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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4694027 No.4694027 [Reply] [Original]

Do you have any hobbies other than art? What takes up your time when you are not drawing? Do you find it hard to prioritize drawing over other things?

>> No.4694040

Other than a wide range of art stuff: photography, hiking, camping, running, tennis. Is watching movies a hobby? Reading? I dunno.
My priorities are basically: Survival -> do nothing/distraction -> art -> hobbies+socialization. So I do find it hard to do art as opposed to watching youtube or masturbating, but not as opposed to my hobbies.

>> No.4694043

I garden so I can sit in my yard to paint.
I also like to cook, play video games, and read.
Sometimes I don't have a lot of motivation to make art but I'm not too concerned about it. I'm not trying to make it, I just spend my time doing things I enjoy rather than falling for the capitalist meme of making everything a side hustle

>> No.4694050
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>> No.4694079

Programming and running. I would do more, would LOVE to do more. but I'd spread myself too thin. The day is short and the craft long, gotta maximize drawing time, minimize the nonessential.

>> No.4694107
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Programming, music, comics, cinema, books. I play videogames from time to time. Used to do bodyweight fitness before I started having panic attacks.

>> No.4694262

Is it possible to learn programming for free from resources on the internet now? I just wanna make a simple game and an app for my mom.

>> No.4694276

I enjoy reading, and play guitar.

>> No.4694285


>> No.4694312
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I've done some coding, some 3D modeling, some drawing, some writing. never stuck with anything though, never committed to anything. now I work 40 hours a week + 6 hours of travel and I'm too tired to do anything. at least I stopped playing video games. I'd like to make a 2D game and learn how to use DAWs to make music. as soon as my work ends my school starts so I just don't get a break, I wish I had more motivation to do shit after work. I mostly just watch movies and listen to the same songs I listen to everyday

>> No.4694318

I only really spend time talking to my friends and drawing. It's about a 2:1 ratio

>> No.4694321

Surfing and reading

>> No.4694327

Fencing, Manga, Movies, Collecting Fanart of my favourite series and games

>> No.4694334

you are a fool if you waste your time on other hobbies. you will not get good at any of them. pick one.

>> No.4694358

Before drawing I had no hobbies(gaming doesn't count). Now I run, play Piano and hike a lot. Want to get into mountain biking too but the initial investment would hurt my pocket a lot.

>> No.4694425

post art

>> No.4694442

sleeping.Art is one hungry hobby

>> No.4694469

What video games do you guys play? All the good games seem to eat up all my time, so I don't play anything atm

>> No.4694509

the next fromsoft game. until then just keep drawing or use some mods on sekiro/dark souls

>> No.4694614

Modded skyrim (enderal) and bannerlord

>> No.4694628

I've always been a bookworm. According to my mom, when i was a kid I either had my nose in a book, or I was drawing.
Later on I got into model trains and model cars, papercraft, and woodworking. (Dad was an engineer, and always had a woodshop in the basement.)
As a teen, I discovered girls, rock/metal, weightlifting and working on cars, in pretty much that order. And still stayed up late painting.
As an adult, I got into tech, design, and learning things like HTML and CSS - don't use it for my job, I just like playing with it. Ebooks are my new thing, learning to code them. Soothes the engineer side of my brain, I guess.
I still dabble in woodworking, metalworking, and just "making stuff". I still lift weights, and still read. I've always enjoyed riding bikes and skiing and doing things like that, I just never considered them hobbies. I also occasionally refinish furniture, I'm currently hunting for a pair of old architect's lamps for my drafting table, to refinish and convert to LED.
And, I dabble in photography. I have an entry level DSLR and take my own reference, but I'm pure noob when it comes to all that, but I liked to take it with me on drives and hikes and bike rides. I've also dabbled a little bit with electronics.

I'm never bored, basically. I like to make stuff. My next thing will probably be stained glass, i have a couple designs I'd like to attempt. I think curiousity in general is a good thing to cultivate, I don't mind rabbit holing into something, like reference, to learn more, or taking a break from art to get into something that works a different part of the brain and body.

>> No.4694630

Obvious troll is obvious.

>> No.4694642
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Music, manga, books, select movies, anime and if I can find the time videogames. It can get a little difficult to find time to play games or watch anime but I dont go a day without drawing and listening to music. Time management is hard but I'm learning.

>> No.4694649

Studying japanese and swedish

>> No.4694656
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fuck yah fellow lifter

>> No.4694658

Browsing ic

>> No.4694696

Masturbation is a hobbie?

>> No.4694709

Aww :<

>> No.4694762

Rocket league whenever my friends tell me to play. And csgo just to troll brazilian dudes. It's not very often though.

>> No.4695253

Programming, making music.

>> No.4695393

My job is my main hobby. Antiques. But summer is pretty dead so I have my other hobby which is birdwatching. I travel every 2-3 months to see birds.
It’s fine, basically, when I am not hunting and selling antiques or birdwatching, I draw. Simple as. So if I have a free day, I spend the whole day drawing.

>> No.4695438

No. Art is my job and my hobby

>> No.4695444
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It's tough. Even a little game would be an exercise in frustration. I would recommend looking up some beginner Python course, like on the codeacademy site- that's incidentally where I also started. "Real" devs like to shit on that site, but its the only one that actually got me started.

After you got the basics of Python learn Godot. It's definitely the best game engine for 2D, very flexible, very good design and GDScript follows what you ahve learned from Python. I think it's even easier learning Godot before you have learned a real programming language like Java or C++ because the way they handled OOP is weird. The learning investment for godot is also not too heavy and you can get really satisfying results. it's also powerful enough for any sort of 2D game, although its possible do do 3D ones, too.

>> No.4695448

Btw, for Godot just follow the guides from their site and google whatever specific question you may have and/or ask the community. "Real" devs do that all the time, there is no way of knowing everything. Don't get stuck in the deadly tutorial loop, just start building.

>> No.4696592

Why are you studying swedish when they will all be speaking arabic soon anyway?
Plus most swedes speak english.

>> No.4696594

4chan. Fuck normalfags.

>> No.4696606
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Music, writing, movies and theology

>> No.4696618

I tend to have very well organized my hobbies, so in addition to studying to college I study languages, I do art (I am not studying anymore), read, play videogames and a little of shitposting, so yeah, I prioritize my responsabilities in the morning and shitpost afternoon, very chill overall

>> No.4696644
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listen fat, no i used to have a lot of hobbies. i would draw, 3d model, i was into cars, i was played drums a band, self taught on guitar, i would make my own music on fruity loops, i would read neuroscience and philosophy books, learning japanese.

it really got me no where at all. meanwhile, i was thinking back to when i was like 16 and i lived abroad in japan for a year and my host sister was like 12 and wasnt a professional level concert pianist. and it really clicked for me exactly why that is.

if you ever meet japanese people you will find that they only have one hobby and they're awesome at it.

I only started focusing on art a year ago. in other words i was drawing poorly for many many years, but i have started dedicating my time solely to drawing only for 1 year.

this is a quick example of my art. I am not bragging that it's anything special, but i made more progress in the last year than i did in the decade prior.

so you can go ahead and waste your life on video games or whatever dumb shit you want. but don't sit around wondering why the japanese are so good at drawing waifus and westaboos are so fucking shit at it.

jack of all trades is a trap. when you're like 30 no one is going to be impressed that you are slightly above average at 5 different hobbies.

>> No.4696678

>tfw no fender mirror mr2
Dope work tho

>> No.4696765
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its not done yet but i did start rendering it

you wanna finish it for me?

>> No.4696772

My man Plato is just describing his type and, honestly, I agree with him.

>> No.4696773

Thanks Nichijobro. I heard Zun made Tohou on C+ so i was going to start with that but you are right, i should start with something easier.

>> No.4696779

Not really, mostly just vidya and Youtube, occasionally movies
Bought a few model kits since I wanted to get into gunpla more seriously lately, but that shit eats up your time like nothing so I usually try and dedicate full days to working on it

I find myself drawing less and less for fun after getting out of high school, unless I'm feeling really good/inspired on a particular day or it's for assignments and projects I'm obligated to do
I felt more pressured to have higher standards for quality in my art, but that made me put off drawing a lot of the time since I'm afraid of drawing mindlessly, wasting time and stagnanting
Which wasn't the case back when I would just doodle in class when distracted and be proud of something spontaneous that turned out good(to me), giving me motivation to draw even more out of school
Now the days just seem like a blur and I guess that's just a consequence of not having disciplined myself to follow a schedule

>> No.4696784

I used to build gunpla, but I fucked up/lost key parts for too many kits. Now it’s just videogames (Demons souls and WoW), occasionally I’ll watch an episode of ultraman or something as well.

>> No.4696789

It's almost as if people enjoy doing one or two other things in life and don't care if there is some gook child somewhere who is better than them because they get the belt if they don't pway viorin
Stop being autistic

>> No.4696803

All fundie autism, no soul. Hilarious.

>> No.4696849
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>No soul

How's this?

Now post your work.

>> No.4696856

>left hand drive
what did he mean by this?

>> No.4696857

What you are describing is playing. Dabbling is fun. But you aren't gonna get good if you don't go outside your comfort zone. If you just play guitar until you get bored and the go pay video games, you're always going to suck at guitar. Even video games... you can make money doing that now, but now if you are the type of person who only plays for fun. Professional video game players make it their life. If you are going to treat drawing like just another hobby that you can toss aside when it's not fun, you will not make progress. If you are satisfied with that, then why are you on the artwork critique board? This is a place to get critique to help you improve. Some people don't want to settle for being mediocre.


>> No.4696864


>and they called ME autistic.

what it means is i drew it from imagination and you're criticism is valid. i didn't think about that. i'm a burger for life though. i don't think i would want to drive a right hand drive car. maybe i could import a left hand drive knock off mr2 to japan.

>> No.4696871

Raising my family, thought they're a bit older now. But art has been my main thought process since I was a teen. I think about it all the time.

>> No.4696874

Oh yeah, that too.

>> No.4697511

Any other hobby that doesn't require teamwork or human interaction is passable to me.

>> No.4698033


people who like to complain that gamers are toxic and autistic have never been in the chess community, some of the worst people I've met online come from there

it's the only thing that pisses me off more than art so it gives me some relief when I go and draw instead

and the odd thing is that I can't stop playing

>> No.4698054



>> No.4698069

Learning online anything related to computer is probably very simple, specially when it comes to videogames. Checkout videogames in Python, unity, lua.

>> No.4698072
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>> No.4698093
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Some people don't settle for being mediocre because they just like to draw and always have and don't really care about doing anything else. Being a faggot that is constantly afraid of sucking is peak gay.
No pro who isn't a total faggot is going to tell you they realised in their mid twenties they were a mega autist and suddenly had to devote their entire existence to one thing.
Ask any of these gook jap/korean pros they will just tell you they started drawing in school and just didn't stop and weren't really interested in anything else. Same with Michelangelo and davinci. Except davinci was good at other things as well funnily enough.
Some people don't give a shit about being the best at one thing. And lots of people do multiple things and excel in them. Mariusz Pudzianowski for example is a good MMA fighter/rugby player and also 5 times world's strongest man.
Look at joe rogan's art he did in highschool. Sure he doesn't get recognition for that. He is known for being a TKD champion and commentating/ his gay podcast. But he still was good.

>> No.4698097
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joe really had potential huh

>> No.4698251

Plato was not a fag.

>> No.4698279

People don't exist in a vacuum. Plato had a country, an identity, a purpose and his people to strive for. That's why he says "citizen" and not "man". In 2020, with none of these things, he'd be a hard drinker or a corrupt shark like everyone else.

>> No.4698363

I spend most of my time browsing 4chan. Also, I don't draw.

>> No.4698695

you must be young. i don't care if you want to argue on the internet, but if you are young, don't waste your time. focus on something. stick with it. get good at it. jumping around from thing to thing will just make you dull and mediocre. Trust me you will be ashamed of yourself and scrambling to make up for lost time when you're in your 30s.

>> No.4698776

Imagine taking advice from Joe rogan. Yea guys take alpha brain. Take a 50 dollar bottle of nothing. Smoke weed all the time. That'll make you talented. Hey guys, hate speech is real and white people have it easier in America and jack dorsey is a good guy. Marry a coal burner and take care of get resentful bitter mulatto daughter. Be 5'7". You think Joe rogan is a good role model?

>> No.4698793

top tier, good for sore back.
>Muay Thai
to help with low testosterone. Contrary to what most people say, it's one of the safest striking sports.
I want to make my own indie games. Takes up a lot of time and doesn't make me go out, which sucks.

>> No.4698852


soft, effeminate femboy artists unite

>> No.4698978

your quality of art doesn't justify your attitude.

>> No.4699047

If you have a side thing that isn't a time sink like videogames it's OK.
I like woodworking. I DIY accessories for drawing, or fix stuff. I love working with hammer and chisel and smoothing wood with the plane. It feels different than art because you're working with your whole body and your mind is really at peace. I'd like to start framing my own paintings one day.
If you want to be a professional that's another story but another habit, working out... it helps clear your mind.

>> No.4700289

I'm not jumping around anything
I already have a job and lift for 2 hours a day 5-6 days a week and when I have spare time in the evening I like to draw. What should I do just stare at the wall and watch my muscles grow? Just coom or play vidya?
I don't care about being a professional at art. I just like drawing but I like lifting more. When I am 30 and deadlift 270kg and decapitate people with my kicks I'm not going to complain about not being able to draw big titty anime girls.

>> No.4701743

>What takes up your time when you are not drawing?
this damned place

>> No.4701766

this looks exceptionally bad. congratulations, you failed the only thing you put effort in.

>> No.4701770

that's better.
what's up with all the jap shit tho? you are not a weeb, right anon?

>> No.4701781


Hardship breeds greatness. what are you implying there's truly nothing left to strive for? Why not be the plato of today?

jesus i dont like your attitude. feh. ngmi

>> No.4704866

>Why not be the plato of today?
Because a Plato or Socrates today would be ridiculed or cancelled by the same people that in their time would listen. How do you even spread a message to people today? Everything is just selling a product. Every single door is closed yet people expect great things to still happen as if we where in the golden age of civilization.
I've fought so fucking hard before giving up, and some spineless retard gets to call me out on my "attitude". You don't know shit.

>> No.4704888

Socrates was cancelled tho. Hard.

>> No.4704893

Programming, watching anime/reading manga.

>> No.4704897

That's one wholesome young man. Girls, make a note.

>> No.4704900

Plus swedes don't produce anything of value in their language.

>> No.4704905

Why are distorted images like that look so interesting?

>> No.4704913

>I'm not going to complain about not being able to draw big titty anime girls
Don't you dare lying to us, d/ic/klet!

>> No.4705187

How do you know it's Japanese? You're not a weeb, right anon?

>> No.4705190

I was gonna write it in Russian but it's 3 really long very words so I said fuck it and went Japanese.

>> No.4705193

>I don't care about being a professional at art.


>> No.4705844

You're wrong. Socrates was put on trial and he died for it. Many great people were "cancelled". The religion on which the West was founded has a man who was "cancelled" at its core. But we're still talking about Socrates.

>> No.4705916

Yes. Says the guy who only posts about his bmw restauration project

>> No.4705929

You are still beg tier, I draw for fun.
I have a good job, I paint and get comissions also, I play an instrument and Im in a band, I also try to work out and spend time with gf and friends.
I dont need to be best, and there is no problem with that.

Im also nearing my 30s I understand where you are coming from, but you arent in a level to look down on others, its okay to have goals, but be humble.

>> No.4705955
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Lifting and anime.

>> No.4706222

Gaming. Yes I know it's a leech. Yes it makes it hard to switch to drawing.

>> No.4706261

i tried to warn you

>> No.4706301

is that yuri the doomsday prophet?

>> No.4706333

>3 really long very words
I'm curios what are these.

>> No.4706736


>> No.4706748

I dont need to, im fine progressing little by little and having fun

>> No.4706824


>> No.4706847
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>Do you have any hobbies other than art?
Lifting weights, reading books, cooking, playing videogames and watching anime.

>What takes up your time when you are not drawing?

Mostly the things listed before.

>Do you find it hard to prioritize drawing over other things?

Not really, with this quarantine I've been having a great amount of time for drawing.

>> No.4706855

>having hobbies when there's so little time in life to get good

>> No.4707067

So how good are you?

>> No.4707237

