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4756945 No.4756945 [Reply] [Original]

This is a thread to discuss all kinds of digital drawing hardware: non-display graphics tablets, pen display tablets, portable tablets and more.

>What should I buy?
State your:
>Type (display? non-display? portable?)
>Size (in inches)
>Other information
>Previous equipment

If you have any additional questions, ask them.

Recommended tablets:

Intuos Pro 2013 - Great value, and the nibs won't wear out in 5 seconds like they do on the newer model.
Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 Lite - Budget portable display tablet. Very solid drawing experience with Wacom EMR tech.
Used iPad Pro 2nd Gen 12.9" - Best option for a display tablet.
Used Cintiq 22HD - The only worthwhile large display tablet


Cintiq Pro - Absolute trash value. The drawing experience might be good, but you're paying way too much for an unreliable product.
Microsoft Surface Pro - The N-Trig digitizer means you will always get wobbly lines.
Every other Chinese Brand

Previous: >>4745731

>> No.4756945,1 [INTERNAL] 

i used genius, it was good

>> No.4756976

Can an iPad be used as a pen display tablet for Windows?

>> No.4756982

Get a Mac, you already swallowed apples fat load for an iPad, so let them cum in your ass for a Mac

>> No.4757001

Yeah, see duet or astropad

>> No.4757017

I have a Surface Pro 3 that I got for college, but its digitizers are so shit, and there are so many hardware bugs that it just frustrates me to try to learn to draw with it. I don't necessarily need a touchscreen tablet to replace it, and I have a desktop with good monitors that I'm considering getting a Waccom (I guess an intuos pro?) for. But I have enough cash saved (~400) to get something better if there are any quirks with them that would make them annoying to learn with. Any suggestions for a beginner or are the tablets in the OP all solid enough that none will frustrate me?

>> No.4757038

xp-pen wanna collab with me, should I or nah?

>> No.4757056

you'd have to pay for easy canvas or >>4757001
its not as great as menus take up more of the screen

>> No.4757066

As some one whos used and borrowed a lot of different tablets in my time, I can safely say that wacom intuos tablets are the best ive ever had. My only issue is having to constantly reinstall the fucking drivers constantly. Not sure what thats about, but ive had the same problem with 4, 5 and pro on different computers.

>> No.4757067

All tablets take time to adjust, doesnt matter how much money you throw at them. Its more important you buy a medium Instead of a small, than it is you get a intuos over a ‘pro’. When you get it, tape a piece of paper over the sensor area so you’re not gliding all over the place and use at least an hour a day every day for 90 days. Dont forget to install the drivers.

>> No.4757164
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>> No.4757168
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Just in case any actual new artist is monitoring this thread, there isnt anything really wrong with wacom competitors, and for a budget theyre the far superior choice. Theres no reason to pay wacom tax, just read through the wacom subreddit or user reviews on amazon to see the extent of driver issues they have in spite of the steep premium price for their "reliability".

>> No.4757177

Again, OP is a fucking faggot who forgot to add the most important aspect after raw functionality: the texture and feel of the surface.

>> No.4757196

I had lots of good experiences with Huion screenless tablets. My Kamvas is super buggy though.

>> No.4757322

Are they going to release a new Ipad Pro in september? Also, is the Ipad Pro 2020 worth getting, design is really nice, don't know if it's worth the money though.

>> No.4757348

where do you keep your tablet when not in use? my desk is kinda tiny and don't feel safe putting it in a drawer filled with other junk

>> No.4757350

Back in its box, obviously. unless you threw it out like a brainlet

>> No.4757358

no normal person does this

>> No.4757359

Why not?

>> No.4757382

resale value of any electronics will go down the shitter if you sell it without the original box. i know it's stupid, but that's how it is

>> No.4757383

why not? they make good tablets imo and you get free shit sounds good

>> No.4757443

there’s supposedly a new 10.8” ipad air coming out this fall. if it uses a pencil 2 it could be a good a good budget option.

>> No.4757456
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Alright, give it to me straight anon
Display or non-display?

>> No.4757458
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>State your size (in inches)
Uhm... oh gosh...

>> No.4757459

What's happened with your kamvas?

>> No.4757462

for me its display

>> No.4757464

can you disable the mouse cursor while working on display tablet?

>> No.4757466

Unless you buy the absolute top of the line display tablet, there will always be compromises. colour accuracy, response etc. Ipads and such may be fine technically but youre stuck without actual art software.

I will always recommend screenless tablets. Cost far less, you get used to working with them in about 30 mins or less, guaranteed colour accuracy since you just use your monitor, can be used with any device, more portable, easier to clean and maintain, fewer driver memes, no parallax issues.

>> No.4757468

You're convincing anon. Though what's far more convincing is me being a dirty ass poorfag

>> No.4757474
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How does Wacom One fair? its affordable...
I'm just real eagershitposting and start drawing ASAP but i dont wanna use mouse (or trad)

>> No.4757483

>4,096 levels of pressure
>no pressure curve adjustment
>white back can stain easily
If it was $300 or so it could be a decent budget option.
But at $400 you’re better off getting a Wacom alternative.

>> No.4757495

all this >>4757466, plus screenless tablets has better ergonomics

>> No.4757516
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I actually meant One by Wacom
not Wacom One
Great naming there, not confusing at all

Less than 100$~ for me here

>> No.4757522

I wish I heard you before I bought a new display tablet.

>> No.4757530

Want a screen tablet, I'm willing to dish out 5-600$ what should I buy?

>> No.4757550

Not good. Diagonal jitter on the cursor movements, shitty pen, only 4k levels of pen pressure. If youre on a budget, get a Huion H610 Pro V2, a Gaomon M10k2018 or an XP Pen Deco 3.

>> No.4757562

Cosmetic isn't important. Performance is.
You can change the surface texture yourself so that shouldn't be a discussion point.

>> No.4757568

Remind me to put "chink shills are not welcome" on the next OP

>> No.4757570

Yeah by fucking bootlegging shit over it with masking tape or better yet, taking wacoms fat load by buying a texture sheet for 40 bucks.

OR you can just buy another tablet that has smooth texture for far less money.

>> No.4757596

All memes aside, wacom one is admittedly not great, but that's prety much as good as it gets within that price range. The alternatives got better stats on paper, but they also got reliability and durability issues so try them at your own risk
Alternatively try to look out for second hand iPads

>> No.4757654

If wacom EVER made a good budget offerind they would never sell any of the 350$ intuos Pro or 3000$ Cintiiq pro again.

They make their budget products bad on purpose.

>> No.4757666

I see
How about HUION Inspiroy H640P
Anyone tried that?

>> No.4757671

>HUION Inspiroy H640P
It's fucking small dude, 640 means 6 by 4 inches. A normal tablet is 10 by 6.

Consider getting some of these
>Deco 01v2
>Deco Pro

>> No.4757691
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Anyone else notice that some of the prices on both used and new wacom cintiq pro models went up like twice as much? You know, since our new corona god decided to violently assault the economy.

>> No.4757709

anyone have the screenshot of the Disney guy who got a cintiq loaned to him during quarantine and turned it down because he'd rather work with his intuos?

>> No.4757722

what the best brand

>> No.4757728

sure thing Chang.

>> No.4757729
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OP post says to avoid huion and xp pen
Who the FUCK do I trust

>> No.4757735

>Hey just a warning/heads up: the latest July 16th Windows driver XP-PenWin_1.6.4.200715 on this page: https://www.xp-pen.com/download-430.html is infected with something called "Hynamer B!ML" according to Windows Defender.

> Firewall detects trojan software when I try to install the Deco 03 driver Hello, I am downloading the latest driver from the XP-Pen website on a PC running Windows 10 Pro for my Deco 03, but my firewall detects trojan software and removes the installer automatically.

> malware stashed in china-mandated software
> https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2020/07/malware-stashed-in-china-mandated-software-is-more-extensive-than-thought/

> chinese consulate in Houston hot spot for spying
> https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/national-security/chinese-consulate-houston-was-hotspot-spying-say-u-s-officials-n1234634

> https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/now-three-pre-installed-malwares-lenovo-laptops/

> Delivered Artist 24 Pro package empty
> Today I came to pick it up from the post office. After they found the package, they were surprised that the package was very light, although it was supposed to be 11kg according to the sticker. And indeed, the package was basically just an empty box. The people at the post office were only able to either give me the obviously empty package, or offer me to refuse to accept it, so it would be sent back.

> https://techcrunch.com/2020/07/24/apple-begins-assembling-iphone-11-in-india/

chinkshills already flooding the thread.

> inb4 google analytics deflection and everything is chinkshit fallacy

>> No.4757745

Take your schizos, med

>> No.4757754

You trust people on 4chan?

>> No.4757755

Unironically the user reviews. If Huion, XP pen, Gaomon etc were as shady and unreliable as that autist here makes them out to be, itd definitely be reflected in the user reviews. So go on to amazon and just read the customer reviews and make your own mind up.

You're supporting chinese business no matter what you do, cuck. Wacom are going down the Apple business path by using brand value to justify their pricing, producing the same ilk of retarded customers such as yourself. Their screenless tablets simply arent worth the price. Its not a discussion, its hard fact. Your shit advice in these threads is going to make beginner artists loose a whole load of money they didnt have to.

>> No.4757757

I'm looking on websites that are capable of shipping it to me, and pretty much all of them get 5/5 reviews with no real flaws to speak of... I still don't know whom to trust

>> No.4757758

read the amazon reviews
I got an xp-pen 15.6 and I like it, got it on an amazon flash sale for 300 and its great

>> No.4757764

cant really trust normie reviews, I only trust 4chan and /ic/

>> No.4757768

Beats me, man. If youre buying a screenless tablet its not very advanced tech anyway. All my screenless tablets from all the major brands have worked fine. Ive never had any driver issues of any kind on any of them, apart from on my ancient wacom fun pen & touch back in the day. Just buy a med sized tablet and try it out, if it doesnt work then return it.

Im thinking of ordering this to try it out just because its so cheap and I like the design.


>> No.4757769

>got it on an amazon flash sale for 300
when was this?

>> No.4757770

>I only trust 4chan and /ic/

>> No.4757776

Well Im sorry to hear about your IQ, no ones fault.

>> No.4757785

Chinese tablet companies are known to pay people to give them 5 star reviews

>> No.4757786

around march this year, they seem to do it rather often I think so keep an eye out

>> No.4757789

Fake reviews are bought in bulk all the time. Go to the support forums for those xp pen, huion, gaomon, etc to see the real stories.

Buy an older model wacom, they are much more reliable and you don't have to worry about chinkshit botnet software.

Or better yet, learn to draw first. Tablets don't make it any easier if you don't have the minor muscle and mental development to draw yet. By getting a tablet, you've committed to sitting in front of your computer for hours. Dunno about you but most people don't learn to draw that way.

>> No.4757791

The irony of this video is earth shattering lmao

>> No.4757798

You dont draw, so you dont know shit about how people learn.

>video about bought reviews
>by aaron rutten

dios mio

>> No.4757803

>If you go to the forums where people report errors youll see all the errors people report
Well done. Im proud of you. Too bad you can do the same on wacoms forum or just their subreddit, which kinda makes your post worth less than dogshit.

>> No.4757805

i enjoy drawing more with a screen. Its what got me to actually enjoy drawing daily. Though I enjoy drawing on my ipad more than my cintiq 16 due to display quality

>> No.4757806

just read all the reviews especially the 4 and 3 ones and not only 5? idk hot take I know

>> No.4757810
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>> No.4757815

Chinkshit vs Chinkshit


>> No.4757821
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>google "one by wacom review"
>gives wacom one reviews instead
kill me

>> No.4757833

> a chinkshill and an autist

well this thread’s gonna go to shit real quick

>> No.4757920

My s6 is in the post. Planning on using krita with a Bluetooth keyboard for shortcuts. Is this feasible?

Other apps to try and ways to make it work? I have a screenless tablet so not sure how this is going to work out.

>> No.4758037

i have. its alright so far, had no problems, dont really need to replace nibs still works after serveral years.
HOWEVER, the biggest downside is its lack of tilt. If you're looking for a tilt tablet don't buy it.

>> No.4758101

The 15.6 as in 2 years agos model or the 15.6 Pro current model? Cause that may explain the price difference.
They haven't dropped the Pros price below 380 yet.

>> No.4758126

>Go to the support forums for those xp pen, huion, gaomon, etc to see the real stories.

I've seen the forums. The only problems people rreport are user error
>Help my tablet doesn't work in sai/csp
It's literally one setting in the drawing program to chose whether it works with Wacom or non-wacom but I never help the people who are too dumb to use the fucking SAI.

Anyway I used h610p before there was anything better, I used Deco 01 and i currently use Deco Pro.
I absolutely love the tablets and my only advice is to stay away from micro usb. The Huion models that use micro usb are problematic, the ones with USB-C are very much flawless, you can expect it to work forever and never have an issue.

>> No.4758128

the pro. It was a flash sale on the german amazon but I read on youtube comments they do that on us amazon too

>> No.4758182
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4 different antivirus programs and security labs, all report all clear.
The Kaspersky and VirusTotal links are public access go see for yourrrself.


If I had given you the benefit of the doubt the worst case scenario would be a third party hacker dropping a virus on their site (that actually happens a lot, happened even to Manjaro and Linuxmint) but i don't give you no benefits.


>> No.4758183

Yeah a bluetooth keyboard with the s6 should work but let us know how it turns out with krita

>> No.4758198

And before you asked my downloads folder still has 3 different versions of the drivers from 2019 and early 2020.

None of the previous versions I have tested positive either.

>> No.4758351

>Stuck without actual art software
>what is Clip Studio Paint
>what is ArtStudio Pro
>what is Affinity Designer
>what is Procreate
>what is Medibang

>> No.4758370
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> chang having a nervous breakdown

Thanks for showing that xp-pen will change their software packages willynilly, so even if a past package was 'safe', it may not be in the future.

If you insist on continuing to use their tablets, at least protect yourself:
1) Download (not install) the package to your local drive. This way they can't tamper with it.
2) Wait until your anti-virus has received at least one new definition (or as chang did, at least three antivs) and then do a proper scan.

wooh quite a few hoops to jump through to save a few bucks but totally worth it amiright?

Best part, chang's screenshot shows XP Pen is Ugee ;-)

>> No.4758410

Go read some resumes.

>> No.4758413

Im going to humour you because this part was too retarded to ignore

>thinking paying 220 dollars is worth not having to run an anti virus scan

>> No.4758424

>Be me
>Use my Xp-Pen for years
>run an antivirus scan
>zero threats

The last time I had a trojan was from the pirated Corel painter years ago, and since trojans install morre trojans that install even more trojans I completely wiped my computer with no survivors.

Now I checked and had zero.

>> No.4758428

Give it a couple more decades and no one will be wasting money on Photoshop anymore.

>> No.4758458

Someone PLEASE tell me why I should not buy an xp-pen tablet. I'm was gonna make one of their display tablets my first tablet cause they're japanese and i don't want chink shit.

>> No.4758461

Well Xp-Pen is actually a Ugee's office in Japan. Both Huion and Xp-Pen actually are offshoots of ugee.

The argument to buy Xp-Pen or Huion is that they are actually fucking good.

>> No.4758463

astropad is mac only

>> No.4758464

No, they're garbage. Bad pens that still have bad tilt support. Screens have to be calibrated. Horrible horrible support too.

>> No.4758474

I'm not really looking for a yes no answer because those statements aren't productive as is evident in this thread. Why, and what is there to back it up?

>> No.4758483
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What do you fucking mean?
See this, this is what I can do with an Xp-Pen pen, what part of this is bad? I challenge you to show me better smoother control of pressure. I bet you can't.

What do you mean by bad tilt support? Works just right for me.

As for support, back when the pens still had batteries in them Huion sent me a new pen for free when the the battery in mine died.

>> No.4758484

What about photoshop can I use a tablet in photoshop
will it register pressure and shit

>> No.4758500

>Why, and what is there to back it up?

The Wacom cintiq/intuos PRO are the objectively best devices on the market. BUT their budget offerings (NON-PRO) are fucking terrrible by design. If the 600$ Cintiq was any good nobody would ever buy the 3000$ Cintiq PRO.

Non-pro wacoms are literally worse than the chink tablets.
>Non laminated
>Non etched glass
>Non wide gamut
>No buttons, dials or even touch slider
>Not compatible with vesa or stands

If you don't pay the Wacom brand tax the wajews will make you feel sorry about it. The non-pro Intuos even have the pen jitter not because they can't beat it but because they hate the cheapskates. If you aren't gonna buy Wacom PRO don't buy Wacom at all.

>> No.4758508

Hey which xp-pen tablets are good? deco? artist pro or non-pro?

>> No.4758542

That picture literally proves nothing, idiot. Tablets can only be properly benchmarked in motion.

Every single video review of shit like the Artist 24 Pro will demonstrate really shitty tilt curvature, especially at slow speed. You cannot shade with a pencil anywhere near as accurately on a XP-Pen as you can with a Wacom or an iPad.

Chinkshit tablets are also less accurate when it comes to applying very little pressure, and the pressure curve is less consistent. The cursor also doesn't match the tip of the pen accurately, especially when using tilt. Again, things your shitty little image won't say anything about.

>> No.4758551
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The latest tablets with the new sexier pen are the updated Deco 01v2, Deco Pro and the Artist PRO with the red dial.

The latest Huion also have the new cool pen. If you want a screen tablet I'd actually consider a Huion just because of the chemically etched glass and a their premium option with an actual professional tier display panel.

It seems that Ugee gives the better regular tablets to Xp-Pen (deco pro) and the better display tablets to Huion (Kamvas Pro Premium).

I used their older pens too, they worked, but weren't as tight as these.

>> No.4758556

So much stupid shit in this post lol.

Cintiq Pros are garbage due to poor quality control. No independent artist should ever buy one because you're not just overpaying for the tablet, but repairs too, complete with Wacom's laughable support.

Cintiq non-pros are still better than chink garbage by virtue of having the Pro Pen 2.

>> No.4758558

Fuck off Chang. Chinkshit tablets will always be complete garbage. You don't know what a good pen is, idiot.

>> No.4758562

>intuos pro best device on the market

this is so untrue its not even a joke anymore. It has NOTHING. The only fucking shit value it has has been
>build quality

Irrelevant. What, are you frisbeeing your tablet around your room?

>a-at least its not huion/xp pen!

Argument worth less than the pixels its displayed on.

>> No.4758564

>Every single video review of shit like the Artist 24 Pro

Most reviews don't show that the budget wacoms have pen jitter. But they do have pen jitter.

>> No.4758567


>> No.4758570

>You don't know what a good pen is, idiot.
>the Pro Pen 2.
>You cannot shade with a pencil anywhere near as accurately

See this
>I challenge you to show me better smoother control of pressure. I bet you can't.
Show me how much better your tablet is.

>> No.4758572

That's literally the post I was replying to you stupid chinese moron.

>> No.4758573

Educate yourself, chang:


>> No.4758574

>aaron rutten

Video shitcanned. As a principle on all of youtube, disabling comments is a red flag for that channel.

>> No.4758580

>a-anyone who disagrees with me is invalid!
>brad colbow and everyone else who's mostly positive about everything i like? they're fine!
As I thought, you're a worthless idiot, Chang.

Also this is why he disables comments:


>> No.4758589

No I want YOU to do better than I did.

Your tablet is very good right?
That means you can show me some very smooth strokes and demonstrate how you control tilt, RIGHT?

>> No.4758592

Fuck did I just say? Im not giving that eyebrowless freak a single click.

And why do I have the sneaking suspicion that you would disregard any review that doesnt suck logs of spicy shit out of wacoms asshole, making you a hypocrite and thus irrational?

Honestly, people like you deserve to get ripped off.

>> No.4758593

I could record myself drawing lines on my iPad 12.9 if I could be bothered, but I don't need to because there's already an overwhelming amount of evidence proving me right.

No matter how much chinkshit shilling morons like yourself desperately shill, XP-Pen and Huion still have shit pens compared to the industry standard.

>> No.4758595
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Hey idiot, even your favorite shills agree with him. It's almost like they admit to shilling you garbage because they get free stuff and they know morons like yourself eat it up.

>> No.4758596


>> No.4758597


ALSO the Krita pencil doesn't even depend on tilt angle, it only rotates with tilt direction. What the fuck was the test about.

>> No.4758600

So what I'm getting from this thread is that all display tablets suck.

>> No.4758609

That's what I've been telling you for 3-4 threads now. Don't listen to any chinkshit shills, all current display tablets are trash, unless you include portable tablets like the iPad Pro and Samsung Galaxy S6 lite.

If you can get used to a non-display like an Intuos, definitely do that. Better for posture too.

>> No.4758612

They kind of do.
500$ buy you a balling 32" 4k AdobeRGB 3000:1 prosumer monitor you are going to fucking cum from looking at.

Equivalent Cintiq costs 3000$ and the cheap cintiq is nowhere as good.

>> No.4758615

Its surreal to even make this argument, since wacoms competitors simply wouldnt be reaching these levels of unprecedented success if they were so awful as people make them out to be, so from the get go, Im already correct.

>brad cowboy
>crowne prince

literally, unironically, unequivocally fucking who? Prince sounds like a fucking retard, if you dont live in a shithole like the US, electronics are thoroughly regulated to be able to be sold and will meet saftey standards.

>but muh spy ware

from the very moment you started willingly using windows, you've voided that argument.

>> No.4758616

Even a Cintiq Pro won't look as good. Etched glass means you will always be looking through a grain filter.

Always better to just get an Intuos Pro 2013 with a high quality monitor.

>> No.4758617

>ipad ipad ipad
Just stick your toy up your ass and fuck off.
Nobody asked a mobile user's opinion, we're talking about PC tablets here.

>> No.4758623

Calm down, Chang.
Explain to me why the new Hong Kong security laws are necessary? Why do you hate freedom so much?

>> No.4758625

When it comes to pure drawing, the iPad objectively offers the best and most hassle free drawing experience. You don't have to give money to Apple either because they're easy to buy used.

Not my fault you're stupid enough to cling so hard to chinkshit, or Wacom and their abysmal quality control.

>> No.4758626

Dude is there a 32" ipad with desktop hardware? No? THEN FUCK OFF.

>> No.4758628

Free Hong Kong.
Taiwan Independence.
Tienanmen Square Massacre
Free Tibet
Winnie the Pooh
The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region
Nobel Peace Prize

>> No.4758631

Even industry professionals hated that Cintiq and thought it was way too big. That's why it didn't sell and Wacom have been trying to clear stock.

Way to out yourself as a complete idiot who doesn't know what he's talking about.

>> No.4758634
File: 601 KB, 648x864, lqDFDXXvfqMs7kyQ9y1FrGcQzdCE23uMPlcxFqo_oYE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking hate the CCP, I hate chinese expansionism, I hate all of their bullshit. Your line of >he's a chink shill
is just cope to disregard my position. You'll then say, "well then dont support chinese business", but thats literally impossible right now, wacom outsources all of their manufacturing to the country you hate so much, so you're as big of a hypocrite as me, if not larger because you dont admit to it. The chinese issue is above you and I, and in the meantime, I just want a great functioning tablet to let me draw without getting fucking ripped off, so thats really the sum of it.

>> No.4758639


>> No.4758640

You're not fooling anyone, Chang. Still not buying XP-Pen or Huion.

You have been comprehensively BTFO by this comparison already: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Q2tCvdcLII

and have been sperging like a chimpanzee ever since.

>> No.4758649

>discount display tablets suck

wow, whoda thunk it? Its a neat tidbit of info, too bad its irrelevant to what Ive been saying. I dont use display tablets, simply because unless you buy the top of the line WACOM ones, youre going to be fucked by a compromise. No, im talking screenless tablets, and if you spend 350 dollars for a very average tablet just for a wacom sticker, you are objectively retarded.

>> No.4758652

Anon, but that comparison demonstrates that Cintiq is non laminated, non etched and fails to mention shitty sRGB gamut.

Those are real deal breakers for me.
I'd much rather use a marginally inferior pen that an ugly sRGB panel with a fucking air gap between the tip and the drawing.

Laminated screen means the pixels are literally on the other side of the glass, your tip is almost right where the fucking pixels are.
On cintiq you're drawing over an air gap, and if that isn't shit I don't know what is.

>> No.4758655

The problem with these threads is that it allows crabs to have a false sense of opinion, since while it is art related its not to do with actual skill.

>> No.4758657

Did you even watch the video?
What makes you think XP-Pen is etched glass?
Also 20+" chinkshit tablets aren't laminated.
If parallax bothers you so much, then surely the cursor visibly straying away from the cursor on tilt would surely bother you. Something you would have noticed if you watched the video.

>> No.4758661

Also the biased fuck plays on your ignorance that
>oh right it's sRGB calibrated and everything is fine
What he doesn't mention is that sRGB is fucking BAD. sRGB is the shitty ugly standard for the first LCD panels that gave them a bad name. Remember the memes "LCD bad CRT good"? That's because sRGB colors are shit and muddy.
sRGB 100% red looks like some dull pink. AdobeRGB red looks like red laser in your eye.

If you want to understand the difference between sRGB and AdobeRGB then look at some shitty display on an ATM machine and then at a high end smartphone.

>> No.4758666

iPad it is.

>> No.4758679

>What makes you think XP-Pen is etched glass?
All Kamvas PRO are etched and laminated.
Artist are laminated but not etched.

If they had some non-laminated panels in the past they don't have them now, the latest are all laminated.

>> No.4758681

Make sure you buy a used 12.9 2nd gen iPad Pro. It's the best value and keeps the bezels, which is good for drawing. 3rd/4th gen are still overpriced and they bend easily.

Also don't let Apple shills con you into believing the 2nd Pencil is a "significant" upgrade over the 1st. You're literally paying a premium for magnetism.

>> No.4758687

>Artist are laminated
No they aren't. Only the 15.6" is, and it comes in exchange for other shortcomings.

Never ever buying Huion. Ever. Worst support ever, shit pens and cheap build quality.

>> No.4758707

what the fuck is this schizo thread

>> No.4758715

>No they aren't. Only the 15.6" is, and it comes in exchange for other shortcomings.

Artisr pro 22R and Pro 24 are said to be laminated.
>Worst support ever, shit pens and cheap build quality.

They are same company, and Huion just updated their pens to be like Xp-Pen.

If I was going to buy a display tablet right now I would definitely buy the Kamvas pro 24.

>> No.4758719

>Artisr pro 22R and Pro 24 are said to be laminated.
No they aren't you fucking idiot. You haven't posted a shred of evidence to prove that.

>> No.4758721

What, faggot? Got nothing to say? Fucking lmao, bitch

>> No.4758725

>They are same company, and Huion just updated their pens to be like Xp-Pen.
Irrelevant, chang. All Chinese pens are bad, and have particularly bad tilt support.

>> No.4758730

Free Hong Kong.
Taiwan Formosa.
Dalai Lama.
Tienanmen Square Massacre.
Human rights.
The Great Leap Forward.

>> No.4758740

Thought so. You wouldnt have been shat on so hard had you not been so autistic. You dont even draw, do you. You're the sort to make a hobby out of tablets because its the one dimension you can contribute to without feeling like a failure. PYW

>> No.4758743
File: 152 KB, 408x393, 99376.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok Chang.
Still not buying Huion or XP-Pen.

>> No.4758746

I dont care. It literally doesnt matter what you buy because you dont use it.

No, Im posting to make sure beginner artists who browse this thread dont take your shitty advice, thats all.

>> No.4758749
File: 169 KB, 500x380, 1460140604330.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry Chang, still not buying Huion.

>> No.4758751

Thankfully beginner artists have plenty of information available to them, and don't have to exclusively listen to Chinese shills like you, idiot.

>> No.4758754

Its hopeless to argue with that freak. I hope beginner artists will read reviews on amazon or other websites instead of reading this shit here. I am glad I bought my tablet while ignoring these threads.

>> No.4758771

Indeed they do. Largely, people will be able to get by just fine with whatever they buy. Wacom intuos pro tablets work very well, and many people will love the ones they pick up. But as these threads exist to guide new buyers, its important to make sure budding artists who arent loaded with money dont feel they have to go with an intuos pro when they could get something for a third of the price with the same features.

>> No.4758778

Except what chinkshill morons like yourself keep ignoring is that chink tablets still have shit tilt, which has been proven in every single tilt test on every single video review.

>> No.4758784

>amazon reviews
You mean the same reviews idiots like yourself flood for bonus chinkpoints? To rationalize your cheapness? Better ignore all those reviews complaining about support and quality control though, they don't help your sales hey?

>> No.4758786

What do you even use tilt for?
I'm legitimately confused.

>> No.4758793

If you tilt a pencil it produces a different stroke, which can be used for shading. Pretty much every worthwhile painting program supports it in the current year, and it makes for a more natural drawing experience.

With chinkshit, you have to manually adjust the brush for that kind of shading.

>> No.4758794

See, putting that that much emphasis on tilt is just evidence that you dont draw, so your opinion on this is irrelevant.

>> No.4758799

>If you tilt a pencil it produces a different stroke, which can be used for shading. Pretty much every worthwhile painting program supports it in the current year, and it makes for a more natural drawing experience.

No they don't
The feature is there, but the brushes don't use it.

>> No.4758798


Aaron Blaise uses it a lot here, and talks about it too. He's a far better artist than a worthless chink insect like yourself will ever be.

>> No.4758805


>bugmen will defend this

>> No.4758816

Im sure he does. It doesnt matter, though. You can achieve the exact same thing with ordinary pen pressure in with custom brushes in krita and photoshop. Thinking that having tilt unlocks a unique of shading is the same rationality that supposes that a new tablet will make you a better artist, which is just tiring to even respond to at this point.

>> No.4758818

Not. Buying. Huion.

>> No.4758825

Thats like a quadruple amputee threatening to not buy a bicycle.

>> No.4758829

You can project your insecurities onto me all you like you disgusting bugman, it's still not going to convince anyone to buy poor quality chinese garbage. See >>4758805

>> No.4758833


>> No.4758837

Why are you asking this when you haven't posted anything yourself, idiot?

>> No.4758852

dang, chang is extra puffy today. i think someone had extra tiger dong for breakfast this morning.

>> No.4758860

Go easy on him, he had a really stressful time trying to keep that dog in the boiling pot.

>> No.4758866
File: 1.51 MB, 1920x1080, Practice+2show.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4758873

Is also mine, cant upload duplicates. now pyw

>> No.4758874
File: 118 KB, 1920x1080, cs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recent practice pic

>> No.4758878

Is that supposed to be impressive lmao

>> No.4758884

So far you haven't produced any drawings or even stroke tests like I challenged you to, faggot.

You're a fucking zero,

>> No.4758905

It's too late, Anon. I already have the 10.5.

And while part of me regrets it, the other part of me acknowledges that I needed to spend as little as possible anyway.

>> No.4758907

Haha holy shit you're bad.

>> No.4758961

not the guy you replied to but just wanted to let you know not to regret your decisions. knowing your budget is a good move, too. now that you have it, draw draw draw my man (or woman as the case may be). congrats on taking the first steps.

>> No.4758980

woah.... so this is the power of.... bootleg chinese tablets?
yeah i'm definitely not gonna get one

>> No.4758995

You are fucking pathetic.

>> No.4759001

> chang desperately searching for hi res concept images of someone who definitely doesn't browse /ic


>> No.4759016


> downloaded someone else's work
> horizontal flip
> quick hard brush paint-over


>> No.4759027


You are literal scum and everybody can see it.

>> No.4759035
File: 149 KB, 683x751, 1558619380421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You are literal scum and everybody can see it.

>> No.4759046

what? aren't you going to samefag 5 posts now?
Go on, pretend you're more than one subhuman.

>> No.4759051

lol that aint me, i don't post pepes :)

>> No.4759088

Why do the Chinese get so butthurt when you don't praise their tablets?

>> No.4759109

its because China is getting you to install malware by buying cheap hardware. It's not just graphics tablets, they are doing it with bluetooth mech keyboards and other products too.

>> No.4759119

see these for a short list of shady shit China's been up to


>> No.4759137

I saw Superbrush got a free trial on the google play store along with a price reduction.

How do Android Tablets go as display tablets for Windows?

>> No.4759161

Threadly reminder that all drawing tablet brands are Chinese brands.

Astropad support for Windows is only coming later this year.

Early next year IIRC. Don't bother with the 2020, it's barely an upgrade over the 2018.

>Ipads and such may be fine technically but youre stuck without actual art software.
Just use Duet or Astropad bro.

>> No.4759165

>Astropad support for Windows is only coming later this year.
Will I get the same squiggly lines that I do on EasyCanvas? Do Mactoddlers have this problem with Astropad or DuetDisplay?

>> No.4759178

Anyone have the S6 Lite?
Is it a good budget option compared to the ipad for digital art?

>> No.4759222

I have both an iPad Pro 12.9" 2nd Gen and an S6 Lite.

The S6 Lite is good, but a definite downgrade.
For one you have the smaller display.
Android doesn't have any apps as good as Procreate and ArtStudio Pro, which are Apple exclusive.
For the S6 Lite, while it had pen tilt, I think it only works on Infinite Painter and ArtRage.
The pen itself is thinner and lighter than the Apple Pencil, which won't be everyone's preference. The button placement isn't the best either, but at least it has a button, unlike the Pencil.

One advantage it has over the iPad is that the pen has a rubbery tip, which adds more resistance without needing a screen protector.

If you don't want to buy used, I think the S6 Lite is the best value choice for a display drawing tablet.

>> No.4759360
File: 71 KB, 1024x683, ru_SM-P9000ZWASER_000224162_Dynamic_white_b4559995-2532-4cce-9b7b-2b19e16a22bc_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Samsung Galaxy NotePro 12.2
>the world's first tablet specially engineered to be 100% Chinese Free
>designed in South Korea by a crackerjack team of professional China haters
>manufactured entirely within the great nation of Vietnam, a country where 84% of the inhabitants want to declare war with China
>in fact, the NotePro was Samsung's very first device to be developed in 'Nam instead of China
>the rear facet is proudly and clearly emblazoned with the words "MADE IN VIETNAM"
>today Samsung absolutely refuses to trade with China
>some NotePros were made at a loss directly in Korea just to fuck the Chinese even more
>first launched in Las Vegas in the GLORIOUS UNITED STATES OF A
>the device was revealed at 11 AM Las Vegas time
>...which is 3 AM in Beijing time, sleep tight Chang
>to this day the tablet is completely incompatible with Chinese telecom bands
>it has the hardware to support it, but Samsung specially engineered the firmware to fuck over chinks
>the LTE is compatible with all European and American bands
>the European firmware even lets you use it as a cellphone
>this feature is likewise hardcoded in the phone's modem
>hardcoded NOT to work in China
>this is technically ILLEGAL, Chinese broadcast regulations require all devices with phone antennae to be able to dial 110, 119, 910..etc
>thus the NotePro deliberately blocks Chinese people from calling an ambulance
>Chinese blood has been spilled because of the NotePro
>also it has 4096 pressure levels

>> No.4759363

Android tablets being automatically shit aside, isn't the S pen still made in China?

>> No.4759384
File: 1.57 MB, 1106x1214, botnet vs notnet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Samsung pulled out of China entirely last year, all S-Pens are now made in Vietnam.
In 2014 they still had some Chinese S-Pens, but it was about 50-50.
I happen to have one of each here, they're pretty easy to tell apart.

>> No.4759390
File: 11 KB, 300x300, com.kelocube.mirrorclient_app_icon_1596018341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just tried superDisplay (formerly SuperBrush) on my S6 Lite because it now has a free trial.

Holy shit, it's actually really damn good. I was trying it out with SAI and there's little to no lag when drawing. The lines also barely had wobble in them.

This is one area where Android actually BTFO's iOS/iPad in. I tried EasyCanvas a couple of weeks ago and it's absolute trash. Lines were too wobbly and iOS just doesn't play well with Windows.

>> No.4759408

Should I get a screen tablet? All I do is draw vore in basically mspaint with a 1 px aliased "brush" and I thought I could try to be a little more professional.

>> No.4759420

No wonder Samshit prices have all been sky high lately. Moving factories out of China raised the production costs since workers in other countries demand higher wages.

>> No.4759462

Yeah I'm thinking based

>> No.4759466

I'd be willing to pay the premium if they'd make something other than a 7 inch android phone or a flimsy 13 inch ultrabook with bad specs.
It's a shame because I've heard stuff like the Notebook 9 Pro is amazing to draw on. But fuck paying $1300 for that.

>> No.4759490

But you still havent pyw. Why is that I wonder? :^)

>> No.4759493

Yeah but you still dont draw

>> No.4759499

The tablet never made the artist, brainlet. The point was, I actually USE mine, and have done for years so I can actually have input, unlike yourself. PYW faggot bitch.

>> No.4759524
File: 65 KB, 1068x601, 1596055391534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based PYW Chad


Cringe non-artist Virgins

>> No.4759634

>so I can actually have input
Sure, but nobody will listen to you, chang.

>> No.4759659


>> No.4759685

It makes sense when you only draw for 5 min a month.

>> No.4759693


>> No.4759700

Read the customer reviews and make your own decision. It is always and has always been your own decision.

>> No.4759727
File: 888 KB, 4016x3008, IMG_20200727_153806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got the Deco Pro medium a couple days ago.
>perfect size, not too large, not too small
>slim, good build quality
>works on Linux, just keep the xp-pen driver running in the background
Downs (the dial wheel):
>installed backwards, scroll up to go down, can't change it in settings
>too large to use with a finger, gotta use the side of your palm
>the touchpad can't be used to pan the canvas (ouch)
Downs (other):
>the pen tapers all the way to the end and is pretty slippery, I hope to use some masking tape so I don't have to clench my muscles just to keep the grip in place
>pen buttons are almost level with the pen surface, they're hard to locate by touch alone

>Is it worth the money?
Yes, I think it is. It's a big step up from my old H610 pro. If I had to buy a tablet now I'd go with some Huion v2 tab, just because the pen as it is now has some poor design decisions.

>> No.4759732

You reckon things will be better for the thread if we make it a requirement for fags to post their works and/or the equipments they currently use if they want to suggest anything?

>> No.4759818

All chinkshit pens are garbage.

>> No.4759827

Has anyone else used superDisplay on Android?

>> No.4759834


>> No.4759836

I don't agree. Ever since I bought my cheap Cintiq it's changed my fucking life and my work. Sure it's not perfect, but I can not tell you how much faster I work now.

>> No.4759841

I dont doubt it, and good for you anon.

>> No.4759875

>installed backwards, scroll up to go down, can't change it in settings
Fucking kek man, the dial has 3 modes and the lower right button is switching them. You can choose between the default scroll, zoom and custom combinations.
Well at least on Windows.
>works on Linux, just keep the xp-pen driver running in the background
In my experience the perpetual beta for linux really fucking sucks it straight up doesn't support tilt and the settings don't work.
Try installing DIGIMEND and hooking it to the linux wacom utility. That's the best way to use it but set
Getting all of the buttons to work will require some advanced fiddling on your part, but it's really worth it.
>the pen tapers buttons
Dude are you holding it below the taper? You're supposed to just keep your index finger on the button and press at will.

>> No.4759878

Not a PC peropheral.

>> No.4759886

How good i need to be to take requests to make money?
And what is a cheap upgrade from my currently owned ONE by Wacom?
A tablet with display would be cool as well.

>> No.4759890

You could be fucking dogshit but popular with 10000 followers
>cheap upgrade
Deco 01v2 or Pro
Look at the kamvas pro series. the latest ones are sexy.

>> No.4759896

Fuck off chink

>> No.4759899

Are you ready to post your work yet

>> No.4759902

How good a tablet is isn't dependent on anyone's work you stupid yellow bug. The fact that you're persevering this much is just further evidence you're a braindead shill.

Real time tests are what actually matter.

>> No.4759908

So you admit that you just shill on Wacom's paycheck all day and don't even draw?

Your replies from before made it clear you don't actually even use tablets or understand the user experience.

>> No.4759909


What a waste of everyones time, jesus christ.

>> No.4759913

Good luck finding a program with a usable UI on a 12 inch screen

>> No.4759915

I literally only recently made my first post in this thread, idiot. I don't shill Wacom either because their QC is garbage.

At the end of the day, youre a worthless idiot and a vile yellow chink shill.

>> No.4759918

Easy, it's called Infinite Painter.

>> No.4759920

Somehow I don't think so. You get this feeling the shitposters won't care one bit whether anyone suggesting has fulfilled these requirements. Of course, some of them will also have had some actual works and equipment to cover their ass as well.

>> No.4759923

How often should I be replacing pen nibs?
Currently using a wacom, haven't bought spare nibs since I started two years ago.

Not interested in "when they're scratchy" as that happens within 1-3 months for me and it's barely taken much off the nib, just a few millimetres and sharpened it to a point.

>> No.4759927

You really dont think your writing style gives you away, do you. I guess you're too flustered to notice. People like you are the reason we need actual artists to have input on actual drawing experience of these products. You're just some random retard comparing feature tables and collecting toys.

>> No.4759932

Spare me the Boogeyman fantasies, yellow bugman. You won't persuade anyone to buy Chinese garbage.

By the way, the thread ip count incremented here >>4759896 retard

>> No.4759933

>Not interested in "when they're scratchy"
Well then enjoy scratching the fuck out of your tablet, smarty.
Wacom nibs are a razor and blades model designed to recurrently milk you. When I had a Wacom tablet my nibs would go every couple of days, but I was rather new and probably was pressing too hard.

>> No.4759936

>People like you are the reason we need actual artists to have input on actual drawing experience of these products

More like we need actual moderators

>> No.4759938


>> No.4759939

I mean sure it won't stop the shitposts, nothing ever will, but atleast that way we can see if their opinions are actually based on something concrete (and some shreds of truth, however small)

>> No.4759941

>nothing ever will,
I'm fucking serious the mods need to literally ban every thread like
>how do I draw like this
>where tho get big titty artist gf
>every circlejerk thread
>every vojak and pepe
>keep it strictly to drawing and the discussion about drawing

The board would bloom, maybe the good artists would return.

>> No.4759943

Stop having a conversation with yourself, chink

>> No.4759948

Its over, nobody.

The naming is confusing, not sure why they went with that.

I suppose the only real objective limit is when its too short to be extracted anymore. Itll still work up until then if you're ok with the scratch risk.

>> No.4759969

>drawing tablet thread where you ask for suggestions on what would work best for their needs
>NO U CHINEE in every thread.

I'm a wacom shill myself and I think the amount of useless bickering clutter should be in another thread. Technically all tablets are chinkshit in one way shape, or for be it from their materials or assembly. It's just cheaper and cheaper is globally what people lean for.

Posting your work here should be only for showing pen issues and tasks cause that's all thats relevant.
>no fun allowed
Its Crabland and you should be drawing.

>> No.4759984

Yeah you really showed me. Don't waste your time like that.
It's far from that objective limit which is why I don't know at all.
I also don't know what scratch risk there is. The middle is shiny on my pad but there hasn't been a degradation in output. The only bad scratch I had was when the cat thought to jump on it with claws out but that never affected its performance either.

>> No.4759992

Sounds like you're fine then. I guess that since the tablet is harder than the nib (hence the abrasion) you wont be able to scratch it easily anyway.

>> No.4760025

I'm preparing OP text for the next thread, is there anything i should add/change/update or is the current one is alright?

>> No.4760059

The recent ones have been shit, they invite flame wars since they erroneously disregard any wacom competitors when in fact for screenless tablets there are far more cost effective options.

>> No.4760080

Remove the entire recommended section

>> No.4760126

ask for people to post their tablets+setup+why would they recommend it

>> No.4760143

Seriously post me an at least partly non-chink screen tablet that isn't a shit experience to use. I really want a decent one but thinking of holding off since they seem to still be not worth it for the price.

>> No.4760167


>> No.4760185
File: 55 KB, 614x503, ipad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this is the power of the Apple iPad

>> No.4760193

People really don't backup their stuff, I mean, just in general? I never take my iPad outside of my house but I still backup whatever I'm working to my Dropbox as soon as I'm done.

>> No.4760227

I tried it but the pressure doesn't seem to work

>> No.4760292

>not updating straight to iPadOS 14 beta

>> No.4760395

nvm i'm retarded, it works now and this shit is fucking great

>> No.4760476

I think its good as-is, keep up the good work

>> No.4760522

No such thing, wacom arre made in china too.

>> No.4760623

not sure if the experience on the ipad is worth it unless you go with the pro. the samsung s6 lite is a budget-friendly alternative.

See posts from other anon:

>> No.4760670

Currently looking at the wacom 16. The cost doesn't seem too high. Should I consider huions or xp-pens in the same price range though?

>> No.4760676

Check out youtube reviews, as well as customer reviews on amazon. Im sure both have their benefits

>> No.4760681

The Huions have a much much miles better display.

The wacom has the benefits of linux support and you might get a rotating pen for 100$

I would get myself a Kamvas.

>> No.4760922

Not happening, chink.
If you weren't an idiot, you would see there are other brands promoted in the OP. The thing is, you're a dirty little Chinese rat, desperate to sell poor quality chink garbage.

>> No.4760931 [DELETED] 

Don't listen to the bugman: >>4760681

Huions are not pre calibrated and require proper hardware calibration if you want colors that aren't in accurate.
All chinkshit pens are still the same because all Chinese businesses are centralized under the communist regime. Both Huion, XP pen, gaining and others have the same wobbly nib, the same tapered lines, the same god awful tilt, and horrible horrible customer support. While Wacom isn't strong on QC, at the very least you will get a pre-calibrated display and a high quality digital pen. Also buttons are a meme because a Bluetooth keyboard will always be better.

>> No.4760939

Don't listen to the bugman: >>4760681

Huions are not pre calibrated and require proper hardware calibration if you want colors that aren't innaccurate.
All chinkshit pens are still the same because all Chinese businesses are centralized under the communist regime. Both Huion, XP pen, gaining and others have the same wobbly nib, the same tapered lines, the same god awful tilt, and horrible horrible customer support. While Wacom isn't strong on QC, at the very least you will get a pre-calibrated display and a high quality digital pen. Also buttons are a meme because a Bluetooth keyboard will always be better

>> No.4760969

I can confirm the wobble issue on both huion and xp-pen/ugee stylus, its unusable.
After spending several hundred covid bux, i realize now that screens really are a meme.
1) It isnt like pen and paper
2) you dont learn faster
3) the ergonomics are terrible

>> No.4760982

That's the old pen, yeah it actually used to wobble
i used it a lot and learned to draw from zero to making money. The newer pensI rethgit tol a era explained here. >>4758551 >>4758483

I actually am a big fan of the chinks, before huion 70$ tablets just didn't exist, digital art had 500$ entry barrrier

>> No.4761011

All chinkpens have wobbly nibs, Chang. Every video review proves it.

>> No.4761016

I get it you never had a tablet and don't draw but ALL tablets have a wobbly nib to some degree.
The newerr are on the wacom level.

>> No.4761086

> fan of the chinks

*cringe* n ... no one says this, chang

>> No.4761110

I do.
Because One by wacom, wacom one, intuos non-pro and cintiq non-pro exist ONLY because Huion started pushing them.
Before huion Wacom existed for what 30 years? They never released a medium sized bamboo, they never released a cheap ciniq, the wacom Bamboo was ABSOLUTE DOGSHIT, and wacom intuos costed 500$ medium 700$ large.

Thanks Chang we got affordable tablets now, if not for Chang the filthy Wajews would keep monopoly forever. You would never have a screen tablet, they don't pay shills enough to afford a 3000$ cintiq.

I'm legit fucking grateful to Chinks for disrupting a fucked up market and murdering an evil corporation. I hope they can't survive on low profit margin and fucking die, and go to hell.

>> No.4761130

Fuck off you idiotic bugman. Anyone can watch video reviews to see you're wrong.

>> No.4761134

>I am legit fucking greatful to chinks
Ok Chang.

>> No.4761140

>reviews reviews
What you don't have any tablets in your shill factory?
Everybody on this board has some tablet you know, they can touch the nib on their own bamboo or whatever and see what it wobbles like.

>> No.4761220

hello, I am an artist for NASA working on top secret US government secrets
what is a tablet to use

>> No.4761261


Comission the tablet development form Texas Instruments and run it on a custom Linux build with the special issue Intel processor without the Intel Management Engine they provide to the government.

>> No.4761291

What's a good Intuos Pro large screen protector that's glass smooth? I don't want to spend a day visiting different stores looking for oversized notebooks with plastic cover sheets while infecting myself with covid.

>> No.4761308

>Rural Pennsylvania
>Display monitor (like a cintiq)
>larger the better

Previous equiptment:
Huion Gt-190 that I had for 5-6 years. It worked great bu the pen I bought just died. The ridiculous thing is that the monitor works fine but they don't make pens to replace it anymore. I can't even find any online.

>> No.4761322

> intuos pro large

that is a screenless tablet

>> No.4761326

if you've had a screen tablet for that long AND you live in rural pennsylvania, why is your budget still so low? you should have a couple of thousand in commissions alone.

>> No.4761334

Consider Kamvas PRO 16 or 20, they really updated the hardware and you are going to love it after gt190, new pens feel a lot tighter, the screen is laminated, etched, and the colors are just better.

Or you can still get the old pen from Aliexpress

>> No.4761339

because I'm poor?
I normally make 10 grand a year in commissions but this year has been terrible, it'll probably be like something closer to 6 if things don't pick the fuck up.

>> No.4761340

Fuck off changstein

>> No.4761347

That's nice to hear there's some improvements to make it more comfortable.
How do you know this is the pen for that model? on their site there is a PE330 but it says "PE330----Rechargeable Pen for GT-191/GT-221 PRO/GT-156HD/GT-156HD V2/GT-220 V2(8192). "
For the life of me I can't figure out what pen I'm using.
I looked at my receipt the last time I replaced it and it says "Rechargeable Pen for GT-190/GT-220/GT-185HD"

I wish I could just be a Youtube whore and get this shit for free.

>> No.4761349

Pad protector then. I read the surface is too rough on the nibs. Though I'm now looking at maybe using bristol 500 plate paper.

>> No.4761357

Are you seriously stupid enough to believe chink tablets have worthwhile aftermarket support?

>> No.4761358

>How do you know this is the pen for that model?
>Rechargeable Pen for GT-191/GT-221

Those tablets were released around the same time its the same generation.
Also the P68D (AAA battery pen) says it fits gt-190 AND is a replacement for PE330 but you need AAA batteries for that.
On the plus side with an AAA battery you won't have the charging connector or the battery eventually dying, like a tv remote that lives literally forever.

>> No.4761369

That's exactly what Huion support told me today, but I told them it clearly states on their website "Does not work with models made before 2017", mine was manufactured in 2014, apparently.
Do you think I should risk it or just fucking buy a new tablet?
God I hate this, I literally have like 3-6 commissions right now. I don't even know exactly how many because I'm so scatter brained from this.

>> No.4761375

bro, you can get an intuos medium for $200 or less on amazon or ebay. I have an intuos3 and it's never failed me in over 10 years.

but honestly even if you made 1k a year you're still a pro. It makes no sense to cheap out if this is a form of income for you. It's crazy that you're not investing in your equipment/brand/future. you know wacom has a credit program, right?

>> No.4761376
File: 126 KB, 1500x1500, pn05a-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I just noticed that too.
If you have the money on the line right now go get a new tablet it's like immediate return on your investment.

And you gonna like it too. The new experience feels good, make sure you're getting a tablet with new thin nibs, they feel TIGHT after using the old pen you'er going to like it.

>> No.4761377

>but honestly even if you made 1k a year you're still a pro. It makes no sense to cheap
Cintiq pro costs like 3 months worth of his fucking time man.

>> No.4761379

The sad fact is I don't have the money, but without the tablet I can't pay my bills.
I'm considering holding off on paying my electric and internet bill, even though I owe about 800 dollars to them. I know they can't shut off my electricity. If we get Trump checks I could pay it off with that.

Honestly, I'm using an Intuos right now that I'm borrowing from someone and I'm aboslute shit at drawing on it, I gotta have the display monitor.
I really appreciate the sentiment. I know, it does seem like its ridiculous I can't invest in my equiptment. But I've got about 800 dollars in bills each month, and with having shaky income even at 10 grand a month whatevers left over goes t something stupid or something I just need for the house. Christmas time for example is absolute murder.

>> No.4761381

*10 grand a year, not a month.

Some months I make 600 dollars, others I'll make 1.5k, it evens out to about 1k a month.
I haven't even been checking latey though cause I know its so bad. All I know is I'm drowning in bills.

>> No.4761384 [DELETED] 

>The sad fact is I don't have the money, but without the tablet I can't pay my bills.
Can't you get a Deco 01 for 60$ from Amazon delivered tomorrow?

>> No.4761385

>Honestly, I'm using an Intuos right now that I'm borrowing from someone and I'm aboslute shit at drawing on it, I gotta have the display monitor.

Power through my man. You'll adapt to an intuos faster than the replacement pen would ship from China. It's like riding a bicycle.

>> No.4761398

huh that's weird.

IRL jobs have tanked but graphics jobs are through the roof. My and my friends are all way busier due to covid. Even outside of commissions and direct references, places like fivvr and craigslist are buzzing because everyone's looking for logos for their sidegigs, photo touch-ups, covers for books they wrote during covid that they want to see on amazon, wix updates, tshirt designs etc ...

>> No.4761444

I do see some of that business lately, but a lot of my commissions were from storyboards. If people can’t shoot video then they don’t need storyboards. Two oe three of my regular clients also backed out on me because they were furloughed.
Business is totally back it seems, it’s doing good, but I’m struggling to catch up. March and April... I probably made like 200 dollars those months.

>> No.4761448

Thanks for the advice, I will try it. Have you used a pen monitor though? I know some people prefer the screenless ones more.

>> No.4761454
File: 989 KB, 662x478, tranny dad.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is a good 100$ or less screenless tablet? I am poor so screenless is my go to since its cheaper.

>> No.4761477


>> No.4761503

not the guy you're replying to but I have used screen and screenless tablets. After buying a cheap screen tablet I went back to screenless. The parallax was frustrating, color was off, and it always seemed like I didn't have enough screen space.

there is a transition especially if you haven't used a screenless before. It'll probably take you a week or two depending on how much oyu use it. Here are some tips to speed the process along:
1) install the wacom drivers, yeah it means uninstalling the huion drivers first. This way you can setup a shortcut for switching between mouse and pen mapping. Why is that important? Pen mapping maps the entire desktop to your tablet sensor. Mouse mapping is useful for people who draw so you don't get a distorted result if there's a display ratio difference between your monitor and your tablet.
2) put the tablet right in front of your monitor (kinda where most people put their keyboards. Yeah, that means you're gonna have to put your keyboard somewhere else). Most people find this the best way to get their orientation when they first start.
3) since you are doing this for work, you can do rough drafts on pen and paper, take a picture to get them on your pc, and then finishing like you normally do on pc. This is a good transition method until you're fully adjusted.

>> No.4761670

Fuck you

>> No.4761721


>> No.4761819


About fucking time, Samsung. Though, Android is even worse than iOS for drawing so it might not help much.

>> No.4761840

Looks promising, but it will be hella expensive, more than the S6 at launch.

Also still don't really dig the very rectangular aspect ratio. Part of what makes the iPad so good at 12.9" is that it's a more square aspect ratio, providing much more room for vertical lines. This makes it much better than the 16:9, 13" cintiqs.

Also Android still lacks a killer drawing app. Krita is still jank on Android.

>> No.4761843

>Android is even worse than iOS for drawing
You make it sound like iOS is bad for drawing? Procreate and ArtStudio Pro are great, and arguably better than what you can get on a desktop in terms of workflow efficiency.

>> No.4761872

I'll wait until I can have the full Photoshop experience on iPadOS without having to rely on the likes of Duet or Astropad.

>> No.4761881

are you sure?

>> No.4761888

New thread:


>> No.4761891

jesus fuck calm your tits, this one haven't even hit bump limit yet

>> No.4761894

i will never understand what this retards obsession with tilt is

>> No.4761903

Not while Chang's been waiting to make an OP all day to shill chink garbage. Can't let this thread become chinkshit general.

>> No.4761914

>chinkshit general
It already is. Almost no one here uses Samshit tablets and everything else is made in China.

>> No.4761966


>> No.4764902

>Intuos Pro 2013
If that's the one after 5, sure, though some extra nibs considering the value of the tablet can't hurt. It's pinching pennies at that point.
>Ipad pro
For a portable tablet, maybe. But only IF you use it for basically nothing more than drawing.
Like the S6, it's too small to do most serious works on. Connecting it to a desktop would let you do maybe HR and 3d, but still too small.
>Used 22HD - only worthwhile large display tablet.
If you're that much of a chimp, might as well go chink.

>Cintiq Pro - Absolute trash value.
Value to what? To an S6? Slate 7? To an asus eee 121? To an Le1600? If value is your concern, go chinko, they are pretty decent now and will blow the 22HD out of the water in value.

If you're a professional, 2-3k for the primary device you'll be working on thousands of hours on each year is nothing. I'd be willing to pay twice the price if they could bring a good OLED panel and bump up the resolution on the 24inch model to 5k. Even the 500$ for the stand if it didn't only have just 2 damn angles and I'm not rich.
Overpriced? Yes. But it would be still worth it until better competition is around.

>Surface pro - The N-trig digitizer means you will always get wobby lines.
Incorrect, not if you draw fast, but yes, it sucks. It's the inverse of the Ipad: even worse for art, but it can be used for more than just youtube with ads. Done some preliminary sketching on them before and it was nice on the go.

They use AES, they are okay. Basically worse than a surface pro as computers, but slightly better to draw with and much better cost. Though the lenovo active stylus is a slight bit of a cancer.

If you do photography, logo and such a screenless with a really good monitor is a much better option.
If you draw mostly, I'd have to say screen is just too damn nice. You'll never experience orgasmic color depth with them though.

Not worth it. Go budget brand and bigger than 13 in.