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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 31 KB, 992x361, 315123151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4699885 No.4699885 [Reply] [Original]

Apparently Will Weston instagram is no longer there for some reason. I dont know what happened, but that Instagram was full of helpful reference I've been using to learn constructionism.
Does anyone collect his IG willing to share the references, I'm begging you.

>> No.4699889
File: 103 KB, 342x437, 1561706859856.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened to Mr. Weston?

>> No.4699892

I dont know but I feel like it's going to be something nefarious again...

>> No.4699921

Sexual allegations from ArtCenter students

>> No.4699932
File: 184 KB, 1332x850, tanya-degurechaff-manga-2017-uniform-blonde-soldier-cross-me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if it was work of some dumb trolls im stab a bitch

(also pls dont say he was outed in all this sexual abuse fiasco over the past weeks that would hurt)

>> No.4699933

It seems like this happened:

>> No.4699937

that’s.... it? what’s the big deal?

>> No.4699939


>> No.4699948

found the future sex offender, grind fundies now while you still have time anon

>> No.4699954

>tfw just looked his stuff up on google
And nothing of value was lost.

>> No.4699956
File: 28 KB, 619x453, cc1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His daughter who manages his social media took it down

>> No.4699957

There's a lot of stories there and that's one of them. It seems like Gary Meyer is being called out too but it's more of his old age and outdated beliefs. Weston was a full on sexual predator.

>> No.4699962

which only cover 5% of his IG, also missing ton of videos too

>> No.4699968

It sucks -- but you guys really should have used jdownloader to mass download the stuff. This isn't the first time artists have taken down their stuff and it won't be the last.

>> No.4699972

You dont really need those since you have the videos anyway. Majority of them are on pinterest as well

>> No.4699974

Why are people such degenerates. Where did we go wrong.

>> No.4699976

implying i would ever waste my time with holes.

>> No.4699978

serves him right for posting blm shit,
left eating themselves

>> No.4699980
File: 993 KB, 2051x2101, 1592828297236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do I always fall for bad men?

>> No.4700003

Gary Meyer is 85 bro. Rethink your life choices.

>> No.4700069

> i feel uncomfortable.
And what? Every second /pol/tard feels uncomfortable around Jews or afros. If they exist /pol/tard feels himself uncomfortable.

>> No.4700070

Get outta here

>> No.4700074

never trust or interact with women at all,
future proof yourself yourselves anons

>> No.4700075

this seems pretty... tame? are there other accounts that are more telling?

>> No.4700078


>> No.4700089

Valid point

>> No.4700094

The stupidity of /ic/

>> No.4700096

This one just seems retarded how is this even on the level of abuse or assault?

>> No.4700131

""Richard Houston singled me out in class because I was a member of antiracist classroom to speak about how I feel about a white model wearing a kinono""
Are these people real

>> No.4700136

This one is absurd but you gotta admit that the ones on Will are disgusting. He's just another dirty old man.

>> No.4700141

what are you talking about? it's fucking nothing

>> No.4700142


>> No.4700149

It's obviously not if he had to close all his social media accounts. All the ones being called out are still out there. Will sure was quick to hide.

>> No.4700159
File: 29 KB, 556x540, big_paint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk there's more on the Instagram account. Definitely seems like westons a fucking coomer lmao, says he would only have all female TAs and would talk himself up to be an industry god. He never saw a penny from me but I enjoyed his figure drawing course :^)


>> No.4700164

Why are art teachers such fucking memes. Reading through the posts rn and I've never heard of any other field like engineering have such unprofessional meme behavior from professors.

>> No.4700189

>I've never heard of any other field like engineering have such unprofessional meme behavior from professors.
Well, my engineering major is 92% male so...

>> No.4700226

So taking the time to speak individually with your students is bad? Guess my Macroeconomy teacher was a great man, he just came in class, dropped some Macropipebombs on us from MacroHeaven then left, never spoke with any of us Micropeasants.

>> No.4700303
File: 46 KB, 960x960, 1562617230288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>downloaded his whole instagram gallery 4 days ago
thanks intuition

>> No.4700305

10/10 post made me laugh, thank you anon

>> No.4700309

>not even quoting or screencapping this shit so you can follow the conversation
4chan AKA The Hidden Comment Section of the Internet

>> No.4700313

share rn pls anon for the good of humanity

>> No.4700329

Making a woman feel uncomfortable is the worst crime you can commit in the year 2020

>> No.4700331

a lot of his shit is repeated multiple times in there I would need to trim the fat first and then find free hosting site that needs no account to upload it, any propositions? right now it weights 2,2 gb.

>> No.4700338

>right now it weights 2,2 gb.
mega is default by now.

>> No.4700340
File: 10 KB, 251x242, 32f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no no no no, he tried it

>> No.4700351

Based anon

>> No.4700372

and no value was lost.

>> No.4700373


>> No.4700394

ah fk

>> No.4700399

bootleg vilppu turns out to be a lolifag

>> No.4700451

Wasn’t Will a bit of an SJW himself? Poor guy probably never imagined the mob would come for him too

>> No.4700467

Fuck I knew I should've downloaded it someone even said it. Post it and I'll love you long time. I hope more of his stuff gets posten on cgp.

>> No.4700470

What are some other instagram galleries we should download before they get nuked? Tom Fox is one, he already deleted it once before

>> No.4700495

Anyone know of an easy way I can rip the composition course? I'm a bit of a brainlet and can kind of use youtube-dl.

>> No.4700521

now wait few hours because of my 3rd world internet and hope it won't die when I upload

>> No.4700526
File: 1023 KB, 1059x1287, amy biehl parents.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what happens when you post BLM and leftie shit, they will devour you. What a stupid nigger

>> No.4700547

W-weston bros...

>> No.4700549

I never thought brainwashing can be so effective you willingly accept the death of your innocent offspring while smiling for the camera.

>> No.4700552

I don’t understand...

>> No.4700555


>> No.4700557
File: 1.00 MB, 1070x1704, 1593883338437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crazy thing, right?

>> No.4700562

just 28 years in jail for killing 2 ppl ? i would kill if its this lenient

>> No.4700563

Maybe its best for this sort of thinking to be removed by evolutionary pressures.

But I wonder why that guy was so mad at that family. There migth be even more going on.

>> No.4700617
File: 84 KB, 681x1024, 1568708991749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the retarded janny will nuke this thread once they finish dilating. that's why you didn't hear about it until now. there's been 10+ threads about the cancellations recently, all nuked by the janny that leaves up schizo and youtuber threads.

>> No.4700880

Hopefully not because now it's effectively a resource thread -> >>4700521

>> No.4701010

These """people""" deserve everything that happens to them. If your in the industry and have to do something to keep your shitty job they should just do what Feng did and retweet a gay BLM thing and never mention it again.

>> No.4701246

His instagram was a truly great resource

>> No.4701327
File: 111 KB, 900x900, 106031773_710144409545649_1589168734915537227_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok, it is done. whole Weston's IG gallery with videos. i didn't have any dolphin porn to add to it so you have to forgive me for that and i hope you will use it to actually learn something and not just fucking hoard it
https://mega.nz/folder/ubBGBALD link without key
7Kk_qyEfH0Wl-GkS22cwiQ the key

>> No.4701338

Thank god this happened after the anon shared his course

>> No.4701340
File: 78 KB, 604x343, 1465097542426.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based thank you very much

>> No.4701342

Thanks anon
What program did you use to scrape them?

>> No.4701349

Downloader for Instagram on chrome apps

>> No.4701354


Make me a janny. I'll be an asshole, but an effective one. Not like the tard we have running the show now.

>> No.4701369

Didn't manage it very well

>> No.4702072

Reading these is fucking insane.
- Complaining about elderly teachers not juggling through 50 layers of gender politics to correctly identify your pronouns
- Complaining about teachers mispronouncing your name as systemic racism
- Complaining about teachers drawing nipples on your work when you avoid them like a weirdo
- Complaining about people not drawing black characters or model
- Complaining about teachers touching you in completely unsexual places like your fucking elbow or something to point out something for drawing or just normal human contact when giving advice
- Complaining that the ugly duckling is actually about how black people are ugly
- Complaining about figure drawing teachers literally just describing the models muscle definition and body fat in the context of how easy or hard it is to identify anatomy, calling it body shaming
-Complaining that will weston was more descriptive of the female form and gave homework to study from a lilo and stitch artist that draws women with hourglass figures
- Complaining that will weston pointed out that a model didnt look like a fit dancer when they are drawing costumed figures so you should use anatomy and shape language to make her look the part

None of these people could ever hold a minimum wage job nevermind working in the enterainment art industry. Fucking weak humans.

>> No.4702077

This, basically.

And also, I've seen a male teacher slap the only female student in the class's ass once because "You're one of the guys now, better act like it haha"

>> No.4702092
File: 389 KB, 1080x951, IMG_20200706_002451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of these are obviously memes but your being disingenuous with the rest. Sliding ur hand on a students/coworkers thigh and giving them your number will literally get u btfod at any company, art company or not. Knowing not to call students racial slurs is basic fucking iq lmao. I worked in a machine shop with literal boomer machinists who never went to college and they're more professional than these retards.
Obv some of these complaints r stupid as fuck but they're probably from literal kids who just graduated high school and started college. This coomer degenerate behavior from these ""industry"" professionals is embarrassing.
Also the school obviously has shit tier administrators and advisors who don't do shit lmao

>> No.4702097
File: 11 KB, 226x200, 1409959939513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Much appreciated

>> No.4702099

So, we won't have a Weston course on NMA? :( i'm genuinely sad

>> No.4702101

If it was anything like his current video course your not missing out on anything. Literally just hogarth but in color

>> No.4702104


>> No.4702108

You are dumb, please don't comment again if you don't know shit of the subject matter, i'm done of reading stupid smug oppinions from people who unironically believe saturated colors don't exist in nature or that composition is a useless fundamental, rope yourself.

>> No.4702109

Pretty sure the one with touching and phone number is just the teacher being concerned with a clearly fragile student about to drop out. I doubt weston is suddenly going full predator mode. You have to remember the absolute lack of life experience and brainwashing these kids have while reading these.
As for the picture I have no idea if thats true or not. seems ridiculous for any teacher to just shout slurs. Obviously a dismissal if true (but i doubt it)

>> No.4702128
File: 1.24 MB, 1560x808, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok buddy, keep hoping that you'll find the magical figure drawing course that will making not ngmi.
you can learn figure drawing from whoever you want, you dont need some special secret course to do it

>> No.4702135
File: 733 KB, 1428x697, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look someone whose literally never painted before kek

>> No.4702174 [DELETED] 
File: 3.57 MB, 240x180, 1592741342724.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's be real here, some of these are obvious lie and oh gosh how could anyone go on the internet to tell lie hmmm???

>> No.4702179
File: 129 KB, 592x837, 1565576060025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of these are obvious lies, it isn't that hard to tell.

>> No.4702185

Yup. But Will Weston is hiding now. His were not lies if he's that affected I think.

>> No.4702188

Or, you know, he's afraid of the people who will try to gang on him without evidence?
Nowadays allegations are all you need to destroy a life, no proof required.

>> No.4702193

we may never know, if we ever see a lawsuit that is.
sucks for those who relied on him for their artistic endeavor. These kind of thing can be courted without lighting a Forrest on fire on social media. Further more, I feel like the complainers or witch hunters here know what they are doing and they know how capable they are with social media to know where it hurt to most. They are more nefarious more than I think people paint them with an innocent stroke.

>> No.4702195

the most*
shit I need to go to sleep

>> No.4702200

Why are you so angry? At least put down an actual argument next time, what you wrote was extremely embarrassing and childish.

>> No.4702214

He's the only one hiding. Nils Londstrom is out there being called out and he replied to one of the posts. But Weston is hiding like a baby. Must have been a shock for his teenage social media adviser to have been tagged in the posts and be the first to see the allegations.

>> No.4702267

the fuck is a BIPOC?
if I ever release training online I will never mentor a woman. fuck is it legal to only allow men to buy your course? like I clearly state it's only for men, will I get into legal trouble?

>> No.4702270

>https://mega.nz/folder/ubBGBALD link without key
>7Kk_qyEfH0Wl-GkS22cwiQ the key

uh hello based department, give that man a raise

rey bustos, gets busted

>> No.4702271

Of course you will dumbass

>> No.4702272

those people will become managers or HR idiots

if you get a job, you'l have to bite your tongue
most of us won't get a job since HR just looks for other degenerate to join their shit company

>> No.4702279

>the fuck is a BIPOC?
Don't learn these words or start a discussion where people have to validate them, it's newspeak. That's all you need to know.

>> No.4702295

Just write female applicants they didn't make the cut

>> No.4702315

BIPOC is one of those things that immediately tells you that the person in question has a deceased mind.

Imagine having worked in art for 30-40 years and having to experience this new breed of narcisstic lunatics.

>> No.4702910
File: 56 KB, 750x750, C9C20DB6-48A9-4D6D-BE1F-D3811A03A44A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>He didn’t support my facist, nazi beliefs and isn’t a big pathetic racist loser like myself and actually gives a shit about minorities who are systematically given an unfair hand in society so he deserves what’s coming to him.

Not surprised, this place is a den of pathetic thieves who only horde countless tutorials and make depressed wojak/pepe threads wondering why they don’t improve.

>> No.4702995

>nazi beliefs
What the fuck did anything that the other anon's write appear even REMOTELY as socialist to you

>> No.4703044

This is the end, Westonbros? His courses will get deleted from drawing America.

>> No.4703047
File: 101 KB, 320x303, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fact that weston immediately vaporized an instagram he was working on for like 6 years is telling,
if the hand on the thigh thing happened just once itd be different, but the theres other posts about how weston is a constant weirdo in class
also some of the posts like the slur one are anonymous and doesnt even name the teacher. i dont see what the point of lying about that would be

>> No.4703057

both courses are on cgpeers

>> No.4703059

Absolute madman my Willy

>> No.4703063

>the fact that weston immediately vaporized an instagram he was working on for like 6 years is telling
What is this cancel culture mob mentality that has become so pervasive? If someone gets accuse of sexual misconduct, and they delete their socials before putting out a statement, there's this retarded normie opinion that that somehow proves guilt. No, that's not how this works. The court of public opinion is gay and retarded. People delete their socials because they get swarmed in private messages which are very likely not very nice, even before the allegations are proved to be true or false

>> No.4703067

Don't a ton of people sit in on his classes? I hear his classrooms are always crowded. Why would he touch people's thighs and act inappropriately when people are always watching him?

>> No.4703081
File: 42 KB, 640x480, 1565297769749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe he just dont want people to flood his comment section with wokism?
Maybe he just very bitter about the students who he trained for years just to end up betraying him?
Maybe he's just doing it out of immature retaliation against students and stop them from using his reference?
The point is, we dont know and you're finalizing your judgement bases on conjecture of loose evidences without proper proofing. I don't see how this is different than the idiots who jumped to conclusion just to strangle someone bases on hear say rumor. It might be true that the accusation has some truth in it, but whose truth has the right to trample upon someone else's truth.

>> No.4703092

This would probably impact his live classes...he may not even be in the mood too teach at 100%.

>> No.4703096

It's an anatomy and figure class

>> No.4703099

Its the same thing as "wow he got a lawyer? he must be guilty!" it's a retarded mentality from 20 year olds who have no idea what theyre talking about no idea how the world works. Having your reputation in jeopardy is a big deal.

>> No.4703117

>one day, suddenly, the outrage mob is there
>get swarmed with public accusations and private messages
>you just want to get away from it all
>delete social media in pure shock and disorientation
>the mob takes this as further "evidence" of your guilt
pure evil.

>> No.4703133
File: 33 KB, 480x314, closeyoureyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he doesnt even manage his instagram his daughter does

>> No.4703136

your point being?

>> No.4703142

good move for her, not giving them attention is properly the better tactic.

>> No.4703149

i remember going to his class once when i was 17 and he sucked my dick.what a fag

>> No.4703194

>all that projection
I hope you’re just pretending to be a retard

>> No.4703320

I’m so sorry that you had to go through that.

>> No.4703327
File: 69 KB, 602x361, main-qimg-90214409505ef9b83d1f910da34d1b33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heres a spy cam shot from one of Weston's classes.

>> No.4703343

>b-but drumpf said women let him grab'em by the pussy! that's way more creepy, right?!

>> No.4703345

Joe Biden's brain is also going to slush

>> No.4703354

kek, I can actually imagine someone using that to deflect from his kiddydiddling record.
>well, he's too old to do it now, so no need to worry about it any more
and of course when you bring up his dementia later in the same conversation, they'll claim not to know what you're talking about.
I never thought I'd see this level of doublethink in reality - in 1984 it seemed more like a caricature.

>> No.4703486

He is a good teacher. He spends at least 10 minutes going over everyone's work in the online class. Sometimes the critiques extend out to a total of 5+ hours. I don't think he deserves to be cancelled over these one sided allegations, a lot of which seem to be coming from oversensitive young people. But I guess now you can just erase culture and biology by calling it racism and sexism.

If these allegations are as awful as they are made out to be, then it's not like people can't change either. This cancel culture is too much

>> No.4704429

Can some of please post his most recent digital drawings he posted before his insta got nuked? That’s all I’m missing and I’d rather not download the whole mega just for a few pics

>> No.4704435
File: 1.41 MB, 3472x4624, F90177A1-8AB2-47C6-ACFF-B87181C9D619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He got mad that we pirated his tutorials

>> No.4704491


>> No.4704495

Are you for fucking real

>> No.4704521

Read the thread

>> No.4704547
File: 47 KB, 452x544, 1589627537278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how the fuck do I use cgpeers if I dont have an account or havent been invited, ive been trying to figure it out for months

>> No.4704548

I mean there are tons torrent sites out there but I havent looked em up, im just asking for someone to point me in the right direction is all

>> No.4704550


You don't. Registrations are now closed indefinitely. Invites are scarce and if you fuk up and get banned, the person who invifed you will also be banned. You missed out.

>> No.4704551

You can't

>> No.4704552
File: 40 KB, 410x598, 1588701535637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its for you

>> No.4704554

So if cgpeers is impossible to get into, wheres the next best place to go?

>> No.4704940


Rutracker or these threads. There's also gfxpeers but they also closed their registration.

>> No.4706894


>> No.4709030

Join their IRC and ask for an invite

>> No.4709045

what the fuck are you going on about you spastic retard

>> No.4711185
File: 21 KB, 176x164, Cutthroadbilldancing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it refers to blacks and natives.
What happened is that during BLM a lot of foreign asians, arabs and latinos came against blm calling black americans entitled. So americans came with the term BIPOC (black and/or indigenous person of color) against the umbrella term POC (person of color/non-white person) because americans just now discovered that racism from non-whites does indeed exist.

>> No.4711190


Holy shit that gif. That game was my life when I was nine, man. It was so pretty.

>> No.4711195
File: 73 KB, 500x375, Guybrush Threepwood.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not the best in the series for puzzles and story, but has tons of charm. Hollywood Monsters and Leisure Suit Larry 7 were done with the same animation style (hand drawn animation converted to rendered sprites)