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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 673 KB, 720x960, 1563051267416.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4600697 No.4600697 [Reply] [Original]

>draw lewd art because its what you have the most fun drawing
>post it so others can enjoy the visuals too
>fans enjoy it and let me know
>women show up to criticize it & lewd content in general to balance out the fun

why do they do this and how do i get them to go away?

>> No.4600705

kneejerk reactions, there's no way the atmosphere's right

>> No.4600707
File: 68 KB, 1280x720, 1577479151115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell them you're also a young Woman who is exploring herself and embracing the sexual freedom. Also tell them you want to go down on another girl and that you are sexually frustrated and the only way to let out these emotions is through this art medium. Also tell them they're ghay.

>> No.4600709

Things that don’t happen: the thread

>> No.4600710


>> No.4600714 [DELETED] 

no because i don't want more trolls, fuck off.

i want to remove trolls

>> No.4600726

op doesnt have work :)

>> No.4600731

Identity politics gives them a way to call other girls sluts now that being a slut is a good thing, actually. Your solutions:

• Don't be female (important)
• Don't actively court LGBTs (especially lesbians, who are often radfems)
• Keep your art account seperate from your personal account
• Ignore and block anti-porn accounts. Don't respond to criticism, don't budge an inch.

>> No.4600732

desu i've thought of making a pseudonym as a girl and seeing how it goes. Women in the past pretended to be men so they could skirt social norms and get away with writing or doing art when it wasn't acceptable for them. Right now it's OK for women to draw lewd art but women complain about men that do it. So pretending to be a woman makes a lot of sense.

you came here to be pricks and contribute only negativity just like the people who criticize lewd art for no reason. this shit does happen, not just to me either, and it's a waste of everyone's time and negatively influences everyone's fun. Go be your pathetic selves somewhere else where I don't have to see your ugly anymore. No one asked either of for your dumb ass comments

>> No.4600738

ignore them, or if you followers are taking the bait then just say thank you for your feedback , i really appreciate it, i'll try harder next time :) then just copy paste it whenever you see those blue haired gorillas and just do more lewd stuff. they will grow tired as long as they don't get people angry. they see people angry as them being effective at changing the world.

>> No.4600747

Probably the stupidest thing about women is they complain about “male spaces” for being “too exclusive,” but then you let a woman enter the group in good faith only for her to immediately start bitching about everything the men do that she doesn’t like.

>> No.4600754

Honestly when some cunt starts whining about my art, I just heart her comment and ignore it.

>> No.4600760

>draw lewd request cuz it's fun and maybe i can do something nice for someone
>post it so others can enjoy it
>no replys, not even from the or
>fuck this shit

>> No.4600761

>You came here to be pricks

Shut up, nigger, I didn’t ask you to blow your brains out yet. If you want to see real negativity I can show you real negativity.

>> No.4600792

I wanted to see what was triggering people. That blows.

>you came here to be pricks and contribute only negativity just like the people who criticize lewd art for no reason.
projecting much? I'm a connoseur of porn art my dude I was just wanting to see what was triggering people.

>No one asked either of for your dumb ass comments
When you made your dumb thread you opened yourself up to any and all comments, idiot. I bet that guy is right and you don't even have work, your ass is just larping.

>> No.4600794

>Don't respond to criticism, don't budge an inch
This. Double down and refuse to change your art. Artistic freedom exists no matter what the comments say. Relish the fact that you're pissing them off, in fact. Literally nobody can stop you from drawing what you want.

>> No.4600798

In fact you should draw someone getting off to verbal abuse on Twitter. Even better if you include the words of any real personal attacks they've posted at you.

>> No.4600800
File: 19 KB, 192x192, 28374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you op I fucking hate your dumbass so much its like you dont go anywhere but fucking read shit off of 4chan and think thats what happens everywhere
im a woman and one who frequently fucking uses twitter tumblr and all of that shit
and I fucking am on pretty much every porn artists profiles 25/8
and the ONLY FUCKING TIME i see people complain about that shit is when the anatomy is like genuinly fucking awful like yaoi hands tier shit bad, or its loli/shota art.

you are just fucking retarded please kill yourself
and quit lying you seem like a stupid nigger

>> No.4600834
File: 42 KB, 382x430, 1584610163430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Women in the past pretended to be men so they could skirt social norms and get away with writing or doing art when it wasn't acceptable for them. Right now it's OK for women to draw lewd art but women complain about men that do it. So pretending to be a woman makes a lot of sense.
Fuck! You are so right it hurts. I have problems doing it however because that would turn me into a metaphorical tranny.

>> No.4600844
File: 42 KB, 1078x1328, 1585522775268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have an incredibly low amount of followers on the 10 mark and just post lewd art out of fun and habit with minimal comments, exclusively, nothing extremely risque, just big penises and my art is nothing to write home about. The sheer amount of hate messages I get from total strangers (compared to the ratio of followers) who don't even follow its fucking unreal and they are always either people identifying as woman or pronouns. Only reason I haven't disabled it its because I still find it extremely fascinating my art gets to these people somehow despite me not really shilling anywhere.

>> No.4600852

this is a lie post your blog otherwise you are literally fucking 100% lying
I have my own account where i frequently post gross porn and no one sees it comments or dislikes and I say im a man whos 30 on my profile
no one touches my shit

>> No.4600857
File: 1.92 MB, 2400x3000, style.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quick sketch, how is it?

>> No.4600863

It's shit.

>> No.4600866
File: 7 KB, 180x281, 1585522775261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post your blog otherwise you are literally fucking 100% lying
I just mentioned that I get hate messages from DMs. I don't see how posting my blog would prove anything. You don't have to believe me and I do agree with you that I don't think the overall situation is commonplace. The situation I described is merely from personal experience and might very well be isolated, but it does happen.

>> No.4600867

Idc bitch tits or gtfo

>> No.4600868

bingo this. Even when they're not shitting up your comments section they're DMing you trying to suck up your attention. I hate these retarded fucks.

>> No.4600869

This, coomer shit is dime a dozen and the well majority of it doesn't get negative attention
In reality, most people either like it or don't really give a shit and OP just wants to victimize himself. That, or he's drawing 7 year old anime girls

>> No.4600875

i make a post about not wanting trolls and you ask me to post my work so i can invite more trolls to my post? idiot. now that you realize how dumb your request is, never make it to me or anyone else ever again if you have any dignity

you sound like a really well adjusted failed abortion

>> No.4600877

post all of your dms then

>> No.4600880

I'm not him but he's not going to post his DMs you sub 70 IQ ape. You're horrible at trolling, commit suicide unironically.

>> No.4600883
File: 85 KB, 900x460, pep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4600887

A normal person would just block and move on but since you are an attention whore you will probably write a super long response to own the feminists thus feeding the trolls and keeping the circle going

>> No.4600891

can't disagree with this honestly, you are spot on. i love attention but only positive attention

>> No.4600892
File: 1.57 MB, 1700x2000, cirno_02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pyw faggot, the chances of someone familiar with your art account seeing your work here are very small considering how many art faggots are on the internet.

>> No.4600894

>Double down and refuse to change your art. Artistic freedom exists no matter what the comments say. Relish the fact that you're pissing them off, in fact. Literally nobody can stop you from drawing what you want.
Surprised I'm reading something like this coming from a board that spergs at the mere sight of a flat chested animu.

>> No.4600911

They were too busy masturbating to thank you.

>> No.4600919

>He doesn't even make art
>He's just larping for (you)s


>> No.4600920 [DELETED] 
File: 24 KB, 708x333, 1586831569399.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post all of your dms
You are assuming I keep them archived instead of deleting/ignore? I did find a new one however

>> No.4600923

Pyw and I'll tell you why they're harassing you.

Or just make something similar to the subject matter you normally draw that you'll never post online so we can't reverse image search you and find your blog if you're so scared of 4chan.

I post shit here all the time and nobody has found me yet because the shit I share with you guys is different from what I put on my social media.

>> No.4600952

He can censor his dm you low iq nigger

He is lying so he can't though

>> No.4600958

cut em some slack its hard having a giant gash between your legs, always bein rubbed when walking, geting yeasty and bleeding

>> No.4600962
File: 52 KB, 640x628, 1582411442723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>geting yeasty and bleeding
Foids are scourge of the earth.

>> No.4600976


Would regret fap to again.

>> No.4600993


>> No.4601016
File: 24 KB, 708x333, 1586831569400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are right. I should have done so the first time I posted it. Also I leave convo, ignore and move on instead of keeping every single one I have received archived.

>> No.4601019

Can you at least post the piece that is making all these Roasties seethe?

>> No.4601020

>He made a fake account and DM'd himself

>> No.4601039

>Hold up let me go back in time to make another account to DM myself to further increase my argument on a thread that will exist in the future
Are you gonna keep moving the goalposts that way every time I provide more proof?
Its all of them and to be fair and as I mentioned it before, I don't even think all the hate I'm getting are from actual females just because they profile states so but I won't be surprised if there are some in the mix. I don't want to make myself more identifiable because I don't want to fuel an even bigger ongoing witch hunt upon me, a literally who

>> No.4601045

If you don't want any more attention then why make this thread? Naturally people will be curious as to what type of content caused the initial witch hunt of yours and you don't even want to post a single piece of your work for reasons that are already set in motion? What difference would it make if you posted it here other than revealing you're not full of shit but as of now you're just full of shit.

>> No.4601051 [DELETED] 

this sketch is terrible but conceptually most of my stuff is simply this. pretty standard lewd stuff, just hot girls in poses being cute, happy, concerned, w/e. i'd like to stop the harassment

>> No.4601058 [DELETED] 
File: 153 KB, 703x1070, sketchy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this sketch is terrible but most of my stuff is simply this. pretty standard lewd, no reason to get trolled over it

>> No.4601062

You got a few things wrong, I didn't make this thread, I just talked about my personal experience which aligns with what OP is saying. Personally I think its important that people know that this in fact does happen. Everytime someone tries to bring visibility to this issue the other side (You) gets all anal, attempts to dismiss and gaslight the other party like
>Oh no this doesn't happen
>No the DMs doesn't exist
>No it was past you all along
The only thing I have done is lay my own situation for everyone to judge. You're free to keep moving the goalpost everytime more arguments are brought up, doesn't help your case.

>> No.4601065
File: 140 KB, 719x1080, sketchy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this sketch is sloppy as shit but most of my stuff is simply this. pretty standard lewd, no reason for me or anyone like me to get trolled over it

>> No.4601076

Why did it take almost 50 replies for you to pyw?

>> No.4601078

i dont see how it changes anything? im trying to prevent shitheads from finding me and trying to interact with me

>> No.4601151

>why do they do this
they're foids
>how do i get them to go away?
i put japanese on my twitter profile, 99% reduction in foid fuckery
also, the more disturbing your work, the less likely they are to show up. nobody shows up and fucks with hard vore rape artists where bitches are getting dissolved in acid (like they deserve). foids look for art that is edgy enough they can virtue signal about it but not strange enough that they will be seen as weird for even talking about it.

>> No.4601156

no, don't do this. never interact with them, beyond something like this. i send this message to people via email, dm, or whereever they contact me:

I just blocked you.

Q. What does this mean?
A. You will no longer be able to contact me on this or any other communication channels.

Q. Why did you block me?
A. There are several reasons I may deem a block necesscary.

Q. Am I banned from Twitter/Emailing/Pixiv/Facebook?
A. No, but you can no longer contact me on any of them

Q. I don't believe I deserved a block. Can you un-block me?
A. No, they are non negotiable. Please note that if you contact me through other accounts they will be blocked too.

Q. How can I prevent this from happening in the future?
Accept the block and move on. But learn from this mistake: your behavior will not be tolerated on Twitter/Emailing/Pixiv/Facebook.

>> No.4601157

also, another good strategy, just pre-emptively block anyone with gender pronouns in their profile. desu, twitter is the only platform i have any problems

>> No.4601182

It's because there big titties make the flat chested girls feel insecure.

>> No.4601190

>implying flat chests can’t be delicious

>> No.4601191

but flat is god's gift to humanity

>> No.4601210

true, maybe they just don't like how fuckable my characters look. they're jealous lol

>> No.4601258

I'm a woman with big tits and I draw girls with big tits. Other women would always get offended and ask me why I drew big titty bitches all the time. Like, I don't know, I'm familiar with it man, fuck off. They never liked that. The ones that complained were always c cup and below, they would hop on on my art pages and fucking ream me in the comments for being a pervert lol.

Bitches gonna bitch. Just block and ignore them. They're usually looking for any attention, positive or negative, because they have daddy issues. Give them none and they go fucking nuts.

>> No.4601285

Post on Pixiv

The Roastie fear the samurai

>> No.4601295

>or it's loli/shota
what anon here has neglected to mention is that >she thinks any person with a bmi or age lower than 30 is loli/shota

>> No.4601300

Is it Loli/shots if the character looks too young but canonically is 2000 years old?

>> No.4601308
File: 250 KB, 1080x1155, Screenshot_20200524-044622_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4601333

I definitely don't give a fuck about them but they interrupt my good time and I don't like that. It's hard to not respond and tell people to fuck off, reee. I just dont want them to even pay attention to me. If they could direct their bullshit elsewhere it'd be really great.

Comical that they attack you for the same shit, really no surprise though because 100% of girls I've met with below C cup have breast envy of girls with big fucking tits and some of them will go to hilarious passive-aggressive lengths to compensate. These girls just need to get fake tits and get over it, they'd feel better about themselves really quick. And honestly, I don't mind if a girl has daddy issues as long as she don't interfere with me having good times with people on social media, you know?

Keep it up boobie queen and draw those plump titties. Thank you for that anecdote, it's a good perspective. Hopefully I find your art someday.

>> No.4601351

it's ok to depict minors engaging in brutal guerilla warfare but god forbid they do any lewd stuff. won't someone please think of the americans

>> No.4601352

really no surprise though because 100% of girls I've met with below C cup have breast envy of girls with big fucking tits and some of them will go to hilarious passive-aggressive lengths to compensate
but the smaller the better. proof girls don't have any taste even when it comes to their own bodies

>> No.4601579

The police can.

>> No.4601589

A normal person doesn't draw lewd art. Period.

>> No.4601595

>I'm familiar with it man
I doubt the credibility of your post.

>> No.4601892

Same, but being in favor of artistic freedom is the only sane position anyone should really take. Especially here, where it works completely in our favor. People who dedicate themselves to practicing art get to depict whatever they want, and people who have no art skills can keep seething.

>> No.4601895

And how are they gonna stop you from drawing? By pointing out what's on the image and calling the manager of the internet?

>> No.4601897

So draw in prison. Aside from lobotomy, the art skills you have are unable to be taken away.

>> No.4601900

a normal person doesn't draw period.

>> No.4601915

"Hello? 911? I've seen drawn tits and vagina of a fictional chracter on the internet, whose in my AU a 14 child girl prodigy mastermind that i relate to everyday. Can you track him down and make sure his cell is exactly in the prison showers with a camera that i can look at, at any time?"

>> No.4601919

and by work i mean the work of art that are your huge fat fucking tits

>> No.4601935

Your are isn't for everyone and that's all there is to it.

>> No.4601936

>I'm a woman


>> No.4601941


you sweet summer child. as femanon, i fucking love sexy ladies. the fuckers that were assmad were either radfems or whiteknights.

are we gonna pretend bayonetta's character designer does not exist.

>> No.4601985

OP is a massive faggot.

>nothing risque
>just gigantic dicks
The absolute state of coomers.

>> No.4601995

>being this fixated on bra sizes
You aren't fooling anyone tranny.

>> No.4602006

To be fair, your art is cringe.

>> No.4602016

>I have problems doing it however because that would turn me into a metaphorical tranny.
a lot of men have cute girls as profile pics, but they aren't trannies

>> No.4602019

I'm willing to bet that this shit will happen in our lifetimes. We've already got laws against child pornography which include drawings and people getting arrested for shitposting on twitter. Police would much rather play IRL Reddit moderators than actually risk getting hurt fighting with violent criminals; it's an arrest either way, same for their stats.

>> No.4602046


>> No.4602065


Oh thank fuck theres someone out there like me doing this. Flat chests are demons.

>> No.4602068


>A cup detected

>> No.4602119

Actual women literally don't give a fuck. Stop projecting your penis insecurities, it doesn't work the other way around.

>> No.4602126
File: 135 KB, 865x807, 1429492651679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Actual women literally don't give a fuck.
Chestlet detected.

>> No.4602131

wonder why breasts implant are a thing, hmmmmm

>> No.4602683

just get implants and stop being a passive aggressive whore. you'd enjoy sex and dudes would like sleeping with you more if you did

>> No.4602689

You’ll never be female.

>> No.4602723

Unless you're drawing loli or something most normies would fine highly taboo, yeah right. Even Shadman who has 600k followers gets like 10% hate compared to 90% praise.

>> No.4602801
File: 2.82 MB, 710x400, 1590359388453.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Meanwhile, in Bizzaro /ic/

>> No.4602895

I forgot how cringy nu kancolle was

>> No.4602918

>women show up to criticize it & lewd content in general to balance out the fun
That's the most fun part.

>> No.4602937

Just draw girly men lmao. I've literally never heard anyone complain about femboy art, whether it was my own art or someone else's.

>> No.4603026
File: 44 KB, 500x307, tumblr_inline_p51h22lbRJ1u98t6q_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4603062

Mute or block them.

Are you unironically retarded?

>> No.4603133

Keep up the grind man and just block those bitches. Fuck em.

Lmao sorry I grew up in the 90s and say "dude" "guy" and "man" to everyone. Go fuck yourself, zoomer.

Lmao what do I get out of it if I do?

Fuck em, draw fat tits and get that money, bitch.

How do I spend these points is this how I get privelege to check

>> No.4603141

Lmao, no one is looking at your work, let alone triggered sjws.

>> No.4603144

>this whole dialogue
I'm not like the other bitches XD

>> No.4603156

:) We're all the same just some of us are fucking Karens and retards on social media that need to be blocked

>> No.4603159

>im a woman
>uses the n word
Haha, no. Every woman in their right mind knows they would get raped if they dared to use that word.

>> No.4603161

>Flat chested fully grown petite adult women are demons

>> No.4603162

you are very unique and special

>> No.4603164

I legitimately think they're(she's?) autistic or attention seeking. Or just 14.

>> No.4603165
File: 782 KB, 480x201, 196.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a woman booty blasted that another woman doesn't agree with her and vilify men for having a libido
>On a art board of the asshole of the internet filled with coomers
>Tumblr file name
You can't make this shit up.

>> No.4603170

Your upset that some girls don't have a problem with big titty anime girls? You need some fucking help, jesus christ.

>> No.4603173
File: 45 KB, 395x478, 1581725101105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By now we've deduced that the Chestlets are the ones behind the whole objectifying Womyn complaint but there's just one thing that still bothers, what about the ones that complain whenever you draw a flat chested figure? There's no reason to complain about a flat chest what is there to compete against she is flat as a fucking board and yet we even have a board wide spergout from multiple people from this same board that go as far as mass reporting and it doesn't even have to be a female figure I've been banned here for posting flat chested traps found on /d/ when we were trying to provide contrast between the proportional differences but it didn't matter why the angst for flat chested figures?

>> No.4603178
File: 80 KB, 396x378, 1571796533304.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>draw big tits, you're a pervert
>draw little tits, you're a sick pervert

>draw dudes, you're gay
>draw dudes fighting, you're a weeb and a faggot

>> No.4603181

It's literally because some retards think that flat chest=child/non-adult

Literally no matter how womanly and developed the woman looks otherwise or whatever their canon age is, there are some retards that will think the character is pedophilic no matter what because of the chest.

>> No.4603185

This is one pill I cannot swallow, I just refuse to believe that there are some people who are this stupid it is beyond all comprehension.

>> No.4603199
File: 187 KB, 600x663, 1488274995461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never told them that they can't say that, I just pointed out how embarrassing the post was.
>On a art board of the asshole of the internet filled with coomers
What the fuck are you talking about, 4chan has been mainstream for years now

I have posted my own weird porn before and only 3 people have given me shit about it, even after posting shota or guro. I just block them. No use in trying to make yourself feel better by trash-talking them in order to gain approval/show off.

>> No.4603234

you are the most woke and coolest person I've ever seen

>> No.4603237

>Autistic freedom exists no matter what the comments say

>> No.4603269
File: 117 KB, 660x705, fucking twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holly shit, the UX of twitter became even worse than when I dropped it for good.
How people can tolerate this garbage?

>> No.4603274

>flat chested traps

>> No.4603286

>sees a vagina
>gets angry
>thinks the default internet person is male when its 50/50 in 2020
>thinks other people are retards
no, you are the retard

>> No.4603296

>what about the ones that complain whenever you draw a flat chested figure?
They are reminded of their (perceived) deficiency, and you can't do that in 2020.
It is truly impossible to not offend anyone. Ignore the whining, don't play the game. It is the only winning move.

>> No.4603333


>> No.4603670

>Things that don’t happen: the thread
Are you fucking high? This shit happens all the fucking time, art sites are fucking inundated with karens and white knights.

>> No.4603712

because it offers the biggest platform for growing a fan base by far

>> No.4603950

Wrong on all statements. And even A-cups will always have more boobs than you tranners. No matter how much you larp, you will never be women.

>> No.4603955

>that another woman
Putting on a dress and swallowing pills doesn't and will never make you a woman.