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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 891 KB, 1078x1328, Imagine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4683169 No.4683169 [Reply] [Original]

>imagine getting your work stolen so often for merchandise you have no choice but to only take photos of the screen
Is it wrong to be jealous?

>> No.4683208
File: 354 KB, 891x1024, dragmetoworkstolenart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4683233 [DELETED] 

>those moon-runes tell me it’s Thailand. Well of course they’d get stolen. Thais are hardly removed from the thieving chinks in terms of genetics.

>> No.4683235 [DELETED] 

those moon-runes tell me it’s Thailand.
Well of course they’d get stolen. Thais are hardly removed from the thieving chinks in terms of genetics.

>> No.4683237

>those moon-runes tell me it’s Thailand.
Well of course they’d get stolen. Thais are hardly removed from the thieving chinks in terms of genetics.

>> No.4683239

>low IQ racebait
bold of you to talk about genetics.

>> No.4683263

>add several unremovable watermarks (transparency, at places it'd be too hard to edit out for normies) instead of a tiny signature at a corner
wow, nobody can steal it anymore! who'd have thought a way to block stealing would be sufficient to stop people from stealing?

>> No.4683266

Yes, destroy the artwork with ugly watermarks, genius

>> No.4683269

Bold of you to talk about IQ while trying to discourage racebait.

>> No.4683277

>Yes, destroy the artwork with ugly watermarks, genius
is it worse than destroying the artwork with a phone camera photo? plus it depends on the size.

>> No.4683284

It's no wonder you don't want people to be judged on the basis of their character. Your superior racial identity doesn't make you personally any less of a retard.

>> No.4683294

>It's no wonder you don't want people to be judged on the basis of their character
Is this an assumption or strawman?

>> No.4683318

no, destroy it with a fucking phone photo instead you fucking retard

>> No.4683323

Did I say anywhere that the photo was a better method, you mongoloids?
Doesn't make the watermark any less stupid either

>> No.4683325

lol mad

>> No.4683331 [DELETED] 

I mean, Chinks like to steal and Thais and chinks are closely related. What’s the problem here?

>> No.4683337

>imagine putting this much effort into avoiding people from stealing your artwork
games have given up on fighting piracy, and so should artists
way better to spend that energy into the artwork itself

>> No.4683342

>>4683318 >>4683325

>> No.4683346

your uncle likes to diddle kids, and you and your uncle are closely related. now kys pedo.

>> No.4683354

I’m getting the feeling I hit a nerve here. Are you Thai? Why are you so assblasted about some rando’s opinion on Thais and Chinks?

>> No.4683356

right as did the uncracked denuvo releases from the past few months show

just put a nice transparent watermark on it and give the original to your supporters only

>> No.4683358

do you have a problem with my reasoning?

>> No.4683359

the point is there is no "good" method you absolute idiot. watermarks exist to "destroy" artwork

>> No.4683361

You haven’t given me any reasoning at all, just some frothing-at-the-mouth gibberish about my uncle being a pedophile. I’m guessing you’re a Thai since you couldn’t answer my question so that would explain you being assblasted about being closely related to the chinks.

>> No.4683363

I just enjoy shitting on /pol/tards desu

>> No.4683383

The photo method is bad
Someone suggested watermarks and I pointed out it is equally bad
How am I an absolute idiot?

>> No.4683384

You're not shitting on anyone you're just crying like a baby

Also how do you know his uncle was a pedophile? If his uncle didn't diddle kids then your entire argument falls apart.

>> No.4683393
File: 136 KB, 377x441, thisisnicepost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>third person
kek, you're not fooling anybody. also, are you implying that the argument somehow wouldn't fall apart if your uncle were a pedo?

>> No.4683410

bad for what? doing the thing it's supposed to do?

>> No.4683417

>you're not fooling anybody
Apparently I am

>are you implying that the argument somehow wouldn't fall apart if your (his) uncle were a pedo?
Yeah, if his uncle is actually a pedo then what you said holds up.

>> No.4683418

I find it unappealing, as if it cheapens the quality of the image, unlike a smaller sign on a corner. The latter won't protect from theft, but at least it won't create unflattering visual noise

>> No.4683419

lel, I guess you're consistent at least

>> No.4683430

I feel bad for onegingek. She always purges her work

>> No.4683431

Maybe if the art looked more distinctive it wouldn't be so easy to steal...

>> No.4683444

>it cheapens the quality of the image
bingo retard, the point is making it so people can't steal it easily

>> No.4683457

>imagine treading in trite boring subject matters that only attract art stealers to pander to anime coombrains and fujos, and not being able to make a living by selling creative works on your own such that this is even an issue to you
either give less of a fuck and view art as a hobby or put your all into it and create shit that's actually worth people's time

>> No.4683463

Are you seriously implying that the shit in OP isn't exactly what is "worth people's time" which is exactly why it gets stolen? Do you really live in a fantasy where you can make a living with actual creative work in 2020?

>> No.4683466

You blatantly lack IQ to do that. All you do is just shitposting.

>> No.4683478

So that’s how you retards cope? By calling things that makes you mad shitpost.

>> No.4683489

Nigger, you got absolutely destroyed and you didn't even realize it.

>> No.4683503

It was my first post here, my poor brainlets.

>> No.4683504

Okay here me out but is it really that bad for your art to get stolen merchandise? If you were going to sell it, you would've, but you weren't. Some random company is doing their own thing and not asking you to put in any more work for them, and meanwhile you get free advertising. (Obviously the buyer will eventually find the original artist after all)

>> No.4683508

Thanks for offering this perspective it does help lessen the jealousy. I'm sorry that because of the hostile way it was worded it wasn't received well.
This is a good point too thank you for valuing art

>> No.4683511

There is nearly zero people who care to know who drew art for their t-shirt. There is absolutely zero people who would put an effort of finding it out.

>> No.4683516

I wonder if it will be useful to him to hire lawyers to hunt down and sue thieves. Say on percentage basis?

>> No.4683517

>Obviously the buyer will eventually find the original artist after all
lmao no. Just because someone uses an artwork doesn't mean they'll wander to the source on their own. Especially since thieves avoid giving credit.
Do you know the artist of any image on 4chan unless the thread is about them or someone bothers to ask for source?
Normies aren't going to reverse image search some cool pic they happen to have on their phone case. And if your art is stolen all over the place without credit, reverse image searching in itself becomes difficult.

>> No.4683521

Yes it fucking is. First the company could be making millions of dollars from your artwork, second most people are lazy or too dumb to find the source of the image let alone the artist, unless it’s some huge scandal then the artist won’t benefit from this at all, and last language barrier. Language barrier is the worst part about this, because your chances of finding the artist is little to zero.

>> No.4683541

>the company could be making millions of dollars from your artwork
Lol. Chances of that is nearly zero.

>> No.4683551

You know companies like hot topic exist, right?

>> No.4683555

Okay but like how would this affect you at all though? Imagine if companies were profiting off the used tissues you flush down the toilet everyday. You wouldn't know or care if they made millions off of it would you? In fact, it can only benefit you as it increases the chances that even 1 in a billion persons would wonder who shitted that. The ONLY only only time I can see it being a problem is if the company that steals your artwork is in direct competition with you, as in both of you are selling the exact same print on the same shirt. THEN you can argue that they are affecting your finances. Otherwise, the toilet paper you flush down the toilet only suddenly matters because it's making someone else money when before it was just there?

>> No.4683564
File: 127 KB, 728x915, mayoi-neko-overrun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't get it, these are characters from anime/games ? they (the artist) can't make money from it anyway. isn't it just fan art ?

>> No.4683565
File: 673 KB, 1116x1280, Andrew-Loomis-Book-Fun-With-A-Pencil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a fucking cuck.

>> No.4683572

No, I'm not an American. Do they make millions of dollars on art of a single person?
Good question, but please refrain from using analogies when there are no need for them, that's misleading.
Here is how it could hurt you:
1. Thief copyrights your own work and sues you. A bit contrived, but probable.
2. People will treat your work as "that guy that copies drawings from cool t-shirts".
3. Not fighting art thievery is hurting the art scene. You might not care if your art is used without your permission, but there are plenty of people that do.

>> No.4683573
File: 84 KB, 640x640, 1590753816718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tissues you flush down the toilet everyday.
>comparing making art and flushing down toilet paper

>> No.4683584

That’s how one hell of a reach. You comparing artwork to fucking flushing down tissues in the toilet? You’re retarded as hell.
They have the potential to make millions from a single person artwork, hot topic is a major company after all. Only way for them to not make any money from the merch if they get sued by the artist for copyright infringement, which is rare, since most freelance artist don’t have that kind of money, or from backlash from fans of that artist.

>> No.4683595

Her art is extremely generic so of course it's ripe for the taking.

>> No.4683618

Ah I see, the problem is you have zero pride as an artist for you to butcher your own creation, got it

>> No.4683647

>s-stop lowering the quality of your work or I can’t steal it

>> No.4683658

Sorry, I draw my own stuff
Let me guess, pyw will be your next reply? Or call me a retard a bunch of times for caring about the presentation of what I make

>> No.4683672

Not from /pol/ or that anon, but there are several terms long ago for people who just incite reactions from anonymous people on the chans or net.

Unless you're a shitposter yourself, stop replying to the obvious troll. Polite sage for lack of contribution.

>> No.4683684

problem is this is mostly fanart so the property isn't his to begin with, he needs to get a license a sell his own shit

>> No.4683753

>butcher your own creation
nigga just put the watermark in a different layer and store the original file in ur computer, its not actual physical paint, you can remove the watermark with 1 click if you s desire

>> No.4683770

is this a bike cuck refence?

>> No.4683775

We are talking about what you present online and how you do it, not what you keep in your personal folders.
Are you gonna move the goalpost more, sprinkle some new buzzwords in there?

>> No.4683790

>the artist can't make money from it anyway

>> No.4683871

>i'm too retarded to figure out how to monetize my work
And this is supposed to be my competition?

>> No.4683990

>Sorry, I draw my own stuff
>Let me guess, pyw will be your next reply?
imagine missing the point this hard. you're brain dead.

>> No.4684037

>this is supposed to be my competition?
Implying you will ever compete against anything other than crippling autism and lose.

>> No.4684248

its selling your art on instagram nigga

>> No.4684258


>> No.4684539

Nigger everyone knows commie/ex-commie asia doesn't have copyright laws and if they do it's rules for thee not for me.

>> No.4684871

You're right, all other artists are crippling autists.
And i'll probably lose because i'm not insecure enough to suck dick for acknowledgement.

>> No.4684920

why didn't they then sell it themselves?

>> No.4685052

I'm saying it takes no extra effort on your part and someone else's life is getting benefits from it so how is that a bad thing? Okay how about the analogy of getting your hair cut and your cut hair is turned into a wig for cancer survivors. You artists don't seem to get my analogy that you are doing zero of the extra work yourself so why do you care? I tried to make it as explicit as possible that it was art you would have created anyways. You're too fixated on the fact that it is art. Maybe I should use the analogy that its eye crust. It's something you make and discard and if someone was able to sell it for 1 million a gram why would you suddenly care when before you were just making it?

>> No.4685062

At first it was ironically but in this case really it doesn't affect the artist at all, in fact it should only benefit because of exposure. The whole "but it was art I put effort in it it's not fair!" logic just doesn't make sense to me. I remember actively baiting people to steal my work by offering full resolution and no watermark when I used to post on social media. Getting your work stolen is a mark of acknowledgement of your skill. Plus obviously people found my account again. "Hey you're that artist from so and so" its exposure to me.

>> No.4685436
File: 84 KB, 904x864, im not racist but.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be me
>love watching Primitive Technology
>his vids go viral
>rice niggers take notice and try to copy his name
>rice niggers start getting recommended
>they make shitty versions of everything he does
ok well... ok

>Be me
>love watching restoration vids
>rice niggers start getting recommended
>they "restore" things in the most retarded way often in a half assed way that ruins any chance at a real restoration
>comments point out their restorations are obviously shot in reverse or they swap in brand new products
fucking scammers

>Be me
>enjoy watching Shawn Woods mousetrap vids
>suddenly get recommend "mousetrap" vids by rice niggers
>all their "mouse traps" are metal cages wired to car batteries or dropping rats into buckets of water
>rats are essentially electrocuted or drown to death sometimes over a long period of time
>because of rice niggers torturing rats jewtube demonitizes Shawn Woods.
well thats fucked

Why am I not surprised that they steal artwork for shitty t-shirts?

>> No.4685451

Why can't they just downsize the fuck out of it? like less than 1000px. And use twitter since twitter has shit compression.

>> No.4685463

Because they would just increase the size and use one of those AI driven smoothing things.

>> No.4685468
File: 946 KB, 1400x5552, DONOTLEARNMANDARIN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, it's almost like chinese are really bad people and don't give a shit.

>> No.4685864

Watermark a very bold SAMPLE text over it

>> No.4685873

How did this turn into something about Chinese people stealing art? This is about how to get over jealousy of their success.

>> No.4685921

I guess you'd still go to work even if you never got paid.

>> No.4686025

>enjoy watching mousetrap vids
I hope you die a long and painful death

>> No.4686116

how black is your wife's son?

>> No.4686245
File: 15 KB, 411x412, 1574687186285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, the IQ in this thread is really low.

Do any of you fags understand how copyright enforcing works? Do you understand not every country will comply with it? Do you understand how resource and time-consuming it is to sue someone as an independent artist? Are you aware that US law doesn't cover the entire world?

Having said that, yes, the people stealing it deserve to be shot, but so what? Will you stop baking cakes because the ants get to eat the crumbs? Will you stop eating because children are dying in Africa?
Oh no, guess I'll give up being a celebrity so no one can take a picture of me and sell it to the newspapers.

Any artist with two brain cells would just use this as an opportunity to sell his own prints, but instead we have some zoomzoom baby woman who doesn't understand how things work, having a meltdown from facing real life for the first time.

The biggest shame? She will now be cuddled up by the mob and instead of learning from it and just not giving a fuck, she'll join the ranks of social media people who go on cyber crusades against injustice. Another loud mouth that could be drawing and making money, but will instead shout and make money.

No, the thread is about imagining yourself as the artist. I would kill myself after literally shaking for 3 days, how dare people make something illegal? There should be laws against it.

>> No.4686353

The vids are about rare mousetraps, he does not show the mice being killed.
If they are native deer mice he lets them go, if they are an invasive species of mice he kills them offscreen with Nitrogen.

>> No.4686657

Just out of curiosity, would you mind if your art was unlawfully used in a brochure? On posters? On business decor? In ads?

And to answer your question: stealing art takes value away from your official merchandise (even if we're talking about possible future merchandise and you don't produce any right now) and also goes around having to hire an artist / buy copyright for it, which in turn lowers market opportunities for artists. If you're not planning on selling any physical stuff and don't care about other artists I guess you might as well just ignore something like that. But even then if the thing gets big and people know you're aware of it then ignoring it or outright accepting it might cause a public backlash due to the points I discussed, though I never heard of any artist struggling with serious copyright infringement and letting it slip without comment

>> No.4686660

Where’s the most patritcian place to sign your art?

>> No.4686836
File: 32 KB, 394x450, 1568762778416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I made this post. Yes, i made it and i take full ownership over the content.

Also i love sucking big, sweaty, unwashed dicks.

I'm so smartest then you guyse because check out my spacing.

Huge cocks are my favorite.

haha im so smart

>> No.4686965

>AI driven smoothing things
won't that ruin the quality of the artwork?

>> No.4687324

fucking seamonkeys

>> No.4687350

Depends on which ones you use, some are better than others and most people wont care.

>> No.4687371
File: 431 KB, 586x542, relatable.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From what I've heard, allegedly art thieves are most likely to be chinese gremlins. Some doujin artists had that banned china words copypasta watermarked in the corner (as the waifu in the main panel gets dong'd by horses or some shit).
Another example is that time where some bots were auto-downloading twitter pictures from artists and selling T-shirts somewhere else, some drew copyright-infringement disney pics to get the site shut down.

There's numerous ways but overall piracy is inevitable (unfortunately adding more laws will only create worse loop holes where average citizens can go homeless because they downloaded fanart of copyrighted cartoon characters; and councils are filled with boomers anyway who don't understand how computers work so its better to leave things as they are). The best you can do is be a good human bean and build good, solid relationships with people so they'll be your customers in the long-run.

>> No.4687642

Yes, piracy is inevitable, but that's not the point.
People are always going to steal, but if you fail to punish them, you might as well just not have any laws.
You don't need to add more laws because the laws right now are ok. The problem is that they can't be enforced if some indian or chinese uses your work and makes money off of it.
You can't sue cross country because it's not even worth the effort, the time or the money.
>be a good human bean and build good, solid relationships with people so they'll be your customers in the long-run.
Yes but you're failing to see the bigger picture.
You might get loyal customers, but what about all the other potential ones?
What if they find your work on another person's site and buy it off them?
You just lost a sale and you've been stolen from.
You can't demand the 3-5 people to pay your rent every month.
The best you can do is to actually protect your work.
>Censor it and offer the uncensored version for money
>post a cropped version on social media, with signatures or watermarks on the drawing itself
>be and state that you're exclusive to the sites you are on
>don't post your finished works publicly
>post your finished works publicly after a few months
You have to actively protect your digital work
And this is implying you actually have money in the game

>> No.4687673

>destroy the artwork with ugly watermarks
You can have multiple versions retard

>> No.4687779

The same thing with the mouse trap videos happened to me. Im pretty sure the mice in the videos are always captive too, you can see them being pushed into the traps sometimes.

>> No.4687788

Fun fact: Thailand was the only asian country that was never colonized or occupied by european or foreign powers. The country's name is literally "land of the free". They managed to do this by having a keen eye for trade.

>> No.4687812

You guys know there are invisible watermarks you can put into an image that can survive image editing/cropping/compression and show where an image has been altered... Right?

>> No.4688063

This is why you gotta promote globalism and international treaties lads, when a nation has sovereignty it can have these cynical self interested laws. That would be all well and good centuries ago but because we live in a world with fast travel and effortless exchange of information their actions can affect people anywhere on the planet.

>> No.4688072

Impressive how a single post sparked so many replies. Watermarks are ugly
When you upload a watermarked pic you risk impeding the image by making it less appealing, you immediately bring theft to the attention of your viewers, earning a few eyerolls and you also come across as someone who values their name/brand before their artwork
If the watermark is too small, there will be no visual issue, but it will be easily removed by people who want to pirate and make a profit
If it is too big, all of the above things I mentioned come into play, harming your image
Yes, you can keep a clean version in your folder, but we are talking about what you upload online
No, I don't consider taking a phone picture to be a good method either
There seems to be no ideal method to protect your artwork online. You can still use watermarks but I don't see why so many got triggered by the mention of the problems that come with it

>> No.4688133


>> No.4688147

not him but dunno. hide shit with levels. transparency. noise . your fucking logo or name is part of the art

>> No.4688450

At least the chinks have turned out good artists and have a real, thriving local art community. The eat asians at least produce an acceptable amount of art to offset any wrong they wrought. The rest of them though, they might as well be fucking savages.