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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 88 KB, 300x300, fa00ab88-ca3b-4e67-bdf3-c047ed0d60e4-profile_image-300x300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4751661 No.4751661 [Reply] [Original]

I fucking miss her bro.

I used to analyze her speedpaint videos so much and now they're gone.

How do I improve from here bros??

>> No.4751681

literally who. fuck off shill

>> No.4751702



Just say you don't know anything about the art community and hang yourself, loser.

>> No.4751704

literally who. fuck off shill

>> No.4751706

pffffhahahaha just looked up this twitter thot

>the art community
back to plebbit you fucking moron

>> No.4751711

You should go back to jerking off to hentai and quit larping as if you know what you're talking about. Jeez you simp fucks are honestly so pathetic

>> No.4751719

>5 replies
>3 posters

OP fuck off with your poorly veiled vendetta thread
She left the internet so stop obsessing over her to feel better about yourself and go draw or something

>> No.4751721

The fuck are you on about

She's gone, I miss her. You're reading too much into it

>> No.4751724

this entire post is embarrassing. you understand that this is an 18+ website

>> No.4751725

It's 18+ and I see gay ass shit on here all the time. You guys aren't above anyone. Lemme live

>> No.4751726

She got constant hate online, you’re not fooling anyone.
Besides which she is a literal who. No one knows her. If you’re going to do this at least pick someone people might know about

>> No.4751730
File: 12 KB, 480x640, 1583514629176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just say you don't know anything about the art community
I bet you use twitter too you fucking faggot

>> No.4751734

>vendetta thread
You're probably gonna deny this, but I think you're on this website too much. Not everything is some retarded attempt to shit on people. I genuinely thought she made dope shit regardless of the negativity around her name

>> No.4751739

I bet you think a 401k is a highscore

>> No.4751750

I’m seeing most people on twitter are lamenting her loss now. Search her username on twitter and switch to the latest tab. I personally think she was an idiot for throwing around slurs as old as she is and then not expecting to get completely buried by the twitter mob. What could she possibly expect to happen to her? Best course of action for her now is to wait it out, then eventually start a new name for herself with a new username (if she cares about continuing with art ever again).

>> No.4751763
File: 71 KB, 400x400, 33479320-A548-449A-B864-68477267D56D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss her too. I loved watching her sketchbook vids on youtube for inspiration but she deleted EVERYTHING.

Idk if it was because of Twitter’s attempted cancelling of her or the Sky controversy but I hope she comes back quick.

>> No.4751817

Why was this puta cancelled?

>> No.4751926

What is the sky thing I keep hearing about?

>> No.4751940

The one thing I'll say about Ohnips
Bitch was fuckable for female coomer artist

>> No.4751943

twitter is unironically an amazing platform if you aren't a nazi

>> No.4751955

lol nice

>> No.4751964
File: 59 KB, 312x321, Ec1-FJNXsAAK0Qd.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twitter is awful. There is no nuance to be found in people's opinions due to the short character limit. Everyone's political take is trash. It houses the most arrogant yet ignorant motherfuckers in all circles of the internet.
Art and networking are the only good things about it and even then it is trash due to the hashtag system.

>> No.4752035

Yeah amazing for shitty image compression maybe, cmon

>> No.4752046
File: 468 KB, 600x600, 61e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>giving a fuck about popular people at all
>using social media at all

>> No.4752093


>> No.4752115

how many of this threads are you gonna make? this fucking brainlets man...

>> No.4752142

*if you're a braindead illiterate

>> No.4752144

Did something happen? I would watch her twitch streams every now and again but I haven't seen any in a bit.

>> No.4752182

She quit social media on all platforms half due to general drama and half due to her casual use of the N word with friends on twitter around 4 years ago, which was dredged back up to the present day to try to cancel her.

>> No.4752190

Christ that's a pretty big hate boner to look through 4 years of tweets for something.

>> No.4752199

I think I know this girl.
Everyday somebody gets canceled. I saw this coming a long time ago. It’s a matter of time until you say something wrong, somebody accuses you of something, or something you said in the past becomes wrong.

Mentally ill people are still clapping

>> No.4752203

How do people still don’t see this cancelling thing as a problem? Twitter needs at least an option to delete old tweets

>> No.4752215

You can’t delete old tweets? Since when?

>> No.4752222

Not easily enough. You gotta use web tools to batch delete

>> No.4752510

you're baiting here but twitter has genuinely been the best platform I've used so far. Yeah you have your art circlejerks but there's an immense audience of people willing to throw their money at you no matter what

>> No.4752553

The twitter mob is retarded for caring about that, but so is she for quitting all social media, especially if it affects her income in any significant way.
Here is a tip, if you ever get accused of anything online, consider this: Do they have any proof? If so, ignore it, pretend it doesn't exist and just keep business as usual, people will eventually forget about it. If not, deny it, and again, pretend it doesn't exist and keep business as usual.

Obviously if in current year you are posting loli and shota on your main account you are retarded and deserve to get banned.

>> No.4752578

it's a great great platform for interacting people you implicitly agree with on everything, and avoid getting into arguments on, because the moment a serious disagreement springs up, the character limit and the semi-public nature of any and all conversations means that one of you is in very real danger of being ostracized by the tribe.
Conform or get cancelled. What an amazing community.

>> No.4752870

Jewtude drama https://youtu.be/gSuHmEYDIb4

>> No.4752877

>40 posts in
>art from artist has not been posted
>on artwork board

>> No.4752888
File: 891 KB, 2353x771, ohnips-dd-art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really understand the connection with SKy Williams and artists. So he was a Smash Bros guy and allowed a bunch of Smash players (who also draw art good) to stay in his house?
pic related is ohnips art that pissed people off

>> No.4752890

I don't get it

>> No.4752891

because this isn't an art thread, it's a drama thread, which are normally banned on /ic/

>> No.4752894

Gender swapped Dream Daddy characters. One of the original DDs is trans (the vampire)

>> No.4752897

so? He can still be trans in the genderswapped version, no?

>> No.4752930

apparently genderbending is transphobic, but I still don't get why

>> No.4752979

cool thread that's definitely about art

>> No.4753075

That's the point lmao, but some tumblrinas failed to see that and always try to push the ''muh gender oppression" on other people.

>> No.4753077

you need to be 18 or older to post here

>> No.4753097

Where's this pic from?

>> No.4753165
File: 514 KB, 1448x2048, 20200603_010426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was her last pinned tweet last time I checked

>> No.4753295

Then why does everyone on her type like they're 14

>> No.4753547

They meant physically, not mentally, kid.

>> No.4753647


Especially if someone is complaining about being cancelled

>> No.4754096

So female ethan becker is gone and im supposed to care? Yuck hideous art

>> No.4754113

You seem to care enough to bump this thread after 4 hours

>> No.4754289

>Gender swapped Dream Daddy characters
What's a Dream Daddy?

>> No.4757445

A western gay VN that appeals hard to the woke tumblr crowd.

>> No.4757489


>Last Chick
Are all pretty top tier tho.
Especially last chick.

God I would hate to see what they looked like as men.

>> No.4759256

she's probably going off to find an industry job. She'll be fine. Twitterfags can rant and rage and foam at the mouth all they want.

>> No.4759435

Leftist here. Twitter is one of the worst platforms of all time and is only propped up because it has a huge user base.