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File: 2.06 MB, 3524x1599, Michelangelo_-_Creation_of_Adam_(cropped).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4735141 No.4735141 [Reply] [Original]

Will it ever be topped as the most iconic work of art in human history?

>> No.4735198

That's not mona lisa

>> No.4735204

i just noticed now... wtf is wrong with his dick?

>> No.4735222

>humonguous futa dong

>> No.4735291

No, not ever. Nothing comes even close.

>> No.4735293
File: 373 KB, 2518x1024, A45C4E09-1D6F-4977-BAD0-C8559207CE15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4735718

le tiny dicke beauty ideal

>> No.4735785

"I was in the pool!"

>> No.4735801

How the fuck did a guy who looked down on painting was so insanely good? Is it some godlike hypertalent found in one in a billion people?

>> No.4735863

Normally id say no, but Michelangello was so fucking good it's hard to believe, look at Adams arm, that sole arm has more artistry than the whole Leonardo gallery, and the guy painted it while looking at the ceiling, and being really not thrilled by the commission, he was above most mortals.

>> No.4735878

Why does Adam have a micropenis? Why is God having an orgy? So many questions.

>> No.4735938
File: 122 KB, 1125x1800, caravaggio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is it some godlike hypertalent found in one in a billion people?
Honestly the Renaissance and the century afterwards in Italy were straight up insane.
A century later we had Bernini and Caravaggio.

>> No.4739078


>> No.4739120

>being really not thrilled by the commission
Mike defined the quintessential asshole artist by which all artists live by today. He made himself famous by creating drama and acting like a colossal faggot
>pope asked me to do a commission, I don’t want to do it, it’s not an honor
>I graffitied my hometown on Mary’s tits because nobody believed I sculpted those
>I almost went blind working on this church manga that everybody hates, but it’s muh style
>called out for shit posting on the street asked to pyw so I scribbled this face on a building
>won this art contest to sculpt some scrap marble, sculpted Dave from memory, no refs all imagination

>> No.4739916


Look at Adam's left foot. It's meme material.

>> No.4739921

modeled after Da Vinci's probably

>> No.4739933


>> No.4739966


>> No.4740159

Shut up insectoid

>> No.4740163

White dick

>> No.4740243

based orange ninja turtle

>> No.4740302

Pretty based if you ask me

>> No.4740372
File: 208 KB, 480x358, tenor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He didn't look down at paintings
it's dumb art historians who have no idea what art is translate it that way
what he actually means is that drawing with form (drawing like sculpting) is the true art
and drawing without form(2d art prior to perspective) is false art
when he was around perspective was new and prior to him and leo there was no 3d drawings
since art historian have no idea about this shit heck even most artist don't, they translate it wrong
He had thousands of studies and sketches he spent over 20k hours on drawing if not more.

>> No.4740381

the fucking goat

>> No.4740422

Huge muscular guys with tiny dicks being fucked by little twinks with 10 inch monsters is ultimately based.

>> No.4740432

>drawing with form
Funny I've heard that term before, but I don't think I've seen any books or teachers talking about it specifically.

>> No.4740438

Excuse me where had he seen David before? You telling me he spent hours looking at a hot naked dude?

>> No.4740947
File: 252 KB, 1920x944, Guernica-Pablo-Picasso-pintura-obra-1920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

already done

>> No.4740996

what an absolute piece of crap

>> No.4741169

In that era, it was the aesthetic. He was also painting on the ceiling of a church, I'm sure the Pope and the priests and cardinals didn't want a fat italian schlong distracting the crowd during mass.
He really learned that lesson later on with the Final Judgement behind the altar in the Sistine, when the nudity was covered up by someone else when the church and the public were offended by a naked Jesus and Apostles and Saints.

>> No.4741182

Mike was almost certainly gay, anon. He spent most of his life looking at muscular, sweaty men - he drew from life in the quarries around Florence for reference, drawing workmen. There's no record of a model for the David, but he had years of notes and studies to draw from. He was already an accomplished artist when he got the commission for the David.

What's more amazing about it is the block was already half carved, and had sat for 25 years before he won the commission - and not only managed to pull a masterpiece out of a half carved block, but revolutionized sculpture by not going for the obvious "foot on Goliath's head" pose, but chose the scene before the battle.

>> No.4741195

Quit sucking his dick - he was the beginning of the end, inventing the detestable artist personality to scramble for fame. He invented bullshit story telling to shill his work. Created drama around every piece he made. Sold out to get famous making religious fanart.

>sculpt Mary holding Jesus
>oops made Mary the same age as Jesus
>>it’s muh style, my mommy died when I was little so I can only carve young women now

He basically ruined art. Every self proclaimed artist is some disgusting variant of mike.

>> No.4741346

Your impudence and bitterness is embarrassing. How could you so easily dismiss one of the greatest artists ever over his supposed 'diva' personality?

>> No.4741388

I blame him for inspiring people like Cardi B to behave the way she does

Just making drama and art on the side

>> No.4741403

>Mike was almost certainly gay, anon
I mean that was pretty obvious for my gaydar.
Sounds based to me.

>> No.4741408

Retards like you should be drown at birth

>> No.4741608

I doubt individuals like "Cardi B" are inspired by an artist from four centuries ago, much less even knowing who he is. I suspect the over-dramatic and attention seeking attitude that plague an unfortunate amount artists is simply a side effect of the creative personality type. To be creative is to be enthralled by the new and the bold. To search for this, one must alter or destroy things in life.

If I'm not articulating myself well, what I'm getting at is that most artists are mentally dynamic. They are emotionally unstable, discovering what works or draws attention, and reject any structured or strict principalities.

I am no psychiatrist or philosopher so I could be blowing steam out of my ass right now but I think this why celebrities today and Michelangelo four centuries ago are so similiar; their love for drama derives from their genetic being. That's how these individuals naturally behave, not because of some social construct.

>> No.4741610

Shitty christian not following the second commandment.

>> No.4741654


>> No.4741742

Tiny white cock

>> No.4741787

You do realize that Guernica is a load of shit, right? It's like a UPA cartoon, without the soul.

>> No.4741839


>> No.4741874

I doubt Cardi B can even pronounce his name.

What you're trying to say is artists tend towards drama, flakiness and narcissism. Which is a lot of stereotype, but grounded in partial truth. Being expressive is a thing for your whole life, not just on paper.

>> No.4741878

I just have to believe you're trolling, because if anyone believed even a fraction of this, that would have to be mental illness, on the level of flat earthers.

Who hurt you, anon?

>> No.4741889 [DELETED] 
File: 59 KB, 427x596, 3ya3airp4u441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4742445
File: 3.37 MB, 630x385, 25FDC54E-4A07-492B-8FCE-8DA1C96404F1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4742866 [DELETED] 
File: 361 KB, 1200x1389, 0677C2E9-CC1F-4D88-A9D4-554637B1850A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be michelangelo
>established and independent artist
>pope tells me to paint his cathedral’s ceiling
>just wanna sculpt and write poetry
>money is good but being a perfectionist, project will take up to a decade
>fresco isn’t my strongest technique
>decide to do it for the money and challenge
>spend the next seven years working In stress and hardship
>create sistine ceiling, immediately hailed as a masterpiece
>fast-forward some 20 years
>rome has been sacked, life is worse
>pope tells you to paint the wall of the chapel
>knowing what it takes, decline
>pope won’t leave you alone
>forces me to do it
>create the last judgment over the next 12 years
>the chapel now constitutes the most breathtaking artwork in history
>retire to architecture and religion
>fast-forward 500 years
>mfw some kid says l basically ruined art

>> No.4742871
File: 361 KB, 1200x1389, C39DEE64-EE33-4FF2-A04C-D934E75CBDAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be michelangelo
>established and independent artist
>pope tells me to paint his cathedral’s ceiling
>just wanna sculpt and write poetry
>money is good but being a perfectionist, project will take up to a decade
>fresco isn’t my strongest technique
>decide to do it for the money and challenge
>spend the next seven years working In stress and hardship
>create sistine ceiling, immediately hailed as a masterpiece
>fast-forward some 20 years
>rome has been sacked, life is worse
>pope tells you to paint the wall of the chapel
>knowing what it takes, decline
>pope won’t leave you alone
>forces me to do it
>create the last judgment over the next 12 years
>the chapel now constitutes the most breathtaking artwork in history
>retire to architecture and religion
>fast-forward 500 years
>mfw an anonymous poster on an internet forum says l ruined art

>> No.4742916

>create sistine ceiling, immediately hailed as a masterpiece
Tour guide said that everyone hated Sistine because his style was gross and cartoony. Giant hands and faces were disliked well past when he died, but they kept it because mike made it, bitched and complained about it for 7yrs, claimed workers comp for risk of blindness, and pope wanted it.

Pope is just a fanboy asking for fanart of his job. How much of a diva do you have to be to decline work from the most influential man on the planet.

>fast-forward 500 years
Today’s Michelangelo would be a #BLM #transartist #visiblewomen painting a Harry Potter manga on the ceiling of trump tower who claims that trump touched he/she/they while painting. This is the model of praise that has been established by Michelangelo. His legacy.

>> No.4742922

you know someone is the most retarded of austic crabs when they go after michalangelo

>> No.4742958

Or the fattest of fat trolls. Dummy is tripling down now. Because hurr durr, I guess?