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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 19 KB, 480x270, tumblr_mapp175YyS1rgss01o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4649375 No.4649375 [Reply] [Original]

Post your questions that don't deserve their own thread here.

>> No.4649444

what age should I start learning to draw?

>> No.4649460
File: 11 KB, 224x225, checked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't know but nice trips

>> No.4649494

How do I get gud at lineart.
My sketches feel like it has more soul to it then it's always ruined by lineart

>> No.4649866

Should I practice on my drawing tablet or traditionally? I'm shit using my tablet (not that I'm good otherwise) but I only have regular pencils and pens no fancy charcoal or felt tips.

>> No.4649875

Any good tutorials on digital coloring and shading? I'm fucking hating the multiply layer and blending method, I want something more.

>> No.4649979

It's a much harder start to learn art on tablet but can help in the long run. Honestly I feel like it depends on whether you're tablet has a screen or not.

>> No.4650014

Practice on your tablet if you want to. Don't do it if you don't want to. It's as simple as that.

>Honestly I feel like it depends on whether you're tablet has a screen or not.
No, it really doesn't. That's simply personal preference

>> No.4650017

Learn your values first, get really good at those. Then you can just do some color studies and try to figure out color. James gurney color and light or some good shit on color theory would be helpful then

>> No.4650087

Yes it does. Learning how to use a variety of software and applications when new to drawing is already taxing enough, then adding the visual disconnect from a screenless tablet is generally overwhelming, especially for anyone who starts out. A screened tablet is subjectively a better option.

>> No.4650101

It takes about one or two weeks to get over the disconnect. Some people prefer not having their hand in the way of what they're drawing. Also, screen tablets are expensive so beginners are likely to go with cheap models which have a WHOLE LOT of problems ranging from poor contrast ratio to bad colors and calibration and janky pen tech that doesn't work the way it should. This shit can make it much more difficult to learn than a screenless tablet.

Don't just mindlessly shill screen tablets because you think they make your art better.

>> No.4650147

Anything cheap is going to suck, a midrange screened tablet won't have those problems and isn't going to break the bank. Small tablets have their own problems withthe drawing pad being too small or the line control not working the way it should.
>Don't just mindlessly shill screen tablets because you think they make your art better.
The argument was about whether it's easier to use a screened tablet for a beginner, which it is. Next time read the post before adding words that were never said.

>> No.4650259

What is a solid free art program to use? Are there tutorials for learning how to use layers and shit?

>> No.4650402

Krita is really good for something that's free. Paint tool sai is I think only $40? Look up layer use on youtube for those programs, it's pretty straight forward.

>> No.4650611

Am I supposed to do the exercises in Perspective Made Easy?

>> No.4650618


>> No.4650622

learn to draw those cylinders dude. ellipses are a pain in the ass but they're very valuable.
cubes, spheres, and cylinders are your basics for good reason

>> No.4650632


>> No.4650756
File: 36 KB, 497x698, F4280BCA-BD80-48B2-BE74-2A00E7B5B529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im retarded, what kinda brush in clip studio looks similar to this one?

>> No.4650763

wut. its literally just hard brush and soft brush.

>> No.4650764

Are you talking about the outlines or the coloring?

>> No.4650766

why do you want to skip it, legs are basically cylinders. you can always do tapering cylinders or modified shapes tho, doesnt have to be mannequin cylinders.

>> No.4650767

looks like one brush with pressure based softness

>> No.4650769

trips say age 4

>> No.4650771
File: 421 KB, 1388x1888, 5cvj40nJ3ls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where to find regular (artsy?) photographs with a specific subject? Google usually gives store and stock photos shit, pinterest too. They usually aren't tagged in any way, so I can only stumble across them by chance, but it would be nice to find something when I need to.

>> No.4650774

yea i never had good experience with using pressure for anything other than opacity or stroke size, but if you really want to cant you just make it yourself, not too fond of clip studio but im guessing theres an equivalent to simply choosing softness based on pressure.

>> No.4650776

>The argument was about whether it's easier to use a screened tablet for a beginner, which it is.
Not always man. I've known many an artist that hated that shit starting out and stuck to learning on a screenless. Just because you have a certain experience with it starting out doesn't mean everyone else will have the same experience or preferences.

>> No.4650779

Autodesk sketchbook, medibang paint, krita.

>> No.4650783

It's going to be easier to just take reference photos yourself. I always just dig around in Pinterest for shit until I find something nice and save it for later

>> No.4650795
File: 26 KB, 960x539, 1580801803689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a way to filter out posts without media from certain people on twitter feed? I don't care if i have to install browser extension or another program to achieve that, i just don't want to read 50 posts every day from female and japanese artists, but i want to see when they post their art

>> No.4650951

>thread talking about Sakimi getting cancelled is not /ic/
get fucked, mods. this is relevant for any artist who has a social media presence.

>> No.4651322

what is Dynamic Sketching? Is it the pdf in the art book thread, or is there a secret video course no one is telling me about?

>> No.4651343

check the video course thread, it's in the list there

>> No.4651386

Unfollow them

>> No.4651520

any good photobashing tutorials in clip studio or is it one of those things where the program doesn't matter. i wanna learn dem digital drawing shortcuts

>> No.4651685

ipad pro 12.9 or go the extra mile for a cintiq pro 24

>> No.4651696
File: 101 KB, 640x427, tumblr_inline_p7o7fr1IDB1rrxdc5_640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gesture drawing, what do I need to now.

>> No.4651698


>> No.4651772

How do I create a blog?

>> No.4651929

Because i hate drawing cylinders. I love using cylinder-like shapes for torsos but for arms and legs i freaking hate them.

Alright man i'll keep trying. Making them look like arms and legs is the most hard part. I'll try boxes aswell.

>> No.4651960

how do i get past contour drawing when using pen only?

>> No.4652030

One, it's not THAT crucial. Learn it, understand what it's for, don't obsess over it, or "grind" it.
Two, keep it simple. You're not going for accuracy or detail, the idea is to capture the movement, the energy, the flow of the figure, in a way that the viewer can tell what the figure is doing at a glance.
Three, draw the whole body.
Four, working from live models in short duration poses is always the best way to learn gesture.
Five, it's never about finished drawings. It's to learn. You build on it, to use as an anchor when trying to lay out a composition or form, to make a figure more interesting to look at, and to build narrative.

>> No.4652086

Fair enough

>> No.4652259
File: 3.17 MB, 1242x2208, 1562862386010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you polish a turd in a traditional drawing?
I have three hours to sketch something up and make it look pretty enough. Hlep pleaseeeee

>> No.4652286

You using pencils? JD Hillberry Drawing Realistic Textures In Pencil. Good luck absorbing enough from that to polish a turd in 3 hours though

>> No.4652700

What's the cheapest tablet with a screen?

>> No.4652701

If you want the absolute cheapest tablet with a screen just google it.

You want the cheapest screen tablet that's worth it? Xp pen 15.6 pro. Don't go any smaller.

>> No.4652702
File: 78 KB, 607x494, 1578112697007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will listening to music, ambient noise, or podcasts interfere with my art gains when I'm studying or doing exercises?

>> No.4652717
File: 587 KB, 1642x1204, Screen Shot 2020-06-14 at 21.09.57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you want it to be your main career? Before age 27 then, because companies are wary of hiring older newbies unless your skills are among the top.

Just want to be good at drawing, maybe do a commission here and there? Any age will do. When the parkinsons sets in, you can just switch to fine arts.

>> No.4652721

Music with lyrics distracts me but instrumental music and podcasts are pretty good. They don't fuck with my gains so I don't see how it would be bad.

>> No.4652744


>> No.4652845

what do I need to read to start drawing anime girls?

>> No.4652881

Are there any good fat drawfags?

>> No.4652959

>good fat drawfags?
What does that mean? Fat like Dobson?

>> No.4653112

Join the other 500 Twitter threads coomer

>> No.4653205

Get a Tumblr or a wix website and make something that's comfy to view images in. And then... There you go, art blog. I guess you could also use blogger or whatever to make something if you like to write a lot.

>> No.4653738

why did the old masters never draw things with extreme angles/perspective? was it considered unappealing or did someone gave it a try?

>> No.4653764

Is it better to study composition or enviroment sketching (first)?

>> No.4653781

is there a difference between studying the construction of an object and copying its forms? I just studied vilppu and it feels like I'm only doing the latter.

>> No.4653790

Well, compositions a more universal skill, so... (it shouldn't matter too much either way)

>> No.4653890
File: 385 KB, 1200x1182, 1200px-Hans_Holbein_the_Younger_-_The_Ambassadors_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4653932

funny enough perspective as a concept is really new. The just drew what they saw

>> No.4653943

Composition. It's a great tool for doing landscapes.

>> No.4654030

thank you

>> No.4654075

weak pretext, agenda pusher.

>> No.4654118

thanks for answering, I'll go with that, do you guys recommend any specific resources? I'm thinking of going through Nathan fowkes Pictural composition or Composition for Visual Artists at NMA

not really what I had in mind but this was interesting, and strange

that makes sense. i just found it strange that in most fine art paintings you rarely see the figure from too high above or below

>> No.4654489

Please answer this question >>4654362

>> No.4654735

Should I get a cover for my wacom tablet? Yes. What kind of cover should I get for it? I don't want it to end up all dirty and greasy

>> No.4654746

Copying forms is good. Copying lines, angles, negative space... that's not enough. Keep running lines over forms and drawing through forms like they're glass, and you're good.

>> No.4654762

this. i sketch out something and it looks great and as soon as i start doing the line art it looks like garbage

>> No.4654783

How do I know when I'm actually understanding the structure of a face instead of just copying it? I copied a portrait starting with the Loomis base thing, defined a bit the distance between each feature and worked my way up. Is that enough?

>> No.4654784

I know what values are but how do you actually "learn" them and "get good" at it? Making value scales?

>> No.4654823

You're supposed to do these types of exercises everyday to improve your muscle memory. Once you've done the required number of pages, do the exercises every day but don't spend more than 30-45 mins on it or you'll burn out fast. Trust me, my circles and ellipses have started to improve after a week of doing this. I remembered I only did this once at some point before, and tried doing them again after a few months but felt like my gainz were lost. So make sure to keep up with it or else you'll have to retrain your brain again.

>> No.4654871

You really don't need any of that tho. Regular pencils will do

>> No.4654898

I don't use clip studio, but there are some good stuff for PS and it's really more about the idea than the tool. Most softwares have pretty much the same options just under different menus/names
Jordan Grimmer has some good stuff on YT on the topic

Here's a really good step by step one. Again, PS, but he explains a lot of the concept while working. If you're a total beg you might enjoy it

Another one I really liked, it's just a process video without explanations but I think it still gives off a pretty good idea:

I think there's painfully little about this online because the industry likes to frown upon people using the tech. Would advise you to try searching for concept art, as bashing is basically only considered legitime in concept art

>> No.4654946

fast lines gives less jaggedness. Don't be afraid to overshoot it either in digital art cause you can erase the overshoot and taper.

a lot of good line art ends up being muscle memory. There's the zebra excercise that focuses on your ability to apply pressure in the right places.

>> No.4654949
File: 200 KB, 1177x793, 1497976620714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is an extremely common problem. The issue is often that your sketches feel more dynamic because you are drawing more loosely. Lineart tends to stiffen things up. One solution to this problem is sketching with even more exaggerated gesture, so that when things inevitably stiffen up it will feel more like your original vision. Another solution is drawing your lineart more dynamically. Try to draw in as few strokes as possible, using broad sweeping motions to draw curves. Draw with your shoulder and elbow, not your wrist.

Another problem you may have is that you are not very proficient at employing different line weights. See pic for an example of how putting thought into line weight can improve your art.

>> No.4654967

So I got a problem. I've gotten good enough that I want to start posting my art somewhere online. I don't really want to start doing commissions but it might be something I want to explore in the future. At this point I'm just a hobbyist.

The problem is that I like to draw fetish art. Not super crazy, but not exactly vanilla either (bdsm stuff). I am studying to enter a very normie field of work with lots of public relations (i.e. working with patients). I'm worried that if my identity was revealed it could affect my job prospects. Is this a reasonable concern? Am I better off not posting my stuff anywhere? Feeling very conflicted.

>> No.4655240

Post under a pseudonym. Don't give away your identity. Have fun!

>> No.4655433

Ok thanks. I don't burn out from doing simple exercises, the worse is trying to do anything without having a clear road.

>> No.4655437

First world problems.

>> No.4655461

thanks. the first vid used sketchfab 3d models. i love sketchfab never though of that

>> No.4655606

Not sure solely from your description but probably not. A good thing to do to learn construction of heads is the Riley method and drawing asaro heads.

>> No.4655746
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Is this list reliable? I don't care if it's fast or not I just want to know if you would recommend the books or if there is a better list for beginners

>> No.4655759
File: 76 KB, 254x199, YON.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do i need to learn anatomy if i just want to draw amputee shota and loli art

>> No.4655771

try it, i don't see any problems, other than theres no issue in reading the ones with a cross as well.

>> No.4655776

Robertson is exactly what I would recommend to someone I want to give up quickly. Unless they're very far on the aspie spectrum.

>> No.4655789

Yep. It's a good list.

Yes now go away.

Nah I'd recommend it to beginners. It's hard work but that's just perspective. He explains everything very well.

>> No.4655792

ok but why, they dont have any arms just a torso and head so anatomy seems unnecessary, if i am not drawing hands, legs, arms, feet, knees, elbows and all that other shit....

i dont want to draw anything but daruma children suffering and if I can draw a cute face with a body it sounds good for me and that learning anything else seems dumb

>> No.4655811

At least learn up to the elbows and knees so you can understand the joints and bones. If they've got nubs that means they've got a joint and some bone with some muscle left in there and you should learn what those are and where they connect.

I'm trying to help you, sicko, but you're making this difficult.

>> No.4655814

okay im sorry dad I will listen to you then, I like them when there is nothing there but I will take your advice

>> No.4655822

The reason I mention it is because say the arms right? Your pectoral muscle and some back muscles come out and attach to the arm. What's going to happen to those muscles if the bone is completely gone? You'd probably just draw it as if it's attached to a non-existent bone if you didn't study that stuff. At least give it a look before you study amputees and try to figure out their anatomy man.

>> No.4655838

What are the best reddits to get commissions? Any guide please?

>> No.4655840

Only one I know of is closed due to BLM bullshit. Why look on there for commissions though?

>> No.4655847

Idk I heard it's easy to get commissions there. Any other recommendations?

>> No.4656075


>> No.4656196

Make your sketch loose
Make your lineart the focus. That's where you should put all your effort into cleaning up and adding detail. if you put too much work into the sketch then the sketch becomes the soul of the drawing. Avoid this by putting the work and soul 80% into your lineart at the least, compared to 20% for your sketch.

>> No.4656199

>if there is a better list for beginners
Keys to drawing, Huston/Vilppu figure drawing, dynamic sketching, morpho simplified forms, iten's light and form

>> No.4656201

What am I even supposed to do once I reach the point where I'm a good enough artist to realize I'm absolutely garbage and I can't draw anything I want

>> No.4656403

find a comfy niche like BBW furry porn, open a patreon, and give up on improving

>> No.4656526

Just draw. Draw things that are fun and comfy. If you finish something up and notice that you made a mistake, do some studies to bridge that skill gap. Then just keep cycling through fun and studies until you're not shit.

>> No.4656720

can you still get carpal tunnel if you draw from the shoulder?

>> No.4656744
File: 129 KB, 640x640, mio-8-1683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do art teachers emphasize life drawing so much when learning to draw? What's so special about it?

>> No.4656777

If you grab the pencil too tight, yep.

>> No.4656868

Does anybody know if Marc Brunet's "Art School" course is worth it?

>> No.4657252
File: 82 KB, 800x800, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this image give you a certain feeling? Pic related (my art) was close to my style a handful of years ago. I tried drawing characters as well but to no avail. I think the amount of details I thought I needed to draw a character put me off. Present day, I found myself going into figure drawing and perspective in the hopes of improving my skills but nothing has really vibed with me.
I just find myself bombarded with too many details with figures. I'm too much of a perfectionist with them and I'm finding it difficult to really comprehend what I'm drawing. What should I do? Switch to backgrounds instead of figures? I've been trying to figure out what my problem is and I think I need a little outsider help :(

>> No.4657265

I'm drawing a manga but it's in English, should I make the panels go left to right or right to left?

>> No.4657268

If it's for shonen jump competition do right to left.

Otherwise do whatever you want.

>> No.4657269

It gives biggest gains.

>> No.4657450

Any good art programs that I can obtain for free?

>> No.4657488

Whatever age you were 10 years ago. If that's not an option, whatever age you are now.

>> No.4657506

>It takes about one or two weeks to get over the disconnect.

Why are you on the internet telling lies, anon?

>> No.4657513

It's not. Start with hard brush and airbrush out edges you want to soften.

>> No.4657711

reilly or loomis method for beginner? also does reilly work with every artstyle because ive seen it mostly used for realistic faces

>> No.4657738

I've been using tablets for a long time and have talked to a lot of others just starting out with them about this. If you draw with it every day for a week or two you will get over it.

Is there something wrong with your brain?

>> No.4657741

Loomis for beginner. Reily method requires some knowledge of skulls and muscles first to get it right.

I think you could use the reikl method for other styles but you'd have to understand how you're warping the guidelines

>> No.4657856

anyone have a good tutorial for drawing stairs in 2 point perceptive?

>> No.4657863
File: 83 KB, 400x1050, 1592271669192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who drew this?

>> No.4658113

Whats the deal in figure drawing where the artist shade according to if the form is going away from you(as if you're the light source) and not according to the lighting that looks odd to me

>> No.4658467

this is the equivalent of "anyone have a tutorial on how to get believable lighting on a cucumber?"
leran to construct simple forms in perspective, figure out proportions for stairs, construct stairs

>> No.4658472

What are you talking about? Show a pic of it? I've never seen anyone do this, I've always seen them go along with the light source.

>> No.4658475

That's lolibro
He's an /ic/ artist from the pre 2015 era.

>> No.4658550
File: 733 KB, 1156x1390, 20200617_123057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to practice the Loomis stuff, and I'm having a pretty hard time with the ball plane bit. It's hard to see myself using this technique, since I've been drawing for years but just now started Loomis, and I'm having trouble making the lines right, and I had to copy all the distinct little facial features from the book, so how will I know where to put distinct features in other faces? Here's something I've done with it most recently, I guess am I on the right track?

>> No.4658593
File: 867 KB, 1399x1390, 20200617_134314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another one I did from a more interesting angle with the same method.

>> No.4658632

I don't miss that fucking autist one bit. Good riddance.

>> No.4658638

mouth-nose distance too big I think.

>> No.4658687

I see pokemon legendary, but if I disregard that It has pretty good balance and my eye moves around the piece nicely so that's great. I might suggest filling in the red circle since the black shape above pulls your eye a lot.

If you don't like getting into gritty details that's fine, there isn't one way to do art. Only going off this piece it seems you like strong graphic shapes so I'd just lean into graphic design. You might vibe with minimalist book covers, music posters and advertisement. Maybe pick up some typography. Backgrounds depending on the place can be the same as drawing a figure in that there can be an abundance of information to put down. I do think you might find landscapes easier to simply into strong shapes and you can use gradients/opacity to indicate where things are in space.

>> No.4658688

What happened to him?

>> No.4658905
File: 92 KB, 385x346, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do i practice gesture sketching? Posemaniacs is giving me extremely complicated poses and couple seconds in i already have no idea what is going on on the screen

>> No.4659123

Manga Materials does a good job at addressing this

>> No.4659208
File: 194 KB, 640x480, 1411161200904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it worth learning perspective without a ruler?

>> No.4659209

what exactly does Vilppu mean when he says "fitting into the form"? he kept repeating it but all I see is him "going over the surface"

>> No.4659212


>> No.4659226

Thank you anon. I've noticed that colors in artwork appeal to me the most, which is what my style centers around. I'll look into what you suggested.

>> No.4659266

Anyone here have a good suggestion for a drawing glove for big hands? I got a huion one because my hand drags on the tablet without it, and it works great, but it's a bit too small.

>> No.4659271

Did he only post here?

>> No.4659279

You sure seem to miss me, given that you freak out every time I'm mentioned.

I just don't post much.

>> No.4659313
File: 146 KB, 1415x1149, ba91f52335ac89e66f3ac38c308be6edbfd994d911597abb5a46e829e9d0a907.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very dumb question but how many days/weeks/months of practice should it take me to be able to freehand a roughly accurate circle every time? I'm impatient as shit and have been grinding circles for 4 days (I even made print-outs) and while I don't plan to give up I just need a rough timeline of lopsided ovals to okayish "circles"

>> No.4659334

You will need to tell us anon. I've never spent time grinding circles, and my line control just got better as I drew more. I also don't recommend just grinding circles for the foreseeable future. Start drawing!

>> No.4659335

If this isn't a shitpost,
I personally prefer the square method myself, but besides that a steady hand will bring you far. Drawing from the shoulder or elbow could also help if you're using your wrist. Repetition and smoothly redrawing over your good circles is key.

>> No.4659342

My wrist gets a warm fuzzy sore feeling when I draw a lot. Is that a sign that I'm about to get wrist damage? It doesn't hurt, but it doesn't feel normal

>> No.4659356

I was only grinding circles because I wanted to start practicing heads and the proko video I watched said you need to be able to draw a decent circle. I'm kinda spooked about drawing that isn't grind because I actually have zero fucking clue what I can/should be drawing when I can barely do boxes, ovals, and cylinders. Grinding never felt bad either so I don't mind
I have a weird aversion to using tools but I guess I'll get used to using them till I need them less. And yeah I already draw from the shoulder and had made circle guide print-outs so I could measure my accuracy and practice with some kind of direction

>> No.4659359

>I'm kinda spooked about drawing that isn't grind because I actually have zero fucking clue what I can/should be drawing when I can barely do boxes, ovals, and cylinders. Grinding never felt bad either so I don't mind
What the fuck this is literally me.

>> No.4659366

Theres probably a bunch of people like us on the board. Thinking about it though its probably not the best mentality to have

>> No.4659396

All drawing is grind. If you want to learn to draw heads, pull up references of heads and draw draw draw. Goes for anything and everything you'll ever want to draw. Drawing is learned through repetitive practice.

For circles, just make sure the vertical and horizontal axis are roughly the same. that's as good of a circle as you'll ever need to draw. Just scratch it in slowly.

>> No.4659423

I've been drawing circles to warm up for the past 2 years and I think I'm pretty good at it. Never really went out of my way to practice them or anything, just in between.

>> No.4659494
File: 216 KB, 1280x1082, photo_2020-06-17_22-52-45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What brush settings do I use in photoshop to get that kinda scratchy pencil look a lot of people use for their lineart? pic related is an example

>> No.4659767

I studied too much without actually making my own stuff, now I have some of the fundies down but I have no idea what to draw. how do I fix this?

>> No.4659818

>Are you leveling up son?

>> No.4659883
File: 102 KB, 2000x2000, 6427684d759adcac57e4813fe470c88262fd33540e259dcab2aa5e69311e66fe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I know the difference between good and bad reference?

>> No.4659916
File: 258 KB, 845x546, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dind't find it helpful one bit, her drawings look as shitty as mine

>> No.4659934
File: 90 KB, 929x1024, 1585605508377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somebody please spoonfeed me good free drawing programs. I recently lost my old laptop with my dearly-beloved Photoshop Elements 5 installed.

>> No.4660059
File: 996 KB, 1920x1080, 1442098331871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how would you go about creating this kind of form-following texture, fellow mimm/ic/s?

>> No.4660172


>> No.4660178

Hire an engraver.

>> No.4660182

Your example looks like it uses a brsh with an oval shape that has a constant angle but randomizes size. You can also randomize the angle.

>> No.4660211
File: 507 KB, 3000x4500, Anthony001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All reference is good reference, BUT it helps if you can see the form of the object in the reference. Especially if you want to be able to see its surface planes, curvature, and all the subtle secondary and tertiary forms. This can only happen when its well-lit.

It's kinda hard to tell at first what kind of pictures are well lit or not when you're first starting out, even now its still hard, but pic related is pretty good. By and large, photos will never show as much form as real life models, no matter how well lit. But again, you can learn to draw from any ref. All ref is good ref.

>> No.4660233

>how do I write book
>hire writer
wow, thanks

>> No.4660247

Zoom in really really close and draw long, clean as fuck lines. Use your fucking eyes anon, there's no secret.

>> No.4660250

lmao, there is no way in hell that was the process. what's next, "if you really want it to look good use only a hard round without pressure"?

>> No.4660256
File: 134 KB, 449x358, shocked tails.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's literally just advanced hatching. It emulates an engraving style, which is literally LITERALLY just advanced hatching. They just hatch but with finer/thicker lines for varied value instead of crosshatching (but do still crosshatch). The image is right the fuck in front of you. You can SEE the lines.

>> No.4660257
File: 375 KB, 2100x1200, improve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on where do you live.

>> No.4660263

/ic/ brain drain is real

>> No.4660414

Why artists' handwritings are usually bad even though they're skilful in drawing?

>> No.4660420

should you aim for 100% precision when you draw from observation or can you be loose?

>> No.4660427

Any other ways I can practice/learn proper line weight? Did a delivery on a drawthread and was told that aspect needs improving.

>> No.4660431

If you're asking this question you're at a point when you need to try to be as precise as possible. But again, don't spend too much time fixing minor inaccuracies, your goal is to produce a drawing. Don't measure either, rely on your perception. Unless you feel like something is clearly off but can't figure out what, then you can measure, but it should be a last resort thing.

>> No.4660433

>Anonymous 06/18/20(Thu)15:16:26 No.4660431▶
>>>4660420 (You)
>If you're asking this question you're at a point when you need to try to be as precise as possible. But again, don't spend too much time fixing minor inaccuracies, your goal is to produce a drawing. Don't measure either, rely on your perception. Unless you feel like something is clearly off but can't figure out what, then you can measure, but it should be a last resort thing.
exactly what I needed to hear, thank you

>> No.4660436

wtf what the fuck happened

>> No.4660443

peak "no rules just tools"

>> No.4661104

I'm curious. Why do you still browse this place? Don't you think it really dropped in quality? I don't think there's anything you can get out of /ic/, especially when you're only lurking.

>> No.4661111
File: 621 KB, 1586x1526, IMG_6673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi so ive just started drawing on wacom 13hd cintiq and have an old macbook pro.

what would be a good recommended free/low cost drawing app?my style is relatively straightforward black and white work.

pic related.

>> No.4661327

What should I draw to improve faster? I've been drawing like normal, 3-5 hours a day, but my improvements slowed down to a halt.

>> No.4661366
File: 135 KB, 500x522, 1590788156675.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be human xerox machine
>find ic, learn people actually draw things that haven't been drawn, using references to create something new and sometimes drawing from imagination
>start learning figure drawing
>get kinda good at it
>never get the desire to use this skill to draw something other than the figure itself or try drawing from imagination
>don't even try stylizing them
>do this for months
>still no desire to do something else
is this normal?

>> No.4661371

The fundamentals.

>> No.4661384

I was like this for like 4 years. Proko even longer. Most academics are like this. You have to break out of it willfully, or you'll be stuck in study hell for the rest of your life.

>> No.4661393

better list

>> No.4661429

I got a copy of Scott Robertson's How to Draw for my birthday after mentioning I'd like to learn how to draw. This was before I found /ic/ or read the sticky. I'm an absolute beginner, is it a good book to start with? Or should I find and do Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain and Loomis first?

>> No.4661458

I've heard it's hard for absolute beginners but haven't read it myself because I'm not too interest in drawing machines or enviroments with extreme accuracy right now, but give it a try, I've also heard the first chapters cover basic perspective, which you will find useful when learning construction and maybe even to f e e l t h e f o r m.

>> No.4661462

btw if you find it too hard to follow I suggest reading Dodson's Keys to Drawing instead of Drawing on the right side of the brain

>> No.4661470

Thanks brah, I'll bear that in mind.

>> No.4661489

make sure you use alternative emails, passwords, usernames, etc. for everything. Never ever give even your first name away, if you're into fetishes your more likely to see stqlers who will collect and use that information. Also, try and use a VPN, if you can. have fun.

>> No.4661499

Any free VPN worth it?

>> No.4661532

Generally, free vpns are pretty bad. ProtonVPN is probably the best one, but I think it's had it's fair share of controversies. If your not super paranoid about privacy though, then it should be okay. If you do like privacy, try iVPN or PIA, both of which are paid. But in your usecase, Proton should be perfectly fine as long as you avoid illegal activity.

>> No.4661535

Should I learn figure drawing/perspective etc if I wanna do tattoos

>> No.4661548

as a beginner you need to build mileage, develop decent muscle control, learn to eyeball proportions, judge distances and size relations, feel forms. Scott won't help you with any of that, the measuring techniques he teaches are purely analytical, and without solid foundations you won't be able to make proper use of them. it's still a good resource even for beginners, but when you get stuck because your lines "just don't feel right", move on to different resource and focus on intuition for a while.

>> No.4661558

I have a long time friend who's been doing tattoos for a long time. He has a degree in art, and I think that's why his work is featured in tattoo magazines and online, and the guy down the street isn't. (He's not famous, but he's doing really well for himself.)


I talked to him about this all the time. He came from an art background, but he says, as long as a tattoo artist has good artists designing for them, and they have solid skills copying that work, they can do well. Not all tattoo artists are good at art, they're good at copying.

But if you want to tattoo original designs, learn art. All of it.

(Plus, he paints and draws in between customers, and sells posters and t-shirts on the side.)

>> No.4661564

Learning to draw what you see is just as important as drawing from imagination. They overlap and intertwine. The lists of benefits is long.

>> No.4661567

Why would you even attempt that?

>> No.4661571

Nice, your friend actually sounds like the exact route I'm trying to take, starting a foundation degree in art this year and I've been trying to really cram some drawing practice inbetween.
Do you know if he studied tattoo styles much to get his apprenticeship or did he use mostly original art for his portfolio?

>> No.4661579

Just buy any cheap cotton or lightweight material glove off amazon, and cut the fingers off. You can get plain white thin cotton gloves that jewelers and other people handling delicate things use, usually in bulk for less than a dollar each. I don't usually use gloves, as I have a glass Cintiq, but I have some cheap ones from amazon that work fine. I actually don't like the lycra ones they sell for tablets, I find they make my hand sweatier.

>> No.4661591

That texture doesn't really follow the form. I don't know who the artist is to find out how it was created, but it looks like a line texture overlaying a drawing, with a layer mode applied. It mimics engraving, but not really.

There used to be an experimental PS plugin that could generate patterns like that, and I'm sure other ways. Looking at the line texture, how it breaks off in y junctions, is a clue to how he might have generated it.

>> No.4661596

He had zero interest or knowledge of tattooing when he was in school. He worked as an illustrator before he took up tattooing. I can't remember how he got into it, but it was not even on his radar in school, or after.

>> No.4661601

Cool, thank you mate! V helpful

>> No.4661647

I remember he said the hardest part of making the switch over to tattoos is learning how to do it - how to use the gun, how the ink works, etc. And finding things to practice on that wasn't a human.

>> No.4661766

goddamn it. how did you break out of it? i'll try sketching a few silly things everyday and see if i get out of this. thanks for your answer, anon.

>> No.4661799 [DELETED] 

I'm only just now breaking out of it lol, I started making some comics this summer. I posted 4 pages in the post your comic thread, if you want to see it.

>> No.4661862

Good source for oil paint PS brushes?
Something that isn't shitty and/or overpriced

I know the usual sources, looking for something more interesting

>> No.4661908

How do I get better at drawing hands and feet (or any part of the body, really) from memory instead of with a reference image?

>> No.4661946

keep drawing by reference
then again

keep on

if you do it long enough, you'll know how to do it from imagination
(also, learn the anatomy. If you know how it's built, you can recreate it)

>> No.4662026

How can you tell what level of an artist you're at? How do you judge your own skill objectively?

>> No.4662435

How long do people draw every day? I try to do about 1 hour/day

>> No.4662468

6-10 hours a day. Mind you that's after getting conditioned for that shit in an atelier.

>> No.4662482

I can draw all day if I want, but 5-6 hours seems like a realistic average. It's interesting that I have the concentration for it, since with writing I usually get burned out after just 1-2 hours.

>> No.4662526

But this is also your job right?

>> No.4662529

Yep. If it weren't my job I'd still draw as much as possible but it would be down to about 2-3 hours a day max.

>> No.4662544
File: 29 KB, 310x365, wdouSxb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When drawing gestures i am supposed to look at the model and not on the drawing? What's the science behind this? I can't get proportions right even while im looking.

>> No.4662627
File: 16 KB, 480x480, originaljeman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you need to know all the art fundamentals like construction for example to model and texture paint low poly 3D models?
i just want to make simple half life 1 or warcraft 3-esque textures but feel like i must first complete a book or three on fundies before making my own stuff.
i checked some of the texture assets for both games and it seems like beyond basic understanding of textures/details, shadows, and color theory there's not much else to it but practice. what do you think?

>> No.4662661

so i made up trashed board for /ic/ alternative how to gather people? there's no rules no administrator literally trashed

>> No.4662663

basically i can make manual too

>> No.4663642
File: 37 KB, 298x471, 1591609165240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys I need a day job that pays decently while I practice and get gud. I'm contacting right now but that is up soon and they won't renew because of ronies. What's a solid day job that pays like 45,000 annual that leaves my asshole intact?

>> No.4663644

Yeah have fun getting shut down when all the lolifags gather on your site and start posting cp dude

>> No.4663649

No loli allowed in there it's shitty korean board basically it's not different with ic
There are no koreans or administrator literally besides i'm not a actual owner i just took over that board

>> No.4663656

Doesn't matter if you have rules when you have nobody there to enforce them

>> No.4663660

Alright i'm not gonna forcing anyone . It just exist

>> No.4663783

you're supposed to go back and forth between the model and your drawing

>> No.4663911

>Why do you still browse this place?
I've been here since the old days, so why leave? 4chan is the last bastion of something resembling free speech online, and you take the good with the bad.
>Don't you think it really dropped in quality?
/ic/? Not in the past few years, but I don't lurk enough to accurately gauge what it's like. I just drop by a few times a month to see what's going on, and maybe post some redlines. Whatever problems this place has, has been around for a long time. It's still better than any of the alternatives, particularly when you consider the hysteria in the US these days (not that I'm American).

>> No.4663927

For those who are following along ctrl+paint with CSP, what brush settings do you use?

>> No.4664295
File: 733 KB, 640x640, 1592349385869.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know that site where you pit in the angle of the head you want and the site searches goodle for other photos of people in that angle?

>> No.4664864
File: 268 KB, 1276x900, 1592573323927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do i start "painting" things like these? How this style is even called? Is there some sort of tutorial how to do these?


>> No.4664939
File: 285 KB, 808x1077, 1542954404869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lookin' to buy a drawing tablet here. Of course there's no way I can go with the $1k+ ones for professional use. I think the bottom tier $100 ones should be fine for a start, but that seems so relatively low that it's making me suspicious. Like what exactly am I getting there for that kind of money? What's a good price for a drawing tablet and what are some things I should be looking out for in general?

>> No.4664944

For which video? You want something like photoshops hard and soft round? Make a new brush, what it gives you is like photoshops hard round. Make another new brush but make it an airbrush. That's the soft round.

>> No.4664952

You just block in the large shapes then paint it. No, there's no name for it, it's just straightforward painting.

>> No.4664962

Huion and XP Pen tablets in your price rage are fine. You're getting a good enough tablet that doesn't have touch controls and maybe feels not as good. Like, they have cheaper plastic and such. Maybe they won't last as long, but still long enough.

>> No.4665025

How to choose poses
I just stare at the wall wondering what pose i should do?

>> No.4665789

any tutorials like the KNKL one? I find those easy to follow and with pleasant results.

>> No.4666026

I’ve been looking into learning 3d modeling, I’ve mostly been drawing on an iPad up till now. I’m thinking about using Blender - would I need to use a tablet or is a mouse acceptable to model with?

>> No.4666038

For modeling a mouse is perfect. For sculpting (ex: zbrush) you might want a tablet.

>> No.4666129
File: 3.09 MB, 498x278, 06697013-229A-4C45-8F26-3625DDD7C1EC.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve been here for a while now and I still don’t know the difference between /ic/ and /i/
Seems like the people over there actually draw...

>> No.4666130

we draw better

>> No.4666385

>polishes turds


>> No.4666428

Got it, thanks!

>> No.4666440
File: 53 KB, 960x960, 1589911650031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will the fbi knock at my door if I mass download entire courses from NMA?

>> No.4666857

How do I draw from imagination? I downloaded IC torrents courses so which one teach you this

>> No.4666859

Just do it. Just go for it. Everything is the same, you're just drawing from memory

>> No.4666878

FBI have no fucks to give.

>> No.4666992
File: 320 KB, 2600x1463, CtrlPaint_Blending_Worksheet (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, I just started so I'm on the Blending video. My second attempt turned out to be better than my first where I was using the Blend tool.

>> No.4667036

Nice! You shouldn't worry about painting outside the lines though, it fucks with your blends. Either make a rectangle for your gradient scale and lock transparent pixels or use a mask so you can blend freely without being messy. Alternatively you can blend the fuck out of it and then erase the edges with a straight line to clean it up. Using mask or locking transparency is a lot easier though.

>> No.4667074
File: 679 KB, 480x640, 1566101408918.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've tried starting to draw a couple of times, but because of my hyperhidrosis I lose motivation too fast, having the paper almost break and end up being a wavy mess all the time is a little frustrating.
Is getting a cheap ($50?) tablet and starting to learn with it a bad idea?
Sorry if it's too stupid of a question.

>> No.4667109

>having the paper almost break and end up being a wavy mess
What the fuck do you do with it?

>> No.4667118
File: 594 KB, 560x315, 1561837569586.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry anon, but I have really sweaty hands. Leaving my palm for a couple seconds on the paper almost makes a puddle and completely ruins and smears it.
Nothing I've tried really helped, it's been a thing forever.
I used to need a couple additional folded papers during exams to rest my hand so the thing was at least legible. I've tried doing the same for drawing, but it just doesn't work.

>> No.4667136
File: 501 KB, 836x622, Screen Shot 2020-06-21 at 12.16.02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have trouble with transitioning from traditional to digital. I posted my stuff a few times now but the only critique I got was : clean up the drawing.

Should I strat with the Bargue method, and after initially setting the linework down focus on planes / shadows?

>> No.4667148


>> No.4667186

Try overhand grip. Also you can try traditional painting.

>> No.4667189

You should start by using hard round with no opacity variation.

>> No.4667192

does anyone else not give a fuck about making money from art? like just want to be well known and expressing shit?

>> No.4667224

thank you for the response anon!! cheers

>> No.4667233

try using gloves and for the love of god not rubber ones
some silk maybe
other than that its probably only suicide, idk cant help you anon

>> No.4667263
File: 345 KB, 670x578, 1581629093516.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon. I'll give the overhand grip a try, although I'm not too confident about it since the backside of my hand and fingers also tend to get a bit damp. Will try it for a while nonetheless.
Hopefully it's not too difficult to start with this grip since I know almost nothing, just a little of engineering sketching.
Thanks for the reply anon. I have tried gloves in the past, and while at first they kinda work, the extra sweating after a little while made it non-viable.
I'm not sure if any of the ones I tried was silk, maybe they provide better breathing, I'll look into it a bit more.

Again, thanks a lot for replying, anons.

>> No.4667582
File: 63 KB, 911x649, 21_12-30-30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the Loomis method, let's say I fail to/don't center the brown line and then the flattened portion like this. Would this imply/mess anything on my construction?
For example, by doing so, should I rather incline the rest of the head a bit more to get it centered or would this not matter overall?

>> No.4667584

I just want to draw for myself and be able to make some funny ocs every now and then.

>> No.4667627

don't know what's in that torrent but try something that teaches you perspective and construction (Dynamic sketching is a good place to start) then draw a lot using construction, then change the perspective of your drawing, then draw both from memory, hard mode: then change the perspective again without looking at your ref.

>> No.4667634

On the whole gloves thing, there are artist gloves specifically for drawing on paper. They're a lot like the tablet gloves except they're not made of Lycra and keep you from sweating on your work and smudging graphite or charcoal everywhere.

>> No.4667728
File: 31 KB, 640x480, CD1B9299-38EA-4A08-BF1A-7833993FEB92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suck dick at drawing faces. I’ve tried doing loomis and Hogarth, but I just don’t feel confident. I can draw bodies much better than faces, even from imagination, which is irritating. Is there any really good resource dedicated to just drawing the human face? Mine always come out looking retarded.

>> No.4667731

loomis and hogarth.

you literally just need to measure and you cant fuck it up.

>> No.4667751
File: 81 KB, 733x589, ABE20471-94C2-4760-91ED-B7C9845B3C57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related was done several months ago but I feel like I somehow got even worse, I’ll try just grinding heads for a bit, worst comes to worst I’ll just resort to doing anime faces instead

>> No.4667771

Have you done a lot of skull practice? It's a requirement to doing faces well. Other than that its just grinding really, like learning to run really fast.

>> No.4667773

Your question is a bit confusing. Your drawing has to have certain things by the time you finish it, a certain shape, a certain proportion, a certain anatomical accuracy, whatever. Whether you draw those lines or not is up to you, but your finished drawing must be correct. Some people can draw faces without any construction, but they already know where everything goes. The construction is just there to tell you where things go.

>> No.4667774

Huston. Have worked throught keys to drawing and done still lives?

>> No.4667775

I recently started doing skull practice in conjunction with faces after mostly putting it off, I’m hoping within a couple weeks I’ll be able to draw them passably
I haven’t done Huston so I’ll look into him. I didn’t do keys to drawing but I don’t have much of an issue with symbol drawing, at least for anything that isn’t a face

>> No.4667783

Apologies for the convoluted question, I have been struggling to find a way to properly ask these quite conceptual questions.
Regarding the lines being optional, I am quite aware. I'm mostly trying to "consciously" understand all the guiding lines first so I can better feel the form. And for that, I am trying to see what would happen if I were to distort each of them.
So I guess the root of the question would be "if I mess this guiding line, would it break the entire form? And if so, why and how?".
Though I get most people would think of this as a waste of time. In any case, thanks for the reply anon.

>> No.4667788

>you should draw what interests you if you want to stick to drawing, and you need to stick to drawing if you ever want to get good
>you need to draw boring shit from life like coke cans and bowls of fruit first
what am I supposed to do with this

>> No.4667803

Draw things you want, then. Just practice basic construction and such first.

>> No.4667806

Do both. Do studies to grind fundies for your stuff you want to do. Bad at values? Learn them and then do another fun thing. Did you notice your forms were bad? Do some perspective and then do another fun thing. That's how you keep the balance.

>> No.4667835
File: 200 KB, 2048x1535, 105455650_256327509146708_4239476847543643730_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should I return my ipad?

>> No.4667841

how do I keep a pencil with a sharp point for longer?
using the sharperner all the time feels like a waste of money

>> No.4667847

You don't need a sharp pen.
Though, you can expose more of the lead by sharpening it with a knife.

>> No.4667856

problem is, if the point isn't sharp the lines come out too thick. I guess there is no way around it
maybe I'll switch to a mechanical pen when I finish the pencils I have

>> No.4667859

madatory /beg/ here but
I think it would mean there's a disconnect between your drawing and your construction most likely because of bad perspective or poor landmark positioning/identification. At that point you could follow your construction and end up with an odd looking head, or, fix the drawing by eyeballing the rest and get a good looking drawing that ignored your construction to some extent.

>> No.4667864

What if you draw bigger, and then use your pen sideways to make even thicker lines when you need them?

>> No.4667882

>you can expose more of the lead by sharpening it with a knife.

>> No.4667900

I'm the anon that suggessted Huston. btw, you might have resized your image >>4667751, but just in case, I found it benefitial to draw bigger when doing faces, something about using a small screenless tablet messes up your control of small lines (like the ones you are supposed to use for facial features)

>> No.4667922

that's alright for shading, but not fine lines
>What if you draw bigger
yes, I might be drawing too small for pencils

>> No.4667941

Why do you think it doesn't work with fine lines?

>> No.4667965
File: 365 KB, 1991x1165, 8AF1D236-DE9C-4C5B-95FC-151EFC0BCEC8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ll take all this into account, thanks. Hopefully my skills improve from Saint Huston’s tutoring

>> No.4667967
File: 592 KB, 591x736, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't say it doesn't, my concern is wasting grafite sharpening everytime I need a fine line
e.g. that drawing took around 1/6th of an A4 office paper

>> No.4667983

Lead holder is a godsend for sharpness. You do go through lots of lead but it's worth it for the sharp pencil.

>> No.4668508
File: 167 KB, 719x688, 1589931975601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there anything more creativity-killing than timing your drawing sessions? Or am I NGMI?

>> No.4668514

Don't look at the timer, I just use my phone's alarm so I'm not aware of how long I've worked until it goes off

>> No.4668612

what gets posted to the draw thread? original drawings only? finished pieces only? can you post wip? stuff above beg? there's no description there

>> No.4668929

I want to get good at specifically looking at a photo of someone and drawing exactly what I see including their body. How do I learn that?

>> No.4669171

/beg/ or not, I very much appreciate your input, anon.
At first I was trying to figure what part of my construction would be broken by these lines, but now after doing some experiments I realize it was silly to try and overthink it so much. It is as you said, it is just a disconnect that although it can be fixed by eyeballing, might as well just redo the thing. Thank you once again and apologies for the confusing question.

>> No.4669186


>> No.4669552

What is the name that old dresses had? The old ones that made it look like woman had giant asses?

>> No.4669562


>> No.4669661

how to learn fundamentals? i keep reading people say to learn it but where to start spoon feed me ic daddies pls

>> No.4669745

You Can Draw in 30 Days, By Mark Kistler

>> No.4669770

Bustle dress?

>> No.4669784

i fucking hate time limits and i end up rushing when they're in place, but i think i'd get a lot out of rapid-fire figure drawing with like 2-5 minute limits. how do i get over my fear of the epoch
no way, stick to it and prove to yourself that it wasn't an impulse purchase.

>> No.4669796

The fundamentals aren't too complicated. They're laid out completely in Loomis' FWAP, FDFAIW, and Vilppu's drawing manual.

The question is how to get good at them? Well, you just draw a lot. Draw from reference, and draw from imagination. Copy other artists's artwork. Draw draw draw. But think about the fundamentals when you draw.

This is why so many artists got good at drawing in so many different ways. Some did lots of figure drawing, some did lots of master copies, some "just drew", etc.

If you really don't know what to do, find a "fundamentals" course from the video course thread, like Vilppu's figure drawing lecture or something by steve huston or Karl gnass, and go through it, one by one, practicing each lecture in depth.

>> No.4670265

How can you tell if you've stagnated?

>> No.4670692
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more of a business/tax question than art but I haven't found any good answers elsewhere yet.
I'm trying to get a business account for Paypal so that it doesn't show my legal name on transactions, but I'm not really sure about the legal business name part.

I know I have to register for a sole-proprietorship in my state, but does the business name have to be unique? To be honest I don't really have a username that I'm dead set on, but I'd like it to contain my nickname. So using sakimichan as an example, would it be fine to just register as "Sakimi" assuming that there are probably other people using that name, or does it have to be unused and "Sakimichan"? And if I did just register as "Sakimi" would it then be ok to have my online username continue to be "sakimichan"?

Or am I just overthinking this? I don't really plan to have online commissions yet (my past ones were irl with cash) but I have some digital-only stuff that I think has a decent market.

>> No.4670718

Check Dorian Iten's free resources and search Bargue drawing lessons on YouTube

>> No.4670933

I'm a beg who (I think) understands how to go about improving my skills in observation, proportion, perspective, and anatomy, but I'm kind of at a loss as to how to go about improving my understanding of value. There don't seem to be any books that deal with it in isolation, and I'm not sure what exercises would help in that area. I guess I could practice with a lot of still lives, but I feel like there must be a better way. What do you guys suggest?
TL;DR how do i into value???

>> No.4670948

value is describing form tonely, rather than line drawing where you describe form with lines. you are rendering the light to describe the form or vice versa...you get it painting light.

anyway, do studies of photos turned black and white, especially films with great cinematography when you desaturate the color you will often see the images appear STRONGER than with color, it's because of well and intentional value compositions.

You should also look up atmospheric perspective and James Gurneys post on shape welding, good luck.

>> No.4670953

the LLC name you register, you don't even have to do business as. Also when you reg the LLC it checks in your state for a duplicate name don't worry about it.

>> No.4670977

Thank you!

>> No.4671129

When the colors are different on the computer monitor and the drawing tablet how do you deal with it?

>> No.4671161

also should note, many details of your LLC are public record, if not outright searchable online they can be requested. look it up.

>> No.4671249

Calibrate your shit.

>> No.4671369

Thanks for the answer.

About LLC information being public record, would I be able to avoid that by registering as just a sole proprietorship instead of a LLC? I won't have any employees or anything, this is really just to avoid having my real name out there or at least easily searchable. Or, since I don't even have to do business as the registered name, would it even be searchable if my online artist handle and paypal is named like a variation to the LLC name?

I guess if all else fails, it's good enough for paypal to just not blatantly send my real name on invoices. Would like some way for close to 100% anonymity though.

>> No.4671374
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anyone know what app or software this is?

>> No.4671378


>> No.4671449
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i dont have a huge budget
should i get a screenless tablet like deco pro, or wait till christmas to afford a cheaper display tablet like a 12/13" xp-pen?
i mainly draw anime style stuff with precise linearts

>> No.4671894

How can i make my kamvas pro12 work on linux

>> No.4671908

(i) pester the maker to make a linux driver (good luck with that)
(ii) donate a tablet and money to the digimend project, or if you can code, do it yourself (easier than it sounds, chinks never come up with anything on their own, very likely a generic driver with a few lines changed will work)

>> No.4671995
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Does anyone have any good resources for drawing the pelvic region correctly? I can usually pull off arm attachment passably well even without reference, but the whole area around the crotch where the legs attach is very difficult for me, and I feel like my drawings would improve a lot if I could get better at that.

>> No.4672038

No, it's not like registering a domain or something, your articles of declaration are searchable. If all you're trying to do is get anonymously paid there must be better options. I'm going to assume you just want to do art commissions under a pen name.

>> No.4672527

What's dynamic sketching?

>> No.4672576

Yeah I'm trying to use a pen name for commissions. I looked into it some more and apparently a small number of states allow you to start an anonymous LLC, but not mine so RIP.
I guess it's not too bad for my name to be out there since I'm not drawing anything illegal or pornographic in nature, but I have been stalked in the past.

thanks for answering my dumb questions anon

>> No.4672590

a course by peter han, the main inspiration behind drawabox.

>> No.4672724

>pester the maker
What the hell is that i'm noob

>> No.4673454
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there was a discord server where everyone was talking about manga making and sharing links. it disappeared from my server list one day, is there another or does anyone have a link?

I really miss it...