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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4642243 No.4642243 [Reply] [Original]

I feel so underappreiated. Nobody ever comments on my art or says anything about it. Is it wrong to be jealous of other artists? What is the point in drawing when no matter how hard you try for years and how muxh you improve, the masses won't give a damn. I work for weeks on my pictures two hours a day of work and when I show someone it when its finished they just go "oh nice" and then post some twitter artist who probably spent 30 minutes on their art and say its amazing. I miss enjoying to draw and when people found enjoyment in what I drew, nobody cares about my art now.

I'm not posting my art call me a fag but I already feel shitty enough, I draw furry art. I still draw everyday for two hours even though I despise it.

>> No.4642269

I don't know what to tell you anon. The internet will gaslight you into thinking all sorts of shirt implying that everything is perfect the way it is, but either way this is all a combination of stuff that you have no control over. It could be that you don't draw porn, furries don't give a fuck about sfw, it could be that things move faster and people don't have time, it could be you, it could be anything. You only have control over the things you draw and assuring that you draw what you like yourself. The moment you rely on other people is where the hurt begins. And I know it feels as stupid as someone telling you that the only way to not get cheated on is to stop trying to find love but it's take it or leave it.

>> No.4642278

People don't give a shit about how hard you worked or how nice it looks(beyond a certain level anyway) the public just wants something that speaks to them, if you want clicks just go for mass appeal with shit like porn and fanart. As far furshit goes I know animal crossing porn is an easy way to get followers, maybe try doing that.

>> No.4642293

Not OP and I know you're just stating facts, but fuck me, reading this shit never fails to make me want to kill myself. I can't believe we live in a world that's completely devoid of grace.
Who do I share my art with? My dog? Can dogs actually understand pictures? Maybe I should get a pet monkey?

>> No.4642308

Paint pictures of people's pets and show them.

>> No.4642335

nice bear

>> No.4642336

>porn and fanart
Fucking brainrot lol. This is why no one takes /ic/ seriously, someone asks for help reaching more people and the advice is "draw animal crossing porn".

The first part of your post was correct: OP, your work probably just doesn't speak to people. It doesn't matter how long you spend on a piece or how well rendered the forms are, if your work is bland and not relatable then people won't care. You need to reassess why you're drawing, man.
>What is the point in drawing if the masses won't give a damn
Do you only draw for attention? Do you seriously not enjoy the act of making art? People can see right through soulless attempts at appealing to the masses and they won't care for it.

>> No.4642339

appreciation is a byproduct of gittting gud anon. just keep at it, eventually you will not even be able to reply to all the appreciation

>> No.4642361

>>Do you only draw for attention? Do you seriously not enjoy the act of making art?

>> No.4642379

>Who do I share my art with?
That's for you to find out. Define what is this 'grace' you speak of, think of how much grace your work offers, define what kind of person would be interested in this grace, research how to reach this defined group of people. In a way growing in art viewers can be thought of as growing a business. If your product is niche, you research who's interested in it, you advertise to them and you keep their interest hooked by continuing to provide them with that thing with good enough quality. On the net this is mostly done with tags(unless you want to pay for ad space), say you like to draw horror, find what tags about horror people browse most, use those tags and keep to the theme, and the viewership will grow overtime.
OP was feeling sad over 'the masses' not caring about his work, so I told him the easiest themes to make the masses care about his work. I don't enjoy drawing porn but I won't argue it's the easiest way to get followers quick.

>> No.4642387
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>If the work is bland and not relatable, people won't care
>People can see right through soulless attempts at appealing to the masses and they won't care for it.
Explain to me how pornfags find effortless success then.
Porn is the epitome of bland and soulless.
The only relation it has is to the sex drive.
>tittie maek pp hard me like
By your logic, pornfags shouldn't have any success whatsoever.

Give it up, old man. The age of art is over. Just coomsume like a good cattle.

>> No.4642390

>I draw furry art
That explains it

>> No.4642393

I understand what you're saying but I don't even know how the fuck I am supposed to tag my work on social media. You're right that you have to think about it like growing a business, but I don't want to grow a business. I feel extremely uncomfortable doing this social media crap.
I don't want to beg anybody or jump through hoops to get a million eyes on my work so that one or two people like it. It feels so absurd, it wasn't normal before, you'd just get those two eyes and it was fine.

>> No.4642396

Drawing furfaggotry is soulless, just because some degenerates will pay for it doesn't mean that it's going to be fulfilling or even be the best source of revenue
Draw something more respectable and people will give you more praise

>> No.4642404

>for weeks on my pictures two hours a day of work and when I show someone it when its finished they just go "oh nice" and then post some twitter artist who probably spent 30 minutes on their art

Anon, are you serious? If they "probably spent 30min on their art" they also probably spent several years to get there. Stop wallowing in self pity and stop hunting for validation, it's pathetic

>> No.4642410

Not OP but in my personal experience, going the other way is even worse. It's just a blatant lie to say that pandering doesn't pay, it's probably the only thing left that pays at this point. I mean look at all the references and remakes and trendhopping, people just aren't receptive of new or different things anymore.
I don't want to crab on anybody but at this point I just think that's how it is, people won't even look at anything else.

>> No.4642426

lmao how salty can you be. art is about communicating human experience. lust, humor and anger are low hanging fruits, true, but you obvioisly fail to communicate your ideas and blame coomers for it. no, porn and comdey will always work, because those emotions are easy to evoke

>> No.4642443

human beings don't have emotions anymore, they just have stimuli

>> No.4642453

Porn is popular because it's porn, idiot. It's a primal instinct and psychological meme shit like that.

People still care a lot about beauty and purpose in art, which is why Anime/Manga artists can just blow up suddenly.
Gotouge, Horikoshi, Isayama, these people's works spoke to people in a way, even if it's not "deep", even if it's just Shonen Action Trash or smth like that.
Sure, Artists like Hews or Sakimichan are massive, but ask any random person on the street and nobody will know who it is. But they will probably know what KNY / AoT / BNHA are.

>> No.4642463
File: 105 KB, 550x477, 1585063274095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4642465

Like any form of media or entertainment. Anime isn’t the only one. Just ask any rando about the infinity wars, they’ll say marvel know how to create good films and comics, but won’t know the names behind it’s creation. They will talk about the actors or voice actors though.

>> No.4642472

I hardly use social media so I can't help you on the tagging matter. Depending on the media you could also make a small text post about the art since I know that at least on twitter people sometimes search for that stuff.
>but I don't want to grow a business. I feel extremely uncomfortable doing this social media crap.
Then don't, the choice to just not go along with it is always yours, just be aware of what will come along with it.
>It feels so absurd, it wasn't normal before, you'd just get those two eyes and it was fine.
Social media has turned people who enjoy your work (followers) into a number, in a way dehumanizing them and changing how you feel towards them. Showing your art to others irl lets you see how much they enjoy it or what they think about it, how it related to them, with social media that interaction doesn't happen. You see them not as people who feel emotions toward your work, but as a score to grow. Again I never went through what you're feeling, but I think maybe trying to get some interaction from your followers could help you value the few eyes you get more, aswell as get you more interesting comments than the 'oh, nice' you seemed to be disapointed at on the OP. Think that would be more interesting than the whole 'act like a business to get more followers' thing?

>> No.4642476

>the masses won't give a damn
Who told you the masses ever would? And, is that the only reason you attempt art? For ass pats from strangers?

I draw for the sheer visceral pleasure, and the endorphin hit of accomplishing something. I'm luck in that I've worked as an illustrator, and still do, but I draw at home for me. And that's all that really matters. If you want fame, try something easier like acting, or go yell racist names at protestors.

>> No.4642481

Oh definitely, I forgot producing movies was an art form for a second, I may be impaired.

But yeah unless you build up a straight up connection (Like a mangaka with his fans, because he is the only one producing the manga) then most people will probably not remember your name.

>> No.4642489
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>People still care a lot about beauty and purpose in art, which is why Anime/Manga artists can just blow up suddenly.
Aight, that's enough of this website for today

>> No.4642510
File: 37 KB, 600x600, 1590890635920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you obvioisly fail to communicate your ideas
Or retards are just as illiterate and blind as you
Why did you repeat what i said but with different words?
oh, look, another fucking illiterate faggot
>anime is art
Jesus Christ, how underage are you?

The anons above are the perfect example of this>>4642443
>i can't into reading comprehension but i will react to BAD WORD
Are you even real? Nobody can be this retarded

>> No.4642514
File: 17 KB, 370x320, shrug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, I forgot, only medieval paintings can be beautiful. Whoops.

>> No.4642519
File: 208 KB, 1200x863, 1589583925089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posts low effort bland anime owo grill
If you gotta make a point about anime being good at least post good shit, tranny

>> No.4642533

that's still shit

>> No.4642544

Yeah it's not a great example. Mediocre at best. That guy needs to get better taste lmao

>> No.4642550
File: 3.53 MB, 2048x1587, 1566558217684.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then cmon, samefag
post moeblobs or girls staring emotionlessly and tell me how they're the peak of nip artistry

>> No.4642557

Can you show on what’s good taste?

>> No.4642574

That looks like a redraw but in any case you weeaboos only bring up the least braindead works you can name in popular manga when someone calls your favorite fap/shonenshit bad in the first place. You would have posted this if you didn't think the manga equivalent of Michael Bay movies were not the peak of art. And you always mention popular works that got popular because muh katanas and edge, nothing else, there are manga that are true works of art but you'll never see the names around in an argument like this.

>> No.4642593

you're not getting traction because your art isnt good enough to generate interest.
I get complaints all the time from guys mad that they arent poppin, and without fail, they make stuff that is just...unpleasant to look at. and they just cant tell because dunning-kreuger. Git gud, you can do it, it will probably take a while though

T. furry artist with decent following whos been drawing for 15 years

>> No.4642604

Not OP but while it's true that people who complain often don't have a clue, people actually do not give a fuck.
And please get off your high horse, everyone who sells coomshit is completely out of touch about their own skills.

>> No.4642622

try to find some art friends through drink and draw, discord, courses or whatever who like similar stuff like you and share/grow with them

>> No.4642631

You autist really are illiterate.

>> No.4642645


>im not posting my art

I dont dont mean to be cruel, but whatever you post on your account, for the love of FUCK make sure it is FINISHED POLISHED WORK.

If you scroll through 99% of the /ic/ artists who post their socials here you will see nothing but drab, gray unfinished sketches and other half-assed ephemera. Without fail.
Do not be like these people.

Are your works in color? If not, do they half strong, DEFINED values with dark, middle and light tones? Regardless of your subject matter, make sure your fundies are rock solid and your pieces are COMPLETE THOUGHTS (id est, they communicate an idea).

If you cannot do this, stop posting rough sketches until you can finish ONE good work and post it. Use the rest of your time for being SOCIAL on social media. Talk to people, complement others on their work, make small connections. Then repeat this until your next finished work.

If you build it, likes will come.

>> No.4642648

How is your taste? Who are the artists you look up to and try to emulate? Maybe your tastes aren't appreciated by the masses making it unappealing to them. You can have great technical skills but bad stylization can ruin it.

>> No.4642806
File: 4 KB, 226x223, kangaproko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're not getting traction because your art isnt good enough to generate interest.
lol what does that even mean when there are award-winning artists who have less followers and make less money than sakimichan?

>> No.4642889

I'm the opposite. I feel over-appreciated. Because I browse through sites where people share a lot of art (like this site) I've seen some of the amazing things people can do (only sometimes on this site). When I get confident in a piece I've done I show it some folks, and they all gush over it, but I think its all niceties and not really sincere, because even I know I've still got a long way to go. I appreciate criticism, even though sometimes it can be rather brutal, because there are grains of truth in it that might lead me to being a better artist.

>> No.4642892

This isn't even THAT good

>> No.4642926
File: 418 KB, 1230x857, Elder-Centipede.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him but I don't care for that page either.
Always liked any of the spreads involving the giant centipede. Can't remember which chapter had my favourite double spread.

I prefer Murata's work in Eyeshield 21 than OPM, namely because there's no body adding digital effects afterwards and Murata was more looser with the expressions and what not

>> No.4642932

the faggot's just baiting for replies.
See how he hasn't posted a single image showing what
>superior weeb taste
looks like.
Ignore the tranny

>> No.4642937

not op but i hadnt considered that

>> No.4643692

Have you tried a different topic, anon? Do you sit around much on social media? I'd recommend trying to share your stuff in more closed groups or in places with people who like the kind of stuff that you do.

Consider that also some things can be heavily ignored outside of certain spaces. For example, most people really like characters and humans lookibg stuff. And if you're working on something like still lives or something that doesn't involve characters, most people will not even register it exists. But it can attract some people in the right circles.

>> No.4643747

>If you scroll through 99% of the /ic/ artists who post their socials here you will see nothing but drab, gray unfinished sketches and other half-assed ephemera. Without fail.
You mean like this? >>4642235

>> No.4645812

Moon bears are cute.

>> No.4646294


>I miss enjoying to draw and when people found enjoyment in what I drew
>I miss enjoying to draw

No, it means you only found enjoyment from people seeing your art

>> No.4646372

on reddit you gotta be like 'this is my first time working with x medium' and the photo should have the art in a tiny corner with a bunch of brushes and shit taking up the rest.

>> No.4646400

>You're supposed to go through childhood without a single word of encouragement from your parents, are you some kind of attention whore?
>You're supposed to go through adulthood without a partner or friends, are you some kind of attention whore?
>You're supposed to make art and never show it to anybody because you are supposed to enjoy the act of applying pigment to a surface, are you some kind of attention whore?
How many days ago did you start drawing to be so out of touch? Do you just repeat retarded autistic shit all the time to cope with your mentally ill view of art?

>> No.4646410

I wish I could make art that I would like, but I just end up hating everything I make and hating myself for it.

>> No.4647670

Once same 5 people start posting the same comments under every drawing you'll beg them to be silent

>> No.4647814

It's not wrong to be jealous but know it will never make you happy. Jealousy is an emotion like any other but its root is fear.
I cannot answer your second question, it's something you must ask yourself, only you have the answer. We all have one or more reasons to why we want to be able to draw. If your reason doesn't align anymore with your life, maybe you should take a break or do something else.
By the way, if you can only draw 2 hours per day and you really crave for positive feedback, you should reduce the quality of your craft, try to use simpler styles that are less time consuming and will give you more time to refine your work. Less is more sometimes you know.