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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 93 KB, 974x713, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4737082 No.4737082[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

And just like that they kill another lolibro.

>> No.4737084

>t. paedo sympathy
poor lolibro :'(((

>> No.4737085

what are "they"?

>> No.4737088

This, sounds more than just patreon especially since he's shutting down everything.

>> No.4737087


>> No.4737091

>another mutual dies
am i next?

>> No.4737093


>> No.4737095

Thank god i am a shotafag

>> No.4737102
File: 49 KB, 226x212, 1563584384441.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4737103

just don't be a pedophile, i guess...

>> No.4737110

Thats the price you pay for busting a nut to children fag, real or fictional

>> No.4737126

he had a community on twitter?

>> No.4737144


>> No.4737163

Interesting, who might have the reach to push him off everywhere in the same time? Mastercard? Paypal?

>> No.4737168
File: 391 KB, 1084x800, 8A21B794-6071-4F97-AF4D-8A3742103691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another pedo gone. Fucking based

>> No.4737169

Better be destroyed than to have never been anything at all, like you

>> No.4737175

Another fucking pedofag gone. your time has come you mentally ill degenerates, soon more of your kind will bite the dust and i’ll be laughing. :^)

>> No.4737176

rip metz, he was a fucking rad dude, and a great artist, hope he finds success again

>> No.4737180

LOL at this pedo trying to sound cool

>> No.4737184

And nothing of value was lost. Gas the kiddy diddlers.

>> No.4737196

RIP I guess.
I'm not even mad about the twitter tourists brigading every single one of these threads anymore. In a couple more years the political pendulum will swing back around to full degeneracy, and when lgbtp comes tumbling down all we have to do is round up the actual predators and keep the artistic liberties. lolibros will win, because they're in the right.

>> No.4737197

Looks like his problem was being on twitter.
Should have stuck to Pixiv, Baraag and the shit nobody knows anything about.

>> No.4737198

T. Pedo

>> No.4737199


>> No.4737201

I hope there will be live translations from the gas chambers full of faggots and their enablers.

>> No.4737204

I don't feel like anybody cares about artistic liberties. This is where everybody loves to grandstand, the trannies to cover up for their evil deeds, and the boomservatives because muh morality.
there are no people with integrity who care about anything.

>> No.4737219

That’s one way of coping, I guess.

>> No.4737225

Everybody knows who you really are and why do you screech "think of the children", tranny.

>> No.4737248

S to spit, good riddance pedoshit

>> No.4737249

I'd take being a nobody over being literal scum, thanks.

>> No.4737254

How much anyone who did not post yet it's pedos in this thread reverse trolling? This is art we're talking about, no actual child victims.

>> No.4737258

Fuck off pedo sympathiser

>> No.4737260

It seems that they change an IP every single post.
It's either one activist samefagging too hard or the literal tranny discord raiding.
This board doesn't have enough traffic for so many unique posters replying imediatlly.

We need /pol/ ID's everywhere.

>> No.4737262

Oh that's the guy who "took inspiration" from Nessie's design and then acted like a dick about it.

>> No.4737263

>How much anyone who did not post yet it's pedos in this thread reverse trolling?
What a fucked sentence.

>> No.4737265
File: 312 KB, 262x199, 5345345345.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oy vey to you my friend

>> No.4737267

Good. Serves you pedos right.

>> No.4737271

fuck off dad faggot get out of my thread

>> No.4737272

>This board doesn't have enough traffic for so many unique posters replying imediatlly.

See >>4737263 ticked the posters counter again.

Out of 34 posts in the thread only 10 are by same people and 4 of them are mine.

These blast holes are too accurate for the sand people.

>> No.4737273
File: 78 KB, 720x349, 1590680018484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another one bites the dust

>> No.4737276

Not only a pedo, but a schizo too? You fucks really are mentally ill.

>> No.4737283

Getting nervous there?

>> No.4737285

it's brigading, plain and simple. the political activist monkeys love flinging shit because it's easy and effective in social environments. it doesn't really work when everyone's anonymous and there's no reputational penalty, but I don't think they realize how futile their efforts are.

>> No.4737284

This is pathetic. Most people despise you pedoshits, never forget that.

>> No.4737288

Well he has a point. Nothing is static and once things go critical an nothing can be squeezed out anymore things will move back in the opposite direction until it goes to the far extreme again. That's just how it work for everything involving humans. Any extreme is bad and the best times are between. Some people enjoy the outer edge as well, and will be sad to see it go. If that's you enjoy your golden age. I think you have several more prosperous yeas ahead of you.

>> No.4737297

Most people despise you too, tranny activist.
Probably way more than the artists.

Let's see if your atrocities get the normies to vote for trump republican supermajority and stamp your bullshit out of society as terrorism.

>> No.4737304

Unrelated anon but you are actually delusion if you believe normies think worse of trannies than they do of pedophiles. Especially when the trannies in question are either pass or Blaire White pick-me tiers.

Although even the fugly trannies are just seen as weird smelly band kids you bully away with stats posting vs pedophiles. You say anything about pedos on local Twitter and they're talking about stamping non-offenders skulls in and pillaging hypothetical pedo cities. Lolishit will never be socially acceptable in today's climate. Especially with boomers being so heavy handed on the Qanon pizzagate shit

>> No.4737309

>stamp your bullshit out of society
Meanwhile in reality loli artists are closing down shop in increasing numbers. So who is getting stamped out?

>> No.4737314

I think loli is weird but it’s just cartoons. Why is loli considered a problem or harming children to these people but children can become drag queens got grown men and take cross sex hormones ?

>> No.4737315

>d-daddy trump will save us!

>> No.4737317

Society is tired of cancel bs. The same boomers want freedom of their speech and start talking about the article reform. If the cons take the house they can re-define platforms and publishers so that the platforms will have to tolerate everything that's not illegal and the whole internet turns into 4chan.

>> No.4737318

bye pedos!

>> No.4737331


It's a scapegoat just like every male feminist turns out to be a real creep.

>> No.4737363

Ok pedofag, you can keep being delusional as much as you want. Just do it behind bars ;^).

>> No.4737412

Loli is legal in the land of the free home of the brave. It defines expression of our right to freedom of speech. Something you don't have. Maybe if you're nice to us Americans we won't bomb you to the sheoul in the upcoming world war.

>> No.4737417

plz hang my tyranical government Nurenberg trials style. I have to use VPN to go to booru.

>> No.4737430
File: 134 KB, 631x592, 20200720_172354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already have multiple sources of income
So i couldn't care less if this happened, but the only thing keeping me going is pure unadulterated spite of Twitter fags itt

>> No.4737443
File: 678 KB, 1280x1791, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

loli doesn't harm anyone. (((they))) want to shut down loli drawings because (((they))) love doing the real thing and want to normalize it. to normalize kiddy diddling (((they))) must eliminate lolichads

>> No.4737448
File: 823 KB, 751x899, Illustration.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually had nothing to do with patreon, lolipolice, etc

>> No.4737449

>a pedo gets BTFOd
Good riddance.

>> No.4737454


lol lolichads bait the trannies and dadfags out of hiding all for nothing hahahahaha

I'm sure once he's independent he'll go back to his roots. Housing is a necessary compromise.

>> No.4737462

>muh uni
>not having a merit scholarship
Well that's a relief he's going to be fine.

I draw SFW and I never shown my family any of it.

>> No.4737466

How is it a bait? He still can’t draw his pedo shit anymore or he’ll get kicked out. You fags are that desperate for a win that badly?

>> No.4737475

tremor and coil, dadfag.

>> No.4737480

wouldn't allowing loli help normalize it

>> No.4737483

It does

>> No.4737493

>Most people
that thing about safe bubbles, it goes both ways. people you hang out with doesnt = most.

>> No.4737503

Imagine having a degenerate pedofuck son. Fucking nightmare.

>> No.4737518

So used to 4chan being cool with lolicon that seeing this many people shit on it in this thread is really disorienting

>> No.4737522

The rest of 4chan is not /ic/.
Some boards are really anti-loli (/ic/) while others embrace it (/v/)

>> No.4737523

Not only that, it’s even banned from all boards except /b/.

>> No.4737524

This rule should change to include /ic/. There aren't that many places you can upload loli without persecution and we have a board that already allows it for fuck sakes.

>> No.4737527

It's like one person