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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 611 KB, 733x659, 1580328940704.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4630882 No.4630882 [Reply] [Original]

hey /ic/ I saw this hashtag being passed around on twitter and thought it'd be cool if we gave some recognition to the black artists on 4chan too. post your blogs if you are a black artist and share work from black artists you like here!

>> No.4630883


>> No.4630884

Them darkies are really milking that cow as much as they can.

>> No.4630886

found the black guy

>> No.4630888

hey man you can't post that word. racism is literally against the rules on 4chan. be civil.

>> No.4630890

Nice bait thread nigger. Can some janny do his fucking job and delete all these political threads?

>> No.4630899


>> No.4630905
File: 68 KB, 1022x731, It's_All_So_Tiresome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor Araki, no one deserves this to have happen to their work..

>> No.4630917

why would black people post on 4chan /ic/?

>> No.4630920
File: 298 KB, 600x512, 084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Hey, let's exploit the death of a fellow black man to promote our artistic interest!"
Twitter users are fucking disgusting.

>> No.4630922

his work is shit anyways. it only attracts niggers and spics, so it's understandable

>> No.4630955
File: 2.39 MB, 1397x1071, wimberly_01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ronald Wimberly

>> No.4630957
File: 69 KB, 500x356, Alphonso_Dunn_image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alphonso Dunn

>> No.4630976

racism is literally NPC sperg behaviour

>> No.4630982

Unironically this is true. It’s just as bad as dick sucking minorities.

>> No.4630983

As a black person go fuck yourself, meritocracy > *

>> No.4630984

fine by me

>> No.4630989

I’m black and I say that you should kys for this you Redditor. Suck a fat cock.

>> No.4631001

LOL! Damn that lower average IQ is really apparent

>> No.4631014

Sorry, I’m not obsessed.

>> No.4631015

Ok nigger

>> No.4631021
File: 499 KB, 700x954, Thomas Blackshear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ignore spergs being racist, share art

>> No.4631022
File: 64 KB, 614x446, emory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

emory douglas

>> No.4631028
File: 139 KB, 1080x1080, chase conley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chase Conley got those inky black shadows

>> No.4631033

I'll join the resistance if trump actually appoints himself god emperor and starts putting people into death camps, but I'm not giving anyone special treatment for retarded idpol reasons.

>> No.4631043
File: 892 KB, 2387x2642, basquiat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

used to be a bit obsessed with Basquiat, some good docs out there on him

>> No.4631046

Probably realised it now, but OP AVOID /ic/ if you want seriously discussion/recs on black artists, all the racists get triggered to high heavens. Ask /co/ next time.

>> No.4631053

Fucking love this, thanks.

>> No.4631054

Black Lives Matter

>> No.4631055

found the black guy again

>> No.4631056
File: 107 KB, 748x600, tomo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hell yea, love that golden era/society of illustrators style stuff

>> No.4631066

Nice to find more/any black artists that draw like this. Most that can draw in a nice style with decent anatomy, always seem to have an anime style. I guess AAs are some of the biggest wrens a going. Wish I knew more comicbook/concept/fantasy artists.

>> No.4631069


>> No.4631070

Using your skin colour to promote your art?
Let your work live and die on it's own merit.

>> No.4631071

Where does the twitter post mention dead people ?

>> No.4631076

Black people want to be treated equally but take every opportunity to be the special ones. Fuck off, struggle like the rest of us no one cares about your skin

>> No.4631077
File: 746 KB, 1600x960, richie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Richie Pope is one of my favourite editorial illustrators right now

>> No.4631082
File: 184 KB, 280x449, 87034011_806585586418395_187786857923215360_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

underage autists with very narrow experiences of the world and ideologies formed on 4chan arent worth arguing with

>> No.4631086
File: 2.51 MB, 1280x1280, 7715D30C-438B-438E-A54A-C4BC9655ADE5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Freddy Carrasco @fredbread

>> No.4631113

good thing we understand each other. now back to your mudhut

>> No.4631131
File: 485 KB, 4096x2536, danny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Danny Araya

>> No.4631134

Why is there SJW cucks on here? 4chan is a fascist website.

>> No.4631183

Did you know that humans, like all social animals, are always calculating whether they're being treated like anyone else would be in their place? When they're discriminated based on retarded secondary criteria that have nothing to do with their worth, or when they see others cutting out unfair advantages for themselves, it makes them resentful really quick. Which is why it's so important that welfare programs give out help based on individual, objectively determinable need, rather than, say, membership to a statistically disadvantaged group. Many of the artists posted itt aren't oppressed, they're already established, or at the very least moderately successful, and unless I'm missing something the rest aren't unknown because white supremacists are sabotaging their efforts. Why should I feel motivated to give them recognition based on the color of their skin?

Let's not pretend that this is anything other than shameless opportunism, or, as you people might put it, completely tonedeaf. Also, black lives do matter, but your movement is shit and I don't support it.

>> No.4631185
File: 178 KB, 1200x1777, basq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no ones reading this shit retard, kill yourself

>> No.4631205

I read it and he's right

And imagine posting Basquiat when he would hate seeing black America latching onto his imagery instead of creating something wholly original like he did. But instead I'm sure there's already 55 images of George Floyd with Basquiat's Crown over his head.

>> No.4631218

This board is 50% women and it's an art board, meaning it's bound to have a lot of cucks.

>> No.4631233

>Which is why it's so important that welfare programs give out help based on individual, objectively determinable need, rather than, say, membership to a statistically disadvantaged group.
Contradictory statement. If you belong to a "disadvantaged group" and receive government help, the program is working like it should. US govt welfare programs like food stamps base distribution on your income and bank statements. 95% of these programs can be applied to online, so unless you go in person to apply the gov employee processing applications won't know what race you are.

>> No.4631239

If I was black I’d be embarrassed that people suddenly care about my art just based on the color of my skin, imagine if there was “singingwhileblack such a stupid thing.

>> No.4631245

this but very unironically

>> No.4631249

Jesus fucking Christ stop being a retard.
>Black Americans, on average, are poorer on average than white americans
>John is a black wallstreet banker
>John, being part of a statistically disadvantaged group, is not himself disadvantaged
>John should not receive welfare

>> No.4631253

hurr, should have proofread that instead of typing it out in a blind rage and autoposting.
whatever, you get my point.

>> No.4631254

all the artists posted are great, thanks for sharing anons.

>> No.4631264

You're the retard anon. As I said, distribution is based on income (paystubs, tips, W2, etc) and bank statements. Unless Joe the black Wall Street banker could make his tax records disappear and somehow produce a bank statement to match one of a poor person's, he would be automatically rejected by the system.

>> No.4631269

What the fuck does that supposed to mean?

>> No.4631285

stealing art

>> No.4631289


>> No.4631294

looks like tekkonkinkreet, nice

>> No.4631341

I want to say FUCK NIGGERS but I'm not sure if I can...

>> No.4631346

Did you even read the part of my post you quoted? I specifically said "statistically" disadvantaged group. John can be part of a statistically disadvantaged group without being a representative member of that group, so the state should determine whether he is personally in need of help based on universalizeable criteria, rather than just cutting out the middleman and handing out stuff to the group. You don't actually disagree with that, do you?

>> No.4631354

His Pen & Ink book has taught me so much

>> No.4631364

And did you read any of what I posted before typing out these unfounded, knee-jerk reactions?
The government doesn't go searching the country blacks or other "disadvantaged groups" and send them welfare for no reason. Anyone who receives it has applied for it and race doesn't factor in because it's determined by tax records and other submitted documents.

Post links to government programs that handout money solely based on race.

>> No.4631377

Well, yes. That was the point of my first post. Just like the state doesn't hand out welfare based on race, we shouldn't use the current situation to act like established black artists are oppressed victims who need and deserve our recognition because bad things are happening to other blacks. It's shameless opportunism, and it will rightly spark indignation from other hard-working artists, though many will swallow their anger out of fear of being called racist.

>> No.4631400

My bad then.
I do agree that it's patronizing to black artists. I see a lot of industry pros offering mentorships and portfolio reviews "for blacks only" which has made me lose a lot of respect for them. Some even offered jobs. Last month they would've never considered doing this. It's racist and demeaning. It will only further the idea of affirmative action-like things being the only reason why blacks can achieve anything worthwhile

>> No.4631401

But thats what chinks and south americans do?

>> No.4631428

Same, I could have probably cleared it up in the first response if I hadn't overreacted.
I agree that it's really unfortunate that this kind of zero-sum game, us vs them mentality is becoming so prevalent, especially since art offers so many better opportunities for engaging people organically and helping out ones community that way.

>> No.4631510

>4chan is a fascist website.
4chan is anti popular ideology. If 100% U.S. news media were to become Christian conservatives who hated black people, 4chan would become atheist liberals who promoted ethnic unity. If you don’t believe me, you weren’t on 4chan during the Bush-Obama years

>> No.4631573
File: 504 KB, 1326x2048, GEAR 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really stellar work here, pic related

>> No.4631578

Drawing while shitting

>> No.4631593
File: 135 KB, 353x497, 1574345318243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It might not be now, but I will bookmark you and report you for ANY slightly controversial post you make in the future. You like using identity politics for personal gain, I like to return it to you in double.

This BLM fad is getting in the way for now, but this year I already scavenged and successfully suspended 3 SJWs and two victim complex blacks.

>> No.4631616
File: 94 KB, 699x1009, DlQ-ThIU4AAXi6c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolutely based

>> No.4631659
File: 54 KB, 400x392, kek 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They would be retarded as to reveal their true intentions but I'm not surprised since nobody can normally give a fuck about black artists because the scene is predominantly dominated by anyone but them, so of course the opportunistic maggots have to have their own hashtag to take advantage of and temporarily squirm it's way back to relevancy to restore funds at the cost of a dead body

>> No.4631680

Well finally something unironically good (top tier).
Stop trolling and grab your pencils or huions fuckikg cucks

>> No.4631695

Nice find.

>> No.4631700

he's been a longtime favorite of mine

>> No.4631713 [DELETED] 
File: 122 KB, 454x685, FFD9F73C-EF31-450F-BD2A-37E606BE4602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure thing, my latest piece.

>> No.4631724

how cucked do you have to be to unironically virtue signal on 4chan?

>> No.4631726
File: 148 KB, 1080x1329, Nikolas-Draper-Ivey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should stop following white americans on social media and start following black ones instead.
They actually seem to be on the same level of Eurasians when it comes to artistic skill, since they dont follow the shitty corporate cal-arts shit and Hollywood nonsense white liberals are devoted to.
Obviously, youd get the ones who ride along with it, but it really does seem as if black americans have a bit of soul when it comes to making art.
Its really nice to see.

>> No.4631728

I will start #drawingwhilepolish

>> No.4631730

Have u ever considered virtue signalling is a dumb term made up by retards like Sargon of Akkad and people actually just want to celebrate the art of black artists? You are an autistic child

>> No.4631732


>> No.4631733
File: 57 KB, 500x500, F6FD24DB-4881-4C81-91D7-CBD29F4F3E00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4631828
File: 505 KB, 505x538, 1566683961525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4631843

If you're black why wouldn't you take advantage of the "btw I'm black" free space on the bingo sheet?

>> No.4631885

>why wouldn't you take advantage of the "btw I'm black" free space on the bingo sheet?
Because I want to be commended by merit and skill, not the color of my skin

>> No.4631895


No youre doing it wrong. You have to low key let it be known but never talk about it.

You absolutely never want to talk about identity politics on social media.

>> No.4631900

There was a twitter thread promoting artist only. It has 40k likes the last time I saw it. When looking at that thread, it’s pretty sad seeing it ngl. You only get followed because of your skin not your merit, skill, or personality.

>> No.4631904

Black artist* fuck

>> No.4631922

meritocracy is a lame excuse for losers who can't figure out how to play the meta-game.

>> No.4631941

Ok asukafag

>> No.4631971

80 percent of the world lives on less than 2 dollars a day

>> No.4631985

What’s wrong with you ? This isn’t some legal thing, nobody is obligated or being forced to put a spotlight on and appreciate black artists, people are just doing it because they want to.

>> No.4631990
File: 43 KB, 500x500, artworks-000579430493-fcwp12-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My fucking sides

>> No.4632009

Hmmm now's my chance...

>> No.4632014
File: 1.54 MB, 825x1149, 4634042037.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4632015

You’re out of your mind if you think people will follow you just because your black, you still have to create good looking art that resonates with people

>> No.4632053
File: 425 KB, 762x646, Mufasa2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Other blanon here : I don't want to be a sellout. I want to be recognized because my art is good, not because "hey look, he's black!"
If playing the meta-game is selling your soul for a nickel, I want none of that.
That's also why I stay SFW & draw what I like, not the newest trend I don't care about...

>> No.4632057

See? I agree.
Well, you will get "followers". (aka virtue signalling people who "support" you)

>> No.4632063

How is following someone because their art is good virtue signaling. Do you actually believe people are just followInn sub-beg tier accounts just because they’re black ?

>> No.4632067

*just following

>> No.4632071 [DELETED] 

Imagine basing your entire success over the pigmentation of your skin, at this point Niggers are no different than Roasties using their pussy pass to get out of responsibilities and initiative to strive for their own success without using their sex.

>> No.4632074

...I wrote the exact opposite.
You're an artist. If you create art, people should follow you for your art, everything else is secondary.
Following you just because you're black is "following" you.

>> No.4632091

I agree then. It just seemed like you were trying to say that people who discover and follow artists through the hashtag are somehow less “pure” or just cheap virtue signalers.

>> No.4632186

For what it's worth, I end up following plenty of artists through these kinds of shenanigans. It's a great way for cool stuff to break through the bland homogenization that's reinforced by the brain-dead algorithms of social media.

How the fuck am I supposed to find you man? Do I gotta wait for you to sell your soul for mass-market appeal instead? You're just closing inroads, throttling the bandwidth. Merit isn't a distribution mechanism. Sort-by-popularity, and the real good shit is never on the first page.

Honestly, I'm not sure what ethic is supposed to value this form of integrity. Who does it benefit? Personally I hope that all the artists out there, who I might potentially enjoy, are doing everything in their power to get in front of my eyeballs. I want to see cool stuff, and I've got money burning holes in my pockets, it's win-win. What is this kind of integrity doing for you and your soul?

>> No.4632260

Considering the timing that sounds like complete bullshit. Fuck of with your selfrighteousness

>> No.4632276

Based. Same here.

>> No.4632285

I’m black but I don’t really feel comfortable using this hashtag to share my art. Is their something wrong with that?

>> No.4632289

yep racists are trash, especially niggers

>> No.4632329
File: 142 KB, 451x554, 1565478510393-removebg-preview.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've unfollowed a lot of artists on twitter over the past few days. I just wanted to see their art, not their retarded opinions.
I'm sick of all of it.
Getting shamed for not caring about whatever new overblown spectacle happens in Burgerland, by people that have little awareness of the world outside of a it alongside a juvenile understanding of politics. The world must seemingly come to a halt when the Americans get upset, just forget about your own problems while they throw a tantrum.
Being talked down to by people in a higher class than I am because I don't want to focus on this shit, especially when this is the only way they can feel like they have problems of their own without them being self-inflicted. This parasitic behavior of theirs to latch onto the problems of people economically and socially below them, just so they can use them to attack others that are equally or slightly less disenfranchised drives me up the fucking wall.
They do all of this shit while placing different expectations on people purely based on their skin color or gender or sexuality, only to then preach about how we're all equal.
"NO!" they cry "You can't judge that man based on his actions, he has a darker complexion than you! You can't expect him to uphold the standards that are applied to you!"

But it's not their hypocrisy that gets to me, it's their obliviousness to everything outside of their bubble combined with their lack of ability to reflect upon any of what they say and their complete disregard of my humanity because of the aspects of my own being that were entirely out of my control. Okay, I guess it is a little to do with their hypocrisy as well.

>> No.4632380

> retarded opinions
I’m so glad your opinions are here to restore the balance. What a breath of fresh air

>> No.4632381

There seems to be a lot of playing the victim and projection of insecurity itt. All I can say is you wouldn't feel threatened by this black artist boogeyman if you yourself were good at art and knew how to look for jobs.

I looked through the tag followed 2 imo high skill artist out the bunch and fucked off. If someone is mediocre they're not going to blow up and get a job over night. The people who get work will be people who already had the skill to get the job to begin with.

>> No.4632387

gmi mentality
>How the fuck am I supposed to find you man? Do I gotta wait for you to sell your soul for mass-market appeal instead?
You create something unique with good structure and mass-appeal and you shill it on social media (you can use bots to boost your chances if you want), or you socialize with people in the industry, impress them with your abilities and get hired to work on projects everyone sees via that route. If you become successful because of other peoples feelings of racial guilt you will always be a token black artist, they won't really be able to connect with your art because they won't allow themselves to judge it honestly. They will already have made up their mind about supporting you because it's "the right thing to do". And even worse, you will know that's what's going on.
And if this comes across to you as me saying "just stop complaining about being oppressed and pull yourself up by your bootstraps, nigger": if you are actually being fucked by a person or the system in a tangible way, obviously you should speak up about injustice and not feel ashamed of getting other peoples support. But that's very different from what's happening here.

>> No.4632399

It’s actually sad how you’ve turned yourself and your work into a soulless product, completely detached from yourself rather than an extension of yourself and an expression of your soul.

>> No.4632406

All that falls under "unique". I didn't really talk about it because it sadly isn't that relevant for commercial success, but obviously people have a reason for being into art, things they want to express, modes of expression the want to explore. If you give up on that to achieve mainstream appeal you'll also have sold out and your success won't mean much to you personally either. But creating work with mainstream appeal and good structure isn't the same as abandoning your artistic vision and trend chasing.

>> No.4632425

Why do you assume that the only reason someone would follow someone they discovered through the hashtag is racial guilt ? And even if a person did follow because the artist is black why should it matter, a shallow person is a shallow person whether they discover you through the hashtag or not.

>> No.4632428

>Why do you assume that the only reason someone would follow someone they discovered through the hashtag is racial guilt ?
Because that's why people browse this hashtag. To "make a difference in the fight against oppression", to "show their support for the black community". Do you think it's a fucking coincidence that it's blowing up now?
>And even if a person did follow because the artist is black why should it matter
Like I said, if that's the reason they're following you, they won't even really be able to see your work and connect to it on their own terms. It doesn't have anything to do with them being shallow people incapable of appreciating art period, they just won't be thinking in that mode.

>> No.4632441

Nobody but brain dead liberals actually thinks following will do any of the things you said. And like I said those types are following people for shallow, idiotic reasons with or without the help of a hashtag.
To the average person it’s just another hashtag to discover some cool artists they otherwise wouldn’t have.

Your issue here is that you assume that there’s only one kind of person that can follow someone because of this trend, or that shallow idiotic followers were born out of this tag

>> No.4632458

>To the average person it’s just another hashtag to discover some cool artists they otherwise wouldn’t have.
I'm pretty sure people who don't believe in the reasons I've laid out, as a rule, will implicitly reject looking through the hashtag, because they, like me, will feel that it's distasteful and opportunistic.
But if your reading is different and you think you'll get genuine engagement through this tag, that's your call to make.

>> No.4632464

Here's a breath of fresh air for you!
>spreads ass cheeks and rips a gigantic fart

>> No.4632470

It’s about as distasteful, opportunistic, and harmless as any other trending hashtag.

>> No.4632475

you are aware that America is on fucking fire right now, right?

>> No.4632491

You’re aware that it’s just a harmless twitter art hashtag right.

>> No.4632524
File: 1.73 MB, 1083x735, after.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one that's piggy-backing off of the current political insanity, yes. what was that about it being "just about as distasteful and opportunistic as any other trending hashtag"? are you really having a hard time understanding why it might be perceived differently from fucking #sailormoonredraw?
please stop being disingenuous

>> No.4632548
File: 23 KB, 600x800, 90241234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4632582

Man, I wish I was black to get more commissions in less time

>> No.4632604
File: 3 KB, 115x120, ad128ba9bdcc2b5031b25c9d32d1fbfc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get you completely, anon. In your shoes I would do the same thing.
It wouldn't make you an inherently terrible person to engage with the tag, you could use it without believing in that bullshit. But I appreciate that you have the integrity to stick by your principles and what you believe in, even when doing otherwise wouldn't incur any penalties or social stigma.
You're a damn noble fool and for that you have my respect.

>> No.4632634

I don't either. These idiots do have a point, I'd rather keep getting followers the usual slower way. I feel like I earned them all by skill alone.

>> No.4632687

I am genuinely curious and probably can't ask anywhere without getting dogpiled or w/e.

Why does it matter if people are "drawing while black"? Doesn't the art speak for itself? I don't judge an artist's work by their skin color (and if you do you're retarded), I judge it by the fucking art. I don't know a single thing about some of my favorite online artists. So can someone actually explain the purpose behind this hashtag to me, if there even is one?

I'm looking for an actual answer I don't care for the circlejerking

>> No.4632691

Glad to see someone with self respect in this god forsaken hell hole.

I wish I had escaped when I had the chance...

>> No.4632693

I think it has to do with the cultural identity of black people in America, where because of racism a strong emphasis is put on the part of the personality associated with being black. You have to support the "black community" to participate in it, whether or not you're black.

America is a really retarded country.

>> No.4632694

I’d agree with you, if you’d posted a good artist like >>4631573 and not that faggot poser Nikolas Draper.

>> No.4632695

The logic is that black people at average are at a disadvantage in society compared to other races, so people created a hashtag to boost their success.
The sentiment is nice, but by principle I think it's gay to use your race as leverage. Especially in something like art which can be completely judged by without context.

It becomes even more ridiculous when you think about black people from a natively black majority country using the tag.

>> No.4632749

"Drawing while black" is what they call internalized racism.

>> No.4632884

So wouldn't a person that lives in a mudhutt need some type of thing like this to be able to compete with other people that live in first world countries?

>> No.4632887

Not in america dummy

>> No.4632891

Because black get oppressed more than other race in america, so they do this to basically give them handouts.

>> No.4632905

Must be nice being a black artist right now, the art world is a dog eat dog world at the end of the day. Anyway i dont care anymore, it just make me disappointed that all you getting out from this is that you're outing your skin color for attention. The context was never about art in the first place.

>> No.4632938

The tag is just to highlight black artist portfolios it happens once a year during black history month but it resurfaced after recent events

I don't see it as any different from the visible women or portfolio day hashtags desu

>> No.4632959

Comparing portfolio day to only black artist only is retarded.

>> No.4632976

they're both tags to highlight portfolio's black people have their day white people have their's too without having to call it drawingwhilewhite

I don't like any of the tags and wish people would just shut the fuck up on social media and just quietly pursue jobs

>> No.4633002
File: 1.05 MB, 4032x3024, xfe2k8nl08351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did some street are for the protest, #blacklivesmatter!!

>> No.4633010

My guy a variation of this hashtag trends a couple times a year. You’re personally only care because if the insanity going on now. You’re horrendously cynical and paranoid

>> No.4633014

I am very racist and a very talented studio owner. When I see someone using their race or victimhood in overuse I blacklist them from working in my county. I spread rumors that they're pedophiles or are slimy/traitors. I especially do it to trannies who think being a man in a wig will get them points in the industry. I disguise this all as being super fucking WOKE and PROGRESSIVE yo. How do you do fellow kids?

>> No.4633024
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>> No.4633036

>Why does it matter if people are "drawing while black"?
Black people are more likely to competently draw black people and if that’s something you want to see more of this is an easy way to find those artists.
>Doesn't the art speak for itself?
Yes. Using the hashtag doesn’t equal instant fame, followers, and commissions
>I don't judge an artist's work by their skin color (and if you do you're retarded), I judge it by the fucking art.
Yea, you and everyone else.
>I don't know a single thing about some of my favorite online artists.
So what ? This isn’t some art portfolio site, it’s twitter, social media, people are gonna make things about them known.
>So can someone actually explain the purpose behind this hashtag to me, if there even is one?
The purpose is to highlight black artists. A variation of this trends a couple of times a year. “Black excellence” “black girl magic” etc... just people supporting each other

>> No.4633070

>You’re personally only care because if the insanity going on now.
Yes. That's what makes this different from people being a little opportunistic during times of relative peace and stability.

>> No.4633076

based post, but its not worth arguing with these lot

>> No.4633347

a lot of effort went into making excuses for cynical profiteering on the back of a social movement

>> No.4633701

Why not take every chance to get money and eyes on you? I don't understand this idea that you shouldn't use something as harmless showing who you are and what you draw to attract attention. Alot incompetent white people you see as show runners of cartoons/tv shows and comics got there because they knew some people and blew some cock. Why the fuck is it so morally reprehensible for other people to do the same?

>> No.4633711

no joke this gives me hopes, if a black guy can do stuff like this then I should be able to do it as well
t. non-white

>> No.4633742

imagine being a nigger but you're so bad at it you fight racism on mongolian basket weaving forums instead of riotin' n sheeeeit.


>> No.4633751
File: 149 KB, 590x639, 1591158583190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can it be now?

>> No.4633767

okay retard, just like my Xbox isn't legally obligated to tell me black lives matter-- but does anyway. Surely no one is trying to force people to accept niggers and their nigger shit coercion and force.

>> No.4633768

>call him Auschwitz 'cuz he be gassin!

>> No.4633798

No fuck you.
Yes please delete this shit
Not good.
Shit. He has nice techniques for shiting
And the middle nigger is so ugly.
No it is not.
Race exist. I wish we will stop mixing and you will stay with your nigger dna and go instinct.
Nice anon. I know you are black and its okay desu. I am racist but i like niggers as i do like my cat <3
They suck. Basquiat is good actualy(he is even good locking)

No i don't want to give merit to an artist just bcs he is a nigger.
Well not bad
Yes based
And yea black livers matter as much as my cat.
It is just that i have more bound wirh my own kind. As a good nigger do have for his own kind.
Based too.
Oh realy. Hello everyone! I am so happy! I am talking to girls. And know i also do understand why everyone here is beg.
(Just kidding)
Yep. And know i will use this hashtag as soo good for a nigger

>> No.4634262

[cue ghostbusters theme]

>> No.4634272

>Race exist. I wish we will stop mixing and you will stay with your nigger dna and go instinct.

you mean extinct you swine. and that will never happen. enjoy your children mixing with us down the line. since black + any race essentially makes another black person.

>> No.4634318

>getting THIS mad about a BLACKLIVESMATTER

Lmoa at your life xD

>> No.4634323

Good job not refuting any of my points

>> No.4634326

It’s because anything less than ethical perfection in the way you advertise yourself is bad unless a white person does it

>> No.4634351
File: 41 KB, 826x506, 1560907973939 How does the collective physical and mental well being of society affect you in any way ha its not like culture affects you mind your own biz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw shitpost is self fulfilling prophecy

>> No.4634406
File: 86 KB, 420x358, 1385643664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if I tagged my art as a white guy?

>> No.4634455

>tfw black artists prove themselves to be as shameless as your typical woman

>> No.4634594

>>I don't judge an artist's work by their skin color (and if you do you're retarded), I judge it by the fucking art.
>Yea, you and everyone else.
That's a lie, I've seen so much shit art retweeted recently that I never would have seen if not for the hashtag.
Like art of poor quality that was obviously not judged for the art itself.

This race preferential treatment shit needs to stop.

>> No.4634612

You better delete that shit in a couple of months because it'd make it really easy to call you out on your bullshit if you make it down the road and make some enemies lol

>> No.4634641

I’ve generally seen pretty decent quality stuff. Sorry your experience hasn’t been the same, but shitty art getting recognition is nothing new just look deep enough into any fan art hashtag. You’re mistaking a person checking out a hashtag because they want to see more art by black artists with a person checking out the hashtag because they have the uncontrollable urge to suck black artist cock.

>> No.4634644

Do it. Hopefully it catches on so all the crybabies in this thread will shut up.

>> No.4634646

Is that why most blacks behave like souless monkeys? Niggers are more racist than whites

>> No.4634648

what about black women?

>> No.4634781

You cant argue the fact that its intention and implications is for and only for black, not other race. If that is not exclusion then youre really high on your horse. Whether how good the artist is, the tag are for those skin alone and you cant do anything about it.
If they want to approach this better why not just make a tag that encourage all artist to draw black culture?
Defend it how much you want, but this is blatant hypocrisy

>> No.4634790


>> No.4634795

>Our lives matter man, don't racist me man
>Made a hashtag that can be used by black only
Wtf nigga?

>> No.4634870

Wow sweatie, yall cant be raysis toward whypipo see? yikes

>> No.4634889

>You’re mistaking a person checking out a hashtag because they want to see more art by black artists with a person checking out the hashtag because they have the uncontrollable urge to suck black artist cock.
Come on, you're deluding yourself if you don't see what's going on, if people just wanted to look at art, there's 1 million other ways to find it.

>> No.4635058

There's so much less than appealing art that gets noticed. I have a hard time believing that this has gotten worse somehow, because now the artists are of a particular race.

For example, Rob Liefeld was always worse than a lot of POC artists, but for some reason he was a millionaire in the 90s. Would it be better if the all the mediocre artists getting attention were white like him?

>> No.4635209

I'm not saying it has gotten worse because artist are of a particular race, I'm saying retards retweet black artists because they think being black sucks balls right now and wants to help them out by giving them more exposure and they do this without regard to the quality of their art.

>> No.4635383

Yes, and now this hashtag makes 1,000,001

>> No.4635412
File: 640 KB, 487x815, 1bb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be white
>be anonymous
>post with #drawingwhileblack
>get tons of likes
>reap benefits

>> No.4635431

Bro this is pretty sick. I especially like the top left

>> No.4635437

Good job, now you can’t slip up or you’ll get canceled. Just hope you aren’t planning on getting an industry draw.

>> No.4636116

wow, so many racists in this thread. i suggest y'all read up on some real history of race and racism in this country. then, go and find out what you can do as a white ally in these times of turmoil and struggle for PoC and queer folk. this racist rhetoric has got to end. i mean like yesterday, y'all. think about what you can actually do to serve PoC. for instance, im doing a painting of a beautiful latinX trans-kin in order to show solidarity with my trans and PoC brothers and sisters. i suggest you stick with the basics for now. as white allies you will have a lot to learn.


>> No.4636127

uff, such good coloring

>> No.4636131

but I'm red and I want drawingwhilered tag...

>> No.4636132

That art looks better than the vast majority of this site, fucking l o l

>> No.4636136

Then take the initiative like the blacks and start it

>> No.4636140

Stop acting like monkey, then we'd consider it

>> No.4636172

>brothers and sisters gender binary
this sexist rhetoric has got to end!! on behalf of all those you've hurt, please apologize for this act of speech violence. on your knees.

>> No.4636245

shit. im sorry. i completely overlooked that, and that is totally my mistake. you're 100% right. i am done speaking. from now on i will simply listen.

>> No.4636384


>> No.4636696
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I mainly lurk to learn and look for good tutorials for rendering, but here's my two cents after stumbling upon this bait thread while grazing along the catalog.
It's because it's a political statement of "pro-black-everything" that's constantly being jammed down everyone's throats everywhere always, that's intentionally a complex statement made to demonize anyone who disagrees with it and shutdown discussion. "Support the black community" whatever vague empty statement that is, they already have affirmative action, black only colleges, black only scholarships, and black only institutions, quota hiring practices, they have an international Black Movement in other countries now, they cry oppression, despite other smaller vague minority groups doing leagues better than them with vastly different cultural backgrounds, and yet, have much higher values and morals, and not playing endless victim, and just living their lives. They have white people, literally washing their feet and asking for forgiveness, and their response is "it's not enough, but a good start". The black community can stfu at this point with all their pro black nationalist hate fetishzing hidden and insulated behind victim mentalities of "we were slaves". That's also, besides the point of 4channers being autistic retards screeching "nigger" every other word online in what is essentially the Wild West of image boards of unfiltered speech online. The black community is not oppressed, they were in the past, but they haven't been for some 60+ years. No one cares about a black artist, just as no one cares what their race is if an artist is making something, it's not the race, it's the constant "look at me, I'm black, I'm a victim, support me, give me preferential treatment and exposure". It's enough.

>> No.4636753
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I'd say it's an american cultural problem. Black immigrants do better in america than black americans in pretty much every category: education, income, family unity, etc. It's tempting to say black americans do worse because of slavery and the racist laws that followed, but many other black-majority nations have experienced colonialism and/or slavery too. So it must have something to do with the culture.

>> No.4636766

you write like a boomer

>> No.4636770
File: 14 KB, 182x227, 1563490484559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in light of this guy being suffocated to death my black ass is gonna make a hashtag and promote myself. remember, you have to like me now that you know I'm black.
did I mention I'm black by the way?

>> No.4636779
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>artists that have been practicing years in order to get recognition on their own artistic merit
>they're now getting recognition just because faggots want to rally behind a dead thug that almost deliberately killed a pregnant woman and and sold narcotics
You virtue signalling faggots should kill yourselves.

>> No.4636784
File: 186 KB, 360x376, 1578891293733.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much. Morals, values, self-identity. "You become what you value" and what they value is being victims, because being a victim, you actually hold quite a lot of social power, you can, indiscriminately and self-righteously victimize anyone else who gets in your way or questions you. "How dare you question me, and my people, we are victims, you bigot white supremacist", as they can really only EVER use this victimhood status to it's full advantage against whites. Because other minorities know what they're saying is bullshit. The black community, is and will always be an eternal victimized identity status group, despite all evidence pointing opposite to the contrary. Where every obstacle in life can be excused away and scape-goated away with a boogieman arguement that some "nameless, white person in the shadows" is holding them back, despite all evidence pointing to the contrary of their own specialized privileges. It's essentially, the white community enabling them to be victims and not telling the emperor that he's naked. They're not a victim group anymore, they were, but not anymore. They are not entitled to special treatment, they are not entitled to their own exclusionary racial institutions with excuses of "you don't understand our experiences or struggles". The black community is not special, and should not be treated as such.

>> No.4636793

I think the effects of slavery in America is a lot more long lasting especially considering Jim Crow, Apartheid, the destruction of Black Wall Street AFTER slavery was already abolished. The KKK casually lynching every now and then, even as recent as the 90s. It's because they're a minority in America, meanwhile black immigrants are from a black majority country

>> No.4636813

Not that anon, but the point is, the narrative that the majority of America is racist and systematic racism is still around narrative is dead. What's left is what baggage they carry, some of it is legitimate, most of it is exaggerated hyperbolic narratives. There are indeed veins of poverty that translates to generational pain, poverty and suffering left over in many impoverished black neighborhoods from past lack of opportunities due to segregation. But, again, it's been gone for some 60+ years. It then boils down to values and morals, the systematic racism is gone, and in fact, special privileges are available, despite undermining the Civil Rights Act. All that's left to do is pursue happiness (in a civilized, reasonable manner) and live. Other minority groups come here with nothing from their own generationally poor families and vastly foreign cultural backgrounds and languages and make their way up the socio-economic ladder.

>> No.4636831

Also, this bleeds into the BLM movement more importantly, which is supporting and reinforcing these false narratives. They are not victims, they are not entitled to special treatment either, nor special racial exclusionary institutions either. They are taking advantage of the guilt of past and long dead white people, and moving it onto modern white people who never did anything to them, and using it as a cudgel to attack and declare outrageous demands. They then claim and feign weakness and innocence in that they can't be racist or discriminatory, but then turning right around and burning communities and attacking people while screaming "kill the whites" with armed Black Panther patrols. It's. Enough. Of the insanity.

>> No.4636858

The idea that good values/ moras equals economic prosperity if a capitalist lie meant to act as the carrot in front of the exhausted worker who “just needs to be a little better to make it”. Those special privileges have helped slightly but do nothing to address the underlying issues that created the need for those privileges in the first place. Other minority groups don’t gave a 300+ year relationship with white Americans. African Americans relationship to European Americans is a lot more intimate and complex than to a race that didn’t first enter the continent as a product to be sold.
It’s not that the white people alive today have hurt them but that the lives and social status they enjoy can largely be attributed a society that until less than 100 years ago was explicitly anti black/ pro white. What outrageous things are they demanding ? BLM has never burned a community down, that was the act of rioters. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with being a black panther/ arming yourself.

>> No.4636861

>green eyes
Pick one

>> No.4636877

First response: Capitalism is the only system that has raised millions on this planet out of global poverty, notably China, and next the whole of Africa. What keeps the black community down is an internal crab mentality in ignorant poverty stricken areas, "why are you trying to get educated, you white, you better than us". Also, an extreme lack of financial literacy that has plagued the US for generations. People can become wealthy, even rich, but it takes discipline, and hard work and smart investments, living like a begger, whilst saving like a hoarder. Then, purchasing assets and investing, and reinvesting. That is, if you want to take the long hard road of working class to upper middle class transition with little to no skills. Or, circumventing that, through educational and technical training. There are jobs out there were you don't need to go 100k in debt for a degree and end up making 100k a year in a few years in blue collar technical work that does not require a high IQ.

Second response: Modern white people today, should not atone for sins they did not directly or indirectly commit, other than by guilt by association by skin and basic ancestry. The BLM is a black nationalist racial exclusionary group and institution, they have hide and insulated their cause and actions through the guise of victimhood and peaceful protesting, while on that same breathe, glorify the looting and rioting. The Black Panthers are a known hate group by the SPLC, that the BLM supports, and vice versa. They spout anti-white rhetoric and aggrandize an afro-centric nationalist supremacist movement.

>> No.4636883
File: 400 KB, 651x1030, 592E37D1-826B-4A8F-83BA-8D158DB17C61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s possible

>> No.4636891

>for instance, im doing a painting of a beautiful latinX trans-kin in order to show solidarity with my trans and PoC brothers and sisters.
Okay, I actually thought you were serious up until that point. Not half bad bait but you've a long way to go, 6/10.

>> No.4636899

I think I agree that systemic bias does not really exist as it is written, because the law was deliberately made to be so. However the enforcers of those laws do add a subjective layer to that with the police enforcement and the people who work in the court system. I think the recent deaths of George Floyd and Ahmaud Arbery is proof enough that the enforcers of the laws (or ex enforcement in the case of Ahmaud Arbery) can be dangerously biased in terms of race. Hell, even if race doesn't play a part, white people has been victims of police brutality as well. That is an indication of a lack of education in terms of morality or ethics in their field.. Therefore, systemically, America has a lot of problems. I don't think people would riot or be angry like this if their environments are good for them.

>> No.4636905

Slave labor, children going hungry, homelessness, imperialism. All of this under a system that produces more than in necessary. All of those issues could be solved relatively but they won’t under capitalism because it isn’t profitable. For every person capitalism has benefited, its failed a millions more.

The idea that the black dollar will save blacks is a capitalist lie designed to discourage class consciousness. If you convince the worker that they’re in the position they’re in not because of exploitation but because they’re just not *trying* hard enough then you have the perfect wage slave.

Nobody is trying to get anything from individual whites but trying to dismantle the system that’s been built to favor them.

The only reason Black Panthers or BLM are villainized is because they pose a smidge of a threat to white supremacy and capitalism in the US.

>> No.4636922

I agree, my main problem is the racial exclusionary institutions and movements, and the endless pandering and exploitation of said pandering. I still think the black community has a lot of unique problems to them, that could be solved with financial literacy and one on one, intensive education and rehabilitation as many of said families have a lot of problems internally on a case by case basis. Drug use, abuse, depression, violence, etc. The problem I have with these new movements is they don't address the core issues, they are power grabs, in social and political realms.

Unchecked capitalism, and the same can be mirrored on any form of economic governance thus far. The thing is, capitalism sucks, it just sucks the least out of all the rest. I actually am not opposed to UBI as another form of progressive socio-financial safety net, as the world moves ever closer to mass automation and as the wealth gap increases.

The black dollar was exploited, uniquely so, but, every is exploited by someone on some level, be it capitalist or communist or socialist, the difference is the upward mobility is higher in a capped capitalist economy with a social safety net.

The point of the current movement is to partially demonize any criticism of the BLM or similar as a social crime. The disturbing thing is, most recently, whites washing the feets of BLM protesters, in response, they said, "It's not enough, but a start", if they had any morals or values, they would tell them to get up, and that they respected them for helping and supporting them.

White supremacy is dead and is officially a social-crime and social-sin by polite society, the Charlottesville Protest was the hill they officially died on, all that is left is random instances of unhinged psychos who are left in echo chambers to hollow out their reason. And they are constantly used as justification for every excuse now, "white men in the shadows". (Continued next post)

>> No.4636931

I genuinely wonder if you faggots are retarded, it's not real, nobody cares if they don't align with reality

>> No.4636938

Thats a gypsy eye you posted not negro

>> No.4636939

BLM is criticized precisely because it is a social-sin/crime to criticize them on anything in the first place. The presupposition being that if you don't support the organization BLM, you are a racist, because the name implies itself and own meaning "black lives matter", but, it's an organization and a movement, not a simple phrase. Even thought I may agree with their core movement and some of their values, notably against racism and police reform, and against police brutality. People are being made examples of as social-criminals and social-sins along the lines of white supremacists and social pariahs, simply to choose to support the more inclusive All Lives Matter. I am against all institutions that favor one group over another, I support needs based first and then meritocracy, but I am also aware of each individuals unique misgivings and shortcomings, financially, and socially, which revolves back to needs based, based on needs, not race or group affiliation. Using group or race as a presupposition to cure problems creates and fosters tribalism, which is the ground work for in group bias to blossom into racism. As for the Black Panthers, as far as I am concerned, they are a hate group, a black nationalist supremacist movement who hates whites. There origins are more noble, and their hatred understandable at the time, at the height of the KKK terror and lynchings. But now, it's essentially intimidation tactics and threatens to create a new reassurance of white supremacists by constantly threatening white people. As in the current narrative, it's racist to criticize the black community, which only makes these groups go underground deeper and deeper and more radical. The loop of hatred has to stop somewhere.

>> No.4636984

I think your opinion is quite right. I don't think anyone will disagree with you, and a lot of black thinkers hold the same ideas. However your insistence on the death of the white supremacy movement is not really real. They are still alive but I do agree that it's basically a sin and any justification of supremacy is clearly uphold as objective immorality. As proven by Trump's (although miniscule) respect for George Floyd's death. However it's been pretty obvious that there has been a denial in police brutality over the last couple years, especially amongst the powerful that actively ignores the issue until it completely blows up. The death of Trayvon Martin was categorized as a nigger trying to start a fight with a policeman. And now that there's a clear video of actual police brutality, people who held this opinion has no more justification. Therefore at this current moment, the BLM movement is validated and those who oppose their methods are wrongly called racists, although in my opinion, the AllLivesMatter slogan was a clear counter movement to a struggle black people have been facing. I think you should just not support BLM and not say ALM at the same time lol.

>> No.4637006

Every problem I listed has been present under capitalism whether it was checked or unchecked. That’s by design, capitalism needs unemployed, homeless, starving, poor people, as a threat to the worker, an example of what’ll happen to them if they don’t happily take whatever the capitalist decides they deserve.

The issue with capitalism is that at its core, it’s a system of exploitation. The worker will never receive the full value of their labor because it’ll be stolen from them, that’s all profit is. As a system is exists not for the benefit of people but for shareholders, the bourgeoisie.

There aren’t anymore explicitly anti black laws yes however that doesn’t mean that blacks still aren’t targeted and treated like second class citizens in the US. As recently as the 80s the government pushed crack onto black neighborhoods in an effort to destabilize leftist movements in South America (read: a threat to capitalism).

The reason All Lives Matter is discouraged is because it exists solely as a reactionary response against Black Lives Matter. It’s a feel good, nothing phrase designed to insulate people from the injustices and hardships an entire demographic is facing.

The Black Panthers have never been a hate group and we’re never anti white, but anti capitalist. They actually formed alliances with the Peace and Freedom party and the Young Patriots which were both groups that consisted of mostly/ all white people. The idea that they were anti white is a lie pushed to discourage class consciousness.


>> No.4637008

The racist hulk idea is ridiculous, that if you threaten any white persons sense of comfort of of anything less that coddling them that they’ll freak out and “suddenly” become huge racists. Those people never held their beliefs as strongly as they thought they did in the first place.

Its racist to criticize the black community because there’s so such thing as the “black community”, just like there’s no such thing as “the white community”. It’s just a phrase used to make sweeping generalizations about one race, to pin issues plaguing communities on the people affected by them rather than taking a look at the underlying causes of said issues

>> No.4637015

I'll concede, there is a trickle of white supremacy still around, notably the StormFront types. As for individual everyday, that will always be present in every racial group, and trying to squash that out is nigh impossible. I also agree there has been a societal silence on police brutality, which I agree needs reform, higher standards, higher training, and higher pay, pay cuts and defunding will make things worse. The rich do not care about the politics or worries of the lower classes, unless it comes to racial issues in their own interests, they're so insulated, they might as well be alien, but still human. The politicians are either incompetent (in a way that is good against corruption) and wholly uninformed on most if any issue and only seek to stay in power, I agree, at some point I just stopped even listening to them save for one or two who shined through. If I'm not mistaken, wasn't White Lives Mater the reactionary movement? Either way, I don't like exclusionary racial groups, movements or institutions, as it can quickly lead to in group bias and hatred.

>> No.4637019

Since when did /pol/ move in here? Get the fuck out.

>> No.4637038

I don't think communism or socialism is the way to go. At the end of the day, capitalism at least marginally works, and I am not willing to go down the communist or socialist path with the countless millions dead, every successful nation at this time has a capitalist economy with a social safety net, and is doing fairly well, China, Russia, India, the EU, etc. And with all systems, someone will be exploited, it is in the fabric of this existence we live in and our technological limitations, unless technology brings hyper prosperity, then it will be flattened completely, but I agree, capitalism does make losers and winners, but the mobility to move up and down and out is still a better alternative to the others, though UBI would be greatly welcomed.
I can't completely agree most Americans see blacks as second rate citizens, maybe their treated differently, but is that due to in group bias or racism, it's a little vague to me?
I still don't agree with racially exclusionary movements or institutions, especially in the modern day, when overt and open racism and terror were the norm, yes, but now, no, there should be no special privileges for any group. I will concede though that the poverty of the black community needs to be dealt with, along with the justice system.
So, they allianced themselves with other in-group bias believers, I would raise an eye brow if they gave an olive branch to the other aisle, but two left wing pro-socialist groups, along with Antifa does not sound good. The New Black Panthers have their roots with the Black Panthers, so, I am skeptical, and I am not really all that convinced that they are not anti-white from what I've found.
You don't think white people hearing things like "kill all the whites" doesn't perk up a tribal response?
>Its racist to criticize the black community
Its not, and they are no different ultimately than any other community at their core. On that same note, then claiming white privilege is racist.

>> No.4637071

>capitalism needs unemployed, homeless, starving, poor people, as a threat to the worker, an example of what’ll happen to them if they don’t happily take whatever the capitalist decides they deserve.
That's just a communist narrative. Regardless of how you organize society, some people will always be left behind - not by "the economy", but by their family, friends, the education system, by circumstance, bad luck and bad decisions. And it's just a brute fact that the people who fall behind aren't useful and there's no point in hiring them, not some "tactic" the evil capitalists use to keep workers in line.
Consequently, the state absolutely can create incentives for hiring those people at a loss by subsidizing structures aimed at re-integrating them into society. There are limits to what can be accomplished with this, but those limits, again, aren't imposed by capitalism, they're dictated by the point at which you sacrifice more than you gain.
For instance, no matter what kind of government you're running, you still have to make the choice between leaving behind 5% of your population by letting them die of corona, or leaving behind the people who would be affected most by quarantine (disposable workers, small business owners, people with mental illness, a drug problem - some of those people will die or at least have their lives ruined because of what we're doing atm. In reality there usually aren't any perfect solutions.

>> No.4637099

hello, based department?

>> No.4637175

nice now I know what artists to ignore

>> No.4637190

People sleeping under bridges while over a million homes are just empty, people starving while restaurant and supermarket dumpsters are full of food, etc... Are not communist narratives it’s life under capitalism in the US.

Nobody ever said people wouldn’t fall on hard times under communism or that it’ll cure all forms of suffering in the world, under communism though losing your job doesn’t mean you end up starving and homeless.

You only have to make that choice under capitalism. A system that’s truly for the people would never even have to consider it.

>> No.4637196

>A system that’s truly for the people would never even have to consider it.
It isn't obvious what "being for the people" even means in this context. you're trading in livelihood, culture and networks of personal meaning for survival, and both are essential values for humans beings.
If you simply gave free housing to the homeless they'd ruin it, by the way. And you could allocate the resources you're wasting on them elsewhere, say, in medical research, and save more lives that way.

>> No.4637211

For the people means having the well-being of your citizens come first. There’s a reason Vietnam and Cuba have a handle on the virus while the US has let 100k people die from it and exposed even more to it. It’s bound to happen when profit comes before people.

>> No.4637214

the profit of a nation and the wellbeing of its people aren't seperate dimensions. you're still trading in peoples well-being by ruining your economy.

>> No.4637228

>t.burger-being who measures freedom by how many brands of ketchup TVs they can buy

Cuba’s economy is doing fine and is only expected to get better, despite US sanctions

>> No.4637247

Well put, sucks there's not much you can do about it, I recently saw that Ethan Becker video and was expecting him to have some balls just to realize these people have no fucking self awareness, came to expect it but it's a gut-wrenching feeling knowing these majority is the "voice of reason" and is completely blind to their own words, they don't follow through with what they say, abysmal contradictions in every corner but it's all for the "greater good", whatever the fuck that means.

>> No.4637263

I measure freedom not just by whether I'm protected from suffering, but also by the possibilities for self-actualization that are open to me.

>> No.4637278

>for a nickel
Are you dumb? Do you really think the difference between drawing porn and Sfw is a nickel?

>> No.4637288

Not sure why you’d think Communism doesn’t provide a ton of possibilities/ opportunities for self actualization

>> No.4637293

>Slave labor, children going hungry, homelessness, imperialism. All of this under a system that produces more than in necessary. All of those issues could be solved relatively but they won’t under capitalism because it isn’t profitable.
Are you stupid? Much like every other commie, you have no idea of what a resource is or how economies work.

And much like every other commie, you're walking pathos.

>> No.4637379

Because it's a crab based system, if you have more than another, you are suspect, and a heretic to the cause. Rich peasants ring a bell?

>> No.4637396

Because they are smaller countries first and foremost, the US is huge. Also, people didn't listen to the social distancing orders, and even now, are rioting, and somehow the virus is magically gone.

>> No.4637573

the main problem is IQ difference, full stop.

why do poor whites exist? low IQ.
why do poor blacks exist? low IQ.

to blame anything else is to ignore basically all available data on the relationship between IQ and success.

>> No.4637610

If your IQ is too high you can very easily be poor too

>> No.4637625

>why is it morally reprehensible for people to do things that are morally reprehensible

>> No.4637643

Oh that’s pretty nice, top two are my favorites

>> No.4637830

Your not blowing cock for a job, your simply showing who you are. there are very few people that are gonna give you a chance unless your somewhat competent. Also, your gonna have to be doing weird shit to get ahead on people that are probably also doing weird shit behind closed doors anyway. Never heard fake it till you make it?

>> No.4637852

People that have been isolating for months and were never exposed to the virus are suddenly out in the streets.
I wonder what will happen in two weeks once it leaves its undetectable incubation stage...

>> No.4637987

>Ethan Becker video
man that was a condecending video, I feel like that video will do the exact opposite of its intention.

>> No.4637996

You're ngmi with that inferiority complex anyways.

>> No.4638054


>> No.4638185
File: 100 KB, 271x294, 1567982427727.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what happens when we all finally achieve equality?
where do we go from there?

>> No.4638923

imagine being defined by a skin color

>> No.4638982

first of all fuck you it's possible.
second of all who the fuck cares, it's not real faggot, jfc

>> No.4638983

honestly, how can you keep belittling our existence and hard work, and not expect us to get mad. I work hard for all the shit i've got, but none of it matters because
like come on dude.

>> No.4638985

Imagine making race ur personality

>> No.4639000
File: 6 KB, 184x274, B3AF45CA-5EB3-4F09-B5DC-8A0B527CB55E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4639045

not black. thats a mulato

>> No.4639075

Take your niggerlicious CIA meds

>> No.4640075

Im afraid people will still find an excuse to get angry with you even if you didnt have melanin in you. Even if you had blonde hair, white skin and blue eyes, people will still find a reason to hate you for no reason and no matter how hard you work.
You just have to lead by example. That black guy from nuStarWars is a really decent guy and even pisses off the left because he doesnt let his skin colour completely dictate how he lives.
Thats the whole thing with this identity nonsense.
Your physical features are only a part of you. Its how you live your life that matters and the integrity you hold yourself that sets up to what people will think of you. You will still get bigots and retard racists but if you pity them more than anything, they might even be willing to become friends with you, despite the differences.
Just have faith in how things play out, no matter how bad. You might be in an awful situation right now, but down the line or even after you pass away, what memories you leave behind of how just one person thinks of you might be all that is needed to make things right.
Dont lose hope.

>> No.4640091 [DELETED] 
File: 115 KB, 640x742, 79A20801-1426-45DD-9AA1-C2732F39A527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Niggers suck fucking cocks get cum popped in their ass. Can’t have a dad but suck ropes of cum from the neighborhood white man. Niggers? Dumb monkeys. Stupid fucking niggers. Chain them up and watch them harvest my plants. Don’t pay them, niggers don’t know what money is. Niggers are fucking shit. Kill yourself if you’re a nigger. Fucking faggot

>> No.4640124
File: 6 KB, 224x225, 0ac6450f-965a-4dcf-868e-74d4e55ed84e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4640125

The fuck are you on about, retard? What part of my post is bait to you?

>> No.4640149

You cant even properly express your dislike for black people without resorting to constant retarded slurs. And it looks more like a rant than anything.

>> No.4640475

Obviously it’s a rant you 70iq congoloid

>> No.4640477

This is the most idiotic thing i saw on this board in a while.

>> No.4643057

Fuck you

>> No.4643058

This is the most idiotic thing i saw on this board in a while.

>> No.4643282
File: 295 KB, 1880x1500, boell-oyino-basutetta-artsta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boell Oyino

>> No.4643432

I remember back in the day, when I thought that drawing would be the one place where no one would care about who I was, but rather what I drew.
Saw a black girl go from 300 to 7000 followers, the first day of the riots. It was the typical "naive style" with heavey use of pink and purple.

>> No.4644392

to an extent what you are becomes what you draw.

>> No.4644406

Can I get in on this action if I’m Puerto Rican? I’m a third black.

>> No.4644411
File: 70 KB, 500x409, rembrandtears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Saw a black girl go from 300 to 7000 followers, the first day of the riots.
blanon here
I never post selfies on my page because I also believe that art should be about what I make and not who I am. I've been avoiding social media since this stuff happened because it's really stressful and annoying. Yesterday, I decided to test the waters by leaving part of my hand in the image I posted. I suddenly got more likes and retweets than I ever did on my work. I didn't even put the 'drawingwhileblack' hashtags in.
It's really fucking depressing because it only goes to show that my followers care more about looking "inclusive" than they do about my art. I'm more jaded about the art community now than ever before

>> No.4644415

That is depressing. Sorry to hear.

>> No.4644514

Yeah it is plainly obvious that 90% of the twitter hordes are only there to display how woke and progressive they are being for putting literally any black person up on a pedestal that afternoon.

A year ago it was literally any trans artist. Which is the main reason they love to remind people they are trans in every other tweet they make.