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4673882 No.4673882 [Reply] [Original]

I gave up on my art dreams to find a wageslave job and I can't even find one

>> No.4673885
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>> No.4673966

You know you can still draw when you're not slaving right?

>> No.4673968

Thats the thing no one tells you. You can give up on all your dreams and still have a shit quality of life.

>> No.4673994

Same so i basicially put jobhunting on hold for now and just draw 12 hours a day while i still can

>> No.4674002
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What a nice way of starting the day

>> No.4674008

Who ever said you wouldn't need a job you dumbfuck zoomer

>> No.4674010
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I gave up on my wageslave job to find my art dream and i cant even find it

>> No.4674013

Cant draw for 10 hours a day if you have wagie LARP work to do... unless you smoke crack

>> No.4674020

If normal work is too hard for you there's zero chance you have ever drawn 10 hours in a day

>> No.4674027

Been an officeslave wagecuck for 6 months now and I draw MORE than when I was unemployed for a year.

I've realised this was due to routine, when I had the whole day off I would have the false sense of spare time so I'd procrastinate and put drawing off, now that I work 8 hours a day I realise time is precious and I look forward to getting the 2 hours in after work.

>> No.4674043

What do you do? I'm in charge of extremely complex systems and by the end of the day I'm all drained of brain power to properly study art in order to attain understanding

>> No.4674055


Call Centre for a legal firm, basically screamed at by angry brokers and solicitors all day. It's draining but I find drawing relaxing. I do save most in depth study for the weekend though

>> No.4674070

I've been out of work for years ever since high school up until around 2 years ago. It was morally depressing and I was a burden to my parents. The only motivation I had at one point to get a job was because I had a tooth cavity and it hurt so bad I was going to kill myself. I had no money to get it pulled (thanks America).

I finally found a job in 2015 but it was for a scam tech agency scamming old people into buying software. I had didn't like doing it but I had to do it or I'd commit suicide from the pain. Once I got enough money I quit. A few years later I got a better job ""call center"" and now I basically don't do anything for majority of the day and can watch youtube and stuff...even draw. I'm treated like royalty here, basically the top percentile employee.

>> No.4674080

also this

When I was a neetfuck I barely drew. But I think that was contributed to the fact that every day, month after month, year after year my parents would be nagging me about employment to threats of homelessness. I also didn't have money for supplies and my PC at the time was so aged I couldn't do digital work.

However if I remove the parent equation, and now that I have much better equipment and all the supplies in the world, I would opt for being neet again. If only I won the lottery or something.

>> No.4674151

the trick? find some job that at least interests you. for me it's working in a bookstore, I'm around comics and art books and the work's not too bad. It may take some time, but you'll find something.
Then in your spare time learn your art. You should at least have evenings and days off.

>> No.4674179

opposite for me, when I was a wagecuck I simply had too little time to make gains, that's just how it is, a day is only 24h and you have to sleep work and commute
now I draw 8 to 12 hours a day and still got time for book reading

>> No.4674217

Work makes productive.
And free, as we all know.

>> No.4674262

I know the feel of being a neet and having so much time to draw but not getting work done fast enough. Vs now having a job and all the tools you need but little time.

I would say i actually used the best of my time really when i was unemployed. Those hours listening to music and researching old mangaka no one talks about created my unique tastes. I dont regret it.
One thing i do wish i had done was start on my personal projects during that time instead of making shitty art for randoms.

Big Tip:

If you want to have time and money as an artist you have to work on some kind of passive income. You have to separate your time from how you make money with a product that can sell itself 24/7 online.
That could be POD products, courses, patreon, etc.
Then from there just find a seasonal job. I know guys who were gold miners. Legit back breaking job, but they would walk away with 40k - 90k for 5 months of work and spend the rest fo the year chilling. They had horrible spending habit but imagine making that much then staying with roommates the rest of the year living mad comfortably working on your own projects everyday.. Dream situation

>> No.4674278
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>> No.4674285

Large distribution centers are always hiring