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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 996 KB, 704x396, 135645u66757gki7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4648952 No.4648952 [Reply] [Original]

how many friends have you made since you started drawing and networking

>> No.4648955

I don't network. So 0.

>> No.4648958

all the art tutors and personalities I watch on youtube that are my only company and who I look forward to watching when they upload

>> No.4648967

I lost them all to focus on drawing, i ended up shitposting instead. Still better than listening to them cry over having no gf for the 26th time.

>> No.4648975

I only draw when no one is looking, nobody apart from my dog has ever seen my work so I have made exactly 0 friends.

>> No.4648978

We are the same person

>> No.4648986

I have made 2 friends.

>> No.4649003

Zero, do you want to be my friend OP?

>> No.4649004

Not only 0 friends, but also 0 followers

>> No.4649028

I don't want you crabs to be my friends.
Please fuck off.

>> No.4649055

2. Recently became snail mail pals with one.

>> No.4649281

none, furry and weeb people are scary.

>> No.4649486

I make clients, not friends.

>> No.4649489
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On the contrary, nobody likes the work put out and am always called names and bullied upon.

>> No.4649496

Gained: 0.
Lost: All of them since I just stay home and draw all day.
4chan and this >>4648958 is basically my only social interaction now

>> No.4649501

>nobody likes the work put out
post work

>> No.4649549 [DELETED] 
File: 1.43 MB, 2114x1844, box grind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4649555

I have 3 times as many friends compared to when i started and i have ZERO

>> No.4649558
File: 130 KB, 936x854, ESAyWqUWAAAwGH8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made trans furry artfriends on twitter dot com. I haven't gotten any better at art, but I'm the happiest I've ever been.

>> No.4649584

those are huge
who's this character?
who is this coom-magnet?

>> No.4649587

... I pity you.

>> No.4649588

>makes pedo shit
Makes sense

>> No.4649601

She looks high as fuck.
>called names and bullied upon.

>> No.4649615

Kys pedo faggot

>> No.4649624

Added 4 people from here, we shared our works for a bit then chat stopped since we didnt share any real interests. Its been several weeks since any of us talked, fun times.

>> No.4649643

Do redditfags count? I have a reddit account with 16 followers. Reddit doesn't show who follows you, so I don't know who they are, but at least I know that some anonfag on the internet was so interested on my stuff that they decided to stalk me.

>> No.4649645
File: 517 KB, 600x958, 1592079677811.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but... but... I thought you loved me? why did you lie to me Anon-kun?!

>> No.4649660 [DELETED] 

No wonder you’re bullied you cringe faggot lmao. Besides the obviously disgusting subject it’s technical garbage, she’s got like three knees lmao

>> No.4649665

People from the internet aren't real friends

>> No.4649671

How can you say that about our friendship anon

>> No.4649673

I don't know you

>> No.4649787
File: 289 KB, 468x312, 1591965254974.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but I DO know you

>> No.4649826

Stop pestering me, man. I'm not your friend. If you want to hang out IRL then maybe.

>> No.4649858

0. I'm not good enough to attract attention online and no one wants to talk to random new people in discords

>> No.4650045

Someone repost what
>>4649549 posted

>> No.4650083

I'm too shy and too old to make artist friends.

>> No.4650088

>Tons of people on my feed literally telling people to post their art or directly saying to advertise on a post because they got a bunch of followers
>Still not confident enough to post in them
>every time a follower milestone one happens the chance is lost forever
how do I network

>> No.4650113

I just leave nice comments on pieces I like. That hasn't helped my networking one bit but I'd rather play hard mode and just post art rather than try keeping relationships.

>> No.4650252

Trannys are more like a cult everyday

>> No.4650265

Kinda sorta takes place in the Steins;Gate universe but has nothing to do with that series.

>> No.4650693

Oh, I made quite a lot. I joined a group that was all about it but due to too much drama some peeps had falling outs and eventually it just died down. However, from that experience I found a few trustworthy friends along the way, and I couldn't be more grateful.

>> No.4650748
File: 845 KB, 1400x1452, 740F7870-CD79-4744-B854-32A78185399B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s a good thing 100% of them look like pic related and commit suicide after they hit 30.

>> No.4650780

Well, let's see.

There was the guy who helped get me my first job, and with whom I collaborated a few times, but then a couple of years ago he cut off contact and I'm not sure why, but I have my theories.

There's the guy who I once admired and met a few times but, after reading some of his social media posts, I am 100% sure would throw me under the bus for engaging in wrongthink.

There's the old roommate who, while being very talented in art and music, is extremely self-centered and oblivious in a very childish way and with whom I now have only sporadic contact.

There's the acquaintance who was a roommate of another colleague but whom I found rather annoying, who, shortly after moving out accused his old roommate of being a right-wing extremist on social media, in an apparent attempt to ruin his reputation.

There's the artist who I'd been aware of online for nearly a decade, and seemed like a nice dude, until I friended him on Facebook and realized his personality is basically a gumbo of cowardice, self-pity, and self-righteousness.

There's another old roommate who had some talent but was a moneygrubber, always pursuing the next get-rich-quick scheme, and who turned out to be a parasite who never paid rent.

There's the SJW chick who was like walking on egg-shells to be around, but who would casually say offensive things without so much as a second thought.

So... overall... 2? Maybe 3?

>> No.4650788

i lost friends instead, not like i have many to begin with

>> No.4650789

Those are mostly roommates. Roomies aren't really business friends from networking lmao

>> No.4650800

Fuck, that's depressing

>> No.4650817

Holy fucking shit

>> No.4650819
File: 980 KB, 3024x4032, v2rm5mjl7sz21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hear me out here, I think Sammy is a success story. He used to be a retarded semetic goblin. After hormones she's just normal ugly. She didn't even lose her mondo schlong. You can't tell me there wasn't an improvement.

>> No.4650823

That's a guy in a dress
stop being gay

>> No.4650826


I'm just saying, if there was ever a person on this earth who was born to be a girl(male), it's Sammy. There was nowhere to go but up.

>> No.4650828


>> No.4650855


TWO are roommates. And one of those two is currently working as a professional in a major studio.

>> No.4650909

Using a blurry picture that hides his ugly ass face, okay

>> No.4650935

Is this ironic or not please help

>> No.4650946

0. I'm too socially inept to even know how to get friends from this board. I've talked a little and mutually reblogged art but that's all.

>> No.4650953

>mikufag even drew the clitoris

>> No.4650962
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Probably 5. Now I'm depressed as I remember that there was a time where I was more social.

>> No.4650976

>Sammy was already at rock bottom.

Imagine being the literal bottom of the barrel scum and the only way to become to upper crust of that scum is to become a tranny. I literally cannot even fathom the tragedy in that.

>> No.4652357

how come

and how does one even make friends on twitter

>> No.4652371

I've made a good number from streaming chill draw times and chatting with other artists on Twitter and stuff. Gotta be more careful though because one of them turned out to be a fucking stalker type, her art is good but she's started asking a lot more about my irl shit than my art, and seems to be trying to make herself at home in my personal affairs even though I asked her to stop and said I'm uncomfortable with that shit. No thanks creepy, bye bye.

So it's -1 from my pool of networking recently but that's fine. Ive still got 16 other people off the top of my head for that.

>> No.4652434

>from streaming
did you already have a group of art friends who supported you when you started out? it seems impossible to gain traction as an art streamer without having a couple of people to hang out in your chat at the start.

>> No.4652476

Nope, I started from 0 just streaming to nobody, on a regular schedule. People kind of flip through streams trying to find a comfy place to chill, so I'd just sit and draw while listening to music and make sure to say hello to people who sat for more than a few minutes and respond to anyone talking to me in chat. I like finding new music too so I'd let them recommend songs or artists to put on. I'd work on one or two art pieces in a stream but in my stretching breaks and for 20 minutes at the end of my stream I'd make time to answer questions they had for me like "how do you draw hair" or "I have a hard time with the construction of elbows how do I fix this" and do a quick demo for them. Also I think it was important that I took every critique chat gave me into consideration, most times it was helpful. I got a few regulars, some of them were way better than me, other were /beg/, but they liked the chill hangout time and I need up making a good amount of art friends from that. We still show each other our art and critique each other all the time, and have ended up giving each other commission/gig offers when too busy to take them.

My other art contacts are all from IRL networking at art school and game dev meetups and shit.

>> No.4652495

is she at least hot?

>> No.4652551

More "cute" than hot. Got hella crazy eyes so I'm staying far away from that shit.

>> No.4652574

It’s a sissification fetish.

>> No.4652688

none but kone day I will make one

>> No.4652847

I went to a convention for local comics. I knew I wouldn’t be able to network with these people when some fat bitch attending a panel discussion spent a lot of time kvetching that the name tags didn’t have a place for pronouns.

>> No.4652932
File: 35 KB, 736x552, 1587817821994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He reminds me to those super skinny, ugly as shit dogs

>> No.4652943

Based and comfypilled

>> No.4653256

>dick bigger than most anons in thread

>> No.4653272

hello based dept.

>> No.4653370
File: 670 KB, 1600x1200, 00001_06152020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


clients, fans, and those few people I mentor I don't recognize them as friends. If I did not start this artshit in the first place those people won't give a damn about me.

>> No.4653403

>If we didn't have anything in common or reasons to deal with each other, they wouldn't know I exist.


>> No.4653512

I actually have a single friend (a coworker) and the closest one to me but we don't have anything in common when it comes to interests and hobbies. He doesn't even know that I do art and for sure they won't even care if I tell them

>> No.4653536

How the fuck do you even "network" if you do freelance art from home? go to a ton of artists' Facebook pages with friend requests?

>> No.4653541

I got a qt Japanese e-bf from posting my weeb art to twitter

>> No.4653634
File: 602 KB, 2048x2048, EUtF-Z1XYAIIu5R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just talkin with other artists, but not intersted being friend with them, i've had irl friends, plus some ppl on servers or chatrooms are kinda assholes took lot of confidence online, and think they're friends with everybody on the server cus they like to talk about current cartoon stuff. plus i dunno they seems to be reluctant if you talk about art stuff like anatomy and perspective. Being friend online is very different from being with irl friends

>> No.4653638

feel like I lost most of my friends when I stopped playing vidya

>> No.4653696

every single person that’s messaged me about being "friends" has turned around and asked for free art on the same day

>> No.4653701

I do not network and I barely have any following. But I have 1 new friend and 1 fan as well

>> No.4653702

Yeah. Go hang out in their streams and talk to them and give/get crits if they're cool. Talk about shit on Facebook/Twitter/Tumblr. Social media is kind of a shit hole right now though so you're not going to get much out of it until this BLM stuff chills out, a lot of artists are on high guard right now especially with randos attacking people for being tan and drawing themselves tan, liking posts supporting police, or drawing the statue of liberty kneeling on kkk's neck. Lmao.

Networking online works really well but at the moment you're shit out of luck on that front.

>> No.4653706

Well then they're not good friends :) Tell em to shove their request up their ass.

Also people who are actually interested in being friends arent usually going to just message you asking to be friends. They're going to try to make conversation first lol

>> No.4653711

Some people like me, a lot of people hate me but they don't try bullying my stuff cause I always answer something very offensive in return

>> No.4653715

Unprofessional as fuck but also based

>> No.4653757
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Working on the 3rd, in nursing school so its hard to collab as much as I would like to.

>> No.4654090

>how many friends have you made since you started drawing and networking

>> No.4655013
File: 64 KB, 853x640, 1336063654776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a few mutuals I talked to on a fairly regular basis, but the fact that I put my birthday up for years and nobody has wished me happy birthday, despite me doing the same for them (but they'll wish for others umprompted) is enough to tell me they're not my friends.

>> No.4655649

Many, but I lost them at the slightest controversy, even if I knew them for years. Irony is, the ones that always have my back are mostly non-artists. Just cool homies to play games and talk about movies with. I guess because they don't use social media to network they don't fear being associated with an artist they like. I love my friends

>> No.4655663

>slightest controversy
What did you do

>> No.4655670

-2. I've lost people that I realized I don't need in my life and are holding me back

>> No.4655695

Lmao all this over birthdays? What are you, a woman or a tranny?

Either way you need to ease up on the estrogen

>> No.4655768

Are you really asking that on /ic/ of all places?
Either way I'm pretty fucking lonely but I also don't like keeping up relationships, so it's my fault probably. Don't take friends over twitter (or the internet) as real friends. they'll cancel you over the smallest shit, or try to find fault with your words even in casual conversations.

>> No.4655797

You need a pet parrot to help ease the loneliness. A bird isn’t a great conversationalist but it’s still a step up from talking to your own reflection.

>> No.4655806

>I also don't like keeping up relationships, so it's my fault probably
If you're not keeping up relationships then of course they're going to forget about you lmao. You get what you put into it. Put in more effort than just saying happy birthday once a year.

>> No.4655810

>and those few people I mentor
How does one acquire mentorship from you?

>> No.4655816

I appreciate the suggestion anon. I have a few pets but not social ones so a bird might be good for that.
Reread my original post. I said I talk to them frequently, wish them birthdays each year (even drew stuff for them) so of course it's disappointing to me that they wouldn't say a few words on my birthday. It's real life where I don't keep relationships well that has me really lonely and more upset over this than a normal person probably would be.

>> No.4655856

Thats sad. Hey Anon if you ever want to talk let me know.

>> No.4655858

I like it. Sleek and noble.

The dog. Not the guy.

>> No.4655864

when I was a teen I liked to make edgy nazi villain ocs because I liked nazispoitation movies and satirical anti-nazi comics. Americans decided for us how and if we should mock fascism. I haven't posted any of my anti-fascism/anti-stalinism drawings in years

>> No.4657171
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>> No.4657173

It's a Borzoi

>> No.4657591

i like this dog

>> No.4657593

I lost count but a lot

>> No.4657621

Not one.
I'm too shy, and the subject matter of my art makes it even worse.

>> No.4657632
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>> No.4657658


>> No.4658389

I've made a lot of art contacts from a server that I was invited to almost half a year ago, I think I would call 4 of them friends since those are the ones who I have spoken to extensively, or done something unrelated to art with (like playing vidya together).
I don't know if you should put a lot of stake into online friendships though

>> No.4658405

I lost all them and I don't intend to make anymore.

>> No.4658497
File: 15 KB, 353x334, 156213457365856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friends are the biggest gainz goblins, feels good to be high-functioning sociopath.

>> No.4658518

> high-functioning sociopath.

thanks for posting the image for me already

>> No.4658620
File: 494 KB, 1516x1422, 1567298259897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a fairly established coomer artist. A few of my commission clients and "art friends" love to try and get clingy with me. I made the mistake of letting them add me on discord way back when I was just starting out because hey why not keep these guys around when I need their money right? It got annoying real fast. I really don't give two shits about their lives and I try to be blunt about it as much as possible but they just don't get the fucking message and still try to force a conversation out of me. The art friends are somehow even more annoying than my leeching clients because they're either only bitching about SJW shit or asking /beg/ questions they could easily solve themselves, they just want attention that badly. Fuck the coomer "community" and fuck me for being an idiot and falling for the friendship meme. I don't want any fucking friends, artist or not

>> No.4658939

pyw, i need to wank one off

>> No.4658948

I don't have any friends and I don't use social media. I hope to have a friend someday though!

>> No.4659442

You sound autistic

>> No.4659473

You're on /ic/ now? That's cool, so anyway what you up to? Just got off work so sorry for taking so long to get back to you, you know how it is. Just wondering what was that brush you're using was? I know you told me yesterday but I didn't bother writing it down, I think it was "hark lound" or something. But anyway, you do you, I'll speak to you soon freind.

>> No.4660676

A lot.

>> No.4661551
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>> No.4662727

then people behind their desktops aren't real people

or are you implying that you and everyone around you aren't bullshitting each other every min of their existence

if anything you can find and connect with ppl over the internet in ways that are the most pure and genuine experiences you could have, aka something akin to true friendships not limited by local borders. But it's on you that you're trying to find such people on 4chan. Try a game, mmo or something, but shooters generally attract low iq scum