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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 93 KB, 802x880, Ecwv84DUEAAImPJ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4719487 No.4719487 [Reply] [Original]

>The reason you have no followers and no one will commission you is because you suck.

The hottest take of all twitter today.

>> No.4719495

girl artists are always mean

>> No.4719497

Did this initiate the #NobodyArtist trend?

>> No.4719498
File: 35 KB, 750x485, FDE3EB7C-434E-46F2-B0C1-B6C9BB579964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>girls are mean and should be enslaved once more
I agree

>> No.4719503

I just read "Alexandria", recognize that a filthy vagina is behind that account and I don't even open the image.

>> No.4719504
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>Naughty Dog artist with 4k followers
>complaining about people trying to get some exposure and get a job
>half the professional art community agreed with her and praised her for this

Whelp that does paint a pretty picture

>> No.4719506
File: 71 KB, 770x720, 97EE93AF-1497-4F1A-9593-02026B9B3318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My boss would like a word with you

>> No.4719508

74k, bitch has 74000 followers.

>> No.4719510

Where the fuck did you get 4k from?

>> No.4719520
File: 197 KB, 1181x982, EcwyGYjWAAMzi5Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, she fucking hates hashtags that help and promote people to get a following on social media...

>> No.4719525
File: 10 KB, 233x216, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Naughty Dog artist
And that's how you recognize an elitist cunt.

>> No.4719528

I wonder if she gets mad whenever mtf trannies use the hashtag, just like radfems do.

>> No.4719530


>> No.4719533

She just personally hates hashtags that promote people she does not want promoted.

>> No.4719535

>stating the Fucking obvious
No shit sherlock, how she figure that one out.
That even this needs to be stated is fucking pathetic.

>> No.4719536

It’s because white men can use #nobodyArtist and you can’t attack them for it

You see a ton of amazing art, then click the profile and see its a white dude and turn away

>> No.4719540
File: 186 KB, 576x400, AEC9A536-555E-42C4-B4B4-12667E98879F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m a SEAman but I kinda wanna larp as a white Stonetoss follower because of this. Or better yet, mention my real race and post edge anyway

>> No.4719547

I want to see her start an anonymous alt account from zero

>> No.4719553

is this a dog whistle?

>> No.4719557

she tried to backpedal a bit by promoting a few people using the tag, but they're all over 1k followers anyway. i do actually agree with her to an extent, some people just don't get traction because they're shit, that's fucking obvious, but she's being a needless cunt about it and trying to shit all over a trending tag small artists made for themselves

>> No.4719564

Looking at the apology thread

it is almost perfectly divided down the lines of who is currently employed and who isn't. People with industry jobs are defending her and saying "Yes they need this harsh truth!" While people without are saying it was an asshole move to make.

>> No.4719573

I'm an industry cunt and I don't think she's in the right either.

Corporate art is way different from organic art, like the ones who make their own business out of it. Not everyone wants to work for soulless companies. I envy people like Sakimichan who can make it on their own without having some jew tell them what to do

>> No.4719632

Sakimichan is still a slave to her fans as well. She cannot do original work as her fans do not want that, she will always have to draw whatever character is the flavor of the month/popular.

>> No.4719640

Unsurprisingly, the ones most hurt by this are the beg tier artists trying to blame everything except their lack of skills.

>> No.4719681

mostly because everyone who is tired enough to complain about how bullshit this is gets called a /beg/ or ignored if they post work that isn't /beg/ or criticized by absurd standards that would get the 80k virtue signaling artist shit on just the same.
People literally see big numbers and legitimate everything that comes from that account.

>> No.4719700

Ummmm but artistic tastes are like a product of white supremacy and "standards" and "taste" have been used to make minority artists invisible to the mainstream. Telling someone their art is bad is systemic racism. Thanks for coming to my TEDx talk, please subscribe to my patreon.

>> No.4719717

of course now she's retweeting black artists

>> No.4719719

I'm pretty sure the furry posting their commission prices is the start of this entire thing.

>> No.4719788
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Some wisdom from the less than 1000 follower accounts

>> No.4719792

The what?

>> No.4719798


>> No.4719809

yeah the point is that goes without saying and the only reason you'd point that out in the first place is because you're salty that other people are getting attention.
of course SOME people are unknown because they're garbage. just like SOME people are only known because of nepotism, inheritance and being lucky. there's no point in pointing this out under a hashtag used specifically for promoting unknown artists. who cares if some people suck? ignore them and retweet the ones that are good. she's just being a holier-than-thou cunt because she isn't getting all the attention and people are encroaching on her market. basically she should kill herself for being a pathetic waste of oxygen

>> No.4719819

Their issue is that the lack of skills is in the marketing realm and not art. People shouldn't have to be nepotistic cockfiends who can't stop slurping cum lest they starve to death just because Alexandria had friends at Ubisoft or wherever the fuck she works.
It's stupid from both sides. The world will never stop being nepotistic and your talent is secondary to who you know, always will be. That being said, just because you got lucky and were born with parents who know people doesn't mean that everyone is only unsuccessful because they suck. It's delusion as far as the eye can see

>> No.4719822

Nah it was the tweet from MilesDF

>> No.4719826

ITT: Seething ngmi incels

>> No.4719832

>ugly pfp

>> No.4719853

see >>4719640

people lack the ability to see what the industry standard is and how their own art stacks up.

speaking as someone who has broken into illustration and concept art, I barely have a presence on social media. What I do have is a solid portfolio that I update and send around to art directors for work I want.

Looking at the people particularly hurt by the tweet in the OP and it's obvious. They don't have a portfolio, their fundamentals aren't up to snuff and they have no idea what job they even want in art. Commercial art, independent art, patreon, game dev, film? etc. These are people's who's skills aren't even close to the industry standard.

This is exactly what I'm talking about.if you care about potential clients or more opportunities, doing that through public social media posts isn't going to get shit You need to be communicating directly with people that will hire you, email art directors, submit portfolios, etc.

>> No.4719854

Also a large amount of her followers are likely because of her job. That she works in a studio that has a lot of fans, worked on games that have a lot of fans, and rubs elbows with other developers who also have a lot of fans. I doubt it is 100% her own amazing skill.

>> No.4719859

and the big point you missed is that she got the job at the big studio before the big following.

a lot of these twitter artists think they're not making money off they're art because they don't have a lot of followers when that couldn't be further than the truth.

Which is proven by the fact that successful artists who make a living off their art are participating in the hashtag.

>> No.4719870
File: 657 KB, 944x542, 1594112923247.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The reason you have no followers and no one will commission you is because you suck
I have very few followers but I keep getting requests for commissions, which I reject on the grounds that I do not like my art and I really think I do suck. Also I refuse to use the silly no visibility hashtag because I do not want more followers, I just want to improve and the only reason I made a social media was to kinda force myself to finish stuff.

>> No.4719871

I agree with that. but that's entirely beside the point. the point is, telling people that "the reason you're not getting noticed is because you suck" while using a hashtag meant to promote unknown artists is absolutely failing to read the room. who gives a fuck about that? ignore them if they suck, use the hashtag for its purpose and promote good unknown artists. stop trying to "teach people a lesson" by hogging up attention

>> No.4719875

The problem with twitteroids and people in general nowadays, that the lack the ability to see the conflict from both sides. Artist begging for to be noticed, instead of getting good is bad. But big artists gatekeeping everyone isn't good either

>> No.4719881

where did she use the hashtag??

>> No.4719886

the point is "nobody asked"
idk how much more i can spell it out for you
basically there's no point in saying the shit so the only reason you'd say it is because you're salty. probably sitting there seething that people you don't deem worthy are getting attention.

>> No.4719895

so hashtag about not getting enough attention/work/followers starts.

artist who makes a living off their art makes thread about possibly the biggest reason you aren't getting more work/followers/attention and how you can fix it.


like, jesus.

>> No.4719908
File: 79 KB, 960x720, 1589982098871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Japanese twitter artists
>They post art, blogposting, food pictures, pets and help fellow upcoming Japanese artists to get exposure
>Shitty western artists
>They are either gatekeeping or trying to cancel you left and right
How can I accelerate western collapse?

>> No.4719921

If she REALLY wanted to tell people how she got her first job then she should just demand that everyone on twitter just get their parents to use their connections to land them a decent job minutes after graduating. It worked wonders for her.

>> No.4719922


>> No.4719925

oo i know anon, I'm an entitled bitch and people hate those. all PR is good PR! lemme hit em with this one:

>> No.4719931

Just make some comment about how cis white males are hijacking the tag for themelves again. Then claim this is being used to take momentum away from #BLM and black artists.

>> No.4719945
File: 29 KB, 600x750, 1594442923243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have to say that's quite brilliant.

>> No.4719956

ok so why didn't anyone post her art yet

>> No.4719960
File: 403 KB, 500x500, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her style is kitschy and trendy imo

>> No.4719962
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>> No.4719963
File: 161 KB, 971x2048, ELSWowNUYAAmOlZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is a professional artist that works for a game developer and has a shitload of followers. She is not a terrible artist. Just a terrible person that looks down her nose at anyone else for not being on her level.

>> No.4719969

I’m lonely and horny.

>> No.4719977

Her thread was apparently an anal pounding of pure mean shit, judging from the shitstorm that followed after. Does anyone have more screenshots? She deleted it before I got to chance to read it.

>> No.4719984

>Just a terrible person that looks down her nose at anyone else for not being on her level.
What makes you say that?

>> No.4719987
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>> No.4719989
File: 43 KB, 500x500, carold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be honest, that really is the crux of this whole thing.

June had near endless
>Hey let's help struggling artist gain exposure!
geared towards helping african american artists get exposure and jobs after the Minneapolis protests throughout the whole month. Nearly every major industry artist was in on the #BLM #Drawingwhileblack tags and announcing how they are helping african american artists.

Plus June being pride month also had just as many similar tags for LGBT artists gain some traction on twitter and was also boosted by lots and lots of industry artists helping them gain exposure.

But this was not drawn on any gender or minority lines at all. This did not divide the privileged from the struggling minority in any way. And it tweaked a lot of the exact same industry artists the wrong way. If you looked at everyone who was very angrily against the #nobodyartistclub tag, it was almost entirey working artists with jobs in various animation and game studios. Somehow, they had just changed their minds and were pissed off that small artists were trying to use a tag to boost their accounts and gain followers. All of a sudden it's greedy and selfish to want to gain followers.

Makes one wonder why are people with 30k, 60k, and 90k followers with studio jobs that were promoting tags to boost small artist last month now changing their minds and are dead against it today? The only difference is that this is a non genedered, non race based tag.

>> No.4719990
File: 85 KB, 1080x1080, 81452140_162983395343903_4643025781913531416_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're just bad anons, skill is the *only* possible reason you can't compete with this

>> No.4719991

It feels good taking the hobby pill, drawing what you like and eventually attracting individuals who share the same interests. Remember the days when people made personal websites and got next to no interactions? Many of these artists are still drawing today and made it.

>> No.4719996

>>The reason you have no followers and no one will commission you is because you suck.
see >>4719893

>> No.4719998


>> No.4719999
File: 35 KB, 586x328, chrome_2PAhsXoCBp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unfortunately, all the seething and/or bawling cunts caused her to cave in and delete her thread so that she doesn't hurt your feelings.

She's not fucking wrong by the way

>> No.4720006
File: 603 KB, 1363x1872, EaE8FQ5VcAE7hOn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's retarded. This artist has 2k of followers, his art is amazing but he draws for himself.

>> No.4720015

Followers and even big name jobs aren’t really about your skills as an artist past a certain point. Networking, marketing, the kind of work you put out there and how you put it out will have a far bigger influence on your twitter numbers than pure technique.

>> No.4720019


>> No.4720021


>> No.4720082

I did this and I'm slowly quitting

>> No.4720095

>Just a terrible person that looks down her nose at anyone else for not being on her level.

I mean looking at her semi beg lgbtq stuff >>4719987 >>4719960, that's just pure egomania

then again the industry is filled with such self-insert fags but they usually are smart enough to keep it to themselves and not spazz out on social media

>> No.4720103

I always thought its common knowledge that you aren't allowed to publicly critique anyone's artwork in western culture. And if you ever want to do so, you have to do it in most polite ass-licking way possible.
And this person is industry veteran, she must know that "etiquette" better than anyone.
Really makes you think.

>> No.4720128

I love these movements, always making passive-aggressive statements on the veil of kindness, nobody bats an eye on this. The absurdity of all of this charade would be more evident if genders were reversed. Twitter was a mistake.

>> No.4720134
File: 466 KB, 1204x1790, Screen Shot 2020-07-13 at 11.48.53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Algenpfleger allegedly responding to the thread topic

>> No.4720135
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>> No.4720139



>> No.4720141
File: 350 KB, 455x551, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i got into games 11 years ago almost by accident. even getting into naughty dog has changed since i got in 6 years ago. honestly i just tell people the same thing over and over again. have a strong portfolio, and keep in mind spots are limited, so don't wait around for your dream job, apply lots of places and keep an eye out.

Ah yes, she had quite STRONG portfolio 7 years ago, pic related. I wonder, how did she managed to land a job there? Maybe her bio can help us?

>"Originally from Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada, I currently live with my fiancee and two cats in Los Angeles."

I wonder, who that fiancee could be?

Oh how surprising, it's John Sweeney, current art director of Last of Us 2! One can only wonder if John vouched for Alexandria 6 years ago :)

That also explains why she draws her concepts and "mood studies" in cartoony childbook style. Imagine being 3d-monkey who has to adapt her STYLE to realistic models.

>> No.4720151

accuse them of plagiarism. But cancelling is already doing a great job.

>> No.4720155

all that shit and all he needed to say was the very final tweet. if you're not getting the work you want yet, it's not even necessarily because your level isn't there yet and that's the whole fucking point everyone was making a fuss about in the first place.

>> No.4720156

LMAO her husband is the fucking art director? This bitch really has some motherfucking nerve god damn what in the fuck. That's almost too ironic to be true jesus.

>> No.4720158

>souless shit
So this is the power of working in the industry

>> No.4720179

So in reality her tweet should have read:
>Some of you are going to get real angry about this and will likely twist it into a well-salted pretzel but fuck it.
>some of you aren't being commissioned or noticed because you're not using nepotism to your advantage.

>> No.4720184

what the actual fuck this can't be real

god I wish I was born as a cute girl

>> No.4720186

He was a buddy of Shaddy Safadi and Eytan Zana (artists from ND), landed at ND as concept artist because of those connections in april 2012 (MUH STRONG PORTFOLIO STRIKES AGAIN), got promoted to Art Dir in 2017.

>> No.4720194

holy fucking KEK this is even better than I thought
It wasn't even social media shilling, it was straight up nepotism

>> No.4720197

She is misunderstanding why some artists get popular. She got popular because she works at a studio and got in on the social medie train early. For young artists today, with no context to their art and only relying on random people stumbling upon them and liking what they do, it's not that easy to gain a following. She's truly fucking privileged, had she started out today with the same skills but no ND and a fresh account she would have struggled like everyone else, because her art truly isn't special. But she is skilled, and I think she is confusing skills for appeal.

New artists need to create appealing art, skills is only half the recipe. What's the point of skills if no one feels something when looking at your art?

A side note, when I look at her art I feel nothing.

>> No.4720200

meh, nobody/everybody has the right picture on the topic but who cares, if you are not doing the work you'll NGMI no matter what, being a bootlicker does help but you'll turn into that girl spouting platitudes without knowing much about the current market because you're already in motion with connections in the industry. How much you're investing yourself and into your career implies some self-sacrifice, and there's a bit of integrity lost in the way, nobody works for free, even if you enjoy it.
Don't take advice from any fucking artist face value and just figure out what is important to you and your life, besides your career, all these people are keeping appearances, they don't give two shits about you unless they know you personally.

>> No.4720210

>semi beg
salty beg spotted

>> No.4720216
File: 197 KB, 1244x900, 1594634885654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more wisdom from another 33k follower account

>> No.4720223

yikes get higher standards you coping beg incel

>> No.4720226

>She is misunderstanding why some artists get popular
there is nothing to misunderstand there anon, nor should she be the one questioning it, she has an ego and is completely out of touch for the same reasons the other anons mentioned above

>> No.4720228

friendly reminder to report fake nips for racial slander since it gives real japanese a bad name :^)

>> No.4720230
File: 361 KB, 854x714, 53253526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess it's only cute when they look like anime and underage

>> No.4720234

>and there's a bit of integrity lost in the way
I agree with your post otherwise, but that "bit" is like 90% and the remaining 10% is still a liability.

>> No.4720242
File: 246 KB, 598x580, 13554674657647.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's ok when they do it

hm are these people underage or just hypocritically retarded

>> No.4720250

>pedo talks about earning your followers
the internet is truly the realm of psychopaths

>> No.4720260
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>> No.4720261

Tyantyai_mokka on twitter. He has 1k actually.

>> No.4720266

hahahaha I'm so sick of these people

>> No.4720270

>semi beg

>> No.4720271

He complains about the atmosphere, yet it made hin great. Detoxification just keeps the the newcomers /beg/.

>> No.4720286

this is correct, been just drawing what I like and went from 300 followers to 4.6k in a year

>> No.4720289

The atmosphere if you actually get into learning circles is more or less the same except it's entirely about mimicking the standards, which makes 95% of critique completely retarded.
These artists also hit on every topic except opportunity, even that string of useless tweets was just insisting that it's about people themselves instead of external factors.
There are lots of entitled zoomer /beg/s and the market is saturated as fuck so you need a filtering factor but the idea that good art always gets through is just a lie and they know it. that filtering factor is almost always not your art but how much attention you can get on social media which has very little to do with the quality or value of your work
that's if you're not sucking the art director's dick like the bitch in OP

>> No.4720290

>I started drawing porn

>> No.4720300

never drawn porn and think that is a total meme

>> No.4720307


>> No.4720309

me too but just so I could fondle myself

>> No.4720310


>> No.4720315

I'm jaded because when people say they got followers organically by just drawing things they like it's always a combination of anime, porn and fanart of the latest meme. Many people who draw giant asses or softcore gay porn claim it's not porn because you can't see the nipples or other retarded shit like that.
I really want to see something that proves me wrong, but so far I haven't. What do you draw?

>> No.4720343

well can't say most of what I draw isn't anime/fanart but not really the latest meme at all. >>4718992 that's mine

>> No.4720346

I like your stuff but yeah this is the typical art which would get a lot of followers on insta or twitter. It looks simple enough so others will think they can do it too and dont feel intimate by it + it looks like a jap drew it so that is a huge bonus. It is good.

>> No.4720348

*intimidate fucking auto correct

>> No.4720351

someone post this in a reply to her

>> No.4720353

how do you know she was fucking him 6 years ago?

>> No.4720362

Look at her oldest instagram posts dated by early 2013, they have few likes but almost all of them are liked by mr. jsweeney2147.
Either they were a couple already, or he was a big simp.

>> No.4720365
File: 56 KB, 600x423, justbeyourself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you don't take offense but yeah I'll keep being jaded
if "what you really love doing" doesn't match those factors you're 200% fucked

>> No.4720382

no offense taken at all, and I guess I agree with you that some things appeal to more people than others. My point was more in favor of the other anon saying that you'll attract people with similar interests by just drawing things you really like, I think that is true regardless what you're doing.

>> No.4720388

not... like this..

>> No.4720390

>you'll attract people with similar interests by just drawing things you really like
My highest "scores" were from sloppy fanart of trending things that I didn't care for at all. Those few drawings got more attention than everything else I have drawn combined, so I can say this is just not true.

>> No.4720406

fair enough

>> No.4720409

>i used to be super hardcore, that's how I got where I am today
>most people can't handle that though and probably shouldn't try it
is "privilege" just another way of sucking your own dick?

>> No.4720416

that kind of still falls under the same idea... it appeals to people that like whatever you drew...
That it got more attention than your other stuff is kind of not the point I was trying to make, I do agree that some things appeal to more people

>> No.4720420

What a cuckquean. If you're going to be all "y'all are going to be mad about this" then you need to double down when people actually get mad.

>> No.4720429

don't out yourself as a beg fagloid

>> No.4720432

I dont like her art but it isnt beg. Please stop runing interesting threads with your garbage posts.

>> No.4720436

>implying she doesn't have a team of slaves who draw for her

>> No.4720437

Damn, you must have been one of those seething twatter accounts that been told they suck.

>> No.4720439
File: 14 KB, 383x262, 1463506285186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so she's right. why is this even a post?

>> No.4720442

she talks down on others high and mighty and no she isnt right, read the thread.

>> No.4720444

I doubt anyone noteworthy would comment though since they'd be afraid to get canceled by beg colleagues who support that mindset

>> No.4720452


>> No.4720458

that's why whamen should just shut up and suck dicks all fucking day

>> No.4720462

>it appeals to people that like whatever you drew...
well that's not the same as "things you really like", because I didn't like those things, I just made drawings of them.
>I got a job making /beg/ art when I was 16
>I was scared but I looked them in the eye and gave them a firm handshake and I got that job
>I worked hard for years on that stable position, a full 8 hours a day plus minus breaks!
>That's how I got this good! You should do the same minus the parts where you get hired for mediocre work or get paid while learning the job.

>> No.4720463
File: 64 KB, 455x768, b8e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP post it exactly what /ic/ used to be
>/nu-ic/ has been formed

>> No.4720464

why are you getting triggered when her art is being called beg, or are you, dare I say, that same thotty?

You've probably told the same harsh truth to others on twitter but when it comes back at you it's apparently outrageous

>> No.4720466

>Tfw no qt art gf to roast your art

>> No.4720469
File: 70 KB, 886x886, 5B92D45C-3000-47D5-BEDD-96A05E17245D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>us creatives

>> No.4720471

better music

>> No.4720473
File: 65 KB, 800x420, ams.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>account is 99.9% fanart

>> No.4720474

imagine the shitstorm if this was a male artist

>> No.4720481

they are afraid to call her out because she's an industry pleb w connections

>> No.4720486
File: 54 KB, 1200x628, 75C3A4DE-1B33-4C7C-811C-7C9E5FD77A80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok retard

>> No.4720494

>im a succesful artist who got good fast but dont do what i did do uh something else

>> No.4720513
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>> No.4720518

i want to make it through raw fucking skill, fuck all of you

>> No.4720527

More reason to dislike Naughty Dog present staff I guess. What happened to it

>> No.4720548

>anon is probably the best draftsman on the planet
>his art is just so unappealing
>he can't even draw accurate tetrahedrons in non-euclidean fractal perspective, he's hack
>does anyone have his tutorials? I don't want to pay 1$ because I gave all my money to MrCoom342

>> No.4720611

i've been away from /ic/ for a bit so i don't know who the latest target for hate meme is

>she talks down on others
i mean the art world is full of fake ass bitches. whoever this kike is, is probably right and is being truthful. I'm absolutely shit at art. the only time i get a heart is when i put some effort into a painting.

>read the thread
ok i will now. just had some shit to do

>> No.4720619

>Imagine being 3d-monkey who has to adapt her STYLE to realistic models.

isnt that their job?

>> No.4720620

yeah his post is just really all over the place. he also says a "certain skill level is required" in the industry but then immediately after literally says "skill level and popularity have little to do with each other" as if companies care about anything but popularity. a company's whole purpose is to make money, all they care about is appeal. if you're popular, you're good as far as they're concerned.

>> No.4720654
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>catty SJW reply to cunty SJW
nice thread guys

now get back to work or fuck off to another hobby you failures.

>> No.4720705
File: 196 KB, 750x730, 1518988346371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>under 1k followers
>half of them are just spam bots and people who follow back everyone without looking
>gained 1 (ONE) follower from NobodyArtistClub tag
>barely sustain myself with commissions, have to keep prices low since I'm not an e-celeb and can't afford to lose my small commissioners base
>meanwhile some whores with 9.9k followers who draw some tumblroid trash and make 3x my monthly income just from having a vagina and paypal link in their profiles are whining about "not being noticed uwu T_T HashtagUnder10kGang"
>all that condescending bragging of spoiled "industry" rats who only got their job via nepotism
Incomprehensible unbridled spite is the only thing that keeps me going.

>> No.4720764

Ive never seen big Japanese artists retweeting other artists with very few followers. The artists with 10k+ followers only ever retweet’s other artists with the same amount of following.

>> No.4720785

>...just from having a vagina
Every time somebody complains about this, it ends up less than "they're female reeee and i'm not" and more like they're actually doing something right that you aren't.
The last time I saw somebody bitched about this, turns out that they were barely utilizing social media, ie. socializing with others and getting involved with fandoms/communities, and cried that a woman who actually made the effort to do so was getting more attention.

>> No.4720803
File: 35 KB, 132x134, 0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4720822

>tfw just a nobody drawing whatever
>Draw tons of different people but my art that happened to get popular usually had black people
>get thousands of followers
>disparity in likes between art with black people and art without
>other people try to boost/promo me as a black artist
>I'm not even black

>> No.4720885

algenmode is pretty much the original /ic/ mindset. just be a neet for a year and grind to the exclusion of everything else in your life bro, are your mind and body falling apart? are you irreparably damaging all your personal relationships? doesn't matter keep drawing pussy. does living like that make you pretty good at drawing? yes. will it cause you to burn out HARD and make any mental issues you have way worse? yes.
almost everyone here who tried to imitate algen & dave just ended up burnt out and bitter and the board probably went to shit for 4+ years as a result. it is straight up not a healthy way to live. being good at drawing but completely unhappy and isolated isn't worth shit, it's the most surefire path to being soulless.

>> No.4720888

I only have 2 followers and I post every single day my art.

>> No.4720899

You need to promote you art in other communities. It's like sharing art to a wall and expecting it to share to others.

>> No.4720910

I use many tags though. Am I missing a popular tag I should be using? Or what else do you mean by community? Do you mean another website entirely?

>> No.4720924

But I'm unhappy and isolated regardless.

>> No.4720940

Yes, the more you share the better chances you have at getting 1 more follower. You can kinda stop sharing as much after you have a few hundreds followers since they will do the work for you.
Look at Coke for example, even though it's pretty famous worldwide they still heavily invest in advertising.

>> No.4720962

what relationships?

>> No.4720964

Made me kek

>> No.4720968

>Woman giving her take on recognition in art
A man with skills to have 1k followers would have 10k if they were a woman (even if they're trans)

>> No.4721009

you understimate the power of pussy and simps

>> No.4721014

If that was true you wouldn’t get any commission either tranny

>> No.4721026
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>just socialize an b urself bro
that option was already taken and it made me 10 times more miserable than what you're presenting, I enjoy doing art and being alone better

>> No.4721035
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>I'm popular therefore I'm good
>if you aren't popular you're bad
>backpedal when you lose popularity

it had to be an angloid woman

>> No.4721045
File: 56 KB, 573x317, EA05842E-C4E6-489B-92A7-87EF9FB3C4D6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>backpedal when you lose popularity
She’s only been gaining popularity though

>> No.4721057

This is a board that blames absolutely anything before themselves (not having Asian Genes, ligameme, lack of a display tablet, etc) and loves to crab in general.
The only case where you would be right would be that retarded #visiblewomen tag, or camwhores. But camwhoring in general would get you more attention even as a male as long as you are attractive.

>> No.4721096

kek fucking knew it. industry cunts were flipping their shit because they're trying to convince the little guys that nepotism totally isn't a thing

>> No.4721100
File: 151 KB, 1500x1000, IMG_8457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So she is the video game version of pic related, who just married a director and placed herself in charge of actual trained and talented people. but still spends half of her day talking shit to anyone on twitter who hopes to ever land a job remotely as nice as hers?

>> No.4721102

Yes daddy

>> No.4721103

So clearly, don't try to make friends or meet people on social media.... followers and contacts don't matter!

>> No.4721108

So she was right? Followers don't matter. Fucking your way into a job is all that really matters.

>> No.4721111

I've seen it. Saw someone make My Life as a Teenage Robot porn a year ago and jumped from 0 to about 2K followers in slightly over a month.

>> No.4721112
File: 372 KB, 628x335, Korone-chan and the Heat Death of the Universe screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doing commissions
Please stop, worrying about this short term money

PlagueOfGripes said it best https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oK8aUasLx9k&feature=youtu.be&t=3815

>> No.4721284


I'm pretty decent at art and my best posts get fewer than 10 likes. Some people are bad artists but good at social media (or lucky?) and have 10k+ followers. It's more complicated than "good artists get noticed."

>> No.4721293

I prefer commissions over working in the industry.

>> No.4721338

>it is straight up not a healthy way to live. being good at drawing but completely unhappy and isolated isn't worth shit
>normalfag norman always believe that everyone has the same brain as them extraverti who can't cope without going out with their social circle and whatnot
please please please stop talking for everyone else

>> No.4721349

but it's a good way to start, and it's rare you'd end up making more money than working in the industry, unless you have some quality passive income coming in alongside comm money

>> No.4721400

Girls in general are always mean.

>> No.4721439
File: 40 KB, 384x1578, 45541412415.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember anons, you aren't going to make it and anyone telling you otherwise is trying to make you a laughingstock.

>> No.4721612
File: 97 KB, 1080x1080, 39312653_260377601253634_7444746893269139456_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

real artists are cute

>> No.4721615
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I dont play the game but what is with TLOU employee bringing their drama over to another community??
Everything these maggots touch rot. Why the fuck can't we separate gamers from the art community, these parasites only breed to cause damage on society.

>> No.4721618

you're right, the only flaw with your cartoon is that not everyone needs to make a cake.

>> No.4721645

blog? Maybe we can push you a little

>> No.4721672

Pretty much this. You can't be unnoticeable if you're good at art unless you draw some obscure autism who nobody cares about.

>> No.4721675
File: 79 KB, 1334x750, D6D86F74-A614-432E-8769-EF5C56EF392B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t care. She is actually right with some caveats.
1. A lot of artists aren’t where they could be if they drew as much as they played video games or spent playing cancel culture on twitter. The concept of personal growth and working on your art (in case many of you forgot) isn’t something most artists on twitter are interested in. Twitter isn’t exactly where all the serious artists are. More than any other website, it’s a clout contest.
2. People who want to get commissions DO need to work at getting them. Things don’t just fall in your lap and only entitled NGMIs think it will. If you aren’t very old at art, you gotta work on getting better before you’re gonna get hired. If you are a good artist and don’t get commissions, then you probably just need to work harder at publicizing your open commission slots. Things aren’t just gonna magically fall into your lap without some effort. Twitter exemplifies that kind of sick entitlement mentality. Just look at how they dogpile Elon Musk for example any time he says something positive about working hard. Every twitter drone whips out their bloody tampon and whines about how hard they have it despite working one million hours per week.
3. We aren’t entitled to success, most of us are ngmi, other people being successful isn’t the reason why we didn’t get it. Sometimes it actually is just dumb luck that you get popular. There was an artist named like Gro-ggy or something a few years ago. Blew up over night. She had a cute art style. Claimed to be a 16 year old girl. Follows skyrocketed to 50K almost immediately. Was that not luck? We’ve all seen flash in the pan overnight successes. Saying luck is relevant isn’t a controversial opinion. It’s just an unfortunate truth.
4. Do your best. Don’t worry about what others are doing or getting. Be happy with what you have but keep striving for better out of yourself. Being happy with ourselves despite our circumstances is the best you can ask for

>> No.4721678

False conclusion

>> No.4721679
File: 182 KB, 640x640, 1573567126578.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Competent 2D artists are expected to make orthographics for 3D modelers.
Although for some grey and brown cinematic shit like TLOU this must be redundant as well sine it's all real world stuff from some outsourced asset library and photoscanned people so the only 2D artists who do anything substantial are environment photobashers.

>> No.4721693

>associate and become friends with a bunch of high follower count artists
>can post shitty beg doodles and still get likes and retweets because of my friends
Your skill level is irrelevant. Everything in this world is about making connections.

>> No.4721704

obviously you can't boil it down to that. Somewhere down the web of connections has to be some kind of competence eventually.

>> No.4721914

So where can I find such hostile env which is conducive to improvement? Im already miserable so no harm done there

>> No.4721938

I'd like a friendly environment with people who aren't so worked up since I am harsher to myself than all of Twitter combined.

>> No.4721978

lmao I knew something was up when I saw her artwork years ago and wondered how she got the job compared to her colleagues which are way better than her. I just figured naughty dog hired her to meet the status quo even though she is not that good.

>> No.4721990

Maybe that’s why she deleted the tweet. Imagine telling thousands and thousands of people their lack of success is due to skill when you only got your job because you fucked the goddamn art director lmaooooo

>> No.4721994

Im also harsh on myself because my art and improvement is shit. I want to fix both of these. I dont care about a harsh environment as long as it helps me to improve. /ic/ is harsh but useless other than for getting material

>> No.4722119

>She's not fucking wrong by the way

she isn't, only because she used the guarding term "some of you". people didn't seems to get it tho.

>> No.4722130

It's not because "your skills aren't where they need to be" to get noticed. Your skill doesn't matter at all when it comes to getting noticed, commission is another story.

>> No.4722149

That's not mean. It's just tough love/ honest feedback.
If nobody cares enough to correct the mistakes you are ignorant of, you will never be able to correct them yourself.

The fact that you think this is mean tells me you have plenty of room to improve yourself. Read the sticky, and advance your skills, fren.

>> No.4722151

so everything else being the same, a beg artist will have the same reach that a pro?

>> No.4722156

For getting commissions? yea sure

For landing an industry job? Not even. That depends on making the right friends and contacts

>> No.4722157

>You can't be unnoticeable if you're good at art
but you can hence the people using the hashtag in the first place

>> No.4722163

i could play a 70mm on this post from the amount of projection I'm seeing

>> No.4722165

>Listening to anything a female has to say
Remember, women only do and say things that benefit them and only them. And there is no exception to this rule. Especially no exception if it's some literal who on social media.

Also someone should post her work

>> No.4722170

No, that's not what I said. If everything is the same but the skill isn't then yes, skill will get you further in reaching others. But above skills is how often you post, interaction, telling a story/being funny and doing the ground work of being annoying and sharing everywhere. You can get far on twitter or any art community with shitty art, like stick figures.

>> No.4722173

You can, post it with a new account and don't to any leg work of sharing to randos or not tagging.

>> No.4722177

Nice meme word.

>> No.4722201

I fucking love 2020. All of these pompous faggot artists i looked up to until i knew better are being exposed and called out for their bullshit its the sweetest justice ever.

That cringey faggot Noah Bradley is finished

Magic the gathering is all of a sudden adopting a more playful “Anime”-ish style after years of telling artists to focus on more realist style fantasy (look at Dave’s newest shit thunder cats card)

Big names are rightfully being called out for being shitty about a hashtag meant for artists with low follower accounts

Its absolutley glorious.. I fucking love it.

Ive been burned by these mofos before and it feels so good to see them attacked.
I will let you guys with a shrivel of hope to get in this industry know they absolutely gatekeep.

At the very instance you prove you think for yourself or are willing to be abrasive in a conversation (especially with one of the well known faggots) you are seen as the enemy.

Theres a reason cute asian girls just seem to float through the industry and get offered the best trade secrets so they dont look completely incompetent. Theres a reason you’ll only see a handful of black artists working in the industry (Why do you think theres only one notable black artist in the concept art industry and we all know who I’m talking about?)

These people are horrible. They are liars and they are sneviling fake opportunists. I smelled it as soon as they started chatting “brushes dont matter” and “Just work on your skill and you’ll get noticed” 5 or so years ago

>> No.4722213

But brushes really don't matter, they speed up some things but fancy brushes aren't required to learn.

>> No.4722227

Most of the art world is just a huge pyramid scheme. There's the actual production industry that is walled off to a select few, and a mock industry run by the same people that is entirely about drawing money from wannabes. All those cintiqs and art supplies and schools and courses and premium accounts and sponsors and ads wouldn't get sold if people were told there are no jobs.

>> No.4722233

Same, what was the magic with conceptart that made them improve so quickly?

>> No.4722238

Thats the thing speed matters. To flippantly spew off “brushes dont matter” everytime someone genuinely asks you that is just being an ass when you and everyone else knows IT DOES MATTER to some extent when it comes to producing professional work.

Yeah you could create a professional piece, with every texture look and every effect you need with just the round brush. But really?

Imagine any other professional field where someone said something similar. The car you drive doesnt matter for racing, the rod you use doesnt matter for fishings. You’d come off as an ass

>> No.4722245

>they absolutely gatekeep.
Yeah, no shit. You're not supposed to get gud but you're supposed to buy their courses, books and watch their youtube videos about vapid and useless shit that's already been said countless times.
You're not supposed to get better than them because them you'll steal their customers.
If everyone gets good then the market will even more saturated and prices will start to drop.

You should stop worrying about internet people and focus on yourself.
Yet i can only feel the same about such people getting what they fucking deserve.

>> No.4722252

And you’d come especially as an ass when its just as easy to go over to the toolbar and simply name the fucking brush you used in a piece.

Imagine taking the same breath it takes to simply name the brush youre using and instead using it to be an asshole.
It just makes it seem like you legitimately know the brushes you use are vital to your unique style or something and that gives you an advantage in this highly competitive market.
But thats besides the point. I’d advise every artist reading this to go the hobbyist route and make your own shit (if youre not an art printer drone that has to be told what to draw). Collect people who’d pay you to make the shit you’ve always wanted to make and pursue those people the rest of your life. Then youre golden

>> No.4722266

>view his twitter
>solange. they/she. nonbinary. black. femme lesbian. law student. 26. ffxiv, animal crossing, splatoon, kirby, nier, dragonball. i write a thing at

Oh No no

>> No.4722281

If I'm remembering correctly, this person used to draw on /a/ and was a huge underage shitposting faggot.
So this is what 33k gets you huh.

>> No.4722310

The artist is good but it’s not my cup of tea. This pic isn’t all that appealing to me even though I admit that i see why someone would like it. If he draws for himself though, maybe he doesn’t want people saying how awful it is he doesn’t have a big following. I have 430 followers and I’m happier that way. I didn’t go along with the BLM faggotry and I didn’t have any stupid idiots trying to pressure me to use a platform they didn’t build to mouth political opinions I don’t believe in. The contrary, I started talking shit about BLM and protesters and lost 30 followers in two days. Then I gained about 30 new ones who I’m sure aren’t gonna bitch out later when I don’t keep my mouth shut. A small following is the true path to artistic freedom. You don’t have to apologize because not enough people see you to care. But you have enough that you get a like or two occasionally. Just enough external validation is good enough.

>> No.4722332

>At the very instance you prove you think for yourself or are willing to be abrasive in a conversation (especially with one of the well known faggots) you are seen as the enemy.

It's more like, if you do not kiss their asses and worship them as gods n Earth, then you are considered the enemy. Until such time you are more important than they and now they have to worship you.

>> No.4722335
File: 9 KB, 247x204, 216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well yea no shit. It's an insudtry that no one can apply for or send in resumes for. One has to "Break In" which means Networking culture. You HAVE to network to get literally any job of any level.

So that means nothing but gate keeping and keeping people they don't lie out. And no job is gained based on skill at all ever. It is 100% who you know, who you suck up to, and who throws you a bone.

>> No.4722345

>Magic the gathering is all of a sudden adopting a more playful “Anime”-ish style after years of telling artists to focus on more realist style fantasy (look at Dave’s newest shit thunder cats card)
I couldn't find the artworks in question

>> No.4722373

>and we all know who I’m talking about
I don. Who?

>> No.4722377
File: 362 KB, 838x1717, tism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can't make this shit up

>> No.4722392
File: 2.30 MB, 1182x1491, 4B092CEE-F7C8-4713-8B12-5D1135CABB7A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine seeing this after years of fat blue haired art directors telling you “you cant get a job here drawing anime style” or “focus on your lighting, render, realism, etc”

>> No.4722406

Looks like a 90s comic splash page

>> No.4722408

>Some of you aren't being noticed or getting industry jobs because you are not fucking an employed art director until they give you a position

>> No.4722421

>"Y-y-yeah fellow goys, you just suck."
like pottery

>> No.4722436
File: 401 KB, 1200x1200, 204aede648a19d13783cc41c1c055d8f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Secret Lair is a “sub-brand” of Magic: The Gathering that groups existing cards into small collectible sets with strange themes and wild new art styles.
So it's just limited product that has nothing to do with actual MtG visual direction.

>> No.4722446

They’re somewhat the same but this one spends even more time being passive aggressive to people and going off about how to make it when her art isn’t that good and she’s not even working as an artist.

>> No.4722464

She's not wrong

>> No.4722500

It's both yes and no read the thread.
lots of mixed bag drama is happening because people keeping bringing up topic just to add fuel in the fire.

>> No.4722506

It pains me that someone who even admits that they cannot storyboard or even draw, is the final word at Cartoon Network on who gets to be a board artist. And all because she married into her position.

>> No.4722510

Whose to say they even knew each other when she was hired? This is honestly just dumb speculation on your part.

>> No.4722575
File: 241 KB, 1080x909, IMG_20200714_091054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Dave dunking on whiny entitled cunts ,I like that a lot of established artist went full agro on /begs/ after Alexandria had to delete her tweet from too many cunts screeching at her

>> No.4722576

said the female, who has 70% of her followers from the fact that she's female.

>> No.4722584

Uhhh if only i was a female id get all the likes , no it cant me my shit art or the fact i dont know how to study , holy cope

>> No.4722586

and she got that tier 1 industry job because she has a vagina.

>> No.4722588


>> No.4722598


>> No.4722601

oh my fucking God hahahhaa.
what a fucking bitch!
"I'm sucking the art director's cock, but keep your nose to the grindstone, lonely male.

>> No.4722604

Has this been posted to twitter yet?
The reaction from industry insiders should be interesting.

>> No.4722610

more like female-ism. suck your way to the top!
it happens more often than any of us want to imagine it does.

>> No.4722616

no thanks, I'm white and I love Japanese people (:

>> No.4722618

you mean you have a japanese fetish

>> No.4722620

i bet you incels get all the pussy

>> No.4722621
File: 29 KB, 400x400, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was he an art director 6 years ago too?

>> No.4722623

>fuck all of you
here's where women have you beat. they understand that it's all a social game, and about how popular you are.
high school never ends...

>> No.4722626

>barely using social media
you are 10x more popular on social media if you're a girl.
you already know this.

>> No.4722629

>That cringey faggot Noah Bradley is finished
LOVE this. fucking douchecuck. "artist. not the broke kind."

I think you're talking about that black guy who says he's "Korean" because he was born there. lmao. I remember he was fucking obnoxious and no one would call him out because he's black.

>> No.4722630

: it's 70% phototextures

>> No.4722633

>should I hire this "cute" girl
>I never meet any women
>I have a position of status here
>let me bring her into my environment

>> No.4722635

he knew she had a vagina (:
that's all it takes, friend.

>> No.4722640

Correct me if im right.
>hashtag was made to promote small artist
>big artist tried to jump in but couldn't
>small artist got mad and retaliate
>big artist then start preaching about moral
If this is the case then i dont see why are people blaming small artist trying to promote their brand? It is a practice of networking and self marketing isnt it?
As for the moral aspect of the arguement, "followers doesnt mean anything, work harder. Dont be entitled"
Yes this is by common standard a justifed statement, but that's painting everyone with the same stroke? Because if self promoting is entitlement, then how did those big wigs artists even got their job? To whom is that statement meant for? Is everyone who use that hashtag entitled by default?
My point is, the hashtag is just happened to be there for the purpose of promotion, its politcal status is neutral. Then all of the sudden eclebs started a college lecture. I mean they're not wrong, but they're starting a fire in a forest just so they can scream about there is a forest fire.

>> No.4722645

it's a bitch who got to the top sucking dick trying to stunt and posture herself as if she'd actually earned what she's got.

>> No.4722648

I honestly lost respect for Dave after he joined in with the witch hunting agaisnt noah bradly. He thinks he's independent minded against the mob, but he's already in another mob wihout realizeling it.

>> No.4722650

What did he say? I don't remember seeing him post anything about it.

>> No.4722652

whatever, I could totally see Noah being a douche, seeing as that's his normal persoality.

>> No.4722653

>after he joined in with the witch hunting agaisnt noah bradly

>> No.4722658

First 4 posts on Alexandria's insta is her and 3 other people traveling around Vasquez Rocks.
Those 3 people are:
@jsweeney2147 - mr John Sweeney himself
@eytan_zana - Eytan Zana, close friend of John Sweeney, who hepled him to get a job at ND
@carolinedanger - Eytan Zana's gf

It was some sort of double date, so by August 2013 they had a relationship. Also around that time John starts to shill for Alexandria's art on his Facebook, and posts pictures from Alexandria's hometown.

Thing is, Alexandria was hired in november 2012, but there are no social media activity from them around that time, so it's impossible to confirm if they knew each other by that time.

But even if they didn't date around that time, it's pretty safe to assume that John was always backing her up and helped her to stay at ND and get better position.
Remember that she was literal who childbook illustrator/UI designer for trash mobile games before joining ND.

He was hired to ND because of his friends ( says so himself there: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6t2iRO9KmU ), so he wasn't just a literal who, but a strong figure with connections. The fact that he got promoted to Art Director in 2017 only confirms that.

>> No.4722672
File: 783 KB, 1080x1661, Screenshot_20200714-013750_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While not directly, he was in the discussion under noah bradley's contooversial apology. He and Palmer are close friend, and palmer hates Bradley very much so it wouldnt surprise me that Dave would have some input of his own. He commented in a few controversial tweet about comic vs sjw too but they were easily glossed over.

>> No.4722684

it's not just Palmer, all of the big name artists form their own circle jerk secret club. You can tell by the pattern that they comment on each other's posts, it give you hints that there was pre-discussion that took place before their conversation.
It's not the first time they have talked about that particular subject, although that is not something to be surprised at.

>> No.4722695

Funniest part is that if she was in relationship with someone else back then, or just a lit bit more crazy, today she would #METOO poor ol' Sweeney.

>> No.4722706

maybe he fell in love with her and wanted to help her succeed. is that so bad? this wasnt just some one night stand or a booty call

>> No.4722709

Christ you guys get so triggered over the stupidest shit. this reads like a soap opera for incels.

>> No.4722711

>he was fucking her in a certain type of way so it's cool that she gets a super high status job justfor being a girl

>> No.4722714

so what if she did. youre basically assuming the truth anyway.

>> No.4722715

who the fuck cares, noah bradley was a retard anyways

>> No.4722717

>Noah Bradley
what happened to him? run down?

>> No.4722718

Nepotism is still nepotism. But lets be real here, she deleted her tweet and didnt stand her ground she's either hiding a flaw or she got what she wanted. Her twitter didnt drop, she gained more followers after this. If she wanted to avoid threats or bad ink on her profile, the most logically way is to set her blog on private.

>> No.4722720

This is kinda depressing, dude is high off his following

>> No.4722721

Sadly same can be said with the artists. Like teacher like students.

>> No.4722726

you sound inexperienced in life

>> No.4722727

honestly that is just disgusting
>followers dont matter
>but here let me show you to my followers and theny we all laugh at you
meh lame

>> No.4722729

I'm not saying its bad. If I was in Sweeney's position I would do same for my talented artist gf.

It's just her saying "My only advice is to get stronk portfolio!" is really funny if you know all those details, thats why I posted it.

>> No.4722734

imo that is fine BUT she should not go around and tell others to stfu and work hard and other shit as if she got it by pure skill. her art is lame and unimaginative. she is the one who should just stfu

>> No.4722736

>it's "funny" when you get a high status job just for being born female

>> No.4722737

I looked at his twitter feed and he tweeted out like 20 different shitposts on the topic and nothing else kek

>> No.4722743

why because i didnt pick up the torch and pitchforks with a bunch of shitbag incels? fuck you all. its a non issue that affects no one.

>> No.4722767
File: 28 KB, 431x420, CCB9C22F-FF6A-4805-AF95-083E7C8FDD95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When did Twitter become such a filthy shithole that people like Alexandra have to delete their threads in realization that it’s impossible to have a nuanced discussion there, or have peoplr like Dave turn into a shitposting bot because it’s simply not worth taking it seriously?

>> No.4722777

because people like her should not say anything about this matter >>4720141

>> No.4722781

What are you talking there are never discussion on twitter, it has always been about one sided statement that OP make then people will entirely agree with it even if it is wrong or not. Because only people who retweet and like the tweet would talk about. This case was the opposite where the commentors are actually retaliating over the initial notion.

>> No.4722785

dave has always been a shitposter, it's his way of handling heavy topic. Either ignore it, or play safe with it.

>> No.4722788

Devoid of context, she’s right. But why even make a post like that in the first place? It didn’t help anyone and just started a flame war. Glad I never joined t*****r.

>> No.4722789

oh but you have every right to call everyone niggers and faggots? if you can say what the fuck you want try not getting triggered to create your safespace when other people say what you dont like you filthy little incel

>> No.4722791

this is an anonymous site you tourist.

>> No.4722792

I am not a public figure going around calling others personally a nigger faggot tranny or whatever. I am a random person who keeps to themselves and is anon.
she is someone who should mind what she says in PUBLIC with 75k followers.
are you retarded?

>> No.4722793

yeah and its all about free speech until you hear what you dont like you fucking hypocrite

>> No.4722795

youre jealous cuz she has a platform while you have to struggle for the premium air on 4chan. gtfoh

>> No.4722797

And you're practicing it. Welcome to 4chan I guess, we talk about anime here.

>> No.4722802

yeah so i hope youre enjoying you little incel soap opera faggot

>> No.4722804

im not even the same person you reply to, but if you want to have an actual fight against evil, i suggest you start a war on /pol/ by yourself. Maybe you can help us clean them out of here too.

>> No.4722806

lmao do you know her and are afraid it comes all out?

>> No.4722945

>(Why do you think theres only one notable black artist in the concept art industry and we all know who I’m talking about?)
Who? I don't keep up with 90% of these faggots because they all act like high school girls. Your 100% right on the pretty little asian girl and black dude thing. Even though people like to call it a meme, but asian women are very susceptible to peer pressure and black men are much more likely to have an abrasive personality (source: /int/ black guy with a abrasive personality). Its hilarious how duplicitous these people are, I hate interacting with artist especially female ones because it always ends up feeling like I'm in highschool again.

>> No.4722955
File: 1.58 MB, 240x232, 1522796679503.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not enjoying the fact that he's having a laugh shitposting while both sides are buttblasted about absolutely nothing.
>Not knowing he grew a massive following from drawing meme's and just being general goof ball, not one of these retarded artist that scream their hot takes into the void or generic coomer artist that all spew the same brand of discord-esque memes all day
Its like you faggots hate fun ontop of not being able to see nuance in both arguments.

>> No.4722966

whoa is that the pog man?? why is he not pogging..

>> No.4722997
File: 212 KB, 447x447, bro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4723006


>> No.4723011

Recoiling and seething femoid looking to attract art director dick

>> No.4723012
File: 5 KB, 206x213, JetLeesmiling.gif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Its like you faggots hate fun ontop of not being able to see nuance in both arguments.
Welcome to the normieville that is this board

>> No.4723022
File: 631 KB, 611x867, Gottfried Bammes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously shut the fuck up and post work
Jesus christ why the fuck people can't become simple imagine grindimg ass offed for 15 years then babble bullshit and lose follower how fucking stupid is that

>> No.4723064

damn i didn't know based bammes was the one asking me to always post my work on here

>> No.4723068


>> No.4723075
File: 290 KB, 600x729, yes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh but you have every right to call everyone niggers and faggots?


>> No.4723144

I expected more honesty from Dave. I don't dislike him but dude got popular with memes and fanart spam and when he tried making an original work (StarVeil) he bitched out because original content that needs to stand its own ground without easy references / memes to post on the internet is hard mode even if you're a good artist. Every single popular artist who started something original that got an amount of initial hype eventually bitched out because the amount of quality you need to sell that shit is straight up unrealistic and people are just not interested in anything but an immediate dopamine rush.
Not to mention all these guys have started when there was still opportunity in this field, it's not possible they're so out of touch and they don't realize how fucking insane it is to compete right now.
On the other hand you cannot possibly claim any of this because this argument isn't about how the world works but it's about validating a bunch of snowflakes who want to get a job because they have a weird pronoun in their bio, all the people who actually draw and don't want to do this gay social media shit have dropped out from social media so you won't hear what they have to say in those threads.

>> No.4723186

he participated in controversy soap opera, what makes him such a special child? You can separate him and his art anon, but you're just worshiping a god like dutiful servant.

>> No.4723437

> how fucking insane it is to compete right now.
thats because its so easy to come across information , courses ( including torrents stuff liek CGpeers didnt existback then , FREE COURSES ) and bunch of tutorials for free on youtube , its never been easier to git gud fast so its only natural that theres more competition , when dave was up and coming he didnt have those resources , he did a lot of feedback streams back in the day too , he did his part in giving back and can shitpost all he wants
Its never been easier to become competitive , never forget that crab

>> No.4723504

After the blowjob game journos gave The Last Of Us 2 I'm willing to bet there are a bunch of inflated egos at that company.

ah nepotism.

>Tweet in pic is a reply to someone.
Why did you crop out context?

>Its never been easier to become competitive
I dunno, too many woke nutjobs responsible for hiring so odds are you will always lose when you are up against one of their diversity checkboxes.

>> No.4723522

he does have steve lichman but yeah. also he's acknowledged that he made it at a time that's not like now at all in a podcast on artcafe with maciej kuciara

>> No.4723591

all im hearing are excuses annon

>> No.4723598

lol I am a diversity checkbox, a few years ago I would have been all for it but these days I don't think it is worth the headaches that come with having an SJW boss.

>> No.4723600
File: 401 KB, 1536x2048, 6D635D7A-559D-43AD-92FD-74B34A1007F8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dave is being a complete ass about this as if his following hasn’t got him jobs. He literally built his career on fan art and exposure. Not to say he didnt work hard for that but there was once a time he needed movements like this hashtag to get known.

Why would he in turn try and pretend like his following means absolutely nothing to his career yet ironically he knows if he makes faggy tweets like this he’ll get tons of people agreeing with him?

He’s being an ass straight up. Ive been side eyeing him for a while on twitter. This mofo pretended to be shocked by Noah’s actions on Twitter yet attended the same events, he pretended to be completely oblivious yet a couple years back him and dan were on Noahs side when he was cucked by his previous girlfriend and went into hiding for a year...

Stop sucking this mofos dick he’s just a person like everyone else. He cant sit here and meme and passive aggressively joke about this situation as if people dont have a right to be pissed established artists are hogging the spotlight once again.

>> No.4723630

he was shitalking about what noah did on livestreams on twitch long before it was revealed it was noah , he was talking about an incident of artist yelling "do you know who i AM ?" and he never acted suprised on twitter , from waht i saw his only post regarding the drama was he remembered the incident and confirming noah was an ass , it wasnt his story to tell but when you connect the dots of him shitalking from livestreams and now knowing it was noah acting up at afterparties its pretty clear he was one of people Dave shittalked but didnt name
>He cant sit here and meme and passive aggressively joke
yes he cant NGMI
>established artists are hogging the spotlight once again
oh no people follow and retweet artist who create amazing art instead of my /beg shit
how are you not self aware

>> No.4723663

It fucking blow my mind I’m on twitter seeing artists with 45k followers saying “Followers wont bring you happiness” Yet these motherfuckers will pimp their prints, courses, original drawings / paintings, and commissions in the same breath.

How fucking out of touch and narcissistic can you be to try and discredit how much a following does for you and only tell half truths about it? Are you not using hashtags? Are you not participating in ink tober? Are you telling me you never tried to jump on the waves of instagram, facebook, and youtube?

These motherfuckers are literally disgusting

>> No.4723681
File: 35 KB, 250x382, E6CFD2DB-4D6C-4A94-A146-ED13B61221D8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m pretty sure he was talking about Dan Luvisi when he was talking about the “I’m sure you guys have heard of me” comment.. Noah wasnt at that event.

At the same time they were allies with this dude. Much like all these other artists who gave him a platform. Like the Suzanne chick, and Cynthia Sheppard whose been hella quite this whole time, and others.

He was still getting work and surviving in the industry yet other artists are blacklisted for far less... Theyre all scummy.

And just lol at assuming my art is shit to have a valid argument. Like i said stop sucking this dudes dick. I know 30 or so artists producing professional level projects in the shadows right now with less than 1k followers.

Followers has never = skill

If you think jazza is a skilled artist youre kidding you’re self

If you think Ross Tran is anything but a mediocre concept artist with lifeless art pieces youre kidding yourself

Same goes for that other new youtube fag with the cigarette and butcher knife.

They are mediocre at best nothing special

>> No.4723747

never said that having followers means skill, this specific shitstorm on twitter right now in this specific point in time IS beg tier shitters going on industry veterans tweets and saying they are lazy for not retweeting their beg shit to use their following for good , or shitalking very skilled artist when thye point out that in 90% of the cases the lack of following is in lack of skills , yes there are amzing artist with low following thats not whats currently being argued , a lot of amazing artist dont try to market them selves because they ether work inhouse already or are established freelancers and unelss they have specific plan to sell tutorials or create a graphic novel or something of that sort spending a lot of time every day posting and interacting on twitter would be waste of time ,dont assume those amazing artist with less than 1k followers are salivating at the idea of having a big following , most of them cant be bothered , but nice try

>> No.4723849

Lol don’t enter this discussion if you dont even know what its about kid.

> SKILLED artists with little followings who want to grow start a hashtag to grow a following.

> Pro artists hijack a hashtag that literally says “Nobodyartists” even though theyre the biggest names in the industry (how shitty can you be to do this)

> Low follower count artists call them out on it

> Industry pros tell them to “stop whining and get good” One in particular who got their job by fucking an art director.

You argue like a 12 year old. Youre trying so hard to misconstrue my point so it seems like you have a valid argument. Creating a false narrative that begining artists started the tag, that they were begging for reposts of their art from industry pros, assuming that i dont personally know the artists i mentioned, who are creating personal ip’s to literally build an audience..

Just lmao nice try

>> No.4723889

>If you don't care that this guy shit on some narcissistic, virtue signaling cunt while he was getting cancelled, that means you worship him like a god.
You sound like a humongous faggot. Your doing the exact type of shit that the sjws do. "Noooo, he said something while some guy was getting cancelled, so thats means hes one of those EssJayDoubleU's, Noooooo". Shut the fuck up you baby.

>> No.4723987

>Ive been burned by these mofos before and it feels so good to see them attacked.

How did they push your shit in? Genuinely intrigued.

>> No.4723999

Umm no stop hyperboling and chill. Im just saying that Dave isnt as innocent as you paint him to be, i dont care if he draw loli or is a sjw, but you shouldnt go and assume everything he do is justified. That is idolization, you should just seperate his art and his persona fpr the best of it in this case.

>> No.4724035

>Umm no stop hyperboling and chill.
You literally said I'm worshiping him as a god you fucking faggot. No one that's successful in the industry is "innocent". You have to lie to save face, kiss ass to get ahead and follow to flow of your peers no matter how much it goes against your morals. I like Dave because he doesn't take shit seriously, doesn't mean I agree with him on everything or see him as a shinning beacon of what an artist should be. Don't think because I like this one guy that I don't separate the person from the artist for others.

>> No.4724158

I thought the whole argument started with a lot of industry people showed up to talk shit about people using the tag in the first place and how they were against it and hated that people were doing it. Then people fired back at them, and all the back and forth had people complaining how some people with a lot of followers and were currently employed were also using the tag too and that was not fair.

I recall seeing a lot of people complaining that the tag existed in the firt place and they were giving their 5-10 tweet long rants of how that was a horrible thing to do and how people need to stop. When they themselves had 20-80k followers and never got off their high horse.

>> No.4725031

Just saw Alexandria's rant on twitter, must really hit the nerve.

>Naughty dog was a cold call application after I was told I wasn’t getting a raise even though I was leading up a project and everyone around me was paid more.
So she confirms she was really mediocre at her job

>I met him after I got my job at naughty dog.
Sure you did, but I bet he was after you the moment he saw your application. Thats why you became a couple in less than a year of working together.

>He was not an art director until after I became a concept artist.
Weak cop out. One does not become Art Director without strong position and connections in this nepotic industry.

>> No.4725093

It wasnt even like a huge crucifixion like you might be used to seeing online.

Long story short i was gaining some clout in a couple facebook art groups back when those were a thing.

Had a cheeky take on gum road tutorials and apparently that hit a little to close to some who could read between the lines.

An argument in the comment insued where a bunch of people started indirectly defending shitty things i saw pro artists doing.

One pro artist at the time started going at me. Called me an ass hole for making a cheeky flippant joke i wasnt even thinking too much about. He did it because he knew it was the truth.

The argument went completely off the rails but that was all i needed to see. a bunch of wannabe entertainment industry artists defending pro artists for doing shitty stuff, then this pro artist jumps in and thinks I’ll change my stance in his presence.. I didnt. I’m guessing i was blacklisted because coincidentally i stopped seeing the engagement on my posts in these groups like i had seen prior.

I had been seeing signs of the highschool games before but this was it for me.
What is more disgusting (and sort of a side note) is that this artist is playing the industry.. works at a AAA company using his following to sell basic tutorials.. Not to hate but i cant help but be spiteful after what this artist tried to do to me. A lot of these artists pretend to live modest lives online btw but pull up to their AAA studio in Audi r8’s and porches