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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.17 MB, 3541x2507, EcerEjfUMAMQipT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4715010 No.4715010 [Reply] [Original]

Rendering skin
Im legit stuck and need help to render

I've been at it for a while
i just can't seem to get the clothes correct.
Do they line art then render inside or
do they paint the over the lineart

Example of what im trying to do

>> No.4715013
File: 119 KB, 944x516, EcBAKfnU4AAlEyL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The line/Base color

>> No.4715014
File: 252 KB, 420x682, 2020-07-11 02_42_45-Window.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like what the fuck do i do??

Can someone help.

This is my work

>> No.4715016

>Do they line art then render inside or
>do they paint the over the lineart
Depends on the artist

>> No.4715017

on the top i painted and then i line over it

but all of it doesn't look like what i want to do

>> No.4715021

Wtf means rendering

>> No.4715022

Im more comfortable making the line then rendering inside,
i tried to paint over the line for my current one and i feel like im doing poorly

>> No.4715025
File: 12 KB, 390x147, 2020-07-11 02_46_24-Window.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

basically painting and giving it depth or some shit

>> No.4715031

why spend so much time rendering when it doesn't have any more impact than the flats. Just do simple cell shading since it's anime, trying to simulate realistic light and shadow seems kind of pointless if it's stylized already.

>> No.4715033

Cause thats the style i want to learn,
I think its much more appealing

I like cell shading too,
I just want to learn this too

>> No.4715040

your rendering is not consistent. try rendering the body/skin without the clothes first. this will help with consistency of lines/shading/etc.

you can find other artists on youtube using this technique as well.

>> No.4715044

Any videos you recommend?

>> No.4715084

>Do they line art then render inside or
>do they paint the over the lineart


>> No.4715097

They rendered under linework then colored parts of the linework in clipping layer.

>> No.4715098

shit dude its beautiful! maybe look at the way others render skin.

i really enjoy the look you have to your art

>> No.4715102


it's appealing, bump for more of these

>> No.4715113

The artist name is @bonnie_3404
On twitter

>> No.4715114

You just need to work on your values.

The issues are: lack of shadows, and general inconsistencies.

The boob crease should be as dark as the area under the armpit, the boobs have no shadow, the tummy shading is incorrect and looks like it has a crease, the neck is too angular because the shading on both sides are too flat. The hair has no shadow, her right hand has no shadow. The shading on the boobs look like a ball attached to her chest. The inconsistent lighting on the ears, if light is coming down from above, why is the top part of her ears darker?

Other minor issues:

Nose isn't in the center of her face, the face isn't symmentrical either. The hands can be improved.

>> No.4715119

Okay, i should try that.

Yeah, true

Thanks dude means alot, i just want to get better so im just being hard on myself

>> No.4715126

Yeah i agree with all your points

I find it reall difficult when i do value studies and and alot of anatomy could use some work too

I appreciate the 2nd pair of eyes

>> No.4715133

also missing from yours compared to OP pics area strong consistent light source and ambient occlusion.

>> No.4715148

Thats true,

I should make a beach scene of something

>> No.4715161

Not to sound like an ass but you are at a level where rendering is the least of your problems

The main reason why the op pic is so appealing is because the values are consistent with the form and reinforce the feeling of solidity of the bodies. The actual rendering technique is secondary to that

In your pic it is evident that you still have problems with form, gesture and values

Unironically read creative illustration by loomis

>> No.4715176 [DELETED] 
File: 191 KB, 1400x1050, 1553107450397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't listen to >>4715161
Your lines are good and your anatomy will improve with time. Anons on this board act like you have to literally be perfect at every other aspect of your art before shading when that is not true at all.
Keep practicing the shading and with practice the anatomy will eventually get better too.
This pic always really helped me with shading skin, you just need more dark spots and better shading placement especially around the stomach area.

>> No.4715183

you render forms, not skin

>> No.4715185

you're an idiot.

>> No.4715189
File: 191 KB, 1400x1050, 1553107450397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't listen to >>4715161
Your lines are good and your anatomy and sense of form will improve with time. Anons on this board act like you have to literally be perfect at every other aspect of your art before shading when that is not true at all.
Keep practicing the shading and with practice your sense of form will eventually get better too.
This pic always really helped me with shading skin, you just need more dark spots and better shading placement especially around the stomach area.

>> No.4715192

I know, but i wanna practice other stuff too

Thanks man, this actually is what i was looking for!

I am not smart

>> No.4715206
File: 299 KB, 1280x2394, 1581543164962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry I reposted it because I made a slight mistake in my explanation.
I'm glad that helps! Here is another skin shading tutorial you might like. I think the first one I gave is helpful but this one is more specific (2 more replies with the other parts of it incoming)

>> No.4715208
File: 349 KB, 1280x2394, 1581543230107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4715217


>> No.4715218
File: 240 KB, 1280x2394, 1581543196441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4715219


Thanks man, wish i could practice now but i have to wake up early

>> No.4715240

No problem man! I'm glad I could help.
Don't push yourself tonight and studying those tutorials will help you a lot when you get around to it.
Good luck anon!

>> No.4715242

definitely gmi material

>> No.4715284

PYW, crab

>> No.4715308
File: 249 KB, 528x528, Untitled49_20200711120947.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

figured out what it is

>> No.4715323

Its a fire ant

>> No.4715337

>be me
>try to draw something nice and sweet (animu tiddies)
>realize that my way is drawing disgusting and disturbing shit

>> No.4715347
File: 156 KB, 1244x310, Lineart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You already have the ref, just zoom the fuck in. One thing you can notice is he saves the darkest tones for things on the front, and if things are overlapping he'll give priority to the object that's closer to use that black, while using another tone, like a skin tone, for what's behind, see the legs for example. He probably works around both flat/rendered layer and lineart without merging them. Don't undermine line weight and construction, that alone does a lot for the image, it's very clean and efficient describing the form, so practice figure drawing and work in your line weight, using different poses forcing you to plan your drawing. Another thing I notice about your work vs the ref is he designs his lineart thinking about the flats and rendering, they're not acting independently, you can see the shape looks organic coming in and out of the linework and not as an afterthought, could be he designed lineart on the rendered parts and then painted over it or simply painted over it in another layer, either way, is non-destructive and you could try any option if you are unsure. I'm certain there are more ways to go about this and probably there are people that do all this in a single layer, but if you're practicing just try both, working in a single layer could help you a lot in not being mindless about your linework/rendering.

>> No.4715359

You're just shading without thought. Think about what you're trying to suggest. E.g The tummy, it's not shaped like that suggest the abdominals. The tit crease needs a darker line.
Deltoid musle looks wierd.

Look up basic shapes for the key pieces of anotomy and implement. You're picture will be a lot better.

>> No.4715393


>> No.4715399

Tell me, I don't know what this is

>> No.4715493

I asked what

>> No.4715537


>> No.4715577

are you op?

>> No.4715591

there are literal CSP filters to apply on the shadow layers that do this by-the-numbers shit automatically for you

>> No.4715596
File: 261 KB, 945x705, etweqwtqwtqwtqtqtqt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is something new i tried with spray brush

>> No.4715606

Not yet

>> No.4715636

Hi, i am

>> No.4715640

I see the word "just" a lot in this thread, OP. But a lot of the advice following them is crucial, so dont take it lightly. It is a lot of work. But if you diligently keep at it, you will find a pay off. You're already at a pretty good starting point.

>> No.4715760

Not enough contrast. and sharp edges where applicable

>> No.4715775

No, you're a blind retard, and the fact that you're asking if you're gmi makes you ngmi.

>> No.4715817

OP here

I would throw in more dark reds to give depth, but im still learning too. Gl dude

>> No.4715851
File: 65 KB, 842x1000, 1590767595589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There should be a rendering general.

>> No.4715918

Make one, it'll be great to have one

>> No.4716238

Nice peepee

>> No.4716259
File: 1.40 MB, 4629x1076, 8219A9AF-6E54-4DF2-9002-2523657795ED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any more walkthroughs or tutorial images like this? I only have pic related.

>> No.4716267

I wish i had more, im just getting started to doing it

>> No.4716271
File: 1.05 MB, 2732x2048, 7D015C0A-07ED-412F-A1F5-8C680C4A2AD8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't paint much and especially not in cell shading/anime style but I gave it a go.

>> No.4716291

Thanks dude, when i get home i definitely want to practice this

>> No.4716317

I can't tell why this rendering looks poor to me as opposed to >>4715189 and >>4715010

>> No.4716330

why do many people always do the strong saturation at the terminator?

>> No.4716350

skin translucency
light passes through and illuminates all micro blood vessels inside

>> No.4716355

Subsurface scattering.
The light stops bouncing off the skin at the terminator, but continues to bounce under the skin and comes out red because of blood.

>> No.4716395
File: 472 KB, 1796x1280, EbQ5iuHXYAIAsBb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks but what about this on other materials? I was watching a schoolism on color and light and the teacher said
>put a saturated edge where the light is over exposed
but that ain't explaining shit
For exemple pic related on the clothes, I know it's anime so it's stylized but I see it everywhere

>> No.4716397
File: 716 KB, 849x1200, 1592560422943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4716405

based helpful and chadpilled response

>> No.4716424
File: 76 KB, 640x483, 1583883336848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I Still can't blend colors properly in CSP
Help me I'm retarded

>> No.4716433

Skin shouldn't be this pink, throw a tiny bit of yellow there

>> No.4716451

Honestly they're good, but the rendering just looks all over the place to me

>> No.4716459

Looks like they might be trying to simulate diffraction or chromatic aberration.

>> No.4716461

Wait, it might actually be bloom. Where the bright light bleeds into the darker area.

>> No.4716481

It was done by an anon in another thread as a demonstration, it's not the original artist.

>> No.4716705

>paint the rest of the owl

>> No.4716722
File: 404 KB, 1280x1868, 1581531243021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. That one is super step by step and you would be retarded to not be able to follow it.
Pic related is draw the rest of the owl

>> No.4716725

the gist seems to be
1. draw contour
2. add shading
3. blur shading
4. add highlights

>> No.4716730

of course all this and other tutorials assumes you already have a deep understanding of anatomy.

>> No.4716789

Why do you think this style is so rare to begin with?
>requires an understanding of realism, lighting, form and values
>requires doing master copies of the artist
You already have the twitter of the artist and their in progress wips:
1) do detailed copies of all their work (most important)
2) study realism as well especially lighting, forms and values (most important)
3) collect references on every artist that shades in this style from every lighting angle you can get (most important)
4) find tutorials/streams (least important as you can already imitate them from 1-3)
As you have noticed, you are totally fucking ngmi currently and have to accept that you need to do fuckloads of work to improve out of low /int/ hell or stay stuck forever in ngmi hell. Do 1) and 3) until your hands fall off as it will give you the most skill the most quickly. 2) is only necessary to cover corner cases when you can't plagiarise the lighting off the artist's work

>> No.4716818

That's just showing block in and rendering. How is this a draw the rest of the owl tutorial

>> No.4716826

It doesn't explain how you render from 2 to 3

Chances are that if you're able to follow this tutorial, you don't need it. That's what's 'draw the rest of the owl' is about

>> No.4716832

Are you saying this while being able to read the japanese explanation or not? I can read it but I can't confirm whether it's sufficiently explained or not because I'm very /beg/.

>> No.4716878

I never said it was rare, its common.

1) i don't think thats necessarily

2) make sense

3) yeah no shit

4) kinda feels like you're projecting a bit

>> No.4716881

I think it helps to be honest

The images are good enough to follow and understand, i think make the brushes are what i need to figure out

>> No.4716888
File: 3.19 MB, 3508x1918, render.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP you could try rendering >>4715013
yourself as an exercise, as i have.
It's not as difficult as it seems, but that's thanks to having the full render as reference, and a lineart to start from. The greater challenge, in retrospect, is coming up with believable lighting, form, and good drawing/lineart that sets up the rendering stages. the drawing in particular really carried the rendering imo. >>4715014 there's some rendering tricks you can learn for sure, but I think you lack more on the drawing side, and understanding/simplifying forms. revisit rendering on simple forms- since the difference to rendering skin can be as simple as adding a couple of correction layers to that..

pic is my take, after extracting the lineart (poorly)

>> No.4716890

its literally 90% custom brushes, like all digital art

>> No.4716892
File: 1.12 MB, 1754x959, render2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oops file size

>> No.4716895
File: 475 KB, 1120x760, process.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4716906

I appreciate the advice i will practice what you told me

Do you mean just practicing values in shapes?

>> No.4717061


>> No.4717074

Awesome work anon!!

>> No.4717081

I can't tell if either pretending to be retarded or ironic anymore.

>> No.4717093

Anymore hair tutorials like this that anyone has? Stylized anime shading for hair has always been difficult for me.

>> No.4717096
File: 26 KB, 700x506, ribbon hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ribbon shading

>> No.4717098

Thank you for going to this much effort to show the process. Much appreciated.

>> No.4717153

How do you start learning to render?

>> No.4717268

start with cubes and spheres

>> No.4717303

Here, let me spell it out for you.
>1. Start with a torso. Draw the outlines. Watch Proko if you can't do this. I'm not your dad.
>2. Pick a orange-yellow base tone and fill your entire torso with that color. Make sure its desaturated so that your more saturated shadow tones pop.
>3. Pick a slightly more red, slightly more saturated tone. This will be your "first shadow pass" although this can be done in a single step. But you want to follow anime titty tutorials, so fuck it. Apply this to the bottom of all forms, because the setting assumes a strong, directional overhead lightsource (ie the sun, or whatever, go outside)
>4. Either pick a soft airbrush and work that same tone into a gradient by doing eyedropper shading, or use an unruly watercolor brush in SAI because you want to be a weeb. Use lasso if you have to and a large brush size if you go the soft airbrush to help with making smooth gradients. The lasso tool will help mask the parts you don't want paint on. Or you could just make an actual mask layer, lazy fuck.
>5. Time for the redundant "second shadow pass" which could have been done the first time around, but whatever. Pick another deeper red tone with further saturation and add this to the other areas.
>6. See 4. I'm not gonna repeat myself.
>7. Time to add speculars. Determine the angle of the specular by eyeballing how the light will bounce off the form and into the VIEWER'S eye. Speculars are NOT from straight lines from the lightsource to the part of the form that is most perpendicular; they're from the light source to the part of the form most likely to reflect the light back into the viewers eye. OR you can not give a shit about technicals and just throw highlights everywhere without regard like this artist did.
>8. Color your lines, asshole. Lines on a separate layer? Select it and use Hue/Sat sliders to pick a color that best suits your skin tone. This is up to taste. Lines on the same layer? Make a new layer and draw over them.

>> No.4717320

Quick question: what do you mean by "clip". Otherwise, this is excellent stuff. Definitely saved.

>> No.4717332

that is incredible, much appreciated dude

>> No.4717499

why is there a highlight on the xyphoid process crease? Isn't the transition on the sides of her belly button and on the sternum too sharp?

>> No.4717528

You're going to complain about her xiphoid process but not her generic anime face? It's anime.

>> No.4717543
File: 720 KB, 992x1158, layerstructure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

by clip I mean 'Clip to Layer Below', here's the layer structure for additional info. for example the 'add(glow)' layer is clipped to the whole folder containing all the layers. in addition the folder itself has a layer mask (turned off in pic attched, indicated by red X) of the skin selection.

layer structure generally follows darkest layers on top, with the exceptions of the highlights and the vivid light SSS layer on top of the shadow clip stack- this might not be obvious from the process.

the most apparent issue with this process is blending across the dark/light families since they are on separate layers- either get the shadow shape/edge correct initially, or else spend time making the two ends meet, or flatten the image.

>> No.4717549

why dont you learn japanese and write the artist an email you fucking weeb

>> No.4717552

dont listen to this fucking idiot -he has no clue about what to do with his sad life

>> No.4718137

Reject airbrush embrace cel-shading

>> No.4718343

Dont listen to >>4717552
he is a bitch ass hoe

>> No.4718371

Thank you, anon.

>> No.4718520

Some human anatomy lessons wouldn't hurt

>> No.4719018
File: 161 KB, 907x1200, EX0v2aoXYAMOImx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool thread
I'd be more interested in learning how to render skin like pic related instead of using the airbrush tool tho

>> No.4719037
File: 2.93 MB, 2008x3047, 1593057758114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4719038
File: 169 KB, 1200x1172, 1593055380408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have some more lips

>> No.4719051

there's the timelapse, maybe someone who's better than me could break down what this dude does

>> No.4719306

Those lips look like a fishes asshole. Not appealing in the slightest.
This one >>4719038
is much better.

>> No.4719696

This artist is definitely skilled and these definitely look good but man I just want to say it looks like he color picked from an assortment of JPG artifacts

>> No.4719712

A little color variation on top of a base color. cool shadows, warm highlights, some extra saturation where the light peters out because of sub surface scattering. I'm not sure how quickly gloss does it but given some areas of this timelapse you could argue his stroke economy could improve because be reworks that little highlight on the leg for a while despite the original shape being perfectly fine.

Look at some of JC Leyendecker's work. Not his more impressionist stuff but the more finished fit for illustration magazine work. You can see how it's an assortment of strong solid shapes working together which is what you see here but Gloss has more lines and shapes that are more ambiguous.

>> No.4719739

>There should be a rendering general.
I agree with this.

>> No.4720051

gay retard

>> No.4720915

>gay retard
>literally jerks it to the tranny that was drawn in >>4719018


>> No.4720921

I do the same thing but I just paint it on the same layer, multiple layers is too fiddly.

>> No.4721085

No, what made you think so?

>> No.4722113

What colors do you use for tanned/dark skin? Same colors as if you were to shade normal skin? (Pink, orange, etc)

>> No.4722118


>> No.4722397

Blues and purples.