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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 38 KB, 564x436, 591c093a87456fdb068b45bd_da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4624461 No.4624461 [Reply] [Original]

a.k.a the tortured artist general

>> No.4624469
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>> No.4624480
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>Post art
>Tranny jannies delete it
Fuck you.

>> No.4624500

I hate being poor and not being confident on my art.

>> No.4624523
File: 76 KB, 381x381, FB_IMG_15898651588374569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't set up commissions because I don't have paypal account because I don't have Driver's Loicense, Identity Card or Passport.

>> No.4624635
File: 47 KB, 879x968, 1583112896893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate working for 12 hours a day and not having energy to draw a single line at the end of the day

>> No.4624656
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>> No.4624719
File: 467 KB, 500x275, sadwho.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be me
>finals for the last 2 weeks
>unable to get past the first 20 pages of fun with a pencil because I got no time
>Me and GF broke up the other day

Thankfully today's the last final though

>> No.4624732
File: 81 KB, 914x472, ngmi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>something sparks my interest in drawing again
>decide this is the time for real, I'm really going to do it
>browse /ic/, read the recommended books
>get drawing
>realize that a 10 year old could artmogg me
>give up
>repeat from the beginning every 3 months

How do I break the cycle and keep going?

>> No.4624734


>> No.4624791

What are you trying to draw? Start with something simple then build up to more complex things

>> No.4624821

I have experience with trad art but it makes me very anxious to try digital, even though I've done several acrylic and charcoals, even a mural painting. Hopefully I can tackle doing a comic or something like that soon. I find it kinda hard to think in lines.

>> No.4624825

Read atomic habits and Mastery The Keys to Success and Long-Term Fulfillment. What you have is a habit problem, it will take you months to develope a habit but it will last forever if this is something you really want to learn.

>> No.4624924
File: 10 KB, 64x81, unknown-4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drawing isn't fun anymore all of my ideas are shit and I should just bring more people down to my bitter level because I'm disappointed at myself

>> No.4624932

Believe that you can ass-blast that 10 year old with your art

>> No.4625016

bitcoin, monero exist.

>> No.4625321
File: 48 KB, 800x800, 1589345378476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another day of trying, another mountain of failures, another day full of regret, shame and despair of clinging to a passion that I seemingly cannot get good at or even draw what I really want despite trying with all the sweat of my brow. Meanwhile every truly amazing artist pulls amazing stuff effortlessly and pretend they went through any trials, this is truly killing me on the inside, I started shitting blood recently.

>> No.4625331

Heres the real vent.

Vent thread was considered whiney pathetic bullshit when the original OP created it and all the whiney faggot zoomers made this a regular thing. Stop bitching and moaning and go draw. Wahhhhhh mommy didnt buy the tablet i wanted im depresssseeeddd wahhhhhh

>> No.4625335
File: 3.58 MB, 444x250, LoathsomeFickleGeese-size_restricted.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only interest is drawing
>people like it
>multiple people like it
>everyone loves it
>still feel empty inside mumbling "couldve been better" or "it's not quite what I wanted"
how the everliving FUCK do you ever get over this feel? I fucking hate it so fucking damn much
Every victory is hollow
Every loss is hollow
And still I can not stop chasing the rabbit down the hole
I want it so badly bros
I am improving and it's slowly going away more and more but this fucking hollow ass feeling of "not quite there" is killing me
It's so much fun and at the same time it's extremely frustrating, I thought baiting for likes and follows would help smooth this feeling out but it barely did anything.
It's like the goalpost just keeps fucking moving. An eternal threadmill

>> No.4625336

Being horny is the biggest drive for me to draw so I can't masturbate. If I do I won't have the motivation to draw and drawing coom art makes me horny, I'm in a paradox.

>> No.4625340

Gonna cry? Pussies.

>> No.4625359
File: 35 KB, 587x501, 1565659354751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I want these days is to mog other artists. That's my main motivation to improve and draw. Just finished a commission recently, it turned out pretty good, but don't feel any real satisfaction from it. However, thinking about other artists who were commissioned same character before seeing my work and feeling inferior is fucking euphoric.

>> No.4625377

This emptiness is part of the human nature, you will never fulfill this hollow, only learn how to live with it.

>> No.4625380

Lmao, thats the beauty of it.
You seem to care for result and not for the process or some shit.
There is no Final and Ultimate satisfaction.
Think about why you draw and why you would ever want such at thing to exist to begin with.

>> No.4625381

>finally decided to practice everyday for a few hours
>spent every day the last month drawing
>develop pain in neck
>stretches my practice from 2-3 hrs to 8-10 hrs
>develop forearm pain
>cant draw for the time being
just as i started to see major improvements and establishing a daily habit too. fucking hell.

>> No.4625385

Nah, otherwise I would've quit ages ago.
It's just that it's a wild ride but every time I glimpse the end, the stairs gain a few more steps
I hate it how the fucking "The more you know, the more you dont know" thing resounds so clearly every single time.

>> No.4625388

Do you have completionist tendencies? Like Achievment collecting in games etc?

>> No.4625404


>> No.4625409

Unfuck your posture.
Try using full range of motion of your arm.
And most importantly, LIFT.

>> No.4625421

Just accept that you suck. Nothing like have a chuckle at your drawing abortion after spending a couple days working on a finished piece. Then take a day off, find what you liked about your piece then work on the weakest part in your next abortion. You will improve but it takes effort and time. At least you are aware you suck. Have to realize that to improve.

>> No.4625450
File: 350 KB, 2048x1506, DjEm-UEUYAA9Gm0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like i will never be able to make something i love, i can keep grinding fundies but i don't think i can grind whatever it takes to draw something like pic related. I have a really hard time with color too, i can't make appealling palettes and i keep ruining my drawings when i try to render them. I know i just have to keep drawing and it will click someday, but it's a bit depressing to just never trully love anything you make.

>> No.4625575

I hate myself for not going to art school as a kid because "eww I don't wanna draw boring vases, cylinders and fruit! I just wanna draw cutesy cartoons uwu". I could've been miles better by now. I'm not a total beg but I can't really do much beyond a portrait, and the thought that by the time I master (if ever) all that shit I'll be fucking oooold pisses me off. If you don't make it while you're still young and pretty what's the fucking point

>> No.4625577

yeah if you dont start weightlifting at 8 years old why not just give up and eat donuts and pizza all day like whats the point luuuuuuul

>> No.4625585

You can fix your appearance in a year (like I did) but you can't become a pro artist in a year with all those 10k hours everyone's talking about

>> No.4625590

Ok pedo

>> No.4625597

yo niggas is anyone on fiverr? is it a decent way to start making cash online? build up a little commission portfolio, etc etc, millionaire with 3 gfs etc etc

>> No.4625610
File: 432 KB, 725x1200, __sigui_queen_s_blade_and_1_more_drawn_by_oda_non__a16696a6d190b53d4f801bd4349b7e33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting really tired of relying on references for drawing poses and trying to learn anatomy. Some stuff is just not sticking, like how hips transfer to the legs, or how the chest should be shaped in an appealing way. I constantly use real humans as references to try and stylize them into how I want to draw. I just wanna be a good artist bros. Pic related is from an artist who's work I absolutely love

>> No.4625648

Karl is great

Listen anons thanks, I know it's a bit of a rant and I know it exists so I can deal with it. I love drawing/creating, the process from start to finish and do it every day with pleasure regardless of when I am doing something for a studio or just casually for myself but this fucking feeling always hits me when once every while.

It's not so much a "ngmi" feel, more like a "fuck man this ride never ends does it"
I love it because it's so bottomless, always more to learn, always more to discover. If you could learn art within a year like some algebra stuff to reach a good level of understanding, it would've been extremely boring

>> No.4625665

learn bones to see how things connect, then muscles

>> No.4625820

Any material recommendation other than proko?

>> No.4625840

That's what you get for posting Loli porn

>> No.4625848

Read anatomy for sculptors or "drawing girls" (not the actual name but that's the name of the PDF in one of the generals). Study the things you're bad at. Improvise adapt overcome

>> No.4625850
File: 428 KB, 451x619, eeb161ed0103676b8657f90a21f519e8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna think my art is nearing some decent level, but
should I be allowed to draw porn if I'm a 23yo virgin?

>> No.4625876

Not exactly a vent but
>Have barely posted anything on twitter
>followed at random by someone with 21k followers
>no one I know is connected to them

>> No.4625898

>shitting blood
Immediately go to a doctor.
On a scale, it could be nothing or it could be death.

>> No.4625911

What about just getting a tiny bit of blood on the toilet paper when you wipe

>> No.4625927

You wiped too hard with that jacked, draftsman arm of yours or you have a hemorrhoid. If it feels like you have to wipe twenty times when you shit then it is a hemorrhoid.

>> No.4625970

If my own torment has caused me to lose my health to this point and I die that would be all around better than living a full life clinging to a dream I seemingly cannot accomplish

>> No.4626072

Thanks anon.

>> No.4626082
File: 126 KB, 512x512, cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learning anatomy is really fucking creepy. You're supposed to stare at naked randos for a prolonged period of time. I'm not really a prude, idk why it irks me so much but I just can't force myself through this weird discomfort

>> No.4626109

Study the bones and muscles with no skin then, prude. Or is that too erotic for you?

>> No.4626141

So if we have the same exact figure but with bigger breasts it would be exempt? That makes no sense what if she is an androgynous tomboy or has a feminine benis? Are we going to have to start labeling our fictitious figure with an age, sexual orientation, gender fluid, queer, gay, lesbian, transgendered, bisexual, queer, bi-curious-queer, otherkin, spiritual?

>> No.4626151
File: 114 KB, 520x523, C99ECE91-A040-4F28-AA91-6C136B9B0746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4626166

Honestly, no one should draw porn

>> No.4626173
File: 37 KB, 668x595, 1474109895445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So be it, fuck trannies fuck niggers fuck kikes fuck roasties and most importantly FUCK JANNIES.

>> No.4626186

Loli is fine, you'll get the ragecuck once in a while that spam reports your post.
What was the image in question?

>> No.4626193


>> No.4626213

Juicy. I like it
You're really improving, I remember your stuff from half a year ago.
Do you have a site where you post your stuff besides 4chan?

>> No.4626223

Rechargeable gift card
Amazon gift cards

>> No.4626235

If you have a site where it isn't infested with normies I would create one just for you.

>> No.4626251

>If you have a site where it isn't infested with normies
Honestly, I don't know.
- Twitter is a ticking time bomb and the image compression is utter ass
- Newgrounds used to be anti-loli, I don't know if that changed
- on Pixiv, you have to actively censor genitalia due to stupid Japanese censorship laws
- DeviantArt is, well, it's DA

>> No.4626253

I want to get to the point where people spread and reblog my work. I literally have no followers. The only people who like my stuff most of the time are the ones that go around liking and commenting on everyone's work to get a follow for a follow. I don't want to do that. I want them to genuinely be interested in my work and progress. I don't want to be popular, I dont care if I have a small following, I want to be liked. I just don't know how to be noticed without using a abundance of tags and liking stuff I simply do not like.

>> No.4626254

Well, let's start with: what do you usually draw?

>> No.4626256

Cry or change, retard.

>> No.4626262
File: 187 KB, 364x364, you what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4626265

Don't worry, maybe we can just post on a booru site that doesn't bitch and moan about flat chests.

>> No.4626278

Right now I've only been posting generic anime girls. I know I'm not very good at drawing mid to high beg tier. I plan on getting better and studying and I post my studies occasionally.
My biggest issue is that my accounts are rather inactive because I work full time and when I get home I workout and then usually pass out.

I guess my biggest complaint is that it's just disheartening that from the few likes I get. They actually liked it. You don't go to their account and see they go around liking all of a bunch of stuff all at once to get their own following.

>> No.4626289

Let me make it where you can understand. Hey dumbass, either deal with it or stop drawing loli shit. If you don’t want to do that, then eat shit and cry.

>> No.4626296


>> No.4626298
File: 63 KB, 1017x575, 1528505739208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey retard, he's not the one who drew the figure we're talking about. No, we're not going to give you an inch now it is a matter of principles art is a medium for which you may express yourself without censorship if you want censored material to protect your fragile little fee-fee's fuck off back to your hugbox cancerous cesspool and remember to post a black canvas portraying justice for joggers.

>> No.4626304

>join to the mentally weak that get offended by a drawing

>> No.4626335
File: 391 KB, 1084x800, 58C609C4-7E2B-4D63-AF82-1C90A8AB82B4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can’t wait for another sperg out fest from you retards once loli shit gets banned completely from sites like twitter. Just like it already happened for patreon.

>> No.4626348

>loli shit gets banned completely from sites like twitter
Isn't it already banned anyway? Even Gab made an announcement that "questionable" content will not be allowed due to the ambiguity. There was another site that wanted to ban the gook style all together due to how young the faces of the characters from the fanart looked like.

>> No.4626355

Nah it’s not banned, cause half of the jap artist I follow retweet or like loli shit. It still gets views around 1k-20k likes.

>> No.4626356

I'm surprised, Twatter is the first you would think of invoking thought policing tactics and censoring anything out of the status quo.

>> No.4626362

I have a strong desire to draw and make stories from my head. it's just that learning stuff to help me get better and planning out said learning drives me bonkers.

>> No.4626365

Gab was always "free speech under MY rules".

>> No.4626505

>stare at a face I'm drawing for hours
>think it looks good
>flip canvas
>looks good
>double check again
>finally post to /ic/
>"ugh, wonky looking face anon."
>can't unsee it
>face looks fucked up now
>I hate it

>> No.4626656

I feel you brother.

It's just as bas as:
>Working on a drawing
>It looks pretty good
>Take a break
>Come back
>Wtf is this ugly piece of shit?

>> No.4626672

Everything I draw is uncreative bullshit.

>> No.4626726

>lowest /beg/ in all of /beg/
>decide to final start drawing
>Realize I have no idea what to draw

What do, Anons?

>> No.4626733

if you can't answer that question on your own, why are you even drawing? i mean, what made you want to pick up drawing as a hobby?

>> No.4626833
File: 81 KB, 351x500, 14DE26D5-38E9-436F-AB8C-2260A3705B85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it's the ones who settle who regret it. They settle for friends and lovers who don't understand. They settle for love - not out of inspiration and admiration - but desperation and a need for reassurance. This is how most people live and select their partners: it doesn't matter to them who is actually in front of them, true friendship and intimacy can go fuck themselves, right? So they just grab whoever they think is available, someone replaceable - and they know they themselves are replaceable. Most couples don't even like each other as friends, as people. No, they like their partners by what they can "get" out of them, and the person in front of them can go fuck themselves. Here's another funny thing: most people don't know what they want even for themselves, they don't know what they're even about, so they're pushed around and wishy washy - then they get with a broad who drags them down, or some bloke who chokes their spirit with his mediocrity.

No, my time, my energy, my life is too precious to deal with someone who doesn't understand or care about the hill, and I would rather spend my energy getting to that hill. Art is beautiful, stories are beautiful, and they're powerful and eternal and just so human - and this is the hill I want to die on. So I want someone who understands how powerful and beautiful it is as well. I want to be someone who can inspire and shake people, and I want to love someone who can look at my work - which is the kernel of me anyway - and be inspired and shaken. I want someone my work can destroy - wait no, not destroy, but uplift.

This is what I plan to do: To be ambitious with art, ambitious with life, ambitious with love.

>> No.4626838

5 artists unfollowed on twitter today

>> No.4626851


>> No.4626870

unironically beautiful. screenshotted

>> No.4626877

Post your work, i am curious of what you draw

>> No.4626882
File: 543 KB, 2266x1040, suck my ass huion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My stylus stopped working, so I tried opening it to see what the issue was, and I fucking-

>> No.4626885

Try venmo/cashapp?

>> No.4626892


Bought one of their shit tablets and I will never do it again.

Also I just want to draw any tiddies. That's the only why I'm learning to draw but gesture drawing is very hard.

>> No.4626947

Probably should've made myself clearer. I mean, what should I draw as a beginner before I move onto what I want to draw?

>> No.4627053

Draw at the beginning of the day instead. Go to bed as soon as you get home. Better to be sleepy during the last office hours than at the entirety of your passion.

>I want to be liked
Same. I've devoted my attention to lots of friends, even relatives, who had some kind of project and always genuinely enjoyed following their creations, yet I never got any interest back. It's not that they dislike it, they haven't even tried.

Expecting this level of commitment from strangers is even more delusional. Yet there is no one left; maybe I'm waiting for the day some people will like it so much they will become my correspondents.

The best course of action is loving your work and feeling complete by doing so; then people will flock around and try to see what's so good about it. I know this rationally, but am incapable of dealing emotionally with the fact that no one owes me shit.

I just find it hella gay. Fuck all those naked guys, wish you would die.

Whatever you want to draw. Don't wait. Fail it and learn what are the things you should prioritize learning.

>> No.4627064

What about SankakuComplex?


>> No.4627083

i work from 6 to 6, it a fucking torture anon

>> No.4627108

You said you had "no energy", not "no time". So flipping your timetable should do it, wake up at 3~4AM and draw before work.

If that's absolutely impossible, see if you can manage to have a sketchbook around you. Draw during lunch at the very least. Or use lunch to sleep so you can sleep less and wake up even earlier.

>> No.4627147
File: 34 KB, 800x450, 1523921276809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>China declaring new federal state of China, sabre rattling in Asia and going completely cashless
>Chink virus with asymptomatic hokus pokus supposedly spreading
>Asteroid coming closer to earth
>Solar activity at its solar minimum never seen before in decades fucking shit up in magnetosphere
>Magnetic polar inversion presently occuring
>Yellowstone super volcano cockteasing ready to erupt
>Nationwide Boogaloo reaching category 4 chimpouts
>Totalitarian draconian overseers enforcing lock downs, quarantines, curfews, and detentions
>Volatility in the markets with hysterical fear and uncertainty
>Countries such as India and China in the midst of a shitstorm (no pun intended)
>Esoteric symbolism out the ass everywhere from the number 33, six, references to Saturn and the bull horn eclipses
>Value of the dollar gone to shit with oil plummeting, commodities going up the ass
>ayy lmaos sighted recently from starlet launch video
>Presence of national guard and armed forces in cities around the country
I think we're in for the big one lads, am not trying to be your usual hysterical happening fag but we're just half way into the new decade and shit has been hitting the fan. Maybe some of us won't make it after all, but before that happens know that it's been a pleasure shitposting with you.

>> No.4627159


amen anon im scared

>> No.4627166

Nice knowing you anon.

>> No.4627177
File: 50 KB, 836x716, YOU GOTTA DRAW SOMETHING.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like I've just plateaued in terms of skill and motivation. With school in the way as well I typically just feel too drained to just get up and start drawing despite already having some drawings that I could be working on. Trying to push myself farther and harder has been a bitch and a half

>> No.4627180

that could work, thanks anon

>> No.4627191

Not him, but can you elaborate on that subject?

>> No.4627200

have any of you ever completed a comic? how'd that go?

>> No.4627322

Why can japanese people get a free pass on posting loli on twitter but westerners can't.

>> No.4627336
File: 5 KB, 240x233, EZODyZFXQAYMd1x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Advice about to overcome procrastination?

>> No.4627353

Don't post your art on twitter bro.

>> No.4627382

Because different sides of twitter have different moderation teams. Unless it’s stated that loli shit is completely banned in the rules then you still see it from other parts of twitter. Also western artist can draw loli shit, but you have a higher chance of losing your account. Example, bardbot lost his first account for drawing loli shit(don’t feel bad). Like I said here >>4626289, deal with it or seethe trying.

>> No.4627397

I post loli on other websites outside of twitter and I still get harrased for loli content on twitter.

I hate westerners.

>> No.4627417
File: 166 KB, 1200x1333, +uncle+had+a+heart+attack+while+driving+and+now_ec1627_7590668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Follow artist on Deviant Art
>Really like his art
>Don't use Deviant Art for months
>Come back
>Find out the artist I follow blocked me
>Try to rationalize what I did to summon his ire
>Remember that time I shitposted in his comments by posting an edited version of his art
>MFW that might be why he blocked me
>I can't think of anything else

>> No.4627420

You must realize that what you want to do is important

>> No.4627574
File: 158 KB, 454x404, ECCB5CCE-86F2-4771-917B-340E2D852CB4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he actually fell for the huion meme.

>> No.4627648

Just ignore the fags

>> No.4627655
File: 234 KB, 405x352, 1587144527895.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adding to that my third world country is becoming Venezuela. Goddamit i just want to draw why life has to be so cruel.

>> No.4627854
File: 41 KB, 540x762, FB_IMG_1589828269451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck the fundies, start by making art that you like even if its shitty, only pick up the books when you really have a passion for drawing and really want to improve. Studying fundies kills creativity and makes drawing a chore. So before trying to have homework just create have fun and developt a bit o dunning-Krueger so you can have the confidence to do it

>> No.4627859
File: 11 KB, 250x250, FB_IMG_1589756791870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the same problem, but I recently bought an ipad and procreate, its a nice little bridge between bpth worlds
Take your time man

>> No.4627878

>okay, i will draw all day
>okay, i just will finish this cup of coffee and will start
>okay, first i will play a couple routs of HoMM, i need to have some fun before the work
>okay, fuck Inferno
>okay, i have to watch some guides of HoMM
>okay, just one more play, i need to try those advices from guides
>okay, those memes about HoMM are pretty funny
>1.00 a. m.
>well, fuck

>> No.4627887

Everyday i feel drawing in "anime style" is less and less fullfilling. Since i started to read eurocomics my standars in art started to become higher and i stopped liking most anime artists. I still like artists like Yoshinari and Abe Yoshitoshi but i just can't like most digitally drawn anime art, whenever i see an anime inspiration thread even if the art posted is good it feels so soulless to look at.

>> No.4627889
File: 58 KB, 1280x720, 1462219844612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learn to step away from your computer after every game for 5 minutes, and let the dopamine release fade. You're just asking for failure.

>> No.4627896

That’s normal, you shouldn’t worry about something like that. Everyone’s standards and taste changes over time.

>> No.4627909


>> No.4627974

Because lolies aren't illegal in Japan, however if it's reported enough, account will be suspended after manual check by mutt jannies

>> No.4628056
File: 150 KB, 800x670, 14362346457685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't neither start nor finish a drawing for the past two weeks and feel like shit because of this. It's almost like I forgot how to draw

>> No.4628061
File: 100 KB, 750x728, 05df345b0bc6dcf4.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always knew that I wasn't very talented, but after 6 years of /beg/ with no end in sight and being surpassed by asukafag within a few months I honestly don't know if I have the will to go on. I'm thinking about going full fraud mode with stealing and maybe even tracing if that's the only way I can produce something. I wish I would have had a mentor or teacher, but I guess most artists are on their own nowadays.

>> No.4628134

Your mentors are your senpais on /ic/ and your teachers are /ic/ :)

>> No.4628135

The I wish I had a teacher that didn't tell me to kill myself and actually gave me advice instead

>> No.4628146

Maybe the chan life is getting to you. Go download the sight size course and hop off /ic/ for a while and learn some shit.

>> No.4628200

I can never tell if I'm charging too much for art. Most of my negotiations breakdown the minute money comes up.
I don't want to undervalue myself, but I feel like people are telling me my art's not worth THAT much.

>> No.4628276


>> No.4628411

I finally got some special contacts to help me see a little better but I can only wear them for maybe 6-8ish hours before my eyes give up from fatigue. It feels like when I get out of bed and put them on I'm suddenly on a timer to get shit done and draw before my eyes get too tired. When I take them out I can't see shit and get migraines trying to draw even on a large monitor. Sometimes I get headaches with them on as I'm still adjusting. So if I'm not motivated to spend time drawing and just laze in bed browsing my phone or watching videos or something the timer just keeps counting down. If I start drawing too late I struggle when I have to remove the lenses. It feels stressful and depressing and when I feel like that I lose even more motivation to draw...

>> No.4628423

some /beg/, I think he drew the OP of this >>4621118

>> No.4628454
File: 382 KB, 698x760, welp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asukafag is pretty garbage, I'm not sure how you couldn't surpass him.

But really, drawing is all about IQ and getting lucky or being asian, and the children on /ic/ are too retarded to understand common sense, that skills are skills for a reason.

>> No.4628458

people are bullying me in another thread and its making me sad

>> No.4628462

>all about IQ
I'm fairly certain that IQ is not the issue, I know everyone on 4chan thinks he is a genius, but I'm fairly sure I'm around 120 since I'm currently getting a masters in pure maths and am better than most students at my uni(not an amazing university but still).

>> No.4628569

I hope you make progress today, anons. We can all make it

>> No.4628597

He’s the mascot of /ic/ and basically the king of /beg/

>> No.4628649

if you want to draw animu shit etc like i want to do, unironically trace/redraw what style you like until you are able to emulate it on your own
if you want more trad things start by drawing a shitton of cubes, that way you will practice perspective and shadows (so look into basics on perspective if you still dont get it as a grown man, horizon line etc)
then start constructing other shapes on the cube, look into geometry
and finish off by grinding still life for the rest of your existence
if all of that failed, stop because you are a talentless ngmi
gl anon

>> No.4628651

Team Wacom all the way! You poorfags and your knockoffs can rot in hell!

>> No.4628680

>if all of that failed, stop because you are a talentless ngmi
I haven't tried the trace/redraw nonstop part yet at least, so maybe the animu route will work. Thanks.

>> No.4628686

For me it was ballpoints. Just take small paper pieces, like A5 or even smaller and draw something. 10-20 minutes. Doesn't really matter. Just do it each day. Ignore how good or bad are the results. You need to make it into a habit.

I still don't draw enough per day and a lot of the time don't study properly but I basically can't go a single day without drawing at least something. As long as I'm not sick I will get an itch to at least scribble a couple sketches, or a character, or just draw a cup that is standing on my table.

>> No.4628690
File: 45 KB, 550x550, 1535566692444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been using a Wacom medium nearly every day for five years with the same stylus, never even updated the drivers since it was opened from the box and works like a fucking champ. Still have the original nibs on it too, you get what you pay for.

>> No.4628704

You need a doctor check. Could be just a haemorrhoid or some kinda minor damage. Could be cancer.

>> No.4628708

keep at it anon and dont give up easily, it will take time and dont expect to be able to draw some complicated OC poses out of your head, using references all the time is just a part of the job
unless you are one of the chose ones, but thats not for grey joes like us

>> No.4628723

Go see a doctor, anon. For your own health, your body shouldn't be fighting you like this.

>> No.4628739


>> No.4628748

Could be just about approach you are taking. Try different books and lessons, especially those that you never tried before.

>> No.4628752

I hate people that still think talent isn't a thing.
Fuck you.

>> No.4628757

But it isn't a thing, talent is used to cope the fact that you do not want to invest time and effort in learning something and use it as an excuse to quit because you were not born with the talent.

>> No.4628760

Talent is just as real as IQ

>> No.4628762

Nah you’re just too retarded

>> No.4628780

Being retarded is a lack of talent.

>> No.4628789

It's the other way around actually.
People that invest time and effort are usually the ones that find out talent is not a meme.

>> No.4628796

That just means they do not know what talent is. There's a warped perception that talent is something which makes you better than the next guy when in fact talent is merely a pursued interest you don't have to be talented to be able to paint a mural, the talent is there after you do something for a long time non stop.

>> No.4628803

Talent is doing lots of right things right naturally.

If you think turd polishing is good, you're not talented. If you understand quick repetition is good, you're talented.

This is not including the subjective perception each of us has with the experience of drawing.

>> No.4628858
File: 18 KB, 500x500, 1342657658965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another day wasted but at least I did some Hampton torso muscles studies hope I wont forget what I learned tomorrow when I woke up

>> No.4628861

Holy shit me too, but I’d feel awful telling anyone that.

>> No.4628927

Talent is how fast you learn not wherher you learn

>> No.4628988

Defeating other artists is probably the only thing that propels me which is lucky because its basically a fire that fuels itself.

No better feeling than surpassing someone you thought was a god a few years ago.

>> No.4629039

>No better feeling than surpassing someone you thought was a god a few years ago.
How does this even happen lol
Why do you think so highly of those than can easily be surpassed?

>> No.4629128
File: 375 KB, 1400x1500, fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to kill myself every single day but death is the thing I fear the most so I can't.
I just linger in absolute despair crying myself to sleep every day.
I cannot improve by myself anymore and I can't afford courses.
Videos and tutorial on the internet don't help me at all, I can learn like this. I need a physical person to sit with me and teach me, be there for me if I have a question or to correct and explain my errors.
I can't exist like this, every day I'm in mental agony.
Have a sample of my dogshit garbage that shouldn't even be near the word "art".
How do I escape this? I don't want to be another wageslave in a corporation I want to create something.

>> No.4629228

First, how long have you been drawing? Second, have you tried looking at artist you like and trying to copy on how they draw things? Third, what was your attempt at studying, like how would you breakdown the materials you look at? It’s pretty hard to improve when self taught, since that would require a lot of work, so it makes sense why you are this frustrated.

>> No.4629246
File: 772 KB, 1536x2048, DSC00274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>First, how long have you been drawing?
on and off for 12 years, what I gained I lost, I improved a bit and that's it.
>Second, have you tried looking at artist you like and trying to copy on how they draw things?
I did try that
> Third, what was your attempt at studying, like how would you breakdown the materials you look at?
I used to go to a course but I had to stop because of the financial issues, it only helped a bit anyway, it was a group of like 40 people where the teacher spent like 2 minutes with you before moving on to the next person.
I drew basic shapes, animals and humans but I it's like dust in the wind.
Pic related was one of my traditional drawings.
>It’s pretty hard to improve when self taught, since that would require a lot of work, so it makes sense why you are this frustrated.
I'm at my limit, I can't progress by myself anymore, I lack motivation and guidance. I get angry when I draw all the time and erase everything I do in anger. This is no way to progress.
I'm at a total loss and I have nothing but negative thoughts lately.

>> No.4629306

You can progress, you aren’t at your limit. Judging by the 2 drawings you made I see you have potential. Try to have fun with your drawings. Like draw what you find fun. When looking at tutorials or tips apply on what you learn don’t copy it 1 to 1. Example if there was a tutorial on how to find the light source for your artwork and pic related shows an apple, draw something similar to that. Experiment on the things you are going over or learning, make it a fun challenge. Try listening to relaxing music, while drawing. Don’t over think when drawing because that’s what really gets you frustrated.

>> No.4629342
File: 2.66 MB, 4032x3024, A5043981-E367-4D36-AE78-F42ADFA93703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to improve with pen to understand jap cartoon aesthetics, but it’s insanely hard coming from a long period of digital. I feel like I can’t draw anything unless I get lucky and make no mistakes, which of course is bound to happen eventually

It does feel good when I’m able to make something

>> No.4629455

Lost my one and only follower because I haven't been posting for the past three weeks, I expected that to happen but hoping it didn't. I was having hard time but I've been trying get back at art and practicing, I want to post good things, I want to prove my worth.

I'm now back being all alone. I'm crying, I don't care that it's stupid to cry about, I don't want to be alone anymore. Look at me.

>> No.4629502

man it feels like nothings ever going to work out. I can't imagine myself succeeding by the time I'm 30, I don't know where I'm going, what my life will look like, I don't know what to fucking do. I'm working hard and putting effort into stuff that just feels pointless, like I'm pushing a big ass bolder down the wrong road, there's so many things I could put my effort into, so many murky roads, which murky road do I pick? It just sucks, I missed out on my teens, I missed out on my 20s, now I'm going to turn 30 without doing anything in life that I dreamed about as a kid, and go throughout my 30s doing nothing aswell. I don't have a clear idea of what I want to do, sitting around thinking about it does nothing, It's been this way since I had consciousness, I have extreme mental retardation when it comes to figuring out my future and I'm just so hopelessly lost, I don't want to keep wasting away, I want to achieve my dreams. Until then I'll have to keep grinding away in this direction, and hope somehow it just fucking works out.

>> No.4629518

Dude, 30 is still young, it is SO SO young. You have so much time still. “Succeeding” in your 20s is actually a fairly new phenomenon. Many people don’t hit their stride until their 30s, 40s, or even 50s.

>> No.4629577

You’re either an illegal immigrant or are underage and shouldn’t be posting on 4chinz

If you’re a kiddo just use this time to hone your skills and git gud. Also get off my board

>> No.4629590
File: 26 KB, 500x500, 1585763901284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like my technical skills are improving but my design skills are nonexistent, what an awful feeling

>> No.4629591
File: 619 KB, 885x948, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Succeeding in your 20s is for people who had good education with a good home life who had access to the resources they needed. If you didn’t have that concoction, you’re gonna need awhile, and you’re going to spend your early adulthood looking at your peers achieving things and getting married and shit while you’re here trying to reparent yourself and build yourself up from scratch.
The upside to not being a trapped child anymore is that you can build your own friendships and relationships as you see fit. Having a supportive partner really helps, having friends that believe in you matters a lot. It won’t replace your parents, and they’ll be disappointed until you’re making 6 digits, but you don’t have to live with that forever. It’s your underdog years, you’re still trying to pull something off.

>> No.4629664

I know I'm loved but I can't feel loved. That said I still cat h myself wondering if my art would be better if I was loved.

>> No.4629683
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There's this guy in the place I post my art who's artstyle is -very- similar to mine, but he's way better. Everytime he posts I seriously feel like quitting, he makes me feel redundant. I used to be proud of my progress, but now everything I can think of when drawing is how it looks worse than his stuff.

>> No.4629687

it's too hard to make "it just clicked" even you studied 10 year then have to study another 3 year to make appealing stuff sad to say

>> No.4629706

i love u Anon

>> No.4629717

I still can't feel it

>> No.4629733
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>> No.4629770

Yeahaybe five years ago you could get what you paid for. Nowadays fucking forget it. My new intuos pro lasted a year before the USB port detached itself inside the tablet. My intuos 4 is still kicking.

>> No.4629771
File: 132 KB, 500x441, Ds_jc7zWkAEJqom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So i've been studying my ass off with art, and learning some other new skills thanks to this virus situation, and my mom keeps coming at me telling me to get a job. I've just finish my first year of college already had a bunch of money saved up and on top of that have been getting grant checks. So money isn't an issue, but when ever i offer to help pay for stuff lile food, she wilk always so "save your money", so i do. Just recently she was schedule back to work(disney) so i've been trying to keep the house clean. But she still comes to me and says "all you do is sit around and play video games all day",(i don't. Thats probably what she sees) when there isn't anything else really to do. I feel she's just taking out her anger of having to work again on me. She says i need to get a job for "life experience", but i'd much rather take advantage of this time to learn new skills, rather than work some shitty fast food job that i can qualify for any time. But i dont know, am i in the wrong here? I don't feel like i am.

>> No.4629836

Set with her, take her to a restaurant or something, and have a serious talk with her. Tell her that you're an adult and you're not wasting your time, tell her that what you're doing is very important to you, and that it's a skill that will benefit you in the future, just explain to her the situation in detail and in a serious manner, I'm sure she will understand.

>> No.4629867

I'm too scared to share my art online because I fear people that know me will be upset that I'm a NSFW degenerate.

>> No.4629911
File: 163 KB, 252x349, gurrr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how come when i draw and turn it upside down i looks good to me, but when i turn it back it looks like ass?

>> No.4629920

Your skill in analyzing upside down is not the same as your default ability, that you use all day.

>> No.4630052

i'll try it, but talking probably won't chance much. She's pretty old fashion when it comes to the definition of "hard work." If you aren't breaking your back lifting boxes she'll probably gloss over it without trying to understand. I'll probably have to show her some of my art instead, and since the only thing i've drawing recently are studies of nude anime women(I use hentai to learn, don't @ me), I'll having to make something sfw for her to show. Guess i better get to work then. Thanks for responding annon.

>> No.4630069

Hard to feel love when you don't love yourself

>> No.4630114

people always say this shit but who the fuck "loves themselves" outside of some weird sociopaths

>> No.4630128

Pretty much.
I have a few old wacom nibs left still, they changed the material into something much softer so the new ones wear out in weeks rather than years.

Do this experiment:
1. get a portrait photograph
2. select the mouth with rectangle select and flip it upside down
3. do the same with both of the eyes
4. marvel at the nightmare you've created
5. flip the image upside down and realize it too looks fine

>> No.4630138

People with a healthy amount of self-esteem?

>> No.4630163

How old are you?
Not that you'd have to answer, but in modern society it's expected for people to become self-sufficient productive members of society at least somewhere in your twenties.
I addition, people are considered children until the age of 18.
Up until you're required to work for your own survival, you're supposed to practice for your future life. And since you're a minor, you're not responsible for anything, including how your time is spent. If you've only picked up art after your childhood, your parents have wasted your time.

The questions for you are: How old are you? For how long have you been pursuing art? Where would you be had you had your lifetime's worth of guidance and practice in art, or any other skill or trade?
It might be that your mom owes you for how your life up until now has been spent. She should at least give you a chance to do it right yourself, even if you only negotiate for a year of practice rather than twenty.

>> No.4630174

I don't think I've ever met a person who I'd describe as loving themselves, but I have met plenty of people with healthy self esteem

>> No.4630188

:( I'm too stupid to understand the point of the experiment

>> No.4630196


>> No.4630337

>it's expected for people to become self-sufficient productive members of society at least somewhere in your twenties.
Another anon here I'm 30 and I can't afford to rent a flat because of the insane boomer prices.
They want 1.5 salary for a month rent. Good that tradition here is to stay with family because I would already be a hobo.

>> No.4630401
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>> No.4630418

tell her you found an online job and keep a spreadsheet open when she walks in

>> No.4630431

>Good that tradition here is to stay with family because I would already be a hobo.
Same, in America I might already have been killed by feral niggers or something, but here it feels like I am giving myself more pressure than my mom does.

>> No.4630444

put a countdown timer on and draw for like 30minutes at least, do like 5-10minutes of something difficult like fundamentals and the rest something fun, then do whatever for the rest of the day. That 30minutes will add up overtime, and it will get easier and easier to add more time, you could add like 5 minutes every 2 weeks, if it gets too difficult go back down in time.

>> No.4630543

#1. have goals, figure out what kind of artist you want to be, what you want to be able to create, who do you want to be similar to?

#2. focus on the things you can improve that you'll need later, that could be training your eye by copying things accurately (bargue), your line quality and control, rotating simple objects like boxes and working towards more complex things, learning gesture, learning about color, emulating someone else's style, learning anatomy & how to use it, perspective if you don't know it. All those things you'll need in the end so you can work on any of those things without fear of wasting time. You don't need the perfect course or tutor, you can improve at the things you know will help right now, and get critiques.

Take a photo of a horse an try to draw it better than the photo, look at how other people draw horses to give you an idea about what you're doing wrong, get critiques & post the reference so people can see errors more easily. This horse you posted for example feels flat, there's not much depth, the form feels 2d, the gesture is stiff, you need to train you observational skills, fundamentals & study the anatomy so can properly articulate the subject in 3 dimensions.

>> No.4630764

Wow you're in a really similar situation to me except my dad stopped telling me that so often, since I started bringing in some money via commissions and he sees that I'm trying hard everyday. Though he's also aware of how shit this country has gotten over the years, from poor store service to the looting you see. He hopes that I'm able to make it as an artist and so do I

>> No.4630867

I'm 21. I've been drawing since I was little, but only began taking it serious a couple of years ago, after saving a bunch of money from the crap restaurant job that i quit. I've always been self taught, and the only reason i'm in college right now(which i only started last year) is for a grant check i get every 4 months, just so i could get some income. I should admit that i never actually tell her about my art, since she has a pretty quick to judge attitude. So she's never actually seen me work on anything because I only work on it at night, when everyone is sleeping.
Commission art is what i plan to do one day, but if that doesn't work out i've been learning some programming and video editing on the side.
I don't think that'll work. Like i said she's pretty only fashion when it comes to work, and probably wouldn't care about how much money im making, due to her weird reasoning of "need life experience."

>> No.4631279
File: 95 KB, 1024x681, 1577369673237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the people applying to art school are already drawing at a level of skill you fantasize about being at
portfolios related: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/6aBg9V / https://www.artstation.com/artwork/0XBKY8 / https://www.artstation.com/artwork/OyEQeg

What the fuck chance do I have if the people I'm competing with just to LEARN art are already at a point that they could skip school entirely and go and get a job on their own? The expectations here are that you already have an intermediate to advanced understanding of perspective, composition, rendering, industrial design, ideation, architecture, and narrative development just to get into the fucking program. That's what I'd be going to school to learn in the first goddamn place.

I'm in my 20s and I started seriously drawing a few years back, but while I've made some moderate progress I can't come close to this degree of creativity and execution and I feel hopelessly behind. Not even in the sense of being at a professional level but now evidently also in being good enough to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with other students. It's not even "making it" at this point; "being good" feels unattainable.

sorry for the 200 word fucking essay by the way

>> No.4631281

I really fucking wish I could draw.

>> No.4631287
File: 71 KB, 800x600, 1402631147077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You had one job.

>> No.4631313

My art is so lacking in like action and dynamism, it’s all so still and boring.

>> No.4631316

I've been trying to draw for a year and I'm still not where I want to be.

>> No.4631335
File: 84 KB, 476x505, 1473296417580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He's been trying to draw for only a year
>Surprised he's still not a master draftsman able to draw big animay tiddies like his favorite fap artist.
Begs say the cutest things.

>> No.4631373

Good stuff right there;
Best alone than with someone you don't respect/love or trust.

>> No.4631388

Do it, it could help you improving.
Wait, no, don't do it. lol

>> No.4631393

Capitalism don't lie or make it easy.

>> No.4631407

Self improvment is very hard,
Even without practice I must say, your level still not a average one,
Please don't sweat my comment so hard, trying to improve is good enough at the beggining.
Maybe having someone drawing style as objective is a good advice for me to give to you.
Usually when you don't see improvement your objectives is too vague or not well defined.

>> No.4631541

I've recently started losing sleep due to me vizualising drawing and painting in my head. I wake up in the middle of the night due to my mind being in this hyperactive state of constructing something with values and color.

The shitty part is that I'm a literal beg shit tier

>> No.4631544

get some real problems you fucking loser teenager crybabies

>> No.4631577
File: 104 KB, 1280x720, twz18nqs9fj41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Get a few followers on pixiv
> Hardly any interaction but still feel good about it
> Make post
> Get first comment ever
> User spams the thumbs down emoji
> Feel bad
> Realize I can delete their comment
> Don't do it because then it makes me look like a little bitch and they'll "win"
> Try to let it go and not give a fuck
> Feel a bit better when I get a few more likes/bookmarks
> Still give a few fucks about that comment
Will I just stop caring at some point? I know it's not that big of a deal overall.

>> No.4631604
File: 224 KB, 590x500, 1582339786193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4631609

> The expectations here are that you already have an intermediate to advanced understanding of perspective, composition, rendering, industrial design, ideation, architecture, and narrative development just to get into the fucking program. That's what I'd be going to school to learn in the first goddamn place.
I don't really think that's the case. I can't speak from personal experience, but I think those people are going to school less to learn everything than to get the credentials and to fill in whatever gaps they have in their skillset to bring themselves up to a professional standard.
So long as you're not a retard that can't take criticism and/or lacks the ability to self-critique, and if you're willing to learn and put in the work, you'll be just fine. You may not be at those people's level when you leave but you will at least have a basic level of competence, which at that point you'll have the means to improve on your own terms. And as a bonus you'll have credentials. I had a friend on Discord who was going to a school for illustration and that's the gist of what I got from her.

>> No.4631613

Art of any kind is a lifetime pursuit.
Hell, every career is. Engineering, coding, any number of trades is like that. Art just happens to be a bit more esoteric than most.

>> No.4631617

Who the FUCK is making all these shitty bait threads every single fucking day
Age this, beg that, "can i even draw without aphrodisiac"
The board is too slow so these threads exist for days too. You enter the board and already its flooded with garbage.

>> No.4631626

yeah this place is dogshit now.
it used to be just as shitty but people would help you and we had some decent artists. now its all teen weebs and shitflinging without the help or decent artists. thats the cycle of 4chan.

>> No.4631627
File: 99 KB, 846x720, 1575947770352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4631631

Art school is a joke
The only reason you would go there is if you can get a government student loan to art-neet kickstart your career in peace.
The skills you posted about are also obtainable in 1 yearish of selfstudy at home (albeit rigorously), 2 if you slack a bit.
Drawing digitally and the amount of youtube teaching channels there are now lets people fucking jump start kick off their art skills yo intermediate in no-time.
Hitting this level isnt hard especially with 3d tools and photobashing. Its the one after that that will take so long (10-20years)

>> No.4631645

You're beginning to believe, anon.

Remember that drawing is first and foremost a mental skill, so I say it's a good sign that your mind is actively and obsessively working it over.

I used to do stuff like that, everything I looked at I would observe and mentally "draw", not in the sense of me drawing with a virtual pen and paper in my mind, but rather in the sense that I was trying to mentally feel and memorize the topology, the structures comprising things, proportions and whatnot.

>> No.4631654

I come here from time to time since years ago and it's always been the same

The only thing that changed were buzzwords

>> No.4631662

I think you're overestimating how good those portfolios are.

Depending on which art school you go to you will improve tons. It's true that online courses are readily available for anything you want to do, but you won't be able to reach the excellence tier unless you have a good teacher. There are some things that you can't simply teach yourself. You need at least someone who teaches you how to learn.

>> No.4631692

Somehow we seem to get a steady influx of newfags that can't be bothered to read the rules or know etiquette while STILL being a slow board, or at least it seems that way. And then there are the obnoxious fucking cunts who want to squabble over stupid shit like what art style is subjectively superior, or spam their uninformed pet art theories. Moderation is sluggish and we're absolutely inundated with shitposting retards.

I envy /tg/ so much, man. The average IQ of the posters there aren't stuck down in the fucking double digits like it is here.

>> No.4631697

but I'm from /tg/

>> No.4631848
File: 14 KB, 565x532, eyes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spent all day drawing (trying) and I have this to show for it.

>> No.4631854

I hate racism and I hate how there's so much of it on /ic/. Anytime a black artist is mentioned, or a drawing of a dark skinned person or anything like that, all of a sudden people come out of the woodwork to throw ethnic slurs and spread hate. It's not constructive and just makes you look retarded if you do this. Everywhere on the internet there's leftoids hating white people and rightoids hating black people, there's no escape from this bullshit when in reality a person's skin color should not determine their worth.

>> No.4631857
File: 33 KB, 463x489, 1589771709506.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the man right there, officer! He is invoking hate speech and thought crimes arrest him he needs to be sent to the reeducation camp!

>> No.4631862

>Everywhere on the internet there's leftoids hating white people and rightoids hating black people
This. I just want to get away from it all.
>when in reality a person's skin color should not determine their worth.
I miss when this was nowhere near a controversial statement to make online, and people were just people. But tribalism runs deep in our blood. It's unfortunate.

>> No.4631867

Good, you can stay then.

>> No.4631874

I simply don't pay them any mind. Their opinions mean nothing to me. I'll sometimes go out of my way to make them mad for shits and giggles though.

>> No.4631894
File: 757 KB, 1267x709, Maskman M.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white or black
Boring, do fuchsia

>> No.4631899

>I'll sometimes go out of my way to make them mad for shits and giggles though.
Triggering the ones who keep spouting "lol triggered" like an NPC themselves can be fun sometimes, but it does shit up the board.

>> No.4631934

How do I get over the fact that I might not get any better?

>> No.4631942
File: 45 KB, 291x280, 1502664346876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Open commissions, start cheap

Ok this is pretty fun, let's raise the price

>Only furries and rappers commission garbage now

Why is it that every time the budget rises, the quality drops?

>> No.4631956

god shit went to trash when we went from moot to gook

>> No.4631982

>what is demand and supply

>> No.4631999

You really shouldn't have to. The only people who never get any better are those who give up art, or stop trying to improve, or lack the self awareness to even see what they need to get better at. Just don't shit on yourself too hard I guess.

>> No.4632040
File: 64 KB, 480x480, 1494234733898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Post on DeviantArt
>10 people asking me to draw their OCs
>Post on Twitter
>Afraid to get information about 20 generations of my family leaked because I drew something bad, or someone doesn't like me
>Cropping out of the ass, awful interface

>> No.4632046

I'm fucking tired of this shit, self-critique 24/7 plus my I lost my intuos cable and don't have access to a PC. Fucking normfags only want sparkly digitalized shit or sparkly moe watercolor portraits of some generic insta whore aesthetic. I just want to make money off furries and can't fucking do that since my sub-par skill level probably wouldn't appeal to the average degenerate.

And fuck these captchas I can't stand this skynet bullshit.

>> No.4632075
File: 444 KB, 220x220, cringing externally.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All my new art supplies arrived ahead of schedule and I'm too sick to use them. Another relative of mine has also fallen ill and I fear I might not be strong enough to care for them. Fuck this year. Fuck 2020.

>> No.4632078


What kind of OC did Ice Cube and Dre want you to draw, anon?

>> No.4632083

They want me to draw them smoking blunts and holding AKs

>> No.4632088

Sounds like you hit the jackpot, tbqhwy.

>> No.4632098

Glad I went to art school to fulfill drug dealers' wet dreams.

>> No.4632100


And now you are rich! Time well spent.

>> No.4632216

Every morning I wake up and have my daily Two Minutes of Hate session where I look at my drawings and scream

>> No.4632226

Every morning I wake up, stare at the blank screen and think what to draw, and then proceed to browse 4chan for the rest of the day hating myself. How do I stop?

>> No.4632291

That's your choice to make. Sit down and think what you want more - to have people online who will like your work or to continue pretending that you are a good boy.

>> No.4632297

You probably never will stop caring completely unless you crawl very deep upside your own ass

>> No.4632302

If skin colour and whatever doesn't matter why do you spend half your post on talking about it? Talk about art.

>> No.4632304

I have fun drawing shit, or starting to copy an artist to pick on their particular style of xyz. But grinding construction is just so tedious and makes me fall asleep at my desk.
I know its importance because I'm a beg little faggot but fuck

>> No.4632319

How do you grind construction? Construction is mostly just making sure you get the body proportions right

>> No.4632432

dubs confirm poverty sucks fuckin dick

>> No.4632440

imo. it's mostly just making sure you get the perspective right without having to set up a grid and a million boxes around your characters.

>> No.4632476

Construction is the skill of drawing volumetrically.

>> No.4632587
File: 40 KB, 600x600, 1234363756867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine getting anything but this in your comment section on pixiv

>> No.4632611

I have an old Bamboo from 2012 and it still works perfectly fine, though admittedly I barely used it in the last two years. If it wasn't so small, I'd probably use it over my Chinese display tablet that has accuracy problems.

>> No.4632616

What display tablet do you have?

>> No.4632620

No matter how good you do, or how much you grind fundies, you'll still never get exactly what you wanted in your head to the paper. Parts of it will get lost in translation through your hand. Happens to all of us.

>> No.4632658

XP-Pen 15.6. It's all good except when drawing at zoom lower than 100%, straight lines that aren't drawn with a very fast stroke are janky after zooming back to 100%, as if there was some wonky pixel approximation going on. I don't know if it's a hardware or software issue, but no solutions I have found on the net have worked so far and I don't really want to switch from CSP to something else because I've already tried GIMP, Krita, Sai and PS in the past.

>> No.4632668
File: 2.04 MB, 3022x1152, 20200605_194835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Artist=creators, just stop pretending no work is needed, explore, focus and work hard.

>> No.4632723

>Anytime a black artist is mentioned, or a drawing of a dark skinned person or anything like that, all of a sudden people come out of the woodwork to throw ethnic slurs and spread hate.

Why not move to reddit and twitter where you don't have to worry about seeing "racism and bigotry" instead of staying on a barely moderated anonymous image board? You can stay in a safe space where the mods ban racists and bigots

>> No.4632741

Ah, I have the 15.6 pro

I don't have CSP but maybe if you're on windows have you tried turning off windows ink? It fucks with my shit in any program that doesn't require it to use pressure sensitivity.

I was having some other issues with my pen but I popped off the button and used an eyeglasses repair kit to turn the tuning screw (the only one with a red ring around it) and test on the tablet every small turn until it stopped acting up. Maybe that could work for your pen issues? Not sure if your tuning screw is under the pen button like mine though, it might require more disassembly to get to. Mine was jumping around when I used tilt and switching rapidly between pen and eraser mode, as well as not clicking near the edge of the screen, those issues stopped when I adjusted the screw.

>> No.4632757

You've got a brain, you're a creative type, figure out the best way to make those people uncomfortable.
Same to those on the other side.
Winnie the Pooh can become banned in China for the way someone thought to use it.

>> No.4632758

like another anon said, but along the same lines get a pen and draw from life whatever you find interesting for like 5 mins erryday. in fact set a time limit for only 5 mins so you can limit your expectations, knowing that you cant do something majestic in 5 mins but maybe capture form in that time (or whatever).

just make minimum goals in short, stuff that you couldn't possibly not do at any given time of any given day.

>> No.4632766

consider a separate hobby to distract you from the pressures of succeeding in your passion. I dont think the brain is meant to handle singular focus for too long, a different insight can break your cycle.

>> No.4632771

>Anytime a black artist is mentioned, or a drawing of a dark skinned person or anything like that, all of a sudden people come out of the woodwork to throw ethnic slurs and spread hate.
This has to be an american thing for sure
I have never once in my life had anyone comment or say anything about my black characters (specifically, indifferent)

>> No.4632778

>Like i said she's pretty only fashion when it comes to work, and probably wouldn't care about how much money im making, due to her weird reasoning of "need life experience."
maybe you should stop valuing the opinion of boomer karen so hard then, especially if it influences how you live

>> No.4632785

Why can't artist shut the fuck up? What motivates the average artist to never stop venting about "Can you draw me?", "I can't draw hands!", and "the other eyes!". No matter what artist community I go to I can never escape these looping complaints

>> No.4632871
File: 51 KB, 640x480, 57985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I cope with my utter hatred and disdain for most people? That burning feeling that the world and everything is wrong never goes away for me. I can't stand interacting with other people, especially when they are obnoxious, which I think most of the art community is. I always stay as independent and lonesome as possible, but the pain always comes back when I look at reality. I'm not sure if this hobby really is meant for me. It doesn't give me any happiness at all, but I still have a passion for it because I want to make good things for other like-minded people. Maybe I should take up a more niche hobby like field recordings where I can be completely alone and other people who enjoy it are also loners. Right now I haven't drawn anything in a month because I feel a constant pain of sickness.

Alright, that's my vent. Enjoy your weekend.

>> No.4632872

I hate all western “art”. Only the japanese can draw good.

>> No.4632873

Because you're more likable for an average normalfag who sees your works and thinks "Wow! That is relatable!"

>> No.4632883

Relatable content sells. Why do you think animate story time youtubers make more money than you ever will?

>> No.4632888

>How do I cope with my utter hatred and disdain for most people?
stop being an edgy self centered faggot and realize youre not the protagonist of life. The sooner you realize that the sooner you might see that your hatred towards other people you you projecting your insicurities onto them, and thats why you hate people.

>> No.4632933

Perspective is so simple, yet so hard!

>> No.4632963
File: 110 KB, 799x616, BD912608-0475-4FFF-A718-4B27A9CB2C42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the same anon, but NO. I believe other people are inferior to me and my needs come first. Yes I’m >18, but I’ll never stop being edgy. I am vastly superior to other people in nearly every conceivable way, and the only reason things haven’t gone my way completely or I’ve screwed up in life is because everyone else is always screwing me over by not putting my needs first, or the unfair roulette that every partakes in at birth. I reject all responsibility for my life and feel no remorse at blaming others because TEHY are the problem, not me. Despite not being a virtuous person, I’m not nearly as awful as everyone else, because I’m self aware enough to recognize my flaws, despite not changing them. All people are shallow, selfish creatures, and that includes me, so I don’t mind throwing others under the bus and leeching off of them for my own benefit.

>> No.4632965
File: 65 KB, 756x756, 1591430266870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's "2k followers artist posting screenshot of PMs with the client not liking the prices and getting 30k likes" episode

>> No.4633001


>> No.4633016

Doing lineart is so incredibly unenjoyable. It is so monotone, repetitive, dull. and takes sooo long. I hate it so much.
Sometimes I'd rather just drop the drawing altogether. I simply stopped having fun.

>> No.4633022

i hate that there are so many RPpers with no skill on here whose sole purpose are to be miserable cunts who push away potential talent. need an ID system to weed out dregs. this isn't /r9k/ nobody cares that you're a failure or wants to be subjected to ur infantile fits of rage.

>> No.4633023

tranny artists on twitter like to shame clients that won't pay them more than they are worth.

it doesn't normally end well for the artist tho really

>> No.4633032

there's this cunt, what was his name, Miles something. Who is known for insane prices and dumb fags still pay him

>> No.4633044

Stop being a furry

>> No.4633093

I like furshit girls and you can't make me unlike them

>> No.4633102

I sometimes this when I plan out the construction it makes the figures more inaccurate and kills the creativity. I get so fixated on the construction itself then the whole drawing.
Maybe I'm doing this wrong.

>> No.4633123

Shaming is required for dumbasses like that. You explicitly go into the artist dms asking for a commission and once the price is here you insult them for it being “too expensive”.

>> No.4633146

I'm a beginner but everyone on /beg/ is like 100 times better than me. I don't get it.

>> No.4633154

Because lots people who post there
1. aren't actually beginners or new as you would think
2. don't post their work

>> No.4633187
File: 70 KB, 900x588, rainbow-fire-pm-images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>think of cool designs incorporating rainbow fire
>don't support gays or want the gay crowd's attention at all

>> No.4633190

gay flag doesn't have cyan color

>> No.4633197

Beginners don't post there, experienced artists do to dab on you. Scum really.

>> No.4633198

if you're talking about the color at the base it's just some stock image not what i actually plan on using

>> No.4633212


Just be like Hideo Kojima and say that the rainbow on the thing you made does not symbolize gays.

>> No.4633266
File: 145 KB, 2688x1200, 134534647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm talking about the fact that fag flag has only 6 colors

>> No.4633379
File: 442 KB, 720x720, EWTDiFMXYAIWttb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be 8 years old
>draw sharks, digimon, and vidya characters
>Oh my god, I want to be an artist when I grow up!
>Parents heavily against it, dismiss my drawings, say I'll never make a living out of it
>This continues until it's time to choose further studies
>Try for art school, study extra to do it
>I didn't get in. I don't understand, it's impossible.
>be 28
>Early 2020 break up with fiance after 9 years together
>gave up art for 10 years, I wanted to make a decent living, trying to be happy and have enough money to stay healthy and spend reasonable amount of money on vidya
>Feel empty, nothing makes me happy anymore
>Except art. Start again, buy a wacom tablet, start learning CSP.
>My mom gives up, and tells me they lied to me, I did get in the art school, but they wanted me to do a "real job"
>Art never feels complete, I can feel the agony of not drawing for a decade
>Alone, feel like I can't draw, I am basically a fucking wage slave working in a coffee shop meant for 18 year old schoolgirls

This hollow pain will never wane I'm afraid. Sorry for the green text blog, it's just nostalgic for me.

>> No.4633393

>Alone, feel like I can't draw, I am basically a fucking wage slave working in a coffee shop meant for 18 year old schoolgirls
Welcome to my life what do you want to drink?

>> No.4633406

I like my scotch and rum on the rocks, depending how shit I feel. What about you bro?
fuck, capcha is fucking aggressive today

>> No.4633418

I don't drink alcohol, my life is potent enough.

>> No.4633423

Beat the fuck out of your mom.

>> No.4633429
File: 167 KB, 1254x774, fuuuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna buy hampton's book but the prices make my heart hurt. I know I could just look at a pdf but staring at the screen all day drawing is really starting to hurt my eyes.

>> No.4633434

*and my dad too. It was his idea, but my mom went along with it.
Made me smirk, ty Anon

>> No.4633466

It's always funny how someone's else's life story seems eerily similar to your own.

>> No.4633484

I think that!s why this thread made me feel better, you people know exactly what this shit feels like.

>> No.4633501

imagine you can draw, can get paid for drawing

but hate it so much you would rather not do it


>> No.4633504

It all feels so helpless, like I will never be able to draw no matter how much I do. It's all so demoralizing.

>> No.4633507

hah fuck, there's always the other side of the coin. Wanna switch places? What do you draw exactly?

>> No.4633556

Hate drawing, or hate what you're getting paid to draw? It'd be really funny if there was someone who was good at art but hated it for some reason.

>> No.4633821
File: 98 KB, 175x203, cc642ddb038add5361e1f0842a5d5d9a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like i lost my imagination, i cant visualize what i want to draw anymore i just stare blankly at at my monitor, Practicing is helping my gains but i just feel like i lost the spark. Where do i go from here?

>> No.4633917

That's pretty shitty, by why would you not just keep it as a hobby if you were good enough?

>> No.4634104

I just can't do it bros. I know you get better if you study and draw but I have such a bad attention span and I hate my work so much that I don't bother. Why couldn't I have been one of those retards who shits out something awful but loves it anyway?

>> No.4634459

My art is so shit that I can't stand it.

>> No.4634536

The realization that being an artist is a disposable profession despite how hard it is to create stuff.

Fuck art, it's just been making me depressed.

>> No.4634626
File: 61 KB, 1463x883, 1585077568204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually feel like I'm gonna go insane.

I want to do comics. but no matter how I spin it it's just such a slow and grueling process. even if somehow I were drawing 5 pages a day with some inhuman work ethic and dedication. writing a story with words would be without exaggeration 100x more efficient.

How do I get over how slow it is? I don't struggle to draw but I just want to write comics more than i do draw them. even story boarding with the shittiest scribbles I can do is so fucking slow. even after story boarding I feel no desire to do a finished version. Is there no way to cope? do I have to spend 6 months full throttle no breaks to finish what is essentially 1 hour worth of reading content? what the fuck.

>> No.4634683

hire an artist if you just want to write

>> No.4634754
File: 376 KB, 1080x1246, 123456236347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a big boy now and I will go and unfollow mutuals that I no longer like.

>> No.4635171
File: 3.96 MB, 2834x2519, l7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm at my wit's end, lads
I started off with Keys to Drawing, learned a lot about drawing from sight; moved on to Drawabox (got about 25% through), hated it, dropped it, moved over to digital which didn't end well for various reasons, so I sold my pad, tried drawing what I wanted but eventually gave up and dropped it for a whole year
nowadays I've been fucking with 3D stuff like dreams on PS4, just so I can make stuff in 3D and then translate it into a 2D drawing
also dabbled in clay which is okay but time consuming and finicky
I've tried going the coward's way out by looking into heavy stylization to cover up weaknesses, but I can't even manage that
I have a massive fucking folder of inspirations, currently sitting at 600 files, and it's painful knowing I'll never be even close to what are in reality basic cartoon drawings and concept arts

TL;DR I'm ngmi

>> No.4635174

also forgot to mention that I'm now looking into using fucking action figures of all things as reference for poses and such, stuff like Phicen TBLeague
kill me

>> No.4635337

I struggle a lot with coming up with a stylized face. I don't know why I'm fixated on developing a stylized face. But it's been something I've focused on for years to the point where I stopped drawing because I couldn't draw a face. I don't want to be too realistic because the point of most of my drawing isn't the face.
I don't want it too anime like because 1. It comes out too forced looking 2. Despite liking anime I hate drawing anime. I really found a huge inspiration in bjds for a while. It's just a constant struggle with how detailed I want the lips, nose and eyes. I don't know why my austistic brain is so fixated on this.
I would post a example but everything has already been posted in beg before or it's just scribbles.

>t. I'm not auskafren