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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 32 KB, 480x480, 1471469453034SQT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4672671 No.4672671 [Reply] [Original]

Educate yourself

>> No.4672680

i see so many people mentioning so many instructors but I don't know who to follow

bridgman, vilppu, LoOmIs, i don't even know anymore

>> No.4672681

They're all good anon

>> No.4672770
File: 842 KB, 903x720, 1582875846603.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are 2 minute gesture drawings too much time for a beginner? I've spent the past couple of weeks watching Steve Huston and things finally started to click after going through vilppu and Karl Gnass, however I've tried doing 1 - 1:30 minute gestures with Steve's method and the drawings either: resemble the figure somewhat (albeit with their own mistakes) or disembodied pieces of crap. (which is to be expected as a beginner)

The problem for me lies in the fact that since I'm too worried about finishing on time, I feel like I'm just rushing for the sake of completion and ultimately don't really assimilate the information.

>> No.4672775

How the fuck do I learn good color theory when digital painting

>> No.4672777

If anything you should be doing longer drawings. 5-10 minutes and really studying what you did wrong. 2 minutes are to train intuition. You need practice before you can go into autopilot. A few 2 minutes as a warmup is fine but dont expect to learn anatomy that way. First do it right, then do it fast.

>> No.4672808

How do you guys organize your study sketchbooks? What's a good cheap brand of sketchbooks to use?

I'm complete /beg/ and switching between different topics so I feel like I need to keep separate books on concepts like observational drawing, construction, perspective, anatomy/figure drawing etc since I'll be taking notes and going back to them. Right now I've only been keeping a single sketchbook at any time so my pages are a mess to flip through.

>> No.4672822

Huston in his timed drawings says it's not a race, so don't feel like you have to rush. The timer is just there so you don't spend too much time rendering a single part of a drawing.

I was following the Villpu method and at first took 3-4 minutes on a single gesture drawing. This is because I also had to think about the concepts that I learned from Villpu. Once I've understood them, I began to speed up.

>> No.4672823

You're completely overthinking this. It's just a gesture drawing, the time isn't important at all.

>> No.4672826

>If anything you should be doing longer drawings. 5-10 minutes and really studying what you did wrong.
Not for gesture. Gesture is quick sketches to capture motion. They're not finished drawings, accuracy, detail, and and rendering is against the entire point of them.

>> No.4672851
File: 110 KB, 914x892, 958C151F-64B0-4816-959A-D1AB83701A4C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any good resources for drawing the pelvic region correctly? I can usually pull off arm attachment passably well even without reference, but the whole area around the crotch where the legs attach is very difficult for me, and I feel like my drawings would improve a lot if I could get better at that.

>> No.4672878


It's just grinding really. I find it helpful to zoom out when drawing from this 3d model, because of how much texture and detail they put in, but its really great. The pelvis is so so hard to learn how to draw.

>> No.4672885

Does anybody still use DA to maintain a portfolio? What do people use nowadays? Pixiv? IG?

>> No.4673447

bump. I want to know this too.

>> No.4674177
File: 122 KB, 842x1024, wsoykhpte6651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong with this girl's face? I can't put my finger on it

>> No.4674212

A lot of people recommend it but is it even worth getting used to drawing with an overhand grip if you're learning with the intent of switching to digital once you git gud? Seems to me like you won't even be able to use it with a digital pencil. Am I wrong?

>> No.4674225

Its a badly done photoshop. Look how flat her face is because of forehead being done with either clone stamp of liquify. Same with below cheeks Belly area is the same shit. It's just photoshoped

>> No.4674246
File: 104 KB, 345x328, 1588574959581.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've read like 3 books on construction but I never actually apply any construction or think in a constructive way

What do?

>> No.4674315

construct over your references

>> No.4674320

did you guys study perspective before doing loomis heads and figures or just kinda eyeball things?

>> No.4674338
File: 3.41 MB, 4688x3176, character sketch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since there are already good enough resources for getting better at anatomy/posing, perspective and the like, are there resources just for learning digital coloring, lighting/shadows and softwares themselves in general? This is my most recent finished pieces, but I want to learn various coloration styles in future ranging from late 90s/early 2000s Capcom illustrations to Moebius like flat Gouache colors with gradients and hatching to a Simon Bisley-like painting style. What could I use for learning coloration alongside improving my anatomy, posing, appeal and learning how to draw backgrounds? for the lineart of this drawing, I used the default CSP G-pen for the out-line and a tunip pen for the details inside, while for the colors I used the default markers and I blended all with watercolor brushes, not to mention that the hard shadows and the lighting from the right are just two single colors in two separate "multiply" and "brighten" layers. Also no, he's not supposed to be running but in the air aiming at a monster, but I drew this without references and it shows.

>> No.4674423

There was a website that allowed a 3d model to make poses for you, anyone knows the name of it? I can't remember how it was called.

>> No.4674466

I draw 90% of the time with the writing grip and its fine, but I had a life drawing class that forced me to learn the overhand grip. The only benefit of the overhand grip is for when you want to rendering in pencil or charcoal. (But being able to render in pencil or charcoal is fucking fun and a convenient way to learn rendering)

>> No.4674469

I can absolutely tell you that colors are not what you need to work on at the moment. Get better at drawing first, then rendering after.

>> No.4674499

I'm learning to draw with pencil and paper, since I imagined the fundamentals are the same regardless of medium and I'd start polishing turds as a habit if I started on a digital medium first (also it's cheaper for pencil and paper).
Is there a "proper" way for adapting over to digital art when I feel my basics are good enough to start moving into digital for color/rendering?

>> No.4674504

How long have you been drawing for?

>> No.4674517

8 months

>> No.4674519

I actually want to get good at both at the same time, isn't that what every artist is supposed to do?

>> No.4674542

Okay, sorry. I was an asshole. The idea though is that pretty much any colors will look good if your shapes are appealing. Even the color scheme that you picked for your art would look good, had you been more experienced. Color theory really is all about mimicking effects of nature (rainy streets, misty jungles, skin-tones, etc), and much less on palettes and color harmonies. For straight up coloring tutorials and painting workflows, those are available right on youtube, but none of those will help you if you don't know the fundamentals of drawing and rendering. Drawing + rendering is what creates appeal, mood, composition, and story.

So draw draw draw draw draw draw, and don't worry about colors for now.

But if you really want to learn colors now, the bottom of this page (http://androidarts.com/art_tut.htm)) tells you how to do studies in both line drawing and painting.

>> No.4674563

gesture drawings are what i call my rushed images that aren't meant to be finished my sketches capture motion dont look at my sketch its not done yet dad stop criticizing me dad its a gesture not a sketch stop dad its not finished yet i dont want to be a chemist go away

>> No.4674580
File: 331 KB, 801x1200, 68463571_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do you find references of cute asian girls?

>> No.4674667


>> No.4674697

You. Have. The. Internet.

>> No.4675267
File: 1.71 MB, 1629x1684, IMG_20200624_175944__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do all my penstrokes end with shitty little squigglies?
how do i fix

>> No.4675400

>Not for gesture. Gesture is quick sketches to capture motion. They're not finished drawings, accuracy, detail, and and rendering is against the entire point of them.
Jesus Christ

>> No.4675403

What tablet and operating system for someone to help you

>> No.4675404

>asks for cute Asian girl refs
>posts white boy legs

>> No.4675406
File: 59 KB, 640x640, 4CFF83FD-3A0B-4DF2-9EE5-47DE3693DBF1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How good do you have to be before you start signing your work?

>> No.4675411

Is it normal to want to reduce pressure on tablets? I'm used to tablets with 1024 levels, and I find it hard to line with a stable pressure with my newer tablet. I ended up reducing the pressure curve in the program. I thought more pressure is supposed to be an upgrade.

>> No.4675413

When you sell one of your drawings you should sign it

>> No.4675427

What about personal work I put on social media? I found people posting my work on reddit and tumblr.

>> No.4675486

a shitty old wacom slate on windows 10
no pressure curve settings or what have you

>> No.4675676
File: 2.82 MB, 400x225, _nathanfowkes1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can I achieve this technique with photoshop? Specifically, keying in black and then smudging the black across. Using a low opacity brush to blend always looks like ass, doesn't have this nice smooth gradient and doesn't have that nice texture.

Also anyone know any good photoshop charcoal brushes that look like Lane Brown's charcoal procreate brushes?

>> No.4675729
File: 40 KB, 342x336, yotsuba_faceplain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im lost. How do I improve the abstract part of character design?
You know ratios and shapes and design principles..
What are some good resources on that?

>> No.4675749
File: 42 KB, 480x270, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of the brush sets on the artbook megas look this nice

>> No.4675819

Is there an ideal ratio of sktech+lining to color/effects/etc?

Looking for tips/tuts on how to speed up the "refining process" (is it called rendering? sorry still newfag here) when creating illustrations?

I currently have a few unfinished pieces where the initial sketch and lining took like an hour tops but then I noticed I have maybe 15+ hours on top of that for coloring, shading, highlights, and fixing perceived problems. It gets to the point that even if I initially loved the piece, I come to resent it over time because I can never just be done with it. Also have the "sunk cost" issue where I don't want to abandon it due to having spent so much time on it.

>> No.4675836
File: 2.00 MB, 4128x3096, 20200624_203321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my keanu

>> No.4675855

not bad

>> No.4675857

Render and refining can be used interchangeably but most artists refer to rendering as the iterative process of adjusting color and value to give impression of form, lighting, and texture. As far as tips, the fastest way might be to find something rendered the way you want and copy how they did it. Artists that are fast at rendering have probably rendered the forms and textures they are working with and are familiar with lighting situations and how different materials react with light and other materials. The foolproof (but time consuming) way to do this is through thoughtful study in addition to analysis of your work and the works of others. In my workflow I use a real lose and sketchy line work as a base because I tend to adjust the line work continuously as I render. It works for me for the most part but its because my draftsmanship is lacking, so I need that freedom to adjust lines the further I get rendering. People with better draftsmanship and who can and want to stick to their linework may prefer cleaner and more finalIzed lines to start.

>> No.4675859

Breathtaking. Gouache?

>> No.4675861


>> No.4675865

Acrylic. Thanks.
Thank you.
In my camera it's right side up. I have no idea why it flipped after i uploaded it.

>> No.4675903
File: 132 KB, 1242x1245, 1581303676494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone tell me where to find a good guide for drawing tablets? I want one but I honestly have no idea how or where to start.

>> No.4675909
File: 44 KB, 344x377, 1587325357284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lately, Ive been drawing only using my elbow, ignored the little zaps at first but now the cubital started to hurt, and the pain, mild pain, does not go away.
How long should I wait before drawing again?

>> No.4675948

Honestly I feel as soon as you get roughly intermediate you should start signing for that reason. I mean, sometimes bad art gets stolen, may as well protect yourself and get +1 view or whatever.

>> No.4676002

help me ic bros

>> No.4676014

haven't actively studied perspective till recently, been drawing for several years.
I think it's better not to get clogged up with p technical shit like perspective if you're still tackling loomis heads and figures that aren't very big on perspective, and rely more on proportion and form.

>> No.4676015

How do I get better without practicing?

>> No.4676035

I use the black Canson Artist Series books. They run like 10 to 20 bucks depending on the size. spiral bound books are trash. Honestly, there's no reason to separate books by topic aside from personal preference. The point of the books are to treat them however you want to. Fuck em up and have fun

>> No.4676044

You can still get better if you have fun with drawing. It's not practice if you're having fun, right?

>> No.4676056

Until the pain goes away. Strain injuries are no joke, shit can last for years if you push too far.

>> No.4676083

mind studies.
read art books
look at inspo
but all will just delay you from getting good until you actually study.

>> No.4676180

Is there something like https://x6ud.github.io/#/ but for humans?

>> No.4676433
File: 411 KB, 1791x2560, 81PVVQSXxNL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I paint like this, I mean, the noise effect.

>> No.4676480

Looks like a paper-like texture on top.

>> No.4676857
File: 95 KB, 600x612, 1c50513e9590a8f793788ddd5582b2e7a914062d0ee68a0015f91dc0953f8b7a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a guide on protecting your identity while getting money for coomer art? I don't want to get doxxed and be known as that person who draws dick shitting nipples.

>> No.4677317
File: 849 KB, 1315x1423, sketchesnicerendering.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does someone knows who's the artist?

>> No.4677323

How do I get noticed on Twitter? It doesn't have the same kind of tagging system Tumblr and Insta have so I'm not sure how to get discovered.

>> No.4677340

Draw whatever’s trending. Even better is if you catch something before it starts trending. You can still use hashtags but the tweet text also helps. But consistency and engagement is probably the most important thing to get followers. Having a tweet go viral may only get you a couple of new followers.

>> No.4677349


reminds of of something firez would draw

>> No.4677369

Firez’s rendering is different tho. Looks maybe like Simon or Teal Line Guy.

>> No.4677377

teal line guy draws better than that.

>> No.4677379

This is sleepy/pollenoxide

>> No.4677411

Oh it is.

>> No.4677415

Where’s the most patrician place to sign your work?

>> No.4677427

Use bing

>> No.4677430

You mean use ching

>> No.4677447

I'm surprised that, given the bias towards anime of 4chan, most people,drawing here aren't doing it anime style. Why is that?

>> No.4677463

How much of Draw a box am i supposed to do?
how many lesson? just up until the box exercise?

>> No.4677466

I stopped when I was asked to draw 250 boxes.

>> No.4677470

There’s an anime and alt style general, some in the /dad/ general. Good fundamentals make for good anime art and that’s why most people are grinding fundies.

>> No.4677586
File: 59 KB, 433x650, d23c50db0cbf99dae79903d3c6b7240bc26e3ad7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if there's a better place to post this but i'm looking for some inspo similar to pic related.I'm talking mostly about the bandages/ragged scarf design archetype.

>> No.4677694

thanks for answering anons

>> No.4677700

>shitty old wacom slate
Ok but which one

>> No.4677779

Understand how light works, since light bounces off everything and is the sole reason we can see colors.

>> No.4677780

how 2 fuck do i draw hands

>> No.4677816

nta but is gurney a good place to start or is there something better and/or more beg friendly?

>> No.4677846
File: 9 KB, 426x364, 1498410789924.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

recently i've been trying to really buckle down and improve my drawing. the problem is, i find i bounce around WAY too much. i'll be thinking "i'll just doodle a character i like real quick", have problems with the facial structure, study the planes of the face, realise i don't know the really basic planes (ball and wedge) well enough, find out i can't accurately bisect a ball, learn stupid technical ways of bisecting a ball and then realising i can't even draw a good enough ellipse so i end up grinding ellipses for maybe 20 minutes and then stopping there and going back to more complicated concepts.
i think what i'm trying to ask is, how do i sort of schedule what i'm trying to learn and work from the bottom up, but also not end up grinding 100000 ellipses for 3 months and not doing anything else?

secondly, i've realised in all my years of drawing (very poorly but drawing regardless) i've never sat down and actually... planned out a drawing and done it. everything i've ever "finished" has been completely on-the-fly with 0 planning in it. whenever i do try and plan something out, i end up getting super caught up in things like not knowing perspective well enough, not being to draw the head as well as i'd like to or make the pose dynamic or 3d enough and then i'm just back to practicing practicing practicing. is there any tips anyone can give me i guess?

sorry for the textwall friends

>> No.4677865
File: 1.55 MB, 2533x2863, IMG_20200624_174720__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh this one
slate blue

>> No.4677878

Color and Light and his vids are p good. I think Marco Bucci explains well too in his vids. Don’t be put off by his style tho, a lot of people dismiss him because of it, but he has a lot of good info.

>> No.4677922

I'm absolute /beg/, trying to get through Keys to Drawing as my first book and I feel like a complete brainlet. Like, in just chapter 2 he says "copy one of these masters' works in their style" and then says "okay now draw something yourself using their styles," but how? Says to draw a human posing but he didn't explain how to draw a human; feels like for every project he assigns I have to go look up how to actually do it somewhere else and then draw it.

Should I read something else first and come back to this one when I'm better?

>> No.4677980
File: 119 KB, 688x671, 1555354779061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I draw the eye first and then put an eyelid over it or do I just draw the eyelid, the iris and then the bottom?

>> No.4677987

I just draw the eyelids and iris. No need to draw the whole ball. But you must imagine the ball and where it sits.

>> No.4677988

I just sit down and grind out 20-30 studies for a few hours, every day. Just draw what's in front of you, using the fundamentals. Don't overthink drawing. Think back to what was written in Loomis' Fun with a Pencil, just drawing form on form on form. You don't need to perfect straight lines, then perfect ellipses, then perfect cubes, then perfect heads, then perfect facial features, then perfect the neck, then perfect the shoulders, etc. Just draw, and you'll improve on everything.

>> No.4677991

No, just do the exercises the best you can. The act of thinking about how to solve a problem yourself really teaches you a lot.

>> No.4677993

For rendering and lighting, gurney won't teach you that. Go with Vilppu's lessons on rendering, specifically the modelling tone and direct lighting lessons.

>> No.4678063

Am I suppose to draw these boxes with the shoulder as well? or can I switch to my elbow or wrist?

>> No.4678126
File: 157 KB, 960x933, 5f4fef59[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus christ the image

>> No.4678138

asian cosplayers or photographers on instagram

>> No.4678176

I pretty much mostly draw on Procreate for iPad at double the screen resolution. I decided to just draw at screen res today and I noticed I was having a much easier time doing linework - is this all in my head or is there something about the higher resolution that makes it harder to do lineart with?

>> No.4678203
File: 305 KB, 1437x1262, C939221D-D67F-460F-B145-AAF16877807D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the only way to eventually git good at drawing cool space robots and anime girls by drawing lots of anatomy? Also I seem to copy proportions rather than use construction. Will this hurt my growth?

>> No.4678205

You're still at a point where just drawing anything will help you improve anon. And no, don't just draw lots and lots of anatomy. That's only needed if you want to draw humans. You can study, observe, and draw whatever you want.

>> No.4678210

Thank you anon

>> No.4678521

Anybody got a good method for evaluating your own work? I know critique is important for improvement, so I would like to look at my own drawings that way.
For now I still have many things I have to improve so it's hard to pick out the "worst" parts to focus on in the next practice session.

>> No.4678603

How do I know what the quality of an easel is and what price I could get from it? It's fairly sturdy

>> No.4678627
File: 515 KB, 1488x952, Screen Shot 2020-06-26 at 4.20.59 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is something wrong with my tablet? (Wacom intuos pro)

I can't reach full opacity with max pressure. I have to edit the pressure curve but then I feel as if my transitions aren't as smooth. Just wondering if this is normal or if somethings wrong with my tablet/pen, its been really bothering me...

>> No.4678654

I think that's just how Wacom is, I have to do the same with mine and I know a few other good artists who does the same thing.

>> No.4678696

is there any reason why artists tend to deliver character art with grey/solid backgrounds?
it seems to me like it would be way easier to just send a png with transparent background
do you send your art as "renders" if requested?

>> No.4678754

post a pic of it or something similar, and price range and what you plan to do with it, if you're taking it outdoors or whatever

>> No.4678831

What's the best site for posting comics

>> No.4679005

Wacom intous s or XP-PEN G430S? I have a small 14 inch laptop

>> No.4679669

how good are real action pose collection books for studying compared to normal art models? I want to study from ref but most "normal" poses are so boring

>> No.4679733
File: 2.57 MB, 1302x2016, 40736415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I draw like this?

>> No.4679760
File: 172 KB, 500x406, IMG_20191120_093954.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how to draw faster? i always spend days on one single drawing it's so fucking annoying.
i'm a trad artist btw don't know if that matters.

>> No.4680091

Thanks for the tips anon! I will definitely try to do that and also have more of a set plan in mind before I even start rendering. I just get lost experimenting with different ideas.

>> No.4680094

keep everything very light and airy, make quick lines, keep going over it until it's right but not more than 3 times
clean up linework along the way, personally i shave off a piece of eraser with an exactoknife to get into the small or thin areas

>> No.4680128

How much of a diferent does the PPI value and canvas size make? I use 300 ppi and 3000x3000 size

>> No.4680384
File: 664 KB, 716x717, 1590204657712.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why doesn't robertson talk about building a 3 point perspective grid? am i missing something?

>> No.4680486

That's for if you want to eventually print your art. You'll need to make it at a good resolution. I think 300 dpi is pretty good, but I've never printed my art, so idk

>> No.4680517

Understanding light is more of a science than an art (unless you bring out things like stage lighting and cinematography). Pick up Light for Visual Artists by Richard Yot as a supplemental to James Gurney's Color and Light. If you have any questions just google how light bounces off objects on YouTube.

This is also why people practice values.

>> No.4680521

Added it's also why you sometimes see artists do grayscale on their digitals and overlay with colors, which I think is the easiest route to digital painting but also creates bad habit.

>> No.4680605
File: 35 KB, 600x600, 6854_v6aGgZKv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my gaomon tablet works, but the pen doesn't.
What do...

>> No.4680609

practice and study

>> No.4680659
File: 203 KB, 1200x600, Segunda-temporada-made-in-abyss-ElPalomitron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea how to study this

>> No.4680662

Learn perspective.

>> No.4680697

What does it mean to look "stiff?" Can something look stiff even if you perfectly capture the lines and proportions and values? Why is it important to show motion if your reference is a motionless image?

>> No.4680699

Practice gesture drawing,

>> No.4680706
File: 64 KB, 565x600, if I see that spurdo one more time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I get kyle's brushes for photoshop with a pirated copy?

>> No.4680716
File: 794 KB, 1569x789, 5EDA5385-9782-41A9-AE5F-F5B0C48671B3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simplify it. Start in greyscale, then break the elements into the largest, simplest shapes your eye can find. I did that with green lines here. After that, start separating out the shapes each value forms - those are the purple lines. Paint what you’ve found from these shapes, then break each shape down further with the earlier steps. And yeah you’re gonna wanna learn perspective but if you want to take this picture apart and see what makes it tick, this should hopefully get you started a little. Don’t worry about the red lines for now, I just wanted to separate out the figures here. I don’t think they’re a priority for this though. And don’t follow my lines, I don’t think I did the best job and you should be training your eye to see these shapes with the tools you have available.

>> No.4680810

Thanks a lot, It is really helpful

>> No.4680840

>What does it mean to look "stiff?"
It means your character looks fuckin dead and lifeless

>Can something look stiff even if you perfectly capture the lines and proportions and values?
Yeah because some poses suck ass. Usually when gesture drawing you exaggerate the line of action or the balance of the pose anyways to make it more interesting and lively.

>Why is it important to show motion if your reference is a motionless image?
Even if you are drawing something like a character standing still, there's still gesture in the pose. Nobody ever stands perfectly straight unless they're a robot or in the military. Most times there's contraposto in the pose. Look it up. That's something you might exaggerate even though the model is standing still. There's motion in the spine and the forms of the body, gesture isn't just for movement.

>> No.4680845

i'm too lazy to link you but it's in one of the artbook Mega links.

>> No.4680850

very helpful, thanks anon

>> No.4680896
File: 121 KB, 615x558, i just wanna draw goth chicks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's the best way to define black hair against dark clothing in a cel shaded style I honestly feel pretty retarded tonight

>> No.4680987
File: 588 KB, 1280x1730, 83ba08ce5a1a054e1e8ab8711d6fa8d2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What type of ink does druillet use? The lineart seems to be done with a simple drawing pen while the black ink for shadows seems to be added with brushes. Also does he use watercolor for coloring his pieces?

>> No.4681078

Dark fills are probably just a brush and india ink.

>> No.4681091

thank you, anons

>> No.4681101
File: 38 KB, 492x491, 1592603953438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are all one-point perspective grids the same and the only thing that distinguishes them is the size of the picture plane and its position with respect to the vanishing points?

>> No.4681445
File: 104 KB, 1280x720, ACBE206B-6920-4564-B6F1-3C21C57C7996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t use black, use very dark blues, purples, greens, etc. Play around with the colors to see what looks good. Animation doesn’t really use pure black that often outside of lines, or if they’re going for a specific style like in pic related, but notice that the guy’s hair is still a dark greenish blue, even if it reads as black.

>> No.4681452

No worries, one more thing I forgot to add - start with the picture zoomed out or small, you want to find the largest, simplest shapes and not get caught up in all the detail.

>> No.4681964

I think I got the mega link, I was worried I was missing some, thanks.

>> No.4682515

Does anybody have that image of a tiger drawn in 4 radically different styles (eastern, western, cartoony, realistic)? I’m finally reorganizing my inspiration folder and I thought I’d use that as a guide to help keep things neater

>> No.4682794

how do i shade with a pen

>> No.4682824

Ballpoint, you can do it pretty lightly almost similar to a pencil. Otherwise hatching or stippling work. If you’re using a brush pen you can dry brush or even smear ink or add water like kopinski (you need to be using paper that can take water for this tho)

>> No.4682829

is there a way to maintain the shitty look of a canvas that's size 500x500 but make it bigger? I really like the low resolution look a brush gets when it's being used at a really small size on a small canvas but uploading art pieces at 500x500 or smaller looks awful.

Should I just hunt for textured noise brushes?
use sai2 btw

>> No.4682910

The fuck? Why is my micron pen already starting to run out of ink? I literally just started using them yesterday.

>> No.4682921

draw at 500x500, resize it 300% with no interpolation or nearest neighbor and it'll look the exact same

>> No.4682923
File: 5 KB, 489x136, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4682924
File: 25 KB, 1230x320, Wacom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know specifically how deep the discount Wacom gives for pic related? Also, does it stack with the student discounts?

>> No.4682925

ppi means literally nothing in the web age. It's an arbitrary conversion to physical inches for your own reference if you're going to make physical work. All that matters is your pixel resolution

>> No.4682928

Could be a counterfeit pen. Where did you buy it?

>> No.4682974
File: 376 KB, 2000x1232, IMG_20200628_000819290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought it from Michael's in a set of 3. I have to put some pressure on it to get enough ink, otherwise the line isn't even. But with a new pen, I don't have to put as much pressure on it. Picrel in the difference. Is this normal for felt tips?

>> No.4682989

How to prevent ink from getting faded out by the sun? I use diluted ink sometimes and the original colour of the ink seems to fade away with time

>> No.4682996

the tip is probably clogged

>> No.4683901

I have trouble being accurate with upside-down arcs of any size. Think the mouth on a frowny-face. The line just doesn't go where I want it to.

Should I practice it or just rotate the paper? How would digital artists handle a problem like this, given that rotating the whole tablet is a problem?

>> No.4683911

it's practice. You should be able to make those lines.

>> No.4683930

You should rotate the paper, for now. Being able to move your hand in any direction comes with mileage.

>given that rotating the whole tablet is a problem?
They can rotate the canvas in the program.

>> No.4683949

That’s a right side up arc

>> No.4683993

Personally, whenever I don’t look at a drawing for a couple of days I can usually critique it better

>> No.4684006

how do I rotate something without using tranform?? since transform always fucks up my image and colors it weird

>> No.4684010

fuck WHY DID I SAY COLORS, I didn't mean color it but I just don't like how it pixilates it weirdly

>> No.4684059

What paper should I get if I just wanna do ink and graphite? I'm looking at a sketchbook that's "All-Media Acid-Free Cartridge Paper". I just don't really trust the "all" part. I know some paper sucks up a bunch of ink compared to regular printer paper.

>> No.4684075

What’s the cheapest, non-shit drawing tablet

A base level iPad? A Wacom intous? Other?

>> No.4684150
File: 117 KB, 700x550, tumblr_mr4p3hestQ1r6idvao1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does matter what kind surface you draw on angled or flat

>> No.4684187

What exactly is the best way to study when it comes to anatomy? I dont know the first thing on how to effectively begin on that. I'm told you have to study a bunch of the different parts of the body at once, but I feel like that's too disorganized since I'm self-teaching.

Next question, when I finally do manage to become competant enough to draw a major part of the body like the head or torso, how do I then draw something from imagination without having to painstakingly map each muscle first?

>> No.4684225

have you learnt how to draw basic shapes in perspective? have you learnt the basic principles of foreshortening?

>> No.4684228

What do you mean when you say "in perspective"? does that just mean from different angles?

>> No.4684234

Angled for traditional or screen tablet. Flat for a regular drawing tablet. It's mostly about ergonomics but not having stretched out drawings is also important.

>> No.4684451

Thoughts on CGMA Intro to perspective from the ic torrent? I've only seen the first lectures but the dude seems all over the place

>> No.4684501

huion, they're alright and will plug into pcs + android phones if you have one. Think the basic intuous knockoff is ~50 usd

>> No.4684533

does it matter the way you hold a pen

>> No.4684593

Perspective: Theory vs Actual Drawing
Does anyone have trouble integrating the theory of perspective and boxes, together with actual drawing?

I’m doing Draw a Box now and although I appreciate the guy’s explanations, I find it hard to apply it to paper. Drawing a box normally is easy for me though

>> No.4684607

I have several questions about working with gouache (this is for student based gouache):

What is "chalky" gouache and how can i tell if my gouache is chalky?
Is mercury-based paint bad?
What do i benefit from using tube based gouache?
Is gouache normally thin? i noticed with my set that the gouache shows through if i paint another layer over and over again.

Thats all i need to know

>> No.4684631

Gouache dries matte. It gets kind of chalky. Gouache used to be mixed with chalk powder to create this effect. Higher quality gouache uses pure pigment now.
Mercury based paint sounds pretty bad anon. Enjoy mercury poisoning.
Tube based gouache is easier to keep wet than tubs or squirting in to a palette. I have a palette with all my gouache but I still usually just end up putting what I'm using on one big palette because it feels more natural to mix paints that way and it's easier to stick to a limited palette for a more cohesive painting.
Gouache isn't thin unless you water it down a lot. It's an opaque medium. It starts to lift if you work an area too much because it will reactivate if you get it wet again. Avoid working a section too much if you're happy with it. You need to be confident with your strokes when working with gouache.

>> No.4684662

How bad it is to be associated with 4chan? Like if someone finds out you used to post on DAD or beg?

>> No.4684676

As a huion owner, please don't buy that shit it's awful. Even if you're gentle with it it will break after 2 months and have lots of problems even whole it is working.

Xp-pen also plugs into Android phones and tablets on some models and you aren't forced to map the tablet in portrait mode. Also higher build quality and better drivers and tech support.

Huion is total trash.

>> No.4684706

whats more profitable ? 2d or 3d art ?

>> No.4684713

Depends if you're any good at either.
You can sell shitty coomer 2d art to perverts or you can sell custom VRchat avatars to 13 year olds.

>> No.4684742

HPV on her belly

>> No.4684925

well assuming im going to learn either

>> No.4684969

What's gesture?

>> No.4684971

- and how does it affect the final piece? Any examples of such? (Sorry, I post faster than I can think and type)

>> No.4685077

Quick dynamic sketches. A good gesture can help a piece look less stiff

>> No.4685089

The Gesture = the Pose

Not exactly. A Gesture Drawing = Quick Dynamic sketches. (the aim being to capture the pose)

But the Gesture is the Pose.

>> No.4685097

The reason I make this distinction is because a long pose or a painting you spend a long time on should still have a good gesture. A good gesture is a good pose (dynamic, lifelike, clear story, good body language, etc) The Gesture is the whole reason why you make the drawing in the first place, its the story.

>> No.4685100
File: 214 KB, 768x1024, 1591507435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this book worth to study?

>> No.4685165

This might sound dumb but... how ‘big’ should I draw? I’m wondering if I draw faces and figures too small when I’m studying. So how big do you normally draw stuff?

>> No.4685168
File: 356 KB, 600x457, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm interested in getting into automotive design, can anyone suggest me some books/courses/videos? I already know Robertson's stuff

>> No.4685174

it's cool, I just over read into the question, you're totally right.

>> No.4685177
File: 578 KB, 3960x2570, 34jski5Reh0sn8cmzqUbRf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trying to do a figure study on this but i can't figure out the ribcage and head at all. is the anatomy in the pic wrong? it looks alright to me at first glance.

>> No.4685188

I draw to the size of my paper. Usually 5.5 x 8.5 but that's because I paint and it's a comfy size.
When I do digital, 8x10 at 300dpi. I try to draw fairly large because otherwise I fake details by making thick lines and messy sketches.
You should be doing what helps you improve. If you need to focus on overall feeling and you get too sucked in to doing detail, then draw small who cares.
If you need to practice working on details and finishing shit then draw big.
The only way you're going to improve is if you're honest with yourself and identify what's stopping you from improving.

>> No.4685338

What are the downsides of using pirated photoshop?

>> No.4685341

Your tablet might not work with it properly. the program itself might be buggy. But that's about it.

>> No.4685361

You will only be able to draw pirates

>> No.4685371

>Your tablet might not work with it properly
This worries me, how can I be sure? I planning to buy one

>> No.4685592

>I try to draw fairly large because otherwise I fake details by making thick lines and messy sketches.
> I fake details by making thick lines and messy sketches.

Oh shit, I’m pretty sure I do exactly this. I’m gonna draw larger now, thanks for answering my question.

>> No.4685610

Just buy clip studio man. It's amazing and does everything photoshop will do, and its a lot cheaper.

>> No.4685615
File: 77 KB, 346x279, why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I search through my brushes in photoshop? Please tell me there is a way to do that.

>> No.4685619

what is "soul"?

>> No.4685755

Do you guys know any recruiters or accounts that post jobs for visual development in games/animation to follow on twitter or social media in general?

>> No.4685756

How the fuck does one draw from imagination. Im a beg that just finished prokos Figger Drawing course and i did learn alot of valuable lessons but i just cant execute it well when i dont use reference. Please help.

>> No.4685778
File: 196 KB, 3000x1896, Howtodepth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I add depth to walls, roof edges, doors, windows, can't fucking get it right; in two point perspective.

>> No.4685837

visualize it in your head then draw it

>> No.4685875
File: 38 KB, 570x539, sad and concerned.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do a lot of artists say they developed their "style" by copying others? I've read/watched a couple of interviews and a lot of them seem to give this as a straightforward answer, although I feel it's pretty vague because if you're trying to copy something, wouldn't you reach a point where it turns into a carbon copy of said person?

>> No.4685908

You don't copy everything. Take in to consideration all the media you like, think about why you like that. I like the linework of Junji Ito, and the subject matter of Alex Pardee. So I draw subject matter like Alex Pardee with linework like Junji Ito and a very limited color palette. This makes my art very distinguishable from someone else.
Think of your favorite artists. Why do you like them? How do you emulate those things you like? Gz there's your style.

>> No.4686235

why do we need a straw to drink beverages?

>> No.4686238

We actually don't

>> No.4686278

Just to word this another way, those artists didn’t just copy one person, they copied many people

How exactly are you studying it? And the pose is pretty exaggerated/dynamic not to mention her neck is being covered up by her hair and shoulder which could be throwing you off

>> No.4686337

A buzzword

>> No.4686355

just trying to reconstruct a figure based off the image, but having her hair and shoulder in the way makes it difficult. i chose this pic cause of how dynamic it looked.

>> No.4686386

is vilppu's checklist worth keeping? or is drawing accurately even worth it? every time I see poses I have the urge to just exaggerate everything

>> No.4686494
File: 419 KB, 1395x1125, 1E4E1AF5-598D-41CA-A148-9BB9B348BC02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I personally consider this something of a last resort for reconstructing a figure though other people might disagree but here’s what you can do - trace the picture, but don’t do the outline, do whatever method of construction you prefer. Make sure you construct all parts of the body, including what’s hidden from the viewer. I stopped here, but after that break it down to the major masses and muscles, ribcage, hips, etc. Once you have a decent understanding of the anatomy and how it all fits together, start over from scratch and try reconstructing the pose from reference again.

>> No.4686544

for copy you mean study, you study other people's artwork (not just one) and then apply that knowledge on your own

>> No.4686569

Generally used to indicate something that's interesting regardless of technical ability. There can be formally bad art with soul, and soul-less renderings

>> No.4686573

Play surrealist games, or make collages and draw from those

When you copy a multitude of artists, you pick up different symbols and methods of working form each. Combine all those and you have something unique.

>> No.4686617 [DELETED] 

I am only 10 years old. How do I get good in drawing. I like anime art and I wanna get good at that.

>> No.4686621


>> No.4686625

If you're only 10 the best thing you can do right now is get out of here real quick.

No I'm not joking.

>> No.4686782

If you're joking about being 10 you're going to regret that decision. If you really are 10 get the fuck out of here nigger what are you doing on 4chan

>> No.4686834
File: 635 KB, 1453x1592, PaulKlee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why was Klee deemed a degenerate artist? it must have been a politics thing cause his art seems perfectly fine, a bit geometrically-obsessed but featuring overall very solid colours.

>> No.4686909
File: 12 KB, 400x400, 0seJynvR_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what software did he use to record this speed painting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Va6YjIr5l0

>> No.4687202


>> No.4687357

I mean he used abstraction for one. Possbily had Jewish connections being an avante garde artist and all. Too avante garde in general.

>> No.4687420
File: 145 KB, 900x900, elliot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there brushes for procreate that mimic the feeling of a mechanical pencil?

>> No.4687548

>I bought it from Michael's
Stop that. No, really, stop buying from them. Your pens could have been sitting in a warehouse for years. Michael's is the worst for selling old stuff, and marked up more than anyone else. If you know you like a brand, shop online for the best price. I have a Michaels a mile away, and I would rather drive 25 minutes to the Blick store.

>> No.4687819

Rin Tohsaka is truly the patrician’s choice. Gj anon

>> No.4687820
File: 303 KB, 1000x1426, Ebu4vJvUMAANiAo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone know of a CSP brush that is similar to this?

>> No.4687826

Yeah it’s called “technical pencil.”

>> No.4687827

Looks like a G-pen brush that's been adjusted a little bit.

>> No.4687828

isn't that just a round brush with opacity? also brushes won't make you draw better

>> No.4687840

Not really, to replicate that in CSP you'd use size set to velocity with a cap on how small it can go.

>> No.4688234

I just updated my wacom drivers and now keyboard combinations I had set to my tablet hotkeys no longer work in csp. stuff like [shift]+[space]. if I press the assigned hotkey it only recognizes [space] now or maybe [shift] immediately before, but not both simultaneously. how do I fix this?

>> No.4688250

You'll progress quicker if you spend more time on studies than trying to have a perfect one. It's a grind, so you need to iterate a lot in order to progress. There should be a 3 year training minimum before anyone can post a final picture on the internets.

>> No.4688259

i use ig. Dont have enough experience with all the other ones

>> No.4688276

I have a real fucking dumb one. Can i get a tablet that can be used for drawing while hooked to my PC but also while completely on the go without my PC?

>> No.4688357
File: 2.05 MB, 952x1304, c7239683a3830d8018a28e45f6be4708.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since there are weebs trying to draw in an authentic anime style, are there other japs that draw in a western art style other than Gurihiru?

>> No.4688394

i want to use pen but dilute it so ink appears grey. Water works but this will make it very water vulnerable right? or will it dry waterproof?

>> No.4688817

Is it fine to learn the head from many different models that are all sort of similar (for example, cute girl head type) rather than using one model? It's hard to find a person that has enough photographs online where I can learn every angle, expression, feature, etc.

>> No.4688822

Yup. That's the Wacom Cintiq companion

>> No.4688844

>This is because I also had to think about the concepts that I learned from Villpu. Once I've understood them, I began to speed up.
Could you elaborate this a bit more? I'm having a hard time understanding what Villpu means

>> No.4688847

No that one is shitty and it feels nothing like a mechanical pencil.

>> No.4688978
File: 22 KB, 391x391, 1592936694467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck do you start over from posting cringe autism shit as a teen and younger adult (13-22)? Like I still want to do niche fanart like the autist I am but there's people who would recognize my cringe years and I am deathly fucking afraid of those people bringing it up and ruining my chances at a fresh new start. I just want to post art bros but this is by and far such a huge fear.

>> No.4689074
File: 876 KB, 1140x1292, what_they_used.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of drawing tool could make something that looks like this and do that kind of shading? Is it a pen or a marker?

>> No.4689078

Probably a charcoal because of how dark it gets.

>> No.4689081

Watch this series by Marco Bucci. It helped me a lot to learn color theory. You can skip to the ones on color harmony and color notes but the whole series is worthwhile for improving your digital work.

>> No.4689083

Thats interesting. But how about that shading? I got compressed charcoal with me but I can't replicate those grays they got there, it looks like its slightly diluted with water too. Do you have any kind of idea what kind of technique they are doing?

>> No.4689106

Just looks like they're smudging it by hand. If there was any wet media the page would have some warping

>> No.4689118

It might be vine instead of compressed, lends itself to dark lines but easily wipes away and makes light greys

>> No.4689197

Hi, pay for CGMA classes every 2 semesters so I know a bit about their quality. The one you're talking about is an old lecture from probably 2014 before they hired new teachers. In 2019 they again rerecorded everything and this year they hired new people and recorded lectures again at the same time they split "intro to perspective" and "perspective" into 2 semesters. I bought a perspective class taught by rodger oda in 2017 (never really had the time to go through it, just recorded it) and now that I'm going to start drawing again I bought the new intro to perspective.

So yeah, the one on the mega drive is all over the place because their curriculum changed at least 4 times over the past 4-5 years.

>> No.4689199

*based on feedback from their students.

>> No.4689317

you might be overestimating how much people care. we're all nobodies, and nobody cares about our art.

>> No.4689320

lul this nigga spends 30 mins on gesture drawings

>> No.4689349

Is Chicken scratching something I should never do? i find it easier to control the direction of small lines rather than large ones

>> No.4689372

Hey /ic/, so i don't really go on this board or draw.

But i was watching a youtube video where a person made a new company and paid an artist to make and Own the logo drawings the artist made for them.

I guess i just want to know, how does this work, what are good sites for this?
I saw fiver website, but i don't think thats what i want?

If i did pay an artist to make like 2/3 logos for me, and i used that art on my website, products, merch, and other stuff,
And then i sold Billions of it all over the world,
How do i know the artist can't sue me cause it's their art/logo all over my stuff?

I mean obviously i would pay them a one time fee, maybe like 100$?
But i guess i would have to use my phone to record me paying them, to prove in court?

Anyways perhaps i should just know where to go for buying logo and this stuff online first.

>> No.4689437

Why wouldn't you want to learn how to control large lines? It's difficult, but with practice you can do it.

>> No.4689481
File: 6 KB, 713x81, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Write up a contract. Ensure you're getting not just the artwork, but also exclusive copyright over it, in writing and signed by the artist. Speaking to USA law specifically, things get fucky going between countries

>> No.4689546

Ok, i just googled some bill of sales, and found ones specifically for art.

(Link on page.)

I guess i'll download a couple of the free ones.
But i might need to buy a tablet or some pc digital signature pad with an electronic touch screen pen.

I wish things could be simpler, artist could just give their word that the art they made/sold to me is mine to use on whatever forever, and that would be it.

If only.

>> No.4689717

Maybe https://justsketch.me/

>> No.4690796
File: 189 KB, 693x1540, FEEL THE FORM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What Glenn Vilppu video guide should I start with?

>> No.4690804
File: 240 KB, 806x886, 1591078141732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah it was this one https://webapp.magicposer.com/

On another note, has anyone who started getting into drawing did so because they had a bunch of ideas in their heads but now that you've got enough skill can't think of anything? Dumb question but this is the thread for them

>> No.4691204

Honestly, you can just start with 'gesture' and go through the lessons sequentially. I'd spend a week on each lesson. The anatomy lessons are optional but recommended (and you would work through the body part you most wanted to learn at the moment) I recommend reading through the Vilppu drawing Manual in it's entirety before beginning though.

>> No.4691367

What is a good dpi for a scanner? I'm about to starting scanning art pieces for ig and twitter and eventually comics.

>> No.4691398


I think I fucked my reputation online. I've tried patreon a couple times but never really pulled through and just quit. I want to try it for real time time, but I think no one will get on board after knowing I dropped it last time. Should I just make a new account under a new name?

>> No.4691696
File: 189 KB, 1117x1161, work-man-viking-girl-hex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I find a bunch of good south Korean art? I mainly see them on Artstation some times but nothing to search directly.

Any idea what tags on pixiv I can use to find pic related

>> No.4692141

Go on twitter and Instagram and find other artists that famous Korean artists are following, they mostly just follow Koreans and triple A artists.

>> No.4692380

Why is gesture drawing important? Like if my goal is to perfectly copy what I see then what does it matter if someone is stiff if I got all the shapes and proportions right?

>> No.4692399

if your goal is to perfectly copy, and you never to aspire beyond that, then you don't need gesture.

If you want even a little degree of control over your drawing, you'll need to know gesture. Only /begs/ think Gesture is unimportant

>> No.4692406

>goal is to perfectly copy what's seen
then why not just be a photographer

>> No.4692410

It’s easier to copy from life if you understand gesture.

>> No.4692449

I’m tored of drawing animu girls floating against a blank space. What resources do you recommend to draw backgrounds, environments, etc?

>> No.4692475

google images + Scott Robertson

>> No.4692549
File: 29 KB, 540x443, 1522334259069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best way to study Anatomy for Sculptors? Not for actual sculpting, mind you, but for drawing. Should I just copy the diagrams or is there a better / more efficient way?

>> No.4692581

It's traditional practice useful if you only ever finish pieces on digital, or should you just focus on one of them and ditch the other altogether?

>> No.4692588

Yes! The fundamentals are the same everywhere.

>> No.4692592

I might be visually retarded, but how the fuck do I get better at identifying and using muted colors?

>> No.4692706

Cool, thank you.

>> No.4692750
File: 41 KB, 657x527, 3vgyInv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are gestures so fucking hard? I stop doing it for a few days then my drawings turn to shit and I forget everything I learn.

>> No.4693469

Is digital harder to master than traditional? How difficult is the jump?

>> No.4693470

Do you know anatomy?

>> No.4693475

No. If anything, it's much easier to create vibrant colors, gradients and good shading. You have the ability to erase while inking, and the stabilizer too. (Though I wouldn't recommend using that as a crutch to a /beg/)
You will only have difficulty with something you aren't used to. There are artists out there who are better drawing with a mouse than by hand.
Getting used to working digital takes a year at max, probably not half as long.
If you're apprehensive about going full digital, you can keep sketching traditionally. That also helps you maintain your skills in trad.

>> No.4693692
File: 249 KB, 500x496, 1589492035012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the reassurance, I have this weird feeling of something bad happening to me if I ever get a following.

Another question for the thread: How does one go about having a Twitter profile and avoiding the bullshit drama that happens to some artists? I want to start building a following and follow artists that do stuff I like and everyone seems to be on Twitter for some godforsaken reason...

>> No.4693696

Help: with watercolor and ink
So should I stretch the paper then let it dry and use ink to avoid bleeding or...
should I apply ink and dry then stretch paper an hope ink doesn't bleed?
It is waterproof ink but it still bleeds
3rd hardest option would be to apply watercolor and then let it dry and apply ink but I doubt I could do that successfully

>> No.4693749

is drawing with a mouse that bad?I want to draw coomies to make money but there's no market for trad drawn hentai.

>> No.4693798

Same as any other color theory. Just use less saturated colors.

>> No.4693837

>there's no market for trad drawn hentai
There is if it's done well. No-one is looking at a coompiece and saying "oh, this was drawn with an actual pencil and not photoshop pencil brush! i can't coom to this." It's just that it's easier to make digital art look good.
But if you seriously want to get into mouse art, Paint Tool Sai2 became available recently and has good curve tool for mouse. It includes the ability to tweak line pressure.

>> No.4693888

what do i draw

>> No.4693896

Thanks, Anon. It's a bit difficult for me since whenever I try "muted," they end up more saturated when I view them on a different screen. But I'll try to train my eyes and brain better. Again, thank you.

>> No.4693901

No but seriously, try starting with simple subject if you're a beginner.

>> No.4693907

Draw a wizard

>> No.4694110
File: 2.42 MB, 4896x3510, 006-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Draw this.

>> No.4694205

are proko's loomis head tutorials any good?

>> No.4694323
File: 108 KB, 927x808, wizardandtitties.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you anons.

I tried to change perspective on this one but I wasn't really invested in it. Will save it to my inspo folder though. thanks, anon.

>> No.4694324

Is there a software for generating sentences from a list of nouns and verbs? I'm thinking it could be a useful way to create prompts with a specific focus

>> No.4694342

Just make curves and straights lmao

>> No.4694351

What is meant by 'draw everyday' to git gud? My drawings take a couple days complete, producing about 1-3 pieces a week, thus only creating new sketches a couple times a week. Does working on a drawing count as drawing everyday, or must I create new sketches as well?

>This is probably a common question that I was too retarded to read the answer of before

>> No.4694369

You don't necessarily need to make complete pieces every day, just practice. You need to keep pushing yourself to develop your skills.
Working on a finished piece counts because you're still practicing, and (hopefully) learning something

>> No.4694394
File: 725 KB, 1440x2407, 20200702_173451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So is using series and characters by name on patreon a stupid thing or not? I keep seeing how nintendo ass fucks some patreons, is there not more license holders who do this to patreon? I even see overwatch porn in abundance and I have no idea if they're prone to being taken down or not

>> No.4694616

Is there any benefit to drawing in a big canvas size and then scaling down at the end, assuming I dont know how to render very well yet?

>> No.4694618

Do any of you feel bad when you spend a lot of time drawing a nice figure and then you have to cover it with clothes

I'm not even dissatisfied with how it turns out usually but I feel like I go overboard making sure the anatomy is correct only to cover it up lol

>> No.4694697

I was joking about drawing titties, but great to see you actually went through with the suggestions! Thank you, drawfriend.

>> No.4694708

Some companies are aggressive and some art. Nintendo and Disney will C&D you if they catch a whiff of you making any money off their IPs. Blizz is pretty chill though. Riot is okay too. I saw a spreadsheet somewhere that artists update frequently with which companies are making rounds, and which ones are okay.

>> No.4694790
File: 605 KB, 1533x961, 1577606057330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>midtones are the most saturated
>shadows are the most saturated
which one is true? I've heard both statements from different sources.

>> No.4695336

how do i come up with things to draw. I want to draw but i can't come up with any poses.

>> No.4695830
File: 865 KB, 1360x1920, 1579033213306.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone know where this tutorial is from

>> No.4695909

Why are people often so reluctant to share scans from books and magazines etc? I'm active in a couple of niche facebook groups for mostly vintage illustrators since about three years. Pictures are automatically downsized and compressed when uploaded to facebook. When I ask if the uploader would like to share the raw scan they act like they're hoarding gold. Typically I'm told to buy the book myself or that they've already deleted the raw scan which is probably a lie. Either way I'm met with a lot of resistance. And yes I do contribute with plenty of original content myself. I've tracked down mint copies 30 year old magazines to make high resolutions scans of the covers and fold out posters of artwork, stickers etc. that you can't find anywhere else on the net in high quality which I upload to flickr in full resolution. Why are people like this?

>> No.4695977

Go over a bunch of artworks and photos and inspect them with the color picker. It's very revealing

>> No.4696899

How do i move a section in a lineart layer in sai?

>> No.4697064

Is this pic all you have? Do you even remember where you saved it from?

>> No.4697295

I want to draw BBW. Anybody know any ref packs with sexy fat women?

>> No.4697317

Who is the Jacob Collier of visual arts?

>> No.4697335
File: 80 KB, 1024x725, 1593748652770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some small 100/300€ per month jobs I could do before making drawing lewds on Twitter my career?

>> No.4697401
File: 17 KB, 112x112, 1593810902938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting my first real job in my life, its unrelated to art mostly (working at a hotel, only artistic thing I could do there is design rooms)

should I, since I've never had any kind of job, aside from doing art commissions, put down self employed art commissions on my application?

>> No.4697501

where do i ask my stupid question when the current sqt thread is on page 10

>> No.4697541

You learn to Bump