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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 20 KB, 448x252, 28dbf6d3b9922bdcf92eb665b48aee76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4737138 No.4737138 [Reply] [Original]

For me, it's Brent Eviston.

>> No.4737145

i agree
why do male superheroes have tight clothes/costumes?

>> No.4737147

to show off their physique, which is heroic.

>> No.4737154

Fucking hell stop making these threads already.

>> No.4737275


>> No.4737290


>> No.4737294


Why do you promote this guy so much?

>> No.4737295
File: 897 KB, 1644x2280, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My purpose is to redirect begs who fell into loomis towards the actual noob-friendly resource.

>> No.4737307

You mean FWAP right? Because figure drawing book is a good book.

>> No.4737603

you can still look heroic and show your physique w/o tight clothes, i mean look at hiei

>> No.4737609
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>> No.4737648

Rather than wear tight clothes, a muscular man should wear practical but revealing cothes... like a tank top and jeans or something

>> No.4737750

Btw, a mega with the course is here >>4732957

>> No.4738184
File: 22 KB, 320x226, CDFF1A7D-4281-4E8B-9990-A9333BDFDDC5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am beg who is unironically finding this course very useful. I triple the practice and already feel very comfortable using the overhand grip. It’s good so far.

>> No.4738227
File: 113 KB, 500x500, 1483159857239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just happy you guys are all drawing

>> No.4738243

daddy brent does art good

>> No.4738351

Someone described Brent as the tutorial for Vilppu.

>> No.4738497

link pls

>> No.4738500

what's the point on making daily threads on this vilppu/hampton ripoff

>> No.4738502


>> No.4738510

>meme eviston
is this the new beg trap you guys are pushing? what happened to draw a box?

>> No.4738518
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>> No.4738538

Does he use hard round?

>> No.4738605

It's a traditional painting

>> No.4738840

Why it's a trap?

>> No.4738842

It’s not a trap.

>> No.4738843

sucks the link to his figure/gesture drawing course went down.

>> No.4738868

Get skillshare free trial then download everything.

>> No.4739256 [DELETED] 


>> No.4739261


>> No.4739677

The figure course is on online course club. Does anyone have a mega link for instead though?

>> No.4739834

yeah dude like goku

>> No.4741331

The one in online course is not the full thing or the same the mega link had

>> No.4741338

Well then, a two month skillshare trial is actually the best move here

>> No.4741367
File: 1.91 MB, 1366x768, brent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to Unit 2 Course 5. I'm really proud of you for making it this far anon, you're really making a great effort so far.

>> No.4742245

Brent made me feel like I'm gmi

Thx u based Brent

>> No.4742246

I like him too

>> No.4742393

He is a big boy https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FNF1zjX8KsY

>> No.4742448

Triple his homework. I already feel more comfortable holding a pencil properly, making circles, ovals etc. I’ve improved greatly with confidence and lines on paper. Based.

>> No.4742452

>Triple his homework.

Lol no. All you're doing is training your dexterity for that particular tool and that particular setup. It does nothing when you translate it back to the tablet, even if you're using a cintiq.

The point of lines/circles/ellipses exercises is to get you acclimated to your medium. Spending 5 to 10 minutes at most whenever you go back to whatever medium. Photoshop takes nothing to make an ellipse/circle/straight line.

The important thing is that you're drawing.

>> No.4742453
File: 240 KB, 708x480, 1536434728774.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah i'm gonna start doing this, at least for the circle/oval shit. kind of scared i might not be able to do it since i've always had shitty penmanship and had to do occupational therapy as a kid. i think i'm ok at drawing circles/ovals normally but vertical ovals and vertical lines fuck me up hard for some reason, my arm just can't move that fast or fluid in a vertical direction

>> No.4742556
File: 49 KB, 1255x645, Still_Life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For Week 4, day 5, I need pictures like this (cubes, compound forms and cups). Recommend me some.

I dislike overhand gripping. I'd stick to the tripod.

>> No.4742573

Just google still life images. Lots of simple shapes.

>> No.4742820
File: 193 KB, 680x680, 1459201090921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drawing is not a TALENT
ANYONE can learn easily to draw***

*EXCEPT if youre unable to draw perfect fucking circles, perfect fucking ovals, perfect fucking lines of symmetry like me brent eviston teehee~ in that case just go back to page 1 and grind the exercises again and again and still fail at them because your arms just dont move that way : - )

yep talent doesnt exist but i cant get the little "talent" of being able to do what is apparently the simplest fucking thing to this guy. you can beat talent with hard work in basketball but a guy without arms or legs cant reach either the hard work guy nor the talented one. no art course/book has ever made me feel like absolute shit like this before, im going schizo mode. fuck you brent and fuck your course

>> No.4742840

Ive been enjoying his videos a lot so far. Certainly a lot more than loomis and drawabox. Fuck drawabox

>> No.4742857

you never go full schizo mode anon. i believe in you, just keep at it brother

>> No.4742891

You have no right to complain unless you have tried for more than 10 hours. Also, use your arm.

>> No.4742899

You can’t actually be complaining about drawing circles with practicing. Try different speeds. Use the arm. Use the grip he’s using. Ghost it. It will come. I believe in you big time

>> No.4742967

all you need is more mileage, you'll get it anon

>> No.4743053

i'll try my best bros. i just feel it's one of those "things" i'll never get. not to say i can't learn but just that i'm not good enough at precisely holding a pencil to make the shapes as perfect as he does. will try to do 500 circles/ovals a day from now on i guess

>> No.4743103

Make sure to draw from the arm. Make sure to use AT LEAST 11x14 paper. Smaller paper will make your life harder. Get a longer lead on your pencil. Notice Brent is holding his pencil at the tip, pretty much holding the lead each time. If you can’t sharpen a long lead yourself just get a long lead sharpener. You’re gonna make it.

>> No.4743118
File: 58 KB, 640x480, 60BBE48D-D5D5-46C8-852E-6C9E7948EAD9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are mine. I get they are beg tier. But I honestly couldn’t draw a circle two weeks ago. Have probably done 30 or so pages of this on dollar store large sketch pad.

>> No.4743157

i love the constant chad eviston shilling in every thread, keep going

>> No.4743194
File: 186 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's Art School for digital artists.

>> No.4743218

Yeah kek have fun with that.

>> No.4743228
File: 7 KB, 225x225, hecute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

changed the way i grip the pencil and i'm becoming elite at this. think im gonna make it bros
yeah i should probably look into getting bigger paper, thank you for the advice though
i believe in u anon

>> No.4743242

fucking hell thats a waste of good paper, you could learn the same shit about controlling your hand and pencil while doing exercises thata ctual teach and help you

>> No.4743256

Open to hearing about these exercises you mention. I've seen improvement doing this - also the paper is from the dollar store. But definitely down to learn a better way if ya got one.

>> No.4744033

Stay away from crabs.

>> No.4744078

How is tight clothing not practical? No restrictions, essentially another layer of skin.

>> No.4744383

source of this pic?

>> No.4744467

I'm retarded, is it a book or a video?

>> No.4744766

video course, you can find it in the video course thread >>4732956

>> No.4744783

A video course anon

>> No.4744970

Is this a good course to start with?

>> No.4745003

This is THE course for BEGs.

>> No.4745036

Broke ass nigga detected

>> No.4745047

oh you poor thing. You got suckered into Brunett's snake oil.

>> No.4745115

redpill me on brent eviston

>> No.4745140
File: 73 KB, 896x504, You_CAN_make_it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


* 8 weeks course.
* One subject/assigment per day.
* Teaches the very basics of drawing (Basic skills, Dynamic Mark Making, Form & Space, Measuring & Proportion, Contours, Shading Fundamentals, Shading: Beyond the Basics)
* Videos around 15-25 mins with tasks at the end
* "Congratulations!"

/ic/ likes to introduce BEGs to books either too verbose or too centerd into one or two subjects, then you wonder why are you drawing potatoes and spheres if you don't event know how to draw a straight line.

>> No.4745186

Not gonna lie, that sounds pretty good. I'll have to give it a shot.

>> No.4745257

Been running in circles for 7 months and everything seems too advanced to me, even fucking Loomis, hope this will help me to upgrage to at least /beg/ level.

>> No.4745345

what are you having trouble with specifically anon? the /beg/ sticky was really helpful for me in how it talks about symbol drawing and making sure to get past that phase before approaching other subjects

>> No.4745381

Everything, I never really improved beyond my starting point no matter what I tried.
>symbol drawing
Yeah yeah everytime I posted my work some smartass would tell me "hurr durr stop symbol drawing", I know that you're supposed to draw what is actually there instead of what you thing the subject looks like but no one ever explains how to get past that or tell whether you're still doing that or not.

>> No.4745390

>symbol drawing
You need perception
>One good way to train your perceptions is to take a look at optical illusions. They will make your brains go in limbo, when it tries its best to make sense of the image. Optical illusions make you aware of the true state of things, which allows you to gain invaluable insight. Once you have the understanding, you can have very accurate visual images in your mind, which are much more easier to put on canvas. That said, I find that perception is as much about the ability of imagining things visually in mind as it's about seeing the physical subject.

and learn perspective.

>> No.4745399

Loomis Head?
If you dont undestand how a sphere works, them never ever

>> No.4745405

i'm probably not the best person to give advice but i'd rather try than leave you out to dry. the google doc in the op of /beg/ explains symbol drawing really well and recommends bert dodson's keys to drawing as a means of learning to "see" and combating symbol drawing.

>> No.4745672

Keys to Drawing, especially the first few chapters on setting a top and bottom, finding the middle point and comparative measuring should all help!!

>> No.4746105

Anyone has a link for his figure drawinc course?

>> No.4746193

How long does each assignment generally take?

>> No.4746241

Learn perspective or dynamic sketching u ain't gonna symbol draw ever again

>> No.4746407

I don't think the hardest ones take more than 1 hour. Usually it takes less time, but you probably should spend more time if you want to improve faster. Practice is what makes you better.

>> No.4746656

Did no one manage to save brent eviston's figure drawing course on mega ?

>> No.4746680

Yes, my but upload rate is low, sorry. Do you need any file in concrete? The course is on online-courses.club too.

>> No.4746882 [DELETED] 
File: 567 KB, 2160x1080, Screenshot_2020-07-24-18-31-22-917_com.mi.android.globalFileexplorer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay now I know it's a scam and a load of horseshit

>> No.4747492

Anybody got before and after or progression pics from this course? How much does it really help?

>> No.4747594

It help to cuz it gives alot of information and it's easy to understand. It's just a guide doesn't help you inprove at all. The improvement is still up to how much you've practice it.

>> No.4747597


>> No.4750178

anyone got recommendations for a (cheap) art setup for drawing life like the one he recommends in course 3-4? he stresses the importance of it but all the setups he recommend looked uncomfortable/unwieldy as fuck. i tried just tilting a sketch pad against a desk but it really didn't work great either, was thinking about getting a clipboard or something but i doubt that would be much better

i realize it's not the end of the world if i'm not able to do it but i feel kind of guilty for not really doing an exercise the right way or getting a lot out of it.

>> No.4751803

Snake oil?

>> No.4751812
File: 101 KB, 581x955, 1588433414539.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you for making me smirk

>> No.4752058

this or drawabox?

>> No.4752622
File: 207 KB, 1536x1536, 3424363426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

part of the W3D1 homework. I'm quadrupling the homework, so only 215 circles, 200 ovals and 200 spheres left. :^)

>> No.4752644

You're not supposed to grind, you're not absorbing it any faster doing hundreds at a time, nor does 4x More = 4x Better. You are better served doing the assignment as given and moving on to more complex concepts. You're actually learning more this way as you are applying an abstract exercise to practical use.

>> No.4752650

Not him, but he literally recommends doubling or even tripling the homework in the first lesson of the first eeek.

>> No.4752656
File: 1.77 MB, 1000x1000, 34262623.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"If you quadruple the amount of practice, it still won't be practicing too much. You CANNOT practice these fundamental skills too much. And in fact, the more you practice them, the more skilled you're going to get." - Brent @ 14:50~ W3D1 video

>> No.4753082

I think you're misunderstanding slightly, rather than literally quadrupling the HW you can and should practice these drills often. It makes more sense to just do them every day than 400 circles at once, but whatever.

>> No.4753258

It's like Proko in one minute, lmao.

>> No.4755933

do you guys use the perspective lines to draw all the cubes? just seems a bit tedious (not that i mind but i wasn't sure if you're eventually supposed to learn to draw them freehand)

>> No.4758834


>> No.4758894

yes, I agree. however, you can also look heroic by wearing tight clothes to show off your physique

>> No.4759795

For the W1D5 assignment, can I use an image as reference, or does it have to be from life?

>> No.4759854

Just finished my still drawings for W3D5
Shit is hard, especially complex cynlindrical shapes

>> No.4760024

from life

>> No.4760180

so this is the way then?
I'm about to press play and follow along

>> No.4760236

Look at manga and observe lines. You got speed lines, you got twitchy lines, hasty lines, lines that are bold, lines that are light, lines that convey all kinds of emotion.

>> No.4760543

Best book or course for perspective for a beg?

>> No.4760659


>> No.4762128

Books : Norling and D'Amelio
Course : Vandruff

>> No.4763243
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>> No.4763750

Bought a drawing board because of Brent. Based.

>> No.4765022

I just use google images. Fight me.