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File: 462 KB, 754x852, Porn animator banned from Pornhub.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4717006 No.4717006 [Reply] [Original]

>Draw porn
>Upload to Pornhub
>Get Banned

>> No.4717008

Article Link

>> No.4717014

I don't just go to one porn site.

>> No.4717032

Death to coomers

>> No.4717039

Serves him right

>> No.4717040
File: 274 KB, 1280x720, 1568250059823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those hashtags
Men should stop mimicking women and start taking action if they care so much.

I hate coomers, I hate moralfags, but most of all I hate cowards. Kill everyone.

>> No.4717042

So what exactly caused the ban? All the article says is that they were 'problematic', but what the fuck does that mean in this context? Was it rape porn or something? Did the dude scream out "Gas the Jews" as he came? I don't get it.

>> No.4717043

Good. Fuck coomers.

>> No.4717044

It would be nice to read what actually happened instead of that rambling opinion piece.

>> No.4717045

99% it was the tentacle rape porn bit, judging by the shit he posts on his newgrounds and the comment on the article about tentacle porn being banned on pornhub.

>> No.4717054
File: 712 KB, 1180x744, off-site monitoring.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not too long ago Patreon came after Eigaka

>> No.4717064

scarcity creates demand
we will find a way
long live coomers

>> No.4717089

they also made me delete all nintendo related stuff. Times ahead are gonna be tough

>> No.4717099

Lol stfu with your lies you nobody

>> No.4717108

> strut into a bar
> "bar owner, I'd like to see the... merchandise"
> bar owner takes you out the back
> hits a button on the wall
> cupboard slides away to reveal stairs
> stairs lead to a small basement
> "here's what I got today"
> basement full of paper in cardboard boxes
> paper with drawings
> bar owner picks one up and holds it up
> "this is a good one, Zelda naked, only $4.95"

>> No.4717118

as long as women are sluts you wont stop them being drawn as sluts.

>> No.4717120

Sieg heil!

>> No.4717123

>Holy fuck, you really got midna gangbang? I'll pay anything

>> No.4717160

I hope pornfags and whores all get gassed soon
the world needs to take out the trash

>> No.4717162

Dumbasses shouldn't be posting on normie porn sites.

>> No.4717166

Where should porn artists be posting?

>> No.4717169

supporting mentally ill journos.

>> No.4717179

Sexual repression embodied.

>> No.4717186

First of all they shouldn't have any blatantly obvious connections between their Patreon account and Loli/Shota deliveries is a given. Exhentai, HentaiFoundry, Lu.scio.us, r34 sites, other places that tolerate it should be for those specific deliveries. Coom fags should be saturating the fuck out of their Patreon/Twitter portfolio with uninteresting vanilla posts while pushing the repressed coomer shit on said websites. The fags that want loli won't be asking for it on Twitter, Instagram, or Patreon unless they're an advanced form of retard that want to attract the ire of the nu-cel cancel culture.

>> No.4717194

Good moral values will prevail in the end. Death to coomers! Bring the guillotine!

>> No.4717200

>1920's Prohibition: Alcohol
>2020's Prohibition: Porn
We live in a weird timeline

>> No.4717225

Who will be the Al Capone of porn?

>> No.4717242

As if pornhub doesn't already have plenty of hentai series with hentai as well as 3d sfm/blender animations including it. I don't get it

>> No.4717249

bro cringe

>> No.4717260
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>> No.4717270


>> No.4717277
File: 155 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's up with the disgusting femoids hating on porn?

>> No.4717282

They jealous cause they don't get dick
Or at least Chad's dick

>> No.4717294

must be that time of the month

>> No.4717298
File: 188 KB, 407x415, 1486015618878.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These girls get a lot of whatever dick they want
The problem is that they think that if you watch porn you can't find sex on your own and that makes you disgusting and less of a person.
They think women should be able to do whatever they want sexually and that it is empowering to do so, and also porn used to be even be another source of their empowerment. But now their diseased brains flipped and all the sudden porn is degrading and only makes men view them as sex objects and idealize them in an unrealistic way so it must all be destroyed?
It is some serious brain rot and the logic behind it is super twisted

>> No.4717342

Ironic because animations are probably less harmful to women than actual porn with actors

>> No.4717351

>noooo I only read articles from my bwtiful puffyngtonpost

>> No.4717397

I think it's hilarious how these retards often complain about right-leaning news sites and then suggest partisan shit like huffpost, vice or vox instead.

>> No.4717409

The dude's in his mid 30's and still publicly posting up his pedo porn. I won't be surprised when the cancel culture comes knocking on his door.

>> No.4717415

Patreon's made it very clear that they aggressively monitor what artists post off-site, and they come down hard on those known for drawing anything remotely questionable. If people have to jump through hoops to avoid getting their accounts suspended, they might as well not even use Patreon.

>> No.4717416

>they might as well not even use Patreon.
Now that is the smartest thing anyone has said in this thread as of yet.

>> No.4717430

The people that actually follow Shad know what he’s about and aren’t going to unfollow him just because some normies start screeching. You can only be cancelled if you cultivate a normie fambase in the first place, but Shad has fully embraced the edge for years and has thus evolved into something uncancelable.

>> No.4717433

Doesn't change the fact that he's an easy target for EU soi bois.

>> No.4717436


>> No.4717437

>tfw want to draw all the weird coomer shit i think up
>shame stops me from going through with it

>> No.4717440

Oh please. It’s not hentai if some weeb does it. Some of you guys are beyond ace degenerates

>> No.4717443

So if Patreon stops letting you get paid for hentai and Paypal doesn't let you get money for hentai, how are porn artists going to get money for work?

>> No.4717445

Look he's a hysterical retard but we're on the same page when it comes to companies trying to please corporate by purging sexy anime children from their websites and games

>> No.4717447

>>4717443 dogecoin

>> No.4717460

coomers want simple shit, not this fuckery

>> No.4717461

>porn is sex
kill yourself

>> No.4717462
File: 3.19 MB, 500x281, Golden CHADler.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We will create a network of underground porn showcasing and dealings

>> No.4717464

Do it like chadman did.
Never hide your shit behind the paywalls.
Create your own site and make money there.

>> No.4717482

Do you know how he gets paid on there without Paypal and etc?

>> No.4717484

>animations are probably less harmful to women than actual porn
This is something I've been wondering for a while, isn't it a good thing that lewd animation and art is growing and becoming the main target for audiences? Then the porn industry wouldn't need real people anymore, I feel like this would be a win for everybody. Since honestly every person I've ever talked to who worked within the industry, and I mean EVERYONE has some sort of trauma like child molestation or abuse, of course there are reagular well adjusted humans with normal life who do porn, at least I think there are, but so far I've honestly only encountered broken people who do porn and the excuse they use is to take back control over their sexuality or something similar.

>> No.4717493

Get a real fucking art job And stop being a fucking weeb who will never be a real hentai doodler

>> No.4717496

Found the wannabe concept artist with an average of 5 rt lol

>> No.4717497

Wtf do you know about drawing hentai you occidental moron

>> No.4717498

You can always whip it out and we can compare

>> No.4717500

Sure lmao

>> No.4717512

Im not sure about paypal, but he makes money via ads and donations.

>> No.4717514

That is a good idea
I wonder if not technically charging for art but asking for a "donation" for it or access to your gallery/newest piece is a coom artist loophole

>> No.4717521
File: 368 KB, 388x449, 1565184391253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People who want to ban hentai think it and porn cause people to have unrealistic expectations of sex and unrealistic expectations of human bodies.
They also argue that it causes addiction and harms people's lives and "warps their brain"
They also generally think it is degenerate behavior and that you should be able to find sex on your own with a real person and anything less than that is shameful on your part so they will disregard any opinion you have on the matter.
They literally will listen to no logic or reason so it is hard to argue with them and change their mind because they write you off as a loser virgin degenerate and bad person from the jump for not agreeing with them.

>> No.4717522

boo hoo no one likes your stupid doodles

>> No.4717529

Didn't some retards already try to "cancel" Shad through public outrage and he just laughed at them?

>> No.4717531

I doubt anyone who can draw anything as depraved as he cares about the opinions of a few limp-wristed soibois and their screeching pink-haired femoids.
That said I think he’s pretty based about not giving a fuck and just doing what he enjoys regardless of the subject-matter.

>> No.4717534

There are some writers who just post a bank account number that can take deposits from anyone. So readers can just donate the money directly into it. No need for Paypal. Though it's not as convenient if it is cross country. But at least in Russia it works.

>> No.4717535

theres nothing cooler than nonconformity is there? or maybe youre a fucking closeted paedo

>> No.4717570

Did you understand anything I said? What did you have a hard time comprehending? I’ll say it again in case you misunderstood.
“I think he’s pretty based for doing what he loves and doesn’t give a fuck about the screeching soibois and pink-haired feminazis.”
Do I need to repeat myself, or do you understand?

>> No.4717587

>>yeah hes based man! master race all the way!

>>he doesnt take no crap from no one!

yeah, he makes his own rules drawing child rape images. try doing that in prison for some ramen noodles. i’ll be making bank with my tattoo flash you fucking degenerate paedo

i hope he gets anally raped with razor blades

>> No.4717622

Try not being so angry and edgy and wishing pain and suffering on people you barely even know for at least 5 seconds. Trust me, it does wonders for the soul.

>> No.4717624

>unrealistic expectations of sex
>unrealistic expectations of the human bodies
>causes addiction and harms people's lives
>think it is degenerate behavior and that you should be able to find sex on your own with a real person
No offense, but this is dumb. Can't these same arguments be used on porn with real actresses as well? If anything these arguments should be more focused on real life situation than literal cartoons.
I don't really watch porn, since it's a bit too vulgar for my taste so I have no idea about unrealistic expectation, but don't you have to be generally attractive to do porn? at least if you want a huge following? what's wrong with then a literally a 2D drawing depicting an attractive female figure, if anything, with the power of art you can easily draw any body type on demand.
>unrealistic expectations of sex
Yeah, I mean I don't expect tentacles to randomly pop out and violate me. Also again, isn't this something real life porn is guilty of doing? Like people expect you too be some sex god with amazing blowjob skills, or fully clean shaved private part and so on?
>it is hard to argue with them and change their mind because they write you off as a loser virgin degenerate and a bad person
Not that I ever will engage in a argument with these people, because Jesus Christ I can't be bothered. But all the arguments you've presented can be easily turned around at them. If they really want a solution then just ban all porn together, both real and cartoons just to shut everyone up, then nobody wins.

>> No.4717635

oh you mean while your paedo cult hero is fantacising about forcing his junk into a small child? you dont think a child feels pain when theyre subjected to that degenerate horror? youre fucked in the head. it happens every day and the sooner we deal with sick fucks like that the better. youre probably one of them too, defending that sick shitbag. thats okay. PRISM knows what youre doing. your time is coming.

>> No.4717637
File: 145 KB, 798x644, 1ACA2A9F-5A02-4541-A21B-F89DD1F0FFEC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that edge

man ngl you are so cringey

>> No.4717638

>I don't really watch porn, since it's a bit too vulgar for my taste
oh look... its another GUY on the INTERNET!

>> No.4717640

Those ones look like they do porn. Are they the same ones complaining?

>> No.4717644

Such hate and rage, anon. To be fair and in my defense I don’t subscribe to shad but it seems to me you have some anger and sexual repression issues you need to settle with yourself before you go around threatening people and preaching how virtuous and righteous you are.

I don’t know what that is and neither do I care but it sounds like something an angsty teenage mind would concoct as a threat.
I wish you a good life and all the best.

>> No.4717645

>No offense, but this is dumb
I wrote that and I agree with you. But these are the arguments that the people who against porn make and they don't listen to any reason about it at all. I have tried to argue it with them and they shut it down calling you a degenerate and not able to find sex on your own so you shouldn't be able to talk or saying how they are "stopping life-destroying habits" by canceling it.
>Yeah, I mean I don't expect tentacles to randomly pop out and violate me. Also again, isn't this something real life porn is guilty of doing? Like people expect you too be some sex god with amazing blowjob skills, or fully clean shaved private part and so on?
Yes, and these people want to ban both hentai and real porn. The tentacles are "degenerate" in addition to what they have decided to hate about normal porn which is that it "fuels porn addiction" and depicts "unrealistic looking" women or sexual preformances.
>If they really want a solution then just ban all porn together, both real and cartoons just to shut everyone up, then nobody wins.
I agree, but these people seem to think that shaming the other side relentlessly into submission is the be-all end-all solution for everything and that it won't cause other problems by forcing people to bottle everything up with no outlet.

>> No.4717648 [DELETED] 

You seen awful triggered.

>> No.4717651

since when does it need to be a virtue to defend children from being raped and tortured by sick fucks like you? im angry because your complacency to allow a child rapist to live among you in love and peace is disgusting on so many levels that i can only determine that you want to hirt defenseless children too! i hate people like you with every fiber of my being. you child rapists are cowards who prey on the weak. like i said, your time is coming, you sick fuvk

>> No.4717652

>inb4 someone posts up the loli hilary clinton pics

Shadman just needs to drop dead. He's polluting the online art community and multiple generations of artists with his shitty chromatic aberration edits, crack addict bimbo slut character designs, and very obvious pedophilia drawings.

He's at the same tier as inflation fetishists and pedos but has a large following of degenerates behind him.

>> No.4717653

Lol all right buddy. You keep repressing people’s sexual urges and see what happens. There’s ways to enjoy these things in moderation, retard.

>> No.4717655

Blah, blah, blah. You keep saying the same things over and over and over again it’s all so boring and repetitive. Come back when you have an original thought in your head and we can talk.

>> No.4717656

what is this schizo even going on about

>> No.4717661

Sell product on Gumroad. They do direct card transfers so they'd go through VISA and MasterCard (yes this means you have to make and sell a product you can't mooch off patreon welfare)

However it does mean if Gumroad ever gets told by the large payment processors to end it then you're gonna be shit out of luck forever. By that point all porn might be gone though so it would be obvious if it was happening.

>> No.4717665

No children are harmed by making loli porn and taking away drawn images of children would actually be a step back in progress.
I think shaming pedos into silence is actually counterproductive in comparison to giving them outlets to healthily vent their frustration and society needs to change in the direction of not condoning them, but being willing to help them.
Pedophilies do not choose to be attracted to kids and just calling them a rapist and giving them no way to deal with their sexual urges will actually end in more sexually repressed pedophiles that cause harm to children.

>> No.4717666

your sexual attraction to children is more than just cringey, its worthy of stringing you up by your balls and slashing your fuckimg throat

>> No.4717667

>defending pedophiles
I bet you're one of those doomer fags that thinks up fake scenarios of you successfully justifying pedophilia in a public court with examples of "It's just a cartoon to contain pedos from real children" or "3D pig disgusting bros".

>> No.4717669

i cant wait till we’re allowed to deal with peado lovers like you

>> No.4717670

Child porn websites on darknets are going to open regular porn and hentai subsections, and then everyone will be buying more child porn because at that point there's no difference.

>> No.4717671

Yes, kneel before my Chad energy.
I thought we were talking about real life vs cartoons. Well, now we are just entering a completely different territory. If these people are so set on banning porn all together then there is no argument to be made, since their minds are set and I personally don't really have a problem with them even if I don't agree with them, since what I really can't stand are hypocrites. Sure it's suck and like you said >forcing people to bottle everything up with no outlet, is no ideal scenario and in worst cases even dangerous. If anything this will create a underground black market for it.

>> No.4717673

I dunno man, I really don’t understand why these people come here or what they expect when they do.

>> No.4717675

why do you think its okay to defend child rapists? dont give me that libertarian free speech bullshit. you mist be a child rapist too

>> No.4717677

All publicly known CP sites have been honeypots since 2014. Trust me, i'm with Campbell's alphabet soup division.

>> No.4717679

>it was bait all along
fair enough, you have a nice day anon. try going a bit more ridiculous in the future, replicating arguments seen on here all the time 1:1 is easy modo.

>> No.4717681

No. I think that giving pedophiles healthy outlets to vent their frustrations will protect many actual living children from abuse so it is worth fighting for.

Why can alcoholics, addicts, etc have programs and groups to help them and stop them from harming others and we acknowledge that just shutting them down with no resources is bad, but with pedos we like to act like if we just act like the problem doesn't exist it will go away?
This mentality leads to a lot of completely avoidable harm against kids just because addressing the subject at all and makes people uncomfortable.

>> No.4717682

>Doesn't want to prolong his stay discussing pedophilia as it increases the possibility of being flagged.

>> No.4717686

I’m curious, have any of you done anything to help stop human sex trafficking/child molestation/rape or otherwise? Or is smashing your keys incoherently on 4chan, of all places, all you do?

>> No.4717687
File: 29 KB, 1844x225, Screenshot_2020-07-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first post by me itt, bait-chan

>> No.4717688

porn hub definitely has a problem with that, but it's nothing to do with 2d

>> No.4717690

another bleeding heart think pedophiles deserve to live and enjoy their filthy passions. nah. fucking kill the lot of them like it was a fucking prison

>> No.4717693

Same argument can be said about murders. "They're just mentally unstable and need an outlet"; It still doesn't remove the urge to do harm.
There are places where we contain murderers and pedos: Prison.

>> No.4717694

we’re coming for you mr shadow paedo

>> No.4717696

I'm okay with this if we also kill the commies for their thoughtcrimes.

>> No.4717698

what the fuck is a commie? you mean coomer?

>> No.4717700

The voices in your head don’t count, schizo.

>> No.4717705

kek, you're alright

>> No.4717706

Lmao, I like thick, mature milfs with big child-birthing hips and tits you can sink into all day long.
Take your meds, you schizo.

>> No.4717707

youll know what that means when youre in prison with nowhere to run, tou filthy paedo scum

>> No.4717709
File: 694 KB, 1076x1053, Screenshot_2020-07-12-06-54-19(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another bleeding heart think pedophiles deserve to live and enjoy their filthy passions. nah. fucking kill the lot of them like it was a fucking prison
No you idiot. Many pedophiles are just pedos *in secret* and because of people like you they will never get help and thse secret pedophiles will just end up actually raping/grooming/assaulting children because of lack of support network and healthy outlet.
Congratulations, you are part of the problem and inadvertantly contribute to the abuse and rape of children.

>> No.4717711

>t. First day on 4chan

>> No.4717713


This entire discussion started because of fucking shadman. Fuck the anon who posted his shit tainting this thread with his bullshit.

>> No.4717714

he's baiting, retard. are you sure it isn't your first day here?

>> No.4717716

the child raping filth is the fucking problem you dipshit. jesus christ are you a trump supporter cuz youre a dumb motherfucker

>> No.4717719

How was the person who posted shad meant to know it'd trigger a schizoid episode in someone?

>> No.4717720

>everyone I don’t like is a pedo

Go on, tough guy. Come get me, I’m waiting.

>> No.4717721
File: 2.98 MB, 384x288, 1481440875626.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay we should never help anyone mentally unstable in any way and try to scare and corner them into submission and it will solve every problem and not aggrivate and make the problems worse in any way. It will fix every issue because if it is bad to do it, why would someone do it?
Thanks for opening my eyes anon. Pedos will just stop molesting kids if they hear it is bad and only can fester and fantasize about it in their head for years.
Child rape cases will fall so much.

>> No.4717723

Thanks for the notice, here's your (you)

>> No.4717725

another retard statement. i dont even know you outside of your little pedo support group claiming that people like us are the problem. as if the pedo cant control his own sick fucking urges. come on

>> No.4717726

Everyone knows that once you post up that stupid degenerate fuck it's going to derail a thread with the stupid gifs of >shadman. A pro-tip is to not speak of him.

>> No.4717727

There's always the option of reinstating state controlled sanitariums.

>> No.4717728

if those sick fuckS arent equipped with a modicum of self control, theyre too dangerous to be left alive!

>> No.4717729

>all bark and no bite
Pathetic. Guess that’s all you’re capable of. I don’t even like Shad but I am swearing here and now that every time a schizo like you vomits out more of your schizo garbage I am going to donate $1 to shad.

>> No.4717735

i actually cant understand unironic shitposters
how can anyone derive any entertainment from pretending to be a schizo
it actually blows my mind that there are living, breathing people that find it funny or worth spending their time on
the world is truly a wondrous place

>> No.4717736

is that all you can afford? why not give him £100 or are you broke? you should quit trying to be an artist if youre too poor to donate more than a dollar.

>> No.4717744


>> No.4717746

Coomers should be euthanized.

>> No.4717747

Let me get this straight...(((Mindgeek))), which has permitted revenge porn, rape filmed by abusers, statutory rape, drugging women, sex trafficking, and luring women in with modelling advertisements, deemed tentacle hentai as a moral fucking hazard?

>> No.4717755

ThAtS cOrReCt GaMeRgAtE

>> No.4717761

Yes, because drawn and illustrated art doesn’t damage anyone directly.
The more damage (((MindGeek))) can inflict, the better.

>> No.4717762

>they told him they'd nuke him if he doesn't delete all shota
>doesn't delete all shota
>gets nuked
>hurr durr how could this have happened to me????
Is this your brain on too much porn?

>> No.4717763

>GG was the prelude to the culture war

>> No.4717766

ThAtS cOrReCt GaMeRgAtE

>> No.4717769

He means GG Allen. google him. he used to eat his own feces on stage and piss all over the crowd

>> No.4717772

That is not a shota. It is a futa, she has breasts, which also makes her not a loli.
Then the other is a non-human video game creature and is not a shota

>> No.4717774

What does GG Allin have to do with GamerGate?

>> No.4717785

>/DBZ/ spergs now also shit up /ic/
Mods should have banned your shitty generals from day 1.

>> No.4717792

Patreon normie support doesn't give a shit, if it looks like a child, it looks like a child and is against their ToS. That artist is pants on head retarded.

>> No.4717809

Just draw black male on white female, you'd never get taken down

>> No.4717811

But patreon support don't know a shit about this.

>> No.4717818

Yeah with that argument we could ban normal movies because we will never be Tom Cruise fighting aliens

>> No.4717819

my favorite

>> No.4717820

or ban orcs because they can be construed as a racial stereotype?

>> No.4717830

Just...make an alt account under a different name

>> No.4717841

>Like people expect you too be some sex god with amazing blowjob skills, or fully clean shaved private part and so on?
People's view of sex is completely warped by this shit. There's a lot of dumb fun in sex, it's goofy and silly and you laugh because you say stupid shit and you have dropped all inhibitions. Sometimes it leads to a situation where people start talking about important shit in their lives. It's a moment of very intense contact between people, there's trust and truth and other shit involved, and pornography is compartmentalizing it into "this is sex and it's where you do porn off camera" which is fucking horrible. I've seen this change after the internet as the dating scene changed. but I can't even imagine the young people who are growing up on this shit from the get go. They can probably swallow a flaming sword before they can drive but they must be completely fucked in the head.

>> No.4717850
File: 564 KB, 641x680, ELOCGe7W4AEMEGA.png large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're the one defending pedophiles, though.
You're effectively shifting attention away from real harmful activities...to drawings and 3D models.
Thanks due to filthy virtue signallers like you, it's costing child care institutions time to sift through your spam instead of helping actual, REAL children in need of help.

>> No.4717869

Fuck coomers

>> No.4717870

Not him but this is retarded whataboutism and if you use this fallacy you're either a brainlet or a lying little shit. It's on the same level as "You think YOU have it bad?! What about the starving children in Africa!", you don't give a fuck about the "real harmful activities", you just want to redirect the attention somewhere else. Don't worry, there is plenty for both.
People on this board aren't even bad at arguing, they just shit lies hoping the truth will go away.

>> No.4717885

His patreon was already removed/banned, he has to move countries because the shit he drew, and pretty sure his paypal is frozen by now.

>> No.4717898

Applying whataboutism in this way is just silly.
In a moral hierarchy you first go after the most clear-cut, easy to solve problems and then worry about subtleties - this ensures that rules are applied equally. The argument against targeting particular minor problems first is "you clearly don't have your priorities straight. it must be assumed that you're either trying to divert away attention from real issues, or going after one particular type of criminal for ulterior reasons", which is a perfectly logical conclusion.

>> No.4717901

pedophilia is literally legal in every single country of the world. What's there to defend?

>> No.4717903
File: 336 KB, 1001x1600, stock-photo-insane-man-in-strait-jacket-screaming-in-isolation-70247119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People on this board aren't even bad at arguing, they just shit lies hoping the truth will go away.

>> No.4717911

False equivalence; a drawing is just a fucking drawing. It can be worth a lot of money or inspire people to act or have a tangible impact on world history or people might kill over it or it could be destroyed with nobody ever having seen it except its creator but in the end it's still just pigment on a flat surface or 1s and 0s in a computer. It it not alive, it does not have rights, it can not be harmed, it is not aware. By the retarded logic of these people, someone getting murdered or assaulted in an image bears some relation to the act being committed IRL but I never see them pearl-clutching over anything on Adult Swim.

>> No.4717925

why is everyone talking about pedophilia? i checked this guys newgrounds and there doesnt seem to be anything pedo about it

>> No.4717929

Beacause he removed all of it. He himself said he would stop drawing loli shit a fee years back. You can only find it from archives or some obscure ass shit.

>> No.4717932

ah ok. thanks

>> No.4717933

>noooo if you attack ME you support THEM!
I swear this sounds familiar...

>> No.4717936

what did he mean by this

>> No.4718136
File: 43 KB, 600x667, 2228C9B7-18C8-4FE1-8211-5583ED6C7D3E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Patreon's made it very clear that they aggressively monitor what artists post off-site, and they come down hard on those known for drawing anything remotely questionable.
This makes me wanna start a loli uprising just out of spite. Or better yet, draw grannies and then label them as 6 year olds. Shit really rubs me the wrong way, fuck those tranny kikes

>> No.4718140

Seethe more, retard.

>> No.4718141


>> No.4718159
File: 135 KB, 1080x1331, C04AF220-ACF7-46B8-BE79-35B557A9FBE5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I will

>> No.4718168

I can see you niggers putting people into laborcamps and laughing at their cries of agony as you work them to death.
>haha, absolutely seething, cry harder losers :)))

>> No.4718172

You are a chad anon. I really hope you do this actually

>> No.4718176
File: 164 KB, 514x640, 72B84C4F-A11F-4B2D-8E2D-F9EC7D469A9F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4718184
File: 51 KB, 450x532, 1540292285856.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder: you're a useful idiot, and once the revolution really gets going you'll be joining the rest of us in the gulags.

>> No.4718186
File: 829 KB, 900x900, 1593047295020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of the pornfaggots don't want to listen when it's anything remotely negative about them
fuck them, they got it coming

>> No.4718193

the porn addiction "epidemic" is the result of of bad education and parental neglect, plus 18+ sites being accessible for little kids, and that's where the solution should be sought. it does not justify draconian countermeasures in terms of what content is allowed to be produced and monetized.

>> No.4718197

You anti-porn types are so fucking exhausting.
Why shouldn't adults be able to watch and fantasize about porn and jack off on their own free time? Even married people like porn, I watch hentai with my wife all the time.

>> No.4718208

>watching porn with his wife instead of having sex
Tyrone will get his turn next.

>> No.4718212

>doesn't think her and I have tons of cosplay sex and fuck eachother after watching porn
Anon I....

>> No.4718218

larping as a twitter sjw or real?

>> No.4718224

kek definitely pretending

>> No.4718226

>Complaining about edge when 90% of anons yell nigger, tranny, and roastie 24/7

>> No.4718237
File: 142 KB, 1024x1024, 1587411985154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go deeper. You don't know anything yet.
>you must be anti-porn because you say bad things
I just like saying the pure, unadulterated and unbiased truth.
You can kill yourself while putting a cactus up your butt for all i care.

>> No.4718239

>Tyrone will get his turn next.
He's too busy getting mugged and killed by 5 other black dudes

>> No.4718246
File: 42 KB, 500x300, source-s-dude-trust-me-37765924.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I just like saying the pure, unadulterated and unbiased truth.

>> No.4718251

The pure, unadulterated and unbiased truth is that you are ngmi

>> No.4718253

thanks now I want to rewatch it

>> No.4718255

Well, you're aware of what not trusting what i say is bringing you, no?
Which brings us back to what i originally said:

of course i'm ngmi
i'm not a raging sociopath

>> No.4718256
File: 58 KB, 750x510, cs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I just like saying the pure, unadulterated and unbiased truth.
imagine actually being 18+ years old and unironically saying something like this hahahaha

>> No.4718257

I just copy their shitposting style because it makes people I argue with seethe so much that it's instant win

>> No.4718263

>I think the way people enjoy things is wrong or weird and so noone should be allowed to do it. Even if they are only harming themselves and noone else I feel the need to regulate adults on their actions

>> No.4718265
File: 65 KB, 454x549, 1587080867886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a 17 year old girl
donate to my patreon or get cancelled

>> No.4718266

coom art is literally the one type of art that will never go out of fashion

>> No.4718269
File: 54 KB, 750x725, 1587852948555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>of course i'm ngmi
we already knew. Most people who seethe about porn artists are NGMI artists who burn to a crisp with anger when they see a bad but appealing porn pictures getting 20k retweet while their tryhard concept art loomis heads get 4 likes (from their mom and her 3 chrome tabs)

>> No.4718271
File: 41 KB, 826x506, 1570901153211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i have room temperature iq
oh, (you)

>> No.4718276

But there are multitudinous tentacle rape hentai videos on pornhub. The fuck?

>> No.4718277
File: 10 KB, 251x242, 77777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I know better than anyone what is good for society and what isn't
oh no no no he is going through that phase...

>> No.4718279
File: 45 KB, 480x530, 1564324082330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look mom, i'm projecting

>> No.4718280
File: 321 KB, 436x436, 1594436651142.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no u

>> No.4718283

>insulting intelligence and not making an argument
Clear sign of losing an argument and not having any evidence to the contrary.

>> No.4718284
File: 59 KB, 500x456, 1592222215806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, (you)

>> No.4718288

He isn't seething about porn artists so he can't project into his own joke, learn how to use meme bullets replies

>> No.4718289
File: 242 KB, 619x570, 64047321-A027-41EC-9EEE-C00939062A5F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least those concept art loomis head posters don’t have to worry about their account, art, patreon, and paypal getting taken down.

>> No.4718291
File: 20 KB, 225x225, 1594496651142.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah because they don't have one in the first place, and even if they did no one would give a shit

>> No.4718295
File: 1.94 MB, 245x320, mfw melvin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4718297
File: 42 KB, 430x489, 1580392873424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4718303

>people like ross draws or ilya don’t make any money from their patreon

>> No.4718308

>ross and ilya draws loomis heads while getting a low amount of rt and seethe about porn
wrong, they don't, we're talking about you

>> No.4718310

Based and gmi

>> No.4718312

At least, eigaka keep his shota shit goin, gloss switched to another theme the moment he hit 50k.

still both are fucking pedophiles.
the funny thing is how the retards who praise them on discord are the same who condem "loli and shota"

>> No.4718314

just go back to pol

>> No.4718315
File: 166 KB, 306x435, 1593664969181.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Consume all the porn you want, mate.
I'll come back on the next pornfag getting cancelled for another round of "i told you so"
>hurr durr muh arguments
You're delusional.
Well, seems like you know me better than i do.
I am truly btfo
how can i ever recover? guess i'll donate to your patreon now, do i?

>> No.4718320

And that's exactly why nobody should use Patreon. Where the fuck do they get the right from to monitor anyone's work off their page?

>> No.4718326

>no arguments at all
>simply antagonistic with no reasoning behind it
Mentally retarded or bait? Find out next time on 4chan.com

>> No.4718327


>> No.4718335
File: 73 KB, 573x224, shitpost101 - 33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude I'm just teaching you, you should be thankful
>a: I hate Z people who are against Y. You are a Z against Y so you are X!
>b: You're projecting
>a: But I'm not Z
see it doesn't work! it's simple logic. I recommend using dilate/cope/seethe harder next time.
That was the free lesson, you can donate here for more content -> patreoncom greembang

>> No.4718348

Luckily there are alternatives like fanbox, subscribestar, and onlyfans if patreon ever does completely ban it. You can't get rid of porn.

>> No.4718354

No one will use your meme currency for a basic coom pin up, dipshit.

>> No.4718355
File: 427 KB, 985x986, 1592068817565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want upvotes for regurgitating the allowed narrative maybe you should go back or lurk moar, you absolute infinite nigger
No wonder this board has gone to shit.

>> No.4718361

Tone it down with the free racism please?

>> No.4718364

Then stop being such an anti semite

>> No.4718367

Fanbox has too many requirements like a Japanese address and a booth account. So make that 2 options.

>> No.4718374


>> No.4718376

Any ideas why companies do this to themselves?

Coom is huge business and not illegal. Even weirder when the business the company is in is coom business itself.

>> No.4718381

i dont think it does anymore, there are quite a few western artists who shifted over there recently and didnt seem to have a problem

>> No.4718384

Because they can be sued for allowing questionable content on their sites.

>> No.4718385
File: 122 KB, 540x668, thus_of_ould.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just the same "oh no society is changing" response that people have been having continuously for the last six thousand years or so.

>> No.4718390

Why would businesses want to associate with sites that are known to have human trafficking, child porn, and revenge porn? That’s just going to fuck their reputation BADLY

>> No.4718395

What sort of business association do they even need? To whom are tehy supposed to play nice?

>> No.4718516
File: 2.59 MB, 3504x4936, dee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coom artists wanna be oppressed so bad :(

>> No.4718526
File: 106 KB, 900x900, 1487054434082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4718530

imagine choosing to be a hooker and complaining that people think you're shit
and it's called porn, not NSFW, fuck off with the newspeak

>> No.4718532

always the same talking point, it's like you aren't even trying.

>> No.4718539

This guy is on a crusade on this board or something, I don't even think that he even draws, everytime that I check a random thread each morning I see him with his same ranting

>> No.4718543
File: 30 KB, 690x621, 1591127896572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, how else are you gonna get social media numbers if you don't play the victim in the current year?

>> No.4718570

Cryptocurrency. Because switching to platforms that are still at the whim to some form of credit card processing just delays the inevitable arm twisting they'll get from Visa/Mastercard.

>meme currency
You haven't been paying attention if you think this despite the serious advancements made in the last decade. And what does it say about the state of things if people are so whipped that they'd rather stick to payment systems and platforms that obviously have it out for the creators they want to give their money to? Using crypto might not be easy as using a credit card or a bank account, but it's the most viable solution on hand to deal with middlemen and outraged fucks looking to disrupt people's income.

>> No.4718572

>"We tried to warn you that eventually social justice warriors will come for porn"

what is that faggots even trying to say, you're retarded for posting nsfw on mainstream social media and that's not a matter of preference or perspective.
You're bringing that type of content in front of literally everybody and forget that only a tiny fraction of people actually enjoy that shit.

Use fucking dedicated sites and keep your degeneracy filtered cus it's probably only you who enjoys the things in your head >>4717006

>> No.4718578
File: 119 KB, 553x884, Smug-Uzaki-Art-by-Ixy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol @ cunts bitching about porn.
like, god forbids people draw a natural basic human act.
you vaginas shouldn't be getting any for you to be this salty.
>b-b-b-but my lowest common denominator!!!

>> No.4718587

Misogyny is actually pretty based. There's nothing more rightful than putting cunts in their place.

>> No.4718663

I hate both honestly.

>> No.4718675


>> No.4718712
File: 1.11 MB, 757x1785, oag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4718713
File: 1017 KB, 1130x1315, 2c05c368koqz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why would businesses want to associate with sites that are known to have human trafficking, child porn, and revenge porn? That’s just going to fuck their reputation BADLY
What, you mean the same businesses that advertise their products during shootings?
Companies don't give a FUCK about their reputation (or even human rights and dignity for that matter) as long as they still make money out of it.
Stop pretending companies care about anything other than money.

>> No.4718720

unfortunately crypto is pure cancer, unless it becomes more accessible normalfags won't bother, this is why people still pay for netflix when they can easily download everything and more.
trying to set up a crypto account is like being registered on the fbi list or something lmao ID+photo+banking on kraken, no deposit via paypal, sometimes debit/credit card banned like on coinbase, having to send money to coinbase with the code then waiting to be registered, sometimes doesn't even work
Damn I remember going through shit just to buy the 4chan pass

>> No.4718822
File: 7 KB, 235x215, 1593101708407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i don't know shit about how business and marketing works yet let me tell you about how wrong you are based on this pictures i show you that will make my statement valid
It's about money, you conglomerate nation of nigger
>"hey guys we have pedos on our websites but they're making us a lot of money"
>"do the goyim know?"
>"then it's allright"
>"They're starting to notice though"
>"Shut it down then"
You stupid, retarded, filthy excuse of a living bean.

>> No.4718833

Absolutely based.

>> No.4718843


>> No.4718854

>It's about money, you conglomerate nation of nigger
That's exactly what I said, you retarded cunt.
>>"hey guys we have pedos on our websites but they're making us a lot of money"
>>"do the goyim know?"
>>"then it's allright"
>>"They're starting to notice though"
>>"Shut it down then"
What the fuck are you even talking about? Are you retarded or just schizophrenic?

>> No.4718864

Remember when shadman drew keemstar's daughter?

>> No.4718866

Why do you even interact with other people and pretend you know shit, you hyperautistic monkeybrain?

>> No.4718876

I just realized I'm arguing with a schizo faggot so I'm gonna stop replying now.

>> No.4718877

These threads just keep on giving...

>> No.4718881
File: 195 KB, 941x940, 1587798451327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you even a real person?

>> No.4718889

>Men should stop mimicking women
Why? Girls are great.

>> No.4718890
File: 430 KB, 481x680, 1588969084018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw im gay asian artist
feels good man
And i draw bara which makes me pretty fucking uncancellable.
>years of shame because i thought im not normal because im into buff men
>was jealous because everybody liked girls and it takes just 2 drawn boobs for an artist to be praised by everybody in the 00-10s
>durr hurr stop being attracted to ugly men you perv! or at least be attracted to boys that look like girls!
>bara-art is insanely popular, there are artists with 50k followrs on twitter and thousands of dollars on patreon
>all those heteros getting cancelled for drawing what they like
>bara is untouchable because women like when stronk men being fucked in the ass and men love seeing them being STRONK
Feels good man

>> No.4718891


there's an impressive lack of self awareness in this post.

>> No.4718899

>bara-art is insanely popular, there are artists with 50k followrs on twitter and thousands of dollars on patreon
yeah but what about your numbers?

>> No.4718912
File: 221 KB, 1197x2048, 1541965367673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yeah but what about your numbers?
Higher than your numbers-im pretty damn sure. It's more successful to be a bara artist than a generic weaboo nsfw one these days

>> No.4718918

I'm making 2-3k a month from drawing hyper furry porn. Also you seem pretty butthurt to get so defensive and assume I draw anime stuff lol

>> No.4718926

Im making 10k a month from drawing few random fat guys for my patreon, so eat my ass, fuccboi

>> No.4718930

Post work and following

>> No.4718938


>> No.4718942

i thought he stopped doing the loli shit a while ago. besides, shad's been "cancelled" millions of times already, he doesn't give a shit

>> No.4718946

>Post work and following
Sent :-)

>> No.4718954

Barachads win again

>> No.4718961

I'm sure you do brotherman

>> No.4719000

>I-I-I-m an Asian gay bara artist! They can't cance-



>> No.4719022
File: 120 KB, 634x425, lmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty good desu

>> No.4719027

i will never understand why shota art causes so much seethe.

>> No.4719044

what a retard
yeah some "le communist morning star ghey pride parade organiser" is surely the same as being a bara-artist on twitter that barely talk to his followers
dumb fuck

>> No.4719123
File: 73 KB, 398x387, 1590086744784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Girls are great
I said WOMEN, not girls. Yes, girls are great, friend.

People with absent parents indulge into daydreaming from an early age and lose the ability to differentiate between fiction and reality.

It's common to see dudes who have sisters saying "brother-sister porn is only hot for those who didn't have a real sister, but we know the reality of having a sibling".
Imagine if these people would go on a daily crusade to ban any sort of incest porn, fictional or not.

>> No.4719226

It's true. Coomers are the most oppressed :(

>> No.4719228
File: 143 KB, 1371x1313, o0s09ecny7o21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But specifically shota art, even sfw shota art, just causes immense asspain. It's like people hate boys so so much, that if you so much as draw a boy doing the most innocuous thing, it triggers peoples hate instincts. They're mad that you would take the time to draw a boy doing something bland and innocent instead of something degenerate like drawing a buxom woman, or a himbo man. Even loli artists can skate by and people might make some snarky comments, but shota art specifically is in a league on its own in terms of how much ass pain it causes.

I liken it to youtube comment sections of videos where baby monkeys get hurt. It's like a certain % of the population just hates boys, or baby monkeys, with a fiery passion for some inexplicable reason.

>> No.4719261

>which makes me pretty fucking uncancellable.
It just takes to mention just that one thing and you're don goofed
All that stereotypical arrogance makes it clear that you know that too

>> No.4719354

my good you're fucked up

>> No.4719754

This is your brain on porn.

>> No.4719758
File: 670 KB, 500x281, 1486050795800.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading comprehension
These are not *my* thoughts.
These are anti-porn people's thoughts and I have made that clear.
It makes me ashamed that I am on the same side as people who apparently cannot even fucking read.

>> No.4719797

That's a pretty silly exchange. Fuck faggots, though. Trannys are proof that Satan is real.

>> No.4719801

The problem is that while a pornstar's age is verifiable, the age of a drawing is not verifiable, because a drawing is not an individual and so the whole concept is flawed from the very begginning. I think that artists will have their potential outlets eaten away at in the future and it will slowly dwindle as more and more sites shrug and decide they just don't give enough of a fuck to do anything

>> No.4719805
File: 272 KB, 788x669, 1593473935808.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like this

>> No.4719821
File: 45 KB, 638x638, 1592350460593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that feel

>> No.4720024

>These are not *my* thoughts.
Yes they are. You can't actually know how other people think, you can only guess at it based on their actions. The interpretation will always reflect your own worldview as well.

>> No.4720048

>Bars sells the expensive vanilla shit (Missionary, 1 boy 1 girl, Pinups, etc.)
>If you want the real obscure weird shit (Scat, Futa, CBT, etc.), you need to talk to the folks on the streets
>Walk up to this guy in a big dark trenchcoat in an alleyway in the dead of night
>"You got the stuff?"
>"You know I got the stuff"
>Opens up trenchcoat to reveal rows upon rows of pictures
>"Bam! Star Fox Inflation porn, baby! One of a kind..."

>> No.4720272

>patreon is now monitoring other sites
How the fuck are people accepting this? What the fuck is wrong with artists?

>> No.4720278

Patreon does that so problematic people don’t use their service. Have you ever heard of onision? Guy swat someone on twittet and lost his patreon because of it.

>> No.4720287

Who cares. They are either a platform or a publisher, if the former, then they aren't allowed to be policing speech, if the latter they better get ready to be sued to death by the companies whose IPs have been breached by fanart.

>> No.4720546

It's all in the terms and agreements.
>What the fuck is wrong with artists?
Most of them are young and naive or autistic.
Which one of them are you?

>> No.4720570

Nice meme. This solves the question of how to get paid - monero can be integrated with a crypto checkout on your own website, goodbye PayPal you won't be missed.

But what about recurring payments? Putting up with Patreon seems to be the only viable solution atm.

>> No.4720574

tos doesn't preclude laws and ethics

>> No.4720578

>These are anti-porn people's thoughts
Personally I just want to browse "art" without seeing a landslide of soul destroying cancer, I don't give a fuck if there were 10 times as much porn as there is right now as long as it's contained to porn sites. Holy shit it's not that hard. "Artist" used to be mean someone foolish and idealistic at least, now it's just a different name for a prostitute.

>> No.4720593 [DELETED] 
File: 12 KB, 224x225, 1486881604621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trying to understand the other side's perspective so you can find a way to counter it and make changes means you believe their views yourself
The most retarded shit I've read all week.
Like I said, I am technically on your side but you are a complete fucking idiot. Somehow you can't see the merit in trying to find an argument the other side can't counter which, big surprise, takes an understanding of what their view of the subject is and making a counter they will understand.

My view on this subject is that porn should be legal and viewable to all people 18+. Anything between consenting adults is okay, and hentai does not hurt anyone an even loli and shota are okay because they are drawings so no children were hurt making porn of it. Any amount of porn consumption is fine, even people with porn addictions have the right to on their free time relentlessly coom to their heart's content after working their miserable day job if it makes them happy.
10/10 for making me respond

>> No.4720596 [DELETED] 
File: 12 KB, 224x225, 1486881604621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trying to understand the other side's perspective so you can find a way to counter it and make changes means you believe their views yourself
The most retarded shit I've read all week.
Like I said, I am technically on your side but you are a complete fucking idiot. Somehow you can't see the merit in trying to find an argument the other side can't counter which, big surprise, takes an understanding of what their view of the subject is and making a counter they will understand.

My view on this subject is that porn should be legal and viewable to all people 18+. Anything between consenting adults is okay, and hentai does not hurt anyone an even loli and shota are okay because they are drawings so no children were hurt making porn of it. Any amount of porn consumption is fine, even people with porn addictions have the right to on their free time relentlessly coom to their heart's content after working their miserable day job if it makes them happy.
10/10 for making me respond

>> No.4720610
File: 12 KB, 224x225, 1486881604621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trying to understand the other side's perspective so you can find a way to counter it and make changes means you believe their views yourself
The most retarded shit I've read all week.
Like I said, I am technically on your side but you are a complete fucking idiot. Somehow you can't see the merit in trying to find an argument the other side can't counter which, big surprise, takes an understanding of what their view of the subject is and making a counter they will understand.

My view on this subject is that porn should be legal and viewable to all people 18+. Anything between consenting adults is okay, and hentai does not hurt anyone an even loli and shota are okay because they are drawings so no children were hurt making porn of it. Any amount of porn consumption is fine, even people with porn addictions have the right to on their free time relentlessly coom to their heart's content after working their miserable day job if it makes them happy.
Liking porn is not a bad thing and is a form of escapism that adults should be allowed to enjoy.
10/10 for making me respond

>> No.4720649

Just give it 10 more years. Drawing anything that isn't a completely original character in the most vanilla context will be arrest worthy. It will be impossible to survive as an artist.

>> No.4720694

>Drawing anything that isn't a completely original character in the most vanilla context will be arrest worthy.
That's still better than everything being degenerate coomshit of 12 year old Pokemon characters or gargantuan futa cocks
People cannot use their freedom in a decent way so the end up losing it and they fully deserve it.

>> No.4720708

How did you fuck up this badly?

>> No.4720788
File: 1.09 MB, 1380x1000, 3076579920_f4cd2a25_0571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not using your fetishes to push yourself to do art

>> No.4720805

I really hope you are being ironic

>> No.4720900

Yes but then there's eternal fiery anguish to worry about, disgusting faggot.

>> No.4720951
File: 200 KB, 1900x817, ic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your brain on porn addiction
You godforsaken retards need to consume less porn and actually think beyond what makes your dick hard
Is porn going to get banned/censored?
No. It won't.
Because it makes money and there's enough degenerate porn addicts for everyone.
>b-b-but patreon and twitter mobs
Fucking irrelevant.
You have no right to make demands on the property of others.
If a company/website doesn't want you or your garbage on their site, they can remove you.
There is no arguing.

And people or twitter mobs are insecure parasites looking for something to destroy so it gives them value and social media points.
Get over it, you're the same type of monkey.
>b-b-but dey cunt do det
Whatchu gon do about it, senpai? If you break their guidelines, you'll get removed.
If people want to attack you, what are you going to do?
>b-b-but i can't show my furry shota/loli hyperinflation diaper futa drawings to everyone on normie social media without getting insults thrown at me
Because it's not normal and you should have a healthy amount of shame and respect for others to keep that garbage to yourself or in dedicated circles
>b-b-but people don't want to see my fetish stuff why do they hate me for flooding the internet with fetish stuff? I, alone, am doing nothing wrong
Imagine if one person was doing this. No worries, can be easily disregarded or ignored.
Now imagine that there are countless degenerate porn addicts spamming their garbage everywhere.
People don't want to see your shit. Stop trying to push it unto others and you won't get such a reaction.
>b-b-b-but i'm harming nobody it's just a drawing
Nobody gives a shit. Especially the ones who try to cancel you.
Are you breaking any laws, community/website guidelines?
Then it's your own fault. Move on to another site or make your own.
Then disregard and keep drawing whatever you want as long as you don't push your shit unto others.
>b-b-but muh freedom™
Stop being such a fucking autistic faggot

>> No.4721262

I seriously feel bad for boys, they are being groomed by adults to either be trannys or shooters.

>> No.4721276

ah yes the naked ladies fetish, I have this obscure fetish as well.

>> No.4721287

>If you break the guidelines, you get removed.
>Move on to another site or make your own.
>There is no arguing.
Then what are you seething about? If you feel that a post here violates the board rules, report it. If not, I don't see what basis you would have to complain about it.

>> No.4721447

You're all fucking retarded and you make this board a shithole.
Porn addicted braindead normalnigger trannies like you should gtfo my board

>> No.4721518

Thank you, someone with a fucking brain!

>> No.4721579

Is this another one of those
>ALL anime themed art is deeply rooted in pedophilia
kind of things again?

>> No.4722274

Based and redpilled

>> No.4722559

But there's nothing in the board rules against being a porn addicted braindead normalnigger tranny.
Surely you can't think that rules are only absolute and inviolate when they happen to agree with you. That'd be pretty silly.

>> No.4722606
File: 128 KB, 888x888, 1505857482020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you aren't being censored/banned, stop being paranoid.
>but also, stop complaining about people being kicked off patreon from one day to the other for dubious reasons. they deserve it for being a weirdos, anyway.
>you have nothing to fear if you play by the rules. :)
ah yes, the classic pattern

>> No.4722619

I wonder if you could get away with drawing shota/loli and licensed characters if you kept them hidden behind some paywalled discord channel

>> No.4722625

no. only when weebs get a hold of it. try looking in a mirror you fucking idiot. this is not a japanese problem until the big noses started finding it

>> No.4722632

not if you live in north america.

>> No.4722637

Well the artist from that post lived in Spain I’m pretty sure

>> No.4723017

Porn is bad for you.
Porn addiction is a serious problem.
Your life will be better without porn.

>> No.4723026
File: 545 KB, 1000x2332, Ben and Gwen 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay anons so how do I remove the white parts from the bottom image?

>> No.4723056

>right click on image
>select "move to trash" from popup menu
>empty trashcan

>> No.4723153
File: 107 KB, 815x1024, 1590151550978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine if i came into your house, took a huge shit on your kitchen and you were threatening to kick me out for it but then i'd say
Imagine if i were to roofie your drink, abuse you and then steal all your valuables and you would call the police and try to get me arrested but then i'd say
Now imagine if you had a website where you had rules that certain types of content wasn't allowed on it and made me agree to those rules if i wanted to use the site, but then i'd post content like that on your site and you were to ban me but then i'd say

>b-b-but muh censoring
>b-b-but da rules :DDDDDDDDDXD
If you want to talk culture war, let me say one thing; You're letting yourselves be censored.
Just stop being a faggot and make your own website where they can upload gore inflation futa loli furry shit

And stop being such a reactionary normie
You read the title and think you've got it all figured out
lurk moar, you square root of nigger

>> No.4723157

The margins or the semen?

>> No.4723195

You missed one classic example, the one where I'm a national government and I'm sending you to prison for writing a blog post that criticises my domestic policies. Is it just because you didn't think it was necessary, or do you think it's different in some way?
Citizens of a country are, by definition, subjects of that country, and them saying negative things about their ruler can definitely be a huge issue for the ruler. Having to clean shit off the kitchen floor is a minor nuisance compared to, say, the Chinese people openly talking about the Tiananmen Square Massacre, or British subjects in colonial-era America talking shit about the King's tea taxes.
Are you saying that free speech shouldn't apply to non-government actors, or that free speech should be abolished altogether?
Either way, you haven't really gotten to the "why" of it.

>> No.4723232


>> No.4723233

Then just rescale the bottom panel to full width. No one's gonna notice the difference.

>> No.4723243

Yes they will if I they enlarge.

>> No.4723291
File: 81 KB, 700x668, 1592307338454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you missed one example where i live in a shithole country
Sucks to be you then, chingchong
But how does that relate to the current topic of private companies imposing and enforcing their own rules on their own private property?
You AGREE to their terms and conditions for using their services. You AGREE that if you screw up they can remove you.
>Inb4 twatter, plebbit and faceberg are all bowing down to the chinese
Stop using them then? Vote with your wallet or whatever
>B-b-b-but how am i supposed to consoome then?
Stop being a faggot.
>but shitting on the kitchen is not the same
Basically the same.
Society is based on a agreement to follow certain rules and behaviors and by extension; laws.
You break them, you're out.
>b-b-b-but muh freedom of espresso™
Either stop living in a shithole and fight for your latte macchiato.
What do you want me to say?
That i shouldn't eat because africans are being starved by ngos to scam people out of their money so they can keep up their front for human trafficking?
>b-b-but u must b anti-free speech then
So, wait, i'm anti free speech for saying how things are but i'm the supposed bad guy for calling out retards like you on their faggotry and for not agreeing with you?

What are you gonna say next? Communism good?

>> No.4723406

>So, wait, i'm anti free speech
You literally are. You're arguing against free speech.
I have no idea what half your post is supposed to mean (communism good? human trafficking? fight for your latte macchiato? what the fuck?) but the one thread shines bright through it all is that corporations should be allowed to censor their customers, and that there is no moral reason whatsoever for why people should be freely permitted to express themselves. That is anti free speech.

>> No.4723430

Patreon is about to get completely fucked anyway. If you use it you should seriously start preparing to migrate to an alternative.

>> No.4723447

Fanbox has actually gotten way more west-friendly recently, it seems like they are really trying to exapand here as well. Are you sure you're not thinking of Fantia?

>> No.4723519
File: 16 KB, 306x390, 1594696411554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Free speech means i get to say and post anything everywhere without repercussion or consequences
>i can shit in your house
>i can threaten to kill you
>i can post whatever i want because free speech
>hurr durr i cant understand words
You are legit autistic. Not joking. Not taking the piss.
You are autistic or extremely young and naive.

>b-b-but this is censoring
No, it's not.
You still won't get it because you're retarded but;
If i make my own rules, in my own house and i let you live there and then you start breaking the rules you agreed on, i have the full right to throw you out.
I'm not infringing on your rights because you have forfeited your rights on my property the moment you breached the contract or have broken the rules, you, yourself have willingly agreed upon to be able to use whatever i offered you.

Anti free speech and censorship would be if i started removing you for political or personal reasons and/or without any legit reason.
But then the law would be on your side and you could sue.
But i doubt that any company in the current year will ever remove someone without any legal or legit reason out of fear of being sued to hell and back.

If you still gonna suck your own dick about it might i suggest killing yourself?

>> No.4723678

>contract law means that I can do anything if I can get you to sign on it
>I can break the law
>I can violate your human rights
>I can do whatever I want because we have a contract
>hurr durr etc.
I don't know how it works in the US, or wherever you're from, but in my country you literally cannot throw a tenant out of a house they have rented. Doesn't matter what the contract says. Doesn't matter if they've failed to pay the rent. Doesn't matter if they've completely trashed the place and literally smeared shit on the walls. You still need a court order for it, and even if you do get one, the tenant will have about two to three weeks to move out before he's forcibly removed.
You're talking a lot about laws and rules, but you don't seem to have any idea what they're even for. Laws exist to serve the people, and not the other way around. If your legislative system is working well, the laws should more or less reflect what the people generally want them to be. If the laws are unreasonable, they can be changed. If the entire legislative system is unreasonable, it can be overthrown.
If you think that a government should follow the principles of free speech, there's really no reason not to hold corporations up to the same standard. Do you think the service terms offered by services like Patreon are reasonable? I don't think you've actually said that, you just treat them like they're inevitable. Like it didn't even matter if Patreon was in the right, because the terms they offer are immutable and inviolate like the turning of the seasons, and the only possible course of action is to lie down and take them.

>> No.4723726
File: 72 KB, 439x452, 1592067222882.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>y-y-yeah but in MY country contracts dont matter
>laws only serve the people
>other people that own more than me are not people
>I don't know how shit works yet i'm seriously convinced i'm in the right because i'm autistic
>tos are not approved by the govt
please, for the love of whatever imaginary person in the sky you believe in, shut the fuck up and induce sudoku
This is the most retarded thing i've read all day and i've been lurking /x/
You're incredibly retarded holy fucking shit
You basically said communism good like i said you would
holy shit gtfo my board, summer

>> No.4724222


>> No.4724365

>Cries about free speech when ever they get punished for breaking rules and guidelines
Every time

>> No.4724684

>Imagine if i came into your house
Shit analogy

>> No.4725789

deserved, idiotic to make money off IP characters ESPECIALLY from "family friendly" Nintendo of all companies what the fuck were you thinking?