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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 342 KB, 973x822, 98086666_559382935006970_677600289637204890_n - コピー.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4749924 No.4749924 [Reply] [Original]

IF YOU ARE A /BEG/INNER IN ART, use this thread to post pieces for critique or ask for advice.

Feel free to post even the smallest exercise you have done. Anything is okay.

previous thread >>4747707

READ THE STICKY for some guidance:

RESIZE YOUR IMAGES - preferably ~1000px, <1.1mb

BE ACTIVE AND PROVIDE FEEDBACK TO OTHERS - all it takes is a little feedback to give someone a lot of motivation. Leave no submission un-replied!

>> No.4749942
File: 431 KB, 1000x857, Illustration.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude I'm so wssted!

>> No.4749945
File: 1.79 MB, 5000x5000, 1591006007817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read the sticky

>> No.4749949

>keep telling non-begs to fuck off
>no non-begs left to give good critique to the begs
fuck you guys

>> No.4749956

these general threads get copied and pasted by a different person each time. All meaning is lost eventually.

>> No.4749964
File: 180 KB, 1152x864, rsz_img_20200725_202518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4749989
File: 630 KB, 800x800, jw4352hs22d51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4749994
File: 514 KB, 1159x1314, Screenshot_20200725_211358.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still working on my bois, c/c welcome

>> No.4749995

Based and chloepilled

>> No.4749998
File: 137 KB, 923x1190, _20200725_204606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4750003

how do i make good lineart

>> No.4750004
File: 282 KB, 2048x1370, exp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made this not so long ago, i tried to do something rather "simple", what do you guys think?

Also for ic/hads, drawing ever helped you out with a girl ? just curious

>> No.4750015

/beg/ here, I think you can graduate from /beg/

>> No.4750018

do we still have intermediate threads?

>> No.4750019

Yes I have gotten laid by telling girls I would draw them, and I have drawn them. I wish I was better when I was younger because it works. Even if you're not good, steal art and lie.

>> No.4750024
File: 58 KB, 720x477, 61838839_469414640482674_5096263027833962496_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you still do it ? also, have you ever stole art and lied about it just to get laid ?

>> No.4750027

I did back in February. I haven't stolen art but I encourage my friends to steal mine.

>> No.4750028

God, trying to draw the head from a front angle is killing me. When I try to cut the sides off the sphere and go to the chin, the whole head ends up looking too long.I dont know if it's the chin portion, the cutting portion, or just the spheres not being perfectly even. Not like they're incredibly lopsided either.

>> No.4750031
File: 279 KB, 1600x1132, d5c472cfaff7182561be9a57378ca41e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont understand eye level, specifically where to put it on a canvas in respect to everything else

Do I put it higher or lower depending on whether I want to draw more things that are underneath eye level or above it, respectively? Do I just move it and the whole drawing up and down the canvas if I need space up or down?

>> No.4750033

this isnt my drawing fyi

>> No.4750038

can you post your work ? if you have a story to tell i'ld glad to hear it.
also did it worked out for your friends ?

>> No.4750043

Try drawing one and making the chin WAY too short, so short that you know it's wrong.

>> No.4750052
File: 384 KB, 1815x1000, loomis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any "recommended" order of learning the basics or so? I get sorta worried I'd start one thing, not get anywhere because I learned stuff out of order, get upset and forget it.

>> No.4750059

I'm following brent eviston course of drawing, and i feel like my line is not light enough comapre to what he do (his line is straight up invisible) but i tried to not add alot of pressure to my stroke.
any advice spat/ic/s?

>> No.4750068

Draw a line between the vanishing points. That's the eyeline. Anything above it, you'll see the bottom of that thing. Anything below it, you'll the top. So just decide what you want on the picture, so a few thumbnail sketches and then place your points and draw

>> No.4750076

I would rather not because someone will inevitably search Google by image, and then go to my ig and make comments that I lie to girls to fuck them. I'll pass. I'm not aware of a friend who has done that no, but I've told them they have my permission. I used to have a friend with a beautiful apartment in Manhattan. It s in Chelsea, 4 grand a month. and he let me tell girls it was my place, or actually I didn't say anything about it but I took her there as though it was mine. He just gave me the spare and I'd shot him a text asking if I could use it that night, he'd give me the ok. Lol I lived in my mom's basement but I had a good friend. That goes away in your 30s.

>> No.4750077

I only started drawing a few days ago and I'm going through "Key's to Drawing" like anons recommended. I'm doing example 1-E where you draw a bottle and I'm a bit confused. How does one properly draw reflections or the shine the bottle gives off with a pencil? Drawing shadows by shading with a pencil I can try but this sort of confuses me.

>> No.4750082
File: 175 KB, 1075x957, SmartSelect_20200725-204716_Gmail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

help :(

>> No.4750085

I just got some money to spend at art supplies. As a begginer aiming to become a professional illustrator what should i buy?

>> No.4750086
File: 207 KB, 1060x908, SmartSelect_20200725-204928_Gmail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

liquidified left side of face a little

>> No.4750093

Does anyone recommend any resources for learning drapery?

>> No.4750097

that's rather wise of you, cool story tho.

>> No.4750110
File: 863 KB, 2367x5764, 2FA45034-D060-4C82-AD0E-F6867C67BFF8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4750113

Now draw the full body with a pose from imagination.
Stfu, you have no say in this.

>> No.4750133

Reminder not to post until you've read all of these

>> No.4750136

i cant do that yet dude. im learning. thats the goal

>> No.4750146
File: 354 KB, 1743x2662, haruhifull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like the head's too small in this, I'm thinking it's because anime heads are usually bigger than the average head, but aside from that does anyone have any other advice aside from 'more loomis'

>> No.4750150
File: 296 KB, 697x1064, Webp.net-resizeimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck forgot to resize the image

>> No.4750153

>Do I put it higher or lower depending on whether I want to draw more things that are underneath eye level or above it, respectively?
Yeah, I think that's pretty much it for 1 and 2 point perspective. Whenever you're in 1 or 2 point perspective you're ALWAYS looking straight ahead, moving the horizon up/down is equivalent to cropping your photo so that you're mostly left with the part below/above the horizon. Drawing your stuff above/below the horizon is equivalent to going down/up as an observer/station point.
At least that's what I understood from Robertson, someone please correct me if I'm wrong.

>> No.4750164


>> No.4750177

Look at his top right head and say that again

>> No.4750217

Drawing reflective surfaces is not something a /beg/ should worry about.

>> No.4750220
File: 896 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_6963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tried to do a draenei but i got lazy

>> No.4750222


week 1 of michael hampton's analytical figure drawing 2 class covers drapery. if you want a book, barbara bradley - drawing people has a few chapters on it.

>> No.4750225
File: 36 KB, 1064x598, IMG_69632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck forgot to resize the image

>> No.4750232

Thanks anon

>> No.4750245

paint tool sai is fucking terrible. why is it recommened?

>> No.4750251

what do you not like about it?

>> No.4750253

Make your darks darker. That face is blending into the hair.

>> No.4750255

It's ancient and limited. Pen pressure doesn't work on the surface 6.

>> No.4750256
File: 424 KB, 1920x2408, _20200725_234533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here I tried.
I can draw the head from other angles from imagination, not perfectly but to some extent but not the body. I'm learning figure drawing. Just got the Hampton book. Did this in about half an hour. Again I know it's not perfect but I can kind of do it

>> No.4750263

the head and neck are disconnected and at separate angles
overall very good for only a 30 minute bust

>> No.4750265

could you show me how? i have trouble connecting the neck to the head from angles like this. what would you do to fix it?

>> No.4750269

What the fuck does cheating even mean?
Using a grid and guidelines is cheating, but what about when drawing perspective?
Using a ruler to draw straight lines is cheating, but what about when you're drawing structures and cubes?
When am I allowed to just use the measuring and straight line tools that my drawing program gives me instead of having to hold my pen at arm's length all the time?

>> No.4750271

compare distance of the bottom of the chin to the middle of the chest pecs line thing, the head needs to move a few smidges to the bottom left

open up your image in paint or something and flip it horizontally, you'll see and fix your mistakes faster

>> No.4750272

cheating is when you can't do it without the tools.
Tools should exist as time savers.

>> No.4750293

hmm i see. ok ill try tomorrow. late af now.

>> No.4750295

>Using a ruler to draw straight lines is cheating
thats not true. humans dont draw straight lines or perfect circles. nothing wrong with rules or stencils to get nice lines.

>> No.4750310

the only rule is dont steal and claim it as your own.

>> No.4750345

move the nose to the right. currently you have it so the mouth sticks out further from the face than the nose does. also i dont think her head is turned far enough to the side that the nostril would be hidden so you should draw it.

>> No.4750348

bretty gute

>> No.4750353

>never drew anything but stickfigures all my life
>the stickmen are uneven and wobbly as fuck
>try and do that upside down Picasso drawing
>looks like shit
>best thing I've drawn in my entire life
theres hope yet

>> No.4750355
File: 111 KB, 697x1064, haruhi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think her hair is too big. look if i just take these parts off the sides doesn't that look better? maybe thats why you thought the head was too small.

looks good anon. ink it.

>> No.4750372

So I'm watching this Japanese guy do speed painting and I don't understand his process at all, especially his sketching and lines
>No construction, literally just sketching contours until it looks right
>making a ton of shitty chicken scratched lines, then cleans them all up one by one later
>making a bunch of random as fuck lines which he just later erases anyways
This just kinda spits in the face of a lot of things I've been told; does this mean that he's so good and used to the process that he doesn't need to follow any rules anymore? It feels like he's drawing freestyle without much care for detail most of the time, then switching to a focused mode just to refine.

>> No.4750383

He's working hard, not smart.

>> No.4750386

>asian grind

>> No.4750389
File: 92 KB, 667x690, IMG_20200725_152500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what Im about to do

>> No.4750397

she cute :3

>> No.4750401

one of the chee sisters on instagram

Lily Chee is the older sis, I think

that's how the nips do everything in life, it's infuriating.

>> No.4750409

Read loomis or something ffs, your construction is all wrong. Also dont't attempt shading unless you know what you're doing. Where is the shading around the eyes, on the nose on the chin, wtf are you doing?

>> No.4750447
File: 113 KB, 908x648, 1582776312325.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today marks my very first perspective """"study"""" from the Keys book. Next time I'm using rulers, and I'll actually try to make it look good.

>> No.4750479

This is how I draw, it's fun and feels natural to just draw ahead without construction or anything

>> No.4750494
File: 528 KB, 2609x1067, 1569753772092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mr. Eviston... I'm sorry for butchering your teachings, tomorrow I shall draw more like this and it will be better.
I like the head, the rest not so much, I had issues with some shapes, how to give the texture to the bird, realized that I should stop overdoing some things I have no idea about, tomorrow's drawings will be better, but now, please tell me anything you notice 2 weeks anon here, Goro.

>> No.4750498
File: 354 KB, 561x613, 1581094799404.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I won't fail you Mr. Eviston

>> No.4750508

I did that exact same image a week ago
You're doing way better than me, keep it up and set your eyes on finishing the book

>> No.4750527

>beg that has only ever used a pencil, doesn't understand the concept of painting
please guys. You know he is better 20 times than any of you, but you still think that somewhat he is wrong.

>> No.4750530
File: 618 KB, 1993x2508, 20200726_025416(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I think I'm sort of getting the hang of drawing human figures, but I don't know how to move onto the next step of adding details. When I add stuff like eyes, noses, clothes, hair, etc it just feels like I'm pasting the details onto it like a sticker, and the end result never looks good

>> No.4750531

Obviously he's better than I am, I'm just questioning how his process is so fundamentally different from everything I'm being taught.

>> No.4750533

and? he should fucking draw a loomis head, and draw a box, even if he was drawing for tens of years? xd
I don't get you guys sometimes

>> No.4750537

More like is the advice that I'm receiving really that set in stone when he doesn't use it in his workflow
>Line quality!
>No care for line quality at all
>Doesn't make lineart, just cleans up the sketch layer and calls it a day
>Use construction!
>Doesn't use construction

>> No.4750538

yeah, when you are painting people are also telling you to make a fucking lineart? I told you that he is painting. Blocking bigger shapes, and then refining them. This is what painting is, but you still think that he is just drawing with a big pencil. He shits them out in an hour anon, he knows what he is doing. He doesn't fucking need construction if he drew 30000 bodies in his lifespan

>> No.4750541

I've been drawing loomis heads from the "Fun with a pencil" book for ~3 days and I'm getting better. However I'm not sure if it has any sense since I'm just making some poor man's loomis heads instead of any actual drawing or smth like that. Do I keep going or there's something I should learn before continuing? Anon provided the thread with the Loomis' books order, how good is it? >>4750052

Also, how do I know that I'm not drawing symbols, but what I see? (considering that I'm just trying to replicate all I see in loomis' book it's a symbol drawing, right?)

>> No.4750544

As stupid as it sounds, think of drawing as a process similar to math. The better you are at it, the more you're able to do in your head and save paper and time.
Yoh Yoshinari's sketches are a prime example of this. God-tier animators are able skip steps in drawing just like how god-tier mathematicians are able to skip steps in solving equations or whatever.

>> No.4750547

But that guy is not skipping steps.
He's increasing steps by constantly erasing and redrawing lines.
Instead of doing

>chicken scratch

It's not saying which method is right or wrong, because it seems like it's a completely different method of drawing.

>> No.4750550

>chicken scratch
you don't understand the meaning of this word

>> No.4750551
File: 34 KB, 151x214, chicken scratch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, YOU don't understand the meaning of chicken scratch.

>> No.4750556

>chaotic construction is a chicken scratch
>guys, why do my drawings look stiff and unnatural? :(
this converstation serves no meaning, because as a beg you must know better, and this person that has youtube videos from 8 years ago drawing better than you must be doing something wrong and is shit.
Look up old painting sketches, and you would see that the look the same as this guys early process. You are so fucking beg, that you only understand the pencil.
But yeah, he is wrong, you are right. He is chicken scratching

>> No.4750558
File: 3.50 MB, 4032x3024, 20200725_195158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never really knew how to draw. I looked at a few loomis drawings and this is my 1 day progress

>> No.4750562
File: 3.30 MB, 4032x3024, 20200725_165416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4750561

Yeah I'm too beg to understand, post your work then
Show us how wrong we are.

>> No.4750566

Symbol drawing is exclusively using muscle memory to draw something without any challenging forethought or changes to your previous work. What you're practicing is observation and hand dexterity, just with cartoon faces instead of reality. Fun With A Pencil tries to get you up to speed with the artist that "drew in his childhood" but only copied comic book characters, just by letting you copy comic book characters. I'd recommend Keys to Drawing next, it's the same practice but mostly centered in reality.

My bad, I didn't watch the video. What he's doing isn't necessarily going back and forth from steps, but grouping them together. Chances are he's worked with that pose a few times too, so he feels more lenient to skip a few steps. Just like in math, there's only one right answer of "print the idea in your head onto the canvas", but also multiple formulas that can be used to find it.

>> No.4750567

But I said, that he is wrong, and he is chicken scratching. You are better than him. Now you can laugh at his drawings, and draw a box :)

>> No.4750569
File: 3.22 MB, 4032x3024, 20200726_013348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4750570

Of course the crab don't post his work.
Never did, never will.
Fucking dumb crab shitting the whole board up.
Fuck off.

>> No.4750574

What do you mean? You are so good, that you can see the chicken scratch in this japanese guy that was drawing for 15 years, and is doing official art. I mean, I'm happy that you are here on beg, so you can point out our mistakes man. Thanks

>> No.4750580
File: 105 KB, 340x339, Goro-discomfort.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have to be less mechanical when drawing.

>> No.4750581

Post work

>> No.4750585

Already did, currently I have no real work only practice

>> No.4750597

Pro tip: Every successful drawing you will ever see originated with the artist thinking "I should practice drawing X". Everything we ever do is a journey that is best summarized as practice.

PYW if you want, but remember to think practically instead of critically.

>> No.4750598

I now notice every mistake here and what I shpuld have done instead, if only such clarity could come to me when drawing.

>> No.4750602

Oh no I don't mind practice if anything I like it, it's fun and I should be dping more, a shame that I need to sleep or eat. But I'll meditate on your words, thank you anon.

>> No.4750612

Flip the canvas horizontally, like with a mirror or taking a picture and flipping it. It's the same as stepping away from it for a day, except you can use it anytime and the effect is immediate.

Many artists find it so fun they do skip neccessites like food and sleep, which is part of why the stereotypical artist is batshit insane. But no gains in the world is worth your health and wellbeing. No matter how hard you study, you're doing it for you. Take care.

>> No.4750617

Thanks for the answer, now I feel much easier. What do you think about the perspective made easy, should I start with after Loomis or the Keys to Drawing one?

>> No.4750622

Keys to Drawing to build your observation and technique even more, then Figure Drawing for Artists to build some simple human construction. After that, you're set for hardcore construction and perspective. How to Draw and Framed Perspective 1 and 2 is when your observational skills get translated into some serious gains.

>> No.4750624

Don't reply to that shitposter

>> No.4750626

Thanks, anon!

>> No.4750631

I apologized.
I have a mirror behind me just for that and well, I guess I don't notice it there, alrighty then, night anon.

>> No.4750644
File: 1.83 MB, 294x300, 1587032340450.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bruh wtf is that face?

>> No.4750682

I don't see a problem with it you beg

>> No.4750691

You should see the other 100+ drawings of this girl. He literally only draws that one facial expression at that same 3/4 angle.

>> No.4750692

That's not chicken scratching you retard

>> No.4750693

Im a beg (not the anon you replied to) but even I can see that the face is wrong in some way. I know nothing but even if someone were to just randomly show me that image it would look kind of uncanny

>> No.4750696
File: 318 KB, 1190x847, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you better not be baiting critique outta me
unless the left eye is sunk a ft into the head you might wanna look at how much space is between the eye and nose bridge you double beg
also the navel faces forward for no reason
typical reddit holding onto one thing for too long, in this time their time in the spot light

>> No.4750697

Oh my fuckinng god you made it 1000 times worse HAHAAH oh my fucking god
fucking begs in here

>> No.4750699

you are trying too hard. Go back

>> No.4750701
File: 3.07 MB, 1442x2044, squash_it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey man, could you squash the face of this anime girl? It is from the same person, and it looks uncanny. Please make it look cute like the left one :)

>> No.4750702

I don't come to /beg/ that often, but it seems like some people come here just to fuck other people over

>> No.4750703

>made the drawing 10 times worse because doesn't understand anime, and is a beg
>gets called out on it
>you are trying to hard I made it better
please, don't

>> No.4750704

no, megumin canonically has fetal alcohol syndrome

>> No.4750706

im not that anon im just saying that kicking down is pathetic and you are trying too hard to be 4chan

>> No.4750710

>kicking down
literally made fun of the drawing, and then made it worse. It is fun to make fun of people like that.

>> No.4750714

>made fun of the drawing
you're defending a dude teaching redditors to draw, he's a worse teacher than proko

>> No.4750715

still better than you

>> No.4750718
File: 114 KB, 808x692, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably, but critics aren't teachers

>> No.4750721

you botched his drawing, and now you cry. Cute

>> No.4750727
File: 37 KB, 491x403, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it takes a brave man to cry

>> No.4750854

What's the beg resource for digital painting? I can hack enough anatomy and perspective to make sketches that look human now.

>> No.4750890

I do think a grid would be cheating. If by that you mean breaking down a 2d image into squares. Then putting squares on a blank page and using them as points is reference to reconstruct the image. I don't like that. You aren't understanding what you're copying you may as well use a camera at that point. My sister used that technique so her Jr high school students could reconstruct famous paintings in the classroom. As long as you're not trying to pass or off as your work is fine but it's basically the same thing as passing off a coloring book as your own work. Construction isn't better just because it's harder. It's better because you have to understand the anatomy of the thing you're drawing in order to construct it. You have to understand perspective, lighting, etc.

>> No.4750921
File: 482 KB, 1926x2406, Lfix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better or worse?

>> No.4750927


>> No.4750930

I think theres 2 things that you have problems with.
One is that he's so far ahead of you that you seem to be unable to follow his thought-process and secondly you seem to think that there are some sort of hard-coded rules to approach things
Just because he doesn't anally construct things doesn't mean he's not consider form, foreshortening or gesture. He just has the experience to implement that into his natural workflow.
There are no step by step rules, there are just principles that are usefull to think about.

His process goes something like this
>sketch phase, where he problemsolves form, shape, gesture and composition. Untill he arrives at something he's comfortable painting over.
>A short Value stage, where he pushes and pulls things.
>Rendering stage, where he colors, adds detail and cleans up until everything is shiny.

>literally just sketching contours until it looks right
That's not what he's doing, you're just too inexperienced to tell.

>making a ton of shitty chicken scratched lines, then cleans them all up one by one later
>making a bunch of random as fuck lines which he just later erases anyways
The vagueness is kind of the point at that stage, he's playing around and trying to find something that fits what he has in mind, sort of like playing with clay. As you can see he's not exactly shy about erasing and redoing things, it would be a pain in the ass to do something a lot more polished only to figure out that it doesn't fit what you're trying to do.
As for the shitty lines, he knows he's gonna have to paint over and clean things up in the final rendering stage anyway so theres no point in doing some fancy lineart.

>> No.4750931
File: 60 KB, 736x605, 1593421874921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4750933

ctrl paint is fucking shit tho.

>> No.4750935
File: 22 KB, 173x176, tmn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

howm i doin

>> No.4750943

I have zero motivation to actually finish pieces, and it feels like this is holding me back.

>> No.4750950

Give up

>> No.4750957

whats wrong with you?

>> No.4750961

Crabs gon crab

>> No.4750968

anon, don't listen to crabs. most people do not have the grit to do this many sketches. you have something that crabs are jealous of.

that said you have a lot of work ahead of you. checj out the proko video on the loomis heads because you dont understand the landmarks. pay close attention to his instructions on what each line represents.

keep at it anon. you have a gift. don't waste it.

>> No.4750974
File: 1.02 MB, 1414x1000, pose_exa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Experimenting with exaggeration

>> No.4750983
File: 136 KB, 655x807, beanepahs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So somebody told me if I master the bean shape I can draw anything. Was they japing me?

>> No.4750985

you mean specific body part exaggeration?
because the pose is definitely not.
Also, fake boobs.
And shouldn't the thigh gap be closer if you gonna have a fat ass?

Experimenting is a good thing.
Keep doing it and keep it up!

>> No.4750986

Draw a bean of the pose.
You clearly didn't mastered it.

>> No.4750988

>Also, fake boobs.
Are you saying that there are no women with natural boobs like that?

>> No.4750995
File: 467 KB, 800x538, difference.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Especially when the bikini top didn't even held a single weight for the boobs.
And if the string on the side is squeezing them together, then the string should get caught into the boobs.

The red line shows the difference.
And the original reference on the left have the same angle/line as this big boobs i shown.

>> No.4751062
File: 740 KB, 1123x644, fa4f090832bf2ea4643f12845a000965.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started a few months ago trying to start with draw-a-box. I dropped it after getting very bored with the warm ups all the time. Since then I've just been following assorted YT videos.

>> No.4751064

pretty gud!

I think that he lower leg of the zombie guy is too short
the muscle on the bid dude seems a little half assed. his boots could use some details, something to show that it isn't just a silhouette, like straps or something
sorry for the nitpick tho.

>> No.4751066
File: 230 KB, 1005x841, c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

face kun here, tried more realism, thoughts?

>> No.4751068

what can I say, anon? You might just not be /beg/ anymore :)

(granted you have some foreshortening errors, but that's a normal thing)

>> No.4751070

>, drawing ever helped you out with a girl?
well helped me with talking with other people in general

>> No.4751079

think of it like this: The horizon line is where; if you put an object on it, you cannot see the top or bottom of the object, only the sides of it. If the horizon line is really low, then anything above it would be seen from below and vice versa.

With 1 point perspective, and basic levels of 2 point perspective, the vanishing points are generally the horizon line

>> No.4751087


>> No.4751089

Yeah, that's it. There's no book on how to draw most things. You're supposed to figure it on your own. It's not like books will help much.

>> No.4751100

>Is there any "recommended" order of learning the basics or so?

I don't think that learning art is a linear path like
it is more like

I suggest just start whatever you fell like, but, you do have to study everything eventually tho

>> No.4751148
File: 3.85 MB, 2367x5764, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4751195

Learn the basics before you try that. You're making things harder for yourself by doing this too soon, speaking from experience.

>> No.4751218


>> No.4751219


>> No.4751226
File: 888 KB, 1105x1063, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the head would be fine if she was an adult (about 8 heads tall). I tried reducing the body on paint, to show what I mean.

>but aside from that does anyone have any other advice aside from 'more loomis'

try copying a style, like use a character sheet of some anime in the style of your choice as reference to draw other characters, so you can reference the stylized proportions.

>> No.4751233


>> No.4751234

Follow a figure drawing course if you can draw from observation already (I'd suggest Huston), otherwise learn to draw from observation (Keys to drawing). If you just want to draw figures then at least use a reference.

>> No.4751236
File: 24 KB, 765x478, hmmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4751266

Right jawline might be a tiny bit too sharp, but your proportions are stellar
I would focus on cleaning up and learning where to put pressure and emphas is on

>> No.4751268

yeah i actually went and fixed the jaw as i saw it after i posted and didnt want to spam, thank you for the compliment, do you mean pressure and emphasis like line weight?

>> No.4751275

what makes you say that?

>> No.4751279

Thanks Ill check those out.

>> No.4751282

Yeah that's it
Eyes are always super tricky for me to get the right amount of pressure

>> No.4751286

eyes i just find super tricky in general, i get the form but i struggle with articulating that onto the page, i look forward to doing the bucci episode but i dont want to skip ahead

>> No.4751293

sounds like you are having a problem with forms, you should post some examples

>> No.4751294
File: 104 KB, 738x1000, _20200726_142550_copy_738x1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What could make it better?

>> No.4751310

Why huston over the others like loomis, vilpu?

>> No.4751315

you are good enough. Just practice and don't come to this board for help from begs. I repeat, you are good enough to just practice and not give a fuck about crabs in here

>> No.4751319

how do I learn to draw shota?

>> No.4751324



>> No.4751350

Nothing, consider it finished.

>> No.4751353

Buy a van and start luring boys

>> No.4751368

ok incel

>> No.4751370

Is it normal that I'm having trouble creating unique stuff for the ever changing line, I feel like a robot

>> No.4751380
File: 900 KB, 1335x2688, Snapchat-1244678345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this anything or is there a lot to change

>> No.4751408

Anon I can't even tell what this is

>> No.4751421

Hair strand thing going down to the eye at the top left looks distorted, and the bottom right hair strand looks tacked on. The bottom of the beard spiky, scribbly and flat, and the shadow behind it doesn't match. Mouth and lips could use more detail too.

That's all being VERY nitpicky though. It looks like you've been drawing for at least 18 months.

>> No.4751422

>/beg/ trying to anatomy correct anime tits

>> No.4751424

where do I get paint tool sai from? cracked version, of course.

>> No.4751427

I don't think Loomis is beg friendly, specially if you've just learned drawing from observation and know nothing about construction, his book reads as a crash course for people who are already good at construction and have an intuitive understanding of the human figure, he also doesn't talk that much about gesture.
Back when I started figure drawing I didn't want my drawings to look like Vilppu's and I could never understand the way he drew gesture, I think what he has to say about it is valuable but might go way over the head of someone's who's just starting out and end up confusing them. Also, everyone said his best stuff is on the old drawing manual lectures which I found too long/slow paced for my taste, so I just went with Huston's book and his demos on the NMA channel. But if you don't mind the long lectures and are willing to read about gesture from many sources until it clicks do give Vilppu a try, I've watched two of his lecture and they're quite nice, I mostly don't recommend him because I haven't watched/worked through his stuff, so I wouldn't have a way to back up my suggestion.

>> No.4751438

never even thought to do this instead of making line art on a new layer. prob a great way to keep some texture built in to the process too

>> No.4751472
File: 1.78 MB, 3264x2448, 20200726_222231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/beg/ here i did some postal 1 dude fanart and it seems like the other anons we're right , gesture drawing really help with posing a character!(still sucks but gonna work hard on it)

>> No.4751486

nice I'll work on it

>> No.4751488

Amazing taste

>> No.4751496
File: 771 KB, 1335x2688, PicsArt_07-24-10.54.10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's supposed to be a drawing of Emil Melmouth's "Death as the Arcane XIII," but i suck ass rn. idk I'm putting in a lot of effort to get better so hopefully i can get decent atleast

>> No.4751534
File: 988 KB, 1386x2688, Snapchat-1708932924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whenever I form a piece from my mind I fuck uo the hand placement.
Any tips on fixing it? I just cannot comprehend where the arm ends and hand begins

>> No.4751539
File: 233 KB, 1003x825, 34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

couldnt be bothered for imagination today

>> No.4751540

There is a lot more wrong with this than just the hand.
Try using construction first to make sure all your proportions are correct, then fill in the details. And read a book or watching a lecture on figure drawing.

>> No.4751543

Alright thanks.

>> No.4751550
File: 379 KB, 1270x750, 1579397696094.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also make sure to draw from reference if you aren't doing so already, cause it seems you're way off on just basic anatomy in the first place. And you know Cu isn't that swole.
If you can't find the pose online then take a pic of yourself or someone else making it.

>> No.4751556

Alright. I'm rewatching Hustons figure drawing to reinforce the fundamentals.
And I'll use reference. Thanks.

>> No.4751623

you need to start with tracing my man. I hate to say this but I'm not gonna sugarcoat it: You havent learned a thing.

I'll mention the errors though: Mirroring, drawing in 2d (frontfacing in every picture), anatomy, and perspective.

These issues can most be fixed with perspective practice, but you need to trace artists work and teach yourself which shapes certain artists use and u just need to break their shit down really

>> No.4751631
File: 168 KB, 1017x1236, dunc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

added color

>> No.4751637
File: 76 KB, 1102x864, smallhead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obvious things: Fuggin hell I fucked up the head pretty hard. I think even if his head was normal sized though his hand would still be a bit too big and the positioning of the fingers is off.

>> No.4751643

>hold the fuck up

>> No.4751651
File: 53 KB, 931x910, smaler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quite a bit prouder of this one, but the foot is weird and Ive got an obvious lack of experience in drawing cloths. Liked the hand though, one of my better ones.

>> No.4751672

Well, now you can draw bean-shaped people.

>> No.4751675

Push the values (make the darks darker).
But this is already better than 90% of manga that gets published in Japan. Especially moe shit.

>> No.4751686

Are you saying that to me? Im a different dude.

>> No.4751690

Yeah I use perspective rulers, so what? "Cheating" is just a coping mechanism crabs use when they don't like that somebody else isn't playing by their own preconceived rules of how things are "supposed" to be done. The same way video game scrubs cry and blame you for "spamming" or "camping." The fact is, there are no rules, only tools. Infinite power was handed to me, and only a fool would reject it.

Tell me, is using an eraser also cheating, because you have to train yourself to make perfect strokes every single time with no mistakes ever? Oh wait, that is EXACTLY what you think, you felt-tip-clutching, pencil-hating, box-drawing crustaceans.

>> No.4751691

>start using undo
>line confidence instantly increases because I'm not afraid of drawing a line now

>> No.4751696

Post your work you fucking dunning-kruger pieces of shit. I swear this board has become exponentially worse.

>> No.4751729
File: 136 KB, 815x477, Illustration257.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4751737

Thanks m8. That's why I'm doing this. If they won't fix their industry I'll just do it myself. I added color and contrast.


>> No.4751738
File: 119 KB, 840x330, ooohhhhyyeeeee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some anon told me I should practice drawing with my imagination.
Left one is from imagination, hope it doesn't look too weird.
Right are practices

>> No.4751743

stiff as fuck

>> No.4751745
File: 92 KB, 1000x604, winona.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not quite what I hoped for but still thought it looked a bit cute. But I think I just got lucky.

>> No.4751748

chicken scratch on the hair. Put harder linework on the outside of it, the drawing will look 10 times better

>> No.4751757

a lot better than your last few, keep it up

>> No.4751760

thanks. also I'm not those guys just fuckin with you

>> No.4751764

I'm also not the guy that posted to those 2 guys, that you posted to. I'm just talking about the art in here

>> No.4751769

I am not anonymous

>> No.4751781
File: 1.03 MB, 1300x942, 1595538221157.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I learn how to draw from my shoulder? Are the benefits worth the investment in practice?

>> No.4751782

Yeah, I should probably clean it up. And thanks, I saw someone from alt do that in their sketches and it looked pretty nice, gonna give it a try with these drawings.

>> No.4751785

>I looked at a few loomis drawings
did you read the books? if not you should.

>> No.4751786

There is no "learning", really. You just do it.

>> No.4751787

it isn't a bad drawing. All you need is a line weight, that leads the viewer through the sketch. Of course, you don't need to outline her darker, but it will block her shape so much better. Also in your reference the shapes of the hair is angular. Angular shapes that have open angles are a lot more appealing to the eye than circular shapes. That's why this "line" from her hat, and tho bottom of her hair seems not to fit with the rest of the picture, that has well definied shapes. Anyway, I liked it. You can make it better in a few minutes. Keep it going

>> No.4751788
File: 1.41 MB, 1200x1600, pkr_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick Pekora drawing. I know that it sucks, but I wanted to stop the grinding and just draw something fun.

>> No.4751789

Draw with your fingers for details and use your arm for big lines. 'from the shoulder' means keeping your wrist and fingers still and moving your hand as a whole unit with your arm. It's very good for drawing long lines because your fingers cannot keep a line straight beyond a certain length. You can amaze your friends with effortless straight lines drawn without a ruler.

>> No.4751791

copy the style one to one even just once. Trace the character in this style, and it will get inside your muscle memory. You have the style in your short memory, you want it to be natural. Just one trace will make your drawings a lot better

>> No.4751792

then finish it!

>> No.4751793

I love the faces, you got the heads down perfectly. Just work on torsos and body shots more

>> No.4751797
File: 138 KB, 1504x1216, 26-7-2020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doodle from google maps

>> No.4751800

does anyone know who i am? amnesia is a bitch.

>> No.4751801

will do that, thanks

>> No.4751815
File: 277 KB, 806x723, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it looks a little distorted

are you looking at the drawing from an angle?

>> No.4751821

oh shit thank you, looking at mine now it looks like trash, its crazy how you cant see these hings until someone points them out

>> No.4751822


>> No.4751823

That angle issue usually happens when someone draws on a flat desk with no propped up canvas

>> No.4751824
File: 667 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_1123[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

W-Would you guys coom to this...

>> No.4751825

i use a tablet but yeah its flat on the desk, is that actually a thing?

>> No.4751828

Yea no memes it sucks, there's some ways to avoid it but the easiest is to just angle it up better

>> No.4751829


>> No.4751830

well creativity is a skill

>> No.4751832

Why are your lines smeared? Doing that doesn't hide your poor line quality.
I probably could coom to it if it was the only thing I could use to get off with, but it's far from ideal.

>> No.4751834
File: 213 KB, 665x371, aquaimsorry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4751836
File: 1.55 MB, 1668x2224, Escuadron Sketch Aurora.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i kinda would. Would you coom to tomboy with no tits or tomboy with tits?

>> No.4751837

follow me as we draw one face a day from imagination

>> No.4751841

you DID ask

>> No.4751842


>> No.4751843
File: 481 KB, 723x1011, yamai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i found out about the airbrush recently and i thought it looked cool...


>> No.4751845

Give up

>> No.4751847

don't use soft brushes for the first 2 years of drawing (not even ironic)

>> No.4751849
File: 101 KB, 512x411, AKKOAAAAAAH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

M-MADA DA!!!!!

>> No.4751854
File: 695 KB, 511x510, 1595674203339.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that wouldnt fly with my 10 patreons demanding their shit lolicon sketches

>> No.4751856

Post your patreon

>> No.4751858
File: 1.08 MB, 5760x3111, hmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, 'ell das a bih rood innit bruv? I ain' givih' anythih up bruv. Suckle on this cockle, peace.

>> No.4751859

it is just a girl touching a dick. who faps to this?

>> No.4751861
File: 42 KB, 622x466, 1595375127011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok i'll give up drawing, anonman

>> No.4751864

the expression is really nice!

>> No.4751871

>I dropped it after getting very bored with the warm ups all the time
dude, taking 5-10 minutes doing a warmup is bored to you?
You should give up now while you're not too far in this.

Aside of your head improved, the rest didn't improved much, they are still quite flat.
It's a good thing you now draw a body with pose instead of just standing still

>> No.4751874
File: 103 KB, 630x1200, haruhi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stupid suggestion.
Now it doesn't even look like the original character.

>> No.4751875

you can do something with those shapes, but the lines and rendering are horrendous

>> No.4751877

Threadly reminder that if you're still traditional in 2020, you are either a boomer or a dumbass

>> No.4751881

Can I ask you for the name of the author of the references?

>> No.4751883
File: 1.08 MB, 1920x1080, Jerma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeh I definitely should learn how to render. Though I'll probably do that after reaching a satisfactory level of line-work, until then I'll just dabble in it.
Quick question, how much is tracing looked down upon when making fanart, in particular fanart of someone real? I traced the face for this(obviouslyl).

>> No.4751887
File: 118 KB, 475x437, 1589020112934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4751889

Learn anatomy first. Tomboys are top tier, but not when they're poorly drawn.

>> No.4751903

the composition and colors are good.

the shape of the limbs, like the arm shouldn't be that 8 shaped. the clothes, the folds and shading don't describe the forms well, and the foreshortened leg just don't look right.

keep it up

>> No.4751918

well someone feels like bein douchy to /beg/'s who are in /beg/ because they are, quite literally, /beg/

>> No.4751924
File: 251 KB, 907x1612, 20200726_190927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to draw an attractive-meatier lady. Anything I need to work on?

>> No.4751925

Nevermind, I made some pretty sweet stuff actually, very fun.
Maybe I should, good idea

>> No.4751927

its just one guy, hes been in here trolling for like a week now, some jaded asshole, and if you say this he spergs out about some safespace shit

>> No.4751928


>> No.4751932


>> No.4751938

She looks good. Gotta phat pussy.

>> No.4751944
File: 1.12 MB, 1940x2577, 20200726_173354-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another day I get frustrated drawing again, so I just made some very very ugly and messy copies of artists that I like

>> No.4751946

How long have you been drawing? Please be honest.

>> No.4751948

How to be more creative?

>> No.4751969

Create more

>> No.4751974

Your copies look alright, i love the mouth and expression on the top right

>> No.4751975

It's the anime avatarfag

>> No.4751977

I wish real life was more like an rpg game where you just always had a numerical value attached to your head and that told you what you could and couldn't accomplish, as well as what you could attempt or not.

>> No.4751980

Wrong, I'm not a pessimist, actually it would seem that you're very eager to throw the blame on me, hiding something? Got a fetish for getting caught?

>> No.4751988
File: 94 KB, 886x720, 1593658266786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

life is already an RPG simulation. You just cant change stats or reallocate after leveling up and the grind system actually decreases the stats overtime.
>tfw at lvl 30 but just got achievements from lvl 20
>can barely afford mid tier items

>> No.4751990

these are just basic anime heads he copied, would take about a month as its mainly just craftsmanship

>> No.4751994

its crazy i can recognise youre the /beg/ sperg just from the way you type, like i know its you every single time

>> No.4751995

You're not profiler material I seek no conflict, of course I'd have a recognizable speech pattern, everyone does mine is just a bit flowery, even then, let's not go there, we are here to draw so let's draw, I'm not that anon and I'll stop avatarposting

>> No.4752014

Thanks for being a little more reasonable

>> No.4752020
File: 137 KB, 535x1000, weee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trying to draw the basics for the face for one week straight, looks like shit and i'm too retarded to see what exactly i'm doing wrong

>> No.4752021

What are the strangest lines in art? A line is meant to be followed then how much can you get away with?

>> No.4752029

You should really finish this.

>> No.4752034

Like a muscle hm?

>> No.4752045

Since I'm forcing myself to draw once a week i'm finding it hard to focus sometimes. I close discord but still, idk if I have ADD or something

>> No.4752051
File: 1.84 MB, 369x207, e9c2a9c712b81f78adc8d4b1d2c59353.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like I'm in purgatory.
Been drilling Loomis for 3 hours now with Peter Han in the background
someone kill me

>> No.4752059
File: 435 KB, 1000x696, 1576846798032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perspective practice #2. Feels like I'm drawing a cake and not a building. There were so many miniature details which I didn't feel like obsessing over so here it is. And fuck those pillars

>> No.4752062

i think its because you don't know perspective so u arent placing the features right on the sphere

read perspective made easy and draw more from reference

>> No.4752070

One - if this is the point you gave up, not going to bullshit you, you're never going to get anywhere in art.
Two - this is way above your ability level.
Three - Go back and work with more simple subjects.

>> No.4752074

>People is just expressing their frustrating feeling
Fuck you crabs honestly

>this is way above your ability level.
Constantly pushing and experimenting things out of your limit is the only way you improve.
Bet your dumb crab brain don't understand that shit.

>> No.4752078

You got the overall feel of the pillars, maybe just blocky because of the shading. The only thing blatantly wrong I can see right off the bat is the roof

>> No.4752082
File: 2.61 MB, 2084x1434, 1581123458162.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right anon, I was actually just hoping to capture the basic shapes and that's it but then I realized it didn't look right with just those, so I added the bare minimum details. I should have put more effort in.

Also I thought that precisely because it's hard that I should try it, but I will go simpler for now.

My biggest complaint is the stairs; there are supposed to be three steps but they have no depth so it looks like the whole thing is sitting on one solid block. I wasn't entirely sure how to convey that depth though.

>> No.4752108
File: 196 KB, 672x823, sketch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4752124

No rules only tools

>> No.4752125
File: 98 KB, 414x640, 080CD3EF-EF2D-4655-BC11-680CB38D2846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4752173

I think I've realized why all my drawings take so long; it's because I'm not having fun so I keep getting distracted.
"Allow one hour" it says in Keys, meanwhile I take six, or a whole day, or two whole days for one exercise.

>> No.4752193


I might. I use to finish a lot, but now I'm scared to finish because I don't want to invest time into something that's crap. Do you know of any places that can give good feedback, because this place kind of sucks.

>> No.4752204

Wait, so you rely on this place to finish drawings?! LMAO

>> No.4752210

Thank you, I was very happy with it as well, but then I struggled with other pictures, haha. Gotta keep at it.

It's Ramón Núñez. I love his stuff: https://www.artstation.com/ramonn90

I was a bit busy but I intend to practice stylized faces this week and will keep your advice in mind. Thank you anon.

>> No.4752211

3 or 2 years I guess. But I dont know how to practice properly, ¿gesture? ¿construction? It's easy like the key to the improvement throw hard work but how the fuck can I do it if can't even made some decent gestures, Jesuschrist man I just want to draw cool things from my imagination.

They look good cuz they are copies..

>> No.4752214


Fuck I mispelled..

>Its SOUNDS easy

>> No.4752218

Never really thought about it like that. But I guess I do, kind of.

>> No.4752250

based melee chad,gmi

>> No.4752251

what fuckin is this

is the drawing on the left yours? the right? what?

>> No.4752256

thanks lad
merging images.
gonna copy the pose from one image, render from another and use some facial features from another one.

>> No.4752258

lol not a single thing? I thought I improved a little even if it they are still pretty shit.

Do you have any specific recommendations to look at? I got the Huston Figure drawing course from another and for references I think i might check out Outlaw Star or Tales Series works.

>> No.4752262

If you make it seem like a chore or a job you're naturally going to dislike it and procrastination will develop

>> No.4752263
File: 1.66 MB, 4032x1860, 20200726_234128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just starting to draw, tried the picasso exercise. How'd I do anons

>> No.4752265

I was probably doing it wrong then. My smoothbrain was doing the whole lessons for like hours on repeat before moving on to the next part. I didnt feel like even trying anything else and it made me tired. That was for about 3 weeks and I wasnt even done with lesson 1. Another poster here told me to stop if I dont like it and try a different way. I might try it again.

>> No.4752266

>dont make it seem like a job or chore
that's what practice is retard.
i'd love to draw some random garbage, but you don't learn anything that way. it's about grinding out studies

>> No.4752267

jesus fucking christ

>> No.4752276
File: 227 KB, 690x656, NewCanvas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quickish painting, trying to get away from lineart and working on my values since I don't have enough contrast in my rendering right now
I think some parts came out cool, not that dissapointed considering its from imagination

>> No.4752282

For tracing I'd recommend going on Instagram and simply taking the time to follow artists you really like. Dont just follow them because they make things that look good, follow the art you genuinely enjoy gazing upon. Then, go login on PC instagram, download the images and start breaking down the artists work with shapes, use the artists work to figure out how a certain artist in particular does anatomy. Ethan Becker has made plenty of videos pushing this same idea. It works because: You get used to anatomy and proportions, you wont make any noticeable mistakes thus making the art experience more fun, and you actually learn something by breaking down instead of mindlessly copying shit

>> No.4752287

Thank you. I'm gonna make a new instagram for this now. Ill check out ethan becker as well. Also when you mention mirroring as an error, what does that mean?

>> No.4752307

This is just the beginning. Be meticulous, lad.
I'm a /beg/ but this is the start of your journey. Hit up Loomis next and start the grind

>> No.4752315

both of the legs you drew here (the "This morning" picture) >>4751062 plus both the boobs are completely identical and because of it, the picture has no depth whatsoever. Another thing that gives it minimal depth is that there is no foreshortening in the arms. There's a lot but you will become iterative if you just study other artists that are better than you, which you also enjoy looking at

>> No.4752390

I'm having an issue, sometimes I get distracted on my drawing but at times I'm having way too much fun grinding fundamentals to draw, what can I do?

>> No.4752400
File: 200 KB, 787x841, 1586501266327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make sketch
>make new layer and try to clean it up
>it loses its soul
WIP, any advice on how to proceed appreciated

>> No.4752411
File: 111 KB, 392x566, 2020-07-27 01_53_41-CLIP STUDIO PAINT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4752413
File: 189 KB, 327x423, 2020-07-27 01_54_52-CLIP STUDIO PAINT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also finished this one! but.... it needs work

>> No.4752449

lineart is naturally "soulless", especially with the lack of line width variety. adding simple shading clears up a lot of it.

>> No.4752451

not /beg/

>> No.4752453

hardcore /beg/ confirmed

only let /int/'s judge when you're out of beg >>4752413

>> No.4752461

you def aint beg, how long did it take you to get here btw

>> No.4752472
File: 191 KB, 775x606, Wulf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, I really liked the way Riot did wolf in the new Kindred skin (league of legends) and decided to have my own take on it. It's just a sketch but if I just wanna know what yall think

>> No.4752478
File: 116 KB, 840x1217, boxandspheres2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2nd try on vilppu's combining box and spheres, i think i'm going to watch the 5th video

>> No.4752490
File: 850 KB, 2048x1536, 33E5E3E1-EE76-4D6B-A465-7162B52523F5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What’s the benefit of skull studies? Also how’d I do

>> No.4752491

Not too bad for a sketch, but the ears are misaligned. Also don't use the word "yall" on 4chan.

>> No.4752492
File: 992 KB, 1536x2048, 64F3EA71-2EB2-47B6-9050-EEF80A2734F0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4752502
File: 148 KB, 331x569, 2020-07-27 03_28_42-CLIP STUDIO PAINT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I say when i wanted to take more serious about two years, but im also slow...

>> No.4752524
File: 3.70 MB, 4032x3024, 20200727_010250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please rate

>> No.4752525

I like it

>> No.4752542


Not copies

>> No.4752548
File: 2.57 MB, 3264x2448, 20200726_174857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4752563
File: 121 KB, 790x687, Illustration32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in pain

>> No.4752603
File: 199 KB, 575x809, 20200727_045847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this any good?

>> No.4752631

I can't tell if that's a dude or a chick. Either way, that's really damn nice. How long did it take you?

>> No.4752633

really weak composition
can't really say anything about anything else, because
>it's my style man, fuck off

>> No.4752638

new thread >>4752637
new thread >>4752637
new thread >>4752637

>> No.4752641

This is actually pretty, cool. Do you draw often?

>> No.4752994

there is a lot of ideation techniques, search them up and see what works best for you

>> No.4753001

I wish rpg games was more like life tho

>> No.4753012


you need to train your brain get in the mood, like having some type of ritual that you do every time you are going to draw. so every time you do the ritual your brain get in the mood

>> No.4753018

the old man face is pretty dope!

are you the raccoon guy?

>> No.4753056
File: 1.59 MB, 3264x2448, B5705FDC-6E04-4BF8-A7F9-2CB6A1BBFE51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello anons, I’m trying to git gud at drawing by copying from references, however I have trouble judging whether what I’m drawing will fit on the paper and, funnily enough, resizing it while I draw so that it will fit while still remaining with the right proportions. Any advice on how I can improve on this with specific exercises or should I just draw more and it will come to me? Also, is what I’m doing a good way to learn or should I be looking at the exercises in those books recommended by the /ic/ guide?

>> No.4753061

I am. Thanks for noticing!

>> No.4753134

>dont use yall
got it lol, and thanks for the crit