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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4702756 No.4702756 [Reply] [Original]

I've spent a considerable portion of my life studying art

Just 4 short months I was studying at a prestigious place in eastern Europe, fit and well

But my life has changed beyond all measure because of health problems which cause chronic pain and debilitating (not coronavirus) symptom's, this has lead to considerable mental anguish and I am reconsidering everything about my life

I've done quite a lot with my life, traveled and lived abroad.

But I can't stay in my home country, I'm not suited to it

>> No.4702784
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I'm thinking of places where I can make money from my art

I'm thinking of all the places I've been to in my life, what impressed me the most.

And beyond all question that place is the temples of Angkor

Truly awesome constructions, the inspiration for a whole host of fantasy shit you see in movies and games.

This is the place I want to paint.

I'm aware there's already local artists there, I saw them, but its mostly very formulaic stuff.

Anyway, I wanted some input on this, I've talked with some friends about this, the problems facing it, and I think it won't be too much of a problem as I can always fall back on teaching English if all else fails, something I've experience with already.

Just would like to know you guys thoughts.

I've been posting here for almost a decade, and while the quality isn't what it was I value the opinion of some of you guys.

And always appreciate critique, even if this is more about an idea, than art...

Pic not by me, but semi related. This artist made me realize I love plein air above all else

>> No.4703202


>But I can't stay in my home country, I'm not suited to it

What country anon?

>> No.4703372

Will you get better?

>> No.4703402

>While the quality isn't what it was I value the opinion of some of you guys.
If you cannot accept me at my worst, then you don't deserve me at my best.

>> No.4704496
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Don't want to dox myself, a western European one

Maybe better, maybe worse, it's of a similar nature to what my father died from so I'm very anxious

It's my idea to make high quality art of those temples, there's already a load of cheap stuff catered to tourists but I see potential to enter the market with more expensive stuff if I can do really great stuff.

I find the temples fascinating and am prepared to dedicate a lifetime painting them

Most artists stick to just one theme through their whole life anyway

>> No.4704519


>> No.4704545
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Been here since 2010, back when tehmeh was around and CA was still alive

>> No.4704572

I'm going to pretend you posted this ironically and respond based on my small experiences hustling IRL. If you have no experience in it, find someone who has and have them teach you the ropes. Going to a good art school is not the same. How exactly are you trying to live off of your paintings? Sell it on the street? Cosignment at shops? Group shows? If you don't have a plan or can't think on the fly, stick to teaching English and play it safe.

>> No.4704605

Firstly, Cambodia is shut because of covid with some ridiculous entry requirements atm.

So this won't happen for a a couple months at least until things loosen up

First I'll start just with teaching English which is easy, or possibly something tourism related, that's just necessary for the first year.

Ivey sold my paintings before through galleries though all my life has been spent grinding when I was ready a long time ago honestly.

I can sell at street markets to begin with but that's a pretty terrible long term plan as they only sell for 100 bucks (but that's not bad if you're a local and just copy pasting these), so you need to get in with the real galleries there, most of the work at those places isn't temple related and features international artists.

Alternatively you can sell to galleries overseas, also have a blog, Instagram and website to sell.

It's a massive tourist spot, with 2 million visitors each year, so I think the market definitely has potential.

It's not free to go to the temples of course, 72 dollars for a 7 day pass, but you can go throughout the month. You can work from photos.of course, but I don't find it at all inspiring.

So I take my shit (canvas, paints, palette parasol, food etc) on an electric bicycle or tuktuk from town and do my plein air there, there's dozens of different temples, angles, compositions, enough for a lifetime.

You're bound to attract attention and you could hang out business cards to tourists who were interested and came to chat

Ship internationally.

I'm currently just beginning learning Khmer, the last two years learning Russian is a bit of a waste now...

>> No.4704646

I wouldn't do such a thing under normal circumstances at all, I wanted to live a more comfortable life and was training for classical figurative art, but a quirk of fate has forced my hand on the matter and in some way I feel these temples calling me.

I'm self aware enough to see that this look like some pipedream, but I've gone through with similarly unusual things before, such as travelling and working overseas, albeit with varying degrees of success