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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 389 KB, 1190x938, ddrl6y5-5b30bc6d-f8ee-4dea-b43d-6ec723b4367f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4646384 No.4646384 [Reply] [Original]

post your favorite artist from this hellhole.

>> No.4646387


>> No.4646393

fisher when he doesn't draw coom

>> No.4646777

This artist is dangerously based despite not seeing a cunny in his life
Post blog

>> No.4648042
File: 90 KB, 1280x720, 1586807614074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss him bros.

>> No.4648072


>> No.4648077

I miss Nessie, she was one of the very few artists on alt that did finished work and i really like her saturated color palette

>> No.4648084
File: 431 KB, 900x847, senpai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from 4chan

from this board

>> No.4648214

is that new doodlezbd?


>> No.4648228

but she's still around on dad.gallery

>> No.4648343

Yeah but she doesn't post on /alt/ anymore

>> No.4648440

I don't like to post my work here.

>> No.4650603

BBC Chan easy.

>> No.4650662

Can someone here name icfags that started from ngmi beg or int and then graduated

>> No.4650830


>> No.4651046

nice shilling nessie, no one gives a fuck about you here

>> No.4651050


>> No.4651087

cute crab

>> No.4651410
File: 82 KB, 1024x683, 9vpj3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4651504

came here to say this, I wish I had his abilities to use for good instead of gay furry

>> No.4651508

Fucking this

>> No.4651669
File: 109 KB, 1080x1350, julianzilla_101358221_607925376482507_7218012412394784582_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4651681

1 trick pony that doesn't finish anything.
acquire taste.

>> No.4651730
File: 751 KB, 1536x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4651738

> This artist is dangerously based despite not seeing a cunny in his life
Probably because Yilx almost never draws NSFW

>> No.4651948
File: 373 KB, 700x1119, 22688F54-4C63-41F5-B5FF-521C4C2D6733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This anon, whoever they may be. Godspeed on finishing your book

>> No.4651980

feason posted in this shithole? all i remember is that carmen picture getting spammed a lot last year

>> No.4652048

>Proko changed after he joined the military...

>> No.4652135

Nessie doesn't even post here anymore

>> No.4652240

>1 trick pony
what’s his one trick, as if what you said even means anything.

>> No.4652276
File: 262 KB, 739x1080, 1515203456273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't remember his name.

>> No.4652292

That anon is amazing and I hope he remembers to come back when he's finished with his book.

>> No.4652297

Why would he ever come back to this shithole? We're here for a reason because we're the rejects, the bottom of the barrel cesspool and we like it that way. Normies need not understand.

>> No.4652372

He draws always the same shit. Same body types, same exaggerated perspectives, etc.

>> No.4652405

He said he was gonna let us know when his book was done :) I've been looking forward to it.

And you know how it is, once you join /ic/ you're here forever. Even if you take a break you'll always come back some day.

>> No.4652429

You know what does it feel really, really bad? That I'm on 4chan since like 2008, I've seen countless people like Feason, magister, those medical whiskey faggots, and that fucking piece of fucking shit Kuvshinov that went working on the corpse of GitS, and I'm still here, almost 40, begging for subscriptions on my shitty drawing pages
Sure, I managed some way to turn my life around in the years and I'm really content with it, but the fact that anyone and his grandma shitted on my drawing skills and moved on getting paid for anime girls while I had to learn physical labor to pay bills makes me feel definitely unfulfilled.
Probably I should be proud of what I achieved starting from negative numbers, but still

>> No.4652445
File: 483 KB, 500x375, 1589942866685.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't fight it, just accept and embrace it fren.

>> No.4652480

I gave up already multiple times, but it just won't stay dead

>> No.4652489

Can you post some of your work?

>> No.4652510

Pyw anon

>> No.4652516


That would be kind of embarrassing now

>> No.4652522 [DELETED] 
File: 392 KB, 640x854, E6D24638-99B7-4134-BD3B-80D54C7FDC4A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jackson Everett has some good stuff

>> No.4652523 [DELETED] 


>> No.4652532

What the fuck is this shit

>> No.4652543

I'll post mine if you post yours, you shouldn't feel embarrassed if anything this place should have taught you to grow a thicker skin.

>> No.4652549

No need to be embarrassed anon you've posted it before

>> No.4652563
File: 715 KB, 949x1569, Webp.net-resizeimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4652569

How long did that take you?

>> No.4652577
File: 318 KB, 695x521, Illustration3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Traditionalist that get the same fame and notoriety as digital are a dime a dozen, have you ever considered drawing and paint from a tablet? You have to remember when you submit a piece online your image will be reduced to a thumbnail like now and be in competition against others that have rendered and colored which will draw more eyes towards them instead of yours. Have you colored anything before? Here's mine as promised although it has to be cropped because of tranny jannies having a hair up their ass.

>> No.4652588

I don't know, something like five -four hours distributed in two weeks

>> No.4652603

Yeah I used digital a lot years back when I lived on /jp/, but between being out of shape for not drawing for years and the results never being great I opted for paper. With colors I've always been total shit, I really can't get them
Since you've been a good sport, link me to the original or your social media thinghies if you have any

>> No.4652629

I don't have any social media, and the original was deleted by jannies.
Also consider weight lifting, it will unironically help you by releasing growth and other hormones your body needs such as testosterone especially the deadlift it's a good combination of cardio work out with high reps and if you're up for it go for some power lifting after you are done with your sets. Start consuming fermented and raw goods such as Kefir or Kombucha that has probiotics to balance and replenish the good bacteria your body needs to break down nutrients along with other health benefits.

>> No.4652635

Oh ok pal, thanks for the advice on testosterone release

>> No.4652642

Fuck off, Everbad. We know it's you even when you take your trip off because you're the only person on this board that likes your work.

It's Everbad-san, filter and ignore if possible.

>> No.4652653

>it will unironically help you by releasing growth and other hormones your body needs such as testosterone especially the deadlift
Insignificant amounts.

>> No.4652677

>tfw the only person to consistently post their work on this board is Mikufag

>> No.4652680

Fuck off DYEL.

>> No.4652713 [DELETED] 

>filter and ignore if possible
Not possible

>> No.4652714

He usually posts with a tripcode if you ever see it filter his stupid ass.

>> No.4652746

>yilx came from here
There's hope for my sizefag ass yet

>> No.4652759
File: 1.16 MB, 1080x1501, 20200615_113143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No sns
No bullshit
Only publish 'finished' work
King of modernism
King of loli
Survived over 20 year

>> No.4652773

A 4chan fag?

>> No.4652977

That's way better than I expected it to be based on the way you talked about your work.
Color theory is something you can learn just like anything else, so no reason to give up. Look up a twelve color color wheel and learn about things like complimentary colors, triads, split compliments. That sort of thing.
If you don't like doing digital, pick up some alcohol markers, watercolor or gouache.

>> No.4652987

Not on ic, but he posted on jp a lot

>> No.4653143
File: 11 KB, 200x252, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep it up anon, dont give up. Be more active on the net and work on big project if you want to sell your art. Best wishes to you.

>> No.4653391

i dont pay attention to peoples identities

>> No.4653466


KYS. Seriously. Do it.

>> No.4653470


>> No.4653475

That just looks like a sattou copycat

>> No.4653529

Thanks guys, best wishes to you too

>> No.4654269
File: 301 KB, 3000x3000, DCfGD7iVwAEWuxd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the man himself.

>> No.4654296

This is unacceptable degenerate trash. Please seek help.

>> No.4654342

Post a painting
Can only judge so much based on a line drawing

>> No.4654709

Fucking gold omegalul

>> No.4654876

Woah thanks dude

>> No.4654886


>> No.4654894
File: 83 KB, 400x1050, 1458441473124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I miss 'em

>> No.4654897
File: 151 KB, 1080x810, 81719425_168811530999946_6982789111606659215_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pyros0me is my favorite artist on /ic/. Her, like many other talented illustrators, seemed to have quit posting on this shithole board, but that's probably for the best as people always just complained about her style.

>> No.4655161

There’s absolutely nothing degenerate about that you seething roastie. Way worse is posted on this board on a regular basis between the furries, the porn artfag wannabees, and the furry porn artfags.

>> No.4655172

It's impressive how they managed to be more degenerate than all of /ic/'s furries and coom artists combined

>> No.4655180

Who's that? His art is amazing

>> No.4655182

Don't bother, he's a fucking asshole that complains how much he hates drawing when we would be willing to have our nails pulled right out in order to get to where he is at. Fuck him.

>> No.4655188

>There’s absolutely nothing degenerate about that
loli is degenerate, and the artist isn't even from 4chan you fucking retard. Read the thread.

>> No.4655203

>loli is degenerate
No it’s not. And I can prove you wrong with one simple image. You know the one too.

Not by a long shot. Especially considering how tame the image posted ITT was.

>> No.4655278
File: 1.23 MB, 769x855, 1570583165020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4655290

God I wish that were me.

>> No.4655298

Stop spamming this shit in every thread.

>> No.4655347

nah im pretty sure lolifags are worse than furries

>> No.4655348

I rather deal with furfags than you lolishitters.

>> No.4655357
File: 67 KB, 584x600, 1458366504864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him but what the fuck is even loli to you cunts anyway? You practically label anything you do not like as loli to have clout over a petty argument which almost always involves other W*men depicted as younger than you. No, a flat chest does not constitute to use that term as a form of taboo and ostracize anyone conveying it have you forgotten from your last muffdiving feminist seminar that W*men are beautiful and come in all shapes and sizes including innies and blown out prolapsed roast beef? If it bothers you so much consider getting a vaginoplasty, yes such a thing exists where you too can "rejuvinate" and tighten that used up whore cunt of yours from your last dick casserole from Tyrone and friends. Eat shit.

>> No.4655360

are you saying the pic that started that wasn't loli?

>> No.4655361
File: 75 KB, 643x820, 0a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4655365
File: 37 KB, 568x748, CdGUq99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope harder pedo

>> No.4655366

Furries and lolibitches like you are equally insufferable

>> No.4655367

Obvious samefag is obvious.

It’s a raging roastie/tranny, they envy the young and beautiful.

>> No.4655371
File: 215 KB, 664x513, D792F93F-B9F5-4B3C-9405-DD16A3D5CEA0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You lolishitters are way too easy to trigger. This shit right here is why furfags are better than you retards, at least they accept their degeneracy.

>> No.4655374
File: 530 KB, 252x252, WealthyBestGodwit-small.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the young and beautiful
The worst thing about pedophiles is the venerating euphemisms. Fucking gross.

>> No.4655381

Not as much of a euphemism as it is a jab at the hideous trolls who think they can pass as female cause they gave themselves an axe wound.

>> No.4655382

It's amazing how far these cunts go to subvert whatever standard of beauty they deem as unfit from their standards and demonize anyone who tries to convey outside their realm of the beautiful and elegant which is practically anything that isn't piggish disgusting overweight and unattractive specimens not at all pleasant to look at and label that as the new standard of beauty otherwise you're a problem for not accepting their dogmas of legbearded tumblrettas.

desu if you ask me, the behavior of chastising anyone who draws outside of the realm of the Tumblr standard is the biggest cope and an excuse to not maintain yourself and be a ferociously disgusting pig and be heralded at the same level from someone who does take good care of themselves and is young and attractive.

>> No.4655395

That makes no sense? "Young and beautiful" is nothing but a euphemism, aka a cheeky way of describing, finding a child attractive. It's just replacing the gross thing you know you can't outright say with a double entendre that still strongly hints at your real meaning. There's...really no way that links up to being a jab at anything.

>> No.4655403
File: 419 KB, 1996x1240, EZ_OGn2UEAAtYKe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lolifag gets mad and derails the whole thread
I don't know what I expected. Anyways I like Lun from the /alt/ threads, his paintings are cool.

>> No.4655435


This guy is my favorite laughing stock tripfag from here. He used to post here all the time back in the latter half of the 2000s, but he still draws just as awful as back then besides getting his ass handed to him time and time again, back then we still had really good artists regularly doing redlines for him. He learned absolutely not a single thing. He has this creepy harem OCs with huge tits and a young boy.

>> No.4655451

Except what the fuck do you know what I was inferring. I could have just as easily meant “young” and “beautiful” as in two separate groups of people that may or may not overlap. Washed up roasties envy the young, and this doesn’t only apply to underage girls, but also girls in their late teens and early 20s. That’s why they freak out over over 30/40yo men dating 21yos, finding it “creepy” despite the consenting adult parties seeing it as perfectly normal. And trannies are opposed to female beauty in general because it reminds them of gender roles and their inadequacy at passing. This is why you see such a massive push to standardize ugliness in media. It’s two separate categories fucktard, not a euphemism, and it would be obvious if you had the reading comprehension to notice I mentioned both of those groups within that same post. It’s absolutely moronic I gotta explain something so simple but I shouldn’t expect any less in this day and age. The same people who wanna police what others should be allowed to like, think, and do have the IQ of a gnat.

>> No.4655476

I don't care, i can enjoy his art without thinking about his attention whorish personality. Pass his blog.

>> No.4655492


What? Are you really that impressed by... that? You should develop some taste and reach much, much higher, holy fuck the absolute state if this board

>> No.4655531

>projecting this hard

>> No.4655536

Is getting paid for your work some type of drug? Im /beg/ and I just wanna draw for fun.

>> No.4655559
File: 322 KB, 1400x975, IMG_20200616_102218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get her look at me i'm italian and catholic shtick but I like Corn

>> No.4655589
File: 138 KB, 696x883, tumblr_niyq6xZEuP1rhql4to1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

catbib is now your favorite artist from ic

>> No.4655594
File: 183 KB, 619x900, 1396838993910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4655598


He's not posting much anywhere anymore. Kinda a bummer.

>> No.4655602

Vetyr, Upon

>> No.4655603
File: 158 KB, 614x823, 1519547949195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4655609

Catbib is chill as fuck. Haven't seen them around for a long time though, is catbib ok?

>> No.4655610

Shut the fuck up snob, it's actually a really well drawn chinese slut.

>> No.4655615


>> No.4655661

Corn is female, posted selfies on tumblr all the time back when she was a teen

>> No.4655688

I always though she was a men with long hair, i didnt know

>> No.4655723

Oh god, how can you have that huge a volume of work and make absolutely no progress at all. It's horrifying

>> No.4655872

i love this!

>> No.4655886
File: 3.20 MB, 1920x1280, rejected by MikeZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anons mistake her for a guy all the time,maybe because she draws knights and soldiers,but the art style is obviously female

>> No.4655892
File: 200 KB, 900x900, thorsten-denk-wolken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tugelbend had some good pieces

>> No.4655901
File: 281 KB, 600x1091, tugelbend-grabmeister-1-9f6aa1ec-qy0t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good on a technical standpoint but it's mostly generic fantasy

>> No.4655906


Sour grapes

>> No.4655907
File: 25 KB, 512x510, 1590673662322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw nobody posts your work because they're all posting their own works

>> No.4655908

Have you never seen clouds?

>> No.4655923

I said mostly

>> No.4656556

Since I got so much positive feedback, and that's really rare, I'll be a turbo whore and shill my pages. The DA one got some old colored stuff
Its kind of pathetic all considered, but I guess at my age I need to accept that I'm partially an attention whore just like all "artists".

>> No.4657418

>someone posts loli
>endless butthurt posts about it
>why are you guys so butthurt over loli?

>> No.4657864

How do people in here manage to get known anyway?

>> No.4657872

recognizable art style

>> No.4657877

That's really nice, why does ic keep shitting on actually good people?!

>> No.4657884

Because they're jealous. You know how the /beg/ thread has gatekeepers that say "not /beg/ GTFO" because they're jealous that someone has some fundies down that they don't understand?

When someone really good drops by /ic/ about half the board turns into that kind of /beg/poster and gets jealous and freaks out. Some like the artist but then get really creepy and try to stalk them over the internet. /ic/ has scared off many a professional and it's always the same way. Jealousy shitting on them and also stalking.

>> No.4657885

Anons are easily upset by posters who get (you)s on their art, or draw in styles they dislike.

>> No.4657927

because those people are the ones who reply to their own posts with praise

>> No.4659168

You are unironically my inspiration to keep drawing Miku fag. Good job.

>> No.4659216

shut the fuck up pyros your art is corporate soulless