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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 522 KB, 1125x954, BC8A690C-9304-4D2D-AB08-03C104650603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4726430 No.4726430 [Reply] [Original]

Only hard work and dedication will improve your art gains.

>> No.4726459

From cute girl to gay men kissing.
Should have stuck with the 2010 style.

>> No.4726470

only the talented can make great use of hard work and dedication.

>> No.4726477

u mad cuz they can draw better than u ever could

>> No.4726499
File: 668 KB, 757x435, 1594762634501.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Talent is everything, keep coping though

>> No.4726500


>> No.4726594

2ho fags are known to suffer from extreme degrees of autism, which is why all of them spend 12 hours a day drawing.

>> No.4726614

Why are you faggots such huge defeatists? Like have some self respect for yourselves.

>> No.4726682

You could do that too with sufficient autism.

>> No.4726689

>Talent is not real
it is. he was 9 when he drew the left one

>> No.4726705

Exactly, the left one mogs already 99% of /beg/, or may be even the whole board

>> No.4726711

Before Loomis - After Loomis

>> No.4726727

I'm sure he had more hour time put into learning at 9 than most of the people in /beg/

>> No.4726771

talent might not be real, but going to art school and having teachers instead of trying to figure shit yourself with a bunch of books is probly very real

>> No.4727533

Talent is real, some people have aptitude for it, you might not.
But it’s totally irrelevant. The point is of course that you as a person can become better.
Some people are freaks, don’t compare yourself to freaks.

>> No.4727694

>just be delusional, bro!

>> No.4727701

> person spends two years drawing and studying diligently
> goes from pre-/beg/ to pretty great
> instead of taking this as inspiration /ic/ decides that it's all about talent
> even though the 2013 drawing is a shitty ass barely legible chibi copy

if you were to gather the most pathetic people on Earth and somehow measure their shitty attitude it would perfectly equal that of the people on this board

coz you faggots are all on here

>> No.4727704

talent is very real but also very overrated
some people are just that way ig

>> No.4727706

you guys are unbelievable why are you here if you don't believe that you can improve? why even bother? if you're so adamant on the idea that talent is all that matters, then why do you ever pick up a pencil? if this why no-one on /ic/ ever fucking draws anything?

talent is very real. talent exists. there are people whose brains and/or bodies are better suited for some things. but all that does is it gives you a head start. where other people start at 0, they start at 3. it just means they have it easier at the beginning.

now I'm not saying this doesn't matter. being better than your average joe at the start has a lot of advantages:
- friends and family encourage you
- you don't get discouraged because your "art" is garbage
- knowing that you have "talent" pushes you towards not "wasting that talent"

but that's all it fucking does. no-one's stopping people without talent from getting good. people with talent might win the race, because they start with a head start, but that doesn't stop you FROM FUCKING FINISHING THE RACE.

jesus christ you people are fucking stupid.

feel free to give up though because you don't have talent so that it re-inforces the idea that only people with talent can make it. just give up and stop littering this board. it's shit enough as it is.

>> No.4727710

I like you anon

Now pyw

>> No.4727726

>but all that does is it gives you a head start. where other people start at 0, they start at 3.
That is completely wrong. Being gifted at a subject means you have an innate ability to perceive and learn from material at an immensely quicker rate than average. The reason why gifted artists develop quicker is that they often find the answer to their mistakes right after making it.
With every step you take, they take three. The only winning move is not to play.

>> No.4727737

> With every step you take, they take three.
Not wrong.

> The only winning move is not to play.
Absolutely wrong. Because this isn't a race. You can definitely take three steps if you wanna work hard enough.

You just want an excuse to give up. Feel free to do so, but stop poisoning others.

>> No.4727747

imagine comparing yourself to anyone but yourself.
why even become better at a skill if not for yourself?
>last year i couldnt do this, now i can
thats the type of mindset you should have, not this incel style of blaming your up-bringing, blaming external factors for why you are bad at skill/thing.
no one gives a fuck, it's only yourself you are holding back.

>> No.4727764

>Because this isn't a race.
It's not a race when you try to overcome yesterday's self? Time correlates with practice, practice correlates with sanity. Nobody average will ever be able to pace themselves against a talented individual in the long-term.

>Feel free to do so, but stop poisoning others.
/beg/s are only poisoning themselves when they "work hard" with studies and scheduled drawing sessions only to burn out their improvement and cease any progress for years onward. There is no self-critique, there is no reapplying learned material, because there is no natural talent for the trade. Only shamelessness and an everlasting hope that maybe next time things will end up better.

>> No.4727769

No work, no talent, only shitpost.

>> No.4727799

Can confirm, after discovering Touhou I spent 3 years only drawing Touhou every day.

>> No.4727808

artist sauce?

>> No.4727836

What if I told you both are real? Honestly though, a true fascination with drawing and an inner drive to create will let you improve way faster than any talent or discipline ever will. Since you can't learn to be amazed by drawing, I guess you could argue that this also falls under talent. The best artist I met are constantly drawing all the time. Not because they have to, but because they want to. Chances are if you struggle to create you're either less interested in it than you think or you're doing it for superficial reasons (social standing, fame, money, etc.)

>> No.4727886
File: 38 KB, 500x375, 1593004626514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but that doesn't stop you FROM FUCKING FINISHING THE RACE.
Time does. I started at 31 and I have absolutely fucking 0 talent on top of that all while struggling to come up with free time to practice properly. At my current rate of improvement I'm not gonna be anywhere close of making it or even being decent within my lifetime. Meanwhile everyone else has shitload of talent, 20 years of a headstart and they all make a living drawing so basically their day job is practice as well. As for me things are just gonna keep getting harder and harder not the other way around.
>Boohoo you should give up
No. I have literally everything against me and extremely slim odds of actually getting decent before dying, but if I give up those odds are effectively 0%

>> No.4727892
File: 419 KB, 600x571, how.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is that possible? https://twitter.com/idoukunn/status/1247492769183969281

>> No.4727896

You can get to a professional level within 5 years. Unless your literally on your death bed its never too late, you still have 2/3rds of your life ahead of you

>> No.4727903

>You can get to a professional level within 5 years
This implies you can practice daily for at the very least a couple of hours or that you have a somewhat normal life. Lately I have been cutting back sleep just so I can have some time for practice but I really cannot keep that going for more than a couple of days at a time and its terrible for my health but if I don't do that I cannot practice at all other than my single free I get every 2 weeks. As for now I have to get back to work.

>> No.4727929

Rendering is much easier than drawing. This guy Is amazing at photoshop.

>> No.4727933

You can hide a lot of fuck ups with decent rendering.

>> No.4727971

>sakimichan is a living proof

>> No.4727987

Everybody forgets that alongside building artistic skill you need to build your productivity skill. How many of you are tracking how many hours a day you're working? Actively trying to pump that number up? A lot of what you guys call talent is just a diligent work ethic. Building that has been the hardest step for me, but it's a skill unto itself that can be improved over time, just like drawing.

>> No.4728008 [DELETED] 

Okay... So why are you here on the board for drawing then if you think it is an impossible waste of time?

>> No.4728013

>talent is not real
Talent is real but someone with dedication and no talent will end up better than someone with talent and no dedication (i.e. me, ngmi).

It's more like a buff to your learning speed but if you don't study or practice that talent will only take you so far

>> No.4728045

i think this is fake. the mistakes on the left dont make sense. who would possible draw a foreshortened hand that well (not that its amazing or anything) but then place the ear right on the face? not behind the jawline, not behind the hair... well drawn nose, interesting dynamic line quality, good pose, nice colors, decent rendering, but then just puts an ear right under the eye? I think that this was someone with talent going out of their way trying to make a drawing that looks like a beg drawing. this reminds me of when jews spray paint swastikas on their own houses.

>> No.4728060

Why you had to destroy this thread?

>> No.4728069

Koreans are robots cosplaying as bug people, so they can grind like hell because they have no lives, personality, or other interests. If it doesn't involve studying or being spergs, they don't have any interest in it.

Nothing related to talent whatsoever, the retards here just try to use the excuse to not draw.

>> No.4728081 [DELETED] 

its not my fault that jews vandalize their own homes. it happens all the time. They should stop doing that. https://www.fakehatemap.com/

>> No.4728183

I just wished that everyone who cries about muh talent saw all the hard work, dedication and countless hours of practice behind these improvement pictures. Then compare it to their own output of maybe 4 hours of weekly "drawing" and crying about how these artists make it and how it isn't fair to be born as a talentlet.

>> No.4728187

How would you know if you have talent or not if you didn't even try. Just try to autistically dedicate everything to your craft. If you don't see any substantial improvent after giving your ALL (like studying and drawing 18 hours a day for 6 months) then that's the acceptable time to quit, accept that RNG did not give you good stats for visual arts and call it a day

>> No.4728206

That's soul. Thx anon

>> No.4728216

people who study smart can get better even when only given an hour a day, or less. maybe you've let your neuroticism stop you from making a viable plan you want to carry out that will actually start improving and/or promoting your art. get a plan, make a schedule, stick to it. deep down, you're really complaining that 'yesterday's you' didn't do their part so you have even more to do with less time. so take responsibility, and do your work, truthfully answer (or get crits) to: "what needs to improve?" and instantly look up reference and study from it, or watch a good tutorial on it. don't be half awake paying half-attention. remind yourself why art is important - if you don't have a why you better think of one - and give it 100% dedication for 1 hour, half an hour if you can only afford that. feel free to waste the rest of the day away, feel free to extend it to 3 or 4 hours of drawing, if you choose to. just remind yourself it's you making the decision of how much you draw every day, not external circumstance.

>> No.4728229

haven’t seen one person here who can draw like that. the art isn’t bad

>> No.4728316

>Rendering is much easier than drawing.

>> No.4728328

>why are you here if you don't believe that you can improve?
Because we're talented.

>> No.4728495

there's a lot of factors why someone might be better
of course talent which is really just being born with a better brain for art
then there's having more support at an earlier age
having a lifestyle where going into art seems viable to focus on
and having the mental fortitude to focus on art when shit happens

>> No.4728506

I can belive you faggots are still getting baited by this chink

>> No.4728508

I can too

>> No.4728514

however, don't fret
if you weren't given any of this at life you have character

>> No.4728522

also someone might be better than you, but are they drawing what you want? i can't be given a damn about someone who's gotten to professional levels if all they draw is gross porn or even worse... fan art...

>> No.4728553
File: 78 KB, 430x688, same.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but are they drawing what you want?
Here are 3 different covers for the same book, the three illustrators produced three different covers. Even if you were to attain that level of skill, your own cover would be different from theirs. That's what I like about art.

>> No.4730767

Retards like you are the reason people try for years to get better at something they have no way to achieve.
Most of /beg/ never make it or spends to 6/10 years never actually getting better cause shit is their unbreakable limit. Talent is everything, if you were not good in comparison with others your age during childhood you shouldnt even try.

>> No.4730778

I was better at drawing than my peers at age 14.
I just never got any better

>> No.4730787

Your starting point was way better than what they have. I can guarantee that it would take them way longer to get to your starting point that for you to improve, because thats how genetics works.

>> No.4730790

his starting point was higher not because of genetics, but past experiences. go back to biology classes

>> No.4730799

the redpill

>> No.4730806

>there are no genetical predispositions
Why arent you famous sportsman then? All you need is to try apparently

>> No.4730808
File: 684 KB, 662x960, 1367978678367.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you were not good in comparison with others your age during childhood you shouldnt even try.
How do you explain people like rapoza then? His highschool stuff was pretty bad

>> No.4730814

>His highschool stuff was pretty bad
Not even same anon but It's way better that most adults

>> No.4730830

True, but that's not the whole story. At a level cap of 100, having talent is like starting at level 20 instead of 1, and you gain exp at a higher rate than someone without. Also your max level cap is 150. In the end though, you still have to grind to reach it. All people can become decent, but most people will never truly become good.

>> No.4730917

>this is supposed to be bad
Okay, talentfag

>> No.4730985

this isnt bad at all for someone in high school

>> No.4730988

I love flexing like this.
>take worst picture from year x
>take best picture from current year


>> No.4731016

That's a good idea

>> No.4732931

Yeah adults who don’t draw

>> No.4733064

Talent is real but in the end it can be worth jack shit
Made it into a top STEM college by not trying once in high school, me and all the other talentfags who don't know how to work have been passed up by the people who actually had to work hard in high school
Talent can get you father ahead consistently but hard work isn't for nothing either
Best case is talent and hard work together

>> No.4733147

I second this
Never had to move a stick from a to b because everything just happens if you're a talentfag and they gonna be praising you for it. But then the rest will catch up and suddenly you realize you have to put some effort and discipline into it because you're no longer the prodigy, you're not 12 anymore
That's when shit hits the fan because while the others picked up on methods of studying and self discipline, talentfags grew up with the "silver spoon" thinking it'll always be like that. And discipline and the related shit is pretty hard to learn once you're older

>> No.4733330

Saying that talent exists does not equal believing it's impossible to improve, retard.

>> No.4733331

>How is that possible?
having the spark(talent) + insane autistic chink grinding

>> No.4733494

Shh this is the part where people who only ever draw boxes or disembodied heads and arms floating in white space cope by saying painting a full scene with multiple characters interacting is simply hiding flaws through rendering

>> No.4733588

Its easier to say I cant rather that take the steps necessary so I can.

I just come to shitpost.

>> No.4734492

how can i improve faster though

>> No.4735175

Talent is real, but only in japan

>> No.4735314
