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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4723376 No.4723376 [Reply] [Original]

Share your art school experiences

>> No.4723387

90% art history 10% making out

>> No.4723549

>10% making out
Are you a Chad?

>> No.4723567

It was boring and uneventful but other students tended to be really nice. Shagged a decent amout of qts. Be sure to do it before they enter their bi/lesbian/gender nonfluid phase though.

>> No.4723580

wait I meant gender fluid/gender non-binary

>> No.4723590

100% zoomers while I was the only millennial in the class

>> No.4723603

Ultimately useless, but was able to get jobs just because I had a degree (but the major didn't matter)
All of my critiques were in front of a full class (20-30 students), so every week there was a big airing of grievances and roundtable of criticism about our assignment and us as artists. I think that might have fucked me up because I get terrified of any criticism now, good or bad.

>> No.4723618

everyone's depressed and genderspecial but fortunately my art school actually teaches shit and has interesting courses

>> No.4723632

My freshman year was right before all the social justice shit really blew up, so I didn't know what the deal was at the time, but at orientation we gathered in an auditorium did a privilege check in not so many words. There was a speaker that read off a list of priviliges someone could have in life and everyone had to stand until they read off something that no longer applies to you.
But since I grew up poor, I was one of the last ones standing lmao

>> No.4723654
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I went to a school that had a 1:5 boys to girls ratio. Was fun in the beginning because of all the girls, but you soon realize that they are mostly pretty boring, and you don't have male friends to talk about male stuff to. Made myself look like a retard by unknowingly hooking up with the class whore, but regained my rep after that a bit. Teached me a lot about art history and promoted creativity. Kinda fun

>> No.4723680

Animation school.
First year was very basic art stuff like history, colors, nude studies, outdoor sketching.
Honestly a bit boring, half of the class already dropped after 4 months.
2nd and 3rd year I picked 2d animation. Good fun, cool to do animations exercices and short animation projects.
Best class of those two years : drawing anatomy with a live model, leveled up a lot thanks to a fantastic and passionate teacher. The guy had a fascination with human body and was awesome.
Landed my first job in 2008 in a studio as a background colorist though. So animation and all I learned in school wasn't really usefull in the end.
Realised that actual professional environment is the BEST place to learn a lot and improve. Made good friends in studios.
Oh and yeah, I banged 5 or 6 chicks from school.

>> No.4724537

Animation school
first year, we learn about general shit, really basic shit in really slow baby steps, meaning we got about to no where.
second year started getting to get along with this one girl but had to become friends with her friends, wich were all terrible people (extreme damaged goods, 300 pounds of lard tranny and a really fat and annoying weeb/kpop stan). started getting feeling for her and she started too but then the tranny ruined it by telling her to stop seeying me cause i was le racisto sexisto piggo. So then she started going apart from me
Then the really damaged goods noticed that im a really good shoulder to cry on, but me being a retard i dident realise i was being used.
Pretty mutch she ruined the rest of the relationship I had with the first girl since she was getting really sexual with me, constantly talking about sex, giving titty hugs, sitting on my lap etc. then when i asked if she wanted anything with me, she said no and that she was just playing with me...

>> No.4724542

I didn’t go to art school. I went to art.

>> No.4724554

After that I got disinvited from all the holidays i was going to with my group of friends on class cause the girl said that I she was scared I would rape her. Basicly she jump right to the next guy, who was my best friend in class... From that day on pretty mutch everyone droped me like a sack of shit and stop hanging out, giving me a pretty bad rep.
third year embrace infamy, and that theres nothing to do about it, too busy with final thesis anyway to care. become friend with a guy from a year below mine since he thinks im cool cause i use 4chan and dont mind reading or watching edgy shit in public (I mean, I was already called a rapist and from there people started calling me nazi and pedo cause they now took the jokes i did in 1st and 2nd year seriously). I also told the girl i would bash her brains on the wall, when she asked for help on a project of hers (me doing it for her) like nothing ever happened, so that prob. dident help.

>> No.4724569

About to do internship at company
Covid hits and school finds this the perfect oportunity to suck up and rip off as mutch money as possible from the students. Basicly radio silence until the last possible moment and then say you dident hand in on time or dident show up on said thing. The nigger from my class strait up went 450 euros down cause of this sick joke. I avoided most of it but even then im owing to the school a extra 70 euro all for really dumb af reasons.
oh forgot to mention that 99% of people there are massive try hards and posers.
Also classes were so shit that everyone except 3 people (out of 25) kept drawing after year 1

3/10 learned to use photoshop

>> No.4724570

80% of people didnt really care or try, it was just an easy degree to "study" so their family got off their backs. Most are now working in retail or waiting restaurants.
And I didn't bang anyone cause Im an ugly incel, i felt really out of place throughout it, but thats my own issues and nothing really to do with art school.
I learned almost nothing from my time there, everything i learned was through self study. I may aswell not have gone, i want those 4 years of my life back to be honest

>> No.4724583

I'm at a really mediocre art school atm. The best class I had was this one life drawing class. Boosted my skills probably 10 fold. The difference in quality in this one teacher from the rest was almost unbelievable.

>> No.4724618

Submitted entrance portfolio with only half the pieces, still got in somehow. My father paid for it, but I don't live in America, so it was only about $15K total. I was also living at home just five minutes away from the school, so that was nice.

First year was a mix of courses required to enter the Design program, plus an assortment of fine arts courses like sculpture, electronic art, art history. Design courses were drawing fundamentals, color theory (mixing colour charts!), design fundamentals (cutting stuff out of paper!).

Design program only had 25% accept rate, but I actually did all the required pieces so I got through. Second year involved perspective, anatomy, typography, advertising design and such. A few humanities courses were scattered through all four years.

Third year I focussed more on illustration, which involved editorial illustration, information illustration, media exploration, figurative illustration, character design. This is also when I started doing lots of life drawing, which was available at the school.

Fourth year was just more illustration, but focussed on experimenting and developing a personal style. At the final portfolio show, I'd say 40% of the designers were up to professional standard, and maybe 5% of the illustrators, not including me.

The critique sessions in the design classes were really important. Teachers sometimes made more sensitive students cry or drop out. Design was serious, if you were more than 30m late with your project you got an F, and if you never finished it you failed the whole class. Also craft and presentation were important, had to make sure your mounting jobs were prisitine. Last, you had to hand in all your roughs and process and explain in an essay what you were trying to accomplish.

Eight years later and I still can't make it full time. I'm not a very social person, made a few good friends there (one is still my roommate, I published comics with another, no dating of any kind.

>> No.4724959
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Haven't been to an art school specifically, but I've gone for an art degree at a regular university. My GPA is borked though because I keep flunking Math classes they stick me in. So right now I'm on Academic Suspension for a year. God I wish I could just do the art classes and ignore everything else.

>> No.4725115

I was in this shitty figure drawing course full of trannies taught by a stupid boomer who didn't teach any fundies at all, he just stood there screaming furiously about the pseudo-philosophy of postmodern art while we mindlessly copied diagrams from Dr. Paul richer. his advices were completely useless, he always criticized that our drawings were not artistic enough (in an anatomy class) and put us to pose in deliberately ridiculous poses because he kept the money to hire models for himself. I wish him the worst.

>> No.4725134

>anatomy class, 1st day
>Teacher is a known illustrator and comic book artist who worked for Marvel and DC
>I don't know much about him or his ideology
>asks who likes comic books
>I raise my hand
>He looks at me and says "who"?
>I say Frank Miller
>He makes a dramatic posture of disappointment
>Other students say "what? is he not good?"
>He says, "he is a good comic book artist, but"
>walks to my side
>"HE'S A FASCIST, RACIST, SEXIST... (other stuff that ends with 'ist'"
>I just nod

All the other classes were kinda like this, but I like him. It's a strange relationship we have. I was the student that knew what he was talking about most of the times, while we still wouldn't mix, like water and oil.

>> No.4725137

These leftist, transvestite, kpop and other types of freaks are all parasites

>> No.4725243

Spent half of it not really taking it seriously because late teens. Latter half was an enriching experience. Fundie classes are boring but effective. Life drawing classes are crucial and extremely helpful even years after you take them. Favorite classes by far were the animation classes, except for 3-D modeling which I realized I'm not quite fond of. Some of the classes like motion graphics were more a tutorial on using software than they were an actual art class. The one for Flash was fun but is obviously useless now.

Went in with the goal of game design but took a class on history and theory of games where I learned about the industry practices and quickly noped the fuck out of that idea.

Professors all had a good knowledge of their craft, though some were grad students/straight to teaching types and others were actual professionals. One of them worked for Bethesda Games so everyone wanted to cozy up to him.

No relationship drama or SJW bullshit to speak of where I was.

Got a job in graphic design after job-hopping for a year, but since the only major studio near where I live is Bethesda, that's to be expected. Still working as a designer now while doing my own stuff as a hobby.

7/10 experience, just don't go to college if you're not actually ready to start learning.

>> No.4725349

Everyone was either nice or also on the spectrum. The full tuition kids couldn't do any work worth shit. Surprisingly way less political than you people make it out to be, just don't be a sperg about things you know will upset people in public.

>> No.4725434

>Went in with the goal of game design but took a class on history and theory of games where I learned about the industry practices and quickly noped the fuck out of that idea.
Why didn't you go full indie?

>> No.4725442

Considering 90% of your story was about relationships and not about learning, I can see why you didn't get anything out of it.

>> No.4725466

TL;DR: Art school personally helped my monkey brain but the stuff happening will change it for better or worse.

Finished my first year. I was having a genuine good time learning from working professionals and making friends then covid hit. Classes moved online and nobody seems to give a shit about drawing or keeping in touch anymore. Someone started an ig account similar to blackataccd for my school and now it feels like no one is going to look at each other in the eye next semester. I feel bad for some professors because while some allegations are inexcusable some are plain stupid or exaggerated.

I don’t know about coming back as long as covid is still there and people can be hostile to each other. I have hefty merit scholarships/fed grants and commute from parents’ house so I’m not paying a lot for tuition but being on zoom really isn’t worth the price.

I’m older and has more drive than most students so I’m already intermediate level just by teaching myself before art school. I mainly wanted that life experience, connections, and also personal, honest critiques from pros. I improved a lot just by listening, while my classmates were fooling around.

If the art school bubble really busts because of covid/racism I guess I’m back to shitty retail and slow self learn due to being in retail. My folks are difficult and don’t want me to explain how the industry doesn’t need a degree or how places like CDA can teach better than art schools. Heck, back then I thought I could save up for CDA classes but the long hours at work serving the meanest people killed my will and time to draw. Not to mention cost of living is crazy in CA.

>> No.4725643

there was nothing To learn there. there was no fundies or studies, just shooting the shit and dumb projects with no end goal

>> No.4725665

Man, sometimes i wish I was twenty again but when i'm reading this kind of shit, I'm glad my school years were in 2005-2008. Made friends from every race and everyone was lowkey racist towards eachother in good fun. Teachers would stick to art and never speak about those topics.
You really had to actively be speaking /pol/ tier stuff to be called out as a -ist.

>> No.4725671

ArtCenter grad. Weston and Bustos touched 1 of my friends. Hope they get fired.

>> No.4725692

Damn, even Rey Bustos?

>> No.4725700

I can believe Rey. I had a class with him online and he gave the women double the time in feedback compared to the men. So a man would get 8 minutes while a woman got 16 minutes or more.

Weston? Ehh not too sure.

>> No.4725707

I want to go to an art school to meet other art people and get guidance and critique, but I'm really afraid of getting classes that prioritize expressing yourself over fundamental skills.

Parents won't help pay for me to take classes at CDA because it doesn't give out a degree, got fired because of COVID so no money, so now I'm just at home grinding art all day

>> No.4725713

I choosed art in high school and realized how damaged the art world was, now i am an STEMfag.

>> No.4725715

>just at home grinding art all day
what a comfy and peaceful life. Hope you dont catch covid

>> No.4725746

yeah i guess, all i really want is to be independent and live in a small apartment where i can spend my time making things and getting better, but that would require living off my art, which means i have to actually get good. Just wish I had some kind of guidance/teacher that would speed up the process, and also friends

>Hope you dont catch covid

thanks, you too

>> No.4725758
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>struggle in class
>look around
>everyone has prior schooling/art experience
>they are so much better and make it seem so easy
>go to bathroom
>completely break down

>> No.4725837

Just kidding guys. I was just making a joke based on that blackataccd insta.

>> No.4725930
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Don't be so hard with yourself anon, remember that we all were there. You could ask your classmates for advice too.

>> No.4725947

Sounds like theres another side of the story where you're a really awkward creep who very obviously hated everyone but the 1 girl he was trying to bang

>> No.4726157

I doubt that would have made my living.

>> No.4727321

>most of the people in this thread actually went to art/animation school
man i feel bad for the amount of people who get suckered into going to school. the diploma isn't even worth it in the end.

>> No.4727407

Well it looks like he won't be stealing paint condiment packets from the home improvement stores anymore. Or teach his granddaughter ecorche stuff.

>> No.4727440

It's either granddaughter or niece now that I remember his ecorche vids. Anyway Rey has a ring on his left hand in the vids.

>> No.4727522


>> No.4727577
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Thanks anon. It's something I've struggled with but now that I'm better. hope to return to school this year

>> No.4727630

>most of the people in this thread actually went to art/animation school
>Share your art school experiences

Duh, retard.

>the diploma isn't even worth it in the end.

Not really, the point is to build a good portfolio. Also, most people aren't motivated enough to learn as fast as you do at a decent school you've sunk money into.

>> No.4728108

me back in my high school yearsl, but it gets better

>> No.4728119

what >>4725930 said.
Unless they're total jerks not worth the attention, most passionate people will love giving advice about how they do things, tips and tricks. If you genuinely ask for advice, they'll help, don't forget that in school, you're all in the same boat.
And who knows, maybe in the process you can actualy build friendships along the way. It's good to befriend better people, it pushes you to try and reach their level while not being a competition.

>> No.4728227

>the one girl was trying to bang
she was literraly disgusted to talk about anything sexual, so i dont think so.
and no, i was pretty cool with anyone in class and I could hang with anyone in class with no problem, being the "funny guy" in class helped i guess

>> No.4729092

>Did well my first two and a half years
>Started to get cripplingly bad scapular bursitis in my dominant arm during my Junior year that made doing any classwork extremely painful
>Was a fucking idiot that didn't get it looked at and did no physical therapy until a year after I got out of college and never really told anyone about it, I think I just assumed it was arthritis or something and didn't want to pay for a doctor.
>Practically failed out of school with no connections or presentable portfolio because I reached a point I just stopped going to class.

I'm doing well for myself in other work now, finally got a full time job I could definitely live off it comfortably for a long time, but I really do miss art and regret wasting my degree the way I did. I'm trying to get back into illustration now but after focusing on other shit the past four years I'm so rusty I feel like I'm starting from scratch. I definitely wanna make it happen, at least as a side gig, since my parents helped pay for my schooling and I completely let them down in that regard.

I guess the moral is to take care of yourself and not make excuses to neglect your education. You're still in school, take as much advantage of the resources available to you as you can while you're there. University is too expensive to have any regrets.

>> No.4729351

>scapular bursitis in my dominant arm
Were you using a screen tablet?

>> No.4729362

That was me until I noted all the chinks literally could not understand the concepts behind drawing perspective

>> No.4729376

Mostly painting at easels and shit for ~10 hours a day. My classes were pretty traditional, I did a lot of painting.

>> No.4729506

>Also, most people aren't motivated enough to learn as fast as you do at a decent school you've sunk money into.
I didn't realize how motivated I was until I realized everyone else just...wasn't. I ended up going a different career route than art with that information, though, but I still draw as soon as I'm done with work.

>> No.4729625

Damn, burnout. I wonder if it would help a guy to lift and do yoga or something. I never got any injuries in art school, but my schedule was more like work 2 hours a day for 5 days, then 15 hours a day for two days to make up for procrastination.

>> No.4729658

Lifting and stretching helps a lot. So does keeping in shape in general, I was 80 pounds heavier at the time.
The condition is easy to maintain now that I actually know what I'm doing, I just wasn't taking care of myself at all in college. Never thought drawing and painting could cause health issues but the cause of it is repetitive motions on the joint creating an inflammation, so doing art was at least a factor.

>> No.4729739

Had a very good experience with the illustration department from my school, the quality of the profs teaching kinda varies, but in a weird way I've started to find that to be a good thing since that keeps you on your toes, makes you really reach out and seek information you wouldn't otherwise seek. Had some professors who also would hang you out to dry in a good way, like mandated out of class time spent at the figure drawing sessions. Ought not name any names, but the latter kind of professor made me realize that I needed medical assistance in containing my ADHD, and also showed me great resources for figure drawing, both have increased my overall quality of life.

Socially it's a so/so experience - I've made friends, but not too many since I'm a transfer student, so I'm a bit of a social outlier, but I have some drinking buddies and a communist reading group to read theory with. I was depressed about that for some time, but ironically that's gotten better after Covid since a bunch of people I didn't talk to much have bonded over one professor's particular ineptitude.

>> No.4731098

Went to my uni's art program.

All the friends I made in uni were not in the same major as me so I spent most of my time not really socializing with my peers during class time.

I still can't draw for shit even though people have come up and said my art is better than theirs. I spent most of my time there doing Graphics, Photo and Printmaking over traditional drawing so that's probably why I'm ngmi

>> No.4732687
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Don’t know about you, but the biggest benefit of going to a school is having an environment that allows you to be constantly engaged in Art instead of wageslaving and coming home to work on my fundies for like 3 hours a day like myself, and hating the fact that you suck at drawing that you may probably not draw for months.

>> No.4732732

>be shut-in weeb artist
>reached my limitations and nothing i draw anymore comes out right, get depressed
>enroll in online art school to force myself to a strict schedule
>2 years later, have a better grasp of fundies, can chicken scratch humans that look like humans now, have learned shortcuts that make drawing a bit easier and less tedious
>learned digital art, was a tradlet before but currently using both mediums together
>art is improving to a level i enjoy
>don't really interact with other students because its online and i don't want to bother or creep anyone out, all i do is post work and critique whoever critiqued mine, other than that i don't really talk to anyone
>art history classes sucked because writing papers is boring but i learned a bunch of new design elements

tl;dr - took online uni to grind fundies and have seen decent improvement in just 2 years

>> No.4732792

I graduated in 2010. For me art school was a giant mistake. I wish I could go back in time. I was an extremely naive and stupid teenager that needed mentorship in some form. I'll keep it brief, I found out about Loomis and fundamentals in 2012. I did not learn a lick about how to draw, or fundamentals while attending. The instructors sat in the corner, and let students critique each other. On project due dates, instructors spent 10 minutes per student. A $2000 class, with no instruction, 10 minutes per student... The instructors didn't even want to be there.

There were plenty of feminists attending, standard for art school. There was a girl who painted a picture of penises being destroyed in a blender. That was the most batshit one that I saw. SJW nonsense wasn't there yet. But it was bubbling. Occupy Wall Street was a catalyst that exploded it in 2011. I feel for you zoomers that have to deal with unstable mentally ill children. They need to be under psychiatric care, not art school.

The majority of classes were humanities electives. I recall taking a class about revolutionary history. A fellow student told me to take that class because the professor was 'easy' 'cool'. It turned out to be a very politically contentious class. He would sit on his desk with sandals on, and challenge the students. I thought he was rude to one kid who wanted to be a photographer, and suggested that the kid might be a failure. He argued with another kid that we have no free will, he could "shoot you in the head and take your free will." Whatever dude.

At the same time I didn't realize I was my views were drifting away from left. I had to write an essay about Antifa 1.0 (The Weather Underground.) I basically wrote about how rude they seemed, they were screaming at people and making pipe bombs. I did not realize that the teacher was a socialist and wanted us to write. HEY THEY WERE AWESOME. Needless to say. I did poorly in that class.

I hit 2000 letters.

>> No.4733416

>State School
>Weakish portfolio
>GD Major
>Everyone else is terrible
>GD professor and advisor is a brainlet
>Already know Adobe
>Drop GD for Painting
>Professors are chill guys who know their shit.
>Proceed with classical painting education
>Proceed with art history minor
>Have fun
>Begin the journey to actually getting good
>Regular core classes are shit
>Regular students (from more urban states) are morons
>Write top marks essays conforming to degenerate agenda
>Praise all around
>Get laid for first time as freshman with upperclassman girl of my dreams
>Acquire self confidence
>Back to reality
>Oh there goes gravity
>Sleep with most women in my major
>Die a little inside each time
>Realize painting is all that really matters
>Become respected for not just being good, but being willing to teach others
>Be senior in party house with great room mates
>Underclassmen look up to me
>Realize that I'm one of the cool kids now
>But painting is still all that really matters
>Complete school
>Awards all around
>Lose social life
>Don't care because painting is all that really matters

You don't have to go to school to git gud, but you do need to take it as seriously as someone spending tens of thousands of dollars, if you want those results. The typical IC book recommendations are great, but nothing beats a million hours in the studio. Even if you have to work a full work week,you should still find time to paint in the same way that you find time for yourself.

The worst thing I experienced in college was being in the same room as students who wanted to be artists and didn't want to put the work in. They would walk like artists, talk like artists, and think like "artists". Society has an extremely low bar for what people would consider an artist. So low that I don't call myself an artist. I call myself a Painter; because at the end of the day. I'm actually painting, and that's the difference.

>> No.4733427
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I'm a sculptor

>> No.4733577

>Had this girl obsessed with Lion king lionesses.
>She would draw it constantly all the time and for any assignment she could and sprawled all over her rushed figure drawings.
>Had to watch the professors repeatedly have to waste time trying to get her move out of her comfortzone.
>She the absolute epitome of "This is my stlye" and "This is what I want to draw, not real people."
>The cope is so hard.
>She left as she came in with her nose held up high saying "no one really know what they're talking about here".
>There were people with mad gains by the end of it.

Just some people, I guess. Hope they're doing well.

>> No.4733650
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I actually remember my sculpture professor saying that painting is the highest tier of fine art, but would argue that sculpture is right up there with painting. I'm curious how 3d printing is going to affect the field as a whole in the next 20 years.

I was super surprised at the progress the average art student made in a single class of figure drawing. Watching GD majors who haven't really drawn before learn how to confidently represent figures after a few months is awesome to watch. It's even more interesting when you break out mediums like Ink and they do surprisingly well.