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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 64 KB, 658x800, american-goth-ic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4638400 No.4638400 [Reply] [Original]

blog about your feelings here

>> No.4638405

I made big gains but I also lost the proportionate amount of will to continue

>> No.4638406
File: 115 KB, 640x742, E6800715-838C-436A-A7E8-898A71D56908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Niggas keep following me too fast, can’t keep up

>> No.4638410
File: 79 KB, 720x791, 212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I deal with the fact that I enjoy observational drawing the most, but I also get this feeling of emptiness because I will never create anything original if I choose the "only from reference" path.

>> No.4638414

Why would you say you'd never create anything original?
All great masters painted from reference. Even your pic.

>> No.4638440

My works aren't getting a consistent a number of likes on Instagram. Sometimes I get 300+ and today i got... like 50 in the first 8 hours. I was quite happy with the piece I published. My followers are mostly European so I always post around 4PM. I get 2-3 new subscribers a week, no matter how often I publish. I literally took time off from commissions this month to focus on my social media presence and I'm getting such poor results... I'm disappointed.

>> No.4638467

I spent the last 2 weeks searching for and saving all kinds of very degenerate porn to help with coloring and drawing tips for myself. I feel like screaming because this has made me feel like such a shit person and I'm all kinds of burnt out and repulsed by looking at that community, properly, for the first time. Perhaps what I'm saying is loathsome and nothing for people here, but it has changed my perception to other people a lot.

>> No.4638482
File: 278 KB, 742x417, 797.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just started wageslaving again and can confirm that every time I start slaving I become much more productive compared to when I go back to neetdom.

I spend every bit of free time drawing. My hatred for spending 8 hours making some rich fucks even richer while my life withers away in a dull gray warehouse fills me with the fire to practice every single day.

I will make it or I will die trying but I will never accept this cruel fate.

>> No.4638483

My art is very feminine

>> No.4638490
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>tfw I learned the name of most of the croquis cafe models

>> No.4638492
File: 57 KB, 320x415, URcNwrtduCc6IsX9C3udgl6hIRt_Q0ZY0eGe0B6DkBE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm having a hard time doing art because I'm depressed and I'm depressed because I'm having a hard time doing art.

>> No.4638495


Even the buff black man?

>> No.4638519

Pyw. I’m interested

>> No.4638528

of course, based muscular Anderson

>> No.4638551
File: 134 KB, 488x650, immabeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a quick sketch

>> No.4638560
File: 31 KB, 420x315, 1586780357108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been wanting and trying to draw for 4 years and I just have 5 (private because reasons) mediocre drawings on pixiv and have just ranked up 30$ with commissions.

I practice and grind almost everyday and want to draw a lot of stuff but my mind is blank the moment I stare at the paper and I find extremely uncomfortable to draw with the tablet (intuos s). I really want to make something out of it but I find it so hard for no reason at all, I feel like I sabotage myself and lack confidence even though deep down I have faith that I would make good stuff. Anyone had the same issue?

Feels kinda like >>4638492

>> No.4638565

My art is dark and messy but fairly often I get comments saying my style is graceful, delicate or similar things. It's weird.
Kill me, Pete

>> No.4638583
File: 993 KB, 250x250, reasonable chortle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4638630

nothing to vent but great OP pic

>> No.4638728
File: 23 KB, 459x557, IMG_20200603_233147_174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why I cannot finish my drawing in digital

>> No.4638742

I'm a bit overwhelmed by learning perspective and light, I feel like it's making me too self-conscious that my drawing lacks proper structure, and it doesn't look organic, It's like I'm struggling with the construction and the composition takes a blow for it.
I don't know what to do exactly to be satisfied, there's too much to learn and I can't properly focus on anything, every subject is so different so it's like poking a hole just for another to reveal itself.
I am questioning myself how much knowledge would I need to become a decent environment/background artist.

>> No.4638767
File: 30 KB, 512x456, aed59e6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

depressed as fuck. relationship is on the decline. I think I've been replaced. out of art ideas and it's really hard to distract myself from my misery with other things. only have one other friend I like to talk to. so. fucking. lonely. back to square one I guess.

>> No.4638825

I haven't derived a molecule of serotonin from drawing in months
this tbqhwyf kill me pete

>> No.4638834


>> No.4638900

Every time I look up how to draw a face with construction, it shows a different method. How are you supposed to draw it the same way each time if each person does it differently?

>> No.4638902
File: 46 KB, 720x720, 4gr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>start drawing better and better
>start forming my own "style"
>see other peoples styles that are way cooler
>get frustrated and embarrassed and quit drawling for a few weeks

>> No.4638918

>I literally took time off from commissions this month to focus on my social media presence and I'm getting such poor results

>> No.4638934

I kinda want someone to bully me about my progress/portfolio.

>> No.4638958

I wish I didn't feel shame when I want to get better at art

>> No.4638962

why would wanting to get better make you feel shame?

>> No.4638981

i'm stuck! is vlippu's drawing manual a good alternative to hampton's figure drawing: design and invention?

>> No.4638984


>> No.4639014

Retards keep telling me my art trivialises genocide

>> No.4639016

I think what causes me to feel this way is when I see an artist work that is of high skill level or comparing someones progess to my own I feel ashame that I haven't been working hard enough. Sometimes it feels like I don't deserve to get better at art.

>> No.4639017

Aw, I'm not good enough to stylize but I worry about this too...

>> No.4639200

the art isn't good

>> No.4639216

>wasted 5 years of my life on a shitty art degree (dropped out of one degree and started another the next year) that I was too depressed to put work into after the first year
>no one in my class liked me except for my teacher because I was an autistic retard so I came out of it with little to no industry contacts
>Now I’m in a lot of debt and I can’t even get a retail job stocking shelves to start paying my mistake off
Rejection after rejection after rejection.
I don’t want to be in retail for the rest of my life. At my last job I cried before almost every shift. I hate working with the public. Customer service is soul destroying

>> No.4639225
File: 53 KB, 1280x718, 355807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jfc why is it so hard for people to stand still for five seconds all I want is the chance to draw some poses irl instead of using quickdraw sometimes.

>> No.4639234

having art be your ultimate goal but having to work as a full time wagie leaving you mentally and physically depleted makes me want to cry

>> No.4639245
File: 56 KB, 588x976, 13543545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>check some random artist
>accidentally click on "followers you know" because of the new redesign
>see this
Am I in some kind of a circlejerk? I have never interacted with any of these people

>> No.4639282

Thank you

>> No.4639285

I have successfully completed 31 days of no real pornography, only hentai! Now to make it to another 31 days.

>> No.4639343


>> No.4640282
File: 250 KB, 1348x1116, 1346247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>overcome the anxiety reply to a joke with another joke
>"learn how to take a joke, pal."

>> No.4640289

Godspeed anon

>> No.4640329

I never had any interests in my teens because I was stuck in a relationship for years that I thought was 'the one' and devoted all of my time to it.

Now finally getting the motivation to pick up things like drawing and sketching, but I feel so inept, even when I follow guides and tutorials. I think about drawing all the time right now. It's hard to keep going because I'm not seeing much progress.

God I wish I could go back and dump that bitch early on so I could focus on my hobbies and myself.

>> No.4640546


>> No.4640607

Then join creative people who could use your skills as tools for telling an original story or something.
You don't have to lock yourself in that cage, experience it and see if you get an itch to create something of your own, might even learn something new.

>> No.4640625

How the hell do I deal with the fact that i've started to learn drawing at 33 yo, have to deal daily with depression and a no future job and that I'm slow as fuck at drawing and terrible at studying? I keep drawing stuff but I'm always in doubt if I'm improving or not, fucking hell. Living with anxiety is so fucking shitty, every time I draw something I need to muster myself so I stop being negative and force myself that I'm going to finish one more drawing and make it look somewhat decent. I have too many bad drawing habits and I can't get rid of them, fuck.

>> No.4640675

Are you doing authoral work on the side, anon?
Apply what you learned and, more importantly, draw also what you can't, so that you can tailor your future studies to focus on those parts.
Doesn't have to be finished pieces, have a sketchbook where there is no judgment of skill, only exploration and honest self-assessment.

It's tough, and saying is way easier than doing, but I wish you good luck.

>> No.4640730

When I learned my fundies, I never paid any attention at all to how light, shadow, or value plays across the form, completely ignoring it in favor of observing structure and gesture. I've made gains on lineart and sketch but now my utter lack of visual library for value means the quality of my art takes a nosedive if I go past flat colors. I don't want to go back to being /beg/ help

>> No.4640741

You never really left /beg/, then.

Go back to the fundies, suck it up and take it like a big boy. Study what you ignored and become a better artist for it. That's the only way.

>> No.4640818
File: 57 KB, 231x190, IMG_20200405_194825.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yep, got fucking dumped today. guess I'll just devote myself to gutting gud. nothing like being more successful than someone to get back at them.

>> No.4640828

Sorry to hear that, anon
Hope you keep on keeping on

>> No.4640848

I don't feel like I'm improving. Even when everyone I show to does say I am, I feel like I'm fucking awful every goddamn step of the way with some drawings. I feel like a lesser human being for it. I have stylistic things Iv'e been doing to keep myself from hating the process.

I am going to stop for now because I feel like if I keep drawing I'm going to fucking break my tablet in half but I feel like I should give up entirely. Trying to draw outside what I know just makes me so angry sometimes.

This fucking gesture drawing shit is so confusing to me and I Don't feel like I'm learning anything. All o fthis is just making me so fucking mad. I hate everything about this but I can't give up or I'll be a failure for the rest of my life, it feels like. I just don't know what to do.

>> No.4640857

I totally relate to your post. Only difference is that my day job has me drained because my new manager is an incompetent bitch who keeps asking for useless stuff that adds no value. Despite drawing every day at the moment im doing way less hours on top of being subhuman.

>> No.4640895

How i am supposed to focus on drawing/studying when everything around me is so stressfull and i can only see the things getting worse. Yesterday my mother started crying when i shouted her that it's her fault that i have no future and now i feel really bad, but i just can't take it anymore. Just i wish i could die, i can't even get up from bed anymore.

>> No.4640926
File: 43 KB, 576x608, 1577100699248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything feels so meaningless.

I quit school, i quit my friends, i quit everything.
Doesn't matter if i go back. I'll still be depressed and suicidal.

There's always regret with the actions i've done.
Art is the only thing that consumes me.

I wanna get good so i can voice out all the stories i have and all the characters that come from my expriences.
To paint another world, the world that i escaped in from my worthless life.

That feels meaningless too.
Feels like nothing is bringing me joy anymore.
Fuck art is fading away too.

I wanna die so bad i wish there was a device to end my life painlessly. I've always given thought to how people would react to my death but their reactions don't bother me anymore.

>Must keep going. Got..to...make....it.....

>> No.4640987

How do you practice drawing?
>inb4 sticky

>> No.4641066
File: 16 KB, 466x349, 95597808_666411530824262_478984450886074368_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>open up photoshop
>doodle for 15 minutes
>get bored and minimize
>open games folder
>stare at it for 2-3 minutes
>open browser and scroll social media for 2-3 minutes
>get bored again

How do I stop this bros? I would go 6-7 hours every day drawing but I just dont have it in me anymore. How do I get it back

>> No.4641298
File: 401 KB, 1600x1067, 1589027756798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go the fuck outside and take a walk

>> No.4641311

>Yesterday my mother started crying when i shouted her that it's her fault that i have no future

You are a piece of shit.

>> No.4641321

draw some sketches from those videogames, some nice scenes

and trow away your chair, draw in standing at least 1 weak

>> No.4641330
File: 51 KB, 657x527, 1470487206979.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to draw so much but my thumb is sore and weak so i can't stylus properly for more than 15 minutes

>> No.4641371

When I can no longer be a NEET I'll kill myself
It's art or nothing, I know I'll never be an artist so I thought I would enjoy the time I have left, but of course I can't do it. So in the end, I'll just die miserable.

>> No.4641372

LMAO as if going outside meant seeing that
I go outside and I see toppled dumpsters and ugly grey shit
I'd rather stay home.

>> No.4641530
File: 29 KB, 286x380, 21a94d13630f97c193faab3b3fe81b1927bdfdb76537342315dfe4fa0bd0f530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>vent depressive woes in vent thread before going to sleep
>sleep and have the best wet dream ever
>dream actually had the best plot and porn any coomer could ever dreamed of.
>wake up in the best mood possible feeling fucking good no more depresso >have a strong desire to pick up my art again.
>realised i moaned so much in the dream that i probably moaned in real life
>mfw there's people upstairs that would hear me.


>> No.4641534
File: 31 KB, 601x508, 2f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wake up
>Open sketch book
>Close sketch book
>Watch YT
>Open sketch book while watching YT
>Close sketch book
>Stop YT
>Open sketch book
>Drawing is shit
>Close sketch book
>Go to sleep
Is this all life has to offer? The constant struggle to do something but never being able to do it? How does a human cope

>> No.4641546

uninstall youtube. serious advice. that shit is addicting

>> No.4641558


>> No.4641571

What was the joke you replied to and what was you joke?

>> No.4641578

fuck! i keep drawing cartoony shit

>> No.4641585

>When I learned my fundies
>I never paid any attention at all to how light, shadow, or value plays across the form, completely ignoring it in favor of observing structure and gesture
You never learned your fundies to begin with, then. Lighting (well, Rendering) and Perspective are the very foundation on which everything builds upon.

>> No.4641625
File: 315 KB, 677x449, 1582921708247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you are like me, you love your ideas but are too "perfectionist" to enjoy the result. In other words, a NGMI cowardly faggot.
You have to fool yourself into going far enough that it would be a waste to just not finish it.
Make very quick doodles of your ideas, from different angles, draw related scenes, have a brief honey moon with the idea outside of your head and on a piece of paper. That should get you going for a little longer.

Tell a story with only geometrical forms. If you can't, read more on composition. If you did it, now move on to making exaggerated art. Unflattering caricatures, cartoon violence, etc. You're attaching realistic expectations on top of everything you draw and failing to loosen up.

Even if it's true, apologize. Tell her you love her regardless. If you do, of course. Your guilt hints at it.

>> No.4641725 [DELETED] 

I don't know what to draw anymore. I don't know what I want to create. I look at other's art and feel nothing but boredom. This has never happened before. The shit I come up with makes me feel sick. Can't even motivate myself to practice properly these days because now it's like there's no fucking point and it's a shame because my skill's finally crawled to a passable level. This happens to every creative hobby I try. I wonder if I'm too braindead for this kind of shit. But I'd rather kms than go back to being a bland office plankton piece of worthless crap who will never create anything and leave nothing behind, however small

>> No.4641987

Porn is degenerate.
Don't listen to the fools about that; don't draw it or even look at it.

>> No.4642007

I can't draw right now. I just can't. Everything for the past couple of days has been uninspired garbage and I don't have the motivation to practice. It's happened before, and I've lived through it, obviously, but I can still complain about it .

>> No.4642012

clean lines maek me coom

>> No.4642015

I'm too scared to buy the xp pen 24 pro because I'm worried it'll die on me after a few months

>> No.4642018

make it, anon. you've been through too much not to.

>> No.4642072
File: 45 KB, 304x500, 9780449213315-es.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop being a communist then.

>> No.4642073
File: 2.00 MB, 550x310, Angel's Egg.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop being atheist then.

>> No.4642078
File: 19 KB, 353x334, 134543254326346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just start believing in something doesn't exist bro
That's not how it works

>> No.4642194
File: 25 KB, 1019x500, Untitledddddd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Over the past few days I've realized I'm not an artist, I just pretend to be
I've been stressed as fuck, and I can't draw anything.
There's no catharsis to drawing for me, and I genuinely don't enjoy doing it
It's just the closest thing to a skill I've ever had

>> No.4642199

I know it was wrong but it annoys me that she just doesn't want to help me to get out of here, she just pretends everything is fine and i can't take it anymore.

>> No.4642256
File: 151 KB, 1280x720, 134653463477534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do people enjoy drawing nothing but their own original characters

>> No.4642271

How do people enjoy drawing anything but fan art?

>> No.4642274

How do people enjoy drawing?

>> No.4642365

Drawing is plain blissful to me. All of a sudden this mark on paper turns into a three-dimensional form and a minute later the person or creature that was in my head is looking back at me. I feel genuinely emotional sometimes. It's one of the most godly sensations I can imagine, the only thing that feels this good is a jam session with friends when you realize you just made a song together and you just nod to each other like yeah, that was good, and kissing your girl. That's it, that's the good shit in life if you ask me.

>> No.4642425
File: 16 KB, 400x400, me mie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm planning on travelling overseas from my third world country to enroll to an art atelier.

Which would be the best ones? I've checked the ones registered at art renewal center, and am surprised at how expensive some are. So I was wondering if anyone has experience with this: how much is a steal, are there economic alternatives, are there universities that follow said programs, and so on.

I'm doing my barque plates and studying to achieve some proper oil portraits/fiures, in hopes of getting a grant/scolarship, but no idea if those even exist.

I feel it's very risky to spend so much in education but also that there's no other way of reaching the standards of excellence I desire.

>> No.4642430
File: 39 KB, 372x337, ok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yeah, that's the stuff

>> No.4642441
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>> No.4642734


>> No.4642743
File: 10 KB, 293x282, 1588818885997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I try to help beginners on this board but they fight me over everything I try to teach them. It feels like they just want me to say "You're right, I'm only good because I'm talented and you will always suck, so stop trying and quit". No matter what I say they just seem to want to wallow in their misery. I try to be positive and hopeful, all that does is make them lash out at me. Beginners on /ic/ are the absolute worst.


>> No.4642748
File: 129 KB, 511x527, 94EF6D15-8541-438D-8534-9F5D0A044CFC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you didn’t try to help /asg/tards. Those retards will give you a migraine.

>> No.4642776

I'm in the same boat, anon, my mom just watches disappointed in the background, but every attempt I make at structuring my life is soon destroyed cause I have to do everything on my own.
But that's what a man is supposed to do. That's what most do. Keep pushing. And apologize.

At least you get replies. I'm a walltext printer and most go unreplied to.
Remember it's not necessarily about one anon, but the audience reading it who might also benefit.

>> No.4642787

Help intermediates instead, we're desperate because we post and get fucking nothing

>> No.4642789

I have certainly had the misfortune of trying to help /asg/. They are the worst. Never want to improve, only want to be told "yup the world hates you and it's impossible to get good, anyone who is good had a free pass".

>> No.4642807

How do you get over the fact that you will never get better at art?

>> No.4642818

Man why are they so awful and resentful. Is this a thing with /a/ and /jp/ lurkers crossboarding?

>> No.4642823

Dude you're stupidly entitled and rude towards probably the only person in this world who cares about you. Way to be a piece of shit. Asshole. You're an adult now, what's stopping you from getting a job and go live alone? Instead you're bawling here. I hate you so much. Cunt.

>> No.4642827

It's hard to give advice to intermediates when they don't state what they wanted to achieve.
We can't read your mind and compare your drawing to the thing you wanted to do. If I just see an uguu anime girl and 'crit this' how am I supposed to know what kind of critique you want.

>> No.4642890
File: 146 KB, 500x625, 1487537563524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like posting my work and making people happy but I'm socially retarded and don't know how to engage with my followers at all and that bugs me.

What are some lessons you've learned while developing a social media presence?

>> No.4642902

>Remember it's not necessarily about one anon, but the audience reading it who might also benefit.
Thank you for your service.
t. lurker

>> No.4642912

How about making a raffle for an art piece where followers have to state what they like about your art, your choices, and so on?

>> No.4642929
File: 383 KB, 891x709, BA321C4F-DDB2-464C-AF48-D7D83C76AE96.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spam memes if or draw meme doodles and make some weird relatable joke.

>> No.4642970

tell them to post their ocs

>> No.4643111

I don't know what kind of art I want to create anymore, nothing inspires me and it's really demotivating

>> No.4643128

It's not so easy when you are a third worlder.

>> No.4643148

This. If you're /int/ you should at least mention what you were going for, what you had trouble with, and what you think you got right. At that point it's less about fundies and more about composition, focus, subject manner, and the message or story of what you're doing. If it's a study then state what you're studying.

>> No.4643163
File: 60 KB, 380x282, 828oIay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lost job due to covid
>Temporarily move back in with narcissistic and toxic parents
>Can finally afford NMA subscription, at least
>I'll just work on my art gains, this is my chance to follow my dream
>Parents are constantly invading my space, interrupting studies, and asking me to be a cleaning, cooking, and lawn care slave like before
>One month gone and very few lessons completed due to being overworked
>Talking about it just makes them threaten to kick me out on the street and sell my computer and tablet
>They won't accept my unemployment money for rent in return for leaving me alone during the day
>Willing to waste my time and hinder me every step of the way to becoming a decent artist or getting back on my feet
>Mom put a nail through my tire on the day I had a job interview so I wouldn't make it, didn't see her do it but hadn't driven and she had a smug look when I was frustrated by this
>Trying to convince me to revert to the NEET life at home because they need my help (they don't, they just want me to do everything so they can be lazy and boss someone around)

Fucking kill me.

>> No.4643170

I'm a third worlder too. Grow a spine.

>> No.4643188

Download all the courses you can then unsubscribe.
Subscribe again once you wanna watch more.
This way you'll save a lot of money.

>> No.4643192

How do I download that shit? I thought there wasnt a way to do that

>> No.4643197


Best form of revenge is to not go for revenge at all, Anon.. Just improve for yourself

>> No.4643198

You can through autistic use of inspect element -I did it this way, you always reach a vimeo link, some courses share code for every page so you may not need to look up each video. There are also some plugins that detect if you're playing a video and rip them.

I signed up for a free month promo they had a a couple months ago and downloaded lots of stuff. Unsubscribed on my 29th day.

>> No.4643206


>> No.4643289
File: 122 KB, 1040x1200, ENWEDNkX0AAjL3w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a fucking waste of time, space and oxygen desu. Barely drawn anything in three months, I haven't accomplished anything of worth in general and the last three months in specific, I'm not even trying at all to get better. I'm a fucking NEET that lives with his mom. Haven't completely cleaned my damn room in over a year. I do my laundry and I keep myself fed and that's it, otherwise nothing. I barely even play vidya.

I can barely feel anything anymore. I'm so apathetic that even the anger at myself for being a worthless piece of shit is dull and tired.
My soul is dead, I can't even feel enough to cry.

>t. 25 year old loser whose life is already over because he can't be fucked to even start it.

>> No.4643401

>Haven't completely cleaned my damn room in over a year.
Holy shit. Pull yourself together. Start by cleaning bit by bit, start some basic depression improvement plan. Go for walks to get some sun. Stop beating yourself up and just start doing something, improving a little every day

>> No.4643449
File: 19 KB, 334x321, cab9d5affbfc5d4dc460830f4816d781d01a0428r1-334-321v2_uhq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Person with over 10k followers rt's one of my drawings
>Complete strangers who don't follow in the first place start replying to it with their god-awful meme pictures

>> No.4643451

Ain't worth it anon

>> No.4643466

I have such a hard time coming up with any ideas for finished works. I don't have any ideas or stories I want to tell.

>> No.4643603
File: 30 KB, 399x612, 1585960814727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be like that my bro. I know how you feel, I really do. But there's a change you can do that will make everything better, you can just accept it. OK, you're a NEET. It's OK. Everything you're doing right now is OK. You're not a fucking sex slave trafficker or a guy working in a drug cartel chopping people up with a chainsaw. You're just a NEET who's unemployed. Big fucking deal. Does society dislike you? Why do you care? Society worships disgusting people all the time, why do you fucking care that they dislike you for being a NEET?
Like, get in this mindset, it's OK. Make the best of this situation and rediscover yourself, drop bad habits. If you start off by thinking that the position you are in is OK, you can start moving in whatever direction you like.

>> No.4643609
File: 75 KB, 720x621, Monica-Lane-middle-row-second-from-the-left-and-her-crew-of-volunteers-at-Nicholas-House-during-the-2017-Comcast-Cares-Day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am in the need to look for a new job, even if it'll pay less, because I'm not so sure how long my current one is going to hold out. Not only that but I can't stand being around these nigger coworkers for much longer; I feel my IQ dropping and brain turning off every day I go into the office. So I went and found a work at home position for comcast and thought "hey, this isn't so bad?" and applied. They sent me a typical assessment test and as I was listening to the instructions I was staring off into space at the pictures of happy CSRs smiling into their microphones. Not only did I think this was fake but I noticed a large amount of niggers being shown in the pictures. I know comcast prides itself in diversity but realization just hit me that night as I was staring for a good while at these pictures; if a shaniqua is able to do my job then my job and skillset isn't worth shit. I know this from firsthand from the job I'm currently at right now. I thought the very same thing a few years ago in training at this job that in my mind the training was difficult but if Lakisha is showing me how to do this then in actuality it isn't hard and I can do it too. And then as I'm grandfathered into the job I did in fact discover the job was far easier than what the outside preserves to the point where I only do 2 hours of actual work and then sit for the rest of the day. Hell there are days where I don't do SHIT at all but take a few calls.

I stared at those pictures in the assessment test introduction and then said to myself "is this what my life is going to be like for the next 5 to 10 to 15 years"? I don't think there is a Tyrone/Sharisha Jones with 100,000 pixiv followers and impeccable art near identical to the Japanese. That is what I need to happen--a skill these clowns will never get in 100 lifetimes.

And I just stared and stared at the picture of niggers with headsets on. Eventually I closed the assessment test and deleted the job email.

>> No.4643616


Now I'm speaking as if I'm self hating black or whatever, fine, but it's the truth I have discovered. A job is a job and it pays your bills but most of these people who fill these roles are in their 30s or are already old enough to where their children are already grown adults. I HAVE NO NEED TO BE WHERE I AM RIGHT NOW. I'm young and still have the energy to draw.

alright enough venting I think

>> No.4643718

greytrannysketch is that you?

>> No.4644516

Then don't complain. Faggot.

>> No.4644544

Then you have good parents, mine are shit

>> No.4644570

Bet you browse /asg/ too

>> No.4644595

Had this happen more often on instagram. Someone with 8K followers just posts one of my pics, they get even more more likes than all of my pics combined. People comment it and now I occasionally see the pic appearing on /co/

Instagram completely ignores all reporting of theft and does nothing. A month later someone DMs me and accuses me of stealing the pic.

>> No.4644694

Apparently there's a thing that happens with Amazon and third-party sellers who sell their own product like kickstarter shit, handmade fashion stuff, etc. Whenever the Chinese see a product that works well, they plagiarize it and send obvious fake positive reviews to the original page. Amazon immediately detects them and removes the original seller for buying fake reviews, while the Chinese push their plagiarized product. If you want to resubmit your product you actually get a claim against you and taken down until it's resolved. There's a specialized kind of attorney that came up to deal with this kind of shit. All that can save us from the internet is reverting back to a local economy but it will never happen.

>> No.4644738

An elderly couple was in a car slowly driving behind me then marked in front of me, the man waved but I quickly looked away and then he drove off and she t around I think they were trying to abduct me

>> No.4644866

American politics is ruining art and culture in general for the whole world at this point.

>> No.4644889

Can't argue there. I hate that I was born in a post-modern era, but that was better than "It's not worth paying attention to unless a black person did it" era that we're entering now.

>> No.4644923

The only reason we won't have wars in the future will be that there will be nothing worth going to war for.

>> No.4644950

>you will never be the artist you want to be
>you can't even draw a loomis head
>nobody likes your art
>references references references
>tfw I just want to freehand everything and be natural
>everyone is getting too Woke to teach me anything with soul

>> No.4645219
File: 318 KB, 611x548, 62.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lmao just draw
>draw the same shit the same way for years
>pound into my head how to do shit wrong
>never use reference
>could've spent the time actually learning to draw
>basically have to start over

>> No.4645221

women have it easier

>> No.4645262

>>never use reference
That's why you never progress, don't know why you retards fall in the 'no ref' meme and waste your lives away

>> No.4645268

Yep. What are you gonna do, just whine about it?

>> No.4645300

How do you use references?.

>> No.4645307

You practice measuring and color mixing to make a copy as accurate as possible

It's the best way to train your eyes and your hands to do what you want

There's tons of measuring methods, from basic Loomis construction proportions to approximate, to sight size. Regarding color, it's best to start with grayscale refs so you can more easily identify which gray you should use

>> No.4645308

My internet is so fucking slow i can't even stream a movie in 360p, how i am supposed to download Vilppu's courses.

>> No.4645313

yeah but i want to draw from imagination

>> No.4645327

You can draw as much as you want from imagination. But it won't serve you much if you don't have visual library or any skill whatsoever.
You can't just will yourself to draw something you don't know or don't understand. This is why it's so important to study from references.

>> No.4645331

yeah but how is copying going to help me with that, isn't learning anatomy and construction better to build a visual library?

>> No.4645345

>yeah but how is copying going to help me with that
I already told you
>isn't learning anatomy and construction better to build a visual library?
No lol. You can hardly construct anything you've never seen

>> No.4645348

>No lol. You can hardly construct anything you've never seen
ah i took the bait, i get it now

>> No.4645357

Why would I waste my time baiting? Only on /ic/'s /beg/ and /asg/ you read this meme about 'no ref, only imagination'

Everyone: Vilppu, Hampton, Loomis, Huston, Gi, whoever, had to study from real life and other artists to master construction, measuring and color theory. You can't just learn by blindly trying to do things from imagination. You can't will knowledge. It's as if someone who studied calculus tried to demonstrate a theorem by himself instead of studying the solution.

>> No.4645367

I finished a thing today. A full composition, mostly rendered. and it looks...good?

I'm really pleased, I didn't know I could paint like that. It's not amazing but, it's good, it's okay, or at least I like it, like really like it.

I often shy away from full compositions and finishing things, but pushing myself to see things through lately has been great.

>> No.4645374

Good man, remember that nice feeling. To me it's really important.

>> No.4645469

>Everyone: Vilppu, Hampton, Loomis, Huston, Gi, whoever, had to study from real life and other artists to master construction, measuring and color theory. You can't just learn by blindly trying to do things from imagination.
yes dude i know, but only copying photos isn't going to help you either.

>> No.4645521

Says who? You?

>> No.4645593
File: 847 KB, 300x268, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Has a general idea of how I want my art style to look and feel like
>Collects hundreds of reference/inspiration photos
>Stares at photos daily
Wowie I should practice today
>Study something completely different that contradicts what I want and is not even remotely helpful
Gee-wiz my art is awful and it's nothing what I want
>Gets discouraged and stops drawing
>Comes back to drawing in the next few days
>Repeats this cycle
>Art gets progressively further from the goal

I think I've figured out that I'm retarded

>> No.4645607

>get hungry
>full, but still feel like eating more
>eat more
>too full, tummy hurts
why did i do it bros?

>> No.4645609

Could be depression.

>> No.4645637

You may be struggling with binge eating

>> No.4645651

probably, yeah

>> No.4645694

take a pause after eating. It takes some time for 'I'm full' signal to reach the brain.
Also don't combine eating with media consumption. Just eat.

>> No.4645743

A kangaroo speaks more than a thousand words

>> No.4645753

Exactly. If you try to draw a kangaroo without having ever drawn one, it'll look like shit.

>> No.4645763

He was trying to draw a dog, he owns two dogs btw

>> No.4645801

Yeah, even worse. If you never study dogs, you'll hardly be able to make one from imagination.

>> No.4645907

You're so fucking useless lol

>> No.4645995

I hate every single idea I come up with. It's edgy, derivative and retarded

>> No.4646336

Bruh. Do actually useful shit and art on the side. If you are an ADHD motherfucker with short attention span, that will be the most optimum predicament for you to thrive in. If you are actually smart with an above average IQ, do engineering or CS or some other shit that can make you money. Then you would have a viable career and a thriving interest that can even be a huge potential career.

>> No.4646342

Drink a lot of water after eating. You probably dont drink enough so your stomach is not as full as it could be.
The harder thing to do is be content in your skin. Once you feel good, you dom't want food to ruin that feeling.

>> No.4646353

>You can hardly construct anything you've never seen
I guess. So, why do we see mythological creatures illustraated so well?
If I had to guess, it's because all of them are just some variant of something that actually exists, tricked-out so much to where it doesn't look like the source of imagination.

>> No.4646356

How did I get to this point? I used to have some confidence, where is it gone? I have found the courage to contact someone for work and I dropped all the spaghetti. I felt like I was having a heart attack for a stupid mail. And now I can't believe I wrote this shit. Every time it's this nonsensical, timid roundabout call for attention. I always get replies that scream "why the fuck are you wasting my time?" from people who are way too patient to tell me that directly. I don't even know what kind of reply I am expecting.
I don't know if my work has a leg to stand on anymore, I don't know what I'm doing. What the hell am I doing? I can't possibly expect anybody to like this or say something constructive on it.
Have I gone nuts? Is this how it works? You slowly realize when you do reality checks and the most common reaction to you is ???
How did I get to this point? What went wrong with me? I'll never make it, in art, in life. I'm screwed. How many years have I been reinforcing this? How do I repair myself? I wish seeing doctors didn't do even more damage.
It's awful. It's like my future is etched in stone, I'll just kill myself one day and there will be nothing to forget.

>> No.4646361

Increase your idea vocabulary. Read nom-fiction books or documentaries. Or just shit you don't always usually go for. All works are inherently derivative. Embracing the derivativeness can also be a great asset.

>> No.4646557

I'm /beg/ and nothing make me happier than someone pointing my mistake and explaining how to do it right

>> No.4646567

I'm never going to improve because bringing myself to draw is so difficult that I'm good with just putting something on the canvas

>> No.4646592

It's weird for me.
It's like, if people do point out what I'm doing wrong, then it's like reading a different language. I don't understand anything they're saying, and the books may as well be etched in moonrunes.

I see some of the examples, but it doesn't click. I don't understand HOW it was made. I just see lines, becoming more lines, becoming more lines, and suddenly it's a picture.

I know I'm not stupid, because I understood this stuff in the past. But, it's like I can't get better by taking others' advice, anymore.

>> No.4646609

fuck every artist that makes this look easy.
im simultaneously drowning in how much there is to learn, while being beached away from creativity.

>> No.4646610

>nothing to forget.
i look at those videos of 'grandfathers sketchbook' or 'got vintage sketchbook off ebay' and i wonder if ill even be so lucky to get a video about my work.

>> No.4646653

I am so fucking bad at connecting a head/neck to the shoulders from imagination I straight up don't understand it

>> No.4646709

Pic source?

>> No.4646863

>tfw all I'm literally doing is shouting "loomis, nigga" at everything and it's being taken as advice of sages from ancient times

>> No.4646935

look at the skeleton and musculature, 3D apps work wonders for that

>> No.4646968
File: 377 KB, 161x168, e1b8ea1686184b2c8249b24667da9078.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted to draw, but I'm shaky due to the intermitent fasting and I can't do it.

>> No.4646973

How long are you fasting? I used to fast 16h and it was fine. Make sure you drink your liquids

>> No.4646975
File: 637 KB, 160x160, mad doctor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't use the models as a reference because I can't look at the photos without distracting myself.

>> No.4646984

16h. But usually I also don't get shaky. I'll try drinking some water.

>> No.4646990

>Try really hard and complete new drawing
>Excited to share it
>It ends up getting very little interaction, less than my 30 minute sketches
It hurts

>> No.4647055

Thanks for the advice but I don't plan on wasting my life away on some soulless STEM shit.
I could do without art for a living, even, but I refuse to do that.

>> No.4647059

every time
I feel you bro
less effort seems to equal more praise
just draw stick men

>> No.4647129
File: 53 KB, 655x509, 1582324296839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a good person

>> No.4647268 [DELETED] 

i've been trying to gesture draw for two weeks and they still look like shit. i keep watching the videos. they all just say "capture the gesture maaan" and then they draw something that perfectly captures the gesture. when i try to do that, it looks like shit, scribbles everywhere. so i stop scribbling and try to draw smoother lines, but i can't get the right shape. everybody still just says "capture the gesture maaaan" im still not even sure what the fuck that means. im starting to think people who teach this are just expert artists who are trying to make quick bucks with videos and that it must take some other training to "capture the gesture maaaan". seriously, i sit down for two hours every day and draw figures from photographs. all of my gestures look like crap. when i see a professional do it, they are obviously using techniques they either are not teaching on purpose, or don't know that i don't know them. fuck this shit. why can't people just teach the way to do it,. if you want to learn how to program, they sit you dowm and say "this is a char, this is an int, this is a print statement" etc. it's very direct. with art they sit in front of something and just jerk off over their own skills and say "capture the gesture maaaan". why can't they just say "i did X, Y and Z in order to understand how to do W", directly?

>> No.4647270

Many aren't, so what?

>> No.4647504

how do I even study from artbooks?
they just explain things, what should I do? Math books have exercises...

>> No.4647523

>beginner artist follows me
>oh hey that's cool I like seeing beginner artists' progress I'll follow back
>2 years pass, notice they haven't improved at all
>actually bother to check their other accounts
>they're not a beginner at all, turns out they're just bad in a way I can only rationalize as "not even trying" because anyone trying would've improved by now
>they've been drawing for 10 years

>> No.4647525

please show their work.

>> No.4647530

thanks so much, you guys are really kind. and that is true. I'm gonna try to improve myself as much as possible and be the best person I can be

>> No.4647547

Artbooks aren't made to teach people how to draw
If you want to learn, copy them. Measuring, mixing the correct colors. Construction, if you're into that.

>> No.4647621

I don't want to be cruel to this dude since they comment on my stuff a lot but their art is kody-tier. They've learned to draw one thing wrong and that's all they do, seeing that they're not even trying just makes me irrationally angry even though I shouldn't care. They've been drawing shit for 10 years that looks like a grade schooler drew it. I want to yell at them or push them to actually fucking *try* but I also don't want to be an asshole.

>> No.4647656

What people don't tell you about gesture, is that you have to be accurate. I mean, use plumb lines, measure angles, look at distances, use the 7.5 head proportions guidelines, etc. Visualize which parts represent the ribs, the hips, the elbow, the knee, etc.

So, if you're having trouble with gesture, make sure you're continually "finishing your drawings". Draw constantly, study anatomy, study structure, and your gestures will improve.

>> No.4647679

I see. Anons keep saying to do the exercises, but I'm like
>what exercises? do the mean to copy the images?

>> No.4647735

I swear to god I must have adhd, I always put more complex works on hold and then proceed to fill several papers with simple doodles with hardly any thought on them fucking godamn it

>> No.4647742

Artbooks normally don't include excercises but yes. Think about it like doing master copies.

>> No.4647829

I said some flowery phrases to this girl on a dating app and she spammed me with her nudes of her privates and gave me her number. Now I’m about to ghost her. I feel a little bad I keep doing this to girls but this confirms that I have no trouble getting girls despite not being attractive.

>> No.4647839

If I recall this would be probably the 10th girl I got this far with but number 4 out of 10 who didn’t ask me for money for sex, just commitment.

>> No.4648055

fat girls don't count

>> No.4648141

So I'm being paid some thicc bucks to draw some crap for vidya game and I kinda lost my shit halfway. It all started with PS acting out then my tablet acting out and gradually I just lost motivation. I'm full of ideas but it feels like it's locked up in me. I'm not behind yet, but deadline isn't exactly far either, so not doing shit just makes me even more nervous about the whole thing.
I guess it'll pass eventually, but no longer sure it'll go away before it's too late

>> No.4648143

This shit happened to me recently. Work through it and just finish that shit ASAP or else you're going to fuck up your deadline.

>> No.4648560

How do you get over the fact that no matter how much you practice you'll never be able to draw?

>> No.4648593

You like to draw round shapes? maybe that's why. masculine characters tend to be more blocky..

>> No.4648662

Are you working in retail?

>> No.4648678

It depends on how you're practicing.
Stop following what other people tell you to do and draw for yourself. Get comfortable with a pencil, because people here are going to treat it like it's some kind of industrial factory and treat you like you're a cog.

>> No.4648681

Copying won't feel genuine.
You're just doing an imitation of something else.

>> No.4648683

been practicing for over a year now and can't draw for shit.
if someone asked me, on the fly, to draw something appealing i couldn't do it. maybe i could doodle something sort of cute but it wouldn't even hint at the fact that ive been grinding fundies for a year it would have the same appeal as a childs scribble.

>> No.4648685

>doing the same thing over and over in expectation of different results

>> No.4648692

ive realized this too late. i definitely have developed skills in gesture and construction, but i desperately need to start applying that to stylization. i genuinely think copying a bunch of anime or something would help me a lot at this point

>> No.4648697
File: 116 KB, 1984x1229, Lord of bones - unfinished.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah it sucks but you get used to it. a lot of interaction for me is like 5-6 people just like some random thing i thought came out pretty bad

heres a piece im working on now, maybe ill get 2 likes on it and a comment if im lucky, meanwhile a bunch of 12 year old youtubers with crayon furry drawings get hundreds of thousands of views

>> No.4648793

>go back to figure drawing tutorial months later
>suddenly understand the concepts I couldn’t figure out

What the fuck guys is taking breaks for this long actually the ultimate red pill?

>> No.4648795

I joined an art group to motivate myself but feel a little discouraged because the only artists who receive consistent attention are those drawing anime girls, cute girls, or porn... of girls (and femboys). Also I started two pictures that I’m really excited for but I hit a hard block in terms of skill and don’t know how to finish them without monumentally fucking up.

>> No.4648804

turns out drawing on your own time, at your own pace, is how you get better

>> No.4648823

art learning isn't really sequential. it's a collective set of skills that impact your learning and understanding of concepts. sleep and breaks are when your brain rewires itself to make connections with information you have. it's good to take breaks and cycle through your learning, touching up understanding as you go. your brain will recognize patterns you've learned from other areas and make it easier to categorize new information.

did you join las? if so leave immediately

>> No.4648831

Are you the Valkyrie comics guy who used to be on /co/? I think I recognize your style

>> No.4648835

>Follow drawabox
>Get frustrated
>Drawings doesn't improve
>Go Loomis
>Get frustrated
>Drawings doesn't improve
>Draw by myself
>Make mistakes
>Others point out mistakes
>fix it
>Learn how to draw better now
Fuck it.

>> No.4648839

no, not sure who that guy is but i only occasionally post on /aco

>> No.4648840

I did join las. Is it always like that?

>> No.4648845

it's like that everywhere

>> No.4648847

Fuck the crabs.
Fuck the people that can't draw for shit but still try to give advice like they know shits.

>> No.4648849

yeah it's a circlejerk of teenagers and tumblrinas with very thin skin. they love drama and gossip. the biggest thing to learn is just draw at least 30 minutes a day so it becomes a habit you do every day and you'll get better.

>> No.4648852

>just draw at least 30 minutes a day
I hate it when some shitposters come along and say NGMI because i claim that i only draw 1 hour a day.
It's very discouraging and upset my mood.

>> No.4648855

Hopefully today my iPad gets here so I can start drawing shapes.

>> No.4648861

if you are in the habit of daily drawing that is very good

>> No.4648867 [DELETED] 

Yeah it is lol, I got banned in the recent thread that’s up right now for speaking badly about the woman. Funny how you can talk mad shit but if you say anything about the girls there you have 1000 simps reporting you.

>> No.4648880

I know it's good, but i can't stand it when some crabs just come over and goes "Not 4 hours a day, NGMI".
And if you reply them, they will be more happy because they enjoy flinging shit with others.
It just sucks to be in this shitty community.
But i don't really have elsewhere to go to.
Most other places love sucking the better artists or the most active users dicks like >>4648795 said.

>> No.4648893

they are just exaggerating to try and be funny
the bad thing about this place is they are trying so hard to not be reddit that they can't bring themselves to ever say anything positive or unironic because it would be too uncool

>> No.4648900

I noticed the drama and gossip thing. I don’t participate in it but it feels weird that there’s always drama and shittalking in both the threads and the discord. Some users seem to spend more time and energy on pointless drama than drawing even. I have developed the habit of drawing every day though so at least I got something beneficial out of it.

>> No.4648925

Even though we are always critical with 4chan's cynicals ways, I feel like everyday it becomes more and more important to find that criticism somewhere, specially as people are being told nowadays that being a lazy, fat, uneducated person is acceptable.

>> No.4649036

> "Not 4 hours a day, NGMI"
Hmm, but don't they say 8 hours a day? I usually have the stamina to draw 4 hours a day which is what I do almost every day but then I end up feeling super guilty cause everybody says you should be drawing 8 hours a day.

>> No.4649089

There's no shame in copying as long as you don't do it all the time.

>> No.4649099

Four hours is great, do as much as you want to.

>> No.4649675

So? It's an excercise, not a final work
How do you even intend to make something genuine out of someone else's artbook

>> No.4649679

Most people who draw on /las/ just use it to keep track of their own progress and challenge themselves.

The community aspect is fucked. The most 'active' people are the ones who draw the least. Full of manipulative tumblrites and trannies too.

>> No.4649794

Idk, the same way you expect people to learn how to draw out of their own mind by just copying/tracing other stuff?

>> No.4649822

You only see that kind of advice on /ic/
It's very difficult to imagine how to draw something you haven't ever studied, or at least something similar enough.
The best artisans copied their masters. The best musicians listened to lots of music and rehearsed it. The best writers have read hundreds of books.
Why would drawing be different from any other learned discipline?

>> No.4649833

I'm pretty sure you need to know what you're doing when you're copying though.
Else it would be just that, copying.
If you don't think you learnt anything when copying, that's mean you're just training to become a inferior copy machine.

>> No.4649874
File: 90 KB, 640x448, 1591555039077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I stop feeling so bad when I draw?

>> No.4649908

Don't try so hard to be correct.
Try to improve from your current drawing, not try to be 100% perfect.
Stop coming to this shitty place.

>> No.4649924

Same has happened to me. I fear that the moment I "make it", I'll fuck it up by losing my drive. Need to work of self discipline and sticking to a schedule.

>> No.4649946

Basically this: >>4649833

The mechanics are being echoed left and right. The meaning and purpose isn't being explained. Humans aren't just machines that can be wired into doing things via imitation. A lot of us aren't NPCs, raised to be primordial ooze waiting for forms to imitate. Some of us need to know why we're spending our time doing something, before we do it. Else, it's a waste of time, because we won't learn anything.

>> No.4649974

>Me as a child
>Loved drawing and creating
>Had tons of ideas albeit cringe and generic
>Definitely wanted to be an artist when I was older

>Me now as a 24 year old NEET
>Feel horrible when drawing
>Somehow even worse than I was as a child
>Can't even follow things like drawabox or Loomis

So do I dislike drawing? Should I find a new goal? The idea of being a good artist is what fulfills me and I believe it would make me truly happy but if I can't even enjoy practicing then something is wrong. Has anyone else ever had this issue?

>> No.4649988

Hi. I have.
But, I think it's because we have nO sOuL.

Memes aside, I'm not entirely sure where we can go from here. I think we could just start by getting it out of our systems by freely drawing whatever we want and not giving a crap about "form" or whatever.

>> No.4650006
File: 66 KB, 500x700, anton chigurh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The idea of being a good artist is what fulfills me
This is your problem.
You don't fancy drawing.
You wanted to be a beloved artists.

You are imagining to be a famous artists that have everyone sucking your dick.
Meanwhile, in reality, you're just a nobody that can't even draw the most basic stuffs.

I don't love drawing either.
I wouldn't give up anything just to do art, unlike some passionate artists.
But i feel happy creating something from nothing, and when something click in my brain while learning this new skills.
I feel happy when i'm polishing my skills.
Pic related is when i was having so much fun drawing. Because nobody asked me to draw properly, or that the anatomy sucks.
And i created something.

Change your mindset.

>> No.4650034

... Projection is so real.

>> No.4650053

>You are imagining to be a famous artists that have everyone sucking your dick.
I'm not imagining that but something close maybe. Ideally I want to be able to draw and create characters that I like and maybe develop a story around it. I also want to make fanart to show my appreciation for it and to express my ideas about the media. That's probably just as sinful as wanting fame though.

>> No.4650066


Do you suffer from aphantasia? Not even shitting you.

>> No.4650067

Do we really need 6 different tablet threads? Pretty sure we're supposed to have zero of those.

>> No.4650219

>really enjoying drawing for a few hours on a fully charged ipad
>solid creative flow
>ipad hits 5% in the middle of something
>can't use it while charging because the app drains more juice than the charger is outputting even with the screen dimmed
i enjoy drawing on this thing but fuck if the battery life and screen size (9.7 inches) doesn't take the wind out of my sails. thankfully i got it and the pencil seondhand from a relative for cheap but man i need to invest in an actual tablet.

>> No.4650241

No anon, the waste of time is trying to draw from imagination something you've never studied. You'll only read this shitty advice here or in discord.

Every single teacher and accomplished artist either works from reference or at least advocates studying references to solve any issue you find.

That's a far reach from 'copy machine.'

>> No.4650646
File: 7 KB, 236x235, BDE2A9F9-E748-469F-A580-ADF9D728EB5E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to cry. I am so fucking bad. I’ll absolutely never make it. Im not improving. I cant. I cant even do studies because Im too busy with school.
Everyday of every hour I think about drawing and that Im a failure. People are improving all around me but I never have the time to draw.
I want to kill myself.

>> No.4650652

I really don’t want to draw fanart to attract people to my social media, sigh. What’s the use drawing something that’s been done to death by at least 1000 other artists? Oh well.

>> No.4650685
File: 309 KB, 1000x1200, 2f5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe try redesigning them, or putting them into a new outfit, etc? So it's more unique and still exercises creativity.

>> No.4650692

change mindset to what?

>> No.4650701

I'm going to be flat broke at the end of this month.
I'm barely picking up the pieces of my life after being homeless for a year, and still feeling the ripples from that. For instance while homeless I didn't have a chance to do last year's or this year's taxes, so I didn't even get the stimulus.
I had tried doing the responsible thing and getting a wage job, but it scaled back hours due to covid so now I'm only making like $400/mo.
So I put out a call for commissions and not one person responded.
I'm fucked and I hate my life.

>> No.4650715
File: 65 KB, 500x382, 1522796219001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4650720

and yet you had time to make this post

>> No.4650721
File: 6 KB, 238x206, 1584313340221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I pulled something in my shoulder somehow, now I feel burning pain in my shoulder and sharp pains shooting through my back and arm when I try to draw.

I was just starting to catch up on my art gains, too. FUUUCK.

>> No.4650723

Yes. Im in bed and about to sleep, thinking about how it sucks. Typing something vs. art studies.

>> No.4650729

>>4650723 Well that's your choice. You could watch a video, read a page of a book, draw something. If you wanted to draw/study/practice, you would. You think nobody in your school draws? Or is it just that everyone who draws is less busy than you? Fuck that. I know lots of people who work 60-80 hour weeks. They still have time for their hobbies, and we're talking hobbies like alpine skiing, mountain biking, whitewater kayaking. Shit that takes a lot more time and planning than drawing studies.

Nut up, and stop making excuses. A pro artist is just a shitty amateur who never gave up. Making excuses is ngmi, the only way to make it is to take action.

>> No.4650772

Instead of drawing tonight I just watched anime openings and endings from my childhood, that I hadn't listened to in a decade or even more. Didn't think I'd get so emotional at that.

>> No.4650778
File: 25 KB, 480x480, 1588930764099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrist is shot because of drawing, smash, and jerking off. I'm at risk of losing my wrist forever, but don't want to stop either of them. Must power through the pain for potential future career. Don't want to flip burgers forever.

>> No.4650796

he already laid it out quite plainly my dude but anyway its a shift from deriving meaning outside the activity (where the activity merely serves as a vehicle into achieving a higher purpose/fulfillment etc.) into deriving meaning in the activity itself. see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autotelic.. however im not sure if a person has absolute freedom to just change one's mindset

>> No.4651015
File: 111 KB, 429x500, hapynya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Throw away your chair

That's some underrated advice anon, thanks

>> No.4651026

take a reference photo of a knight, an octopus, a bear, and some sci fi shit

Make an armored robot octopus bear by utilizing different 4 different references.

Drawing from reference isn't
>look at ref
>try to recreate the same lines on paper

You use the references to understand proportions, perspective, lighting, and just generally how it exists in 3d space. Then you use that info to interpret it onto paper in your own unique style.

You're pretty unlikely to really make anything truly original. But if you want, go scribble on the paper for 10 minutes. Chances are that scribble is original, just like a snowflake.

The most creative, original pieces are still made up of things that exist. If not, they're still made up out of shapes.

>> No.4651121

I get stressed out from which resource to start with(or finish). It's probably better to finish it and then pick up another beginner resource, even if it is tedious.

>> No.4651126

I just went through the most humiliating art-related experience I could think of. I've gone forward through all kinds of heart-rending shit but now I'm just crushed. I want to dig myself a hole into the ground to go die in.

>> No.4651150

>No anon, the waste of time is trying to draw from imagination something you've never studied.
I agree.
I'm questioning the method of "study." Not the studying itself. The problem with you types -- as well as education, in general -- is that you lump all humans together and assume we all learn the same way. We don't.
>Every single teacher and accomplished artist either works from reference or at least advocates studying references to solve any issue you find.
Well, yeah. But, that's not the question, either. The question is, "WHAT reference?" Imagination can also be a reference. Did you consider this?

>> No.4651230
File: 542 KB, 1000x512, 1592117837663.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not angry or anything but drawing this made me realize there's dozens of stories about these characters that have only happened inside my head and I'll probably never draw all of them.
Here she's reminiscing the past before possibly dying and I thought about drawing her remembering a few more adventures but I'm not satisfied. She deserves a full series

>> No.4651241

The only type of fanart that's truly been done thousands of times is 'character doing a pose in a white void/simple background'. You can do something new while doing fanart by putting the characters in an interesting situation.

>> No.4651250

Then write a story about her. Don't keep it all in your head

>> No.4651318
File: 947 KB, 2448x3264, Botched.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in nursing school anon, I figure that if I have good financial backing then I can spend an appropriate amount of time learning to actually draw. I feel pretty shitty to be honest, loads of people want this job for the sake of it, but im just using it as a tool to get myself financially secure. The work bores me, its stressful but not engaging. But it beets when I was at KFC for a year and a half. Here's some garbage that I made. God speed anon, you have my respect!

>> No.4651351
File: 562 KB, 817x869, 1583310255500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm nothing but a failure at everything I do, I'm not smart or good looking or anything. I just want to draw characters from anime and games that help me over the years letting me forget about my shit life. I am just a novice but I hope one day I can be good enough and have something that just makes someone smile because they deserve it.

>> No.4651379

Post some of your work anon, I'll be fair and only be constructive., I made the piece posted above you, I have a ways to go too.

>> No.4651447
File: 526 KB, 1800x2400, image0-36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rate my toddler drawing

>> No.4651460
File: 143 KB, 1062x1080, 1585050438156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>spend two days downloading and cataloging my fav artist's works
>some time passes
>check on her now
>she deleted her profile, all of her art is now gone

>> No.4651470

How could you tell?

>> No.4651529

Not that anon,
Draw thicker lines
Draw whole lines and erase what you don't need
Those are the two most glaring issues in this artwork. I'd recommend not instantly jumping into drawing anime though, maybe do normal art + anime at the same time.

>> No.4651543

I fav this guys picture and a voice in my head yesterday said to save the picture over and over but I said nah. A few hours later he locks his profile and the picture is removed off my Twitter.

I should keep listening to the voice in my head.

>> No.4651556

She used to be a popular tumblr artist, but then she got bullied off the site completely over some drama, her blog being only an archive. It was only a matter of time before she deleted it permanently.
Besides, I just really like going through an artist's blog and cataloging their work in chronological order on my hard drive.

>> No.4651591
File: 133 KB, 1115x1745, 20200519_053441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normal art + anime? like draw real people then into anime or try use real people to make a base then yet draw anime characters from it? I have a feeling it's the former. Btw, here's an image that shows what kind of style I want to have, any advice on how I achieve this is appreciated. sorry if I come off as weird or something.

>> No.4651597

I mean draw both real people and anime

No idea how to adapt a style, you should try getting your own. As a beginner you don't have to worry about that.

>> No.4651621

I see, I never really thought much about that since I tunneled vision on anime and what not. And I'm not really going to focus so much on style right away since I know I have to build up fundies and whatnot but I just had to make a post. I will take your advice though and trying doing both.

>> No.4651648
File: 302 KB, 2580x1872, cheer up fellow beg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For some immediate critique, try to make your lines less scratchy, developing line confidence is tricky at first, but it will be indispensable once gained. How long have you been drawing/how old are you? If you truly want to pursue art for the sake of yourself and others, then head this advice! Alright, first off you need to start your picture with some simple gesture, I just use exaggerated noodles to start off my pictures. From there I try to create the solid (hopefully anatomically correct) shapes that define the picture. As you can see, I failed to properly measure the arm length and waste length, as pointed out to me in a critique thread, in my picture. I highly recommend flipping your picture sideways to break your affinity for whatever your drawing and be able to look at it objectively. Once you have created mases of proper weight and length, depending on the type of picture your drawing, either create the outline, or begin adding the light and dark values. I recommend doing the later first, it is imperative to know how to shade organically before shading in a cell type style. Also another helpful tip is to begin your art journey with physical media, my picture was done in no name N 2 graphite one a piece of computer paper, the second example was done with a black wing pencil, ironic given the simpler style. I only recommend physical media because it is more challenging, therefore you will progress faster by having to overcome common mistakes that people could had just scaled or rotated in a paint program.

>> No.4651654

Did you draw that bird?

>> No.4651695

Around Christmas time I've been on and off because work and gonna be 25 in 2 weeks. Mainly these drawings are going to be for me but I just feel like sharing is all, and once again, thanks for the advice.

>> No.4651710

Yes I did draw the bird.
I'm better at animals then people. So far

>> No.4651719

That picture is miles ahead than the left one. I thought they were made by different people.

>> No.4651743
File: 295 KB, 2448x3264, First drawing 4chan edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm currently 25, growing up everyone thought that I would be smart. I crapped out in high school, I tried a go at computer science but couldn't take the math. I felt like an utter failure, the only thing that brought me any sense of accomplishment were the pictures I would draw, bad as they were. Here, this is the first picture I really tried on, I was 18 at the time. (I only started studying the fundies a couple years ago, I mainly used to just doodle for hours.)

>> No.4651746

This is my most recent: >>4651318

>> No.4651752
File: 115 KB, 400x240, 1549032194254.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Finishing Engineering degree in a year
>Nowhere near the level I want to be to freelance art
>Study more; hands start to hurt
>Absolutely no art-related work in this country
>Planned on saving and moving some place else
>Military service rolls in, taking me out of work multiple times a year
>Missing it leads to massive fees and prison time, so I can't work/study outside the country
>Too expensive to live alone, so I have to live with my parents
It's like every time I think I found a solution I get knocked back down...
I don't know what I'm supposed to do now

>> No.4651774

What country?

>> No.4651785

>>Absolutely no art-related work in this country
That's what the internet is for.

>> No.4651878

somebody say, "Patreon-bux?"

>> No.4651881

How do I tell this twitter artist that his art does not look as good as he thinks it does? Especially his faces are lacking and he keeps having melt-downs every time he doesn't receive enough twitter likes, to the point where I dread him posting anything online.
It's just sad to see, especially since I believe he could improve if he just accepted that he needs to change something. He just got into an argument with someone else and kept claiming about how he's so much better than sakimichan

>> No.4651895

Is it Jazza?

>> No.4651978

Imagination is reference, yes. Without training it's extremely difficult to put it to use, though.
What are you even trying to argue here? Do I need to repeat myself that being a copy machine is in no one's interest?

>> No.4651979

nope, it's someone super no-name. I'm tempted to post his art but I still like him and can't bring myself to do it

>> No.4651981

why don't you just stop following or silence him

>> No.4652194

Rule #1 of any and every internet quarrel:
You never engage the madmen directly.

Ignore it and walk away, or you will be pulled into the whirlpool as well.

>> No.4652321

Is learning chinese or japanese the only escape?

>> No.4652500

i cant draw shit and my characters have big heads and terrible legs

>> No.4652599

Could he be a part of one specific fandom you're not allowed to talk about on 99% of the boards?

>> No.4652654

Why is watercolor paper so fucking expensive reeeeeeeeeee

>> No.4652741

Just use multi media paper, just hold the paper flat while blow drying.

>> No.4652925
File: 172 KB, 613x503, 1345231453267.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am incredibly lonely and horny as well

>> No.4653203

I can't, because we're friends. I've had to console him at least once a week about this and he just goes into a deep depression when I mention the faults his art has. He blames his lack of succes on people on the fandom hating him

no idea what fandom you're talking about. It's a random gag anime

>> No.4653956

You screwed yourself, if you had been doing more commissions it would build you online as a favorable artist who successfully finishes commissions, thus building your online presence. By not fulfilling commissions, nobody would be talking about you online. Your actions were counterintuitive.

>> No.4654100
File: 25 KB, 611x231, nhsdefnhoeioswnh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you just can't fucking please these people

>> No.4654658

In learning from books, one thing that I've found useful is to pick a book, Loomis, etc. is good for this and I find Jack Hamm's slightly cheesy but useful books good as well. Copy one page from a book, one image at a time. Do as good a job as you can, but don't fuss too much over making your copies exactly faithful. Compare the copies with the originals at the end and note what differences you see. This can often help with correcting distortions in our perception to drawing flow.

Then put the book away and try drawing a couple of drawings either form remembering the book images that you just drew or use a reference and draw from the reference incorporating elements from the copies that you just drew, or just draw from imagination. As you do this you will be building an internal library of made marks and line variation along with the approach to the subject matter itself based on a fusion of the copied work and your own ability/taste. This works well with painting too.

It also means that if you have no inspiration for a day or two that you will still be drawing as you are just copying. Pencil time is the most important part of learning to draw. It's been useful for me.

>> No.4654681


No- hes right. Sjws latch onto their pet obsessions like lampreys and make cringey shit to flood their blogs with.
Its like fake nerds dog piling the videogames section and posting their basic bitch shit everywhere. Shits obnoxious, but you cant tell them to fuck off cause omggg you GUIZ, fandom is for everyone~** Stop GATEkeeping~** Fuck those people.

>> No.4654685

Think about this though. Literally everything that we create is an imitation of something else. Our mind imagines something and our hands fashion it but the hands are merely imitating what the mid imagines.

This thing about originality is a really new idea in the art world (since the dawn of photography most strongly)and it is just a stick in the spokes of almost everyone learning to make good art. We know what this is when we see it. The accrued skill is in the lines and colours. Learning technique and colour theory is massively enhanced by copying really good work done by those who have come before us. Once one gains the confidence that comes from making better and better copies then ones own creatively comes forth and from then on everything is original.

We have books because it allows us to stand on the shoulders of those who came before us, art should be treated the same way and copying good art is like reading a textbook, except you have to figure it out on your own, so much FUN!.

>> No.4654688


I have to remember to do this with artists on Pixiv. Asian artists are so temperamental. Hate it when their shit vanishes overnight.

>> No.4654697


You didnt have to do taxes for the stimulus, dude. I didnt and still got paid. Did you do the census? I think they just need verification that youre a citizen of the US.
Theyre talking about doing a second stimmy soon, so you might be good for that.

>> No.4654785

I'm really sorry Anon. That's a shitty situation to be in and I can see myself sliding towards a similar situation. External events leading to a cascade effect beyond ones control. I'm near the bottom of the ladder and I don't want to fall off. I'm trying to come to grips with moving forward.

I don't know how your mental health is but after years of anxiety and depression one thing that helped me massively over the last few years was micro-dosed psilocybin mushrooms. Micro-dosing means that you never feel high or experience any of the classical psychedelic effects. Taking a small amount each day (less than 1/4 g dry usually) just slowly eliminated my anxiety, depression racing brain and obsessive behaviors. It has made it much easier to make art and to think clearly. Just passing on my experience as it seems to have no downside and can be relatively cheap and/or east to get or grow in some areas. I had tried anti-depressants and mood stabilizers but psilocybin has been much better with no negative side effects. I take a dose every second day but one can do it every day or every third day, whatever works. Within the first month I noticed significant change and I'll be dosing until I notice no more positive changes taking place.

I hope things turn out OK for you Anon, just remember that we never know for sure what the next day will bring, it sounds trite but it's true and if we are doing our best every day then that's all we can do.

>> No.4655136

Dont die