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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4760555 No.4760555 [Reply] [Original]

>he shares 1k usd courses with ungrateful weebs and frogposters
>he paid for thoose courses himself

>> No.4760561

Who are you quoting?

>> No.4760590

I've never shared shit with this board. I've seen people ask for brush packs, books, etc. that I own by paying for them. Get fucked, dweebs. Buy it yourself.

>> No.4760605


>> No.4760608

Sharing is caring.

>> No.4760609

OP makes brushes and courses and is angry at the based Chads who help poor anons from the third world like me to make it someday.

I always thank the anons and I made my part by sharing too.

>> No.4760612

Remember what happened to the anon who bought and shared the Weston courses? I used to share too until that day, that day showed me the kind of shit human beings people here are, beyond all trolling and shitpost they deserve nothing.

>> No.4760616
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>> No.4760625

What happened?

>> No.4760630

>>the silent majority is grateful
stop focusing on the crabs, if they could wake up with GI skills they'll still find a way to be miserable

>> No.4760635

Basically everyone that was crying and whining for it endlessly ended up saying "oh, that's it?" or "What's so special about this". Though to be fair there were a few that actually were appreciative. It's just the shit heads tend to be more vocal.

>> No.4760642

>they ask for the courses several times
>a group buy happens
>several dicords trannies group buy the courses with they mcdonals wages
>crabs seethe
>a second group buy happens
>crabs are silent
>they keep screeching and begging for the courses and making fun of the trannies
>some idiot anon buys the courses for them after all the begging
>first day everybody claps "based based" they proclame
>next day they start shitting on the course and Weston
>this course is shit, LMAO
>this course is useless, better use Hampton LMAOOOOOO
>what a shitty course kek

>> No.4760647

But what if the course was really bad?

>> No.4760650

This is the first green text I’ve read in a while that made me kek out loud, nice job

>> No.4760663

Of course not

>> No.4760683
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>all those /beg/ that loss out because of shitposters and dunning kruger's

>> No.4760723

I remember seeing that shit, and that was the first time the retards here pissed me off. The amount of entitlement was insane.

>> No.4760725

most of them get lost forever in the bait threads anyway

>> No.4760734

You can give a horse water and it won’t drink

>> No.4760748
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Anyone who feels /ic/ is their 'community', or that there is some sort of bond between us all in that we're all in this together, is absolutely pathetic and delusional. Never fool yourself into thinking you have "friends" on /ic/. This board is a cesspool is immaturity and misinformation. My favorite is when people complain about a thread "shitting up the board", as if they're seriously invested in keeping /ic/ a nice, productive place. What a joke.

>> No.4760756

>b-but /ic/ is better than any art community

>> No.4760764

I have the course, I might share it but only to /begs/

>> No.4760767

I don't think most people mean that /ic/ specifically is their community, I think they're thinking more in terms of that were all artists struggling and if you have a comfortable opportunity to make the road a little bit easier for someone to travel on, why not help them out? We all have the same end goal, don't we? To gmi, we all just wanna gmi.

>> No.4760768
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Well it is a good place to find resources that would be difficult to come across or are banned in other communities.

>> No.4760771

Bet that anon who bought the course feels like a complete dumbass, lmao.

>> No.4760789

You pay for the courses for crits and QnAs with the teachers, courses are usually alot cheaper without interaction

>> No.4760804

So the answer is, nothing happened to that anon. He got his day of glory, which is all he ever could've expected to get.

>> No.4760824

Hampton, is this you? This is helgar. I'm so sorry man. I'm sorry for ghosting that discord. I was confused and seething.

>> No.4760827

Thanks. I needed to read this.

>> No.4760835
File: 17 KB, 460x276, No+words+can+express+the+level+of+cringe+i+_b0f76c44e8d4aa2a1b1ee3a4b12997a0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spending your hard earned cash and secretly putting yourself in financial hardship just so some strangers on a cambodian cave drawing bulletin gives you attention and praise by commenting "based" "op fucking delivered"


>> No.4760838

>secretly putting yourself in financial hardship
how poor are you

>> No.4760856

Not him but for me spending upwards $800 is actually a sacrifice. It's only because I live with my parents that it's not shooting myself in the chest.

I'm sure all those rich Asian boys and girls see $800 as a piss drop in the bucket.

>> No.4760870

the secret club, which name cant be shared with d/ic/kheads, cgp pales in comparisson, but you cant know the name.

>> No.4760950

The course was shit. The worst part is third worlders and people like you that think just because you paid for something that means it has quality. I see it all the time and makes me sick of this place and others. Even when valid critiques are brought up you just get called a crab because the others are /beg/ or can't think for themselves.

>> No.4760953
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>> No.4760954


>> No.4760955


>> No.4760957

Not an argument but shows the idiots I'm dealing with.

>> No.4760958
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>> No.4760960


>> No.4760962
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>> No.4760966
File: 305 KB, 1048x1584, A291DB35-3554-4E88-B95C-24481FE371AD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Different anon, the right nipple looks off to me a little but it doesn’t matter because AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.4760967

Sure thing, /beg/tard.

>> No.4760970

yeah, now looking the pic with fresh eyes I'm finding some basic errors on it. Not going to fix them though.

>> No.4760975

So what made the course shit beside saying its shit?

>> No.4760976

It's a cheap tactic to completely shut down any conversation about a topic. Whether the work is good or bad doesn't matter since asking "pyw" is shitposting or showing you have no interest in participating in good faith.

>> No.4760980

Nice crop of someone's coomshit nigger, kys.

>> No.4760991

No at all fag, if you're giving to speak from a place of authority, especially when declaring learning material is bad then you better fucking show you what you know exactly what you're talking about before just leading others astray with shit advice. Now PYW.

>> No.4760992

I'm cropping it to hide the /beg/ right shoulder retard

>> No.4761015
File: 618 KB, 800x619, f7b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i-i'm cropping it to hide the /beg/ right shoulder
So you are a Kunning fucking Kruger whose opinion is worthless, and should be drawing instead of talking shit about tutorials. Thanks for clearing that one up you dumb bitch

>> No.4761020


>> No.4762622

<a href=https://vipsoi.ru/>pыбoлoвный интepнeт- мaгaзин зaнимaeтcя пpoдaжeй yдилищ</a>

>> No.4762753

you faggots take this website too seriously lol

>> No.4764372

t. Discord tranny