.4765689

For every 3d model you use as a reference, spend some time drawing the base for an alternate view.

>> No.4765699
File: 157 KB, 1000x750, hhhblgpgptlglglglglgl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4765700

whats wrong with cheating?

>> No.4765701

the symbol god awaits

>> No.4765703

Based. Animators and artists do it professionally all the time. Want the best, most accurate and full of life look? Trace from real or from a 3d model.

>> No.4765706

>full of life
One wonders how the men at Ghibli made things look alive despite not tracing 3D models.

>> No.4765708

NOoo, His head looked more like an EGG! AAAAAAAaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh..............

>> No.4765713

>So I’m not just a tryhard brainlet for doing this,
Perspective is Everything

>> No.4765726


>> No.4765731
File: 252 KB, 1034x720, IMG_20200802_130638_5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to push myself to do faces and hair. Even tried to clothe a figure. Still incapable of taking clear pictures apparently.

Aside from the long fucking legs on the left sketch is there anything else too off?

How about my overall ability to capture form? Also how the fuck do forearms work?

>> No.4765740
File: 281 KB, 930x772, IMG_20200802_130614_9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also are there any good tips and tutorials for rendering and linework? I'm not where I'm at to want to do finished pieces but I no I need to push myself to dabble in this stuff.

Pic related is where I want to be. A happy middle ground somewhere. Love the thick linework, the graphic design choices of the Overwatch artwork and the faded colour palette that is associated Mucha's work.

>> No.4765743

>want to draw some gestures
>also want to go to the gym

>> No.4765756

Godspeed anon.

>> No.4765764

Funny thing I was just watching this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Ix8e2LNuz0

Tbh, no better way than to observe their process and learn from it that way.

Now, I am still beg cuz I suck at lots of stuff, but what I got from their process is:

>Using gesture to create the figure
>Doing greyscale shading to create values to work from
>simple coloring layer
>Add values from greyscale/monochrome shading
>Emphasize values
>Touch up values to make them peak
>Add lens flares/blurs

Not gonna talk about the aids they probably have to go through when resizing heads/objects, but this is what I generally understood from the video I linked. Just observe and apply what you observed. If it gives you the results you want, perfect

>> No.4765769

robertson's book sucks for a beg to read
erik olson's course is the most thorough

>> No.4765775

Also gonna link this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=poAC0ALXJe4

>> No.4765777

>end up blogging on 4chan instead

>> No.4765825
File: 471 KB, 1208x944, test1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I strive for ugliness and low intelligence.

>> No.4765862

Nah, getting ready for the gym now. Will post my gestures late so you better tell me what I can do better.

>> No.4765892

I just wanna draw like, fucked up monsters, robots, and shit like that. Not really interested in drawing anime or humans, what should I look into for all that? Most resources I see are human anatomy stuff.

>> No.4765896

has anyone gotten DMAC'd for using the /ic/ torrent?

>> No.4765898

What kind of shithole do you live in that you get the law for downloading stuff?

>> No.4765899

i am frustrated

>> No.4765901

it happens in usa and germany, no?

>> No.4765903

He probably lives in the US, or canada.

>> No.4765904

what's the trouble anon?

>> No.4765913
File: 1.10 MB, 1315x540, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it took me an hour to make this

my outline and shapes are okay but i fucked up and tried to breeze through the rendering with sloppy lines for whatever reason and it ended up looking like garbage. what's worse is that this is the second to last exercise of keys to drawing

>> No.4765918
File: 1.17 MB, 2737x1865, DSC_0314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4765925

Who made that image? Who the fuck decided to try and draw a perspective image without using perspective rules? Why the fuck are there 2 horizon lines. I have so many questions

>> No.4765978

Any tips for quickly measuring proportions? Been trying out urban sketching these days and I kinda struggle to get the proportions right, mostly guessing the general distance between parts and using plumb and level lines. Don't want to look like a fool who measures stuff with his pencil either. Also, how the fuck do you draw trees

>> No.4765994

>Don't want to look like a fool who measures stuff with his pencil either.
You're already looking like a fool for learning how to draw at such a late age.

>> No.4765999

younger than you, gramps

>> No.4766001

I don't even know if my country does it but I don't tend to use torrents, if I have to pay for a vpn I might as well buy a suscription for the vilppu site

>> No.4766002

I'm thinking of getting a cintiq. I have an intuous right now and I do all right by it, but I feel like I'm taking longer to do a piece compared to if I do it traditionally. So, is switching to a cintiq really a game changer?

>> No.4766018
File: 494 KB, 596x692, y0s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, one of the most important things to remember is pic related. The thigh is one average as tall as the top of the thigh muscle to the traps. As you can see, I literally copy pasted the line and it gave nearly perfect results lol. find other proportional things like this and u good

>> No.4766037

Aren't most monsters just twisted versions of humans/animals? It might do you good to still study the fundamentals of drawing them.

>> No.4766040
File: 354 KB, 561x613, 1579152191745.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like crying

>> No.4766042
File: 123 KB, 462x487, 1594708978936.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should probably get a brain scan or something, it's not normal
but not me, I fare better when starting from the bottom but I lost scale again

>> No.4766043

stop beating yourself up for making mistakes, failing is necessary to become good at something. Try to have fun while drawing

>> No.4766044

Oh wait until you look at it
read this >>4766042

>> No.4766048

The whole point of that exercise is to think in an abstract way and break symbol drawing. It's about learning concepts, not making a perfect copy

>> No.4766056
File: 315 KB, 1185x1528, 1594692089776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss on the scale, ends up not fitting, scale throws me off, must be something wrong in my brain, I swear it looks normal until it doesn't Two attempts from the top have been ended up like that, if I start from the bottom then yeah sure.
others make perfect copies on their first try but I can't is it talent? You are going to mock me but I hate myself even more, and yes on the one at the back, the most recent attempt
I ended up giving up on making the lines accurate at a point near the arms because I noticed it, normal one second elongated the next one

>> No.4766059
File: 360 KB, 1976x941, 1585444006594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I failed at this one too, I won't finish since it's just for me to get better at breaking things into shapes but there's a penguin I had issues measuring width on the back
Should I kill myself if I can't do the upside down picasso?

>> No.4766061
File: 12 KB, 280x257, IMG_20200802_102615_109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've done upside down poster from this page

>> No.4766065
File: 308 KB, 768x768, 1584163113669.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only now I noticed that I missed the width of the neck and on lower left, I don't want to be talentless anon
I'm a piece of trash, textbook failure, I regret existing at this very moment but I can't take my own life, I feel like a failure

>> No.4766070
File: 450 KB, 600x900, 1574527341017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry for posting as the pulse demon on the past few threads, you shouldn't put up with that, it was my fault, I'm very sorry, I didn't mean to do it and I just ended up antagonizing everyone >>4764875 and now people hate me, it's always like this
and I'm also sorry for failing

>> No.4766076

and now you to avoid and reject me, I understand, I apologize I guess

>> No.4766077

You're not doing any better so far, you whining faggot.

>> No.4766078

>madness of perspective compounding madness of context
is it... art?

>> No.4766080

I'm just drawing fren

>> No.4766083

you're probably right, my own hypocrisy I can't avoid but I just felt despair and still do >>4766048
this anon rejected me, he hates me, wishes that I would die, he loathes me, regards me as trash, he calls me the lowest of the low, he ignored me, rejected me, mocked me, it's normal to feel sad.

>> No.4766085

I'm not talking about your art, I'm talking about your schizophrenic rambling. Stop fucking posting if you can't stop being such a mentally ill tranny.

>> No.4766086

wait >>4766080
now me makes it official, I had doubts but not anymore
by saying that he's drawing he mocks me, he means
>I feel better than you
by calling me not a friend but a fren, a meme
he means
>you're trash, I despise you and you bother me """friend"""

>> No.4766088
File: 174 KB, 500x638, art style hehe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no. Creating non-logical shit while trying to be semi-realistic doesnt work. You cant just say "ha its my style lol" when its blatantly wrong

>> No.4766094

Please stop man. I just wanted to cheer you up because you seem so frustrated every time you post here. In no way was I trying to mock you. But you're making a fool of yourself in these threads because of your posts. It's not healthy to get this mad because you're unable to instantly become a drawing god. Take what I've said to heart and try to at least have *some* fun while doing it.

>> No.4766098

don't feed the schizo

>> No.4766099

what if everything was brilliant and perfect except the perspective was the same? would you still think the same thing? /beg/ here honestly curious. and what about people like picasso? that shit looks pretty fucked to my untrained eyes...

>> No.4766101

You really mean it? It feels like you're being honest so maybe you are. Then thank you for showing me kindness
But what can I do about the picasso

>> No.4766106
File: 41 KB, 962x720, IMG_20200802_105213_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me see me draw


>> No.4766107

>he believed it, let's all go somewhere and laugh at him behind his back

>> No.4766108

wholesome 100 chonker reeves

>> No.4766109

>But what can I do about the picasso
There's nothing to do, it's just that, an exercise. Draw something else, preferably something you like

>> No.4766117

thing is, you can tell whether or not people are going for a fucked up look or not. the guy who restored jesus? Yeah no he was just a shit artist. Picasso? He knew what he was doing. the guy who I originally pinged? He clearly was going for realism and fucked up

>> No.4766126
File: 157 KB, 1000x562, Sketch 01.08.2020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trying to find the best way for me to simplify the torso... what do you guys use and why?

>> No.4766132


>> No.4766134

a rudimentary human skeleton

>> No.4766135

>the guy who restored jesus
The restored Jesus ended up a lot more famous than the original, though. You can't measure artistic value, but you can certainly measure the merchandising value, and that Jesus face sold a lot of t-shirts. Saying that it was done by a shit artist is a hollow argument, when it clearly succeeded beyond all expectation.

>> No.4766144
File: 956 KB, 1024x1593, f_life___ckll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How bad is this? How can I improve?

>> No.4766172
File: 291 KB, 1000x875, Gesture001-resize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gesture practice.

Fuck my shit up, it's always the simplest things that are the hardest.

>> No.4766183

One thing would be to give the hair some volume by shading it. As it is now, it's just an outline.

>> No.4766195
File: 406 KB, 947x1000, drills draft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, dammit, I give up here. I can't draw hands, and I have this stupid idea to put hands at the dead center in everything I draw. I still can't draw dresses and accessories either, the torso is completely fucked, and so are the legs for that matter because I didn't construct them. Clean lines are a distant dream. I haven't even started studying rendering yet.

I'll go watch speed drawings and try to replicate how they draw hands. Damn buggers have like 200 bones and 500 degrees of freedom, I'll never grok them by studying their anatomy. The thing to do seems to be learning a small number of gestures and putting variations on them.

>> No.4766204


>> No.4766208

it looks like proportion is the biggest issue. it comes as you improve your understanding of perspective. simple gesture should help you loose your pose.
there are lots of fundies, but if there was ever a king it would be perspective. https://www.handprint.com/HP/WCL/perspect1.html this one a bit heavy so just chew off a little at a time and try to think about how it is relates to what you see and how you project forms. if you tackle it, should do a quick skim and see what is familiar and what is not.
this guy is cute, real nice cheekbones, math is good
sounds like you were just prepping ground, you are in their mind, now become with their heart.
learn how the form projects. shape is a language derived from form by the law of perspective. there is no one way to simplify because, just as in life, there are endless ways to communicate information.
i think focusing on a single source of light would help you. if you look at your shadows they should all agree as to where light has been occluded from the planes of the figure.
>like 200 bones and 500 degrees of freedom
even if you plan on replicating that level of detail, the relation between the large and small masses in perspective is what is really important.

>> No.4766225

Awesome advice. Your insight is much appreciated.

>> No.4766226
File: 481 KB, 1977x2530, 1590257908396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is drawabox a good course to follow if you don't wanna spend money or no? I've been looking for something more structured, but I don't learn much from just reading and other stuff costs shekels I'm too cheap to spend

>> No.4766245
File: 54 KB, 800x597, 0003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4766250

But remember to not grind.
Read through the lessons, follow it once, don't grind.
Don't care about those idiots that insists you to follow the 250 boxes grind.
Just draw some boxes as warmup exercise before you draw is enough.
You don't need to grind 250 boxes in one sitting or as one practice.
You don't need the grinds before moving on to learn other stuffs.
Only idiots grind the 250 boxes.
Yes, only retarded dumb idiots.

>> No.4766252

Come on, 250 boxes isn't that much. It's just boxes.

>> No.4766268

>take the sketchbook to the gym
>do one minute gesture in between exercises.

>> No.4766269
File: 168 KB, 363x594, 113595064_1622999201212169_5730125411802531728_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually like both of your styles and am looking to contract someone for a small art project I'm working on. This is paid work, if you're still here and interested hit up my throwaway at anon3spooky5me@hotmail.com

Anyone else who's interested in potentially doing a little work shoot me an email with some examples of your work as well.

>> No.4766270


>> No.4766274

On the Picasso drawing of that old man: am I supposed to draw heads up looking at the reference heads down or draw it heads down and reference heads down?

For sure the reference is upside down, but if I'm to draw it heads up or upside down is kind of ambiguous. What is it?

>> No.4766275

nah just take it to change rooms and showers

>> No.4766296

what the other anon said, if you want to draw humanoid creatures you should learn human anatomy, other animals anatomy should help too.

but form and perspective are more important. because if you can draw any 3d shape in any position you should be able to draw any creature. after that I guess comes design, to make the creature appealing.

>> No.4766308

Are the blocks at the bottom meant to be rectangular, with a fish-eye lens effect? Because if you continue the curves, they'll meet up somewhere around the figure's chest, which is a bit of a problem if they're all pointing straight up in reality.

>> No.4766325

the point is that you upside down should look better that your normal one

>> No.4766332


the problem is that it does not look like a choice it looks like a limitation. Because there is no rhyme or reason to the mistakes.

>> No.4766343

not what you are asking, but looks like you still don't have a good enough "hand control", if that is the case you should be working on that too. did you try draw a box or dynamic sketching? they do help with that. also warm ups.

>> No.4766362

thanks for the advice

>> No.4766383
File: 1.29 MB, 1290x928, feedback3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a reference pic and my lay-in for it, my 2 part question is how did I do with the lay-in, and then any tips for how to shade?

>> No.4766389

So sometimes when I color pick around skin I notice that the Hue and Saturation tend to jump around by 1 here and there. Are those just stray strokes of the blend tool or what?

>> No.4766397

lines are not so great. tip for shading is to not go into details first and go for the large blocks

>> No.4766443
File: 1.09 MB, 1472x980, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally got to the depths chapter in Keys to Drawing and the Drawing Through section caught my eye. I'm trying to apply it to a reference to see if I can apply it well. Is there something I may be missing?

>> No.4766462
File: 39 KB, 729x551, IMG_20200802_181836_614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today me understood three, four and five point perspective.
Me happy.
Feel enlightened.

>> No.4766463
File: 287 KB, 1034x1337, critperspective.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried following this advice. Is this a good improvement?

>> No.4766464

Don't start placing values (shading) until your construction lines/facial features are placed correctly. It was immediately obvious to me that your features are inaccurately drawn and placed. It may not be obvious to you. Really observe your drawing and note the inaccuracies, even if this takes hours. Either fix your drawing piece by piece or start fresh. I'd recommend starting fresh. Spend as long on your new drawing as it takes to get it right. If this seems painstaking then it should. Your task is to become an expert observer, so actively STUDY how the face should be constructed, don't guess where lines should go. Use a straight edge/ruler to measure, such as where the mouth should be in relation to the nose, where the corners of the lips should be in relation to the inner corners of the eyes, etc. Hopefully this makes some sense, it's better to watch construction videos on youtube desu. Main point is go back to square one even if it sucks

>> No.4766466

Bit of a late reply, sorry. But yeah, the fish-eye lens effect is what I was going for. Do you know how I should correct for that?

>> No.4766501

You basically gotta make sure that every part of the picture has the same perspective. If you draw a box around the girl, its sides should follow the same lines as the boxes in the background. In this case, those lines need to curve less.

>> No.4766520

Alright, I'll give that a go, thank you. What I'd done when sketching out everything was to use elliptical guidelines laid over the canvas. But I had the bottom of the ellipse lined up with the bottom of my canvas so maybe things got a little too exaggerated there.

>> No.4766530
File: 92 KB, 720x929, IMG_20200802_191046_184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh umm

>> No.4766532
File: 277 KB, 760x1023, iturngreenidie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay so I'm having trouble with the shading on the left side of these pants (among other things) is that even right? Tried googling a reference but I cant find lighting and a pose like this or maybe I'm not searching correctly.

>> No.4766534

The stiffness comes from the legs

>> No.4766537

Huge cope. It would've been less embarrassing if you just didn't reply.

>> No.4766542

>elliptical guidelines
That's not right. They should be lens shapes. Circle sections, drawn between two vanishing points.

>> No.4766543
File: 29 KB, 817x720, IMG_20200802_192257_638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4 point perspective?

>> No.4766544

This is really good practice

>> No.4766547

its basically rotating a box but just multiple of them its amazing practice and the reason why places like draw a box get you to do it

>> No.4766552
File: 174 KB, 1306x761, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

half tones are hard

I thoroughly recommend the book "Charles Bargue Drawing course"

>> No.4766561

You are chicken scratching to shit, you need to stop that.
Put actual thought into your lines, how long should they be, how should they contort, what angle should they have, etc.
Also try to use references that are much easier and have more understandable shapes and perspectives. And preferebly without watermarks plastered all over them.

>> No.4766564

Take it to /vent/ faggot no one here gives a fuck

>> No.4766573

Why do you feel the need to go over the same line 10 times? It's counterintuitive to the point of gesture drawing, which is to convey general shape and motion using few and precise lines.
Other than that these are mostly ok, you should pump 20 more of them out in a single sessions, so don't waste too much time on a single gesture.

>> No.4766579

You're symbol drawing. What you've drawing has nothing in common with the reference.
Forget about shading or values before you learn to actually draw a face properly.
Before anything learn how to copy from references accurately.

>> No.4766580

Is that the one where you spend six months copying a picture of a statue?

>> No.4766581

I appreciate the feedback. Getting the pose wasn't too difficult, it was alluding to the volume of the model.

Are those little circles okay, or is there another method you'd suggest?

>> No.4766582

Not /beg/.

>> No.4766587

it does have a ton of statues but I don't think its the one that you're talking about

>> No.4766588
File: 429 KB, 1472x980, keys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess if you're doing this mostly to identify the form of the object wobbly lines don't matter too much, but be sure to work on getting better control of your lines when actually working on a drawing. Here's some stuff you might have missed. Nice job anon, keep at it.

>> No.4766591

Also, to answer your questions about the lines, not accustomed to pen pressure and tried compensating by using multiple lines.

>> No.4766593

So a lot of pros like Peter Han say to always sketch with ink, which I understand is to improve your overall line confidence and decisiveness. Doesn't that hinder the construction phase of the drawing though, which is also something many pros encourage?

>> No.4766595

Your lines aren't converging towards the vanishing points. Hold on, let me download Inkscape and try to show what I mean.

>> No.4766600
File: 149 KB, 1008x716, in the sti.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she gonna get it in the stinky

>> No.4766603

Any method that works for you is fine. Gesture drawing is very loose in terms of rules. The end goal is to simply train your brain to look at a model and identify the angles, positions, and volumes of the major body parts. How you achieve that is totally up to you.

Use a bigger brush. Vilppu even recommends drawing gestures with a rag to get quick wide lines.

>> No.4766604
File: 586 KB, 1128x808, hands.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so fucking hard to draw hands. Any tips?

>> No.4766605

Thanks for the feedback, I guess I should step back and work on the basic construction.

>> No.4766606

Construct less, and focus more on the shape details and proportions.

>> No.4766608
File: 173 KB, 425x499, 1576091535039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But we stay winning, this week has been a bad massage
I need a happy ending and a new beginning
And a new fitted, and some job opportunities that's lucrative
This the real world, homie, school finished
They done stole your dreams, you dunno who did it
I treat the cash the way the government treats AIDS
I won't be satisfied til all my niggas get it, get it?

/BEG/ I require your advice, at the moment I'm doing Eviston's course, Keys to Drawing, Drawing on the Right Side of the brain, how to be more efficient? I mustn't let others look down on me.

>> No.4766612

please use a trip so I can filter you.

>> No.4766613
File: 154 KB, 500x352, 1589014438538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My guy said I need a different approach
'Cause people is looking at me like I'm sniffing coke
It's not funny anymore, try different jokes
Tell 'em hug and kiss my ass, X and O
And kiss the ring while they at it, do my thing while I got it
Play strings for the dramatic ending of that wack shit
Act like I ain't had a belt in two classes
I ain't got it I'm coming after whoever who has it
I'm coming after whoever; who has it?
You blowin' up, that’s good, fantastic
Excuse me? I'm just like Bowie, Kanye, Lucifer.
You might not like me replying to me but I understand what you did and why you did it, reign yourself to only work on an idea of what you want at first, see the lips. that will solve your symbol drawing
General idea and trim the fat then details, I know it's hard at times but it's worth it.

>> No.4766619 [DELETED] 
File: 325 KB, 768x768, 1578790385335.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put your hands to the constellations
The way you look should be a sin, you my sensation
Haven't said a word—haven't said a word to me this evening
Cat got your tongue?

>> No.4766621


>> No.4766623 [DELETED] 
File: 103 KB, 512x512, 1566758755229.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You see I always loved that sense of humor
But tonight you should have seen how quiet the room was
The Lyor Cohen of Dior Homme
That's "Dior Homme", not "Dior, homie"
The crib Scarface, could it be more Tony?
You love me for me? Could you be more phony?

>> No.4766636

Did you get banned from /vg/ so you decided to come here? Fucking Akechi posters

>> No.4766641 [DELETED] 
File: 199 KB, 640x603, 1577033628574.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For my theme song (Black)
My leather black jeans on (Black)
My by-any-means on
Pardon, I'm getting my scream on (Black)
Enter the kingdom (Black)

>> No.4766643
File: 64 KB, 494x583, 9E3CC6FF-EB85-4BDD-82F7-ACE1E938AA61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This Akechi guy seems gay, I think that Adachi guy is much cooler, not that o would know, but he seems like a great guy

>> No.4766649
File: 201 KB, 515x585, face132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haven't drawn for a while

>> No.4766651
File: 322 KB, 1002x1366, MI_02082020_202741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never mind that, it looks like I'm not installing shit today. Windows is doing a backup, and the hard drive activity is slowing the whole system to a crawl. I had to do it by hand and eyeball most of the guidelines. Still, I hope it illustrates what you should be doing.

>> No.4766663

I love you anon, now I see my mistakes, boxes should have been far more converged to the vp, and also I shitted my drawie with excess lines.

>> No.4766667

I didn't like the idea of doing Bargue in digital because it feels unnatural to me, but your drawings look rather nice. How do you do the blending on the fingers? Do you use a mixing brush or hard/soft brush+eraser?

>> No.4766668

Not /beg/

>> No.4766677

a combination of paint studio's blur tool and blend color tool mostly, and using hard/soft brush+eraser like you said

>> No.4766683

Dare I say, ¬/beg/

>> No.4766684

Glad if it helps.
The guidelines are all circle arcs. Draw them with a compass if you can.

>> No.4766690
File: 573 KB, 1191x670, wideachi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4766702

Okay, I'll return tonight with a few more gestures. I want to hammer this home before I move on to anything else.

>> No.4766708


>> No.4766745

There's really no rush. We're still at page 2.

>> No.4766748

Thanks that makes more sense

>> No.4766759

Sorry I just see a thread at the bump limit and immediately go to make a new one. I'm used to faster boards

>> No.4766783

thanks, i somehow didnt notice that much chicken scratch until you pointed out. im actually being dead serious
my other exercises look more confident because i just copied them side by side on the same screen, i think i drew like that because i got another monitor and used one to display the reference and needing to plan my scale and shapes.

the exercise wanted me to draw a complex object in a weird perspective to give ambiguity, so im happy it at least offers that. i'll try to copy some more simple things to get myself back to speed with line confidence.

>> No.4766789

I'm never sure whether it's a good thing or not for a previous /beg/ post to be chosen as the thread pic

>> No.4766838
File: 1.07 MB, 1200x1061, 75393252_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how does one so seamlessly blend lines and painting? (pic is from artist Lack)

>> No.4766850

Blog btw, and digital painting resources you've found useful onegai shimasu senpai

>> No.4766942
File: 11 KB, 216x302, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I somehow drew this while doodling
i went for a deliberate color style, but i don't know how to feel about this, Still i wanted to share.

>> No.4767063

>might not like me replying to me but I understand what you did and why you did it, reign yourself to only work on an idea of what you want at first, see the lips. that will solve your symbol drawing
General idea and trim the fat then details, I know it's hard at times but it's worth it.

Thanks for replying but I'm not sure I understand exactly what you mean here, are you saying I should be thinking about the face more conceptually, or simplifying my lay-ins?

>> No.4767178

>at the moment I'm doing Eviston's course, Keys to Drawing, Drawing on the Right Side of the brain, how to be more efficient?
do just one at time?! I don't see any benefits from doing everything at once.

>> No.4767201

Smart anon

>> No.4767256

Symbol drawing is a meme (kind of).
It's useful as a concept to make beginners understand why it's important to consciously study what they're drawing but getting rid of it completely is impossible and pointless.
In this case the perspective of the face isn't one where the normal "symbol drawing" conception of eyes would be inaccurate.

>> No.4767317 [DELETED] 

drawing an hour a day isn't good enough, is it

>> No.4767444
File: 2.85 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_20200802_132412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please rip this to shreds

>> No.4768000

I'm sorry man, but I really don't trust myself to take commissions now. I can't even draw the things I want, let alone things other people want.

But good luck on your project.