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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 288 KB, 2000x1333, MoMA_gallery403_HeidiBohnenkamp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4663130 No.4663130 [Reply] [Original]

*echoed cough*

>> No.4663773

hmm this black dribble on a canvas really speaks to me

>> No.4663792
File: 75 KB, 482x427, d90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss going to museums...

>> No.4663802

Black lives matter

>> No.4663808

The one on the left looks nice

>> No.4663844

Black lines matter

>> No.4663870

*tumbleweed rolls by*

>> No.4664340

Franz Kline is amazing.

>> No.4664356

i like them as mindless decoration that doesnt draw too much attention to itself.

>> No.4664359
File: 536 KB, 2149x2010, Darius Feels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get an Arthoe GF (again) bros?

>> No.4665295

Be Chad.
More specifically, a vapid Chad that knows nothing about art. Arthoes love guys like that.

>> No.4665298


>> No.4665299

Attend your local art college, go to college student haunts, bars, events that art students go to. There’s no shortage of them.

>> No.4665301

It's not just arthoes, it's women in general

>> No.4665313
File: 90 KB, 757x405, images (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He let his mind go blank, and his hand go where it wanted. Not deliberate, not random. Some place in between. They called it automatic art.
What if Pollock had reversed the challenge. What if instead of making art without thinking, he said, "You know what? I can't paint anything unless I know exactly why I'm doing it." What would have happened?
He never would have made a single mark.

>> No.4665829
File: 72 KB, 283x268, 1478021449332.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't care about pollock i just wanna look at stuff i like and i don't like this

>> No.4665857

I wont let you gaslight me into thinking pollock's shit has any value at all

>> No.4665927

They say you can follow the lines and “see” the gestures he was making when throwing the paint. Were the lines placed aggressively on the canvas, or were they placed gently? You can also see the rhythms and the order the paint was placed, and all these movements and patterns come together to tell the story of how the painting was created.

>> No.4666093

Pretend to be woke it's a requirement for dating art chicks

>> No.4666192
File: 15 KB, 238x231, jerry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolute garbage those "paintings", the only thing that is even interesting to look at all is the sculpture.

>> No.4666200

I actually like the one on the left, it looks like an album cover

>> No.4666202

>artwork & critique

>> No.4666215

I don't think I'll ever understand the desire behind these (other than as a money laundering scheme). How many of these "deep" art theme pieces have we seen in museums already? How many of these do we have to see before people realize they all blend together? And these are all promoted as "new" art when it honestly just feels more of the same. There's only so much someone can do to be "shocking" or "deep" before it loses that effect. It's so homogeneous.

>> No.4666221
File: 632 KB, 2000x1549, caravaggio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate this conversation because it implies a figurative vs. abstract dualism which is exactly what the hacks want, and I'll explain why in a second. I love expressionist art more than anything, and I understand the value of early experimental art as a simple reminder that hey, you don't have to paint like Gerome to make art, and that if you have a statement you can actually bend the rules. But a bunch of hacks seized the opportunity to turn everything on its head and say that painting nonsense should be an actual movement.
And this monstrosity started, it's got a lot in common with the modern Marxists' rhetoric that if you have anything to say against their model of justice, you're bigot. This is exactly the same. There is no criticism to be made on this encrypted statement except "it says nothing to me", and that means you're stupid. The burden to understand the artwork is now on you as a viewer instead of the artist. This is also what opened the gates to people dropping eggs from their vagina or people drawing porn because everything now has artistic merit and therefore nothing does.
And this is wonderful to those in power. Art is great. Art lasts forever. This will last forever too, but people will look at it 100, 1000 years from now and they will see garbled nonsense, just like people see nothing today except projections and mental gymnastics to justify paying for a ticket. Mostly looking hip and cool and sophisticated, because the only argument in favor of this crap is always
>old art is religious/bigoted/misogynist (if your art says nothing it offends nobody)
>this is intellectual, you don't understand it
>the artist said/did this thing and I respect him (cult of personality before the art)
People in 1000 years will be able to decipher pic related. They won't decipher Pollock, if there's statement under the mess to begin with. It's art that leaves no cultural heritage, nothing for posterity, builds nothing, says nothing.

>> No.4666229
File: 156 KB, 950x672, two-story-loft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(but hey, it looks good in this kind of house.)

>> No.4666232

go kill yo self

>> No.4666519

you're an idiot. 20th century modernist art and design is an immense heritage, and it said/meant a lot. people will be sitting in eames loungers and hanging mondrians on their wall long after the united states ceases to be a nation

21st century stuff is pretty worthless though

>> No.4666529

This, just don't let them find out. I used to pretend like I was really into protesting to nail this arthoe and it was all said and good until she found out i didn't give a shit. It was like I told her I cheated on her lmao

>> No.4666541

Lmfao how did she find out?

>> No.4666548

She asked my roomate about it when she noticed I never post shit on instagram and normiebook, and she said something like 'all I do is go to the gym and project my toxic masculinity around the house' kek

>> No.4666581

lol, so that's a thing huh? Should've figured, there was a girl I meet that was into me and she disliked me more and more as she noticed I didn't support protests because I never posted anything about it, turns out eventually I posted something related with being chill and not spending time seething (in a friendly way) and she took it personally and blocked me, I wasn't even calling her out kek

>> No.4666608

Hahaha yeah sounds about right. Mine happened when I moved to the bugman city and wasn’t used to this sort of thing, crazy how people accosiate politics with their personalities, it can really get in the way of relationships

>> No.4666637

modern sculpture > modern paintings

>> No.4666896

There is art which speaks to people then there is modern art which people are told it speaks to them, it's just a sham though.
It's the difference between paper currency and precious metals, bills are valuable because of the institution that backs them, once the institution falls the bills become no more valuable than toilet paper, whereas precious metals will always have value.
Just like the art in the OP, once these modern institutions of art pass, no one will ever consider them worth a damn, they'll be useless currency, in the trash bin of history.

>> No.4666919

"A dripping wet canvas covered the entire floor ... There was complete silence ... Pollock looked at the painting. Then, unexpectedly, he picked up can and paint brush and started to move around the canvas. It was as if he suddenly realized the painting was not finished. His movements, slow at first, gradually became faster and more dance like as he flung black, white, and rust colored paint onto the canvas. He completely forgot that Lee and I were there; he did not seem to hear the click of the camera shutter ... My photography session lasted as long as he kept painting, perhaps half an hour. In all that time, Pollock did not stop. How could one keep up this level of activity? Finally, he said 'This is it.'"
- Hans

"Pollock's finest paintings ... reveal that his all-over line does not give rise to positive or negative areas: we are not made to feel that one part of the canvas demands to be read as figure, whether abstract or representational, against another part of the canvas read as ground. There is not inside or outside to Pollock's line or the space through which it moves. ... Pollock has managed to free line not only from its function of representing objects in the world, but also from its task of describing or bounding shapes or figures, whether abstract or representational, on the surface of the canvas."



Okay but really, any 2 year old with a crayon is equally skilled as Pollock. Possibly moreso. If the right gallery displayed a baby's scribbles people would eat that shit up. "The innocence of childhood allows a lack of inhibitions brought on by worldly experience. Unhindered by form, intent, desire, it is the utmost expression of human creativity"

I've seen abstract art that speaks to me, but never being sold for millions of dollars. That shit is a sham.

>> No.4666924
File: 357 KB, 980x622, 54.1408_ph_web-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually scratch that I like this one

>> No.4667297

From experience - they don't want an art guy, they want a chad to fuck them

Play rugby or something

>> No.4667299

What is this shit

>> No.4667349

it's the famous "ashtray with pizza toppings", you uncultured swine

>> No.4667538


It's people in pain, eyes looking out from the gray mass we are slowly sinking into, an accurate depiction on the corruption of mankind and our inevitable destruction by our own hand

..at least that's what I get out of it, almost instantly.

You get nothing else out of this than your contempt? I think that says more about you than anyone else or especially the painting.

Art can invoke deep thoughts and feelings without being picture perfect or skill-honed so long that there is not one line wrong.

Get your heads out of your asses..

>> No.4667542


And I was referring to this painting with the first line.

>> No.4667549

>You get nothing else out of this than your contempt?
No, it's the art that gets my contempt. I get nothing at all from it.

>> No.4667558


Is it hard for you to accept/comprehend that the picture might speak something else to someone else? That it might have value to them, even if it doesnt to you?

Do you perhaps want to own the though of what art means, and you are jealous?

>> No.4667576

>Is it hard for you to accept/comprehend that the picture might speak something else to someone else?
I can comprehend that people might project their own thoughts on the canvas smeared with shit, I am simply saying that the picture by itself says nothing.
You come off as the guy who says there's a pattern if you look at every third letter of the newspaper ads and skip every 4th match, etc. etc. until you get "AREA FIVE ONE", you decided to assign this meaning to it, that doesn't make it real.
I feel like this is a very narcissistic argument that is representative of our sad reality, you want the artist to give you a blank canvas with a random hint so you can project whatever because you want to stroke your own thoughts. The value of art is in personal expression by the artist.
That without considering the cultural costs, e.g. eggs in vagina "artists"
I'm sorry but there is a slippery slope. You can see how this world works.

>> No.4667594
File: 330 KB, 1199x1417, 7BC0AE5C-66FF-4C90-8519-33A6B8EB1694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re literally coming across as Soijak right about now.

>> No.4667603

Do you have that pic int the bottom right in full res or a link to it? It's not on e621

>> No.4667610

Please don't piggyback on my side of the discussion to parasitically claim that porn has artistic value. Fuck off.

>> No.4667612
File: 161 KB, 811x1125, 9B88936A-88EB-4122-985E-DF2A97CFE086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go, senpai.

>> No.4667614

I couldn’t care less about porn nor do I claim it has any artistic value, though the other anon did need to be reminded how obnoxious he was about gatekeeping the concept of “art.”

>> No.4667616

I assume that most of this fellow's art is only on furrafinity, right?

>porn has no artistic value
You made that claim, now back it up.

>> No.4667622

Never actually heard of Kardie before I saw the pic I posted, though I am sure if his/her other works are as good as this then they’re probably in other places too.

>> No.4667636


Ok then try depicting this in your perfect art honed to perfection:

"It's people in pain, eyes looking out from the gray mass we are slowly sinking into, an accurate depiction on the corruption of mankind and our inevitable destruction by our own hand"

See where you end up

COULD it be that some thoughts and ideas, being complicated, might be better off abstracted than painted a picture perfect tree off of?

>> No.4667641


I feel we are talking about two different things, stick-figuring it and polarizing it

I can understand you are butthurt about Pollock getting money out of spray painting, but still I'm not saying its area five one, no newspaper is going to randomly make me go ow wow, yea we are all doomed and sinking into depravity (unless its an article that is basically a work of art)

>> No.4667646

>I can comprehend that people might project their own thoughts on the canvas

and one more thing, it is interactive and good art initiates the though process. I had no prior thought processes today that we are sinking into the gray goo, I at least thought I was in good spirits. At worst, this piece dug that out from my subconscious

>> No.4667647

>Ok then try depicting this
You can't tell me what to represent because my art is mine and it's made for my own statements. I don't have that statement inside of me. All I know is that I would do my best to make that statement the least cryptic I could, which doesn't mean realistic or figurative but human readable.

>> No.4667660

>Never actually heard of Kardie
Same here, hence the question
I'm glad you posted it, though. Judging by what's available on e621 (I don't have a furaffinity account), his or her artworks are pretty neat.

>> No.4667661

Glad I could help, anon. Enjoy!

>> No.4667677

I'm not butthurt that Pollock got money to shit on a canvas, there are countless people making money doing worse. I'm in pain because moral and cultural relativism are annihilating the individuality in human beings

>> No.4667679
File: 226 KB, 751x907, organbin-bedser-60x50cm-2016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh false dichotomy
yes, departing from perfect realism can be powerful. no, that doesn't imply shit on a canvas has any value, you pretentious fuck

>> No.4667683

Are there still people that are unaware of the CIA's involvement in all of this?

>> No.4667695

Everyone knows Pollock was a CIA psyop to commandeer art and culture in the US.

>> No.4667743

>muh false dichotomy
I don't have a dichotomy

>shit on a canvas doesn't have value
It might. Literally or non literal. It's just your definition of what is shit or not

>I'm in pain because moral and cultural relativism are annihilating the individuality in human beings
No one is pulling the strings really. Or there might be this or that people having large influence, but we all die in the end so whats the point.

But one thing you will have to deal with in your life, not me, not anyone else, that art as a concept is a subject to relativism.

Simple proof: IF and SINCE you are trying to define what art is meaningful or not, you proved the point.

>> No.4667749


Oh you :) Rather believing in conspriracy theories than the simple notion that anything that looks good to anyone has value to that person. People are different, sorry, and the whole of humanity does not think or feel like you.

>> No.4667846

There are tens of thousands of different languages in the world, each having its own specific quirks down to the individual's personal choices. That doesn't make a HuffPost article or Twitter garbage literature.
One of the symptoms of our times' intellectual decadence is that words do not have a clear meaning anymore, and people are pushing to remove as much meaning from them as possible. Everything is turning into vague definitions that can be made to accommodate just about anything.
My ideas about art have always been crystal clear, and you can see the elements I pointed out objectively in any piece of artwork. A statement, honesty, conventions, communication, these are things that you can easily find with your own eyes.

>> No.4667860

Subjectivism == satanism. Begone, demon!

>> No.4668294

Forgive us for not feeling the deep emotional resonance of Randomly Coloured Blobs For Money Laundering #235

>> No.4668303

That pic is also trash though

I'm sure on a technical level it has some merit but I don't get the appeal beyond that

>> No.4668409

I'm not one of those "if it's not grounded in realism it's bad" types, but I don't find most of Pollock's work to be interesting. Sure, a novel approach to painting - but a lot of it leaves me empty of any feeling. It's not Picasso, Basquiat, Kandinsky or any other person who produced something divergent yet inimitable and captivating - it feels like an industrial process could be made which churns out ten of thee every hour.

Innovating the approach is not worth much if the final statement doesn't carry an equal weight.

That said I want art to be as open a playing field as possible and for artists to feel completely free in experimenting as they like. I just hope they'll recognize that the expression is ultimately more valuable than the experimentation, and to give up some of the latter when it gains them some of the former.

>> No.4668462

>Forgive us for not feeling the deep emotional resonance of Randomly Coloured Blobs For Money Laundering #235

Maybe #235 has a message, rest dont
Same goes for traditional art, #106745 perhaps has a message

>> No.4668466


I feel we are on the same side, I like you, you can come to my home and f* my sister

Just joking. We are on the same side. Very good points. See you next time

>> No.4668494
File: 850 KB, 3120x1752, Z_statement,honesty,therestofthem200622_033936186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A statement, honesty, conventions, communication, these are things that you can easily find with your own eyes.

From top down:

Communi.. !

>> No.4668495


and I ruined (improved?) a really belowed "piece" for you so fuck you

but thanks

>> No.4668500

*echoed cough*

>> No.4668568

>muh appeal to popular opinions

Really, nigger? Pollock was a hack propped up by the establishment elite and media. Take away those two and his art is no more valuable than a two year old’s wall drawings.

>> No.4668601


By defacing one artist you seek to deface a full army of spray paintist?

And if you succeed, it makes you feel better about your own creation?

>> No.4668617

>expressing one opinion about one guy’s works automatically means you’re attacking an entire group!

Fuck off with that communist groupthink. Just because I have a low regard of Pollock’s works doesn’t mean I denigrate whole genre’s existence.
I take each individual by the work they produce, and Pollock’s works are hardly inspiring.

>> No.4668621


So why did you attack Pollock when my posts didnt have a relation to him?

I'll leave you think about it, its just for yourself.. I dont have a relation and I don't care

>> No.4668651

There’s clearly a misunderstanding here. My statement was Pollock was propped up by the CIA and you come in and say that all art is subjective and try and embarrass me by saying “only you think that! Lel”
Well, to settle once and for all and to avoid any further misunderstanding, in my subjective opinion Pollock’s works are hardly inspiring me can be replicated by a sperg with a few cans of paint and a few cups of black coffee.
The media put more effort and soul put into describing his work than said work can ever produce, but that’s not to say all Pollock-esque work is trash. Maybe 1 out of 1,000 I will like. Maybe.

But then again, that’s just my subjective opinion that I am in no way forcing upon anyone.

>> No.4668653

*are hardly inspiring and can be

Typo, my bad.

>> No.4668753

Go to a gallery on psychedelics. Trust me on this one

>> No.4668773

Great, but having a message doesn't mean its good

Sometimes Blobs Against Racism is still just blobs

>> No.4668805


I think there was a mistake here also.

I don't give a fuck about Pollock, but you seem to have beef with him.

Work it out between you and yourself?

Have a great future!

I'm off


>> No.4668811

And btw I started doing my stuff before I knew who Pollock was and never actually even to this day have seen more than his stuff briefly. I don't represent this fuck and I dont represent anybody

I'm not good and never will be. Happy? Let's move on

>> No.4669160

not that other anon but you sure are a faggot.
learn to defend your positions correctly

>> No.4669382

doode so trippy lmao xD

>> No.4669414

>it looks ok if you're shitfaced!
I don't even know how to answer

>> No.4670371

>not that other anon but you sure are a faggot.
>learn to defend your positions correctly

While the opposing side commits multiple logical fallacies, ignores most of my points, attacks the one he feels like it while re-interpreting them?

And I'm the one who can't defend a point? Jesus, logic is dead.

Since we are learning about defending points: off the top of my head 3 mistakes: ad hominem, straw man, needless generalization (Pollock bad and CIA funded -> all abstract bad).

Dude's only point is/was "Pollock (and anything in the world) makes me mad because people like him/it and he didn't paint like I do"

World doesn't work like you want it to, it works like it does, get over it, you him, both of you

I'm saging this since another needless internet fight isnt what the board needs imo