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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4646023 No.4646023 [Reply] [Original]

I've been drawing for many many years and have worked for multiple video games and movies.

My girlfriend on the other hand has only been drawing for like 2 years and is still learning the fundamentals.

Since I've been exposed to Ruan Jia, Kim Jung Gi, etc. I have pretty high standards, and she gets super sad when I don't compliment her work enough and don't seem "impressed" by it. Sometimes she asks me for feedback and I rework the whole pose and she gets mad because nothing of her original drawing is left.

Anyone in a similar situation??? Help please

>> No.4646040

Do a critique sandwich.

Compliments, critiques, compliments. This style of critique eases the person into it with what they did well to lower their guard, then they have the uncomfortable reality of critiques, and then the blow is softened with the other things that they did well. Make sure you leave the most important things she did well for last because that will stick in her mind after getting torn apart.

Keep your critiques to the most fundamental problems she's having at first and ignore the more advanced things until later so you don't overload her /beg/ brain with information she doesn't need to worry about until she gets fundies down anyways.

You should also ask her what she was trying to accomplish, what she thinks she did well and what she had trouble with.

When redlining, you should be asking what she was trying to do and then stick to the same thing, try to keep the vibe she was going for and address the most fundamental issues first.

It also sounds like she needs to be separated from her art a little more, she's too close to it and may be taking your critiques as insults to not only her art but herself.

>> No.4646042
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>Anyone in a similar situation?
No, not really. However I would really like a gf who was better at art than me that would teach me, its more of a pipe dream than anything since I'm not gonna met anyone anytime soon by staying holed up in my room practicing non stop while getting pretty much ignored for the most part because my art is bad and unimpressive. Practice is my gf now I guess.

>> No.4646044

this, I learned this from family guy (stewie says it at one point) and it works universally well for most people (except the ones that get defensive beyond belief) for the same reasons

another great method, which is better for criticising someone's work/work ethic etc is to completely separate them from the work. I mean verbally, never say "your gesture lines aren't great" or "you chicken-scratch too much", it works a lot better to say "these lines could be more expressive" or "if we had some more confident lines here the drawing would get better" etc idk she's ur gf but she sounds like either she gets too defensive or u get too critical/personal

>> No.4646048

Tell her that frustration is a part of a learning process. At least she wants to learn. My gf has talent and big potential but when I tell her about Loomis, learning fundamentals, books etc. she gets so fucking mad for no reason and refuses to learn at all

>> No.4646053

Be supportive. Otherwise she’ll get fed up and not want anything from you

>> No.4646056


8:28 and onwards

>> No.4646058

Probably being patronizing or condescending about it, by giving unwanted advice

>> No.4646059

theres a phenomenon where people who are good at something can not comprehend why or how someone else could be bad at the same thing. It just doesn't make any sense. It's the "what do you mean you can't ride a bike???"
I forget the term completely, so if anyone could help me thatd be cool, but its something to keep heavily in mind.
But it'd probably be best to tackle the problems on what she has issues with - what doesnt she think is working? Take it, then fix it together. Get her to use her brain to self critique and then teach.

>> No.4646069

that's good advice

>> No.4646070



>> No.4646077


Based and redpilled steve

>> No.4646090

how did you get a gf

>> No.4646096

"Unwanted advice" is a cope.
If you don't want to get advice don't show your shit to anyone, especially not anyone better than you

>> No.4646100

You need to judge her art within the context of someone learning and where she was a few months/years ago. If you judge against an ultimate ideal, even KJG and Ruan Jia will become /beg/ trash. You are human and not some non-material being judging the world from the outside, act accordingly.

>> No.4646118
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>Judge KJF and Ruan Jia against an ultimate ideal

so... they aren't the ultimate Ideal?

>> No.4646129

No, numbnuts

>> No.4646152

You're welcome, hope your critique sessions go a little better with all that advice and it helps you guys. Even if she's not good yet, do try your best to do at least a 2:3:2 sort of ratio with the sandwich. It could even be that you like the setting or subject or something.

>> No.4646485

>I would really like a gf who was better at art than me that would teach me
She would leave you

>> No.4646492

Probably, but the gains will stay with me for the rest of my life.

>> No.4646528

I think it depends on the person. Some people (mostly women, in my experience) really have no interest in improving and just want to paint for fun, whatever that means. If someone has career aspirations then by all means, bully them. I'm not going to crit a paint and sip/bob ross project though.

>> No.4647447


Honestly , wtf are you doing attempting to "teach" your S.O.?
Everyone knows that this is some shit you dont do. Partner and teacher is a line you dont cross; you cant handle someones emotional and skill development at the same time.
That's too much entanglement in a person's psyche. It WILL fuck your relationship up.

Instead of pretending you know shit just because you like some meme artists- you should refer her to a proper teacher.
Preferably a mentor who offers critique online so she can actually get good. NMA offers this for their students. So do other artists on Patreon.

>> No.4647453

I hope she breaks up with you

>> No.4647456 [DELETED] 

>you should refer her to a proper teacher.
but what if she fucks the teacher?

>> No.4647743


>> No.4648318
File: 65 KB, 655x400, -the-duel-ilya-efimovich-repin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then you say: Bravo, sir. It seems in my folly to preserve my ego, I have inadvertently let slip of my duties, and thusly undone my own love. You fortuned where I did not. Now, i beg of you, sir: I must retreat.

>> No.4648430

Found the asexual rainbowkin woman.

No, retard, couples can grow together.
I taught my wife English (we both speak the same mother language) and corrected her singing for months until she finally stopped being tone deaf.

Believe it or not, some people are not bitter at the entire world and understand the concept of gratitude.