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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.26 MB, 1725x809, gg5g453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4643425 No.4643425[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm not going to lie; the future for art is scaring me.

>> No.4643426

You are too bad to even compete against thousands of artists. Quit now

>> No.4643427

This can’t be real.

>> No.4643433

Most I can somehow understand but stone-throwing devils and cleanse I have no idea.

>> No.4643438

>destroy all black creatures

How is this racist? Aren’t their other creatures like Red, Blue, White etc. Why aren’t they banned?

>> No.4643440
File: 209 KB, 672x936, white.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think they're going to stop

>> No.4643446

I support the movement as far as police violence goes but why have I seen an influx of black artists trying to angle their way into lucrative art jobs? It just seems cheap and opportunistic.

>> No.4643447

The eternal nigger has always been nothing short of an opportunist.

>> No.4643452
File: 194 KB, 693x549, 1591852843267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They see "cleanse" and immediately make the leap to "ethnic cleansing", most likely. "Black creatures" doesn't help.

Don't you know? It's not racism when it's against non-black creatures.

>> No.4643453

"Cleanse" comes across as something holy getting rid of something unholy. Light beating dark.

>> No.4643454
File: 478 KB, 586x615, nigcel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They don't have to angle. Google hired pic related to make poorly traced woke shit all day after he called them racist. Being able to make something resembling an image is an automatic job for black """artists"""".

>> No.4643457

Manlet Rage.

>> No.4643463

get real, they've been doing this "woke" social justice shit in Magic for about 10 years now. stop pretending like it has only now escalated.

>> No.4643468


>> No.4643472

thank you college educated upper class liberal
racism is solved

>> No.4643489
File: 42 KB, 419x393, 1588737002261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>colors are racist now
>historical/fictional events are racist now
I thought you normies liked to be on the right side of the narrative?
With "no raysins" and all that jazz.
You fed a literal hellbeast and you're going to regret it.
Say goodbye to any artistic expression, job opportunity or relevance in the business, unless it's "politically correct".
And honestly, this is what you deserve.
Get fucked, autists.

>> No.4643490

I wonder how long it will be before they start removing everything vaguely sexualized or "culturally appropriative" which would be a ton of cards lmao

>> No.4643505

It's coming, friend.

>> No.4643508

This. They fed the machine and the machine is going to pull them in now.

>> No.4643514

That image hurts to look like. Why the fuck is one okay but the other bad.

>> No.4643522

Take a look at Twitter. People are sending them tons and tons of cards they want to see removed. They opened up the can and Magic is going to fuck themselves when people stop buying cards.

>> No.4643533

The people complaining aren't even the ones who buy the cards.
It's always like this.
They're going to shoot themselves and their customers in the face just to appease the insane leftist mob, karens and catladies.

>> No.4643547

Exactly my point. They are going to take so much away the people who do play will give up.

>> No.4643554

It's true, one of their guidelines is "girl power" aka none of the cards should portray a damsel in distress.

>> No.4643570

Get a grip dumbfuck. You act like some dorky card game banning 7 cards is a signifier of the end times.

>> No.4643573

it’s just bots, man. 4chan is nothing more than an echo chamber and fun-house mirrors.

>> No.4643575

You're a retarded nigger with no foresight. The censorship won't end at censoring manchildrens card games.

>> No.4643584

And it won’t end with art being ruined forever either you drama queen

>> No.4643588
File: 86 KB, 300x393, 1590481095304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And it won’t end with art being ruined forever either you drama queen
Anon, I...

>> No.4643620

It is time to learn about African art if you want to have a future in 10 years.

>> No.4643632

HBO took down Gone With the Wind because hurt feelings. So yeah, I’m a little worried.

>> No.4643634

I don't understand what could be wrong with that jypsy card. Wtf is wrong with these anglos man?

>> No.4643707

Holy shit, this looks like a wikihiw article

>> No.4643709

Faggot, they are already censoring movies that depict slavery

>> No.4643727

Correct. The logical endpoint of ideological censorship is total narrative control. The goal is to push all ideas that contradict and threaten the politics of the censors out of the public sphere, not only in history books but also in fiction.

>> No.4643728

>The basic human concept of darkness as bad as something opposed to light isn't a thing anymore, it has to be about melanin
My only consolation is that I will never, ever, ever have children. Nobody deserves to experience what is to come.

>> No.4643738

google is looking for alternatives to "blacklist and "whitelist" for this very reason btw :)

>> No.4643751

>they are already censoring movies that depict slavery
Like what?

>> No.4643755

Gone with the wind

>> No.4643757

Jesus those cards are hilarious

>> No.4643771

>muh wokeness in media
Stop defining your existence based on the fictional creations of people you will never meet and maybe your life will stop feeling so out of control

>> No.4643778

>just stop fighting our attempts to achieve total cultural hegemony, bigot
and in case you hadn't noticed, this is /ic/, so your advice should read "stop trying to reach people you will never meet with your art and just draw for yourself." great advice, that.

>> No.4643884

>"If you disagree with a politically-made change then it means you're basing your entire existence on it"
Retard logic, lol.

>> No.4643898
File: 26 KB, 739x415, 4L_xXy9N4IE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever played a gacha? At least they didn't powercreep the shit out of every card released until they were unusable 6 months after they came out.

>> No.4643903

I can feel myself getting more racist every day.

>> No.4643910

How about sexism and transphobia? Any changes?

>> No.4643928

I maxed out years ago.

>> No.4643931

Good to hear that. Cheers!

>> No.4643932

play better gacha games

>> No.4643939

Why are stone-throwing devils racist? They're not even brown in the art, they're pinkish. Why is a card alluding to "foul beasts" racist? Ironically this sounds absurdly racist, I doubt that the black people playing MTG feel like undead goblins represent them in the first place.
Why is "imprison" being removed? There's nothing racist about imprisoning, that art is from an old as fuck edition so why is it relevant?
At least Warner Bros didn't cut all the racist shit from the old Bugs Bunny shorts and they put a disclaimer on it. Historical revisionism is shit.

>> No.4643943

>At least Warner Bros didn't cut all the racist shit from the old Bugs Bunny shorts and they put a disclaimer on it. Historical revisionism is shit.
y-you're only saying that because you want kids to be indoctrinated and turned into bigoted nazis like yourself. community safety assistant, de-escalate this man!

>> No.4643944
File: 319 KB, 315x448, 1590652392306.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are liberals fucking retarded?
Who knows, anon. Who knows.
>sanctioned tournament play
Couldn't give more of a fuck. I own 6x Invoke Prejudice. Not because of "muh racism" but because of the fact that the card is baller as fuck with sick looking artwork

>> No.4643953

where by de-escalate I mean "subject to psychological torture and terrorize his family until he makes a public apology and promised to be a good material boy in the future."

>> No.4644062

I wonder when the studios will get a dedicated room 101

>> No.4644082

Are you serious? I'm so glad I stopped playing that shitty game years ago.

>> No.4644086

the sheer level of cognitive dissonance involved in rejecting state violence in all forms, no matter how justified, and at the same time deplatforming, publically shaming, threatening and physically attacking wrongthinkers in the name of peace would be funny if it weren't so scary.

>> No.4644110

Reading it again has sent shivers down my spine. It used to be a throwaway thing to say we're headed toward dystopia but holy fuck, everything is there, every single element is slowly clicking into place. The butchering of expression and the meaning of words, the euphemisms, everything replaced by a quantitative descriptor, the constant revision of truth, the fear induced participation. It's insane, this shit is some time traveler level of accuracy.

>> No.4644145

Leftists will tell you that Orwell was a life-long socialist and stop thinking there, even though many of the themes 1984 explored were demonstrably re-imaginings of real political strategies and social dynamics in the Soviet Union.
The Gulag Archipelago is a pretty good primer for totalitarianism as well. Like you said, it creeps up on you, ground being taken and pieces moved into place, wolves isolating and swarming one undesirable after another while the bystanders grit their teeth and applaud.

>> No.4644166
File: 77 KB, 599x624, doom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4644194

The removal is only temporary, it’ll be back once they add one of these to the beginning of it. If you can’t wait for them to do that then buy a DVD or rent it.

>> No.4644216

aparently it's an insult to Muslims

>> No.4644224

No good unless you're African yourself. They'll just say you're "appropriating" and "tokenizing." White people can only draw furries and inanimate objects in the dystopian sjw future because any depictions of people are automatically controversial.

>> No.4644488

Love how they assume any card that benefits white "REALLY" means white people..

>> No.4644498

This is just the modern version of Liberal white millionaires and execs hiring completely unqualified, untrained, and unskilled brown people simply so they can claim brownie points. This had been going on for decades.

>> No.4644499

How long before white cards are completely removed for being racist?

Or any card that affects all black creatures/enchantments? There are an awful lot of blue and green cards that affect only black stuff too.

>> No.4644503

only cucks draw for money

>> No.4644522

>You fed a literal hellbeast and you're going to regret it.
Apparently the number of this card is 1488

>> No.4644526

I dropped that game. Not playing shit that changes to smokescreen controversy while the game is in a dire state. Fuck magic

>> No.4644533
File: 345 KB, 384x470, 221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wouldn't be surprised if Wizards decides to put out some huge announcement like
>To create a safe, secure and welcoming inclusive environment for all races, genders, and cultures we have decided to ban all straight white males from tournament play, as well as spectating such events.

>> No.4644537

Who’s who. I think the one with the arms up is the physicist

>> No.4644538

It's still scary they removed it in the first place

>> No.4644545
File: 20 KB, 480x479, BF13153C-BCAC-4906-8BCB-F4E96F7848CF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That would be actually funny as fuck.
Damn, its like that shitty /pol/ meme: the clownworld. Its like reality has become a parody of itself

>> No.4644551

how long before white cards become totally useless since the got rid of all cards that benefit them or attack black cards, also nice digits

>> No.4644634

>Destroy all white creatures
>(this includes your white creatures)
What did they mean by this?
If you think about it in marketing terms, it's really cost-efficient to pay a random woke person who'll advertise your company on Twitter 24/7

>> No.4644662

what, you think google is making decisions like this based on cold, calculated economic reasoning? those people are true believers in the progressive cause.

>> No.4644690
File: 332 KB, 1100x752, aw68a6m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys remember that shit that happened to Rebecca Guay?

>> No.4644700

So far i only remember Terese Nielsen being the one who got chased by angry trannies for a tweet she liked 3 years ago

>> No.4644706

Huh maybe I'm getting my artists mixed up.

Middle aged lesbian that liked a fox news post or something?

One of the lead witchhunters was actually another Wizards Employee. Not an artist but some community outreach guy or something.

/TG/ had a good rage about. Speaking of does anyone know how they feel about this? Been ages since I've browsed there.

>> No.4644719

looking at half of these cards and thinking that they're racist is more racist that the cards themselves.

>> No.4644731

>Feel free to paint beautiful women, as long as they're shown kicking ass. No damsels in distress. No ridiculously exaggerated breasts. No nudity.
I probably exaggerated a bit but they do have a guideline.

>> No.4644755

Oh no what am I going to do without these common cards from 5th edition in my decks.

lmao nobody is going to stop playing because they are changing the artwork on old cards. Alternate art has always been a thing and its the right idea for a company to try to not offend people.

That being said, I do think some of these are a stretch. Imprison and Invoke Prejudice are the only ones that seem like issues. Gypsies, Jihad, and Crusade are good character design and only seem to be a problem because they are tied with the card name. Either way, who gives a shit. These cards are bad and nobody even used them let alone knew they existed.

>> No.4644873

The problem isn't the playability or mechanics of the game. We are talking about cultural erosion and censorship. Marxists always start with little things and move on to bigger and bigger things when they are given permission to.

>> No.4644879

Some were on the breaking point with the state of gameplay (worst it has been in all of its history) and this gave them the last push to leave the hobby, the rest were on full battered wife mode defending wotc. Magic players are laughable, really

>> No.4644901
File: 378 KB, 1476x2064, NDR-096FA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nobody is going to stop playing because they are changing the artwork on old cards
That's not the point, Anon. They're not changing the artwork because of artistic reasons or that the pictures are too violent and not suited for every audience; they're doing it in the name of "wokeness".
>Who gives a shit?
You should, if you're an artist.
If they can get a big company who's been around for decades to change old forgotten cards because they're "offensive", what stops those type of people to try to change what YOU draw based on their feelings?

Mind you, not only if you were to work with them, but as a solo artist who posts on social media.
The woke police finds you, and if they do not like what they see, for absurd reasons, they can and will cancel you because nobody will dare to even oppose them, not even the government.
And if you dare even speak against their decisions, well, say goodbye to even making another buck with your work.
You're especially at risk if you have big numbers, because then you're big prey for them.
And no matter how unfair do you think it is, they won't care. You will lose everything you work on for years, because a horde of 25-40 year old childless abominations decides that the girls you draw are better looking than them and you're having success with it.

>> No.4644913

Stone throwing devils??????

>> No.4644916

Since when were the crusades or jihad racist

>> No.4644918

It's weird how they're so uptight about censoring regular shit but porn is the most fucked up it's even been in the history of humanity.
It really looks like there's a program going on, call me a crazy tinfoil hat. There are basically 3 social media platforms and only have to push the same narrative to the people who are the most aggressive.
Or maybe this is just my naive view of things and people are just a bunch of angry monkeys who finally have an outlet to be at their worst without consequence. Your neighbors, friends and all those people who would normally coexist with are now finally able to be themselves, and this is who they are.

>> No.4644920

>"this place used to be a good neighborhood before those stone throwing devils moved in."

>> No.4644961
File: 42 KB, 640x447, 1539313702631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's weird how they're so uptight about censoring regular shit but porn is the most fucked up it's even been in the history of humanity.
That's because most of them don't bring porn unto the discussion table out of fear of being ostracized by their group
>"How and why do you know about that? How did you stumble upon that"
There is still much shame and guilt attached.
But it goes deeper than that. This is just a shallow observation.
>this is who they are.
Yes and no.
You can't deny that there is a very visible socio-political push being made.
And art and social politics have always been going hand-in-hand.
>"if you control the means of expression, you control what people see, think and say"
Who really is behind this, i cannot tell you but think of it more like "body snatchers", in a metaphorical sense.
Many fight for the woke cause because they want somewhere where they belong and they get accepted there, even if it's just false acceptance. Many do it in hopes to get laid. Many truly believe they're doing the right thing, because they can't bother to think about the consequences or because they believe that what they're doing won't affect them in any way.
And many, like you said, just like the power that comes with it.
The thing is, they're loud, very loud and your average citizen always goes with the loudest monkey because they don't want to be alienated.

>> No.4645022

What card game is that? Art is nice.

>> No.4645029

Wait hold up "destroy all black creatures". If wizard of the coast thinks that this is racist. Then that means they consider black people to be creatures?

>> No.4645030

Force of will.
Art is very nice. The game is half-dead, though.

>> No.4645034

That was a slur used towards muslims in the 90s

>> No.4645094

>Leftists will tell you that Orwell was a life-long socialist and stop thinking there, even though
He became severely disillusioned after returning from Spanish Civil War.

>> No.4645109

No it’s not. If you want to watch it while it’s down go buy a DVD copy, rent it off YouTube, pirate it or something. Temporarily removing one of the dozens of ways to watch the movie shouldn’t be getting this kind of reaction.

>> No.4645114

Spanish socialists have always been an embarrassment but if im honest with you, Spain itself has always been an embarrassment when it comes to politics, too

>> No.4645115

You know this is censoring, right?

>> No.4645140

Not being able to watch Mad Men on Netflix anymore is censorship too then, huh. Retard.

>> No.4645159

A lot of Muslims are rather brown-ish. Therefore, the Crusades are racist because it was European violence against Muslims, and mentioning Jihad is racist because it suggests Muslims are capable of violence.

>> No.4645163

They pulled it off because it depicted slavery, so yes, it is censorship.

>> No.4645166

and obviously the big guy is the doctor, he already has the scalpel attacked to his forearm

>> No.4645192

They *temporarily pulled it off because it depicted slavery *in a questionable way but it will be available to stream once they add a disclaimer contextualizing the depiction

>> No.4645193

I guess the guy with the arms raised is an Arch Vile? So then he would be the Doctor, and the big guy would be the Engineer because he has a tool. The Cacodemon stuck on the ground would be the Physicist while the Pain Elemental that is defying gravity would be the Philosopher. The little nerd out front would be the Rocket Scientist I guess, but really it should be a Revenant. And the little guy in the corner no one cares about is the Lawyer.

>> No.4645203

>obviously the big guy
>I guess the guy with the arms raised
>And the little guy
did you just assume their gender?

>> No.4645241

Creatures is used in general. Even robots and human like cards are "creatures"

>> No.4645253

>artists these days are unavowed socialists or communists
Do they really think they'll be tapped to draw big-nosed tranny pictures of most glorious leader? These retards would be the first up against the wall and tossed into the gulag. Most of them are not even commies in the Leninist sense, they only really want to invoke a holiness spiral over how orcs are racist. Art renaissances and golden ages usually follow economic ones, so it's really counter-productive.

Not only that but they can slash wages doing so.

>> No.4645256

Don't be scared, be happy. now anyone can become a competitor to these losers so long as they never bend the knee.

>> No.4645260
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>> No.4645265

The people of peace and pushing gays off of roofs? Why give a fuck about their feelings

>> No.4645270

>not racist = communist
Oh ok

>> No.4645276

They think communism means the government will provide all their basic needs while they spend all day making woke art and posting selfies asking if they pass. In addition to free sex change operations.

>> No.4645315

Who even wants to create new card games anymore?
They're a dying game in the west and people have been sticking to the big three for decades now:
mtg, ygo and pokemon.
Not even fully digital card games like Hearthstone or Shadowverse are doing as good as them.

>> No.4645319

Neither of you have any idea what communism is. Probably talking to amerisharts so it's understandable.

>> No.4645325

Not them, but elaborate please.
Like it has been witnessed a few times, communism is just full government control.
Example; China, North Korea.
I don't know right now about Russia but it wasn't great either.
Also, Germany after WW2 during the Wall times.
Shit was not good.

>> No.4645328

oh, really? then why dont you tell this romanian anon, ex commy country btw, how communism is

>> No.4645330
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>> No.4645334

Communism is the belief that means of production should be owned by whoever works it, and making every single adult enter the workforce in a way that community is self-sustained. Nothing more and nothing less.

What trannies, fags or niggers have to do with this eludes me.

Unless you're talking about american-branded left, in which case go on.

>> No.4645335

then why is it the state which ends up with most of the wealth in a communist country?

>> No.4645343

The state is ruled by the communist party, which has affiliates from the entire worker force. Its role to coordinate the entire territory. For example China and the USSR were fuck huge, stuck in the middle ages, and full of millions of starving and unemployed citizens. Not even mention the fact that they had tons of wars with foreign powers.

It's pretty obvious then why it's the state that redistributes its wealth.

>> No.4645350

She became stupid rich with gallery art and told WotC to shove it up their ass.

>> No.4645356

First of, It's not a belief. It's an ideology.
Second; everything sounds nice on paper, but in practice it always gets abused.
I personally do not disagree with letting people be self sufficient or giving them the possibility to do so but
As we've witnessed, it always ends up with people starving and governments holding all the power over what people do, eat and are allowed to say.
Now, you're contradicting your "True Communism".
Shouldn't people be existing for their own sake with minimal government influence instead of relying on the government to not starve IF the reason of communism is to make the population self-sustaining?
>why it's the state that redistributes its wealth.
Why should the state do that?
You want workers to own the means of production, but want to take away the produce they produced to keep them producing?
I dunno man, the more you say things about communism the more fishy it sounds.

>> No.4645371

Depending on how you saw it the USSR was either the top or the second world power for almost 70 years, with unemployment rates at zero and winning almost every single armed conflict it went into. Much better place to live that the entirety of capitalistic Latin America, India, Africa or the Mid East.

What's the contradiction about 'true communism'? The only thing I said is that sexism, lgbt+ and racism matters have no place in marxist theory. That's all.

>Shouldn't people be existing for their own sake with minimal government influence instead of relying on the government to not starve IF the reason of communism is to make the population self-sustaining?
Yes but the communist states were (are) at war with several other countries, so dissolving the state would mean those countries would be conquered, citizens would be killed, and many others. Or would you rather have Stalin surrender to Hitler and get his people massacred instead of win WW2. Would you rather have the USSR nuclear bombed in the cold war.

>You want workers to own the means of production, but want to take away the produce they produced to keep them producing?
That's not what I said. That's not what marxism is about. You're trying to come up with a fictional, counterfactual scenario, to refute an obtuse strawman. Marxist literature is readily available so you can avoid misunderstandings like this.

>> No.4645414

>with unemployment rates at zero and winning almost every single armed conflict it went into
War and Unemployment rates do not reflect the quality of life of the people.
Their day to day life.
>Much better place to live that the entirety of capitalistic Latin America, India, Africa or the Mid East.
Really doesn't take much to be better, Anon.
>What's the contradiction
If communism gives power to the people, why does the government have all the power over the people by sending them to war or forcing taxes on them?
>Yes but the communist states were (are) at war with several other countries, so dissolving the state would mean those countries would be conquered, citizens would be killed, and many others. Or would you rather have Stalin surrender to Hitler and get his people massacred instead of win WW2. Would you rather have the USSR nuclear bombed in the cold war.
Not an argument.

>That's not what marxism is about. You're trying to come up with a fictional, counterfactual scenario, to refute an obtuse strawman. Marxist literature is readily available so you can avoid misunderstandings like this.
But that's what it is and what happened.
If Marxism was so good, why did every communist government who implemented those rules, fail miserably?
Sure, capitalism is bad, so is communism.
Capitalism at least gives you the chance to earn, under communism, you'll starve or melt your farming equipment if you leader decides that.
Don't want to do that? Off to gulag or get shot.
All i can read from what you write
>"True communism has never been tried"
Anon, as long as you'll have sociopaths roaming the planet, you won't be shit except be a resource in their system.
You're delusional if you think that any system ruled by any government can give you freedom without those governments taking advantage of it.

>> No.4645446

>If Marxism was so good, why did every communist government who implemented those rules, fail miserably?

It hasn’t failed miserably every time, but where it does fail you can typically chalk that up to sanctions and sabotage by western, capitalist, powers that see communism as the threat. See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_involvement_in_regime_change_in_Latin_America

>> No.4645455

>pulling the 'not an argument' card

I don't want to 'argue' communism with someone who is antagonizing just for the sake of it, without even knowing what the matter he's treating is. As I said there are several books that are very comprehensive and can explain all your doubts in much finer ways than I could. In other words, I'm not going to spoonfeed you. I have no interest in discussing your beliefs either, whatever they are.

>> No.4645458
File: 129 KB, 900x638, original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Capitalism at least gives you the chance to earn
does it?
ignorance is bliss

>> No.4645461


>> No.4645491

>Capitalism at least gives you the chance to earn
Earn what, a wage slave ? And if you don’t want that then you get cast off into the streets to die. Under capitalism there’s only one choice, wage slave or die. What are choices without options.

>> No.4645496

>retarded nigger can't feed its progeny
>it's capitalism's fault!

>1 child policy
>dat's no tru communism!!!1

>> No.4645527
File: 243 KB, 680x709, yes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>retarded nigger can't feed its progeny
>>it's capitalism's fault!

>> No.4645539

da system is raysis! Now gibs me dat food you wealthy white capitalist swine!

>> No.4645543

It's funny how you all started talking about communism without explain what it has to do with blacks, Muslims, trannies, etc. When that was the main topic here

>> No.4645549

What's wrong with Imprison???

>> No.4645551
File: 71 KB, 912x1024, ohh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>US 30% unemployment
>URSS 0% unemployment
Why yes, it's capitalism's fault. How did you know?

>> No.4645600

>"B-b-but capitalism doesn't help ALL the people!"
Sorry to break it to you, kid, but there's no perfect system that helps fucking everybody. There's always people who are gonna be at the bottom of the barrel.
But hey, at least I prefer some people living in poverty than mass starvation in a communism hell.

>> No.4645602

>URSS unpersons every dissenting people, including those who reject their government-chosen job
Sure thing, bud.

>> No.4645610
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>is da capitalis ppl fault
Tell me of one commie shithole where it didn't fail and where the people actually live free.
>b-b-but real communism has never been tried because war n shiet DID YOU WANT TO GET PEOPLE MASSACRED IF COMMUNISM BAD???????
All the shit i wrote
>not an argument
is the only thing that gets an answer
Holy shit, kill yourself
>gibs me dat fo free
get a job and stop making stupid life decisions, nigger
No shit if you keep buying and supporting everyone who actively works against your interests, you're gonna suffer
>y-y-ye g-goys lets import 1685431584651 non-whites
>w-what do you mean it's bad for the economy? STOP BEING RACIST
Does your wife's bf know your such a fucking retard?

Sums up pretty much that this shithole is filled with illiterate low IQ r*dditniggers who go off at
>communism bad
You really believe you won't get sent off to gulag?

>govt points gun at you and forces you to work
I thought communism/marxism was about giving people the freedom to work?????

>> No.4645612

>america continues a decades long tradition of harassing, sabotaging black communities, and passing explicitly discriminatory and anti-black laws
>“LOL 1350 GUISE !!!!!!”
Sure thing, guy


>> No.4645614

USSR, N.Korea, Cuba, China

>> No.4645616

>Using conspiracy theories as arguments

>> No.4645629

Just stop posting, retard.

>> No.4645632

>US destroys half the world to maintain standards of living
>30% unemployment
>thousands dying daily of a flu
Um... capitalism good?

>> No.4645633

>m-muh free market

>> No.4645634

>muh wealth distribution
learn to read, nigger

>> No.4645638

>>US destroys half the world to maintain standards of living
And that's wrong because...?

>> No.4645640

I never said communism has never been tried lmao, you keep arguing against a strawman.

You had to be a libertarian too, color me surprised.

>well if you don't get a job just starve and die! um... full employment is bad though!
Couldn't be more dense if you tried.

>> No.4645641

The ancom wants to discuss morality now. Cute

>> No.4645647
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>why yes, I killed millions in dozens of countries, overthrew democratic governments, instilled war around the globe and funded terrorist groups that even attacked my own people

>> No.4645648

>communism is just full government control.
If you want to be semantic about it, that's Totalitarianism.

>> No.4645655

Boohoo. You talk like the US is the only country that does shitty things for their own gain, just like, you know, every fucking country ever.
Cry me a fucking river, nigger.

>> No.4645656

Holy shit, you commies really aren't human.

>> No.4645657
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And now, if you're not completely braindead, put one and one together.

>> No.4645663

are we really having a fucking discussion about whether communism is a viable political system? we don't have to, because it already falls apart at the point of the premise
who holds ownership of the means of production under communism? who makes every single adult enter the workforce? "the workers"? think again, it's your new ruling class, the communist state, using threats of violence no less. it calls this "liberation", claiming to act in the workers own, "objective" interests, i.e. it doesn't even have to ask them, because it knows what they really want and need better than they do. In other words, it's a dictatorship not of but over the proletariat. commies will claim that from this condition of despotism a magical free, stateless society will arise, but they can't explain how.

>> No.4645670

nah man, they're just fucking delusional because they don't want to work and they think people aren't gonna beat the shit out of them for not working and demanding to be fed

>> No.4645672

>who holds ownership of the means of production under communism?
The workers
>who makes every single adult enter the workforce?
Themselves. If they wanted to live a life of more than bare minimums than they’ll work.

>> No.4645676

There’s no demanding to fed under communism. Keeping the population fed and housed is a built in feature of the ideology.

>> No.4645681
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it's worse than that. they think that working isn't that difficult and it'll all work out somehow when noone's oppressing them.

>> No.4645682

If you work.

>> No.4645688

t.burger who measures freedom by how many fast food chains there are

>> No.4645690

What part of “ From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs” do you not understand ?

>> No.4645692
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sounds good. how are we going to make sure that everyone does their part for the common endeavor? I'm thinking quotas. now we just need someone to decide what the quotas should be and enforce them and ... oh. would you look at that. when did we start building labor camps? I can't seem to remember.

>> No.4645693
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>> No.4645695

ok then feed me, clothe me and entertain me
i have no ability whatsoever

>> No.4645697

there are no invalids under communism :)

>> No.4645702
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Must be all that food they're allowed to eat

>> No.4645704

Relax dude. Chances are you aren’t even white (italian, spanish, or some other pseudowhite country). So you have no reason to be offended

>> No.4645706

Why do you assume that people won’t want to work/ be forced to work a job you’re just not compatible with ?

You’re basic needs with be met by social programs. Entertainment is up to you.

>> No.4645707

>You’re basic needs with be met by social programs
Nobody wants to be my friend and i can't get a wife because they all think i'm lazy and don't contribute.
Government-sama, pls fix

>> No.4645709

oh no, I would never assume such a thing. whoever decides for me what job I'm compatible with, I'm sure they will have my true and proper interests at heart.

>> No.4645717

Join a support group, if the stress of no gf causes you to be mentally ill then visit a hospital, get diagnosed, and meet with a personal therapist x times a month and work through it.
Nobody but you decides where you’ll work.

>> No.4645719

Thanks to capitalism you can make bank by selling shitty art to coomers like sakimichan, or posting photos of your feet on onlyfan.

>> No.4645721

Based USSR would kill 99% of today's communists.

>> No.4645723

>Nobody but you decides where you’ll work.
your system inevitably falls apart at this point, because different individuals have different ideas of what should be produced, how it should be produced, by what standards and how it should be valued compared to other products. to solve that problem you would need something along the lines of a market economy.

>> No.4645726

making fun of a trannys perception of communism means I don't know what communism is? Lmfao

>sexism, lgbt+ and racism matters have no place in marxist theory

These groups are being mentioned because they are the people who want the US to be overthrown and turned communist (guess you've been living under a rock). I know people like this IRL so it's not a matter of me forming opinions through twitter posts. They think it's a paradise where they'll get everything they "need" and that they can spend all day working on their art while being protected from evil capitalism. In reality they'd be slaving away on farms and factories or be jailed. And their freedom of speech would be nonexistent along with basically every other freedom.

>> No.4645727

>you would need something along the lines of a market economy.
Pretty sure a dictator like Stalin could solve that as well

>> No.4645728

Lmfao part of the population would have to work to feed the lazy NEETs. Commies are so retarde,d no wonder it never worked.

>> No.4645729

No, give gf. I don't care about any support group.
Also i want more food. I'm losing weight.
Also i want a car. I want to go out drinking.
I want to go bet on horses.
I don't like how you're treating me, i want to complain.

>> No.4645731

by starving 3.9 million people?

>> No.4645733

It's because those commies think they're going to be the lazy NEETs and enjoy the fruits of other's labour.

>> No.4645735

Sure, I'm not a fan of Stalin, just saying it is a solution

>> No.4645736

I seriously can't understand these fuckers, they must be really mentally ill. Even a 12 yeard old edgelord who watches one ben shapiro video can understand why communism will never work.

>> No.4645738

You’re inserting the problems of capitalism into a situation where it wouldn’t exist.
If you’re comfortable living with the absolute bare minimums then go ahead be a NEET. In a country as big as the US your type would be a drop in the bucket and could easily be taken care of by the work of the other 99% of the population that wants a little more out of life and works

>> No.4645741

yeah... commies are such dumdums... why don't they learn through youtubers like us...

>> No.4645748

arts and media are some of the fields where the failure and damage of unregulated capitalism are blatant

>> No.4645752

More like everyone would be living the bare minimum and the NEETs would be culled from society.

>> No.4645757

Besides being mentally ill, they probably have an iq of sub 90.
They think the government is almighty and whatever it says, so shall it be done.
That no one is going to complain. Everyone will be happy. No one will complain about the NEETs living off the work of others.
That people are just there to be useful and don't exist when they look away.
And of course it's going to work because anyone who opposes the system will be shot or imprisoned and no one is going to complain anymore, until the whole population revolts or some outside force dethrones the government.
Seriously, mate, is the money they're paying you really worth it in the long run?
If i were you, i'd rather kill myself.

>> No.4645758

You get as much food as a doctor recommends. Want more, then work. Car ? Work for it, until then take advantage of the new systems big public transportation. Work, work, work. You’re encouraged to the therapist you see free of charge.
Why do you assume everyone is like you and would never want to work again ?

>> No.4645760

funny how when there's actually good female artists they get thrown at the lions for the smallest things

>> No.4645762

No, you said that under communism i don't have to work??!!?! wtf you lied to me

>> No.4645767

And why would I work to support the NEETS? For a perfect communist utopia to exist people would have to stop being human. Humans are selfish and will always want more, more money, more control. I live in a socialist country and i have an inmense hatred toward poorfags, why do i have to pay so many taxes to feed those parasites? I can't wait to leave this shithole and go live in a more capitalist country.

>> No.4645768

I didn't say you were dense because you disagreed with me. I said you were dense because you're arguing a self imposed definition instead of what people in this thread are telling you.
You're both expecting me to spoonfeed you what communism is, and refusing to accept what it is. From the moment you cojoined communism to the LGBT movement it was blatant you had no idea what you were talking about, yet you try to school people from your absolute ignorance.
You can disagree all you want with communism regimes too, yet Marx's analysis on capitalism and its weaknesses is fantastic. You'd know this if you'd read a book in your life. Instead you choose to watch Ben Saphiro youtube videos.
And it's an objective fact that Stalin's USSR and Mao's China have saved much more people from poverty than the entirety of the capitalist world. Literally if it weren't for China right now, poverty worldwide would be increasing.

>> No.4645770

Yeah because i remember the classic movies from the USSR, unlike that goddam hollywood that never made a good movie.

>> No.4645772
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>Stalin's USSR and Mao's China have saved much more people from poverty than the entirety of the capitalist world
by starving 50 million people
oh, yeah, that's saving them from poverty all right

>> No.4645773

Do you think letting people die on the streets of the flu while megacorporations get bailouts, is being human too?
Do you think sending millions to unemployment to save the rich is a human thing to do?
Americans and ancaps have no place arguing about things such as morals.

>> No.4645776

>muh 100 gorillion
Even the CIA disclosed that those famines were fabrications.
It's documented that during the tzariat they had orders of more people starving.

>anime smug girl.jpg
Dilate, libertard tranny.

>> No.4645778

If you agree with jews selling taped bananas for millions while 90% of artists struggle to make minimum wage then that's your choice I guess.

>> No.4645779

Do you have a license to express your opinion?
You'll have to know that many of our great benefactors are the people you're criticizing.
Maybe a round of gulag will make you a better comrade.

>> No.4645782
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>> No.4645783

>d-don't dare bite the hand that feeds!
Weeks of riots countrywide
Millions in unemployment, barely getting anything to eat
People falling dead on the streets
Police abuse killing innocent civilians
Warlords runing neighborhoods
White people shamed for being white

But you aren't allowed to complain

Such is freedom in capitalism

>> No.4645784

Ah, yes, of course, the fabrications.
Yes, yes, fellow chinese citizen, yes.

>> No.4645786

>Do you think letting people die on the streets of the flu while megacorporations get bailouts, is being human too?
Yeah because the chinese goverment didn't treat their citizens like dogs and totally didn't lie about the virus causing this pandemic in the first place. Why don't you live in venezuela/cuba/china you filthy commie.

>> No.4645787

This is a good thread.

>> No.4645788

nazbol gang?

>> No.4645789

As you like to say. Fake news, not an argument.

>> No.4645792

And how would communism fix the problem of shitty artists?

>> No.4645793

Stupid lolbert, nobody likes your kind, neither right nor left wing.

>> No.4645798

>Implying most of that shit isn't caused by left wing ideologies

>> No.4645802

And a beep-boop to you, fellow robot.
Have you downloaded and installed the latest coherency.dat patch?

>> No.4645804

it's both

>> No.4645808

How is he wrong? It's very coherent to me.

>> No.4645809

It won't. Faggots believe that they will be allowed to sit at home 24/7 to draw when in reality they will be forced to either work or join the military.

>> No.4645810

You get paid for what you do. If you make a masterpiece you get paid accordingly, if you draw shitty art no one likes, you get paid dimes. Value is regulated by labor, which is determined by quality of the end product and how long it takes you to make it, like an expert artisan or jeweler.

>> No.4645814

How so?

>> No.4645816

Of course it's coherent to you, because that's you.
Also, if you really think you can even complain about a commie government, oh boy, you must truly live in a different dimension.

>> No.4645817

State a single thing I said that's false

>> No.4645818

>if you really think you can even complain about a commie government
Now you are being incoherent here, what do you mean? I'm not that other guy and haven't read most of this thread btw.

>> No.4645819

SJWs don't actually care about women. Only time they stand up for them is when they want to complain about le evil privileged white man

>> No.4645820

Yeah, but the governments wants clean propaganda, not your anime titties.

>> No.4645823

So literally just patreon, kek

>> No.4645824

Your existence is false.
>i am autistic
yes, you are.

>> No.4645826

Most great artists from the URSS and China didn't ever make any propaganda.

No, patreon is literally capitalist, even to the point of patreon stealing money from you by doing literally nothing. Are you retarded?

>> No.4645827

Ok then, who's going to pay for your art then?

>> No.4645828

>But you aren't allowed to complain
>Such is freedom in capitalism
You know, the funny thing about your post is that each of the things you listed is taboo for a different reason, and you can just ignore the complex interdependent dynamics of censorship and pretend that the problem is "capitalism". It's no different from blaming the Jews for every conceivable evil in existence. "If we just get rid of the bad thing everyone will be nice, it's the fault of a nebulous external force that people individually are assholes." No, idiot. There will be rapists, thieves and murderers, abusive husbands and wives and sociopathic children in your utopia, and you'll still try to explain it away as a systemic problem of internalized capitalism or whatever, because you won't accept that people can choose evil of their own free choice no matter what the material conditions are.

>> No.4645829

dude patreon makes money just by publishing people, they coded some shit then free money. the ones who actually work are artists yet they need to give them money. doesn't get more capitalistic than that.

something more alike communism would be having an union of artists and deciding among yourselves certain parameters to value your pieces, and negotiating your work directly with your clients.

>> No.4645832

Patreon gives you a plataform for you to get people from all over the world to give you money for making anime titties. If it wasn't for patreon people wouldn't be able to work full time being artists.

>> No.4645833

>You get paid for what you do. If you make a masterpiece you get paid accordingly, if you draw shitty art no one likes, you get paid dimes.
Many of the great artists of the past could make great artwork exclusively because they had ONE patron who backed them up. Your model can only work by popular appeal, this means hordes and hordes of Sakimichans pandering to the lowest possible taste. Your idea of "quality" is either something abysmal or has no reason to exist in your framework.
Anyway communism vs. capitalism is a giant meme, I can't see how anybody hasn't realized that politics have no meaning today. It's just an extremely rich elite holding all the cards and playing with themselves, changing the rules as they see fit.
All this shit, communists there, niggers here, da joos, the Mexicans, the feminists, the incels, it's all a retarded smokescreen to blame something reachable, you can't touch the rich. Poor people will continue to assault each other while a bunch of rich fucks laugh their fat asses off, it's too late to revert this especially since people themselves are so enamored this idea of framing an enemy under a convenient denominator that they will never let go. They will never just say "it's the rich" because they want to be rich one day. This naive idea that being rich is an outcome and not a privilege is just too ingrained. It really is an American thing to have Stockholm syndrome toward these assholes, I can't believe how a country that pushes so hard for 2nd amendment can be at the same time so incredibly cucked.

>> No.4645834

Pay? I don't think you know how communism works.

Capitalism always transforms into corporativism. I dare you try to denounce the state of affairs and question the ruling class. The least you'll get is either getting cancelled by liberals or shot by conservatives.

>> No.4645836

>of their own free choice

>> No.4645840
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>> No.4645841

No, i'm pretty sure you never lived under communism, you stupid fag.
Go kill yourself.

>> No.4645842

How isn't coding not working?

>> No.4645848

ITT: politically and emotionally retarded lolberts vs economically and emotionally retarded communists

>> No.4645849

how is building a company in general not working? simple. commies think entrepreneurs and leaders are thieves who owe their success to their exploited workers. crab mentality.

>> No.4645850

Your example of sakimichan is seen through the lens of capitalism, and it's literally what's happening under capitalism: hordes of sakimichan copycats begging for patreonbux, as it's the only way their art could be profitable. After that your ramble stops making sense.

Quality of artwork is not decided by popularity. It's decided by artists themselves, critics, artisans, periodists, scholars and overall the entire art community. You can make art as leisure, or do a piece in service of a community/individual. There wouldn't be either underpayment nor distortion a la money laundering. I don't understand why this idea is so hard to grasp to you.

You're acting as if the USSR and China didn't have literature, paintings, sculptures, music, movies or anything at all.

>> No.4645851

You didn't either, yet you keep saying it's the devil, while your own cities are in flames.

>> No.4645854

They should get paid for their coding then, instead of stealing a percentile of what artists earn forever. They're pretty much web landlords.

>> No.4645859

On such a large scale as Patreon or big real estate companies I agree with you, but just as with landlords, in a small scale I see no issue.

>> No.4645862

And you don’t ! You won’t die for not working but that doesn’t mean you’ll be fulfilled:)

>> No.4645866

So it's the same as neoliberalism.

>> No.4645873

>It's decided by artists themselves, critics, artisans, periodists, scholars and overall the entire art community.
experts can't to decide for the individual what constitutes good art, idiot. classic case of commies exerting their own will to power in the name of the fabled "true voice of the people".

>> No.4645886
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also, who decides whether I'm a part of the art community or not?

>> No.4645887

Yes me too, I don't think owning a bit of property to secure an extra income is inherently wrong. But patreon, uber and companies like that are aids both to commies and lolberts.

>> No.4645888

>don't be silly tinfoiler, they are only removing a few cards.
>Stop being paranoid, that man in a dress is only reading books in the childrens section of the library.
>Your panicking too much, its only one statue we want to take down.
>s-stop being a conspiracy theorist! These re-education camps will be fun for the kids!!...

Do you see the problem? Or is the blue pill so far up your ass you can only see just in front of your nose?!

>> No.4645892

>Keeping the population fed and housed is a built in feature of the ideology.
last time I checked ideology doesn't build houses or tend the fields

>> No.4645894

>companies like that are aids both to commies and lolberts
I always thought lolberts see nothing wrong with this and commies on the other hand wouldn't even allow a person to use half their own house for rent.

>> No.4645897

You could treat it as any other craft: anyone who's interested can hire you to do work, and it'll be an exchange according to your labor. What communism is against is the distortion of value, not exchange.

>> No.4645902

>There wouldn't be either underpayment nor distortion a la money laundering. I don't understand why this idea is so hard to grasp to you.
Because this is all idealized as fuck and human beings don't work like that. You cannot achieve this shit. It's impossible. Human beings are simply not evolved enough to make communism work, so all it can end up with is a disaster. Do I love the idea of communism? Sure, I fucking love it. Who wouldn't love it? But the only way this can work is if you actually destroy every bit of taste and individuality in people so they won't like or dislike anything or demand more of anything.
How do you keep producing without underpaying everyone? Our entire economy depends on outsourcing the costs to keep production high. It's a literal race to the bottom. Do you really think that shifting the power held by corporations to a government would change anything? You really think that we could switch overnight to a bunch of happy little villages helping each other when our main concern is finding the next country with a little blood to suck dry?
Global politics are fuzzy, they know no "capitalism" or "communism" but only the objective to impoverish everyone but the ruling class. Is that ruling class a government? A megacorp? Does it matter when they're equally massive and powerful?. Capitalist America leans on Communist China, and vice-versa. Who is the communist? Who is the capitalist?

>> No.4645904

Who decides what "according to your labor" means? Is my /beg/ labor worth as much as Ruan Jia's labor per hour?

>> No.4645906

>I always thought lolberts see nothing wrong with this
It's literally paying a tax to be able to work. Of course a branch of libertarians would be against this. They're leeches.

>commies on the other hand wouldn't even allow a person to use half their own house for rent
I'm pretty sure that for example people in Cuba can rent you a room, the USSR and China had hotel complexes and resorts, among others. It's not illegal. It's just that it may not be as profitable so it's pointless.

>> No.4645910

>It's literally paying a tax to be able to work. Of course a branch of libertarians would be against this
Lolberts would say just use a different service instead of Patreon. The government isn't controlling it so it's "free" or whatever.

>> No.4645911

>Human beings are simply not evolved enough
that's where communism inserts its idea of the new man, but I'm pretty sure subjectivity is an integral part of rationality, and the ideal of objective reason communism imagines is illusory.

>> No.4645913

>Because this is all idealized as fuck
Not really. Several jobs have unions to defend their workers from value distortion. Even stuff that has little to do with art like voice actors. If a client intends to pay less than what the job is worth, then no one will work for him.

On the other hand, regarding the sakimichan wannabe crowd, don't you think they're idealists?

>> No.4645915

If you create a work as good as Ruan Jia, its value will be the same. Though it'd take you 100x hours to do so. The value of labor is all described by Marx by the way.

You'll need to be hired first too, if you're bad I don't think anyone will be interested.

>> No.4645916

>idea of the new man
This alone suffices to dismiss it desu. Lolberts assert a similar "new man" imo. the perfectly rational human that makes a cost benefit analysis for everything.

>> No.4645917

>You'll need to be hired first too
This sounds more like national socialism than communism desu.

>> No.4645919

of course, I'm not an ancap. I believe certain forms of government regulation and social support structures are necessary for an economy to benefit a community rather than sucking it dry using its own greed as the engine.

>> No.4645925

>The value of labor is all described by Marx by the way.

>> No.4645927

Why? Communism won't force you to make shitty art no one would like, nor force people to do a job they're unable to do.
You could always study in your free time.
Wonder why people act as if communist countries didn't have art or leisure. What you're arguing against was already solved almost 100 years ago, anon.

>> No.4645929

>economy to benefit a community rather than sucking it dry using its own greed as the engine
So you are a fascist

>> No.4645932

Job unions aren't made of saints, they're incredibly corrupt.
I'm not saying that unions are bad, but they're not flawless. Nothing is flawless, and I'm sorry pal but there will always be a hierarchy. Where there's a hierarchy, there's corruption, always, without fail.
>On the other hand, regarding the sakimichan wannabe crowd, don't you think they're idealists?
The whole Sakimichan thing wouldn't exist if copyright laws and intellectual property were enforced. Companies simply don't want to deal with the backlash, the costs of chasing every pornshitter leeching off their property, and the opportunity cost of scaring away all the "fan" art aka free advertisement and buzz that people draw to get a crumb of popularity. A lot of this sits squarely against capitalist principles. Can't you see that the world is becoming a lawless hellscape? Maybe you could call it ancap, I don't even care. It's just rich people who are too rich.

>> No.4645936
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>Marx was a guy coming from a rich family that kicked him out and commietards only know about him because a rich guy pay Marxs debts and paid to publish his books
Peak Gomunist

>> No.4645937

Some of the principal goods of a community are equality under the law, individual agency and room for self-determination, so no, I'm not advocating for an all-powerful state.

>> No.4645938

>equality under the law, individual agency and room for self-determination
which are all parts of fascism as opposed to communism(except for the equality part on which they both agree).

>> No.4645941

give me your definition of fascism

>> No.4645942

If you chop wood with a shovel, does it's price increase?

>> No.4645947

how many communists does it take to put in a lightbulb?
as many as possible. the more labor involved, the more value is created in the process. :^)

>> No.4645950

You cannot just define a whole ideology in a small post and I'm not gonna a write a pamphlet on /ic/. If you want something super short you could read https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/NSDAP_25_points_manifesto but that has some specifically German and 1930s specific stuff in it, it's still a decent pointer.
If you want a book https://archive.org/details/OriginsAndDoctrineOfFascismGiovanniGentile is considered the fascism bible.
Economically (the specifics depend on the particular expression of it) fascism uses limited forms of markets but steps in when problems arise (unlike communism which steps in a priori and manages).

>> No.4645951

Planned obsolescence is for the people!

>> No.4645957

we both know it didn't work out that way in the end.

>> No.4645961

Nigger, communism is a fucking joke.
No amount of propaganda will make me think otherwise.
Ni hao yourself, bugman.

>> No.4645966

I agree, what are you talking about? I was talking about fascism.
We could debate the specifics of these laws, but as a critique of the philosophy I find it irrelevant. Overall they did a pretty good implementation of fascism.

>> No.4645985

In that case I'd dispute that fascism values equality under the law, individual agency and self-determination sufficiently to benefit its community, which, in the first place, is made up of individuals.
>10. Erste Pflicht jedes Staatsbürgers muß sein, geistig oder körperlich zu schaffen. Die Tätigkeit des einzelnen darf nicht gegen die Interessen der Allgemeinheit verstoßen, sondern muß im Rahmen des Gesamten und zum Nutzen aller erfolgen.
runs into the same problem communism does, it's far too all-encompassing a mission statement and so results in totalitarian censorship measures (as evidenced by the ban on writers like Hesse, Zweig and Kafka) and it's just as unclear who decide what constitutes the common good and based on which criteria.

>> No.4646063

lmao this has to be satire. it's satire, right?

>> No.4646079

No need to build houses, there’s already over a million empty ones. People are already tending to the fields, all that changes is how the food is distributed. You’re aware that communism doesn’t reset society right like some video game right ? Most people will continues to work in whatever field they do now.

>> No.4646086

No it's real

>> No.4646094

> it's just as unclear who decide
Those who have proven themselves by merit will be given such a position within the hierarchy of the state. Everyone is elligeble in principle, whether worker or bourgeois.
>what constitutes the common good based on which criteria.
public discourse

If you say "that doesn't sound very free, what if the state becomes evil?" then you know who is to blame, the good of the nation is the goal, not the good of the state. So the public will feel justified in a coup (unlike with democracy where nobody is ultimately accountable)

>> No.4646104

Thats because sv and hs are fucking garbage

>> No.4646113
File: 676 KB, 1057x1046, 3000 hours of labor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See my friend Dave over here? That man LOVES my art. And I love his, uh, poetry. Yes. Before the revolution we used to be farmers, now each of us spends 8 hours a day, 5 days a week working on our art. Here's my latest painting, a portrait he commissioned from me. I worked on it for perhaps half a year - Dave was so pleased with the result. The two of us would like to be compensated fairly based on the value we have created for our community.

Huh, "it's not real labor"? But you said "anyone who's interested can hire you to do work" and there'd be no distortion. What do you mean, "you're social parasites and we're going to make you pull your weight just like everyone else"?

>> No.4646125

>holodomor is fabricated
The absolute state of amerilards

>> No.4646127

Santi, stop and get back to drawing bro

>> No.4646211
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Its essentially, they are preforming idealogical iconoclastic inquisition, idealogical purity testing and cleansing.

>> No.4646227
File: 418 KB, 642x392, threaddestroya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go on their respective threads on /vg/ and tell them about how their game sucks
thank me later

>> No.4646241

but why is there such an uproar about black people,
don't they already get preferential treatment for the past 15 years, and don't some tanned celebrities pretend to be black so they can exactly tap into that stigma to make connections with the music and movie industry?

I mean people getting pissed that the cast of a show is all white despite it being the narrative/story/location of that scenario, is just silly,
especially when they deliberately try to force black characters into it to the point where it makes the black actors uncomfortable/facepalming

also why are they trying to silence white people, isn't free speech supposed to be a pillar of equality?
I get the OP thing, a lot of older media have some racial slurs in it, like Lovecraft as example where there are some minor racists words etc, but that's just the social standing at that time in that part of the world, it's history. Then again how will changing a fucking magic card game, parts of a book, a movie, etc. improve equality? Aren't white people, asians, latinos, etc getting butchered in those media just as much if not dramatically more?

>"If you don't let me rob u, ur racist dawg"

>> No.4646245



>> No.4646255

hm yeah it's mostly the virtue signalling tumblr left >>4645798

>> No.4646315

ok you white supremacist

>> No.4646318

Ok you nigger

>> No.4646332

pyw so i can cancel you, incel

>> No.4646489

Go bait somewhere else faggot

>> No.4646530

how come, I'm open to hear your unbiased opinion anon

>> No.4646541

You know maintaning a webpage takes money/time too? You are asking them to work for free

>> No.4646558

how is it stealing when artists give it over voluntarily? commies are fucking retarded

>> No.4646638
File: 264 KB, 785x1000, 1582186491401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

b-but they're taking what I earned!!!!
I earned that money, they have no right to it.
What, communism take from me to give unto others who don't work?
T-t-that's not the same!!!

>> No.4646872

Burger getting mad at a fabricated issue ? Shocker

>> No.4646907
File: 190 KB, 1245x859, godemperortrump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't say I had any interest in Magic: The Gathering after figuring out the nature of the game mechanics, but the decline and eventual collapse of the converged companies should create some nice opportunities in the near future.

It's rather telling to observe a perspective that celebrates summoning demons, black magic, and murder, but decries whatever "racism" is this week. Keep that in mind if you're ever tempted to virtue-signal about your not-racism.

>> No.4646919

This puerile shit is why I've come to hate internet anarchists and "fight the power" shit. People literally expect others to work for free but the moment they're also requested to work like slaves for minimum wage they're butthurt about it and think they're being oppressed and tHe SyStEm iS mAkInG uS sLaVeS!!

>> No.4646925

Or even better they use copyrighted shit to make lazy memes and other bottom effort nonsense and claim they're contributing as much as the people who actually made the original content.

>> No.4646964

Yeah, it's as though they think racism, sexism and trans"phobia" are the only true evils in this world. Either that or they resent the Medieval fantasy genre simply for focusing so much around white Europeans and they don't care about the hypocrisy.

>> No.4647454

I can't believe all of this is happening.

>> No.4647522

Its ridiculous but that’s the world we’re in. 2020 is being a fucking rollercoaster and i almost lost grip of the time with so many shit going on

>> No.4647712

Based WotC making my monoblack decks more powerful and I don't even put niggers in my decks

>> No.4647733

>removing jihad

>> No.4647875


>> No.4647991
File: 79 KB, 500x461, 1591974302330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or even better, they go on the streets and beg for money so they can buy beer, trenchcoats and hairdye.
Truly fighting the evilest of evils there.

>> No.4648169

Prices for those cards will skyrocket

>> No.4648195

and if you buy or sell them you will get canceled out of existence by the woke police.
Good thinking, comrade.

>> No.4648484

In the nineties magic was allmost destroyed by overprotective parents, for depicting demons and satanic imagery. Now they are doing it themselves