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File: 139 KB, 658x871, EUfA32FWsAYjQFL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4635487 No.4635487[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

lmao non-american artist are about to lock all of their accounts. You better start saving your favorite art collection or they'll be all gone by tomorrow.

>> No.4635497

Good. I hope they will start using a good platform instead, I'm only on twitter because these riceniggers refuse to post their art anywhere else.

>> No.4635499

I would say this could be the chance for a new art and only art website to come up but I already know it would be cancer from the start for one reason or another.

>> No.4635504

I don’t blame em. Twitter is basically the new tumblr, it’s makes sense for something like that to happen.

>> No.4635512

If you can’t handle trolls and criticism then get off the internet

>> No.4635514

More like "if you can't handle gay retards get off the anglo-net

>> No.4635522

The eternal anglo is the true jew. Fuck Americans and any native English speaker.

>> No.4635528

We have people literally telling Asian artist to kill themselves for the slightest change to the skin tone, on how they draw, and, how they don’t follow their retarded shipping bs.

>> No.4635533
File: 134 KB, 663x666, 5123151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's another very recent one today
apparently oversea homos are getting shat on too

>> No.4635560

i'm loving how autists are acting like this is some kind of revolution when it's just america being retarded once again and thinking the whole world stopped because of them. anyway, anything that can open some eyes is a great thing.

>> No.4635565

this is exactly what people who can't handle trolls and criticism say when they're not in a troop of baboons

>> No.4635570

That's not just america being retarded this time, it's infectious. I've retard in my fucking irrelevant country complaining that our cops are killing black people. I wonder if they understand that what they see on TV happens in another country.
Would be a great thing, retards would lose their "power" overnight and maybe understand something about freedom.

>> No.4635571

What did he do to piss off the twitter hate mobs? I can't be bothered to look up his @.

>> No.4635573

>draw a black person
>twitter: Ayyo his lips looks racists! REEEEE
the usual again

>> No.4635587

tfw you live in mother russia, where cops charged so much for antiprotest equipment but there is not enough black people to start riots

>> No.4635597

I love Hori's work but I missed this one. Did anyone save it before it was taken down?

>> No.4635599

This. I'll gadly follow them outside the retardstation that is Twitter.

>> No.4635608

Redpilled post

>> No.4635612

it's literally what happens every single time they decide to sanctify some dead nigger in america, the only difference is, corporations went full "support", just to see how many people they could reach with it. this is going to end like always, people will get even more annoyed by blacks and will avoid posting about them

>> No.4635614

Uh... based?

>> No.4635618

Wait calling someone a racist for drawing a character with a lighter shade of brown is criticism?

>> No.4635634

it is in murica

>> No.4635638

I welcome a big activity surge with Pawoo with open arms.

>> No.4635660

Anime avatars everywhere

>> No.4635705
File: 518 KB, 700x800, 1589078243733.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>person who tweeted about it is called BLACKLIVESMATTERALLCOPSAREBASTRADS
Does xhy think xhy's not part of the problem?

>> No.4635725

What happend?

>> No.4635740
File: 83 KB, 1024x768, 1581588027549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with you. But not when you're forbidden from replying in the same level.
Try to fight the angry mob and you get banned for hatespeech.

>> No.4635771

maybe they should get thicker skin

>> No.4635773

Anyone else think it's about we start treating am*ricans like the third world pests they are?

>> No.4635774

Given how spineless everyone is on social media, I think this shit will only further the creative bankruptcy we have today.
It's going to end up with artists color picking skin tones from the list of approved shades and following exactly what everyone else does for fear of getting shit on by the crazy mob with disposable money. Everyone will cater to a smaller and smaller number of sheltered rich people as true inequality keeps growing (economic inequality, which will never be on the radar), so we're all heading straight into an absolute Orwellian nightmare. Everyone's going to be an expendable little jester entertaining the king's children.
Ironically the artists who enjoy the biggest freedom right now are those who draw pornography, since all the attacks are plain bullying toward people who struggle, or the army would go after those who draw the depraved stuff I suspect they're the main consumers of.

>> No.4635775

What crack is this retard smoking that he thinks japanese artists avoid using twitter? They love this shit more than westerners do.

>> No.4635777

ooor, use better platforms and let the literal retarded mutts screech

>> No.4635778

So then I’m still right. Get the fuck off the internet if you can’t handle trolls and criticism

>> No.4635787

nah, just avoid americans and treat them like the niggers they are it'll be fine

>> No.4635791

ooor get thicker skin

>> No.4635795

Like it or not, this guy is right, at this point the internet is just this. Handling this random shit is part of social media, and if you don't like social media it's part of the biz. There's nothing you can do about it except going the opposite way, and you get the same mob of rabid animals except they have less money to waste on you and you're also banned from all the popular channels, you will win no awards. Or you can shove your box of pencils up your ass and get a job at Walmart / kill yourself directly to speed up the process.

>> No.4635796

or better yet, don't draw black characters at all to avoid """"""controversy"""""

>> No.4635798

It’s poorly communicated criticism at best and at worst it’s a troll, either way get off the internet if you can’t handle it.
Son, you’re not forbidden from doing shit. If you feel compelled to engage with trolls go for it. You’ll only get banned if your version of fighting the mob is sperging the fuck out and calling people niggers and telling them to kill themselves.

Alternatively, just block people and turn off replies.

>> No.4635800

If it hurts their feelings they can just...never do it again. Weird.

>> No.4635801

lol, I can only imagine riot/protest in Russia, if the antiterrorist team didn't have a problem gassing the civilians in the theatre to deal with terrorists, then why should they go soft on some rioters/protesters

>> No.4635808

I'm a Polish artist

>> No.4635809

On 4chan who the fuck care about fee fee, but on twitter and especially on social media that also bind with business on the same platform, legal action can be taken in burger-land apparently.

>> No.4635810

That's the funniest part - people criticize artists for drawing black people the wrong way and thus discouraging the artists from drawing the black people in the first place
They want more representation but they do everything to make artists not want to include any extra representation out of fear

>> No.4635816

Why are you people so fucking stupid ? Every day there’s a thread on this board where some idiot complains about “da niggers/ sjws/ women/ whatever” ruining their twitter experience and subtly implying that THATS the reason they’re not blowing up. Twitter and social media in general is designed to be the most addictive thing on the planet because you can create your own bubble, follow tags that YOU’RE interested in, block people you dont want to hear from and follow people that you do, you are in total control of the experience and yet you retards still manage to fuck it up.

>> No.4635817

>quitting something because you got told you suck at it
Sounds like that’s on the artist anon

>> No.4635819

If you wanna make money as an artist in this age and day, you better join the winning side kiddo.

>> No.4635824

>you better join the winning side kiddo
the side of coomers?

>> No.4635825
File: 59 KB, 194x186, 1575602736281.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You’ll only get banned if your version of fighting the mob is sperging the fuck out and calling people niggers and telling them to kill themselves.
And why is that bannable? If people can't take the heat, they should leave the Internet, no?

>> No.4635828

>Being told by some retarded rando that don’t know what skin tones are that I suck at coloring is the artist fault

>> No.4635831

that's rite

>> No.4635833

starting over sucks, better just bend over desu.

>> No.4635835 [DELETED] 

In a sense, yes? Though you still get complaints from retards because the way you draw females. If you don’t draw females, then you are completely safe.

>> No.4635836

In a sense, yes? Though you still get complaints from retards because the way you draw females. If you don’t draw females, then you are completely safe.

>> No.4635839

>I have a wonderful story featuring aboriginals in Africa / Miles Davis / a black character because I'm not racist and I want that character to be black, but I won't do that because I might get randomly lynched
Apart from the weird mental gymnastics, you'd get lynched anyway. It's never been about drawing offensive things, or as I said they'd go after most porn artists who "sexualize" and degrade human beings all the time. They don't give a fuck about that because porn artists don't care about public opinion and they're not starving for money. They specifically target people who depend on a system that happens to care a lot about the mood swings of the mob. It's a conscious act, they're kids with a loaded gun and they want to shoot and someone's feet and say "dance bitch, dance"
Do you really think suing people over this matters? What can you even sue them for, libel? Companies are free to stop associating with you regardless of legal grounds, if the mob doesn't like you you won't get hired. You really think everyone bends over backwards to please these people because they're pussies? They do it because they need to get work, every shit test from the mob is a loaded gun pointed at their head.

>> No.4635840

I had in mind cases like drawing bigger lips on black people being a reason to be called racist

>> No.4635849

>Do you really think suing people over this matters?
no not as in people, but an amount individuals. It is perfectly ok to file a case over twitter drama when it is involved directly with participants who are relatively close to one another. The whole Jared drama was like this.

>> No.4635867

Short answer: Because it’s specifically against that sites rules.

Every place, irl or url, has rules. If you break those rules you get punished. As far as twitter goes, if you can’t handle what people do within those rules then get off the internet, if they’re breaking those rules just report it and move the fuck on. I think if you’re responding to retarded twitter trolls then you’ve already lost but if you must, give a proportionate response instead of using it as an opportunity to unload your pent of angst.

>> No.4635868

Read my reply again retard. It’s your fault if you quit over a mean comment. Git gud at drawing black people or just quietly quit, nobody cares to hear your bitching.

>> No.4635872

welp, i just got banned from reddit on an acc for community fanarts so yep, its getting crazy

you can't try to tone down the racism screechers

>> No.4635876
File: 116 KB, 728x1057, 09CC2709-66BE-4A2E-BAB0-9065FB7FB511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You act like you have a audience of millions watching your every single move. Just tell your fucking story. As long as it’s actually good and the characters don’t look like racist caricatures nobody that matters will give a fuck.
>pic 1000% related

>> No.4635887

Twitter is garbage and so are the people on it, it seems the Japanese have finally caught on to that fact.

>> No.4635899

I was responding to what that anon said. Either way, nobody will give a fuck about this kind of work in the West anyway. The reason why all this shit is happening is that artists are desperate for attention and they need to be extremely loud about everything to be noticed. There's simply no way to play it safe, if you want to be a professional artist you have to play russian roulette.
Many people have invested so much time into art that they're literally unfit for any other job.

>> No.4635902

>G-get good at drawing black people
Expected, you sound like those same retards that pissy over the slight sexualization of a female character. Who would have thought ,kek.

>> No.4635905

I see so you're just dishonest on purpose.
Twitter isn't the internet you double bacon nigger.
Oh, and according to your wishy washy logic I've won the debate because you replied to me XDDD

>> No.4635907

>strawmanning this hard to avoid improving your skills
Pick up a pen and get to practicing anon, at this rate you’ll never make it

>> No.4635910

As much as I hate and despise how Donald Trump is one of the most vile people on this earth. I wish she would just shut down Twitter I would find so much humor in that

>> No.4635915

Someone should make a virus that changes every tweet's username and avatar to Donald Trump

>> No.4635917

What part of my reply was dishonest ? Twitter does have rules and bannable offenses, every site on the internet does, even this one.

So are you admit that you’re a troll and that nothing you said holds any weight ? Thanks for the confirmation :)

>> No.4635920

Continue to get pissy over a fictional character, tranny.

>> No.4635922
File: 68 KB, 1242x1136, 1591465896651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why isn't this gay enough?
>Why isn't this diverse enough?
>Why isn't this characters skintone dark enough?
>Why didn't you draw it like i imagined it in my head?
>Why aren't you doing what i tell you to do?
>Why aren't you killing yourself for not pandering to the ____ community?
>Stop not being political/not virtue signaling for [insert left leaning beliefs here].
>Oh, you said you don't like taking it up your ass and dying of aids?
>Oh, you don't want to get involved in [insert currect homofaggot tranny politics drama]?
>Why aren't you apologizing for drawing/saying/thinking what i was told to not support?
>You must be [insert enemy here]
>facts are racist/homophobic
>You should be cancelled
>You should be erased from existence
>Your family too
>this is trolling and criticism
Being mentally challenged isn't trolling or criticism in any shape or form.
Especially coming from pronoun profiles with visible autism.

>> No.4635924

>Though you still get complaints from retards because the way you draw females.
but praise from coomers will far outweigh the complaints

>> No.4635925

The fuck. Pixiv is where nippons post art.

>> No.4635931

Reminder that all of this wouldn't exist if people just paid for things they liked.
This happens exclusively because artists can't just make a thing and sell it anymore. It all has to be charity from whoever feels like sparing a penny.

>> No.4635940
File: 181 KB, 750x736, 1588866228268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to hug you, Anon.

>> No.4635945

Thanks Proko

>> No.4635947
File: 959 KB, 1125x1442, EF5C794D-CEA6-4CD8-AE81-7A0A4A805A44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but praise from coomers will far outweigh the complaints
There’s another post like this that has far more likes than the example i posted, but forgot the person’s name.

>> No.4635960

What the fuck are you talking about. Take your meds and get some fresh air

>> No.4635963

Twitter isn’t your hugbox. I see worse things being said on this site daily. Grow some thicker skin or get the fuck off the internet.

>> No.4635967

OK I’m going to be honest because I am seeing this stuff every fucking thread here. Can we stop saying the word “tranny” as a negative or bad thing? How many times in a thread on this board do I have to see the word tranny and dilate because people are upset with other people. Just stop it’s not funny at all

>> No.4636002

I've heard that a lot of artists, or at least NSFW artists, are thinking about uploading their stuff on the new pillowfort website that's gaining popularity lately.

The only bad thing about it right now is that you have to pay a $5 free to create a new account unless you get a invite from someone. I wouldn't mind paying for it if it can be a place where I can just upload and look at art in peace.

>> No.4636016

$5 isn't a big deal at all unless you live in a third world country or something. The bigger issue is that it's still niche and who knows when/if it'll become completely irrelevant.
God do I miss Tumblr despite all its faults

>> No.4636017
File: 22 KB, 624x468, CCwNKCfVEAEP3Aw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What Would Kamiya Do?

>> No.4636018

It's so painful that the only places that dislodge themselves from this shitty environment are about porn. Porn has become the escapist oasis that everything else used to be. We live in a fucking nightmare.

>> No.4636021

man why are americans so entitled and rude
didn't they have enough with bombing and killing people in pretty much every other country?

>> No.4636025

I support this madness. I have my lawn chair and cooler set up and ready for the final Twitter armageddon. Let them sperg, they're only forcing isolationism on non-US/EU audiences. Which is the best outcome, because Western media is out of fucking control. Fuck all of them, the implosion is going to be an epic ocean of bitter virue signalling tears. And then decades of "where did we go wrong" bullshit nobody will pay attention to.
I'm glad the Japs are pulling out. They were next on the list for being blacked anyway. I hope they as a collective community start rejecting thug/victim culture as hard as they can, and salvage and protect what's left of their cultural identity. Because here in the West, that shit is GONE.
If pitchforks like this are what define the US cultural identity, let it fucking burn to the ground. It doesn't deserve to stand anymore. This is witchhunts, not protests.

>> No.4636027

Unironically take your meds and go play a contact sport.

>> No.4636028

Unironically go fuck yourself.

>> No.4636031
File: 113 KB, 592x324, 1684846385431.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this illiterate
Go be a nigger somewhere else

>> No.4636043

Triggered ?