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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4645069 No.4645069 [Reply] [Original]

How do you stay motivated?

I'm having a lot of difficulty right now, procrastinating from art practice, fundamentals, and even just things that people on this board seem to find fun: creative drawing for their own enjoyment.

I'm playing games way more and watching TV.

I have ADD and I know that.

I guess, anyone have tips for practicing, staying motivated, staying creative, and keeping a passion burning for improvement?

Points for ADD-specific ones.

>> No.4645075

hard works beats motivation when motivation doesn't work. It's easy to do something when you want to.

>> No.4645076

self diagnose ADD?

>> No.4645082

>I'm playing games way more and watching TV.
Sounds to me like you need to grow the fuck up and stop wasting your time on children toys

>> No.4645089

I stopped playing video games and watching porn and now i'm learning French, Python, working out, and reading a couple of books a week. My art has improved a bunch as well. Turns out when you aren't burnt out creatively from porn and wasting like 6 hours a day playing games you actually pursue your passions. This place is the next on my hatchet list, have to ween off of the pleasure I get from being angry at 17 year olds online.

>> No.4645141

great work. surprised anyone still wants to learn french

>> No.4645170

Masturbate more.

>> No.4645194

no, very much diagnosed. anxiety depression ADD all that shit.

Taking my meds does something, but I feel like there's a deficiency in enjoyment of art wholesale or... something. I don't know.

>> No.4645281


>I'm having a lot of difficulty right now [...] even just things that people on this board seem to find fun: creative drawing for their own enjoyment.

>very much diagnosed. anxiety depression ADD all that shit.

>I'm playing games way more and watching TV.

You're not going to like this anon, but I recommend you stop gaming and TV for a month. Seems like your ADD brain is addicted to the dopamine rollercoaster that is videogames (and to a lesser extent TV). If you're masturbating everyday, I suggest stopping that too (at least reduce it if you can't stop initially). This is because these activities raise the bar for enjoyment so high that other (seemingly mundane) activities won't feel enjoyable.

It will be hard and you will feel very bored for the first few days.

Look up whatever things that inspire you and draw them. You'll slowly gain interest. There's no rush, and you don't need to show this to anybody.

Let us know how you feel after a month. I can guarantee you will feel better and at the very least, you will have regained an interest in drawing.

I'm saying all this because I'm going through the exact situation (I haven't been diagnosed with ADD or depression but I was definitely feeling terrible). I started following that process this month and doing rather okay 12 days in. The important thing is to replace what activities you were doing with better activities, otherwise you'll go back to your old ways and keep feeling terrible.

>> No.4645309

I just draw anyway lol.

A more serious answer would be that I choose a subject that I am very fond of, so maybe fanart of a character from a game I recently played and enjoyed, as for studying fundies I just turn on some music or a podcast and do master studies and hard copies of other artists work, I find music helps with entering "the flow state" which is something i'd suggest researching. May not be the best way, but it's better than nothing.

>> No.4645349

not him, but learning french slowly as well, and wonder why you think that? as in comparison to what? mandarin?

>> No.4645380

I swear we get one of those threads every hour

>> No.4646114

I have diagnosed adhd, my meds give me stupid levels of focus and I feel way more engrossed in what im doing.

Either they work differently for you or you have a different problem than motivation. My guess is it's probably fear of failure that's causing you to not enjoy art. No one can solve that for you, you'll have to push through.

>> No.4649167

Get a job and stop drawing fag

>> No.4649182

You already know the only language that matters, why learn another when you don't plan on moving to a country that speaks only that?

>> No.4649192

For me, it's about taking frequent breaks and not burning out. Taking about a 15 minute break ever hour and taking a day off weekly. I also apply this to other stuff I do.

>> No.4649195

I draw things I love, like rodents.

>> No.4649218
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a non-disease invented by american psychiatrists so they can sell drugs to shitty parents and turn their children into vegetables instead of telling them to act like proper parents and getting sued
get a grip faggot and start drawing or don't come to this board anymore

>> No.4649227

>give me stupid levels of focus
What are these meds?

>> No.4651896

omelette du fromage

>> No.4651941

I never don't want to draw.

>> No.4652128
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I love it when armchair psychs try to pretend they're more knowledgeable than people with decades in their field

>> No.4653392


>> No.4653404

He's not right about that being every case or a made up disorder, but that definitely does happen a lot in America, or at the very least it used to. In 1st grade I was doing random, probably pretty disruptive, shit in class because I was bored (we were learning the alphabet one letter a day but my parents had already taught me to read). The school had me tested over and over again for ADD/ADHD, made me do reading comprehension tests (the tests went up to 5th grade level and I aced them all, big surprise there dumbfucks) and shit like standing still for a few minutes kind of stuff, and I passed every single one as not showing a single symptom, however the teacher kept insisting to my mom that I be put on drugs to "deal with the ADD" because she couldn't handle me.

Fucking retards are running the school system here from the state all the way down to the damn teachers.

>> No.4653563

AD(H)D isn't a disease but a deficit in the human body. You aren't labeled as having a disorder until it actually disrupts (disorders) everyday life for the person.
The same goes for autism.
The only thing that's happening right now is that people are realizing that nearly every single person alive has a form of autism and ADD is a lot more wide-spread then originally thought. There are just more resources and ways to test it now and people have the luxury to be tested as well.
It's not a checkbox, it's a slider, many sliders.
You can't get infected by by ADHD, but if you lack dopamine creation or your dopamine receptors are fucked genetically, some tasks will be infinitely harder to accomplish than others to the point of being self-destructive.

>> No.4653604

I personally have friends that were fine until they got prescribed Adderall and acted like they were on fucking cocaine. After they stopped taking it they were back to normal. They were just asshole kids in school that had shit going on at home so they acted out for attention. The idiot adults said "oh it must be ADHD" and got them drugged up but those drugs are stimulants that calm down ADHD but on normal people they get fucking hyped as shit.

I've also had friends with legit ADD/ADHD, I wanted to punch them when they weren't taking their meds holy shit. I didn't know one person could shake their legs so much or talk so fucking fast and so much about unrelated shit through an 8 hour day. They got literally nothing done off meds and it was a pain in the ass being in group projects with them on those days. Like bro I don't want to talk about Digimon I want to get this shit done so I don't fail.

>> No.4654445 [DELETED] 

ive been researching/looking into adhd the last 6 months. I got every symptom of low dopamine with most of them getting worse since back when I was a teen. Struggled to do anything with my life no matter how hard i tried. Most recent was i was doing good for a few weeks while trying some caffinne pills and racetams(stimulant nootropics) but I forgot to take them and spiraled into a really bad brain fog depression for 3 months where I couldnt get anything done no matter how many hours I struggled. But then I finally took them again and was able to draw 6 hours straight no effort when normally i can only manage like 5 minutes on scribbly gesture drawings.

>> No.4654478

find something that you enjoy that incorporates drawing. a drawing video game, a competition, ect. recently i got into image-rp (yes i know, its fucking stupid) where you draw out characters doing actions rather than writing those actions on programs like drawpile that let you draw alongside other people. it's incredibly fun, you can do things like DnD with it (if you're into that crap) and it encourages me to draw every day, not to mention HUNDREDS of sketches every day.
also, get outside. ditch your phone and laptop and go out with a sketchbook. you'll have nothing else to DO but draw, walk, ect.

>> No.4654519

I've used nootropics before, Modifinil is insane when it comes to productivity. It's like Adderall but without the amphetamines. Only way I can manage 8 hours of drawing without losing it.

>> No.4654616

i wanted to try some but u need a script for it in the states so a bit harder to get ahold of

>> No.4654644

>You can't get infected by by ADHD, but if you lack dopamine creation or your dopamine receptors are fucked genetically, some tasks will be infinitely harder to accomplish than others to the point of being self-destructive.
This is why you don't masturbate, kids

>> No.4654673

>but u need a script for it in the states
Which is retarded, Modafinil is not a stimulant like Adderall, but it does have stimulant-like effects similar to things like caffeine. It's very tame compared to other class 4 substances.

>> No.4654682

Fuck off with your pseudoscience. ADHD has absolutely nothing to do with jerking off. It's something you're born with, dipshit

>> No.4654687

He’s right you know

>> No.4654699

I didn't say ADHD had anything to do with jerking off.
I'm saying masturbation fucks up your dopamine receptors. Making tasks infinitely harder to accomplish.
Maybe I could've said it better, maybe

>> No.4654742
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Ladies and gentlemen, bleak as it may sound this is your answer. Your intellectual pursuit for shortcuts ends here, you're going to have to work hard. God knows I spent years procrastinating and looking for shortcuts. Developing creative skills can be tough as shit today with all the distractions, that's the world we live in. It's up to you to choose what you want to sacrifice and whether it's worth it for you. Nobody else is going to make that decision. Life will indifferently continue to pass you by whether or not you ever pick up the pencil.

>> No.4654751

I'm breaking it but there can be some decent resources here. I usually just lurk, but don't spend copious amounts of time here. Stop looking once you've found or not found what you came for.

>> No.4654879

>how do I find the motivation to work hard?
>lol just work hard. Ezpz
This is circular reasoning. Hard work isn't a magic spell I can cast, nor does it emerge from the ether. Willingness to do hard work is by definition motivation. Nobody works hard without having some internal or external force driving them to do the work.
Pick up a dictionary sometime.