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File: 463 KB, 887x1500, Robaato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4660658 No.4660658 [Reply] [Original]

Is being in a constant state of depression a sign of making it?

>> No.4660670

no. Mental illnesses are just a fashion statement, and a cheap excuse for when you wanna rob a client off their money without drawing their commission.

>> No.4660685

Only drawing girls is a sign of mental illness

>> No.4660691

Only if you can use your art as escapism

>> No.4660695

Having mental illnesses is the sign that you're not making it, at all.

>> No.4660706


>> No.4660711

This...most whites are captive by (((psychologists))). Everyone is ill

>> No.4660712

I'd say it is a way to connect to your audience. Maybe he is depressed, maybe not. Many people here who draw porn and other stuff acknowledges to be depressed.

>> No.4660718

Art doesn't make much money. You can express yourself through art, but paying customers only want to see what they want to see, and that's usually fetish and popular character art. Long term, it's already depressing from the get-go.

Depression happens in every job field. Artists and musicians are just really emotional. It's good to find a balance, and that takes time especially for new artists. If you're constantly depressed, you might want to reevaluate your career/hobby.

>> No.4660728

Lmao what is it with artists post descriptions being about depression and motivational talk. But then I look up and see the pic is of a girl with her ass or tits out

>> No.4660775

With that shit anatomy, he should be depressed :P

>> No.4660801

How come we keep getting threads about this literal who

>> No.4660807
File: 24 KB, 667x415, 2v3be8kxl0l31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Noticed one mistake
>It's shit.

>> No.4660809

This. The stuff I've heard from clients... It seems like a lot of artists never deliver and then whine how depressed they are. While conveniently dragging the entire thing over the PayPal limits for a charge back (half a year or something)

>> No.4660829

Probably because he's black
Damn is it really that easy to draw girls and make money? I would do the aame but I'm shit.

>> No.4660960

You have the answer right in the next reply
>Wow! Depression! That is relatable!

>> No.4660988
File: 378 KB, 885x1728, Yasahime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yasahime is also a constantly depressed artist.

>> No.4660993

wow this is so me xddd

>> No.4661012
File: 38 KB, 388x369, 1587851174762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2020 social network depression

>> No.4661055

It is

>> No.4661180

I think artists that uses their art social media accounts to vent too much about how depressed they are should be a red flag for people looking to commission a artist

>> No.4661185

>drawing a pretty girl
>makes her an ugly nigger face

>> No.4661207

I'm not depressed right now but I'm a sperg with anxiety, I never share this shit with friends and wouldn't in million years write about it on social media. I don't want to show any weaknesses and hurt my chances to get clients. Artists who vent publicly are either drama queens or bitchy. Even if I was depressed I'd finish any commission I've taken or pay back.

>> No.4661211

What is it about coomers that make them act like high school girls? Nickleflick straight up abandoned his account like a bitch.

>> No.4661215

more like
>"hah what kind of edgy shit should I write today as to accompany this beg drawing"

>> No.4661218

It's the sign of being an attention seeking retard. The problem with artists is they tend to be left leaning retards.

>> No.4661223
File: 43 KB, 334x500, 1592495105014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4661236


>> No.4661243

Any artist who uses mental illness as an excuse is not an artist worth giving attention too. There are artist with more mental illness than any whiner and "depressed" loser and yet are a hundred times more successful. Every attention whore using "depression" or otherwise as a crutch is nothing but a shitter.

>> No.4661490
File: 254 KB, 779x635, 1589664784105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, and here i am being depressed for free

>> No.4661727

Please don't take this the wrong way, but it sounds like projection. Hear me out, if you took the time to accept other people's struggles and stopped detesting expressions of emotion maybe you might be able to accept your own?

4chan is terrible for mental health. Everyone in here hides behind the idea of being based or edgy, but they're mostly insecure. Just look at everyone in this thread lol.

>> No.4661895

>people lying on the internet for attention

Nope, has never ever happened before.

>> No.4661920


being weak isnt cool

>> No.4661928

>Art doesn't make much money.
this loser mentality is the reason why artists dont make money, that and artists are shit at business

>but paying customers only want to see what they want to see, and that's usually fetish and popular character art. Long term, it's already depressing from the get-go.
after certain point of an artists career they need to get off of the "create new art to make money" way of generating income.

Artists need to start focusing on passive income through merchandise, licencing and royalties; publish a how to draw book or something.

>> No.4662054

Anon you expect too much from people who only know what’s sitting in front of them, not the possibilities and potentials beyond Step 1, much less Step 2, 3, 4, etc.

>> No.4662085
File: 17 KB, 480x480, 1471469453034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan is the only place I get to talk to people, so you could say its saving my sanity

>> No.4662216

Fuck, i accidentally deleted what I wrote.
In short, yes telling others about what you're going through requires certain courage and amount of not giving a fuck, but it's a bad move career wise. I don't hate expression of emotion, I hate emotional exhibitionism and mixing of personal and business life. I don't need customers to know anything about me.
Is it good?

>> No.4662224

try drawpile, its easy to meet people and you can have fun drawing too

>> No.4662930

t. weeb who forgot that humans have lips and noses

>> No.4662968
File: 72 KB, 1338x573, rules.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>half of the canvas is occupied by long ass wall of text with retarded rules
>mentally ill jannies
>faggots write (not type in chat, but fucking write on canvas) more than draw
>70% of drawings are furries and undertale
>the rest are shitty anime/tumblr OCs
>everyone loses their shit if you draw a couple pixels too close to them
>nobody ever collaborates or takes turns reiterating same drawing, everyone is just sitting in their corner
>even if you draw on another layer on top of someone's art they go apeshit
>even making your drawing somehow interact with their drawing from a distance causes a mental breakdown
>retards constantly erase their art to draw another picture despite 49% (50% is occupied by rules) of 50000x50000 pixels canvas still being empty
>have fun
Collaborating with my friend in private room to work together on same piece was amazing though.

>> No.4662996
File: 48 KB, 768x1041, C5DFAB9A-1658-4B3C-902D-E7542D6F75DA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone here know an artist who calls herself DestinyBlue?

I once tabled next to her at a convention’s artist alley. Apparently she has a big following since the early DeviantArt days as she has hundreds of thousands of followers and had a ton of fans flocking to her table every day of the con.

I had seen her artwork before on DeviantArt and other various parts of the internet, but I only looked into her after the convention we tabled at. I found out she battles from serious depression and has even attempted suicide a number of times, even a year ago. It’s surprising because when I met her she seemed super happy and bubbly.

After looking through her gallery, I realized most of her pieces are based on the struggles of mental illness. I dunno if she uses that to profit off fans, but I guess the reason she’s so popular is because her art is “inspirational” for those struggling with depression or other mental illnesses. People who do art like that are considered stunning and brave.

At least her popularity has helped her pay off her hospital bills.

>> No.4663010


>> No.4663021

Where did I give off any impression that I’m a simp? I didn’t say I liked her or hated her.

>> No.4663028

Doesn't she post selfies at the hospital too? I dunno but that's a bit too much.

>> No.4663030
File: 42 KB, 540x472, 1591968361620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Super popular and established artist with steady income doing its passion for a living
>Oh no I'm le sad
>Get bombarded with support, affection, validation and money
>Meanwhile I have to juggle an extremely demanding dayjob while also trying to improve art
>Non stop frustration as I'm unable to get better despite trying my best while my day job drains my soul
>When trying to get advice I only get insulted or down right contradictory advice
>Constant feelings of dread and sadness as all my hard work in art and life seems to be for nothing
>In the end no one cares because I'm an unknown shitty artist
>Only thing left for me is to weather through it and attempt to blindly improve in a vacuum all while dealing with all the frustration, sadness of being unable to attain any gains on my passion on top of having to live an empty life just to keep myself afloat
Those retards really don't know how good they have it

>> No.4663046

Yeah. I guess her intention was to spread mental illness awareness and fight the stigma but it comes off as seeking attention and sympathy. I’m sure her condition is a very real thing, but I personally would feel weird telling the world about a medical condition.

I have relatives and friends that post on facebook about them either battling cancer, going for dialysis, or having coronavirus. I personally feel this shit should be kept private, but maybe that’s just me.

>> No.4663050

People who act bubbly and social have no right to call themselves depressed
>noooo but im actually really sad inside you see
fuck off.

>> No.4663051

Depressed people often over-compensate. I have had people describe to me how they want to end it all with a big beamy smile on their face.

Why would an artist being clinically depressed doing art about depression be cynical ? She is depressed, her depression inspired pieces connect with people.

>> No.4663052

I do get annoyed with artists who do this, because it seems as if they do it for validation. Especially, because stating that will illicit that kind of response. Yet as someone who has a hard time working through my bouts of depression and anxiety I don't mind talking about it, but I don't want to use it as some weird marketing scheme.

>> No.4663143

By paying attention to her bullshit and even considering a possibility of her "mental illness" being something serious rather than just a marketing trick you already fell into her trap. Also,
>has even attempted suicide a number of times
Lmao. Scratching your wrists across the veins and taking double dose of sleep pills with only nausea listed in side effects isn't a suicide attempt.

>> No.4663208
File: 27 KB, 366x401, 1592517289584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably meme-depression
And obviously, who in the living fuck would openly talk about depression and their suicide attempts besides normies who want sympathy
>hurr durr im so speshul cuz i got the depress
Depression doesn't make you do shit.
It doesn't make you enjoy anything.
It doesn't make you create shit.
I should go around claiming i want to kill myself whenever i post my work.
Maybe it's the perfect marketing strategy.
Who's going to question me? Normies? haha fuck no
donate to my fucking patreon, paypig
i hav mental illness

>> No.4663453

I wasn’t intentional paying attention to her bullshit. I was a fellow artist selling at a table next to her so I socialized and networked. It wasn’t until after the convention was over and after looking her up on instagram/twitter I found out about her mental illness issues. I had no idea she was mentally ill when I met her at the con or what her artwork was about.

Also I thought a “simp” referred to a man who acts submissive to a woman, desperate for their attention and sex. I’m a straight female so that wouldn’t refer to me.

>> No.4663464

I'm not a weeb, but i don't think chimps are sexy either.

>> No.4663467

As someone who is not suicidal, I have no idea what people do to actually attempt suicide. All I know is that DestinyBlue was in a Suicide Respite House, which means some attempt or thoughts of attempt must have been made.

>> No.4663510

Is “simp” the new “stan”?

>> No.4663602

No simp is the new incel but a total opposite but you can also use both on the same person

>> No.4663613
File: 28 KB, 480x465, 1541171620296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I’m a straight female
Sit on my face then.

>> No.4664620

This is the same as a pretty girl saying that shes ugly

>> No.4665883
File: 240 KB, 1149x835, 123213346547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow that is relatable dude depression lmao

>> No.4665896

coomers don't have feelings, he's saying that because he read somewhere that it's relatable

>> No.4665901

>she battles from serious depression and has even attempted suicide a number of times
How do you survive a gunshot to the head or jumping in front of a train or off a building? if you botch an exit bag you're still a vegetable. Oh wait

>> No.4665957

What an insufferable faggot, and the worst part is that he's actually pretty good.

>> No.4665986

No, vocalizing it is being whiny and wanting even more attention and sympathy.
And some I honestly think are saying those type of things because they know it's popular with the plebs.

>> No.4666000

seems to be the case. either that or the rate of mortal illnesses and serious mental breakdowns among conent creators is freakishly high

>> No.4666036


>> No.4666046

Probably took a bunch of pills, panicked and called 911 before they took effect.