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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.28 MB, 3000x2780, Coin forgot his acc - Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4665401 No.4665401 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread:>>4661415
>Link: https://dad.gallery
>Dev Tracker:https://trello.com/b/MCPk8MIg/dad-dev-board
>For registration, site issues, streak loss appeals, other inquiries, contact the link at the bottom of the site, not the thread

>Submit your artwork everyday (or your preferred frequency)
>The deadline for submissions is 23:59:59 GMT each day
>You should spend at least 30 minutes on each update
>Miss a day and you'll be alright, just keep going
>Have fun

>New thread is made whenever it is needed
>Please link to past thread
>Enjoy yourself
>Please refrain from drawing sexual encounters with underage humans ;^) (a.k.a no child porn you sick pervert)


Something's broken, what do I do?
>Eat a banana. Potassium helps.

What is the goal?
>Be better.

me is beginner and not know draw, can me join?
>Yes x100. Stop asking and start submitting art, chum. You can't be the worst, like literally.

What is Last Artist Standing?
>The legacy, the legend, the original, the predecessor. It has changed and ruined lives of many lassies. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=epg08FlksTc

Lava who? w what? banana whom?
>Lava was the deceased mother, potentially dead by surgery. Rest in peace mr half-empty toothpaste lemur.
>w is the heartless hypocritical pedo-enabled asshole father. Emerge occasionally to enjoy being the local scumbag that he is.
>Current dad: banana. Fuck up time to time but is trying his hardest, ganbatte kudasai!


LAS discord: https://discord.gg/2crFvKV

This is a library of resources some users have made for the community. Please give it a look:

This is the /las/ list of inspirational artists. Everyone can contribute to the list and discover new cool artists:

Please comment on each other artwork because DAD's children love attentions

>> No.4665406
File: 43 KB, 1116x184, quotes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for your convenience

>> No.4665409
File: 63 KB, 1073x289, banananana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4665439

what is everyone drawing today?

>> No.4665440

Some gay shit prolly

>> No.4665447


But can we REGISTER yet????

>> No.4665452

when can we ping daddies?

>> No.4665456


>> No.4665494

banana sucks dick

>> No.4665524

>no nearby dads to meet with and draw together in the same room

>> No.4665542

turn your irl friends into dads nd your partner

>> No.4665546

>showing people i know my porn

>> No.4665547

Yeah sounds great
If only my irl friends could register

>> No.4665551

so vusta is a cute girl?

>> No.4665562

>We need a dad learning anthology challenge where everyone contributes one informational image of something they learned that year

I like this idea.
Everyone makes a one page tutorial/tip in the same dimensions.
Then it gets compiled into a digital zine.

>> No.4665568

i said this before but the only people worth learning from are S tiers and A tiers.

>> No.4665570

neither cute nor girl

>> No.4665573

even if it's basic shit, it's not bad to get a refresher or have sth to look back on as 'what I learned this year'
would be p cute desu

>> No.4665577

my informational zine submission will be a detailed guide on how to harvest the most (you)'s by tapping into the loneliness that lurks within people

>> No.4665580

Sounds like a good way to weed out the dunning krugers...

>> No.4665584

how would you redesign dad to make it more aesthetic?

>> No.4665587

how good do i need to be to join top secret art discords like nessie is in?

>> No.4665588

dad birthday profiles when?

>> No.4665589

You just need to be in their clique, dad is a high school after all.

>> No.4665595

>top secret art discords like nessie is in?
how do you know about top secret art discords?

>> No.4665671

Are you talking about the DAD discord? That one is boring and she left a few weeks ago. I'd leave too but I'm snoopy

>> No.4665675
File: 635 KB, 1080x1350, 1592449350950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4665686

Challenge of the day is to turn every single one of these into a dragon dildo.

>> No.4665689
File: 144 KB, 1080x1350, 1592677318743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dunno about the rest

>> No.4665700

You get A or S tier by being good in general. Some people in C or D tier are good for one specific thing but not so much for others, so they can still teach you useful stuff concerning that one specific thing.

>> No.4665706

Soon-ish. My next goal is to add user mentions, block quotes, unordered/ordered lists, bold/italic/strikethrough, code and code blocks, and *maybe* a few other things.
User mentions will use `>>U1916` for now. I'd like to add `@username` in the future, but currently the way DAD handles usernames is a bit awkward so deciding exactly how to do that will require a bit more thought.

>> No.4665712

at last i can use the __full power__ of **markdown language** to ~~meme~~ comment ==my way== to victory

>> No.4665717

This. I learned gesture from a girl in my figure drawing class, I couldn't figure it out and was getting seriously frustrated with it, she was sitting next to me and asked if I'd like some tips. She was a fucking natural when it came to feeling the form and showing balance and motion, as well as simplifying anatomy and everything. She was pretty mediocre or bad with everything else, I wouldn't have asked her for help on stuff like values or rendering. But she was a fucking gold mine for gesture and helped me get a lot better with that shit.

Sometimes the low tier people who are only good at one thing are good to learn from and they're usually happy to share their knowledge. When I'd ask the S-tier students for some tips they'd act like I wasn't worth their time or they'd be intentionally vague, probably to hide their secrets.

>> No.4665719

>>Sometimes the low tier people who are only good at one thing are good to learn from and they're usually happy to share their knowledge. When I'd ask the S-tier students for some tips they'd act like I wasn't worth their time or they'd be intentionally vague, probably to hide their secrets.

>> No.4665720

When will registration be open :(
I've waited a really long time

>> No.4665725

registrations are not a priority right now.

>> No.4665726

I don't know. That's something Banana wanted to do by himself.
It looks like he's almost done though, so probably today or tomorrow.

>> No.4665729

he said wednesday

>> No.4665731

That was just in case he got lazy. He's going to get lazy anyway.

>> No.4665733

Thanks for the answer hope it really is up soon

>> No.4665758

Do i wait until reg is open or i annoy him with my email now?

>> No.4665775
File: 950 KB, 1080x1350, bsss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4665777

are these dads?
>g is auto
>e is j or kazoo

>> No.4665778

I'd probably send the email anyway because with Banana you never know. Include some of your art with your email to save time because he's going to ask for it anyway.

>> No.4665781

whose brush is this?

>> No.4665786


>> No.4665787


>> No.4665811

reminds me of bunny a bit

>> No.4665821
File: 289 KB, 450x500, cd7f6ac3cb220998e47814702d9851d2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes you are

>> No.4665822
File: 498 KB, 1080x1350, shitty mouse poses.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4665828

anon p-please

>> No.4665839

what advice would you give to each dad on page 1?

>> No.4665846

sounds good puma!

>> No.4665858

oops replied to the wrong one

>> No.4665862

give up so that I can take your place

>> No.4665866

be more like Valley.
be more forgetful.

>> No.4665867

does anyone have the pepe that wants nothing more than to see a flawless fall?

>> No.4665868

I don't care
Why do you think I'm trying to help you fags?

>> No.4665878
File: 39 KB, 498x710, 1519464132482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4665885

what advice would you give to each dad on page 5?

>> No.4665892

stop dying so fucking often!!
I want "Today's Eliminations" to be empty *every day* (except for page 1ers)

>> No.4665893

become page 1

>> No.4665894

stop it tang

>> No.4665899

yfw regs open and page 5vers become the new page 3s

>> No.4665904

why is snake dying every other day

>> No.4665905

>yfw regs open

>> No.4665915

>kill page 1ers
>promote page 5ers to page 1ers
>kill page 1ers
>promote page 5ers to page 1ers
>kill page 1ers
>promote page 5ers to page 1ers
we must break the cycle

>> No.4665919

a lovely stroll through the park with my art wife

>> No.4665920

is this banana's new ascension system

>> No.4665953
File: 23 KB, 992x185, demo2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao. This guy is hilarious. Who thinks of doing this.

>> No.4665960

flawless strats

>> No.4665967

promote page 1ers to page 0ers now

>> No.4665969

is this dezuka

>> No.4665972

w-what's page 0

>> No.4665983
File: 65 KB, 1068x601, 1590779584000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4665987

>not drawing with your dick

>> No.4666013

What if we had a fundie challenge always active? Like this month we have perspective, then next month for example something with values or color, after that anatomy etc until we start again with perspective. It shouldn't be a daily grind but something that everyone can do a bit each month to get better.

>> No.4666015

im ok with this, it would have to be a bit challenging tho, to be... a challenge

>> No.4666024

magnetic selection tool...

>> No.4666030

me in 4th grade taking photoshop lessons for the first time

>> No.4666034

what's magnetic selection

>> No.4666037

>4th grade
>photoshop lessons
zoomers get out

>> No.4666043

>old people
>envious of young people
boomers get out

>> No.4666045

happy birthday meru

>> No.4666047

which dads are zoomers
which dads are boomers
which dads are neither

>> No.4666051

I had photoshop lessons in 6th grade but t b h I didn't pay attention in class and played halo.

>> No.4666063

please this

>> No.4666068

>registration has been temporarily closed

>> No.4666069

Post things zoomer dads will never understand, I'll start https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WPnkB_cKKi8

>> No.4666071

dad's closed

>> No.4666073

I'm a millennial and have no idea what this is. Is this American only knowledge

>> No.4666082


>> No.4666089

is this how mecha furries are made?

>> No.4666090

It feels strange to think of how technologically limited things used to be.
To be honest it feels like a mixed blessing at times. I miss the feeling of the unknown.


>> No.4666099


>> No.4666105


>> No.4666124

i have no idea what this is
t. american and millennial

>> No.4666133

>dubs instead of subs
clearly my parents didn't love me

>> No.4666224

how do you guys feel about your submissions from a year ago? see any improvement?

>> No.4666228

no improvement whatsoever and it scares me

>> No.4666230

I wasted a year

>> No.4666242

Is there any info on the inside? We got told "tomorrow" AGAIN 2-3 days ago or whatever

>> No.4666248

My dad 1 year anniversary isnt until August and I’m gonna redraw the first thing I posted, we’ll see then.

>> No.4666251

My gesture and perspective somewhat improved. I made more finished work compared to last year

>> No.4666258

my 1 year is in November but I feel I've made some improvement with anatomy and perspective

>> No.4666259
File: 200 KB, 1440x635, Screenshot_20200620-170211_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4666262

wym only a 2 streak

>> No.4666267

Everywhere is high school, high school never ends

>> No.4666324

vroooooooooooooom skeeeeeeeeeeeet *raises helmet*

heh, hey kid, wanna see that again?

*puts helmet back on*

vroooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOm *into the distance*

>> No.4666359


>> No.4666366

>sit down to get to work and start drawing
>sister immediately texts me to go do something trivial
Maybe I'm just on edge recently but any time my family tries to get me to do something instead of drawing I get pissed off. I just want to be able to concentrate on this shit. I already have a full time job and I just want to use whatever free time I have drawing because it's the only thing that's keeping me going at the moment. I know I'm being a bit selfish but I just hate this feeling.

>> No.4666388

if its trivial just say youre busy dude, stop being a little bitch.

>> No.4666394

Your sister thinks you're a pussy. Assert your dominance and tell her you're busy

>> No.4666401

Your right, I guess it's just me because I still find it difficult to consider drawing anime tiddies as actually being "busy".
My family just thinks I just sit in my room and play vidya all day because I don't show them any of my art and skirt around the fact I'm drawing because I don't want them to ask to see it.

>> No.4666406

Is your sister cute? I wish I had a sister.

>> No.4666415

which dad do you want as a little sister

>> No.4666421

Which dad do you want as a little brother?

>> No.4666422


>> No.4666424
File: 1.22 MB, 1277x889, 1590872002860.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was literally just typing "j".

>> No.4666427


the one who will wake me up every morning by crawling into my bed and instantly falling asleep on my chest

>> No.4666434


>> No.4666438

oh god yes

>> No.4666442


ew no either scapula or tora

>> No.4666452

how do i become dad registration is closed

>> No.4666453

those are both males

>> No.4666456


in my world they are sisters

>> No.4666457

Email the contact person at the bottom of the website.

>> No.4666459

we all you know have a very warped view of the world lilramune

>> No.4666463


I don't mind Vusta being my older brother.

>> No.4666470
File: 47 KB, 728x383, 0823_patoruzito_g.jpg_1853027552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could reach the bump limit posting examples.

>> No.4666472

Happy Father's Day, Vusta

>> No.4666474

Tfw no talented bratty little bro to throw a tantrum and destroy everything then crawl into bed and sleep for 16 hours

>> No.4666478
File: 756 KB, 1127x1600, 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying j isn't the old man coming to tutor the baby daddies

>> No.4666479

You dads are so horny. I bet this is the same guy who wants a dad gf.

>> No.4666482

Reeeeeee I need an ugly old bastard to destroy my boy pussy

>> No.4666483

J is already taken. So I'll opt for Valley, then Vusta as my older bro and Echo as my distant, cool cousin.

>> No.4666488

need this too

>> No.4666491

I dont get it :/

>> No.4666492
File: 69 KB, 624x712, 1592235002322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same feel

>> No.4666494
File: 980 KB, 712x899, 1556547885902.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I knew a cute baby daddy to bully sexually

>> No.4666499

gay posting hours

time to leave for about an hour or so

>> No.4666506

>sets timer for 1 hour

>> No.4666507
File: 136 KB, 1152x2048, IMG_20200615_112536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now we know his weakness

>> No.4666509

Hoppy is pretty much the cutest daddy I know.

>> No.4666515

best posting hours

>> No.4666516

It's non zoomer shit. Though likely if you post something that's not american media, as long as it has okay quality people will never be able to tell.

>> No.4666525

i am a cute baby dad. bully me.

>> No.4666530

Fuuck I miss getting cuddly with someone

>> No.4666536

Date me

>> No.4666537

is being a gay daddy fun?

>> No.4666538

i will

>> No.4666545

it's the best.

>> No.4666553

who are you

>> No.4666554

I want a cute summer romance with a gay daddy bf

>> No.4666558

who are you?

>> No.4666585

i need an answer

>> No.4666589
File: 114 KB, 1186x646, sleepysummer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want someone who really genuinely cares for me but that'd be nice too

>> No.4666591
File: 145 KB, 1920x1080, illformthehead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do we always have to argue over who should form the head?

>> No.4666601

How much of the gay daddy activity comes from larping fujos?

>> No.4666605

I like fujos

>> No.4666609

what is wrong with fujos

>> No.4666610

Nothing, they produce the best content in the threads. *Sucks your dick*

>> No.4666612

A lot.

>> No.4666613
File: 32 KB, 172x204, 1587294683844.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Approximately 47.45454545 repeating%.

>> No.4666617

I'm on dad and gay who are you

>> No.4666620

who are you

>> No.4666621

Maybe someone already knew but I just found arma's lewd account

>> No.4666624

i need a name.

>> No.4666627

>114 Patrons
Can't blame him for blurring submissions when he has a paying audience for his stuff desu

>> No.4666628

>loli #ロリ
errrr............ based?

>> No.4666629
File: 323 KB, 800x566, d26xaww-54a3603b-f16b-4628-8594-8bcb6dd7a52a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure I'll love and cherish you if you be my cute subby boyfriend. As long as you're not a pretending fujo

>> No.4666630

So much traced 3d...

>> No.4666631

My streak is at least 80 days wbu

>> No.4666632

who's going to get the 666666 get?
the filthy fujos or the lolichads?

>> No.4666633

What skills should you try to get from figure drawing?
Beyond the simple answer of "getting better at drawing figures."
Feels like there are 2 big skills emphasized
>accuracy of your drawing compared to the figure and expressing
>expressing the motion and energy of the figure
But they contradict each other, and I don't know how to reconcile that.
Someone please explain.

>> No.4666634

having to remember the individual digits of your friends phone numbers

>> No.4666636

I wrote that shit down.

>> No.4666639

Less than 80. Am I not elite enough for you?

>> No.4666643

No you're the perfect baby daddy to bully

>> No.4666644

I wish there was a directory of lewd dad accounts

>> No.4666652
File: 373 KB, 600x522, f4e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

P-please anons answer my art question
This is ic not y

>> No.4666653

It's too sticky

>> No.4666654

Sorry anon, it is now. Now bend over.

>> No.4666656

going to need more details

>> No.4666657

mine's too degenerate

>> No.4666660

/y/ general

>> No.4666663

Favorite yaoi-DAD pairings?

>> No.4666666

I only wanted to learn to draw
Why am I trapped in this homoerotic hell

>> No.4666669
File: 48 KB, 500x500, avatars-000350378819-eu55ix-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get 4 dad

>> No.4666670
File: 142 KB, 220x233, tenor_34.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4666675
File: 95 KB, 860x1300, 61331461_320103898884850_4476839228042379264_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me, it's /cm/

>> No.4666681


>> No.4666684

I dunno how to use that site

>> No.4666685

Hail Satan bro

>> No.4666687
File: 180 KB, 430x422, 1436617082790.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4666689
File: 99 KB, 885x885, just_hd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's just those two, you know who I mean

>> No.4666695

No, who?

>> No.4666697

actually tried making an account for that a month ago so I can get pass the "you need to sign up to view this" restrictions, might try again sometime soon

>> No.4666698
File: 570 KB, 683x617, 1485451104990.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what you deserve, just take it.

>> No.4666701

This thread is a mess.

>> No.4666704

Just like your mom.

>> No.4666712

Just like your anus will be when I'm done with you, young man.

>> No.4666723
File: 561 KB, 1080x784, Cos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek I have that saved too
I think it's based off a cosplay

>> No.4666728

the ability to draw poses in any angles, much faster and more accurate

>>expressing the motion and energy of the figure
this is more on the gesture

>> No.4666729
File: 56 KB, 564x935, hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really love how they paint hair

>> No.4666733

let's improve together, no homo bb

>> No.4666744
File: 275 KB, 1620x1080, img-b3b3f5d7953f9b0a75a2c2936e948e16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man this guys cosplay photos straight up cinematic no wonder the paintings look gorgeous

>> No.4666746

Puma x banan

>> No.4666748

I slide my hand up your cute little skirt and grab your round and juicy ass. You're wearing that tiny sequined thong daddy likes.

>> No.4666750

I moan your name and spread my cheeks. "Fill me with your juicy art gains, daddy!"

>> No.4666751

I want to mating press

>> No.4666756

okay dads this has gone too far, let's return to talking about drawing

>> No.4666759

Ok, which daddy draws the best cocks?

>> No.4666761

Agree. What are you all studying in art right now, and how are you doing it?

>> No.4666766
File: 179 KB, 1080x1201, 000a021f81de4e1e20826d893733b6ec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do the gesture first, build on top.

>> No.4666772

is game dev in general not considered art? i imagine most of my time during the game dev challenge will be spent programming/debugging shit rather than making assets

>> No.4666779

i consider it art, also that's why teams exist.

>> No.4666787

if you use rpgmaker or renpy you can save yourself some time programming and focus more on asset creation

>> No.4666799

Does anyone remember me? :(

>> No.4666800


>> No.4666804

Is Lava confirmed kill?

>> No.4666822


>> No.4666825

How are you studying it.

>> No.4666835

forgot again ooops

>> No.4666836

My to-do for the day:

-old pieces fix up
-paint a background (side-scroller)
-finish the archer for RPG

What are you guys working on today?

>> No.4666838


>> No.4666841

That would be nice :D

>> No.4666852

Just improve on the art and keep tinkering with it

>> No.4666853

dance challenge and something self indulgent

>> No.4666874

Nothing in life is certain.

>> No.4666892

Except for my dick in your

>> No.4666917


>> No.4666999

-render some of the foreground
-make some progress on my uni apps

>> No.4667001

If I draw 150 hours next month can I eat Red's ass ;_;

>> No.4667011

Come sit at the non gay table with us anon. We can draw cool girls and have some pizza while we draw.

>> No.4667046
File: 197 KB, 500x377, tumblr_nb3w97WEIs1thn3fyo2_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think Wolfens would let me call him Daddy

>> No.4667047
File: 115 KB, 928x523, vectortoons-cafeteria-publicity-h_2019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's your first day in dad cafeteria. Where'll you sit?

>> No.4667061

in the middle with my legs on the table spread wide and my chair tipped back

>> No.4667064

someone put the labels on each chair

>> No.4667066

On the floor in the corner of the room.

>> No.4667068

>porn table
>S tier table

>> No.4667080

the >skipped table

>> No.4667081


>> No.4667083
File: 75 KB, 1280x720, 1567698681863_g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4667086

Draw yourself on the cafeteria table

>> No.4667092

>>4667080 >>4667081
The question is, how many tables do us >skipped need? I feel it might be a distinct section of the room altogether.

>> No.4667094

the entire cafeteria is filled with skipped but no one notices them, they fade so well into the background some wonder if they even truly exist

>> No.4667098

MFW I sit with all the furchads in their table and I don't even do furry.

>> No.4667137

Regs are still down so i am not allowed to post itt yet sorry bro
(You balance accuracy and energy)

>> No.4667183

Good morning. I didn't die in my sleep, so no isekai for me *sigh*

>> No.4667219
File: 203 KB, 1186x1622, 2020-06-21 07-18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting back into doing dailies after long hiatus.

>> No.4667228

detail placement is key
pick a vocal point and your shit will be elevated

>> No.4667240

Yeah, I noticed in the bottom pic especially, got to organize my marks.

>> No.4667252

Your marks are really good with solid lines. Try going slower and more deliberately and you may even end up finishing faster too

>> No.4667266

Still trying to figure out my story/characters for my gamejam idea, idk what to do aaaa

>> No.4667298

Happy Dad's day DaD

>> No.4667301 [DELETED] 
File: 793 KB, 1080x2220, goodref804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4667302

thank you it was a very nice day

>> No.4667392

I'm behind the door waiting to get in

>> No.4667404

You'll be like that one kid that gets along with everyone.

>> No.4667415

Definitely Cute, fits my style and I'd imagine they're the most laid back, /beg/ friendly of the group

>> No.4667431
File: 38 KB, 680x369, butt light.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jozu really does do it for free

>> No.4667442

why is tang's rogue in a military uniform? Literally the opposite of a rogue

>> No.4667446

More like they're the horniest group

>> No.4667462

Post some rpg challenge wips

>> No.4667474
File: 104 KB, 680x1295, 59d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4667522

>kringlefkr lived with kazookd
why have i not heard about this

>> No.4667530

what if its a deserter? The absolute rouge.

>> No.4667532

hate how relatable this is, also
>page one dad uploading their "wip" 10 days in a row

>> No.4667537


>> No.4667545


>> No.4667560

Nothing against the rules in posting wips for multiple days as long as it’s 30min of work tho.

>> No.4667563

you're not wrong..

>> No.4667593

>lets try it out.
say what time of poster you are and the most times you have had sex in a day
>14 times

>> No.4667595

Being horny =\= actually having sex

>> No.4667597
File: 53 KB, 460x471, 1589059722900-ic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.4667617


>> No.4667618

but I don't wanna sit with the other furchads, saucy and vusta keep making out even though they're both girls and that's wrong

>> No.4667621
File: 254 KB, 1026x1266, firesocks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wuss, come over here and show me your underwear!

>> No.4667623

im not the horny one..

>> No.4667628

>with plebs
choose none.

>> No.4667652

get away from me before I call principal banana

>> No.4667657

>14 times
in a day? that's exhausting. I'm happy for both of you though

>> No.4667666

principal banana sounds like a guy who'd go into the pep rallies and assemblies in an overly colorful suit (hey kids, i'm fun too) and the sort of over-the-top positive happy attitude that seems to imply no woman would ever fuck him
but like, the moment he gets back to the sanctuary of his office he breaks out the hidden bottles of whiskey, grousing about something under his breath or sobbing quietly

>> No.4667684

I'm mostly making fun of myself because I sometimes upload 30 minutes of work on a wip when I'm too tired to draw more
All that really matters is that there's at least some sort of visible progress

>> No.4667685

Whats the best way to study arm anatomy?
I feel like I always get overwhelmed with the amount of muscles...

>> No.4667688

bridgman constructive anatomy section on arms

>> No.4667693
File: 2.80 MB, 2849x3371, 8 hour arm workout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotta study big to get big!

>> No.4667702

I know the books to look at, but just wondering if there's any study method/simplification that made stuff click better/faster other than just copying from existing anatomy references.

>> No.4667706

Unironically draw original art of bara/musclegirls so you force yourself to understand arm muscles well enough to contruct them from imagination

>> No.4667708

try the hampton method for arms where every mass is attached one by one.
That clicked with me and it helped a lot when it comes to drawing arms from imagination

>> No.4667710

this, in the end it comes down to drawing it over and over till you're good at it. Just try to make the subject matter as appealing as you can(to yourself) to keep morale up.

>> No.4667711

is kringle asian ? because she looks filipina or vietnamese

>> No.4667718

>he wasn't here in the critsteam era
I pity you. Also bring back critstreams. It's the duty and obligation of the high tier daddies to shit on me.

>> No.4667722


who should host critstream?

>> No.4667724

anybody b tier or higher

>> No.4667725
File: 82 KB, 451x558, 1485014685497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks guys,i'll try a mixture of the stuff mentioned and hopefully some stuff sticks

>> No.4667738


>> No.4667739

me! (im not even c tier)

>> No.4667742
File: 584 KB, 1572x2312, 14_13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell fuck it just do like kamitani and FEEL THE FORM and crank it up to 11

>> No.4667757

The Gob critstreams were the best, the only problem with them was daddies were too shy to opt-in, and doing all the dads every week is a huge time demand.

>> No.4667762

51ip did em good too

>> No.4667766

gob's problem wasn't doing all daddies, it was that he would take 2 hours redoing some submissions entirely.

>> No.4667779

can we get a crit stream of the rpg entries??? I think a lesson in design would be nice.

>> No.4667781

i want lessons from inno

>> No.4667807


I want lessons from mom

>> No.4667818

Who's Dad's mum

>> No.4667822


>> No.4667825

nagisa's mommy


>> No.4667832

you know legit I forgot I'm posting in the DAD thread this time. I'm totally out of my mind right now

>> No.4667833


>> No.4667851

Do we need more homoerotica to bring ya back

>> No.4667857

some days I feel homo but not on Gods day so please dont

>> No.4667876

It's Monday in Australia
*climbs on your dick*

>> No.4667888

please be dare if not I'm leaving

>> No.4667893

ramune please fuck off

>> No.4667894

Wait nvm I already know where he lives and it isn't Australia *leaves kangaroo island*

>> No.4667897


Watch your language, it's Sunday.

>> No.4667916

Not in Japan it isn't

>> No.4667950


>> No.4667990

Dare left these threads a long time ago

>> No.4667992

please beam me up from this hellhole

>> No.4667998

you're know you're free to leave any time

>> No.4668040
File: 146 KB, 545x400, 165F8359-1A46-4805-8AF0-D37AFADDAE02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My real streak is....

>> No.4668042


>> No.4668085

I'll join this community some day, but not today because banana won't let me.

>> No.4668087

was tmart one of the >skipped people and in order to get noticed he intentionally posted low effort drawings and then pointed it out in the thread

>> No.4668091

you give him too much credit

>> No.4668097


>> No.4668104
File: 185 KB, 1610x752, TRIBUNAL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4668105

i realised where i am so probably not him after all

>> No.4668107

What's wrong?

>> No.4668120

Drew this on the 12th
>Weekly poster
Even then, they already submitted something on the 12th, meaning they did nothing new since the 12th


>> No.4668129

>tfw scared to break the rules because mods and tribunal anons will destroy me

>> No.4668135

Reminder, you’re only playing yourself when you post old shit like this.

>> No.4668184

No, let them waste time crawling through the dad archives while the rest of us draw

>> No.4668190

^ Is this true?
Am I too late to the scene?
What's the next "there was no money to be made" genre that will become the "easy money" route so I don't get left behind again?

>> No.4668195

Nice high morals, why aren't you drawing btw?

>> No.4668197

some sort of weird fetish

>> No.4668202

Just draw BLM stuff

>> No.4668207

>What's the next "there was no money to be made" genre that will become the "easy money" route so I don't get left behind again?
Custom VR models

>> No.4668210

3d models in general I feel are getting more popular to commission. For vr or just as artwork.

>> No.4668229

Can you cite the specific rule that you think this actually broke? Because I don't think it actually broke any.
t. not a mod

>> No.4668240



>> No.4668259

Posting old art. It's been over a week since the 12th.

>> No.4668277

The 18th, the day he posted it, is within a week of the 12th.

>> No.4668287

Huh, I guess you're right

>> No.4668304

Say something nice or constructive about the submissions from today!

>> No.4668306

I want to pull on the harness tsflipp’s vampire boy is wearing.

>> No.4668307

Loved apricots rpg stuff

>> No.4668308

Apricot’s RPG characters are all very charming.

>> No.4668320

Keep up the good work Guespiere. I dont know your situation but its good to switch things up when feeling unmotivated, try trad for example.

>> No.4668331

Awful, your work is really the opposite of your username

>> No.4668362


Just give up and make the site better for all of us

>> No.4668382

Silence loli you're not valid

>> No.4668386

is dad down for anyone else?

>> No.4668391
File: 39 KB, 304x256, 52F97628-2846-4A00-B993-E17908A81B20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4668393

nm it's back up

>> No.4668395

Looks back up again, I was about to panic since I was trying to submit for the day

>> No.4668419

>my rpg submissions will be the worst on my team
>my rpg submissions will be the worst on dad

>> No.4668423

what actually happened with registrations?

>> No.4668426

I closed them

>> No.4668428

closed until you learn to love yourself

>> No.4668430

Later Bertrand, you were a cool dude, hope to see you around again someday

>> No.4668432


admin is a big dookie head that's why

>> No.4668438

Not as bad as the teammates that abandoned their teams

>> No.4668440

who's confirmed to have done that so far

>> No.4668443


>> No.4668444


>> No.4668446
File: 5 KB, 225x225, 1590781350753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people using similar elements in their rpg characters as you
Everyone's gonna think I copied them now reeeeeeee

>> No.4668456

should have communicated better or been the first, it's on you no matter which playstyle you chose

>> No.4668459
File: 963 KB, 1237x769, 1592724103345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you really need to learn this to climb tiers?

>> No.4668468

I'm just going to use my big brain and come up with a better, more unique element.

>> No.4668472

maybe if you want to go from b to a or something like that.

>> No.4668475
File: 945 KB, 561x561, 1572794682564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw try to study fundies to get out of B tier and just wind up in B-

>> No.4668478

how do you go from d to c

>> No.4668484

like any basic anatomy book.

>> No.4668488

not by studying eye anatomy for 1 billion years whilst the other 99.9% of your figure is all fucked up.

>> No.4668490

>tfw a tier and didn't learn this

>> No.4668496

Are there any examples of dads who have actually climbed up a tier?

>> No.4668498

not me

>> No.4668511

what do tiers actually mean? like what is each tier defined by?

>> No.4668512
File: 600 KB, 1024x1024, 1590759981085.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B is for best tier

>> No.4668513

arbitrary to whoever makes the list

>> No.4668515

It means pretty much whatever you want it to mean. Conventionally though, it's:
* scaled relatively to DAD, not artists in general
* either curved based on a bell curve or so that low tiers always have more people than the higher tiers (which I prefer, although I forgot what that sort of curve is called)

>> No.4668518

All this tier list discussion... it would be a shame if someone happened to make a new tier list. *wink wink*

>> No.4668521

please please please wait for rpg challenge to finish
at least give me false hope i can leave D tier with my rpg submissions

>> No.4668524

Just stop posting wips.

>> No.4668525

*wips your ass*

>> No.4668526

tierlist now

>> No.4668528


>> No.4668539

Is there anyone in dad history as skilled or better than cutesexyrobutts?

>> No.4668546

my left nut

>> No.4668551
File: 122 KB, 1571x733, Annotation 2020-06-21 183443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4668556

i want to build a teir list app, but:
A) I'm afraid of hosting anything for 4chan
B) I don't want dads who don't want to be teir'd to be teir'd

>> No.4668558

do it lel

>> No.4668563
File: 379 KB, 513x1227, 1592423405628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the old one.

>> No.4668564

hey thank you. this is exactly what i was looking for.

>> No.4668567

who made these

>> No.4668571
File: 94 KB, 220x220, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4668572

Do it

>> No.4668573

my right nut

>> No.4668575

whose nuts are these

>> No.4668580


>> No.4668587
File: 305 KB, 1448x2048, 1592784491940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's father's day
>Banana won't give DADs the gift of open registrations

>> No.4668607


>> No.4668610

Yea but he made the art on the 12th and ALREADY POSTED before on the 12th. I.e he made two pieces in one day and posted in two separate weeks.

Either way it's a small fry, tribunalling them isn't as satisfying as a big fish so I don't care

>> No.4668611

A) you can just delete it in the future
B) maybe have an option for the app to either submit your username to be omitted or the superior edition of let us submit our best works please my WIPs do not represent me

>> No.4668620

>he made the art on the 12th and ALREADY POSTED before on the 12th
That's still legal if his submission period ended on the 12th. You're allowed to post anything drawn within 24 hours of your submission period, so he could legally post something that he drew on that day for his next submission period.

>> No.4668627

or i can just not do it

>> No.4668665

Hello young gay dad it is me 80+ gay dad, are you here right now? I miss you.

>> No.4668674

hi i miss you too

>> No.4668675

there's only like 4-5 gay dads here

>> No.4668689

I do this when i used to be a weekly. It's fine. Stop bullying.

>> No.4668696

I’ve seen people post less than 30 minutes after the submission period for their next submission. I’ve even thought about bringing it up in the thread as a joke before but I was afraid people would take it seriously. Are we going to tribunal them all too?

>> No.4668697

>I’ve seen people post less than 30 minutes after the submission period for their next submission.
as in there's a gap of less than 30 minutes between their next submission, or they posted in the team forza time period?

>> No.4668704

I don’t know what Team Forza means, but probably that. As in 00:00:00 GMT. Wouldn’t it mean they are submitting something they worked on the day before?

>> No.4668718

Hi bby, how's your day going uwu

>> No.4668720
File: 283 KB, 900x1093, Team Forza Left 23 30 Club Right.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're allowed at 24 hour window around the deadline, something to do with timezones, it's in the rules somewhere
team forza is the historical name for people that submit right after the deadline and it's been an accepted practice in all iterations of las, the counterpart being the 23:30 club where people submit just before the deadline

>> No.4668723

Well I mean didn't the website say something about it's okay to front load 24h in advance? I think it isn't that heinous of a crime. I do think people shouldn't be afraid to bring up people for tribunals "for fear of taking them seriously" for that is the point of tribunals after all.

>> No.4668726

pretty good. drawing a lot. what about you daddy

>> No.4668727

Was team forza the name of a dad user that did this? That's very interesting.

>> No.4668730

I saw a post on twitter about relationships, thinking, "that could be us"

>> No.4668735

what did it say

>> No.4668737

Banana develop daddy dating service please.

>> No.4668740

it was two gay boys singing a vocaloid cover duet together.

>> No.4668744

what song

>> No.4668747
File: 331 KB, 1012x900, Loomis Left Tribunal Right.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no lokki drew that during the las days, he stopped coming here around when las died and never joined dad as far as I know
lokki creating tans for las >>/ic/thread/S2444879#p2449630
lokki's blog https://lokki-lokki.tumblr.com/
banana clarifying posting immediately after the rollover >>/ic/thread/S3746712#p3749631

>> No.4668749
File: 169 KB, 1080x530, Thank you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will suck nana's cock so hard until he cums to death.

>> No.4668751


>> No.4668752
File: 50 KB, 648x201, heh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some things never change...

>> No.4668756


>> No.4668758
File: 22 KB, 316x411, 1585566539633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lascord shitflinging
that place is too far gone to be saved

>> No.4668764
File: 463 KB, 1556x662, 1458517949929.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lavaflake actively posting in the threads responding to everyone
>lassies streaming on picarto for the threads
>an actual tribunal
>concerned parents
>fuck YOU
>topic hellers begging people to vote different topics
>please be week one
>week clubs
2016 was a different time.

>> No.4668768

One day we'll look back at 2020 as a comfy era too

>> No.4668776

UBF still streams p much daily on picarto

>> No.4668777

>JMGN and bondagefairy
Like tears, tears in the rain...

>> No.4668779

good night uwu

>> No.4668781

I think BF posted in a thread not too long ago, maybe a few days old.

>> No.4668782

They've really come far since they started, proud of them.

>> No.4668785

same, I member when the streams were just starting and they were making a whole plan on how to build a following and everything, really cool to see that it worked out

>> No.4668786

is jmgn still around? he seemed like a cool guy on the podcast

>> No.4668787


>> No.4668788

we're all gonna make it

>> No.4668790
File: 201 KB, 737x253, OG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's still doing terrible things to slugs

>> No.4668801


>> No.4668806

>LAS OG club for life
tfw he remembers us

>> No.4668832

I've been thinking of making streaming part of my daily routine. Do you guys want me to get picarto premium? That way other dad's could stream with me too and we could have multistream going. I'd be nice to feel more like a community.

>> No.4668833

I think thats how people use the hangouts, personally I dont get how you can watch people and do your own stuff at the same time but theres a good crowd of regulars doing it

>> No.4668846

that'd be cool, you could try twitch too, they have a lot of multistream support, and I think twitch has something call squad streams too but it might only be available to partners and possibly affiliates

>> No.4668864

looks like they are doing a big change

>> No.4668872

Is it just me or are a lot of the mods assholes? I have no idea who niche even is and he doesn't seem to draw.

>> No.4668874

>never joined dad as far as I know
Lokki did join that one cat challenge from before

>> No.4668876

So many newcomers shitposting desu

>> No.4668881
File: 95 KB, 960x955, 1591024718787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>me reading lascord drama having never posted in the discord except like once

>> No.4668885

lascord is fucking garbage.
all the people who actually care about drawing are in the dadcord.

>> No.4668887
File: 1.45 MB, 1800x2550, calendar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's an OG LAS that made the discord
>tfw it came true >>/ic/thread/S2645220#p2650860

>> No.4668894

t. banned from lascord

>> No.4668897

lascord is fucking garbage.
all the people who actually care about flight rising are in the dadcord.

>> No.4668898

>flight rising
t. based

>> No.4668913

I'm actually idle in lascord, but I never check it.

>> No.4668957

LAS discord went full retard holy shit

>> No.4668963

the issue I have with dadcord is that they don't really talk that much about drawing either
lascord is indeed a shithole though i guess that's what happens when your invite link is open to all the mentally ill third worlders on 4chin

>> No.4668976
File: 258 KB, 1800x1800, bonk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4668978


>> No.4668980


>> No.4668982
File: 135 KB, 750x747, 735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4668992

I don't remember what las means dads.

>> No.4668997

Last Artist Standing

>> No.4669000

>inb4 the other lolifag returns

>> No.4669030


>> No.4669034

We'll be ready

>> No.4669044

>when the loliposters attack but the mods are ready for them

>> No.4669051

I would say something hype and congratulatory but my stomach hurts but I'm proud of you

>> No.4669058

what happened

>> No.4669066

>inb4 dad makes a native onsite streaming service

>> No.4669071

I'll put it on the tasklisk for DAD 8.0, ETA December 2088.
(Links to streaming services and a "currently live" section are legitimately possible DAD 2.0 features, though.)

>> No.4669079

im confused shouldnt banana be happy right now
why is he throwing a fit in dadcord

>> No.4669080

jokes aside, thank you both for your work \o/

>> No.4669086

He probably didn't get enough sleep all week. Probably literally is operating on a lizard brain right now.
Also that general autism all 4channers have that react illogically and unpredictably to situations.

>> No.4669087

H-he means breaking plates in enthusiasm and celebration right? Like Greek weddings right? Maybe all his anger is just misplaced joy.

>> No.4669088

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VhODiA4o3GI (dude is 31 and started drawing everyday with andrew loomis and nicolaides' natural way to draw)
Time for a retrospective dads, how have you found your art journey ever since you started drawing everyday?
Has your experience met your expectations?
What mistakes do you think you've made or are making?

>> No.4669091

I thought I would improve quickly, but I haven't been. Turns out if you put the bare minimum effort in, you won't improve at all.
As for mistakes, I don't know if I'm studying what I should be at this point in my journey, or if I'm comfort-zoning and claiming it's study.

>> No.4669102

>how have you found your art journey ever since you started drawing everyday?
I'm pretty happy with it! I'm new to this journey, and there have been some rough patches where I almost quit, but each time I manage to push through, I end up stronger and more motivated.

>Has your experience met your expectations?
I internally wasn't expecting to improve at all (rationally I knew I would, but I didn't *feel* like I would), but I have anyway, so I exceeded my expectations.

>What mistakes do you think you've made or are making?
A lot of the time I put in only bare minimum effort. I think I'd be making a ton more progress if I drew more.
I think a big mistake for me was getting stuck doing the same thing. Doing something I suck at was stressful, and I didn't have the motivation to branch out. Joining challenges forced me to confront that fear and preventing me from stagnating, even if it can be painful at times.

>Turns out if you put the bare minimum effort in, you won't improve at all.
I'm sorry to hear that anon. Are you sure you're not improving? Maybe you just set your expectations too high (relative to the amount of effort you put in in practice). Have you tried comparing your new submissions to your old submissions to see any growth? Have you been trying new approaches and drawing new things?

>> No.4669103

Tierlist of all the new dads that are joining when

>> No.4669106

In 1 month

>> No.4669107

Thanks for the insight. I recently compared my submissions, and they're about the same quality. I have been trying new things, but I feel like that's been to my detriment rather than to my benefit. I don't have the skill to do new things, so I feel I should focus on getting that to a decent level rather than spread myself thin doing challenges I really can't do.

>> No.4669130

Does anyone still have hope for the "My first money" challenge who hasn't gotten paid yet?

>> No.4669132

Not in the least

>> No.4669147

Thank you puma and banana for the hard work. GANBATTE

>> No.4669149

>All those dads that just leave without a proper goodbye.
you will be missed forever

>> No.4669159

I'm gonna miss Bertrand
he's so good wtf

>> No.4669168

gues i feel you

>> No.4669180
File: 34 KB, 400x400, activatedmytrapcardyouhave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cool kids with the playmats

>> No.4669188

Did the site format just update? The bg is gray now?

>> No.4669206

Ehem...-ding- -ding- -ding- I've got an announcement.

For those dads who are not in, or those new dads who'd like to be in the official discord server, make sure to message Vastian#0988 for an invite. As the admin roles have switched a bit as of late.

Don't forget that the base rules are to have a streak of 14, and have your discord name set as the same name you use on the site.

That is all, everyone can now return to their seats.

>> No.4669210

Yes we must increase the proportion of balls havers to ball whackers

>> No.4669211

This is why bert left isnt it

>> No.4669214

We have our first new dad....NHEEEC

>> No.4669215

Suplex him into the tier list

>> No.4669217
File: 121 KB, 500x281, wahhaha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ohayou gozaimasu aruji sama

>> No.4669220

wtf bertie you are not allowed to leave

>> No.4669222

I just wish he had socials so I could continue to admire. Oh well. Hopefully he comes back.
Another new Daddio btw!

>> No.4669236

fresh meat

>> No.4669245

>yfw 7 was the new inno
>Vastian now is the new 7
So does that make seven the new inno?

>> No.4669253

Oh registrations are open again? Finally.

>> No.4669257

Ok lilramune time to show us those "I could've made it but banana stopped me" skills you got there

>> No.4669258

Where the fuck is the art in this thread? This shit just seems like a circlejerk. Dumb faggots can’t even post your own art, too busy jerking each other off.

>> No.4669265


>> No.4669270

We post art when someone is in trouble

>> No.4669271

>tfw u never got any comments welcoming you when you registered
>the when r regs open whiners get showered with nice comments

>> No.4669273

you are whining now

>> No.4669274

new challenge:
tier tourney except it's only the new dads

let them fight in the Colosseum for my amusement

>> No.4669279

whats your username I'll welcome you, Dad

>> No.4669280


I have no desire to register, at least not at the moment, I just wanted regs to be open. I enjoy watching you guys from afar.

>> No.4669284
File: 16 KB, 400x400, ..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4669285

thats kinda nice.
Hope you can still redeem yourself at some point.

>> No.4669286

Say hi to your right hand.

>> No.4669288

its okay.
I guess most of us did not.
So be the change you want to happen!

>> No.4669300
File: 782 KB, 2000x1333, Hachiko-Statue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new thread >>4669297

>> No.4669302
File: 55 KB, 1200x700, e284d9db41da20417e73a1783f9af5a36e9d348c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>regs open
>im going to finally invite my friends
>tell them
>no one has joined

>> No.4669335

made me laff