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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 488 KB, 800x800, i9h6vx3hcgd51[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4756221 No.4756221[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't you as popular as him?

Don't you dare say it's because he draws better than you!

>> No.4756227

the mods have forsaken /ic/

>> No.4756233

New sakmikichan

>> No.4756235


>> No.4756239
File: 197 KB, 955x840, thinken.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If that's true, then why are my posts announcing reports getting deleted? They're either a) actively participating in these shitty threads or b) f5'ing this board under the lull of a xanax haze, with an expressionless half-lidded gaze and drool pouring out the sides of their mouths

>> No.4756258


>> No.4756263

Popular reddit artist who made a living from his comics and is now teaching people anatomy.

>> No.4756267

/ic/'s newest hatecow

>> No.4756268

kill yourself and go draw, in whatever order you please

>> No.4756274

After you, dipshit.

>> No.4756280
File: 65 KB, 970x1042, 1567100041078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you get tired of making these threads?

>> No.4756282

I like how no matter how angry, hateful, or murderous ic's netizens are towards you, you can at least always count on them to encourage you to go fucking draw.

>> No.4756305

eyyyyyyo, hol' up!
this nigga is basically a modern version of Sycra, isn't he? bad fundies, engages in symbol drawing, but the kind of symbol drawing that seems appealing and different to aspiring artists, makes "tutorials" where he explains how he approaches various problems that betray a shocking disregard for the resources that already exist on those topics, intelligent, but not as intelligent as he thinks he is, ultimately a victim of his own pride.

>> No.4756315

This thread is trash and has nothing to offer anyone but if I had to say maybe its because I dont fucking post my art a lot

>> No.4756321
File: 5 KB, 250x174, DABD1206-B260-413D-98E8-A1EF49A2975E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not me, they’ve mostly told me to kill myself and that I’m a delusional chinubyoo or some such nonsense, I think they’re jealous of me desu
I actually like sycra desu, he seems like a good guy that isn’t always perfect but makes a strong effort, and I’d still argue he’s miles ahead of people like jazza

>> No.4756333

I don't hate Sycra either. He was one of the first people to pioneer youtube art tutorial-type content, so it's understandable that he didn't do everything perfectly. My point is more that Srgafo makes a lot of those same mistakes. He's a similar type of artist and art teacher.

>> No.4756341
File: 24 KB, 566x566, B0957B84-9683-467B-9D85-F81A8CF19342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True true, I also feel sympathetic to sycra since he’s allegedly a literal schizo and he had a hard life, based boyo for attempting to make art a bit more accessible, his videos go like a decade back

>> No.4756342

Shit hands

>> No.4756347

It's because he draws better than me.

>> No.4756370

Dunning pls, it's a cropped anime screenshot. do you expect animators to perfectly nail every single detail every single frame?

>> No.4756374
File: 299 KB, 913x1080, WIdKhxfvg5w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's cute and has a nice color scheme.
He also makes supposedly funny webcomics that are completely unrelated to the girl

So that's why everyone forgives her shit anatomy

>> No.4756381

I wish I knew. I really need to up my popularity before I end up fucking homeless..

>> No.4756382

he's not teaching, he's learning I think. He wants to draw his daughterfu better but idk what his endgame is

>> No.4756392
File: 83 KB, 750x528, 8D6ADB60-085A-43EA-B3E9-1C7CC2A4CC2F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just ask for it, it’s simple as that.

>> No.4756397

>ultimately a victim of his own pride
Sounds like you.
a NGMI /beg/ tier crab that misunderstood the whole thing about art.
Wait until you actually made it like sycra did, and maybe we will spend a minute listening to what you have to say.
For whatever opinions you have right now, they are shit.

>> No.4756406

Stop obsessing over likes and, even worse, upvotes. Attention is not the same as respect.

>> No.4756409

do you enjoy making posts like this one?

>> No.4756414


>> No.4756434

...I won't go overboard with this, but I might just legit ask a couple of times for people to share my stuff.

>> No.4756443

Looks fine to me.

>> No.4756444

Hello narcissus

>> No.4756449

He makes tutorials and they're oh so bad

>> No.4756451
File: 49 KB, 480x360, 97A51AC6-45FC-4400-B084-1385DBD77DBC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KEK, how did you know it was me? This’ll be the last of my posts for today, after this I’m just gonna draw/write/read Japanese mangoes

>> No.4756468

I don't think the commoner minds if you say stuff like "Please share my work!"

>> No.4756475

There are popular people cuz other people are unpopular.