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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 285 KB, 1066x536, tezuka contest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4613322 No.4613322 [Reply] [Original]

General thread for discussion of entries, contest prep, and related topics. Link the entry you're talking about unless replying to another poster.

Previous thread: >>4578862

Don't be a tool. Read the contest rules.


> isn't everyone gonna get BTFO by the JP entries?
No, separate prize pools

> do covers have to be black and white too?
Uncertain. Color them at your own risk.

> what's the page size?
Unspecified. It's recommended you work at at least 600 DPI regardless.

> do entries have to be shonen stories?
All genres are allowed, but keep in mind that this is still a Shonen Jump contest.

> Western reading direction or JP reading direction?

> What does "no scenario, name" mean?
Scenario refers to a script, and Name is the Japanese term for a storyboard or rough page layout. So, in other words, no sketches and no scripts. Finished works only.

>> No.4613326

You should include links to the JP exclusive contests from last thread, as well as some of the sources on how to write manga. I say we make these s general on how2manga, with a current focus on the Medibang contest. That way these can be more productive.

>> No.4613331 [DELETED] 

If someone wants to compile them so I can lift them from that post for the next thread, I'll be sure to do so. Can't come through the last thread for them right now though.

>> No.4613334

If someone wants to compile them so I can lift them from that post for the next thread, I'll be sure to do so. Can't comb through the last thread for them right now though.

>> No.4613371

>I say we make these s general on how2manga, with a current focus on the Medibang contest.
I concur, /a/ recently had a /diy/ manga thread that was pretty good. I think /ic/ needs one

>> No.4613379
File: 3.83 MB, 1401x2489, A06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reposting for feedback.

I made a 3DCG manga using KKstudio because quarantine apparently drove me insane.
I'm a complete amateur at comic art, writing and typesetting.
I don't get a lot of opportunities for feedback and would be happy for any suggestions or guidance.

prologue: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/81575400

chapter 1: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/81732140

chapter 2: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/81868030

I'm also happy to have more in-depth feedback discussion on pixiv DMs, discord or steam. wherever.

>> No.4613480

>3DCG manga
fuck off.

>> No.4613493

My advice would be to take all the images you've got, and lay them on a page like a manga by turning them into panels. Less is more. A lot of your sequences feel like animation, when that's not how you should approach manga, where the goal is to communicate the ideas as clearly as possible with as little as possible.

>> No.4613497

I also think your composition will improve overall if you're forced to think about how all these images are meant to flow into each other, rather than have a storyboard to detail every moment to moment action.

I suggest you read Understanding and Making Comics by Scott McCloud.

>> No.4613596

Today im having a bbq at my home, im still on the 10th page.

>> No.4613610

>A lot of your sequences feel like animation, when that's not how you should approach manga, where the goal is to communicate the ideas as clearly as possible with as little as possible.
That's bad advice. Not because it's wrong, but because it's more nuanced than just saying "you shouldn't draw like it's animation". There a definitely times where the paneling feeling like animation frames can be a good thing, like with intricate movements. It's not always a bad thing, just another tool that can be used well or poorly.

>> No.4613662

Stereotypical shit honeslty, typical B-Baka kawaii hehe girl characters and idiot kakuii male characters that everyone has seen a million times. The judges stated very clearly that they wanted fresh concepts. Write something original, reading this felt like chewing fucking plastic.

>> No.4613678

I know, that’s why I told him to just read Scott McCloud, as he explains it better and more thoroughly than I could. But in summary, there are 6 basic types of transitions, moment to moment, action to action, scene to scene, aspect to aspect, non-sequitur, and I forget the 6th one. Also, it’s important to leave things to the reader’s imagination sometimes too. In manga especially, if you read Akira Toriyama for example, you can see how he highlights the main beats of an action for maximum impact, rather than detail each specific detail. Something Toyotaro doesn’t do in Dragonball Super, which makes that manga very obnoxious to read. In the words of Toriyama, “less is more.” But yeah, there’s a lot of ground to cover, a good place to start is to simply think about laying those out on a page, that a lone will force him to cut out a lot of needless fluff that he seems to have.

And yeah, you’re right in that there are times you do want that beat-by-beat detailed breakdown of minute actions, but it should be done to elongate a build up to pay it off with a nice large panel or splash at the page turn. It simply doesn’t work as well in storyboard format. And once again, why he should just SMcC he goes over all of this.

>> No.4613715

>> isn't everyone gonna get BTFO by the JP entries?
>No, separate prize pools

you're spreading misinformation yet again, read their page

>> No.4613730

You mean the part that says the foreign contest is completely separate from the JP one with different prize pools

>> No.4613750

>100th Anniversary Oversea Department Special Award

>Languages: English, Spanish, Chinese (Simplified / Traditional) and Korean only
Japanese not listed

>Entries will be translated to Japanese for judging, entries in Japanese will not be accepted
Japanese entries in oversea competition is literally not allowed

>If you want to participate in the regular 100th TEZUKA MANGA CONTEST (Japanese only), the requirements are different.
The website links you to the japanese-only competition with different rules entirely and different price pools.

What exactly about this says to you that the prize pools are the same and Japanese are allowed to enter? It's written pretty explicitly that these are entirely separate and that the overseas is a bonus competition for people outside of Japan.

Are you retarded? Is your reading comprehension really that low? Did you even read their page yourself? Fuck off smoothbrain.

>> No.4613761

Awesome advice anon, thank you for going so into depth.

You’re right, this stuff is begging to be chopped up and paneled. This Mccloud guy is great.

>> No.4613943

So what is gonna happen after I win the first prize? My story gets published and that's it? Will I have to go to japan and be a slave for them before starting the full series? I need to know before fully commiting to this

>> No.4613949
File: 257 KB, 400x650, note, this is an illusion and the character is not actually suffering, but there is worse in Naruto.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of content is allowed in Shonen Jump? From reading Naruto and Dragon Ball, it seems mild gore, tits, and alcohol use are okay, but what about tobacco use? I know they're huge pussies when it comes to recreational drugs.

Also what sorts of topics would be no bueno for this kind of thing? Anyway I'm no expert but from what I know about what is popular, it seems none of the following have any shot of winning a shonen contest:
>Mental illness
>Free love
>Sex work
>College culture
>Work culture
>Historical events (not to be confused with period settings, which should be fine)
>Radical ideology
I think all of the above can sneak in via allegory, but none can be outright discussed. Now, when it comes to characters,
>Senior protagonists
>Female protagonists over the age of 24
>Ugly female protagonists
>Queer protagonists
>An all-brown cast
Basically, nothing that would spur a Pewdiepie subscriber with an anime avatar to write a rant.

>> No.4613991

things that I think can make it into shounen jump easily: senior protagonists, college culture, historical events(as long as they're not the rape of nanking or whatever lol), racism especially fantasy "racism", radical ideology(many shonen villains have this).
rest seems "doable, if hard", some harders than others. And the reason why most of those are hard is because nobody cares about it really. Abuse, pregnancy, free love sounds like something that'd show up in a josei manga.

>> No.4613996

"Fantasy racism" is allegory (just extremely unsubtle allegory (it's also built on a premise that racism is actually justified because in fantasy settings there is are meaningful difference between races)). Also I obviously did not mean the villain gets to do stuff, you've got to be joking if you think that's the same thing as a protagonist advocating for something controversial and being portrayed as right.

>> No.4614036

neither did you say its the protagonist that's got to be a nazi or whatever(and is being portrayed as right), that wouldn't fly almost anywhere. If it's just an "evil" protagonist, it could be done if it's done well(see deathnote for a prime example).

>> No.4614060

You go to Japan for an awards ceremony and then you go home. Winner gets their one-shot published, collects their prize money, and that's it. While someone may want to hire you for a series or something, it would be entirely unrelated to the contest.

>> No.4614075

I've seen a lot of characters that are always smoking cigarettes so maybe? But if you're talking about "tobacco" use then no, Japan hates stoners.

As for the other subjects, just think of what would fit in a shonen genre story. Shonen just describes the audience (12-18yo teen boys) and the genre is full of what they're interested in.

>Shōnen manga is typically characterized by high-action, often humorous plots featuring male protagonists. Commonly-found themes in shōnen manga include martial arts, robots, science fiction, sports, horror or mythological creatures. The camaraderie between boys or men on sports teams, fighting squads, and the like are often emphasized. Protagonists of such manga often feature an ongoing desire to better themselves, and often face challenges to their abilities, skills and maturity, where self-perfection, austere self-discipline, sacrifice in the cause of duty and honorable service to society, community, family and friends are stressed.

Do you think a teen boy would be interested in a manga about the drama and hardships that come with being a sex worker? Work culture? Pregnancy? Probably not, that's girl shit. Think about your audience and what they're going to want to read.

>> No.4614076

Depends on the type and how you depict it it's some fantasy whatever, or power, and it's not depicted within the MC, probably ok
>>Mental illness
It's been done to death, yandere are common, unless you mean realistic stuff
MHA did it with Endeavor
Depends on how, pregnant characters are frequently shown, but no, it's not the sort of thing you'd focus a story on, cause kids and teens don't really give a shit about that topic
>>Free love
what, like gays? One Piece has the Okama, and gay characters are frequent
>>Sex work
depends, not as the focus
>>College culture
No. American colleges are not like Japanese colleges
>>Work culture
If it's done as a social commentary on Japanese work culture don't expect a backing from a company
Done to death in manga
>>Historical events (not to be confused with period settings, which should be fine)
Depends, are you preaching social commentary? Like criticizing Japan for Nanking? A historical biography alone isn't interesting enough for Jump, but plenty of manga do that
>>Radical ideology
depends, is it showcased in a positive light? then probably not
>I think all of the above can sneak in via allegory, but none can be outright discussed.
Because Japs understand that entertainment isn't a means of propaganda
>>Senior protagonists
Hokuto no Ken? Unless you mean really old. In which, UP did it, I'm sure it can be done.
>>Female protagonists over the age of 24
How would that make an interesting story in any way?
>>Ugly female protagonists
Of course not. And it's Ugly protagonists in general. Males are expected to be attractive too. And this isn't a Japan-exclusive thing
>>Queer protagonists
>>An all-brown cast
Take your SJW trash elsewhere please, why did you really come into this thread?

>> No.4614083

It's hard to write a protagonist who is a racist unless that's his character arc (overcoming his racism), or if your protagonist is the villain. And American History X already exists. People don't wanna be preached to. What's the point of writing a racist MC if not to be like "look racism is bad." The Japanese aren't stupid, they know when you're trying to preach to them. Likewise the inverse is defintely not gonna fly, portraying racism as a good thing, as you're literally advocating for hatred of people due to things out of their control. It's really hard to write a story with a racist MC unless the entire focus of the story is to serve as a vessel for social commentary. Something which gets very boring very quick.

>> No.4614086

Don't worry, you weren't going to win anyway.

>> No.4614128


>> No.4614138

In case that one anon >>4613198 that was wondering about whether or not a title page could be in color, I got a response from Medibang about that.
They said:

"It is fine for the cover/back cover page to be colored."

So there you go.

>> No.4614153

How are Japanese colleges like?

>> No.4614172

This is good news. I figured there's no way they'd enforce the cover to be B&W anyway, since that would completely drain their collection of competent entries so far.

>> No.4614177

>>Queer protagonists
>>An all-brown cast
>Take your SJW trash elsewhere please, why did you really come into this thread?

what's wrong with those things though

>> No.4614213

They're not popular in Japan, no one is going to want to read them or publish them. At most you'd get a super small niche of around 12 people like the japanese Sonic the Hedgehog fandom.

>> No.4614219

just say that then, idk what makes them "SJW" by default. a historical series in ancient india or mali or some shit would be rad as fuck and probably full of brown people, and yuri is very based.

>> No.4614247
File: 471 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20200527-212322_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cant wait for September

>> No.4614262

garbage art but I can't tell whether you agree with the dude or the girl which is good. Also nice to see those weird looking dudes have trigger discipline. I have no idea if he's supposed to be turning around because the guys did something or because he's mad at the lady.

>> No.4614270

What is this even from

>> No.4614283

Its the rock turning around meme in black and white...I seriously don't know if this people are just joking or have a severe lack of self awareness by uploading this kind of trash

>> No.4614285

It's from the artist of Akai, he just took a meme and put it into his manga

>> No.4614336

jesus christ this can't be real, this man is joking

it looks like a fucking wikihow illustration

>> No.4614340

I wasn't the anon who you were replying prior, I forgot to mention that.
Yuri is only popular because it's fap material, there's no statement being made or anything unlike something like Steven Universe.

>> No.4614348

magis setting is arabia inspired, they just made the protagonists all white lol

>> No.4614359
File: 99 KB, 578x373, 20200529_145905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Yuri is only popular because it's fap material, there's no statement being made or anything unlike something like Steven Universe.

Why not just do both at once

>> No.4614369

The primary readership of shounen jump isn’t teenagers

Boobies can and will likely win the day

>> No.4614374


>Editor's Comments: " Very high drawing power! The drama and psychological elements were very interesting. However, I would have liked to see more breasts."

>> No.4614379
File: 824 KB, 750x1334, 89765BC9-8845-4CF1-80ED-33D9DE1A7B6A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yare yare, making me come out of retirement Huh?

>> No.4614382
File: 65 KB, 1068x601, gigachad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4614385

there isn't a single shounen series that wouldn't be improved with additional big bouncy titties

oda is a judge too, he'll understand

>> No.4614395

Post some of your art anon

Also let us know how good that tablet is. That's one hell of a low price so I'm curious

>> No.4614401

I've been doing shitty color studies in acryllic between painting warhammer. Always wanted to get back into drawing big tiddy anime gfs on a tablet though.

>> No.4614406

nobody in the west could ever get away with being this based

>> No.4614418

Good luck, even in Japan, the average manga reader is quite hard headed, and don't usually like what sticks out too much. It's a culture of "hammer down the nail sticking out"

>> No.4614420

Not that anon, but I also have an artist 12. I'm not the best artist out there, but to me it's been a complete game changer. Before it, I used to draw with a wacom bamboo and it was a living hell, there's a horrible dissonance between eyes and hand. I haven't used other tablets with screen, but I like it.

>> No.4614425
File: 21 KB, 256x256, 71EFEB8C-7B03-4870-82EA-CFBC60612B43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>westerners: I need to think of something super creative, something no ones done before but that will still fit into this narrow scope of shounen that I just read on Wikipedia. It absolutely can’t have anything in common with what’s been done before!

>Chad japanese amateur artist: yeah so it’s a guy that punches things. But he’s on fire
>editor: like he sets himself on fire before battle?
>chaddu: no he’s on fire all the time. And it hurts like it really would. But he regenerates so it’s ok

>editor: welcome aboard

>> No.4614443
File: 187 KB, 973x1377, 027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

27 pages in. keep going anons.

>> No.4614449

how long do you take per page like this one?

>> No.4614466

I usually do 2/3 rough pages a day. I'll start rendering when I finish all the rough pages.

>> No.4614472

yeah but I dunno how long a typical day of work is for you. How many hours does 2-3 rough pages take you, or how long do you usually work at it a day to achieve 2-3 rough pages

>> No.4614475

Nice but I really hope you type that shit out because I can't fucking read your chicken scratch handwriting and you're going to make the translators give up lol

>> No.4614480

NTA but it's just roughs dude. The finished lines and typesetting happens afterwards, the balloons and handwritten text is just for spacing.

>> No.4614487

Thank god lmao I'm rooting for ya man

>> No.4614498

post art you obvious beg

>> No.4614501

your roughs are so good they're better than most entries art wise lmao. If you just had a little less shake and used the text tool instead of handwriting(should be just as fast desu) you could legit pass this off as finished

>> No.4614506

are you saying his handwriting isn't bad? it objectively is, not that art skills and handwriting skills are really connected

>> No.4614513

You're a dumb fucking retard if you see pencil scratches and think its a final product. You clearly have zero artistic experience whatsoever if you thought that was a comment with any value. All it did was reveal what a stupid fucking amateur you are.

>> No.4614518

t. absolute mongoloid that can't even comprehend the very basics, like two posters not neccessarily being the same

>> No.4614519

If these are just the roughs I'm very interested in seeing what the finished ones look like. I'm already really liking the art so far.

>> No.4614525

Yeah run away with those goalposts you cowardly faggot. Post art, still waiting.

>> No.4614527

Bro I wasn't attacking him calm down. I like his work and wanted to make sure he wasn't pulling a stupid because I've seen other people do that shit and that's asking for a disqualification.

You're a salty bitch, go to /vent/ please and thank you :) bye bye now crabby-kun~

>> No.4614532

> I like his work and wanted to make sure he wasn't pulling a stupid because I've seen other people do that shit and that's asking for a disqualification.
Takes one to know one, clearly

>> No.4614539


Go to >>4607602 with that bullshit, retard

>> No.4614542

Are you whiteknighting for him so he'll suck your dick or draw your comic for you or something? Lmao imagine being this much of a simp

>> No.4614543

>w-white knight!
Post art

>> No.4614547

why are you so autistic? did your gradeschool teacher scold you too hard for your bad handwriting and now you're permanently traumatized?

>> No.4614550

I don't owe you shit, idiot. :) Crabby crabby crabby kun~ Shoo, shoo!

>> No.4614554

did that sound clever in your head?
>heh if I reference 5th grade like the literal underage b& I am, he'll be so owned!
post art

>> No.4614555

There are literally only two posts with original content in this entire thread and one of those was made in a fucking porn game.
Post art you tourst.

>> No.4614562

Nope I already told you faggots I'm posting my entry when it's done. Definitely not giving a rude-ass idiot like you a peek. ;) Try being a nice person instead of a piece of shit, maybe you can use that skill IRL to make some friends and stop being such a salty bitch.

>> No.4614571

Your example is exactly what you're criticizing.

>> No.4614595

Fire punch in no way aimed to be anything but derivative schlock and it succeeded at that spectacularly.

>> No.4614596
File: 18 KB, 247x326, Ew+_7bf780103a12907f1e09daaef3e45b4b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you kids don't stop carrying on I WILL stop this car. Don't think I won't do it.

>> No.4614602

daddy please I want to go to japan you can't do this to me

>> No.4614709

I'm only wrapping up my 7th at the moment anon, so I feel your pain.

I'm actually considering foregoing the contest altogether and shooting my shot with my editor contact. I'm considering putting together about 10-25 pages of the one-shot and pitching it as a mood test for a series in the same setting and then finishing the one-shot if they like it and moving ahead.

Undecided on how many pages I wanted to submit though. I was initially aiming for 20-25 pages but then thought I should lower it before wondering if that was just impatience. Any suggestions anons?

>> No.4614716

If it's a one-shot how are you going to get a whole story done with character development and shit in less than 20-25 pages? I thought going less than 31 was pushing it already.

If you can get a fleshed out work with good panel flow out of so few pages then more power to you. But if you can't, don't just cut pages because you're feeling lazy. Keep it up anon, ganbatte!

>> No.4614719

Might have been a bit unclear, sorry. My one-shot is basically at the 55 page limit, I'm just thinking of sending a portion of it as a sampler to an editor contact I have, and I'm being indecisive on a good page count for that.

>> No.4614747

nice, post some

>> No.4614780

Yeah, i'm going to use a font. Sadly my hands are very shaky, expecially with a drawpad
I'm still in lockdown so I can put in more time than usual. It takes me an hour and a half/two hours to do a rough.

>> No.4614792

Is that black haired guy supposed to be a furry? he kinda looks like he has a muzzle/snout in one fo those shots. Nice layouts either way.

>> No.4614807

Anon, the teenage readership of Jump is precisely why boobies win the day. This isn't an american publication, they welcome erotic characters and clothing. You probably can't outright show sexual acts or genitalia, but nipples aren't completely out of the question if it's not excessive, and showing skin outside of the nipple is more than welcomed.
Teenagers are horny as fuck and will buy things that make their peepee hard.

>> No.4614817

Spoken like a true underage or pedotrash.

>> No.4614823
File: 63 KB, 540x581, 1590742423195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps this is not the thread for you.

>> No.4614830

I'm not speaking against adding coomer aspects to your manga, I'm just saying it doesn't have to be adolescent in tone. Teenagers love shit that they think is mature, even if its manchildish.

>> No.4614833

Perhaps it is though :^)

>> No.4614836


I've seen some shonen that I could have sworn were seinen edgelord shit. Nope, they were shonen, somehow.

>> No.4614842

>They're not popular in Japan
Its not popular in the west either, as much as media leads you to believe other wise. All the stuff that has SJW elements, that at least breaks even, are usually riding on the brand power of the IP.

>> No.4614938

Again though, how is an all-brown cast or a gay main lead or whatever SJW? No one cares when stuff with all-white casts go up, and that happens all the time. As was stated you can have a series set in a non-euro part of the world, or you could have a solid romance series that happens to be gay or whatever. Having those sorts of things doesn't automatically make a work bad, it's all about execution; maybe the stuff that did well just has good execution and people liked it for that reason.

>> No.4614996

I see things like ATLA as one of the most beloved cartoons ever in the West and it has an entire cast of "minorities" by your SJW definition and Katara herself would've been called a SJW if the show came out today. Ao No Flag is a shonen in a major shonen monthly magazine where the whole point of the story is that the MC's best friend is gay for him. If the story's well written and drawn and no one will care whether or not there are brown/gay/whatever cast members. I honestly think it'd be less outlandish to have a brown lead than a grandma as a lead for a shonen at least.

>> No.4615012

no you dont understand you cant have character driven stories in shounen thats boring and cliche you have to have a historical orthodox christian manga based on the roman empire to be truly based and redpilled in the eyes of nippon anything less is SJW cuckoldry dude trust me

>> No.4615030

LoK isn't beloved, it's divisive. The original cartoon is beloved, but it's beloved because its cast is well written and story and setting both interesting, not because it provides representation for minorities.

Basically that should be your lesson. Write good characters who happen to be x, not x characters first. If the writing is good then people will realize that, but the focus should never be on "representation" or being weird for the sake of being weird, all that's going to do is alienate your audience so you can get kudos from a minority (who probably still won't read your work).

>> No.4615033

You're bringing up what Cal-arts has done to ruin American animation in a manga discussion where its entirely irrelevant. Japs are fine with minorities if it fits the story, nobodies super easily triggered by delicious brown girls in manga because they think the SJWs are taking over.

>> No.4615052

Because usually an all brown cast that's written by westerners comes with the baggage of beating the readers over the head with its message while portraying those that might disagree as evil individuals. If you do it in a non euro world, then there's nothing wrong with all brown cast. I don't know where your getting this idea that me or other anons are calling brown people in media inherently SJW, but there's a good way and a bad way of handling it.
No one calls Katara a sjw because the show goes out of its way to show that shes young and misguided. Most characters in ATLA are very fleshed out, given motivations that make sense. The show goes out its way to show that most of the fire nation are human beings themselves and don't make them into evil caricatures besides a handful of characters. ATLS or the people working on it (Atleast back then) never beats you over the head with its message or tells you your stupid for not agreeing with it. Thats the main issue that most people have with SJW media. It talks down to them, there's no middle ground.
Nice strawman you fucking faggot.

>> No.4615058

>You're bringing up what Cal-arts has done to ruin American animation in a manga discussion where its entirely irrelevant.
Read the post I'm responding to.

>Japs are fine with minorities if it fits the story
More accurately, they don't give a shit. They do not care about "representation" for minorities because they don't give a fuck about the rest of the world, and their gay movement is decades behind the west's.
Basically, jap culture =/= western culture. A shock, I know.

>> No.4615079

>Nice strawman you fucking faggot.
lmao found him.

>> No.4615086

>Thats the main issue that most people have with SJW media. It talks down to them, there's no middle ground.
What mainstream SJW media are you even talking about? By SJW media do you mean "stories that preach about controversial concepts but the story and characters are weak"? What you're talking about sounds like a really specific show or comic.

>> No.4615092

He clearly has strong opinions about Steven universe

>> No.4615106

See the Supergirl TV show.

>> No.4615125
File: 1.03 MB, 268x274, Confused.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did he mean by this?
It may not seem like talking down to you because you whole hardly agree with what they're saying, but the message they give out usually comes with the mocking of masculine male (established or new) characters and jabs at the previous audience. The people at the head of these shows will go out their way to attack long time fans of the IP because some might disagree with the direction. Star wars sequel trilogy, The new SHe-Ra and the CW Bat Woman comes to mind of the top of my head. There's tons of other instances of this happening but its besides the point. People don't like being talked down to, your only narrowing your audience to a very small minority that agrees with you.

>> No.4615149

I haven't watched any of those besides the new Star Wars so I can't say I know what you're talking about. And the new Star Wars movies were badly written, but I didn't see any overt preachiness about "SJW" topics. I just filed it into the bad Hollywood movies pile along with Dark Pheonix et all.

>> No.4615159

No you see they had too many brown people in the background its a jewish conspiracy

>> No.4615174

You must not be aware of all the articles that came out attacking all the "manchildren" that had issues with the writing. Also the person that was the head of the star wars brand at Disney, Kathleen Kennedy, would wear shirts saying "the force is female", go on about how there was never any women involved in star wars and attack the fan base that made the IP into a multi billion dollar brand. Also the fact that they made every single male character into a coward or comedic relief outside of the antagonist really drove home their agenda. tons of stuff has comes out with this weird identity politics and that's essentially the core of what people hate about sjws. Not the fact that they're brown or queer characters, just the identity politics that the people behind the scenes are pushing.
Get a trip so I can filter you.

>> No.4615182

Sounds like uppity white women writing, t b h

>> No.4615188

> I don't know where your getting this idea that me or other anons are calling brown people in media inherently SJW

It's literally what started this discussion, see >>4614076

>>Queer protagonists
>>An all-brown cast
> Take your SJW trash elsewhere please, why did you really come into this thread?

Props if you disagree though. I'm just tired of seeing people push dumb shit when talking about content-irrelevant issues of execution.

>> No.4615212

Mentally ill people have to inject their ideology into literally every aspect of their lives. It defines them on a core level. It doesn't matter if they're San Francisco cuck types or "dA SjWs!1" like our boy here.

>> No.4615289

Ahh, are you the guy with the manga contact? I’d love it if you could give us a more detailed breakdown on what they’re looking for?

You said you just showed then your art, yeah? Not a full story draft?

>> No.4615316

Yeah, but it still has somethong to say. The author is clearly very influenced by explotation horror movies but his series don't stop at the schlock and even if they did, the schlock itself is very interesting in the way it's handled. Instead of a fire hero, the protagonist's power is regeneration which he uses to his advantage and oher for the first time when he is burned, which is appealing on a surface level and on a character level because before him learning how to use te fire that keeps burning him to his favor, his regenaration onl brings him problems. Basically, it doesn't reinvent the wheel but it's still creative, something that not many have done before but that it still fits into this narrow scope of shonen that you would read on Wikipedia.

>> No.4615341

I think what you're trying to say is that Fire Punch didn't try and innovate so much as it tried to have an excellent execution with some mild genre subversion.
Which circles back around to Gigachads point that over thinking your premise is peanuts next to how well you actually perform it.

>> No.4615372

Yes. Thanks for putting my thoughts into something coherent.

>> No.4615393

That's me, yeah. I still plan on putting together that writeup, I just haven't gotten around to it yet due to pagemaking demands. Sorry about that, anon.

I'm thinking of submitting to them after I wrap up 13 pages, since there's a neat cliffhanger spot around there. I'll try and get around to that writeup once I've gotten that packaged.

>> No.4615418

Well I mean, I’ve been saying this from the start. Execution tumps concept, every single time. In fact it’s actually better to write a more vanilla story really well, than to tread new ground on your first attempt.

Relating it to SJW-kun, none of his ideas really seemed like they were grounded in trying to tell a story “the main characters are all gay and brown” isn’t exactly an interesting premise. Trying to wrap a story around “yeah I’m gonna make all my characters special snowflakes for real life social commentary” isn’t really how you should be approaching a story, and personally, I’m glad people like that are filtered out of the manga industry, if anything due to the language, geographic, and cultural barriers. I can practically feel their intentions really with every post they made, even if they were more civil about it than most SJWs tend to be.

>> No.4615427 [DELETED] 

But communities of gay and brown people exist anon, they have lives and go to work every day just like you and me.

You can make a perfectly good story out of that; there's nothing snowflakey about it and merely asking about it as part of a wide series of other questions says nothing about the poster's "SJW intentions" or whether or not the story they'd come up with would be good or bad. The fact that lots of stories that relate to that sort of content are bad doesn't mean that it's impossible to be good, it just means that there are lots of shit writers out there who probably shouldn't be allowed to handle *any* sort of story content whatsoever. There's lots of stories about WASP chads that are total fucking ass too.

>> No.4615433
File: 111 KB, 667x1024, 931823493_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But communities of gay and brown people exist anon, they have lives and go to work every day just like you and me.

You can make a perfectly good story out of that; there's nothing snowflakey about it and merely asking about it as part of a wide series of other questions says nothing about the poster's "SJW intentions" or whether or not the story they'd come up with would be good or bad. The fact that lots of stories that relate to that sort of content are bad doesn't mean that it's impossible for them to be good, it just means that there are lots of shit writers out there who probably shouldn't be allowed to handle *any* sort of story content whatsoever. There's lots of stories about WASP chads that are total fucking ass too.

>> No.4615436

Okay, not him but I gotta ask:
What's your premise? What's the plot? What's the purpose? Remember, this has to enter within the SHONEN genre.

How does them being ground and gay matter to the story? Is it a key element somehow, or just superficial bullshit?

>> No.4615440

I dunno, I'm not the anon that asked, so I can't answer that question.

Also, sorry for the delete. I hate typos in my shit and also didn't think to include a pic-related example of what I'm talking about until after the fact. >>4615433 is the fixed version of the deleted post.

>> No.4615455

Anon every replying has been saying the same thing: if you make that the focus then no it probably won't do very well. What you should be inferring from that is that yes, you can have whatever kind of characters you want, just don't make that all there is to it. Make something good that also happens to have whatever you want in it.
You can write whatever you want and if it's good then people will probably be interested, but don't come crying to us if japan doesn't give a shit about what you give a shit about. Same story with manime fans out there: Fist of the North Star and alike were very popular... in the 80s, 30 years ago. That time is long past, what was popular then now has little to no audience in japan, so while you're free to make the coolest most testosterone badass thing you like, that doesn't mean japan will give a shit about it.

>> No.4615458

Also just an addendum regarding
>superficial bullshit
I don't think whether a character is gay or brown really has to be a super mega-important ultra-highlighted key to a story anyway. Sometimes it can be (like in Moonlight, where it's a key part of the main character's development and thus the narrative), but it can also just be something along the lines of the male lead's boyfriend dying to kick off a story rather than having it be a girlfriend or have a female lead off-handedly mention the date night they had with their girlfriend or whatever. Important vs. superficial is a false dichotomy; it depends on whether or not the element's usage in the narrative is appropriate given the narrative context.

>> No.4615461

every replying has been saying the same thing

Except, again, that's not how this conversation started, and it's also arguably popped up again several other times (e.g. saying that having a character be gay and brown automatically makes them a "special snowflake") so if you disagree that's fine. I'm just pushing back against ideology creep since that's the kind of stuff that tends to ruin artistic possibility.

>> No.4615485
File: 45 KB, 474x647, 6A49A0A1-FDED-4469-A477-70447DCD9343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But communities of gay and brown people exist anon, they have lives and go to work every day just like you and me.
Exactly. They’re just like you and me, therefore their race or sexuality should not matter.

I’ve always found this attentive focus on minority groups to be more hypocritically racist than initially implied. When I grew up, I learned not to SEE people for their race or whatever, but now it seems all these SJW types wanna segregate us by things that don’t matter.

Here’s a foolproof way to tell if a story works or is just a vessel for neo-Communist propaganda.

Does your story work identically regardless of what Race, Gender, or Sexuality your character is?

For example, look at Pulp Fiction, you can make Jules white or asian, and it literal does not change a thing. You look at shit like Batwoman or Captain Marvel, and it’s all “look at me I’m a woman, I’m so badass.” Then you read Naussica, or watch Monokoke, or Spirited Away, and you could easily genderbend all the characters and not have it affect the story in any way.


Because a story about being (black, gay, a woman, trans, insert SJW minority phenotype here) isn’t interesting, and only serves as a vessel for social commentary and propaganda.

>> No.4615501
File: 1.30 MB, 4096x3017, received_2670507686371743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Because a story about being (black, gay, a woman, trans, insert SJW minority phenotype here) isn’t interesting, and only serves as a vessel for social commentary and propaganda.

That's just your opinion though. I thought Moonlight was a great film. It was tough to watch at points because I'm not gay, sure, but that's part of the film experience.

I also disagree with what appears to be your premise:

> Does your story work identically regardless of what Race, Gender, or Sexuality your character is?

because certain kinds of historical epics don't work well or at least in the same way if those details are changed. By your logic, all films set in times like the antebellum south, World War II, or even 13th Century Scotland are all bad. Braveheart literally doesn't work unless William Wallace is a Gael, and Harriet Tubman: Demon Slayer doesn't work if Harriet isn't a runaway slave.

Identity isn't automatically bad, and neither is its prominent or subtle use in a narrative. What matters is nothing if not execution, and the litmus test that you have proposed here lacks any sort of proper nuance to be useful for determining narrative quality.

>> No.4615502

You're in for a treat then.

>> No.4615521

>because certain kinds of historical epics don't work well
Well no fucking shit. Because when you’re promoting yourself as being historical accurate, and then change facts on people for SJW diversity nonsense, it pisses them off. And that’s not to say these SJW types haven’t tried, making Achilles black, or so on and so forth. If you’re gonna do that, why not write fantasy based on history for example then?

You make a fucking story about Oda Nobunaga and cast him as a blue eyed blonde haired white guy, you’re gonna piss people off. It’d be like casting Napoleon as black or asian. Don’t tell a historical story and then change historical facts arbitrarily.

The story not working has nothing to do with it, we’re talking about writing pure fantasy here and fiction here, not historically based non-fiction.

> Demon Slayer doesn't work if Harriet isn't a runaway slave.
Because you’re talking about historical stories. You could easily write slavery into a story without your characters being black, or hell, even human. Especially since slavery has affected pretty much all of humanity for centuries, and not just Africans.

Could you write a manga with a black MC? Ofc you could, but not if you’re doing it for diversity brownie points and social commentary. The Japanese aren’t stupid.

>> No.4615532

>Because a story about being (black, gay, a woman, trans, insert SJW minority phenotype here) isn’t interesting, and only serves as a vessel for social commentary and propaganda.
For example, a story about a Pakistani woman and how she lives her life under oppression cannot be interesting, and is inherently just commie SJW propaganda?
I'm not that anon but you're being dumb as shit if you don't think factors such as race/gender/sexuality/etc should always be interchangeable in a good story.

>> No.4615535

> The story not working has nothing to do with it, we’re talking about writing pure fantasy here and fiction here, not historically based non-fiction.

I didn't know Harriet Tubman: Demon Slayer was a historically accurate portrayal of Harriet's life and times, but if so then that's pretty fuckin cool.

> You could easily write slavery into a story without your characters being black, or hell, even human. Especially since slavery has affected pretty much all of humanity for centuries, and not just Africans.

Okay, but in the antebellum south, slavery manifested in the form of white-black racial tension. Thus, the identity of a slave character cannot be easily changed. If you want to use that as a litmus test for stories completely divorced from our history and reality that are completely and entirely fictional, then, sure, I guess you can use it that way. But at this point you're basically saying that non-historical non-referential fictional worlds are SJW propaganda if they make identity a facet of their narrative, which doesn't make much sense as an argument because if they're completely divorced from any sort of historical precedent it would be somewhat impossible for them to make any sort of propagandistic claim. They'll have to loop it back to some sort of non-negotiable real-world element in order to do that.

So it sort of just sounds like your issue is with people using identity elements founded in real history in narratives, which strikes me as a pretty anti-art stance in general.

>> No.4615558

>For example, a story about a Pakistani woman and how she lives her life under oppression cannot be interesting, and is inherently just commie SJW propaganda?
An Arab MC was featured in Gundam 00 already, again I don’t see why you’re being revolutionary with these ideas, when exploring shit like that is common in manga, it’s just not worn on the sleeve, unlike in western media where you’re beaten over the head with how someone is a minority or gay and why you should care. Ffs, manga LITERALLY has a gay pedo antagonist, and he’s NOT portrayed in a negative light. Moreover, gay sidekicks and friends are common in even shounen manga, as are traps. You know what the difference is though.., we don’t even know for sure is Hisoka os even gay at all, as he doesn’t go around explicitly telling everyone how he’s gay at every chance he gets in order to constantly remind the reader.

Someone setting out with the focus of writing a story ABOUT a minority is inherently going to fail hard at it because they’ll lack the subtlety and nuance to pull it off rights as they’re so focused on trying to use their work as a means of social commentary. Shounen readers wanna see cool robots and people fighting using bigdick swords and shooting giant laser beams. They don’t wanna read a story about a woman who is oppressed cause she lives in Pakistan.

No that’s not what I’m saying at all. You’re twisting my words around and missing the point entirely.

This is a thread about SHOUNEN manga, if you wanna write your “art” take it elsewhere.

Things like blacks, gay characters, and slavery have been featured in shounen manga before, and aren’t taboo topics at all, but if you’re setting out with the intention of preaching social commentary through your writing, don’t expect to get very far, as your priorities are all screwed.

>> No.4615572
File: 426 KB, 750x786, CC28D7AB-BBE7-4001-883B-5F03F2660B92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to make stories about “diverse” people being “diverse.” Then I suggest you take your “art” to where it rightfully belongs with people who are interested in that sort of stuff. Shonen Jump isn’t for you.

>> No.4615578

> This is a thread about SHOUNEN manga, if you wanna write your “art” take it elsewhere.

I thought it was a conversation about
> pure fantasy here and fiction here
Oh well. I guess it's a good thing that there's no such thing as historical shonen manga, no sir.

> Things like blacks, gay characters, and slavery have been featured in shounen manga before, and aren’t taboo topics at all, but if you’re setting out with the intention of preaching social commentary through your writing, don’t expect to get very far, as your priorities are all screwed.

No one said they were going to do this. You just seem to be (incorrectly) implying that including those things means that the above is happening, which hasn't been proven in any form or fashion.

> Someone setting out with the focus of writing a story ABOUT a minority is inherently going to fail hard at it because they’ll lack the subtlety and nuance to pull it off rights as they’re so focused on trying to use their work as a means of social commentary.

Do minority authors and artists lack the subtlety and nuance to write about being a minority, anon? Is no one good enough to do this? Are minorities and their experiences just so nuanced that the first successful attempt is going to end up being the next Great American Novel? None of what you're saying actually follows; you're so bound up in ideology that you're twisting yourselves into knots attempting to justify nonsensical arguments, and the total ramble in the first portion of your post puts that on full display.

> Shounen readers wanna see cool robots and people fighting using bigdick swords and shooting giant laser beams. They don’t wanna read a story about a woman who is oppressed cause she lives in Pakistan.

If there's one thing I think we can all agree on in this thread, it's that no one seems to agree or actually seems to know what shonen readers want.

Also, Act-Age doesn't fit this bill at all.

>> No.4615585

I want to make stories that interest me, anon. I'm sure it's the same way for everyone. The one-shot I'm personally working on has nothing to do with any of this, I just think your arguments are highly detrimental to artistic expression and development in a wider sense. "Diversity" includes white people, you know; your logic would result in there being less interesting and varied works about Euro cultures in addition to brown ones or whatever it is you don't like.

Just calm down. Part of the great thing about art and comics is that we can create a bunch of different works about a bunch of different experiences. If you don't like something, just don't read it.

>> No.4615656


man stfu already you sjw retard, you've done nothing but derail this entire fucking thread with your retarded nonsense

write whatever the fuck you wanna write, but stop ruining the discussion with your petty crap, you disingenious fuckhead

>> No.4615668

> "these individual story elements have no bearing on the quality of a story. It's all about execution, and we should advocate for good stories of all types to be told so that we all have media we can enjoy."


You people are all the same lmao. Just accept that multiple people think your opinion is stupid and relax.

>> No.4615675

>o minority authors and artists lack the subtlety and nuance to write about being a minority, anon?
Not him, but as a latinoamerican myself, I just wanted to drop my 2 cents that all latinamerican fans of comicbooks, from northern mexico to the argentinian patagonia absolutely fucking HATE America Chavez and her creator and writer, to the point the writer called us ungrateful hicks for disliking her "LOOK AT ME I'M MINORITY I SPEAK BROKEN SPANISH, I'M FAT AND NON BINARY AND I MAKE TONY STARK LOOK BAD BUT I HAVE NO PERSONALITY BEYOND NON-BINARY AND GAY, NO HOBBIES, NO PERSONAL JOURNEY OF GROWTH" garbage writing. While a character like Luke Cage (especially with the netflix show) is beloved.

>> No.4615683

I don't like America Chavez either. It's a case of a bad writer being bad and making a bad character and I'd ideally never have to see her books again.

Luke Cage is definitely based though. I'm glad so many people seem to like him.

>> No.4615821

How the fuck are the entries being sorted? I keep seeing new things pop up at the back of the stack instead of the front all of a sudden.

>> No.4616186
File: 620 KB, 2048x2732, FD111807-E7C1-4A63-A3BC-EEDC5D961966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

@4613949 stfu about brown characters! Why you think the Japanese looking OUTSIDE of Japan for? So Americans can draw Japanese knowing we live in America? Ain’t that some stupidity!!!

I am seeing the racists out in the woodworks on this forum and it disgusts me! I read the N word multiple times and NO ONE said anything about it! They just casually let it slide! YOU ARE THE PROBLEM to why everything is so bad nowadays cause you turn a blind eye! I’m entering the Tezuka Contest too, and you bet your asses I’m making my cast brown and black!! There’s going to be Hispanic, Native Americans, Black people, White people and Asian! You all SUCK saying brown cast is unwanted! Well, Fck YOU! That’s why I am entering for this sole reason to prove you nazis wrong! Here’s a sample of what I’m doing

>> No.4616190 [DELETED] 


>> No.4616205

@4615572 STFU

Don’t tell people what’s for them or what’s not for them asshat! They can enter just as much as someone with a robot manga can!

>> No.4616211

@Fck OFF crackhead and get a job instead of being online spewing hate you uncultured swine

>> No.4616217

@4616190 And you’re being reported

>> No.4616234

that’s what they ALL say! They they don’t see race or color.. but at the same time bypass the N word being thrown across the thread. GTFO

>> No.4616264

The cover has to be in monochrome

>> No.4616311

>baited by sjw troll this hard

>> No.4616415

Apparently another anon emailed Medibang to ask and they said a color cover is okay.

>> No.4616418

Race and whatevers aside, you should study more anatomy and poses, the characters look really stiff, like dolls. I like your style though good luck with your comic.

>> No.4616424

No it doesn't. Some anon already emailed medibang asking that and they said that the cover could be in color. But yeah, the comic itself has to be monochrome only though.

>> No.4616434

148 post. Just shit posting.

Check previous thread. 350 post, just shit posting.

Anyone actually post manga pages here?

>> No.4616435

A day later and we’re still at exactly two original contributions to this thread

>> No.4616446
File: 503 KB, 1156x811, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am drafting as i go, sill on page 10 because i have no idea what to do more or less. I'll just put on whatever and keep editing and redrafting and do the line art stuff since i got a lot of time.

>> No.4616553
File: 1.01 MB, 2896x4096, IMG_20200530_185231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool dude, I like your lineart. I usually do too without planning but this time i'm trying something more structured.

>> No.4616574

I will clean the lines bro for now it's just fat boy brush. Yours look very animated and clean, i hope you plan on adding more details. Lets get this bread boyo

>> No.4616658

2 threads ago, Medibang had responded the opposite to another anon. I wonder if they changed their minds since no one was obeying that one single detail?

>> No.4616686

Maybe, who knows.

>> No.4616713

Should someone else ask a final time, screencap it and have the screencap as the next OP? I as thinking of having the cover in monochrome on the competition and just post the color version on Twitter, unless that's against the rules.

>> No.4616975

>namefag spergs the fuck out and can’t even reply properly
>That’s why I am entering for this sole reason to prove you nazis wrong!
How? By losing?

>> No.4617255
File: 29 KB, 720x264, B.A.I.T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This board is beyond saving.

>> No.4617945

Are you guys sure that a page converted from greyscale to monochrome will ultimately look the same? I'm working with a ton of gradients and I'm starting to get worried that when I convert it'll come out like crap

>> No.4617947

Why not just test it for yourself? Experimentation is how you learn how to utilize your tools.

>> No.4617974

Yeah, fair enough. Not really sure why I asked this question.

>> No.4618533

Last thread has 91 posters atleast, this thread has only 31. Did people just give up?

>> No.4618559

Quarantines are over and America is on fire, so all the burger shitposters are gone. Well, most of them at least.

>> No.4618581
File: 2.77 MB, 640x360, 1583256294068.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you even convert grayscale to monochrome? Don't you need to convert the grays to dot screens first?

>> No.4620123

Preferably yes. And the lineart into threshold.

>> No.4620191

Writefag here. I have a story ready, but I need an artist. Just FYI, it's only in prose right now, and it will take me a bit to adapt it into a manuscript for manga. But if there are any drawfags bored enough or looking for something to adapt for the contest, drop me a line, and I'll send you a link to the story. If you like it, we'll go from there.

>> No.4620193

I see the Options field doesn't work anymore. I've been lurking for too long. My email is varg.kelan@gmail.com. Fuck it, just email me some art and we'll take it from there.

>> No.4621548


You might get some more interest if you posted a writing sample, anon. Lots of artists are skeptical of working with self-proclaimed "writers" because they tend to be either A.) Bad or B.) "Idea Guys" that just provide a half-baked script and expect the artist to do the rest of the work and fashion it into a comic.

Not saying this is you, just saying that this is people's perception and that a good artist might be convinced to drop you a line by a good writing sample. Give a little get a little, etc.

>> No.4621569

good fishy

>> No.4621577
File: 19 KB, 618x212, mangacover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3/4 of the entries are getting disqualified. Lol.

>> No.4621588

Wait what

I have to convert this shit? Do I still have to if I'm working in medibang in b&w with screentones?

>> No.4621607

I am, I have a cool "world" but I cant move the plot, I could push 30 pages of filler but thats it lmao

>> No.4621673

Why do we keep getting back and forth responses on this, at this point the contest organizers are starting to look as pathetic as the entries.

Does anyone have screenshots of some of the "color is okay" answers posted earlier?

>> No.4621689

I'm still here from last thread, I will say the /a/ thread was way better though since /ic/ is an insane asylum

>> No.4621777

I'm still here and still drawing

>> No.4622027

Kinda. They want bitmap files which are totally black and white, not reyscale (for flie storage saving purposes). It's not a big deal, speciall if you work in layers. The easiest way to avoid converting stuff is to work on the tones and lineart with bitmap layers (don't know if medibang has that option) or use materials and brusehes that are bitmap or just don't use any antialiasing (aka the grey pixels that make the brushtrokes look less jagged).

>> No.4622035

Nice. Now I have a shot, a 1 in 1'000,000 shot instead of 1 in 1'001,000.

>> No.4622043

The number of posters will rise up once the deadlines are closer.

>> No.4622046

This. You might spark more confidence in people if you posted a sample. Especially since writing for comics/manga is, as stated earlier, “writing with pictures” something an artist is generally already capable of. The one area where artists are likely to struggle is scene structure, dialogue, and characterization. ie, showcasing character through, so it’d be good to write up a scene that shows off a dialogue exchange between two characters.

It also shouldn’t be one from the story you’ve drafted, but something new. As a writer, you should be able to write up scenes fairly easily, as, much like how a concept artist is expected to craft and polish their skills by drawing every day, a writer should be writing every day as well, a good writer at least. Having one story you’ve been working on since forever doesn’t make someone a writer, but having dozens upon dozens of story ideas, and writing various different scenes and outlines that come to your head frequently does. You obviously should never share ideas or stories you personally plan to develop and monetize, but that shouldn’t impede you from whipping something up real quick that shows off your skill.

Hope that helps, and best of luck.

>> No.4622078

Gotcha. Thanks!

>> No.4622107

so what happened to the threads on /a/? Did manga anon give up?

>> No.4622112

I'm here, I'd be happy to make another thread on /a/ if I won't get banned for it

>> No.4622125

Lmfao did the jannies fucking banned you? God I fucking hate /a/. Just make your thread appear as a non-general because it's banned in there. Make the OP as short and concise as possible.

>> No.4622159

I didn't but they've banned diy manga stuff before, fuck it I'll do it. Witness me.

>> No.4622162

Do it. Don't let your dreams be dreams

>> No.4622171


bump it

>> No.4622174

YES it's time boys

>> No.4622181

/ic/ is way too slow and full of pussies to go crab and discuss shit on another board.

>> No.4622187

Nice try

I am actually still here, not banned or anything, but with threads dying at 50 posts where half the posts are me bumping it, I don't think there's enough interest. I'd rather just focus on my own one-shot than worry about keeping interest up and babysitting the threads.

>> No.4622207

that's a shame. /a/ is truly dead

>> No.4622259

That’s cause it’s much harder to create than it is to destroy. Anyone can be a snarky critic and complain about things they don’t like about a series, call it shit, or even rightfully point out legitimate problems with it with solid arguments, but hindsight is 20/20 and talking about how to “fix” a story or whatever doesn’t actually prepare you for making one, as it’s infinitely harder to do so.

And that’s pretty much all of /a/ and the anime fandom in a nutshell. For all of their bolstering of how “good their taste” is, they can’t actually put any of that to use to craft a story that’s actually interesting to read.

Being a consumer and being a creator require completely different mindsets, and critics most of all are the lowest of the bunch.

>> No.4622471
File: 98 KB, 729x959, export.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been fucking with the convertion settings on Clip but i'm not sure how to get the best results.
Lines and screentones are monochrome now but when i lower the resolution (for Medibang site) it doesn't look that good

>> No.4622474

Why are you lowering the resolution to 200 dpi?

>> No.4622479

It should be 300 dpi for the site, right?

>> No.4622536 [DELETED] 

Pretty sure site says 600dpi

>> No.4622736

So they allow 600dpi for the site? I assumed the file sizes in the site would be lower so it wouldn't take that much time to upload. Isn't every comic site like that? Wouldn't that make the site too heavy to use if everyone's pages are as big as possible?

>> No.4622778

Yes they probably have something to scale it down in their reader app but it's supposed to be scaled down to 600 dpi

>> No.4622920

Don't give up. Previous OP was just a poll and people had no indication when it was over, which doesn't grab attention. Next time put the details of the editor story in the OP, along with clear questions on where to take things. Don't require people to click links to participate in the thread, because they won't - even out of people who voted in the poll, most of them probably based their vote entirely on the name you gave each entrant, without reading what they were actually about. (though linking the contest in the OP is a must, and stuff like the GDoc can go in post 2)

>> No.4622947
File: 113 KB, 1165x822, mb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you even upload that large files?
It says with jpg, png etc. the file limit is 5MB. With PDF it's 200MB

>> No.4622978
File: 58 KB, 748x960, OC template 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bumping with story templates for anyone needing help organizing their thoughts like I do

>> No.4622981
File: 42 KB, 744x960, OC template 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4622983
File: 26 KB, 750x576, OC template 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4623244

Does anyone have blue-line manga page templates for photoshop? All the ones I've seen online are color-filled.
>just make one
I don't want to do it wrong

>> No.4623250
File: 49 KB, 459x648, MANGAborder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4623289
File: 469 KB, 4962x6961, MANGA PAGE DOUJINSHI SIZE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4623418

There was no screenshot, only "dude trust me".

>> No.4623458
File: 383 KB, 1559x2048, 44D2FA7B-BE5E-4C74-A49A-D1AF51207026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heres a sketch of the cover Im working on, have a few rough pages down and the script/story all sorted out. Going to spend all summer making this bad boy

>> No.4623465

trigger discipline

>> No.4623470

The rules says 600 dpi or more anon

>> No.4623476

what is that gun supposed to be

>> No.4623488

Its a bit rough in the sketch but its a lethal poison gun that shoots extremely toxic liquid and holds much more shots than a normal gun since its using a tank. Also It doesnt matter where you shoot the person since its injecting a deadly poison

>> No.4623552

How do you upload that large files to the site when there's max file size limit?

>> No.4623565

What resolution are you exporting? The regular size is around 1200 px of width

>> No.4623568

What's the filesize limit? Your images shouldn't be more than a couple of MB... even this spread I have where the project file is 120mb is under 3MB after exporting as a 2550x1754 jpg (and it should be lower as a png).

>> No.4624230
File: 158 KB, 1612x943, Medibang Tezuka Questions Email Chain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, haven't been on this thread for a little bit.
This was the email I got. But honestly, who knows how organized they are. It's possible this person was mistaken.

>> No.4624242

Yeah they might be kinda wishy washy on it because they originally said it needs to be screentones and black and white, but so many entries have a color cover page that they might want to the rules for it, otherwise a ton of entries are going to get disqualified.

>> No.4624250
File: 453 KB, 6071x8599, B4 Manga Page Measurments.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This pic >>4623250 is the JIS B4 size that is most common size used in pro manga.
Pic related is a guide I found that gives the measurements of the various guides.
I double checked and the dimensions match this >>4623250 and other pro paper on sale.

>> No.4624268
File: 175 KB, 6071x8600, B4 Manga Page Template.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyway, I made a guide based on this size in Illustrator. It is the standard JIS B4 size at 600 ppi. When you bring it into your drawing software just make sure it is at 600 ppi and that shout match up with the proper measurements.
I opened it up in Krita and it was correct right off the bat.

There are no rulers on the side, but if your drawing digitally you shouldn't really need them.
I did include center marks.

>> No.4624273

I genuinely believe those disqualifications are going to be filters. You know japan "if you cant follow a simple instruction then you're hopeless".

>> No.4624288
File: 11 KB, 182x181, genko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure you're right. If you look on the Japanese page for this contest https://www.shonenjump.com/j/mangasho/teaka/#yuso it gives the following info (according to Google Translate):

Document size
As shown on the right. (Pic related) It is 1.2 times the size of this magazine's comics.
Digital manuscript
In case of post by mail
Please enclose the output sample of B4 size and the data.
Data is in PSD or TIFF format with layer integration
Please create.
We recommend monochrome resolution of 600 dpi or higher.
Use either CD-R or DVD-R as the medium
WEB form
In case of posting
The maximum size of the submitted file is 200MB.
When submitting, please zip the images such as TIFF and PSD without dividing them into folders.
The file name is an official title such as "(half-width alphanumeric characters of work title).zip"
Please make it easy to understand.
The name of each image file should be such that the order of publication is such as "001.jpg".
We recommend monochrome resolution of 600 dpi or higher.
Number of originals
Tezaki Prize (Story Manga Category) Page 31
Akatsuka Prize (Gag cartoon category) 7-31P
*Please strictly adhere to the number of sheets. We will not return the manuscript. Please make a copy in advance and send the original.

I think
>We recommend monochrome resolution of 600 dpi or higher
is a good rule of thumb.

Of course the number of pages between this and the Intenational contest is different. But I'm going with all monochrome.

>> No.4624296

The western competition didn't specify B6 or B4 but it did specify the 600 dpi.

>> No.4624301
File: 103 KB, 365x429, 1472083004437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the size limit for the upload? My name is 300 MBs on B6, 600 dpi size.

>> No.4624465

You should name it IC-gun.

>> No.4624581


I don't know anything about file compression since i never needed to, i always lowered the resolution but this time i want to keep the quality.
My pages are B4 21 cm x 29 cm (4961 x 7016 px) 600dpi right now so they're way too big. One file is usually 20-50 MB.

What do i need to do to get the file size down without losing quality?

>> No.4624595

Save as monochrome.

>> No.4624777

This. Not only will it dramatically save up space, it's the format the contest asks you to upload your pages in.

>> No.4624782

Wow... Thanks, anon! Now I won't have to make mine. This is a real time saver.

>> No.4624806
File: 19 KB, 171x339, monochrome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In CSP, how do I save as monochrome? Just by having the expression set as so? Pic related.

>> No.4624812

>everything i wanna write about is too edgy

how do you make badguys that are hateable without having them rape/murder or literally eat babies from live womens' wombs?

>> No.4624844

Paint them black.

>> No.4624849

Dunno. Check CSP's manual, ask their support?

>> No.4624858

what, does the actual pages have to be in monochrome now?

>> No.4624862

Are you retarded?

>> No.4624903

Make them people. Think back to people youve disliked or hated. Was it because they were condescending? Rude? Richer than you? Had beliefs you heavily disagreed with? Treated everybody like trash, or didnt take care of themselves? Or were they too much like you it made you uncomfortable? You dont need to shove it in the readers face that “this character is awful. Hate him.” Thats up to the reader to decide.

>> No.4624919 [DELETED] 

Depends on what your story is about. Villain can be anything from silly like Team Rocket, to a sociopath like the Joker, to a brainless monster, to a mustache twirling villain, to a misguided hero, to society, to literally nature. Hell, it can even be your protagonist.

I would say “the villain/antagonist is the most important character in your story” but this isn’t exactly true for a one shot where you don’t have much room for character development. A “monster of the week” type approach where the villain is more of an obstacle is better for this format, unless you’re making the villain the main character of your story, or a story about surviving nature or some unseen foe (which would again make them an obstacle).

>> No.4625059

I used that window >>4622471 to export files to JPG 600dpi and Duotone (Treshold).
Files are still too big so probably have to think something else in addition

>> No.4625068

try TIFF (monochrome), PNG or even BMP (also monochrome)

>> No.4625262

PNG and BMP were good but they fucked the tones somehow so it looks really bad when looking at viewer, not to mention Medibang site viewer

>> No.4625316

That's the sad reality of working with screentones digitally. They're going to get Moire Patterned to shit.

>> No.4625386

My psychic powers tell me that anti-aliasing is a culprit because it produces grey pixels.
See if they converted your png's into jpegs.

>> No.4625843

I find nothing.

This is a shitshow, innit? Are screentones screwed in other entries?

>> No.4625854
File: 571 KB, 800x640, 1541809591519.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe the "Process for scaling" at the bottom is wrong? Since it says "for illustration" and not "monochrome".

>> No.4626452
File: 3.06 MB, 3840x1770, 1584922780127.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just look, for pete's sake. Be self sufficient.

Anyway, I only looked at a couple of entries, the top 2, but the first looks like it didn't convert its greys to tones and the second looks like it did but the compression algorithm, either from when they converted or more likely from medibang's reader itself, turned it into a grey slush anyway (pic related).

>> No.4626459
File: 205 KB, 1254x1771, 1569635163301.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyway, what I do is I just export as a png as illustration. It usually looks fine, with a small filesize. Moire patterned screentones aren't an issue in print anyway, and generally readers that apply a filter or sites that compress images will "fix" the moire patterning (like medibang's site seems to be doing, though I can't confirm 100% myself since I haven't uploaded anything to it).

>> No.4626809

What are you guys's thoughts on "cheating" the live area for dialogue a bit? It's there to avoid cutting things off, but there should be at least a tiny bit of space on the top, bottom, and bookedge sides of the live area that's safe from chopping (like less than half-way to the trim size marker). Is this something professionals do, or am I testing fate / being a dumbass?

>> No.4626824

You can do this with the art for your panel, it's very common in manga to go past this line for dramatic effect in certain panels. But you have to make sure that nothing integral to the scene is up there in case it does get cut off. Since dialogue is important, no, never fucking do that. If you have so much that you can't fit it well, you need to split it up more, revise your layout, or find a more concise way to write it.

>> No.4626868

I work in printing, you're 99% of the time perfectly safe doing so, but don't take it TOO far out.

Using >>4624250 as a reference image, they make their cut on the Yellow/Green border, but the cuts are never PERFECT. In my job, our go-to guideline is take the width of the bleed, and apply it inwards 1x to get our ACTUAL safe zone. We tell our clients to put their stuff inwards 2x (Because our clients are dumb). It generally always cuts extremely close to the Yellow/Green border line, but you never want to have text/important imagery going right up to that line.

>> No.4626875


>> No.4626876
File: 76 KB, 621x864, nx3NBz2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oops, forgot image. I'd call the teal line here your ACTUAL safe zone. Don't take anything important out any further

>> No.4626883

Thanks anon, makes sense. There's a pretty hefty gap between live and the border, so I thought there had to be SOME wiggle room at least. The re-line at >>4626876 was very helpful.

I'll still try and keep as much as I can inside live as >>4626824 said for the sake of my own ease, but it's good to know that I have a bit of room to cheese if I fuck up a little. Thanks all

>> No.4627221

What dot pattern size do you use? Moire pattern might appear more easier when you put dot frequency to highest.

>> No.4627236

85, the max, for the dots there though I wouldn't always use it.

>> No.4627483
File: 73 KB, 617x801, setting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried every combination but the best result came with jpeg file and lowering the quality and scale ratio from original data. png and bmp are out of the window because they fuck up tones too much, even with high quality and 600 dpi, not sure why only those make them look like that.

I hope they accept lowering the quality because it does make small grays to appear even in full black and white but it's the only way to me to keep 600 dpi with small file size

Also it would be nice to know what those windows do, i have no idea what's the difference between duotone (treshold) and duotone (toning).

>> No.4627501

The moire pattern showing up isn't a sign of the tons being fucked up, it's the opposite. The lack of compression artifacts is what causes the moire pattern effect with screen tones. What you're suggesting is basically just intentionally artifacting your image to avoid a moire pattern from appearing. If you think that's an improvement then fair enough.

>> No.4627506

>I hope they accept lowering the quality because it does make small grays to appear even in full black and white but it's the only way to me to keep 600 dpi with small file size
Forgot to add, check >>4626452, an image ripped straight from their reader. It's compressed to hell and rather heavily artifacted. I suspect that's due to the compression the reader on their site does itself, not something you would do yourself.

Also I'd think that if they're going to print something they would try to get better quality images from the artist, if not the project files themselves so they can export whatever res they want.

>> No.4627615

I understand what you're saying with it being retarted to artificially lowering the quality but the moire effect png just is that bad in my case.
I did upload png files to medibang even if they looked horrible on my screen. You can fiddle with the page order and look at the preview viewer how it looks when posted. It still looked pretty bad in the preview screen and didn't look that compressed that i hoped.

No use to publish this because it would be disqualified by looks alone.

>> No.4627668

Can you make original image black-and-white? Like apply filter or whatever. And then export as is?

>> No.4627695

I think when you put Duotone (treshold) or Duotone (toning), the image is saved as black and white. But the file size is too big for some reason even after that. I don't know any other way to save as black and white on Clip