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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 63 KB, 671x893, mona-lisa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4607602 No.4607602 [Reply] [Original]

aka tortured artist containment general

>> No.4607627

i am the big suck

>> No.4607852
File: 69 KB, 900x900, 399506_157433531060584_1583846215_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been trying all sorts of things lately to get myself out of this productivity funk i've been in for the past few months but nothing seems to work.

I've been taking vitamins everyday, exercising, trying to plan out my days but I can't sit down and actually draw anything and enjoy myself. Or alternatively, I end up hating what I make and trashing it afterwards.

I want to quit, but I there's nothing else I can think of spending my free time doing at all. New hobbies don't stick, and old habits keep coming back when I try to get rid of them.
(not looking for any life advice, just want to bitch into the void)

>> No.4607862
File: 96 KB, 659x715, 1529421111800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been thinking about getting back on social media, is there a way where you can turn off all the cancer such as suggestions from content you may like, replies, likes, faves, upboats, asspats, etc. and only have it where you post your work online and not have a view counter or a comment page?

>> No.4607865

yes, put a tape on your screen

>> No.4607887

use likes and comments not as an ego filling or dreadful thing to see, but as a data to see the activity around what you do and only check it once a day for no more than 2 minutes. if you see a spike, find the cause of it and act accordingly.

or tunnel vision while uploading your work so you avoid seeing the likes and comments

>> No.4607909

I feel miserable when I'm not drawing because I feel like I should draw more but I feel miserable when I am drawing because everything I draw looks like shit.

>> No.4608141
File: 533 KB, 1910x1976, 3d4a67b7ly1gdi4z8cea3j21h21iwnab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>screen gets hot and slightly sticky while I draw on it
i just wanna fuckin draw man

>> No.4608153

>try draw
>draw bad
>feels bad man

>> No.4608165

ublock origin has a feature where you can right click and "block elements" on webpages. usually likes, comments, etc are in their own containers so you can block them but it may fuck up some site functionality for you

>> No.4608171

>the void gazes back

>> No.4608275
File: 46 KB, 540x438, 1506393964785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>feeling motivated, gonna draw a lot of shit today for sure!
>feed: hey look at this really good japanese guy
>all desire to draw instantly gone, unplug tablet

>> No.4608279

Get a drawing glove idiot

>> No.4608488

I am getting better but also feeling worse about my work. This is probably a good thing, but shit man

>> No.4608492

Didn't know that, thank you.

>> No.4608493

I'm happy

>> No.4608495
File: 18 KB, 500x500, 1572596834138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently started watching anime again and I haven't drawn for a week.

>> No.4608500

I'm always so scared to approach learning new things. I need to learn perspective but all these lines and maths are daunting

>> No.4608513

I want to find someone who falls in love with me because of my art

>> No.4608518

use the pause button.

>> No.4608522

My friend found my porn twitter and banned me from the discord server :)

>> No.4608545

Why. If he did it, something like that is also possible for you. I get that feeling "meh I'm too weak", but a normal reaction is to push forward towards your goals. Withdrawing is fucking weak mindset.
Iktf bro. But I just went through some 1.5 year old sketches, both good ones and ones from a shittier period, I see improvement. They feel lacking, and I feel still not good enough in any way, but shape language and design definitely improved. It's hard to see improvement on a daily basis, but years of work will accumulate.
Just do it. Perspective made easy is really easy
You're either underage or need at least a therapist

>> No.4608546
File: 673 KB, 1116x1280, E2701948-9155-4E0E-943D-47DD834AB0DA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting a replacement of my graphic tablet, xppen deco pro, it’s time to go back to digital painting
after my stylus died on me

>> No.4608547

99% of anime is pure garbage, I have no idea how can you watch it for so long. I prefer mangas because it's faster to read and the style is not changed for the sake of animation.

>> No.4608548
File: 99 KB, 500x493, 1586426778674.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haven't had time alone to work on a finished drawing for months.

>> No.4608574
File: 8 KB, 180x180, 11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agh, why digital painting is so hard, i just don't get it i have been doing this for over a week now.
I want to do simple shading without it looking ugly but it's just feels impossible for me.

>> No.4608586

paper doesnt have this problem

>> No.4608594

yeah, it just absorbs the sweat and gets permanently ruined. great improvement.

>> No.4608641
File: 1.97 MB, 500x339, 1590168174139.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw senpai says I've improved

>> No.4608680

6 months here, still haven't figured it out
Then again, this summer I plan to dray full time everyday until my hands break.

>> No.4608689

I've been using my tablet for a while, but it's still so hard to adjust to and make things look right!

>> No.4608698
File: 155 KB, 458x415, 1582665135349.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tried drawing faces via observational drawing
>Doing pretty good and feeling good
>Realized I should probably draw some Loomis heads
>Draw multiple loomis heads
>Doesn't look like what was instructed
>Flight or flight kicks in
>Really want to go FUCKING APE SHIT and rip the paper up, stab myself with the pen, and break some shit
>Get irritated over minor things such as lightly bumping my elbow against the chair or hearing my cat meow

How do I stop myself from getting angry so easily?

>> No.4608702

put more paper down inbetween. duh.

>> No.4608707

accept failure while you learn.

>> No.4608710

can't digifags do that too?

>> No.4608828

tfw too old to draw anime shit but mangatyle.
>drafting all day can't draw appealing stuff only cold logical boring stuff
>tired as crap
>even inner child gets old
>become emotionless person
>browse internet for 19years
>considering quit internet
>tired at arguing
>people saying bullshit stuff allday
> studying and works 11hours per day every day
>even playing game is studying
>quit politic

Fuck... i don't have what to say at this point at least i can drink budweiser sometimes

>> No.4608842

that's like saying "just be happy" to someone with depression

>> No.4608861

You don't tape tracing paper under where you sit your hand when you're working with pencils? Ngmi

>> No.4608866
File: 9 KB, 271x186, l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck anon hope we both make it.

>> No.4608985

>You're either underage or need at least a therapist
And they say romance is dead. No my friend, if you go on to destroy hopes and dreams naive or not, you are the one who needs therapy.

>> No.4609082

I'm just to fucking depressed to draw lately, also since the beginning of this year my creativity just dried up, before I could fill pages and pages with original drawings in less than an hour, now I just stare at a blank pice of paper getting anxious because I don't know what the fuck to draw. Just when I was literally about to make it this shit happens.

>> No.4609110

Whenever you notice yourself getting angry, shift your attention to something else. The reason psychologists tell people to do the whole 'count to 10' thing is because it takes the person's attention away from the source of anger. The reason you go apeshit is because you get angry, your anger causes you to focus on the source of anger making you more angry, and so it turns into a feedback loop making you go rage mode. Meditation could also help, not because of some spiritual mumbo jumbo but because it teaches you to notice your own emotions and shift your attention to something else.

>> No.4609112

they cant put another screen down inbetween

>> No.4609151
File: 123 KB, 718x717, 1582366916087.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know how to practice effectively! I can draw and draw but feels like I'm running in circles and learning nothing at all!

>> No.4609174
File: 2 KB, 125x107, 1581431749164s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, I just don't know what to do anymore.

>> No.4609178
File: 114 KB, 969x742, original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do we fix this? Meeting a therapist? Everyday I get more convinced that there isn't one single artist that has made it who suffered from heavy depression.

>> No.4609182
File: 37 KB, 460x442, c195qfe62xx01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I see artists who totally mog me in terms of skill, I actually find motivation to draw. I think "I want to draw like that one day". What feels like a total gut punch and completely discourages me is when I watch skilled artists do construction or sketching from imagination. It hurts me on a deep emotional level when I see artists draw totally from imagination a figure in a pose and they are just getting everything right, immediately. They are perfectly sketching a figure in a pose that totally makes sense and looks good. Even if its a crude sketch, you see how confident/knowledgable they are, the muscle placement, the limb length, the contours of how the body curves in that particular pose.

It slightly enrages me because Ive seen artists sketch out something in 10 minutes that would take me multiple hours just to do a scuffed version of their sketch. I spend hours sketching basic figures in basic poses and I am just making a line and undoing it over and over for hours. I know gesture practice would help me but I hate gesture study so much because I can't get the hang of "lmao just try it and move on". I either half ass a figure for ~5 mins, not even sure if I learn anything. Or I take it to the n-th degree and try to replicate the figure with as much anatomical accuracy as I can. Basically I dont know how to study and Im not even sure if I can say I know how to draw. I think of myself as an editor with a tablet and a lot of patience.

>> No.4609273
File: 57 KB, 275x280, 1590468650077.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't drawn for maybe 3 weeks now. Feels pretty stress-free desu! haha..

>> No.4609296

I was doodling shit for a drawthread a month or two ago and I really liked the style I developed then I stopped for a few weeks and now I can't replicate it though my work looks even better now but it's not that style why can't I get it back

>> No.4609310

You grew past it, you must accept it and go on on your wonderful journey. Be happy it happened.

>> No.4609311

>I draw something
wow, this may be my best piece yet
>look at other people stuff
wow, this is very nice
>look back at my stuff
wait, did I suck that much?

every. single. day.

>> No.4609404 [DELETED] 

I secretely want to trace

>> No.4609407 [DELETED] 

I secretely want to trace

>> No.4609410 [DELETED] 

I secretely want to [SPOILER] trace [/SPOILER]

>> No.4609432 [DELETED] 

I secretely wanna trace

>> No.4609461

Haha, you’re wrong. Almost every artist has heavy and searing depression. At some point the art simply swallows you and cradles you like a protector, you’ll devote your life to it because it’s the only thing that makes sense anymore.

>> No.4609480
File: 319 KB, 1107x900, 1107px-Edvard_Munch_-_The_Yellow_Log_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can only make appealing art when you are unhappy. If you are happy and content, you abandon the principles of struggle, knowingly or unknowingly. Consider Edvard Munch, painter of The Scream. An iconic painting he did when he was suicidally depressed. He overcame his depression and painted boring crap no one remembers after he became happy.

>> No.4609518

Not really. At least with learning to accept failure, you might not have to put up with a chemical imbalance.

>> No.4609526
File: 157 KB, 1263x786, 20200522_020601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you were good immediately you wouldnt be trying to learn. failing is part of learning, part of art as a whole really. we try new things and they can either go okay, or become a big frustrating mess. it happens. we learn from it.
pic related, big frustrating mess.

>> No.4609541
File: 293 KB, 604x480, 3apw27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drops kneaded eraser

>> No.4609547

I cannot understand digital coloring. Digital lineart is also insanely slow. However, it’s long term cheaper than traditional so....

>> No.4609684

I secretely want to trace

>> No.4609849
File: 250 KB, 1348x1116, 1341654325667547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep getting messages from the big artist that I like, he started the conversation first and keeps asking me what program do I use, when I started and constantly complimenting my works. I feel like he wants something and it's to much pressure, I haven't talked to anyone but my parents and cashiers since I graduated college few years ago

>> No.4609860
File: 587 KB, 1280x1026, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'm gonna just trace a bunch of shit from kjg and comic artists and sell it in a book. See how far I can get before I get called out, then dip out under the alias. At this point I just don't care and want to feel what success is like

>> No.4610379

I finally got my arrest record and mugshot removed from arrests.org after 6 years. The damage has already been done with my past coworkers looking up my name for something I didn't do but I can finally put that behind me.

>> No.4610894

Last night I stole a box of pens from target and I think the old guy saw me but it's the only target in my area, I'm just gonna have to wait until he is fired and ration my drawings

>> No.4610913

What did you do?

>> No.4610925

and on weekends been helping relatives with their shit and haven't had enough free time to even change oils on my car

>> No.4610926

>touching your paper with anything but your pencil, pen, or brush
Absolutely revolting.

>> No.4610933

>only place where people complimented my work or even showed interest was at the figure drawing atelier
>closed due to c*rona
It drives me nuts, I want to go again but this bullshit gubmint thinks it's okay to close down social venues to "protect the weak".

>> No.4610947

Why the fuck would anyone look for someones mugshot? Are you black?

>> No.4611585


>> No.4611766
File: 34 KB, 401x374, 146257635686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm drinking some cheep beer right now and will draw something for the first time in a week, fuck terraria

>> No.4611802

I'm torn apart between wanting to draw cute, wholesome, comfy art and just plain ol porn.

I wanted to work on comics with this cute aura I currently have, but with my health I doubt I'd have the time required.

On the other hand, I really like drawing coom, but I'm too scared and ashamed to jump to boat, abandon my account and just focus on that. All this cute shit is really starting to bore me though.

>> No.4612398

I just want to make my art to look like it can belong on a tarot card. Thats my ideal aesthetic I want from my art.

>> No.4612535
File: 75 KB, 687x686, 1462546543738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been almost 6 hours and I just launched csp kill me

>> No.4612547

>have to look through my gallery before each drawing so I wont accidentally draw the same pose again

>> No.4612676

I need to say duck it more and draw what I want. Regardless of how bad it ends up looking and just enjoy drawing.

>> No.4612693
File: 41 KB, 367x446, 1520769653008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only homersexuals and women need to vent.
If you are tortured and a man, put it into your artwork, express yourself that way and make use your experiences, not yapping away on some forum.

>> No.4612704

Welcome to /ic, you must be new

>> No.4612716

Post art

>> No.4612752

I think I'm only doing this because I got depressed after finishing college and want to feel like I'm not an utter failure. I don't even know what to draw, I don't think I want to draw anything at all, I just like tricking myself into thinking I'm getting good at something and that will somehow make my life have meaning. But I have nothing to say, I've never had. It's like I'm no one and I don't exist. It makes me feel ashamed and inferior to everyone else. It drives me insane at times, maybe I should give up on this as well.

>> No.4612811
File: 1.78 MB, 500x282, tatami.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought this pseudo-NEET life would allow me to focus more on art, but I didn't realize how much my work commute provided me with things to think about and draw everyday. I've hit the point where I'm just drawing random household objects and nothing "fun" like I used to.

>> No.4612858
File: 12 KB, 311x236, aw fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

inspiration doesn't work on me anymore. Whenever I see a good piece of art, I just get pissed off because I know I couldn't do anything like it, or upset that I wasn't the one who thought of the idea. Everything I make is just a shitty version of something made by a real artist. I have no identity of my own and nothing at all to contribute

>> No.4612995

Mostly 2 complains. I'm doing good work but when I reach 90-95% completion my drives goes to zero and lose completely any interest or desire to finish the project. Like I struggle even to open the project and look at it
Another thing is that I absolutely hate doing social media shilling. I see other doing daily wips, posting everywhere and it really bothers me that I can bring myself to do it

>> No.4613015

I set aside 8-10 hours to practice, yet the time spent actually drawing is closer to 2-3 hours. This past week, I've only managed to do 1 hour of drawing per day. My back and neck hurts a lot when I draw, forcing me to take long breaks in between. Recently, my forearm has been hurting too.

Art school seems so appealing to me, but my work ethic is garbage. Maybe if I buy online classes and learn on my own that I can develop a good portfolio, but currently I'm nowhere close to the competition I'll be up against.

>> No.4613026

Trapped in an engagement :(
Always fighting desu.
Stay single and free.

>> No.4613032

I’ve given up art :) Two years no progress I’m done! :D
I’ll do it on the side for fun but I’m officially done trying to get good, have zero free time and I’ve started hating art

>> No.4613037

>haha i'm in a committed relationship!! ahh oooh noo xDD someone help lolol!! stay single you guys married life sucks!!

Stop being a faggot

>> No.4613040

Then break up, be a man

>> No.4613075


How are you trapped in a marriage that isnt even finalized yet? Did Daddy Warbucks give you an ultimatum for a purple marriage? Just admit that youre gay and give up the ring. He wasnt going to leave you any money any way.

>> No.4613095

What a very specific advice. Hang in there gay anon

>> No.4613100

>Spent all week drawing a parade
Feel nothing
>Doodle something quick in paint
Instant joy, stay up doodling shit until 2 am

>> No.4613170

Get a mentor out follow good courses
Just put aside some time for surfing Pinterest or take a look at old sketchbooks, think about what used to interest you and maybe give it a new spin

>> No.4613345

I need to stop being such a coward

>> No.4613378


>> No.4613382

before yesterday

>> No.4613463
File: 70 KB, 567x615, composite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It took me 15 years to finally get good enough to easily take entire styles from my favorite analog painters and evolve them in my own art to finally make something that makes me fully satisfied and now AI can easily do this process in a split second, making perhaps my whole skillset worthless the second it can be copyrighted. Character art? Portraits? Landscapes? Already GONE to the AI overlords, probably 3-5 years from being completely replaced by nodraw shitters good at pulling sliders in some proprietary software. Next is comics, porn, design...

>> No.4613472

You shouldn't have touched those lolis man, keep it to 2d

>> No.4613495

Summertime is the fucking wost.
Sweating all over my huge ass 27QHD and spreading hand grime on the thing.
Have to stop and clean the fucking thing every 2 hours.


>> No.4613501

You manage to buy a cintiq but not an air conditioner?

>> No.4613514

My apartment is a huge studio surface wise but 100% roof (old repurposed factory). I have no vertical walls and the windows are all diagonal velux windows at 2.5m off the ground.

No air conditioner for me.

>> No.4613516

Get a portable one. They suck, but it will keep it cool around you if you place close to you. All it needs is a slightly open window to put the vent tube through.

>> No.4613518

youtube some gopro vids of train travel or whatever. pretend youre there.

>> No.4613524

Software engineer here, As long as you can do more than static portrait you will be fine. Most of this so called AI work only in extremely specific fields, with extremely curated input and training sets and the results are highly inconsistent. If you can paint a figure and rotate it you should be already safe against this for decades to come.

>> No.4613556

I think many of us here should do the same

>> No.4613564
File: 117 KB, 1893x863, ByeCharacterArtNiceKnowingYa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, that's encouraging, however the program i posted can just add another portrait/photo turned in a different angle and through a slider it will just adapt the style to the new direction. If you got a set of photos for each angle it can take any style from any other portrait and adapt it to the photo. I already got better results in 1 hour of using that AI than what i could do by myself before.
Also character design doesn't require any complex skills. It's all about the creative use of different elements and this AI can do that easily. What you said gives me hope for comics though. I could get away doing those if the AI can't really get a clue for dynamic posing and 3D space.

>> No.4613567

I spent 6 hours working on something while drinking and now my brain feels like it's gonna melt

>> No.4613572

>if you go on to destroy hopes and dreams naive or not, you are the one who needs therapy.
You feels types really are gonna have a baaaaaaaad time

>> No.4613734

The thing about drawing loli is that I can't show it to anyone. It's awful

>> No.4613775

>what is pixiv
>what is baraag

>> No.4613783

You can show us friend

>> No.4613814

>he doesn't show his friends and family all his loli drawings

>> No.4613820

I'm not completely lazy but I jump to so many different things I think I may have ADHD sometimes. I'm a perfectionist too and my high expectations towards myself lower my self-esteem.

>> No.4613823

I don't want to censor it and I think baraag limits the image resolution too much.

I don't want to get banned again.

>> No.4613836

I've been watching a lot of 'studio vlogs' on the youtubes.and they're just so....twee. and I know that it's all smoke and mirrors and dripping with self doubt and I'm a bit envious because I get massive camera anxiety and they all talk in this soft low voice and god it drives me crazy.

>> No.4614018
File: 12 KB, 192x256, 97c7185b43d8135dc006_small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related is from artbreeder. Just looking at the website for 30s and I found a ton of shit that's way cooler than what most concept artists are doing, so much for the software engineer title.

>> No.4614386
File: 72 KB, 567x748, 3F77C484-C8E8-4D57-94CA-94E7471CF5C6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whenever I ask for art critique anywhere I feel like I can never get real straight forward advice. People always tell me my art is good but I can’t believe them. How is it possible that everything I draw is pleasing to look at. I want someone to be straight up with me and tell me everything they see wrong in my art so I can fix it. I thought if I started posting my art on more anonymous places like here that people would be harsher with their critique but they’re not so i dunno where to go now.

>> No.4614405


>> No.4614465

Look up anger management techniques and start going to a therapist.

>> No.4614485
File: 2.34 MB, 2409x2342, 2B4815CB-B460-4CA3-BBDA-718B05F805DC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please be harsh anons

>> No.4614524


You too, fagaroo~

>> No.4614540
File: 24 KB, 511x373, ddcniwj-7fa8ea9f-4811-4158-8b4a-99d842807845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bretty gud, keeb id up

>> No.4614545
File: 43 KB, 567x567, 856E1885-07F5-49F9-A3CA-C95F35996C03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4614549

t. cat of >>4608698 anon

>> No.4614565
File: 81 KB, 720x450, possible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4614649

You will only get constructive criticism and redlines if you draw anime girls with huge tits. You will literally never get any criticism from any other type of drawing.

>> No.4614654

As it's so stylized the only critique I can give is: did you want it to be like that? did you achieve your goals? what do you want to improve on?
I suppose most anons feel the same.

>> No.4614664

use umatrix, it is WAY better for this kinda thing

>> No.4614680

I've been grinding courses for 18 hours
I don't want to stop but my eyes are fatigued and vision is blurry
How do I stay awake forever to achieve maximum gains

>> No.4614700

No stop
DOn't do that
Take a break and do your grinding in bits and pieces.
Huge day long slogs are going to burn your ass out

>> No.4614740

I asked how to stay awake for longer, not whether I should pussy out and get scared of burnout. I don't give a fuck about burnout, anon, IM FUCKING DOING IT MAN FUCK YEAH! DONT TRY TO TRICK ME OUT OF GAINS IT AINT HAPPENING!!

Now what the fuck do I do to keep myself awake longer and un-blur my eyes dude I can't fucking see my canvas very well lmao

>> No.4614784

I lost my faith

>> No.4614853

s o u l

>> No.4614856


>> No.4614859
File: 254 KB, 779x635, 1589543047574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw want to draw but not really

>> No.4614886
File: 2.17 MB, 4087x5932, 1563395726379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sometimes i think im too hard with myself, but then i look at my old drawings and cringe so i go back to grind fundies, i rarely ever draw something i like and when i do it they are just doodles for fear of polishing turds and wasting time rather than keep grinding

>> No.4614892

Something gotta give.
>can’t finish drawing
>fear of polishing turds

>> No.4614902
File: 2.10 MB, 4299x3035, rat has rabies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't help but feel like my artstyle is unappealing and ugly. Sometimes I just want to give up and start over.

>> No.4614910

Your hands look like feet

>> No.4614922

Fun thing about art; it has heavy diminishing returns. Its about studying efficiently, not often.
Another fun thing; the diminishing returns can go into the negative. Absorbing too much information without doing anythinf with it will lead to mental fatigue and short term unretained memory which is further fogged up by the lack of sleep/rest and mixing of the information

>> No.4615156

>going through some old browser bookmarks
>see an /ic/ thread from summer 2018 when I started drawing
>got a reply to something i drew
>"cute stuff, anon! looking forward to seeing your progress!"
>i stopped drawing for approximately 20 months shortly after that thread

>> No.4615224

why is it so fucking hard to start drawing again... fuck.

>> No.4615232

Just got my hands on a bunch of adderall which I use almost exclusively for grinding fundies. Only downside is I get a bit lethargic when drawing stuff in a more freeform manner without them. Only a bit though. The habit can get a bit depressing but I've been mitigating it with mindfulness.

>> No.4615244

Does anyone else feel like they have to step away from twitter for a while because most of their timeline has become all about the drama dominating the US news cycle right now? Now I'm starting to miss when it was mostly tweets about coronavirus.

I guess if you mostly follow japanese or korean artists you won't see that many tweets about it.

>> No.4615491
File: 544 KB, 720x688, gplus1654171859.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've saved a bunch of tutorials and videos only for me to forget them almost immediately. And it doesn't help that I'm stupidly impatient and get easily angry when something doesn't seem to go the way I want to, which is quite often

>> No.4615514

everything looks like that, some chick with sci fi jumpsuit or a dude with sci fi jumpsuit

>> No.4615549

Just block everyone who mentions politics. If you dont wanna block most of twitter on your main, make an art only account for that.

>> No.4615557

pathetic larper

>> No.4615561

Use an extent to gut Twitter from the fat and block anyone who mentions politics.

>> No.4615565

burger politics is horrible, but id take real issues trending over reality tv trending. #mykitchenrules #greatbritishbakeoff

>> No.4615576

I can't stick to a style or a subject matter. One day I draw a generic cutesy girl. The other day I draw a creepy monster dude. When I try to stick to cutesy shit I can't help but feel "this is generic and childish" and when I try to stick to creepy shit I think "this is edgy and unmarketable". And everything in-between is just boring .-.

>> No.4615577

Through no fault but my own, I'm staring down the barrel of 25 with no degree and no skills. I can write, but I don't consider that a skill without any monetized publications under my belt. Someone offered me a path to making money by drawing porn as I learn to get good, but it's really, really weird stuff.

>> No.4615600

Dude, unironically smoke some weed. Everything tastes better, sounds better, feels better. Your creativity is heightened, your more at ease. You'll feel silly and uncoordinated, but if you actually focus on drawing/painting while high you'll be surprised to see that you can. Good luck anon, godspeed.

>> No.4615673
File: 140 KB, 1124x1139, 1590761133198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My delusions about my skill are shattering every time I draw something different from the things that I draw normally. I look at the likes and retweets and just

>> No.4615678


style comes with time, don't try too force it or else itll just become gimmicky. think a bout most of the artists you see in museums (picasso, matisse, van gogh etc.). what we now see as their "style" often didn't fully develop until they had been painting and drawing for decades. draw what you like and the rest will follow

>> No.4615730

Ew your mouths remind me of ohnips

>> No.4615976

actually pretty soulful designs, not bad ai... not bad

>> No.4616617

It means if you can't do at least that much soul you're trash now.

>> No.4616931

One of my art friends used to really look up to me until she saw my coomer art. She's blocked me on all socials.

>> No.4616966

>She's blocked me
they were never your friend.

>> No.4617011


>> No.4617020

My dad started asking me like every day if I have commissions or drawings in general to work on and I almost always say yes. This is no problem but then he also asks me "don't you get bored being home all the time?"
He asks me this because he gets bored being home when hes off of work. He doesnt fully get that this is like my school and work domain. Then I ask him what should I go out to do? I don't drink, do drugs or have people to hang out with and burn time or money just being out. It's only a little maddening. I'm just not sure why the boomer asks me this when he also knows how shitty people are out there.

>> No.4617042

He probably asks because hes worried about you. Why are you getting so mad over him asking you about work? Its not like hes telling you to get a real job or insulting you.

>> No.4617063

I don't get mad though. I just ask him what does he have in mind and he doesn't have an answer. I went out today and they wanted 25 bucks for a haircut so I said no and came back home to cut my hair myself. I also tried getting pizza and they didn't have a special deal I wanted because technical issues so I ate at home too. I'm genuinely curious about what more is there to do in life
I liked going to the barnes and nobles here but it's quite far and the coffee there is expensive

>> No.4617077

He's just ignorant of his own anxieties and desires. My father is similar. I think a lot of parents struggle with the cognitive dissonance between the unconditional love for their children and the conditional love for humans in general. I love you no matter what, but you're not someone I "love".

>> No.4617092

I had a wonderful idea for a drawing.
I did thumbnail sketches. I planned out the composition. But when it came time to commit to the actual drawing it all fell apart. The anatomy was off, the clothing didn't work, the face was off no matter how many times I redrew it.
I admitted defeat and stopped drawing half way. Thinking that I I pushed through it would work out. But I hated it and lost the will to draw.

One day I'll get there. But I want to study anatomy for the day, work out and watch anime.

>> No.4617102

I do manual labor n' shit. my arm feels like tearing off when I practice ;_;

>> No.4617126

I've just started drawing digitally and I have no idea what I'm doing at all, from body composition to shading to simple linework.

>> No.4617166

trying to find a cool style for a team project is so fucking hard, I'm way other my depth here. You need to balance readability, familiarity and freshness and it's all decisions after decisions and if you fuck up people get sad and mad and you loose time and team motivation. I wanna have all the cool lil things but they inevitably clash with one another and you need to sacrifice your babies constantly.
Is there any way for you to get stronger and build more muscle? You can also start waking up early and going to sleep early and practice in the morning, it will help you get less distracted too.I lift and am fine drawing after, but it's obviously quite different, hope you'll get better man!
Try and push it to a level where all the major ideas are at least defined, then you'll be able to come back to it later when your skill is much higher but your creativity takes a break. I really like a lot of my ideas from back in the day, I used to be a lot more creative and weird, I try and finish some every now and then, it's also very satisfying to see the growth in skill.
People can be pretty lovely, m8! It's always a real pleasure to find one of the good eggs. I used to go out for live drawing sessions a lot before the corona shit, highly recommended, your skill level doesn't really matter too much. I also went out for /soc gatherings, but it was many years ago and my local scene was very cancer free back then. I'd say tabletop games are pretty cool nowadays, a lot of my friends find most of their social interactions there.

>> No.4617176

I do plan on coming back and finishing the idea at a later date. But for today I'll move on.
I think what also messed with me is that I spent too much time drawing naked bodies and not enough time drawing bodies with clothes on it. Now I don't know how fabric sit on the body and how it folds and bends.
I didnt want to depend on too many references with this piece and depend more on my own creative thought. But I guess this is what it means to have a underdeveloped visual library.

>> No.4617191

Fair enough. My bad for assuming.

>> No.4617268

I guess yeah. My dad is someone who gets lonely fast since my mom passed away and he manages to find terrible gfs and terrible people in general now. He spent his whole life outside but doesn't understand how much the internet truly has to offer today. I'm able to talk with people, learn things and make money all from my computer, it's amazing

>> No.4617276


Reset your Feed for another part of the world to avoid news. "Korean artists" will just get you BTS spam; I dont recommend it.

>> No.4617281


Youre not lifting the load carefully, or its more than you can handle. Is there a way to break up the amount you have to carry into smaller loads? Try that. Remember to sleep properly and get at least 30 grams of protein in every meal and immediately after you get off work.

>> No.4617345
File: 1.78 MB, 400x279, oh_no.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

art isn't fun anymore. Even when I have things I want to make, I don't want to sit down and make them because I'm worried that I'll fuck up and get pissed at myself for being awful

how do i get the fun back bros

>> No.4617357

I'm making my art friends that draw mad because I whine about my art being garbage. I just can't see how construction even works, man

>> No.4617363
File: 441 KB, 1500x773, 1510166154504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this feel all too well

>> No.4617374

“your first 10,000 drawings are your worst”
HCB, probably

>> No.4617481

I've never used social media in my life but I'm thinking about starting one just to post art. Do you guys recommend newgrounds or twitter?
Also I have been doing basically nothing but sketching all my life. I've got no idea how to do line art or post effects. Are there any good tutorials for that?

>> No.4617490

the main draw of twitter is the giant userbase. everything else about it is awful, so only use it if you're willing to give up your sanity for a chance to get a large following.

>> No.4617499

I'm semi-comfortable with my anatomy understanding but I for the life of me cannot sketch a thumbnail

>> No.4617541

>cannot sketch a thumbnail
people struggle with hands, but they forget that they have 2 references in front of them at all times.

Just look at your fucking thumbs and draw it

>> No.4617555

I'm not really interested in getting any social media followings or land a job in the art industry or anything big like that. I just want to make art for me and share it with my artist friends and maybe even make new friends in the process. I'm happy with my job and where I am in life. I wouldn't be where I am in life without my job. It's no glamorous comic illustrator career, but it's a well-paying, stable job at a big company. Even right now, I'm one of the lucky ones who knows where my next paycheck is coming from and that it'll be the same as the rest of my paychecks this year.

I don't know why this isn't enough for everyone else. I feel like ever since I've been visibly "good" (to me my art will always need improving), I keep getting pressure from friends to get active on social media or start taking commissions or apply to art positions. Is the job I have and am happy with not enough? I feel very lucky to be in a position where art is my hobby and 100% for me alone. I don't have to draw what someone else wants to pay the bills, and I don't want to change that at all. I feel like I'm talking to a brick wall when I explain this, and it's not even just a few people I'm having this issue with.

It feels like the majority of the people who have seen my art, even people who aren't into art themselves, have this glorified idea of what being a professional artist is like in their heads and can't get that it's not what I want. Why isn't it enough to improve for the sake of improving, to draw for yourself without the intention of one day drawing for someone else? I'm polite so I usually just give a vague "Interesting idea! I'll think about it!" type of reply, but it's really frustrating.

>> No.4617573

Anon, I...

>> No.4617578

Who let the /beg/ potential troll us

>> No.4617599

i don't like the dynamic of social media. If I end up using twitter, I'll ignore everyione, post a piece every few weeks then fuck off.

>> No.4617630

I kek'd then I remembered that I'm on /ic and now I cannot shake the doubt from my mind.
Please be a joke.

>> No.4617639

I used to struggle with thumbnail sketches. But the benefits of thumbnails is that it allows to put down lose sketches and you don't have to go to detailed with. It can be as ugly or as messy as you need to with out worrying. Some people like to square their ideas off, mine are usually lose doodles all over a page.

>> No.4617661

i really appreciate the tips and the warm words frens. thank you

>> No.4617669

I haven't since march...

It's gotten so bad I feel like I've forgotten everything. Occasionally I would get short bursts of motivation and I start scribbling but then I would delete the layers and close the drawing app.

>> No.4617671


>> No.4617695

Anyone in America worried about these protest going on? I didn't even realize how big this was getting and now it seems like it's leaking into my state but so far my county is safe.

>> No.4617743

No. You haven't anything to worry about. Just don't go to the protest areas (if they start near you) and respect your county's potential curfew orders. Unless the police mow down protestors in the streets with, live ammunition, then things will eventually settle down like always.
Now, if by some off-chance an innocent verdict is returned then its possible that things may escalate more than usual and you better get that asshole ready for some pounding.

>> No.4617791

Gay. Suck my dick, tranny.

Boring and gay, also WRONG lmao. My mind is evolving, my gains are growing AAAAAAAAA I CAN FEEL IT MY COOMER ART IS GOING TO BE AMAZING

Pathetic crabby-kun. I still haven't slept, I'm doing a 10 week course including note taking and homework. So far I'm able to get through 3 weeks of material in 24 hours. What are you doing with your time? Shitposting? Seethe more, idiot.


You're all just jealous that someone is working harder than you. Stop trying to drag others down because you hate yourselves and learn to improve yourselves instead.

Crabby crabs gonna crab but I don't give a fuck I'm getting my gains and I'm gonna draw myself fucking ilya's waifu while he stands in the corner and send it to him every single day

>> No.4617793

>I feel like ever since I've been visibly "good"
How long does this took you? I'm kinda on a very similar situation except I'm visibly bad and its very frustrating to me.

>> No.4617804

from hong kong to you, Rent a Riot, police brutality and free goods from any store you can get into with a big enough brick. Rent a Riot.

>> No.4617842

My back has been sore all day
I got caught up in a useless internet argument for the whole day which was a tremendous waste of time and I haven't drawn at all today

>> No.4617847


>> No.4617851

Wtf is going on, Is it because someone killed a black man, that's it? I seriously don't understand Americans.

>> No.4617859

Well... I guess it doesn't matter if it's just a hobby and I'd rather do something else... I'm big cope

>> No.4617864

Our media actively fans the flames and turns people against each other for clicks, and encourages this shit until it affects them. Also, looters gonna loot.

>> No.4617868

woops 4got to include >>4617281.

>> No.4617880

i wish i had an /ic/ bf who would gmi with me but i don't go outside so it'll never happen

>> No.4617906
File: 41 KB, 680x793, FU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i want to draw something
>realise anything i draw is just going to turn out horrible and sloppy

>> No.4617908

It was supposed to be a good day but my parents have reminded me I haven't accomplished a single thing in my life and I ended up staying in bed and not drawing anything at all

>> No.4617924

>have to stop doing things that could cause further wrist strain or injury to heal and stop my wrist from getting any worse - doctor's orders
>that's just everything I do to pass the time
>"just don't do everything you'd normally do to pass the time, anon!"
>in quarantine, too
>work probably making the injury worse as well, not optional
How does the average person just exist without their wrist falling off? What do they do?

>> No.4617926
File: 530 KB, 600x800, 1578875650270.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HOLY FUCK I've never unfollowed so many people on twitter on a single day, inb4 triggered an all that shit....I just want to see some art not orange man bad posts

>> No.4617980

I dont think success feels like anything when you dont work for it. Even if it does why bother spending so much time on something that may not even work out

>> No.4618007

When a ton of artists you follow keep making 10 posts or RTs each about it at the same time, it can really clog up your timeline. The best thing you could probably do right now if you don't want to unfollow people is turn off RTs for certain artists you follow and mute certain phrases

The reason I really hate all of this shit is because it's just happening because it's US election season, not for real compassion of the man that died. Once election season ends this will all go on hiatus again.

>> No.4618009

I remember when i was 13 and i was obssesed with USA and wanting to live there, now it's like a third world country with first world economics.

>> No.4618017
File: 78 KB, 536x400, oh I hate this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drawing on computer
>I can work for 12 hours electronically and have to force myself to go to bed. Will fall asleep thinking of what to do tomorrow

>drawing on paper
>super fucking anxious, have to stop after 20 minutes

>> No.4618029

You would think that if all you experienced from America was sensationalist media and the internet

>> No.4618090

penis thumb

>> No.4618192

Yeah, in fact my country news keep talking about how these riots are against police brutality when in reality the case had nothing to do with race (there were even non-white police officers involved). I still really like the USA and i hope i can visit it someday, but you can't deny how laughably pathetic the people there can be.

>> No.4618195

I meant racism*, the case is police brutality.

>> No.4618245
File: 40 KB, 703x667, sighhhhhhhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CT no, don't do this to me....I didn't want to block you bro...but I have no tolerance for this shit now..

>> No.4618262
File: 452 KB, 508x270, happy_mask_salesman.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lost my eraser

>> No.4618273
File: 87 KB, 700x1053, Untitled-3-57dada2ba8e23__700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have original characters that I really badly want to draw but whenever I try it never looks the way it does in my head

Also I don't like the way I draw. The style I'm most comfortable with is very cartoonish but I really want to be able to draw like the guys on pixiv (you know, anime styled illustrations)

I'm just a shitty beg but it's my own fault. I've been drawing for ages but not frequently.

Ugh I just want to draw my characters man is that too much to ask

>> No.4618279

I'm the opposite. Give me a sketchbook and I'll draw whatever the fuck I want. But as soon as I plug the tablet into my computer and open up my program it's the real deal

>> No.4618327

Using drawabox is soulcrushing but I don't know any other way to improve my muscle memory and draw decent lines and boxes and circles

>> No.4618330
File: 1.27 MB, 1276x937, progress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4618333

I'm afraid of drawing from observation. I'm worried that they won't teach me anything about drawing from imagination. I'm afraid that drawing from observation too much can make me dependent on reference.

>> No.4618338


Observation is critical to be confident with imagination

>> No.4618353


>> No.4618363
File: 204 KB, 1000x666, art?.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4618400


>> No.4618408

For the totality of my art

es importante that? it means something

well if you mean something, MAYBE SO DO I

>> No.4618411

Why should space b inconvenience

por que/\ y que ahora y todos?

>> No.4618412

I was real close to just doxxing myself just now I need to make sure I think before posting more often

>> No.4618415


how dare you

>> No.4618417

'psb is this tge\\\he moment>


>> No.4618423


oh pero

>> No.4618425

Yo veo ahora

>> No.4618426

How can this break down be happening?


>> No.4618428



>> No.4618430

sI enetonces
es muy fifical

>> No.4618434

oniichan daijoubi???

>> No.4618436

>been drawing since October
>getting pretty good, steady progress
>OS hard drive dies, unable to use my PC for a good two weeks
>actually positive since it allowed me to spend more time drawing instead of wasting time watching Youtube.
>draw way more
>I start feeling happier than ever about my art as I'm making even better, faster progress as well as things I actually have fun drawing..
>every day excited to draw
>finally get my PC back, about 8 days ago.
>suddenly can't sleep two days laterfor seemingly no reason.
>"whatever, happened just once", after all I've never in my life struggled with sleeping
>can't sleep next night for seemingly no reason
>haven't been able to sleep since that day, and completely killed my energy and motivation to draw.
>Don't know what to do
>Feeling depressed for the first time in several months and my lack of energy is killing me. >Have tried Melatonin and all previous techniques that used to knock me out quickly, as well as Rivotril which I'm quitting now because I found out about how damaging it can be.
>Nothing's working, and despite yawning with tears of tiredness.
>Making this post as I should be sleeping.

Make it stop, please.

>> No.4618437

pero todo mi operac ion

>> No.4618439


quien es un instructaco?

>> No.4618444


si por qui taco el nacho

>> No.4618470

I fucking hate beginners. They keep asking dumbshit questions, giving misadvice, crabbing people and hating on what doesn't fit their tastes. Stupid beginners ruined this board.

>> No.4618526

Oh yeah I even have some mutuals posting black lives matter shit, primarily animators and people who work in studios, I wonder what could that mean

>> No.4618589

Just draw one imagination drawing for every observation drawing

>> No.4618596

Is this actually true? It seems like there are tons of artists who can only photocopy and cant draw from imagination whatsoever

>> No.4618780

I have an addiction for kokkoro. Every time I look at her I precum in my boy panties and my chest tightens up.

>> No.4618794

drawing from imagination requires good observation but also good construction, miss one of the twos and you'll struggle a lot.
photocopy only requires good imagination.
this is an extremely oversimplification, there are obviously more things you need to know and train to draw

>> No.4618798

photocopy = observation*

>> No.4618806
File: 52 KB, 500x556, 0cf6809fa3095993756f7dc138bf39e8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it's the ones who settle who regret it. They settle for friends and lovers who don't understand. They settle for love - not out of inspiration and admiration - but desperation and a need for reassurance. This is how most people live and select their partners: it doesn't matter to them who is actually in front of them, true friendship and intimacy can go fuck themselves, right? So they just grab whoever they think is available, someone replaceable - and they know they themselves are replaceable. Most couples don't even like each other as friends, as people. No, they like their partners by what they can "get" out of them, and the person in front of them can go fuck themselves. Here's another funny thing: most people don't know what they want even for themselves, they don't know what they're even about, so they're pushed around and wishy washy - then they get with a broad who drags them down, or some bloke who chokes their spirit with his mediocrity.

No, my time, my energy, my life is too precious to deal with someone who doesn't understand or care about the hill I would die on, and I would rather spend my energy getting to that hill. Art is beautiful, stories are beautiful, and they're powerful and eternal and just so human - and this is the hill I want to die on. So I want someone who understands how powerful and beautiful it is as well. I want to be someone who can inspire and shake people, and I want to love someone who can look at my work - which is the kernel of me anyway - and be inspired and shaken. I want someone my work can destroy - wait no, not destroy, but uplift.

This is what I plan to do: To be ambitious with art, ambitious with life, ambitious with love.

>> No.4619254

Why did getting your PC back somehow caused insomnia and increased your depression? Have you been playing video games since then?

>> No.4619561
File: 1.02 MB, 1200x675, 1589832517446.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel ya. Been thinking about unfollowing some artists who'd mostly post about off topic shit like video games and clearly don't care much about drawing. Seeing them put all of this protest shit including showing people getting hurt really drew the line. All I wanna see on Twitter is big ass anime tiddies, not your worthless opinions on these norman issues

>> No.4619565

Yes it's true. But it's not enough by itself

>> No.4619580

Using references =/= photocopying

>> No.4619586

what's wrong with depending on reference?
nothing you draw can be created from scratch, even less if it's something slightly complicated
just build your visual library mate

>> No.4619593

You're not gonna learn how to draw a car from imagination if you don't draw them while observing them first...

>> No.4619597

weed. it's a good anti-depressant as long as you don't overdo it (like 5 puffs a day). whatever you do, stay away from alcohol.

>> No.4619658
File: 147 KB, 1080x1080, 7DB58E52-13BE-4B02-AC28-60C379A441A3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im so fucking tired of the same shit getting popular over and over again. Its easy the UwU pastel characters with koi fish playing their gameboys and flowers everywhere. Or the big fucking fat lipped POC with little light rays and copic markers next to the page EVEN THOUGH it was made digitally. If it was one person getting popular from doing that stuff thats fine but its just the shameless rip-offs of eachother especially of artists like meyoco its just annoying at the point

>> No.4619671
File: 107 KB, 828x403, 65E310B8-4A29-432A-860E-D87DB6D03793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im so done dude. I cant stand seeing these people constantly virtue signal about BLM this and police officers that. And then they complain that their getting un-followed, no shit dumbass i came for anime tiddies not your opinions on BLM protests

>> No.4619684
File: 1.91 MB, 540x304, tumblr_or5rizgsni1udozn0o1_540.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just don't break your own code bro. I'm not saying a word about all this on my twitter account. Just post some boobies and I call it a day

>> No.4619689
File: 42 KB, 720x720, MY3na2P.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it that only after I post on all platforms do I spot something I urgently need to fix. Just fucking kill me.

>> No.4619817

I have been trying to change myself since this year in my resolutions to not have any one sided rivalry and to not compare my to other people. After a long depressing 5 months as i make it into june i have come to the conclusion ima genuine asshole and enjoy the onesided rivalry. I want to be better than 99 percent of /ic/. i dont want to help others. i dont want to be nice and change my attitude. I want to be thst guy who gets asked to pyw and i pmw and btfo everytime while being the biggest jerk on the board.

Im a toxic piece of shit and i enjoy it.

>> No.4619827

You'll settle for scraps because your dream will never come true. When your last days come your enjoyment for salt will die out and you'll cry in despair because you stopped trying.

>> No.4619831

What do you call that? Framing your digital art with markers and paper to make it appear traditonal? Photobashing?

>> No.4619850


Well I realize this place wont be around forever but i need to take advantage that this place exists while it still here. The people here this whole time were my fuel to try to get better and i was fighting against that belief thinking i should change myself. But I was wrong to think this. Im wondering why is this the case. Why are anons my fuel to get better?

Its maybe because i have invested too much time here that its hard to let go. But reddit isnt like this place. Facebook and forums isnt like /ic/. There is just something about this worthless board that keeps me coming back while at the same time I want to be top dog over everyone else.

Too many losers here who wronged me over the years which also might be the cause.

>> No.4619875

>Im a toxic piece of shit and i enjoy it
If you think im going to read any of that after you confessed this, you're wrong. Post hidden, marked never read.

>> No.4619883

The imagination is unreliable. Don't let 4th grades on devianart tell you that "no ref" is the only way to create real art.

>> No.4619891


>> No.4619897
File: 554 KB, 1024x768, manual for.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trad anon, hardly any pieces in years
>try to start getting back to it
>download hampton course
>'now do 100 gestures'
>actually end up being really nice and easy
>remember I had done this like 4 years ago
>don't know if it's a waste of time to keep going
>probably will anyways

>> No.4619907

Being able to just undo any stroke I don’t like or try two layers and see which one works better is just ingrained in me at this point

Oddly enough I don’t get like this about painting, or even really non-portraits

>> No.4619921 [DELETED] 

Personal views aside, it sucks being a burger artist on social media right now. If you post about current events then you're a virtue signaller who can't keep art and other shit separate, if you don't then you're a purposefully ignorant bystander and oppressor. It's a 1st world problem compared what's actually going down in the streets but I'm just here to anonymously vent

>> No.4620310
File: 146 KB, 1000x1000, EZZqnRpUYAAtI56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finally finish drawing and rendering character
>look at half completed sketch of background
>render it out
>have no idea how to make it look complete and match the character
I just wanna die. I always feel so stumped. I drawing more decorations and it's all SHIT

>> No.4620316

Keep going anon. Ganbatte

>> No.4620626
File: 251 KB, 1200x1200, earth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looking at earth from space, there's nothing, everything meaningless, nothing lasts everything dies at the end.

>> No.4620830

Just make a web 1.0 site to display your artwork only.

>> No.4620836

Your whole piece should go through the process at the same time. If your character is sketched your background is sketched. If your character is in lineart so is your BG. If you are rendering your character you are rendering your background.

Try doing composition sketches before you start, think of how you can lead the eye into your focal point using your background. You don't even have to have an idea of what the background will be, just use simple shapes and tones.

>> No.4620875

I'm tired and want to give up and end it all. I can't wait to finish these underpaid commissions I currently have and just drop freelance and drop everything.
thanks for listening.

>> No.4621155
File: 174 KB, 851x1280, 143523454754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that one retard who says "BLM and if you don't agree with my opinion FUCK YOU FUCK OFF AND UNFOLLOW ME!" and locks his account when everyone unfollow him

>> No.4621263




>> No.4621272
File: 112 KB, 686x862, 6dcf11c368da91f4a4faf33a558319e7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw to smart
>parents want me to go into STEM
>I secretly wanted to become an fine artist like painter/animator
>Too poor for that, get my STEM degree and make shekels
>now too old to get back into art school
>brain has become too arrogant to start from zero again with drawing
>I can barely draw again because it's giving me anxiety.
>lose one of my fav hobbies due to high expectation which causes anxiety
If you feel like me, get a therapist. Because the underlying cause is psychological issue (I was abused when I was a kid).

>> No.4621286
File: 198 KB, 449x512, 1575596227290.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got this my boy. Keep drawing

>> No.4621315

I'm worried that by the time I stop learning through traditional I won't be able to translate to digital cos of the shift in the hand eye coordination

>> No.4621340
File: 109 KB, 821x1280, photo_2020-06-01_21-24-22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blm virtue signalling
at least now I know who's the fag

>> No.4621397

thank you frend

>> No.4621440

I suck. Nobody likes my art. I don't like my art. I start something and an hour into it I just lose interest and the overwhelming flaws and my inability to translate what I envision onto the canvas just eats away at me. I took a break from drawing for a couple of months because I have a shitty eye disease making everything too blurry and fucked up to see and had to wait to get treatment b/c of corona shutting everything down. Now I'm drawing again and everything I draw looks even worse now... fuck. Just gotta work through this somehow.

>> No.4621485

You're right, thanks.

>> No.4621515
File: 43 KB, 411x418, 14626246581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw to smart
>an fine

>> No.4621856

Fucking tired of US politics and everyone expecting you to have an opinion on this shit. I don't even live in that fucking shithole of a country, leave me the fuck alone. Not retweeting unholy amounts of tweets about blm doesn't mean I'm fucking racist, you cunts, I'm just here to draw tits

>> No.4621858

all the western artists im following i had to mute everyone

based asians once again

>> No.4621898
File: 39 KB, 637x585, 1559796962376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the diminishing returns can go into the negative
My brain hurt from imagining this division by 0. Bad analogy.

>> No.4621975

Something similar happens when I sing. People always go for "Anon, you sing so well! Why don't you apply for America's Got Talent? Do you have a band?"
The difference is I don't have a satisfying career nor any true potential to be a musician, visual art is where I'd have a chance. I also don't get bothered by people saying that because I know they're dumb beyond belief.

My advice to you would be starting a personal project, whatever it is. Even a series of illustrations sharing the same theme would work. And when people say something about an art career, you talk about your side-project. "Anon, you're so talented!! Why don't you go for a career?" "Oh, I've been working in this artbook for some time now, if you know anyone who's interested in publishing it, let me know. :)"

99% of people will then stop insisting, cause now they have a responsibility in it. Worst case scenario you sell a tacky book. And then you can show people the book and speak from experience "nah, art doesn't give money that easily". Could even try to push the book on the person so she'll either buy or shut up.

>> No.4622022
File: 72 KB, 1600x1200, snake pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a tablet today and I guess I expected to magically make my art better. I'm still in the basic symbol drawing and stick figure tier, so I guess that was my fault for assuming that. Whatever. No way to get better unless you actually try.

>> No.4622091

no step on snek

>> No.4622099

tfw schiozoid aphantasia adhd ngmi
at least in past societies i could have just been a monk

>> No.4622130

>Draw everyday
>Do studies and practice
>Make tiny gains but still incredibly frustrated by all the things I don't have a proper grasp
>Some of the stuff I study I fail to learn whatsoever, I have gone through how to draw heads thousand of times and always have to relearn it
>Can't come up to terms with my lack of progress
>Put all the time I can yet I'm constantly faced by how utterly talentless I am
>Constantly feel inadequate and subhuman due to this
How do I make it go away? How do I overcome the fact that I might be utterly incompatible from something which is beyond my control? Art is my burning passion yet I'm constantly faced with the fact that I might be the absolute worst artist out there when it comes to time/effort/gains ratio. While most people use the talent word to justify not working for me its becoming apparent that its very real and I don't have it, this lack of talent is truly making me suffer because art its the only true important thing for me.

>> No.4622158

You still can.

>> No.4622175
File: 68 KB, 1400x1050, tit sketch1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Still comparing yourself to masters instead of the average retard
If you just look at your progress in that way, every day you just get so much better.

>> No.4622200

the effort it would take i might as well just go to art school instead

>> No.4622210
File: 112 KB, 640x706, 121243464367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>goodtwitter extension no longer works
>deviantart eclipse is here
>tumblr long time dead
>newgrounds even longer
>pixiv hides basic features behind a paywall
I hate this fucking timeline

>> No.4622224

>99% of people will then stop insisting, cause now they have a responsibility in it.
This is so smart. Thank you for this tip. I'm going to use it.

>> No.4622227
File: 81 KB, 250x250, 99975B1B-6E52-4C3F-A061-85048C2CD8DB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read and re-read, and Bridgman’s still not clicking. I love his drawings but I just don’t get his writing.

>> No.4622324
File: 90 KB, 371x420, 1589260718809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw couldn't focus on drawing because I just kept thinking about bad thoughts and ended up sleeping the whole day

>> No.4622331
File: 71 KB, 200x275, Sucyy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate trying to get my work noticed. I have officially given up to create art as a means of being happy.

>> No.4622332

Why would I compare myself to someone I don't want to be?

>> No.4622333
File: 750 KB, 1106x808, Screen Shot 2020-05-28 at 6.05.30 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not even his writing, it's students. the text is just students deciphering it post mortem. watch the proko and moerndayjames videos on his anatomy.

>> No.4622366

Thank you, I'll do that.

>> No.4622383

>I literally draw like an autist


>> No.4622384

Please elaborate

>> No.4622392

Define what drawing like an autist means first.

>> No.4622405
File: 440 KB, 3024x4032, eyeball.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shaky line work, terrible understanding of source image.

Pic related, it's an eye I drew

>> No.4622409

I've seen much worse. Keep trying and your lines will get a lot smoother over time.

>> No.4622863

peter han is ur man.

>> No.4623298

Heard of him. What's his best tutorial for someone like me?

>> No.4623398

dynamic sketching.

>> No.4623463

how do I want to draw again? havent touched a pen in ages

>> No.4623527

Thank you.

>> No.4623574
File: 93 KB, 635x470, Schopenhauer_185211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how do i want

>> No.4623648

I finally sent my ex-best-friend of eight years an apology letter for being such a piece of shit, after no contact for a year. Part me me still hopes we can go back the way it was, us drawing and critiquing each other works. But I don't expect a response.

Then why can't I stop crying into my sketchbook....

>> No.4623671

lmao what a pussy ass bitch

>> No.4623927

Good job anon. Even if your relationship never returns to how it was, or they never respond, itll help you both move past it. Just dont repeat the same mistakes.

>> No.4623941


Based post.

>> No.4623942


>even though it was made digitally
You are kidding right? I make the exact same shit in trad to test my materials.
Learn how the blender marker an gel pens works, anon.
Its not that hard.

>> No.4623995

kimi to natsu no owari shourai no yume
ooki na kibou wasurenai
juunen go no hachigatsu mata deaeru no wo shinjite


>> No.4624032

For some reason i can't take compliments anymore. I can see that i have improved over time but i also see that i have a lot of mistakes to correct.

I honestly have a hard time believing that something that i make looks good while looking amateurish at the same time. It's harder to take compliments nowdays for some reason.

>> No.4624069

Well, post your work.

>> No.4624322

You know, after reading same compliments from the same people you become immune to that meaningless shit.

>> No.4625041

please tell me the secret

>> No.4625798

Go touch a pen